A gun ban wouldn't work. Period. It would make things worse, even. Remember how the whole "war on drugs" thing turned out? Yeah, more money for the cartels from higher demand for guns in urban areas. It would be a huge cash crop for them when there's no competition from gun companies. We've already seen the start of it happen from an anti-gun California state senator, Leland Yee, promising to traffic firearms to an undercover agent giving him contributions. Also, with the current state of high crime with unlicensed weapons from criminals who don't even care about the law, there is no way the government can track down every single weapon in the United States. The common law-abiding citizen in the United States should be able to own a weapon to protect against criminals. The government has record of the law-abiding citizens' guns and not the criminals'. More points I'd like to add, if we banned guns, that would make it easier for our already big government to take away more rights, as we would no longer have a physical defense against tyranny. Now even if you're talking about "Assault weapons" (which is a term blown way out of proportion to falsely describe semi-automatic firearms), it wouldn't reduce crime at all. If you ban semi-automatic rifles, you are only getting rid of 2% of gun crime, and that's only to say you can find all semi-auto rifles and confiscate them (still, impossible, because criminals will still have them). Now if you ban fully-automatic weapons, which require licenses, paperwork, months of background checks (basically registering your identity to the government), you aren't doing anything to combat crime. Ever since the 1934 NFA act, which restricted full autos heavily, there have been 3 total crimes committed with full autos since then, 2 by cops, and the other was in Hollywood in the 90s, which was illegally modified to be full auto. In terms of the total gun deaths per year, around 33,000 in the United States, the statistics are dominated by suicide related deaths, in fact, around 60% of the 33,000 gun deaths are suicides, which can't necessarily be stopped by banning guns, because of other methods of suicide, plus we're talking about deaths caused by other people. Also take into consideration all of the gang related gun deaths which can't be stopped by gun control. Also think about gun free zones, which are big targets for mass shooters in the United States, and they're the reason why so many more people die in shootings than in areas protected by police or law-abiding citizens conceal-carrying or open-carrying firearms legally. Going back on my point about a tyrannical government, even if the government never does become tyrannical, think of foreign invasions (not to get all into tinfoil hat, conspiracy theorist territory) by lone wolf terrorists, or large amounts of them. Police aren't always going to be around the corner unless if we make this country a police state, which is completely against what this country is and against freedom of the people. I'm not saying that more guns are the ultimate solution, but gun confiscation and control are sure as hell not either. (Other points that I might've left out, gun control is usually just passed by anti-gun senators that are afraid of guns and have never handled one before or got taught gun safety, and they just ban guns because of cosmetic features that make the gun look all "scary", like pistol grips, barrel shrouds, telescopic stocks, etc. and these don't even affect the functionality of the gun. An example of this would be anti-gun politicians banning AR-15s, but not mini-14 rifles, which both take the exact same magazine, but the politicians turn a blind eye to it because it looks like an "old-timey hunting gun") Well, there's my rant.