Who made the world so dangerous, Jews, Blacks, Whites?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Who made the world so dangerous, Jews, Blacks, Whites?
382 answers:
2014-10-16 02:46:40 UTC
People. We all make the world bad or good depending on what we choose.

No particular demographic has been primarily responsible.

The reality is, especially in a Democracy or a Republic, or even a Democratic Republic, it's the fault of the people themselves, for they choose policy by who they put into power.

So, if you want to know who has made the world more dangerous, look in the mirror, look over the banister of a mall, look across the city from a mountain-side, we are the people who make the choices that turn this world towards good or evil.

But of course, being a far right wing conservative, I'm inclined to look at reality rather than what I am instructed to believe.
2014-10-15 15:26:04 UTC
Racism makes the world dangerous.
2014-10-18 15:54:32 UTC
um all of us humans have made the world dangerouse, one year after the other. Rather than going back to thoes Ancient times when one religion hated the other caausing war and comotion against people, racism has been a big part to why one human alone can carry so much violence and hatred in their hearts. IM not going to say the white people caused all this because i know damn well that black people can create the same amount of danger but if whites never hated blacks so much we wouldnt have had so many wars back then that still create conflict between races now. Like i said i aint blaming whits because i honestly do think there nice gentle people but all the racism wasnt really nessesary. God made us all to love one another and treat each other the way he or she wanted to be treated. But to quickly answer your question we all make the world dangerous and not just human but nature and other un controllable events that cause people to put blame on someone else.
2014-10-15 21:56:16 UTC
Humans made the world so dangerous.

Whenever a group of people get together, there is always someone who wants to control everyone's labor, wealth, and lifestyle and they are willing to use violence to achieve it.

And there are always other people who object.

Look at your own neighborhood if you doubt me.

That is why we have had wars ever since humans walked the earth.

You would think we would learn after a while, but we are still doing the same thing over and over.
2014-10-15 06:24:45 UTC
Humans. The world has always been a dangerous place. For millions of years predators happily ate humans, humans developed weapons which gave them a fighting chance against the predators, and then learned that those same weapons could be used to take what they wanted or needed from other humans and the fun began.
2014-10-15 06:34:16 UTC
The world has always been dangerous. Safety is an illusion.

The world is the way it is today because of very complex historical interactions. No single person or group is to blame.
2014-10-16 14:28:06 UTC
FANATICS make the world a dangerous place! They come in all colours and they're all the same - no tolerance for someone else's point of view. Sorry, I don't believe anyone has all the answers and the louder they shout, the stupider the person.
2014-10-15 16:28:13 UTC
Neither! The world has always threatened man, sometimes using man himself to threaten his own existence. Mother nature is tremendously more powerful than any man-made contraption, in terms of potentially destroying man. A major volcanic eruption, for example, may occur at any time! The forces released by a major eruption are orders of magnitude more powerful than mankind's greatest achievement - the hydrogen bomb!

Furthermore, the Earth's rotation and revolutions are not perfect and are never guaranteed to continue at safe speeds or on safe paths (e.g. the Earth's wobble causes major changes roughly every 20,000 years).

The universe itself is dangerous for man, and no race, religion, color or ethnicity of man is definitively more destructive than the other, nor should any be considered to have "made the world so dangerous."
2014-10-15 05:54:09 UTC
Honestly, who cares? It does not matter who screwed the world, it only matters who is going to fix it.
2014-10-15 05:50:28 UTC
2014-10-17 08:34:29 UTC
Persons. We all make the planet negative as well as beneficial determined by what we decide on.

Zero certain group has been primarily accountable.

The truth is, particularly in the Democracy or possibly a Republic, or even a Democratic Republic, it is the problem from the folks independently, with regard to they will decide on policy simply by which they will placed into electric power.

Consequently, if you want to learn that has created the planet more risky, try looking in the looking glass, watch over the banister of the shopping mall, appear throughout the metropolis coming from a mountain-side, were the people which make your choices which turn that earth in the direction of beneficial as well as unpleasant.

Nevertheless naturally, being a a lot right wing careful, I am just willing to think about fact as an alternative to what exactly We are directed to think.
2014-10-15 05:52:49 UTC
Neither Jews, nor Blacks nor Whites made the world so dangerous ... it's a lot more and a lot more people than that and at 17 you should be well aware of the pretty much " Brown " Muslim Terrorists as well ... the worst enemies of Life tho are the stupid people, especially divided ( Dem and Rep ) people in say America ! Nor do I believe you are a nieve, foolish, 17 year old, just another racist type human in YA's thinking you can get away with your " Racism " and stupidity !
2014-10-15 08:31:01 UTC
Your illusions of what the world is.

The Human Security Report found a decline in every form of political violence except terrorism since 1992.

"A lot of the data we have in this report is extraordinary," its director, former UN official Andrew Mack, said.

It found the number of armed conflicts had fallen by more than 40% in the past 13 years, while the number of very deadly wars had fallen by 80%.

The study says many common beliefs about contemporary conflict are "myths" - such as that 90% of those killed in current wars are civilians, or that women are disproportionately victimised.

The report credits intervention by the United Nations, plus the end of colonialism and the Cold War, as the main reasons for the decline in conflict.
Rachelle Hana
2014-10-16 05:12:16 UTC
I think your choices given will never be able to satisfy the TRUTH and real solution to OUR PROBLEM, in this case your problem. What makes you think that there are CERTAIN and only SPECIFIC people/race contributed to the illness of this world of sin? Let me ask you, what made you create assumptions or maybe conclusions that there are SPECIFIC people/race and only this/these people/s /race does the evil part?" Are you exempting yourself? Be the change you want to see in this world" (quoted). Stop complaining too much. We may not be able to change the past, but since, you are vote later on, I hope you become part of that good and upright change sir. :) but you don't have to wait for your time to exerices your right to vote, you could have done it long time ago.
2014-10-15 08:08:25 UTC
Why Do People Do Bad Things?

THERE is one thing that few people will dispute: We are all imperfect and therefore make mistakes and do things that we come to regret. Still, does that explain the many bad deeds, both major and minor, that we see or hear about almost daily, either in person or in the media?

In spite of human imperfection, people generally acknowledge that there are moral boundaries that should never be crossed and that humans are capable of abstaining from evil acts. Most would also readily agree that there is a difference between inadvertent untruth and outright slander, between causing an accidental injury and committing premeditated murder. Still, shocking deeds are often perpetrated by seemingly ordinary people in the neighborhood. Why? Why do people do bad things?

people act in ways that they know to be bad. Consider what it says.

▪ “Mere oppression may make a wise one act crazy.”—ECCLESIASTES 7:7.

The Bible acknowledges that at times people feel driven by force of circumstance to do what they otherwise would not do. Some may even commit criminal acts in an effort to bring about what they perceive as solutions to hardships and injustices. “In many cases,” says the book Urban Terrorism, “the primary motivation for a terrorist is a genuine frustration with seemingly intractable political, social, and economic forces.”

“Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin.”—JAMES 1:14, 15.

All humans are susceptible to wrong thinking. Every day, we are bombarded with countless suggestions and temptations to do wrong. Back in Bible times, Christians were told: “No temptation has taken you except what is common to men.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) Even so, the outcome depends on the choice one makes—to dismiss the bad thought quickly or to entertain it and allow it to grow. The scripture above from the inspired letter of James warns that if one allows the wrong desire to “become fertile,” bad actions are sure to follow.

“He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.”—PROVERBS 13:20.

There is no minimizing the influence—for good or for bad—that our associates can have on us. So often, people do what they have no intention of doing—all because of peer pressure or, as many say, because they fell into bad company, with disastrous results. In Bible language, “stupid ones” refers, not to those who lack intelligence, but to those who ignore the wise counsel from God’s Word. Young or old, if we do not choose our friends and associates wisely, that is, by the good standards from the Bible, we can expect that we will “fare badly.”

These and many other verses in the Bible succinctly explain why people—perhaps otherwise ordinary people—do bad, even shocking, things. While it is helpful to understand the forces that move people to do terrible things, is there hope of a change for the better? Yes, for the Bible not only explains why people commit evil acts but also promises that such acts will be no more. What are these promises? Will all the bad things in the world really come to an end?

