2009-09-30 19:08:19 UTC
Why do liberals support Democrat candidates that want to raise taxes? I mean, doesn’t it defy common logic that if people have less to spend, then that will generate less money for the Feds? Doesn’t it also suggest the notion that in that support, a Democrat, or a liberal, does not trust their own self in how they will spend the money they receive?
Why do liberals claim to be more intelligent that Conservatives? I mean, doesn’t it defy common logic that academic achievements in a multi-cultural educational system, has been steadily declining here in this country but yet, liberals continue to support that diversity? Doesn’t the declining educational system mean that our children are becoming less smart set forth by the liberal agenda of “fairness”?
Why do liberals always take an anti-war stance when it comes to stopping the spread of communism, countering tyrannical regimes, supporting the invasion of our allies, or rooting out terrorism? I mean, doesn’t it defy common logic that in order to enforce the stability of a region(s), means that sometimes war is necessary? Doesn’t it defy common logic that in order to suppress, or sometimes root out the despot’s on this planet that are systematically slaughtering their people, that war is sometimes necessary? Why are all the anti-war protesters silent now that Obama is in office? Are we not still in Iraq and Afghanistan? Is not GITMO still open?
Why do liberals take sides for pro-choice individuals? I mean, doesn’t it defy logic that the anti-war liberals protest against war time actions when those war actions by our military have been conducted up for good causes like stopping tyranny, stopping mass murder, political genocide, communism by repressive regimes, engaging in act of defense of our allies,etc... but yet, they have no problem in supporting murder of innocent children who are guilty of nothing?
Why do liberals (such as during the Bush administration) always whine and cry about individual rights and freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution being trampled on (of which there were none), and then we have someone like Obama that is clearly trampling on the Constitution, but yet now the liberals are silent?
Why is it that when GW Bush was in office, all the liberal activists were calling Bush every name under the sun that had to do with despot Marxist and Communist regimes? Doesn’t it defy logic to call GW Bush all these name (name calling that was clearly so far-fetched) but now, we have a Marxist President with a cabinet full of self proclaimed Communists and Marxists and now the liberal establishment is stone silent?
Why is it that liberals continue to whine and cry about individual freedoms and rights, but yet, turn right around and support liberal progressive policies that launch massive govt entitlement and other massive govt institutions that further guarantee suppression of individual liberty? Doesn’t it defy logic to you to support actions like that?
Why is it that the liberals support the govt option healthcare? I mean, doesn’t it defy logic to support a govt run plan that has already been proven to ration healthcare but yet, liberals support the same option that rations care even though they themselves might be subjected to that rationing?
Why is it that the liberals in Congress refuse to shut down the borders? I mean, doesn’t it defy logic that while illegal immigrants are not only over burdening our healthcare system, eroding educational institutions by bringing down our standards, bringing eradicated diseases back across the border, shooting at our border patrol agents and when they return fire, our agents are the ones that go to prison thanks to the ACLU, etc…all of which have been proven, but the liberals still support it anyway?
Why is it that when a Republican President is in the White House, the liberals do everything in their power to undermine that Presidency by claiming that the Republic President is not following the law. But when it comes to illegal immigrants, who are clearly breaking the law, suddenly it's ok for the liberals?