For answers to this question and answers to all other subjects go to the source below for free downloads, publications, videos or read on line.
2014-10-19 16:44:54 UTC
The Jews
frankie dynomite
2014-10-16 18:59:01 UTC
Everything in the middle east war, invasions, false flags, are run by Zionists. The media is owned by Zionists 95% Most banks in the west are Zionist owned and run. They create wars and steal resources because of HUGE profits. Learn about Zionism and their REAL CONSPIRACY. I don't hate Jews, most of my friends are, Zionists are a different thing altogether. It is a political, biblical ideology that puts their goals above everyones.
2014-10-16 12:48:01 UTC
The world was perfect and humans could communicate directly with there creature, but then, Adam decided to follow his own will instead of the will of the almighty God who had brought him into existence. Evil had come into the world
D. Control
2014-10-16 13:02:58 UTC
Hitler would blame the non-whites and mixed mongrels. However, his maternal side has Jewish ancestry.

Whether you blame them or those whose images appear under the caption "In God We Trust," or those who've placed a likeness of themselves on the crucifix, at the end of the day, collectively, mankind's lack of humanity shoulders the blame.
2014-10-17 11:15:16 UTC
all of us from our greed for power and world domination.How can one person think he is better then another when he/she puts his underwear on like everyone else, eats like everyone else and sleeps like everyone else. Color of skin means nothing, we all have the same inside us, except some people have a brain that tells them they are better then the rest of us. Some should wonder if those people had voices in their heads and should have been locked up somewhere,
2014-10-23 23:55:39 UTC
2014-10-16 18:14:25 UTC
The world is so dangerous because we have all gone our own way against God.

Selfishness and down-right sin has made us forget our needs for each other and God.
2014-10-16 13:49:41 UTC
Humans. Some humans will do almost anything to get what they want, they make the world dangerous.
2014-10-18 07:11:45 UTC
People. Some people of all ethnic, religious, economical, background and social groups. You can not single out a specific group of people as there are good in all groups. I think generally people try to be good.
2014-10-15 23:56:32 UTC
Whites are the world so dangerous.
2014-10-16 20:32:24 UTC
None, just the dumb, revenge/angst-ridden human beings. They just happen to belong to a certain race.

But it's also the public's fault for antagonizing these races.
2014-10-15 07:12:44 UTC
IGNORANCE and ARROGANCE made the world a dangerous place! LIKE if u dont know how to use a machine, you'll hurt yourself. but if u have knowledge of that machine, it will benefit you.
2014-10-18 08:28:07 UTC
Society. There's no question to whether it's down to race, because it's not. It just a ****** up world we live in and who is it down to? The government.
2014-10-16 04:21:33 UTC
Jew is not precise. To be more precise I need to speaking in code. In case my answer will be ban. It's Z-i-o-n-i-s-t. New w-or-ld order. Rots-child. Free-ma-son. They hate Muslim and use America to achieve their dream. Luckily on Syria, Russia arrived.
2014-10-17 08:09:28 UTC
The most dangerous people in this world are the ones who insist in breaking us into groups based on our religion, skin color, sexual orientation, etc.

There are liberals and conservatives in every group. There are intelligent and stupid people in every group. There are nice people and jerks in every group. There are good and bad people in every group. Don't judge someone based on things that are beyond their control.


2014-10-17 11:28:38 UTC
Politicians of the world
Shawn H
2014-10-17 12:13:17 UTC
2014-10-15 15:16:21 UTC
The ego made the world so dangerous.
2014-10-18 16:40:39 UTC
The world became so dangerous when sin have entered the world.

Romans 5;12 When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.
2014-10-17 18:08:33 UTC
los humanos hicimos el mundo peligroso

todo era menos peligroso cuando no habia canales de comunicacion

ellos te dicen no salgan a la calle por que hay un loco , le hacemos caso a los del canal

es mentira lo hacen para dar miedo y tener cosas que decir
2014-10-17 14:54:01 UTC
Human nature and survival of the fittest. Thats it. Evolution of the human race not ethnicity. Humans have evolved to be aggressive and "evil" but the same forces also helped evolve us to "Love" and care for others in society.
2014-10-20 16:02:00 UTC
Humans. No gender or race. We all need to stop segregating ourselves that's what hurts the world the most. We all make mistakes.
2014-10-16 02:20:17 UTC
The make the dangerous earth.
2014-10-18 17:15:30 UTC
Satan. 1 John 5:19.
2014-10-17 12:09:28 UTC
All of the above. People, animals, and sometimes plants and inanimate objects are all inherently dangerous.
2014-10-16 20:36:45 UTC
most of the criminals in America are blacks and Mexicans a 14 year old mexican boy stole something from one of my neighbors
2014-10-19 00:41:15 UTC
Some culprits...
2014-10-18 20:40:12 UTC
People have made the world worse off. There is no race or ethnic group (to my knowledge) that has been specifically hurting anything more-- only people do this. To target African Americans (black) Jewish or Caucasian whites (white) seems to indicate some sort of racist or anti-semitic thought behind it. We have to remember people do terrible and cruel things in this world. We're humans after all...
2014-10-18 18:15:28 UTC
2014-10-18 16:47:12 UTC
Justin Beiber
Justin S
2014-10-18 16:20:48 UTC
Judaism is a religion, not a race. What are you some Neo Nazi?
2014-10-18 15:13:49 UTC
Satan is the one who make the world so dangerous, and the people who follow him...
2014-10-18 14:29:07 UTC
2014-10-18 13:31:17 UTC
los morenos
2014-10-18 09:38:21 UTC
moslem & black people

so many black people come into my country and being criminal (drug dealer)

And moslem is being terrorist. I never heard if there's a terorrist who aren't a moslem
Eunice B
2014-10-18 08:35:26 UTC
Actually It is humans . In the very first chapter of the Bible "Genesis" when God created heaven and earth it was a perfect place to live. When Eve discovered that her eyes would be opened to good and evil, (AFTER BEING DISOBEDIENT TO GOD) when he had instructed them both not to eat the fruit of a certain tree in the garden. They brought sin into the world to all mankind. So do not blame it on Blacks ,Jews,or Whites. No one really knows the race of Adam and Eve. It was sin that made the world dangerous and humans sin.
2014-10-20 10:18:43 UTC
Humans & Human Nature.

Edit: But today One individual has facilitated the world be, more unstable - Obama.
2014-10-19 10:19:55 UTC
neither one, like the other answer said that there is good and bad in everyone,
2014-10-18 20:39:48 UTC
All of them!
2014-10-18 20:13:37 UTC
Humans. Its as simple as that.
2014-10-18 19:05:40 UTC
religions of all groups and conflicts by differences of belief regardless of color of skin or creed
2014-10-18 17:51:57 UTC
Humans did, yes there is groups of radicals and or extremists in this world but does that make everyone in that entire race, religion, or culture evil or bad? No.
2014-10-18 17:05:16 UTC
Religion and greed make the world dangerous.
2014-10-18 13:04:20 UTC
< Jews, Blacks, Whites?>>

It isn't a skin color or an ethnicity that makes the world so dangerous.

< someday I will.>>

Ever make fun of someone merely for "being different"? There you go. Now you're on your way to figuring out 'why' stuff like that happens.
2014-10-18 08:56:30 UTC
2014-10-18 06:43:02 UTC
Poя¢єℓαιη Vєѕѕєℓ (στην αλήθεια)
2014-10-18 04:09:08 UTC
In God's view, all races are equal. He doesn't view one nation as any better or worse than another. He is impartial and so should we be.

If you take a look at this video it will explain why the world is bad. It's just over 3 minutes long.[search_result_index]=41

2014-10-17 19:05:29 UTC

2014-10-17 18:10:00 UTC
2014-10-17 11:15:20 UTC
You're asking the wrong question with the wrong intentions. A dangerous world has nothing to do with race. Currently we are safer, world-wide, than we ever have been. You're biggest danger 3,000 years ago was dying from a simple hernia. If you made it to age 20 you did well. And then, at age 21, while taking a drink from a stream, wam!!!!!!!!, another tribe member hits you with a club, or....Rip, tear, the teeth of a bear or lion bites into your face.

This race card that modern day politicians use to manipulate you is strange because there is very little thought put into it. Okay, nuclear war is the biggest threat to humanity, but nuclear power could be a road to a free energy, with certain materials that reside on the moon and just needs to be brought back here to earth.

But, I will get into your way of thinking. In your way of thinking, obviously the Jews are the greatest danger today. Their takeover of Palestine in the 1940's could ultimately lead to WW3. I guarantee you if ISIS ever threatened Israel there would be an unbelievable war involving nuclear weapons, genocide, suicide bombers, and widespread vehemence.

Jews, who I don't hate personally, are a dangerous race who evolutionary speaking evolved a little further than everyone else. More power to them. I have no problem with that, but then they want to control the whole world, with their smarts, and their high IQ. That is dangerous and must be addressed.

Hitler tried to address it out of his insecurity. What? Why? Shouldn't he have known that we all have our pluses and minuses. Blacks are superior athletically. Italians are romantic. Germans philosophical. And Jews are very adept at making money. So what. Who is better? Neither. We all have our genetic superiorities. But, with the evil press and lust for power of the politicians that control it, we will never live in peace. Never!
2014-10-17 10:33:07 UTC
ST. michael
2014-10-17 10:28:01 UTC
the racism and the people who ask those questions
2014-10-17 09:02:57 UTC
Blacks and whites. If the world were rid of both blacks and whites it would be a beautiful world.
2014-10-17 06:43:02 UTC
2014-10-17 00:24:44 UTC
its not who,but what and i believe religions made the world a dangerous place
2014-10-16 23:24:27 UTC
Lets not speculate or stereo type all humankind are the same
2014-10-20 07:58:01 UTC
Evil greedy bastords, and the people that refuse to believe they exist.
2014-10-19 17:54:16 UTC
The question shouldnt be who made the world bad, the question should be how do we fix what we've done. Instead of finding someone to blame we should be finding something to fix the problems.
2014-10-19 10:50:34 UTC
2014-10-18 21:21:41 UTC
2014-10-18 18:09:11 UTC
2014-10-18 07:51:38 UTC
People who think the answer lays in one of the three you have listed.When mankind divides itself in such a way we do ourselves a disservice.Ignorance breeds fear and that leads to hate with no basis.You question is of course totally ludicrous.
Captain SA
2014-10-18 06:38:55 UTC
All humans , no exception , as soon as there is a devil available all around , pushing them to do wrong things .
2014-10-18 05:50:21 UTC
Persons. We all make the planet negative as well as beneficial determined by what we decide on.

Zero certain group has been primarily accountable.
2014-10-18 04:02:49 UTC
to be honest... Whites...I am white and I think Whites made the World Devilish.
2014-10-17 15:02:12 UTC
well everyone made the world so dangerous as it is now not blacks, jews or whites we all help killing the world
Saeed Ahmed
2014-10-17 09:55:25 UTC
### Nuclear War ###

The atomic bombings of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan were conducted by the United States during the final stages of World War II in August 1945. The two bombings were the first and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in warfare.

90,000–166,000 killed in Hiroshima

39,000–80,000 killed in Nagasaki

Total: 129,000–246,000+ killed
2014-10-17 09:54:13 UTC
Well, let's just say I've never been mugged or beaten by a Jew or a White. Nor by an Asian. Nor by an Amerian Indian. What does that leave? That's your answer.
The Devil
2014-10-17 08:03:13 UTC
Attilla the Hun, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolph Hitler, Kaiser Wilhelm, The Vikings, The Visigoths, The Phillistines,. Everybody else is just trying to defend themselves. Crack was not invented by street dealers and neither was speed, but they fuel psychotic violence that results from their addiction. But at the bottom of it all is the love of money.
2014-10-17 07:30:00 UTC
all of them
2014-10-17 03:19:01 UTC
2014-10-17 03:11:49 UTC
I can tell you Greeks (whites) made the world so safe, now for being dangerous, I don't know.
2014-10-17 02:08:20 UTC
Who made the world dangerous? All of us. Especially the idea of Jews, blacks whites.

The human brain makes the work dangerous
2014-10-17 00:34:01 UTC
Humans. In general. Take away humans and the rest of the species can live in peace.
2014-10-16 20:28:32 UTC
I had job by 20 years old as artist and then cartoonist and journalist what I know oil company and Britannia and BBC .CIA and Russian . China ..fighting for power and money and control the world .what you see is just made by them from terrorist to Sep 11 and so on .
☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼
2014-10-16 18:36:11 UTC
Mankind! We are the cause and effect of all that is and has been manifested in this world, through the energy we project - be it negative or Positive. :D
2014-10-20 12:12:14 UTC
This is a controversial topic and I am not impressed at all, I think you just asked this question to cause havoc and there are some questions that are not to be asked in other to avoid things like this. Just so you know it's people like you who made the world dangerous and intentionally ask questions like this which will cause disputes between races resulting in fighting or hate and leading to murder
2014-10-20 03:56:56 UTC
There ıs good people and bad people ın all kınd of natıons
2014-10-18 20:17:06 UTC
no thing only selfish and greedy people make it dangerous

2014-10-18 14:50:20 UTC
Humans, we are all the same
2014-10-18 10:43:57 UTC
You forget to mention Muslims.
2014-10-18 08:46:08 UTC
2014-10-18 00:14:02 UTC
Mizerable people who blame every life faiure on their black skin
2014-10-17 22:52:25 UTC
2014-10-17 22:23:09 UTC
******* Jews and those ****** loving Republicans.
Joseph the Second
2014-10-17 22:19:16 UTC
Ignorant People. :(
2014-10-17 21:25:04 UTC
Either Obama is parroting what his advisors are telling him or he made the dicision to overstate this on the basis of his ideology.
2014-10-17 19:08:45 UTC
With a volcano on the mountain, earth quakes, typhoons, shallow reefs when out in a boat, scorpions, cobras, and other little things. I never thought about it.
2014-10-17 08:06:11 UTC
Know what I like? Women, Vans and Drugs. Just as long as all 3 are white!
2014-10-17 07:49:44 UTC
2014-10-17 07:29:55 UTC
2014-10-17 05:25:57 UTC
You can't categorise people like that at all. Advice: don't watch fox news and take each individual one at a time and don't make generalisations :)
Natalie Minna
2014-10-17 05:20:19 UTC
this is my personal opinion:

we all think that this person did something and that person did something, well actually your all wrong! its us its always been us that's why we are at the top of the killer chain. we are not as innocent as we think we are every minute we could be doing something bad to environment and we don't notice. think about it.
2014-10-16 22:13:22 UTC
Satan is behind it all. The prince power of the air. He influences all the despair and i'm not joking.
2014-10-16 15:55:59 UTC
all of the above, humanity as a whole made this world dangerous, humans are violent creatures by nature, some are peacefull but violence is human nature, we are a disease, a parasite, we deplete natural resorses, kill and degrade anything that gets in our way and then blames someone else for the atrocities that we commit as a species
2014-10-16 15:43:32 UTC
What about the Arabs, Asians, and Mexicans?
2014-10-19 16:11:45 UTC
If I would have to say one person in particular I would probably have to say bane. I mean with him destroying Gotham like no one is really safe. At least we have people like Batman who can step in and save the day.
2014-10-19 08:11:15 UTC
People in general
2014-10-19 00:30:27 UTC
Human is responsible for every dangerous moment in the world.
2014-10-18 21:40:34 UTC
Everybody had a hand in making the world dangerous, but now muslim radicals like ISIS have decided to make the entire world their caliphate governed by sharia you talking super duper dangerous.
2014-10-18 21:34:25 UTC
South African
2014-10-18 19:48:39 UTC
I agree with the others, that people and their stupidity make the world dangerous. Although tbh the first answer that came to mind was whites. Cause they took over a heap of countries and made other races angry. Although I really don't know much about history.
2014-10-18 17:54:28 UTC
2014-10-18 14:04:39 UTC
whites. We killed indians, jews, black, etc. If whites weren't there, the world would have been better
2014-10-18 07:54:16 UTC
Creators of the ebola virus along with aids.
2014-10-18 07:33:12 UTC
Who made the world so dangerous, Jews, Blacks, Whites?

Update : I am not trying to hurt anyone. I am 17 years old and I want to know more. I never voted and someday I will.

All of the above.

If you are 17 years old and want to know more, read a book rather than ask questions that most kids would ask.
2014-10-18 05:05:09 UTC
2014-10-18 03:03:12 UTC
You forget that we are all human. If you want to blame danger on somebody, you forget that practically ALL races are at war right now. The white people aren't making the world any safe in particular. But we are blaming an entire race of people on a handful. Not all muslims are dangerous. Extremists like ISIS and the Taliban are dangerous, to the entire world, not just to people that aren't Muslim. Black people are dangerous too, just look at the situation in Africa with the child soldiers and all of that. Killing everybody that is AGAINST them and their beliefs. Jewish people are bombing the **** out of Palestina, but that's only a handful yet again. As a Muslim, I would never treat a Jewish person any type of negative way because of the problems our religions have.
2014-10-17 23:59:57 UTC
The Murderous People: The Jews are under a terrible suspicion the world over, and for good reason. Anyone who does not know this, does not understand the Jewish problem. Anyone who merely see the Jews as "a tribe which secures its existence with exchange and old trousers, and whose uniforms are the long noses," is being misled. But anyone who knows the monstrous accusation which has been raised against the jews since the beginning of time, will view these people in a different light. He will begin to see not only a peculiar, strangely fascinating nation; but criminals, murderers, and devils in human form. He will be filled with holy anger and hatred against these people of Satan. (John 8:44)

The suspicion under which the Jews are held is murder. They are charged with enticing White Christian Children (and sometimes blacks to keep them under control - and if necessary they will run black children down in the streets with automobiles to show the blacks their power, and that the blacks had better mind their manners or the same will happen again and again. We all witnessed this a few years ago in New York city when the car of Rabbi Shneerson ran over a black child. And as usual the Jews bought off the blacks who were inciting the mobs against them; if they had been unsuccessful in this they would have had the blacks who dared not be controlled murdered) and at time White Christian adults, butchering them, and draining their blood. They are charged with mixing this blood into their masses (unleaven bread) and using it to practice superstitious magic. They are charged with torturing their victims, especially the children; and during this torture they shout threats, curses, and cast spells against non-Jews. This systematic murder has a special name, it is called,
2014-10-17 11:18:46 UTC
Everyone, everyone made the world dangerous, it doesn't matter what skin colour they are.
2014-10-16 21:13:12 UTC
In my opinion, white people just screw everything up. However, that is my opinion. Humans in general are usually bad.
2014-10-16 19:25:21 UTC
No one group has made the entire world "good" or "bad". Whoever is considered "good" at one point may in the future be considered "bad".
2014-10-16 18:42:08 UTC
2014-10-16 18:02:33 UTC
ANY PEOPLE THAT POSSESSES ALL THE NEGATIVE/DEMONIC CHARACTER MAKES THE WORLD A VERY DANGEROUS, PLACE, and HISTORY PROVED IT ALL ... Of course when you confront all this bad people as we did so many times, that also makes people to thinks or believe that we are the bad guys causing the problems, BUT HISTORY DOES NOT LIE...It's up to us INDIVIDUALLY to judge if what happened is right or wrong....
2014-10-16 11:33:13 UTC
no answer is right
2014-10-16 10:26:41 UTC
Ignorant people such as yourself
2014-10-19 12:29:27 UTC
White people just to answer your question.

They enslaved Blacks for 400 plus years, THEN took away their RIGHTS. They got them all in the 1960s. They took away the lands of Native Americans, and basically now nonexistent. They put Asians and Jews in concentration camps. Most serial killers, and school bombers are white. And they ALWAYS get less jail time for crimes committed compared to other races.
2014-10-18 15:37:49 UTC
This is the question of a child who's understanding of the hardships of life is limited to finger pointing.
2014-10-18 10:00:55 UTC
2014-10-18 01:30:50 UTC
2014-10-18 01:08:54 UTC
Mankind and the absence of love and humanity and not seeing people as people but as blacks, Jews and whites.
2014-10-17 17:43:07 UTC
2014-10-17 13:56:41 UTC
its ignorance or stupidity if you think race should play a role in your vote. the world has always been dangerous and always will be. try figuring out what behaviors cause the world to be a dangerous place and vote for the person who is against or at least does not support these behaviors.

Will Powers
2014-10-17 13:10:45 UTC
Your Mom.
2014-10-17 10:47:12 UTC
The world is dangerous not because of religion or race. It is dangerous because humans are tribal and family oriented. We know who is like us, and who isn't. We know that family bonds make us safer, and outside of those bonds, we tend to distrust. Until people get to know others are harmless, we see them as potential threats. For example, I used to distrust black people, but when I worked in the military with a Black sergeant who was outstanding in everything he did, I thought all the negative stereotypes I had heard about black people were true. I have overcome prejudices of Blacks, Jews, Muslims, Russians, and other groups by meeting and getting to know them. I have also found that positive stereotypes are also not true. We believe that differences make others dangerous, and they can. However, most human beings want the same things, live similar lives, and seek a common level of dignity. When you see what makes us similar, and stop believing that differences are threats, then you can make a fair judgement on any person or group of people. Yes, some people are hostile towards others because of the differences, but it is their ignorance of our common human traits and experiences that make them dangerous to others.
2014-10-17 10:37:18 UTC
The Conservatives did it
2014-10-17 10:13:15 UTC
an evil vagina and vags are usually pink sooo neither PINK DID
2014-10-17 08:45:50 UTC
Genesis:10:1-32. The two records of genealogy surrounding the account of the Flood—chapters 5 and 10—connect the entire human race with the first man, Adam, through Noah’s three sons. Assyrians, Chaldeans, Hebrews, Syrians, and some Arabian tribes, are descendants of Shem. Ethiopians, Egyptians, Canaanites, and some African and Arabian tribes descended from Ham. Indo-Europeans are descendants of Japheth. All humans are related, and all are born equal before God. (Acts 17:26) This truth must affect how we view and treat others.

Why is Race Such an Issue?

EVER since the beginning of recorded history, the idea of “them” and “us” has dominated people’s thinking. Many have convinced themselves that they are the only normal people with the right ways of doing everything. This is what scientists call ethnocentrism, the idea that one’s own people and ways are the only ones that count.

The ancient Greeks, for example, did not think much of the “barbarians,” a term they applied to anyone not Greek. The word “barbarian” developed from the way that the foreign tongues sounded to Greek ears, like a lot of unintelligible “bar-bar.” The Egyptians before and the Romans after also felt superior to peoples other than themselves.

For centuries the Chinese called their country Zhong Guo, or the Middle Kingdom, because they were convinced that China was the center of the world if not of the universe. Later, when European missionaries with red hair, green eyes, and ruddy complexion came to China, the Chinese branded them “foreign devils.” Likewise, when Orientals first showed up in Europe and North America, their slanted eyes and what were considered strange customs made them easy targets for ridicule and suspicion.

Yet, there is a significant fact to consider, as the book The Kinds of Mankind says: “To believe in one’s [racial] superiority is one thing; to attempt to prove it, by using the findings of science, is something else.” Efforts to prove that one race is superior to another are relatively new. Anthropologist Ashley Montagu wrote that “the conception that there are natural or biological races of mankind which differ from one another mentally as well as physically is an idea which was not developed until the latter part of the eighteenth century.”

Thus, racism has become one of the most divisive forces afflicting human society. Surely, it behooves all of us to search our own hearts, asking ourselves: Do I reject any teachings that proclaim one race to be superior to another? Have I sought to rid myself of any possible residual feelings of racial superiority?

It is also appropriate that we ask: What hope is there that racial bias and tension, so rampant today, can ever be eradicated? Can people of different nationalities, languages, and customs live together in peace?

For more information on this subject and others please go to the source below for free downloads,publication, videos or read on line
2014-10-17 06:09:46 UTC
You're 17 years old and ask a question that would be more appropriate coming out of the mouth of a 5 years old? Seriously have you ever received proper education? Anyone who went to high school and have a properly functioning brain and common sense should not ask a retarded question as this.
2014-10-17 01:40:41 UTC
no no no every men have a Safety is an illusion.
2014-10-16 23:34:54 UTC
white people .
2014-10-16 21:15:41 UTC
Jews, Albert Einstein was responsible for the discovery of atomic energy. After watching the atom bomb impact on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, don't you think mankind is in danger?
2014-10-16 16:39:28 UTC
Sin made the world so dangerous and the children of the father of evil.
2014-10-16 15:41:50 UTC
Most Jews are white, I mean. Statistically.
2014-10-16 11:49:17 UTC
no one
Richard C
2014-10-16 10:26:47 UTC
All of them
Gandalf Dagre
2014-10-20 03:17:54 UTC
Black people.
2014-10-19 08:11:11 UTC
2014-10-19 02:35:53 UTC
2014-10-18 15:49:58 UTC
2014-10-18 10:33:21 UTC
2014-10-18 01:05:20 UTC
It's just Mankind.
2014-10-17 19:13:55 UTC
2014-10-17 18:40:05 UTC
White people. WW1 and WW2? HELLO???
2014-10-17 17:46:31 UTC
i believe its not limited to religion or color
2014-10-17 10:42:56 UTC
Yea us black did it. We captured all the Whites, Asians, and Jews we could and took them across the Atlantic to a foreign land and nearly wiped out the people who already possessed it and made the captives build our country for us. That's exactly what we did. Obvious Troll.
2014-10-17 10:32:16 UTC
White are the biggest problem on earth , then zionists .. research all the wrong they've done...
2014-10-17 09:35:18 UTC
Not in the choices but all of us are making this world dangerous. So please mind what you are doing and be aware of our world today
2014-10-17 05:24:54 UTC
People like you, who try to divide,seperate into groups and denigrate according to your success.
2014-10-17 05:07:03 UTC
2014-10-16 22:06:28 UTC
People who ask rascist questions like that.
2014-10-16 18:56:02 UTC
its that one group, if i mention their name, my answer will go poof very quickly. they were the sovyet regime, they were the third reich, they were way back then the sychtians, same people who made the trojan horse, same peope the rothchild rockerfeller banksters are from, same who owned the slave ships (for example the monsanto family), same people who invented the kkk, same who select the presidents, same who make others fight each other to make money out of blood
2014-10-16 17:41:33 UTC
2014-10-16 09:49:48 UTC
People because they always want to divide themselves if it is not race, its nationalism, if not that its political party, it seems to me that we lack a deep desire to work together and accomplish great things. We just bear with each other until one side gets angry and starts a fight.
2014-10-16 05:18:42 UTC
Honestly it was a little bit of all of them . It was not just or only one creed, religion or race.
2014-10-16 03:12:14 UTC
This world is suffer a lot not because of the violance of bad peoples but because of the silence of good peoples.
2014-10-19 10:41:06 UTC
2014-10-19 00:50:42 UTC
No one person or people are to blame, we've declined as a civilized world lacking morals of all kinds that are needed to keep us healthy. Your generation has a chance to actually save the world literallly but unfortunately most have been brainwashed to the world of today and will more than likely follow in the steps of those before them.
Evil Girl
2014-10-18 16:23:06 UTC
Human nature did this...
2014-10-18 12:44:53 UTC
gravity you dumbasses
2014-10-18 05:14:56 UTC
2014-10-17 22:38:56 UTC
Thinking Power of Some Bad Humans make world so dangerous rather than any religion or blacks, white etc. I Think

Thanks & Regards,

Ghrix Team
2014-10-17 13:27:33 UTC
the answer is simple: RELIGIOUS EXTREMISTS. comes in many colors.
2014-10-17 13:24:25 UTC
I suspect that given the same opportunities, people from any race would act the same. Put someone who would've been upper class into a third world country, and they would probably grow up uneducated and prone to violence. And vice versa.

I think that famine, disease, and natural disasters are the real reason for violence, not any inborn character traits or "free will" to choose evil.
Megan Rose
2014-10-17 11:31:28 UTC
Blacks. I swear they made the world a worse place to live in . BTW I'm BLACK You Have really weird question and I was just kdding about blacks being bad, NOone is bad in this world, everyone is equal doesn't matter if you black,asian,gay,lesbian it doesn't matter
2014-10-17 10:40:56 UTC
We are the one making this world in danger.
The wisher
2014-10-17 09:11:15 UTC
If I blame God for making us will I get canned?
2014-10-17 08:39:57 UTC
All of the above and then some.
2014-10-17 02:09:53 UTC
all of the above!
2014-10-16 22:27:38 UTC
Only bad thoughts!
pranay Singh
2014-10-16 21:03:13 UTC
2014-10-16 17:35:44 UTC
2014-10-16 14:55:21 UTC
Humans in general
Andy F
2014-10-16 14:50:41 UTC
The answer is YES. All of us have made the world dangerous, because human beings have an amazing ability to be really dangerous for each other -- and in some cases, for themselves.

Most sensible people should be able to agree on this point. Beyond that, we get into endless arguments that nobody is going to win.

As an old, white, male democratic socialist from the USA, I think a great case can be made that capitalist civilization, by "revolutionizing the means of production" repeatedly, and by making it possible for human beings to create weapons of mass destruction that never existed before, has in fact made the world even MORE dangerous than it used to be -- say, in 1700 or 1800.

But long before modern capitalism existed, the human species was still prey to plagues, earthquakes and famines, which are pretty dangerous in themselves. Even before capitalism and capitalist technology gave us ever-improving methods of waging war, people in pre-capitalist societies enslaved other people. Different European nations fought horrible conflicts -- the Hundred Years War between France and England, for example, and the 30 Years War between Protestants and Catholics in Germany.

Even before capitalism gave us tanks & airplanes & machine guns & smart bombs & guided missiles and nuclear weapons, the Mongols under Genghis Khan carried out a brutal conquest of Central Asia and much of Eastern Europe, and the Ottoman Turks sacked and conquered Constantinople, and the ancient German nomads conquered and half-destroyed the old Roman Empire, which had already been threatened by the Huns.

So far, anyway, I think we just have to accept the fact that the physical universe is not ultimately our friend, and that human beings often are terrible to other human beings.

Some historians and anthropologists, including the Canadian historian William McNeill, have concluded that modern warfare probably arose from early human attempts at agriculture followed by the establishment of the first city states in Egypt, Sumeria and the Indus Valley. Before agriculture was invented and before people began gathering in cities, most human societies were too poor in resources to be able to afford the support of armies. But as settled agriculture made more calories available and as organized city states developed elite hierarchies supported by the forced work or the taxation of the common people, it began to be possible for kings to order some of their subjects to stop engaging in ordinary economic activities so they could become soldiers, so that one city state could conquer another and take its resources from it.

If McNeill and similar historians are correct, the world is "so dangerous" today partly because some innovative political thinkers and some productive farmers in around 5,500 BCE gave our distant ancestors so much wealth that they could afford to engage in warfare.

Blaming Jews, blacks, whites or any other particular people for this development is foolish, IMO. Organized warfare was something that helped the warrior types get more power & wealth & resources, and once it was invented, all kinds of people wanted to do it. Feminist anthropologists such as M. Gimbutas have argued that it was "patriarchal" male warriors, the people of the so-called Kurgan culture, that led the way, but not everyone agrees with Gimbutas's ideas.
2014-10-16 12:43:23 UTC
our stupid race, the whites, definitely.
2014-10-15 23:31:38 UTC
The race that made the world so dangerous is: Humans. All races have been caught treating other races harsh in some way shape or form for no reason other than they're another race. However the race that causes the most of this is..... White People. We seem to have a voice in our heads that tells us to do bad things to otherwise normal people, and for a vast majority of our existence, we never really told that voice No. Europeans took advantage of Mali offering people and when Europe's slavery began to die off, the US didn't really let it go. We held on to slaves and because of our wars with Mexico and later the Japanese and North Koreans, Americans developed a sense of racism that is, sadly, not as rare in the world as it should be. I'm not saying America is the only country to blame for the "Whites Are Always Right" attitude we seem to have had, but there's no doubt that the Uncle Joe who sits in his rocking chair on the front porch with beer in hand and a shotgun in his lap has had a lot more to do with the danger in the world than most other races.
2014-10-19 18:26:55 UTC
We all did!! I don't think its right to classify people by there "color"
2014-10-18 19:36:47 UTC
The devil and he comes in all colors, Satan is very clever, Always his strategy is to confuse reality, to make evil seem good. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of himself.....(Genesis 5:1) What God made was good!! I feel temptation has been replayed again and again in the history of all human race. Temptation is not going anywhere!! you need to take a stand against temptation and your don't have to carry violence and hate in your heart...God is love....think about Dr. MLK....
2014-10-18 18:58:18 UTC
People who are afraid make the world dangerous. Fear can cause a lot of hate and a lot of reactions and a lot of danger.
2014-10-18 04:49:14 UTC
It is all a lesson to learn, you must love one another.

It was demonstrated to you.

In true perfection.

There will be a thousand years of teaching in the day of the Lord.

Make healthy choices and try to lead by example.

Some people will understand, some wont.

Still more deliberately misunderstand to try and cover their bull sh23t.

Stop electing them or have a revolution.

Eventually speaking the language of the countries who conquer may be necessary.
2014-10-18 04:11:23 UTC
Terrorist and extremist in any religion who turn religion into a dangerous cult. I know I live in the middle eats. He jihad muslims with terror create the violence in the world so, the answer is them.
2014-10-18 01:22:00 UTC
Simply humanity did that. Not any individual ethnic group of it,
2014-10-17 21:23:03 UTC
what an interesting question, but we all know the answer is man/woman. Race has little to do with ur question, but how we treat each other really does. Man/woman has really forgotten how to treat the world with respect and we kill so many animals to extinction every day not for food but for other stupid reasons. We also kill each other with no remorse, the only problem I see is if it's the same color on color no problem, a certain color on another color no problem, but heaven forbid this color kill any one of the other color and holy hell lets loose, what an I missing. We by far are the most dangerous and volatile things on this planet, except for the corrupt media and lying politicians that have infected us.
2014-10-17 19:18:31 UTC
Blacks can take over a low middle class white neighborhood and turn it into a war zone.
2014-10-17 19:13:43 UTC
for the best advice read the bible. the "holy bible" christian one that will tell you all god bless
2014-10-17 16:33:08 UTC
Racist white people.

Note: I am white by the way
2014-10-17 10:35:43 UTC
Kevin k
2014-10-17 10:02:59 UTC
The simple answer is Greed. It is not limited to any particular race, religion or class. Every person experiences greed in one form or another- the question is what lengths that person will go to obtain satisffaction.

When the first caveman wanted what some other had, that caveman did his best to take it away from that being. It didn't matter if it was a rock, food or whatever else; if Oog wanted it Thar had to fight to keep it..
2014-10-17 08:18:59 UTC
There are good and bad people in all races,ethnic groups and faiths
2014-10-17 08:12:47 UTC
the mexicans took our job! they took our yobs!! they took our yobbbsss!!!
2014-10-17 07:30:01 UTC
LIBERALS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2014-10-17 07:21:16 UTC
I don’t like the way he’s looking at you

I’m starting to think you want him too

Am I crazy, have I lost ya?

Even though I know you love me, can’t help it

I turn my cheer music up

And I’m puffing my chest

I’m getting red in the face

You can call me obsessed

It’s not your fault that they hover

I mean no disrespect

It’s my right to be hellish

I still get jealous
2014-10-16 21:07:01 UTC
my opinion.. religion. all of them and the ideology of "I am right and everyone else is wrong". It's what starts wars, debates, policies... you name it and religion and this ideology has a foundation in it.
2014-10-16 20:37:26 UTC
Nature made the world dangerous. We live as part of a system in which creatures must violently kill one another for survival. We have the power to live in harmony with each other by overcoming our natural tendencies toward greed, violence, domination, and ignorance, but for the most part we choose not too.
2014-10-16 20:04:42 UTC
The devil.sin. There's no certain race, blacks,whites,Jews theres no difference
2014-10-16 17:58:04 UTC
Not so much of a who, more of a what. By nature, we want more land and power. Due to this, all races tend to make the world a little more horrible.
2014-10-19 15:28:10 UTC
My Belief --- It's not race, nor country. But its rather a group that has an immense amount of influence over things in many countries. Some of the highest revenues and booming work eras have been full of war. War keeps the population working. There is a group of people around the globe that wants different races to fight, they also want different religions to fight. This group has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years. It is the same influence that is found behind the music industry. The group pays people money to promote sex, violence, and anything that promotes users to buy various things. Like cars, clothes, precious metals and gemstones. You can find this influence in many different genres of music. Research the united states relationship with saudi arabia. Look into what happens there and wonder why we have our cameras pointed in the other direction. Open your eyes and read between the lines. In the end, we are blessed to be able to grow up in a place where we don't have to worry about shelling and warfare in the streets and I believe we are pretty far from seeing that. I think we have a wonderful place to have an opportunity at life and family but I just wish some things were not lied about to the general population.
2014-10-19 00:41:29 UTC
Race is race. Religon is religion. Humans have been making the world dangerous for the past, present, and future. We are so brainwashed by propaganda that we think its the jews' fault or the blacks' fault or the whites' fault. Its the stupid mentality of humanity's fault. We are all so confused and ignorant. Humanity, unfortunately, refuses to coexist with peace and each other. If humanity weren't so selfish and hateful, your question wouldn't be asked.
2014-10-19 00:39:10 UTC
What a dumb question .. people like you asking question like that make the world dangerous.
2014-10-18 22:51:58 UTC
2014-10-18 05:47:17 UTC
Satan makes the world dangerous. It's part of his job.
2014-10-17 14:48:22 UTC
Jewa have made ,it is clear
2014-10-17 11:15:08 UTC
those who make terracts, war, shoot in public and so son
2014-10-17 10:32:58 UTC
This is racist as hell let me just point out... If I have to choose I would say whites because "white" refers to a very large body of people that can be from almost anywhere and they practically ruled the world since the beginning of time. So in the end they made all the decisions and minorities just stuck to that lifestyle since its all they know.
2014-10-17 09:07:41 UTC
Extremists, terrorists, entitled people, both rich and poor, greedy people.
2014-10-17 07:39:00 UTC
2014-10-17 07:23:37 UTC
Very Good Question... No jews, no blacks and no whites but we all are

human beings... and we all made this world very dangerous.... So, don't

worry about world and eat, drink and enjoy the world...

My name is Suresh Jalaluddin Rodrics... Me duniya me ek

kela hu....
2014-10-17 03:51:20 UTC
people in the world make
2014-10-17 01:03:17 UTC
it's not a race that makes the world bad, it's how children are raised by their parents, people now a days always dividing the world into religions countries areas race school team squad group fanboys and so on, they refuse to see the other point of view in fear of being in doubt of their identity. as long as there is division the world will be miserable and sad.
2014-10-17 00:17:18 UTC
i think is money ,,, power and others
2014-10-16 21:51:33 UTC
2014-10-16 21:31:53 UTC
mars bars i presumer
2014-10-16 16:34:03 UTC
None , Allah made it

2014-10-16 15:12:02 UTC
Toxic individuals.
2014-10-16 05:15:58 UTC
One word: humans
2014-10-15 18:41:38 UTC
money, and land made it dangerous. the black plague didnt kill us off and fanaticals wont win the masses. people were made to compromise to get along.
2014-10-19 10:23:30 UTC
All of those races and more races. Not only Jews or Muslims or blacks or whites. But many others that. There is no one race that has made danger a part of society. We all have made danger a part if society. By being an up-stander of by being a bystander. Not only white people kill others but so do black and brown and other skin colored people. When I walk in an ally at night I would be afraid of being raped by a white or black person. So you see it has never been one race. It never could be. There are just so many different people in the people that contribute to making it dangerous. When you vote never base it on a persons heritage or skin color base it on what that person does or how they act and what their morals are.
2014-10-18 18:05:43 UTC
white people ruined the world and continue to ruin it further by stealing, killing and oppressing anyone who isnt white
2014-10-18 16:12:08 UTC
What gives you the idea the world is dangerous?
2014-10-18 13:32:43 UTC
people that follow, and act like animals
2014-10-18 10:10:09 UTC
all of us together share the blame.
2014-10-18 10:04:06 UTC
ALL OF THE ABOVE!!...just people, human beings!
2014-10-18 02:53:23 UTC
Think positive always,
2014-10-17 22:42:34 UTC
Zionists and other extremists
2014-10-17 18:39:46 UTC
people are ****
2014-10-17 13:32:50 UTC
2014-10-17 08:14:42 UTC
The World: Muslims

America: Blacks

Middle East: Muslims and Jews

about almost daily, either in person or in the media?

In spite of human imperfection, people generally acknowledge that there are moral boundaries that should never be crossed and that humans are capable of abstaining from evil acts. Most would also readily agree that there is a difference between inadvertent untruth and outright slander, between causing an accidental injury.
2014-10-17 07:13:33 UTC
those who are greedy and seek power without restraint, regardless of color, ethnicity, or religion.
2014-10-17 06:02:38 UTC
Romans 7:20,21 we all have the ability to pursue our own path. Within in us is the inclination to seek a selfish way that leads to the deplorable conditions we see today. We are all imperfect Romans 3:23.

This world has as its ruler the one who was the first to allow selfish desire to dominate his thoughts then actions, satan the devil. 1 John 5:19

Satan has been cast down to the earth. He knows he has a short amount of time before he is abyssed. This has led to his frantic assault on the world over the last 100 years. Revelation 12:7-12. There the bible says woe to earth because the Devil has been cast down to it.

We are not at a loss against the Devils influence. By prayerful reliance on Jehovah God and asking for his Holy Spirit we can overcome our own selfish inclination and pursue a path that leads to a life liberated from the pursuit of worthless things that many do today.

Many people are unaware of this condition of the world. This is how satan wants it. 2 Corinthians 4:4 shows that he has blinded the minds of the people. This has led to the centuries old saying "follow your heart". After studying the bible however we learn that this is a reason we see so much bad in the world. Jeremiah 17:9 says our hearts are treacherous. If left to only follow our urges many do so at the expense of others. We see this with broken homes due to immorality/adultery. Rampant drug use. Crimes that prey on the vulnerable for selfish gain. Entire nations that abuse or worse, murder their own people for more power. There is enough food on the world for everyone yet scores go to bed hungry. There are countless other things that show the damaging effects of allowing oneself to guided or driven by their own heart.

Jeremiah 10:29 mentions how it doesn't belong to man to guide his own steps. We are like a ship with a broken compass. We needs Gods guidance to help us truly enjoy life now with a clean conscience.

While it might seem overwhelming or depressing with all of this in mind there is a means for hope. While revelation 12:7-12 shows satan is cast down to earth and a woe is given because of the dire results, this was down in order to carry God's Will. Matthew 6:9,10 mentions first for Gods will to be done in heaven. That is what revelation 12 shows has happened. We should all eagerly await Gods will being done on earth when Gods enemies are crushed, the wicked are removed, and the righteous will remain. This will be accomplished by means of Gods Kingdom with Jesus enthroned as King. This will culminate in the war of Armageddon. While many feel this is the destruction of the earth, this is not the case. Proverbs 11:10,11,27 shows that he wicked will be gone and the meek will remain forever. Isaiah 45:18 helps us understand that Jehovah made the earth not to be destroyed but to be inhabited. Ecclesiastes 1:4 shows that this forever. Finally Revelation 21:3-5 shows the wonderful prospects we ALL can have if we seek Jehovah, follow his word the bible, and have faith in his promises. There we learn that life will reach the paradise conditions Jehovah originally intended for mankind.
2014-10-16 21:08:47 UTC
2014-10-16 20:05:08 UTC
2014-10-16 18:54:50 UTC
It's a sad state of affairs when you ask about race in order to determine how you should vote.
2014-10-16 14:11:28 UTC
Non of them did...Racism, Religions,stupidity and greed made the world dangerous...
Just Hazel
2014-10-16 13:11:57 UTC
None of the above. Greed and the quest for power has made the world dangerous and those things exist in all three categories.
2014-10-16 08:37:36 UTC
2014-10-16 07:52:16 UTC
yes je....
2014-10-19 18:22:19 UTC
humans. all of us not just a particular race. we all have a choice. we can be mean or evil or a hate monger, or we can change, but we have to want it. remember human kind is flawed, we arent divine.
2014-10-19 12:33:04 UTC
I would say every color and religion has had a hand in making the world a dangerous place. Right now it is the Muslims.. they are a people of no faith really, just ignorance in the belief that the more they kill the higher the will rise in heaven. What fools!
L. D. M
2014-10-19 05:21:13 UTC
Human beings
By Faith
2014-10-18 20:08:15 UTC
Adam when he disobeyed God in the garden of Eden.
2014-10-18 12:44:02 UTC
Just about everybody, with the assistance of Satan.
2014-10-18 01:50:43 UTC
2014-10-17 23:34:45 UTC
The world is darngerous in general for animals, plants, and humans. That's just how it is.
2014-10-17 19:04:56 UTC
2014-10-17 13:20:00 UTC
every one contributed one way or the other.
2014-10-17 12:20:13 UTC
it's obvious that greed and corruption is a key factor. not so much the race or creed of people.
Edward N
2014-10-17 10:59:45 UTC
Women. Eve when she was disobedient cursed all mankind.

Sarah, when she did not believe Abraham and is thereby responsible for Islam.

Otherwise, people of all ethnicities are equally guilty
2014-10-17 08:12:53 UTC
No race made the world dangerous. It is in how you were raised and how you take on the world. If you want to steal kill and hurt humankind go on ahead, watch yourself get thrown in jail or executed. But if you treat humankind with kindness and friendliness that's how you do it. Think about the civil war there were some whites who helped the slaves and some who didn't. Some Muslims are terriost but not all. (Have Muslim friend.) I am black. That doesn't mean I am going to hurt people. I want to try to get the profession of a doctor I want to find cures for supposedly incurable diseases
2014-10-17 00:49:50 UTC
People are people, how could it be....
2014-10-17 00:31:56 UTC
It was more of a group effort lol. The world really isn't so bad the news just tells u it is cause it makes their ratings go up. As I always say the minority (that being the bad group of people in a race or religion ) run in it for the majority (that being good group in a race or religion). Just saying I like how u brought up Jews and Muslims but not the christans they're I in the middle east killing people who are Muslim and Jewish . Oh wait that's right Americas a Christian country who thinks that Christians couldn't do such things
2014-10-17 00:29:17 UTC
2014-10-16 20:31:21 UTC
2014-10-16 15:40:53 UTC
Whites. They are the ones discriminating and judging everybody
2014-10-16 13:44:38 UTC
All races have caused equal amounts of violence and the like all throughout history. No group is, or ever will be infallible. Don't listen to the media or the school systems for this information, as they are just tools to progress political agendas.
2014-10-16 07:17:55 UTC
Hello, I add, we be not enemies to (a good Jews or their religion or their culture...), but we against the political system of them, so our problems in the origins of (-the secret- Zionist lobby).
Dylan Cross
2014-10-16 06:54:12 UTC
The reason this world is so dangerous is not Jews, Blacks, or Whites. Its just that people make dumb *** decisions lol
2014-10-18 15:01:23 UTC
Eve- she ate the apple after god said not too
2014-10-18 14:51:21 UTC
You did, you idiot.
2014-10-18 08:11:35 UTC
To blame an entire religion or ethnicity is ridiculous. every person stands alone, and has their own freedom of choice to behave badly if they choose. the stereotypes are all formed by simple minded fools. not all jews are rich, some are very poor. not all black men are criminals some are very educated and intelligent. it takes all kinds.
Cassandra's dream
2014-10-18 07:19:25 UTC
human nature
2014-10-18 07:01:50 UTC
There is no race that has made the world a dangerous place. We all have made the world dangerous place
2014-10-18 06:33:55 UTC
The problem is with ignorant and racist people. They see that the world is dangerous and feel like they need somebody to blame for it, so they come on to freaking Yahoo! Answers of all places to ask ignorant, loaded questions about which race is the evil one that's responsible: blacks, jews, or whites? Someday these stupid, racist people will be voting in real elections. That is why the world is dangerous.
2014-10-18 04:23:22 UTC
human being is the so.........
2014-10-18 03:55:08 UTC
They don't belong to any religion because no religion teach to destroy and fight.
2014-10-17 22:49:26 UTC
Anyone, of any race, who has extremist views.

Not just Religious, but also Racial, Social, and alike.

Extremist, like Al-Qaida, the K-K-K, the Black Panthers, etc, those are the kinds of people that make the world dangerous.
2014-10-17 18:21:28 UTC
2014-10-17 16:19:00 UTC
I'm not even touching this one.
2014-10-17 09:27:45 UTC
listen. what makes people dangerous is themselves. you can't see a black guy and call him a gangster. because most black guys work twice as hard to prove themselves you can't see a while guy and go oh you white your a p*ssy or see a jew muslim and christian and judge them just because you don't believe in there religion. people are good in heart. not in race or religion.
2014-10-17 08:54:21 UTC
2014-10-17 06:38:09 UTC
The Freemasons have made the world dangerous.
2014-10-17 06:08:52 UTC
Corporate Greed and Money made the world so dangerous.
2014-10-16 17:02:01 UTC
christians. the usa has about 6000-christian religions, and when the community is 98% christian, then the crimes are 98% christian - on - christian.

social taboo: say we have spent most of our lives trying to protect ourselves from the christian people.

and, i have spent my entire life living with the good, christian people.
2014-10-16 10:02:39 UTC
People with dangerous minds
2014-10-15 23:41:08 UTC
2014-10-15 20:59:23 UTC
2014-10-15 15:36:56 UTC
Humans are very tribal and warlike. These traits were apparently useful in the evolution of the species, but serve little purpose now.
2014-10-19 13:05:54 UTC
All...just all
2014-10-19 10:06:25 UTC
2014-10-18 17:53:42 UTC
all humans turning away from God and doing things displeasing to him. Man worships sport stars and other idols. People are starving and we have all the politicians spending millions on TV ads in order to be elected. For shame.
2014-10-18 14:14:32 UTC
I don't understand what is up with this question. People in general make the world bad.
2014-10-18 08:19:29 UTC
People like you who ask irrelevant questions.
2014-10-18 06:08:13 UTC
Political correctness made the world a dangerous place . Nobody really knows what someone is thinking , because it's not PC to say it .
Hugh M
2014-10-18 05:00:49 UTC
History tells us that it is normally us white folk who are the trouble causers. The apartheid in south africa, was spearheaded by whites. The Nazi's wanting everyone to have blond hair blue and blue eyes. The whites miss treating the native indians, I could go on but I think you get the idea.
2014-10-17 20:44:24 UTC
Hate and Religion.
2014-10-17 20:37:39 UTC
Non. Mexicans
A Leftist
2014-10-17 14:35:59 UTC
Authoritarians. Those who do not challenge authority, and those who are in positions of authority are why humanity has remained in an adolescent state these past several millennia.
2014-10-17 13:58:32 UTC
You do
2014-10-16 15:19:05 UTC
We are all responsible for the world being what it is today, we all share the greed, selfishness, corruption, racism, bigotry and violence that surround us.

None of us are immune from its embrace..
Cenk Uyngur
2014-10-16 15:03:58 UTC
neither. its the Muslims.
2014-10-16 13:10:08 UTC
none.anny person who chooses to
2014-10-16 01:27:25 UTC
2014-10-15 20:08:23 UTC
Yes,...... and also reds, blues, greens, tans, yellows, and peppermint.
2014-10-15 20:07:55 UTC
The Devil is behind it but yeah, Jews, Arabs & blacks are some of his favorite tools.
2014-10-20 16:32:03 UTC
2014-10-15 08:46:26 UTC
Those who voted for and support Obama.
Miles from Michigan!!
2014-10-17 15:37:22 UTC
none of the above!! monkeys made the world a dangerous place!!
2014-10-18 09:47:01 UTC
2014-10-18 07:31:06 UTC
Whites. They killed off an entire race for their own land and then enslaved another race to their dirty work.
2014-10-15 06:20:37 UTC
Authoritative Arrogance from all walks of life.
2016-02-15 20:45:54 UTC
Persons. We all make the planet negative as well as beneficial determined by what we decide on.
2014-10-15 05:51:07 UTC
Criminals with no respect for the rights of others. They come in all races and classes.
2014-10-15 12:43:39 UTC
The world is not so dangerous.
2014-10-16 18:10:47 UTC
I would say only the terrorists whether they are jews, black or white.
2014-10-16 19:33:41 UTC
Those damn Oompa Loompa's are the worst!
2014-10-20 19:17:46 UTC
People called neeekoooonaaakkaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2014-10-15 05:52:18 UTC
Combination of all but mostly dark skinned people.
2014-10-17 05:29:53 UTC
The ego
2014-10-15 13:47:24 UTC
The first medicine man or woman.
2014-10-15 11:42:49 UTC
Oh, there's plenty of blame to go around!
2014-10-20 17:58:46 UTC
people thoughts and hatred between each other made it dangerous
2014-10-15 06:47:03 UTC
whites-genocidal maniacs

blacks-innocent & foolish

2014-10-17 23:24:17 UTC
Its not color and religion it all about person thinking and how they want to lead their life in future.
Steven S
2014-10-16 01:37:25 UTC
2014-10-15 22:46:39 UTC
Great question because we are in trouble big time. It would seem that everyone is to blame.
2014-10-16 16:29:13 UTC
2014-10-16 05:27:44 UTC
Its just people because they all have brain and they have emotion and can think same nonsense and also do it in just one person/body.
2014-10-16 05:48:59 UTC
Mankind. Just that simple. With all of his failures and

2014-10-16 19:09:48 UTC
Greed and stupidity. And that shows up in ALL humans.
2014-10-16 16:52:29 UTC
People who think like you
2014-10-17 05:26:59 UTC
The rich, powerful and greedy. Color, creed or religion has nothing to do with it.
Vinegar Taster
2014-10-17 17:33:12 UTC
The ultra rich who control everything...
2014-10-17 07:57:55 UTC
Stupid greedy people. Those come in all colors and Religions.
2014-10-15 06:36:24 UTC
We all did this terrible thing to the world.
Sanya Kapoor
2014-10-15 12:23:36 UTC
i think any person who wants to force his ideology on others and think he knows it all and rest are garbage. everyone needs to be like him are the culprits
2014-10-15 12:20:16 UTC
All of them
2014-10-15 15:56:01 UTC
Bad people are bad people. Doesn't matter what race they are.
2014-10-15 17:26:42 UTC
PEOPLE in general---they fall victim to their own understanding and their greed.
2014-10-16 15:08:05 UTC
None of the above...I'd go with Arabs
2014-10-15 06:06:23 UTC
greedy selfish people who exploit populations.
2014-10-15 17:26:20 UTC
Africa is causing a lot of trouble.
2014-10-17 20:03:13 UTC
Satan the Devil and foolish race baiters!
2014-10-16 11:49:54 UTC
2014-10-20 23:15:43 UTC
Maybe all is responsible
2014-10-15 11:02:18 UTC
Um, that's a racist question.
2014-10-18 22:16:48 UTC
I don't no.
2014-10-16 07:29:22 UTC
Sinners (they come in all ethnic groups!)
2014-10-15 14:51:29 UTC
Yes, and more
2014-10-20 18:10:52 UTC
.... its not a certain group, its certain people from different groups
2014-10-22 15:28:29 UTC
2014-10-22 07:01:08 UTC
2014-10-22 06:14:57 UTC
2014-10-21 21:38:11 UTC
2014-10-21 11:56:21 UTC
2014-10-21 08:55:21 UTC
2014-10-21 06:01:06 UTC
2014-10-21 03:45:14 UTC
2014-10-20 13:52:00 UTC
people who wont work
2014-10-15 17:56:30 UTC
whites.... hello idiots colonization???
2014-10-16 19:03:45 UTC
Don't be racist dude!
jack f
2014-10-15 17:10:18 UTC
Your mother when she had you
2014-10-16 02:21:50 UTC
may be ebola
2014-10-15 05:55:21 UTC

(they come in all colors)
2014-10-22 00:56:22 UTC
2014-10-20 21:06:45 UTC
2014-10-20 16:09:54 UTC
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2014-10-20 20:42:14 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.