Trump supporters, what do you think of Trump's ban on refugees? Do you regret voting for him?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Trump supporters, what do you think of Trump's ban on refugees? Do you regret voting for him?
552 answers:
2017-01-31 03:05:44 UTC
Nope, I do not regret it at all. TV shows you and claims it's women and children....yeah, right. All you have to do is look to Germany, all the young single men of fighting age and the women that they raped.

No one is even talking about the very fact that Obama banned refugees for 6 months from these same 7 countries! Trump is only doing 90 days.

No one is talking about George Soros funding all these protests. Then did these special snowflake protesters even think about how they were hurting the American people who were just trying to get to THEIR destination? Who were going to see their dying mother or father?

Please. It's about time the adults took over.
2017-01-30 15:34:50 UTC
Absolutely not, I only care about the security of my wife and children. I don't give a rats *** about some Iraqi who wants to come here, leach of us and then play the victim card of how privileged I am and how racist I am. I only care about my people, I don't care about bumper stickers about this being a shiny idol for everyone in the world.

Being anti-immigration isn't racist and stopping people from countries that hate us isn't a bad idea.

You people act as though not letting in immigrants is a horrible immoral act, they have a home, they can fight to fix it as we have fought for ours.
2017-01-30 16:39:31 UTC
Why would a Trump supporter regret the vote? This was part of his 100 day plan that was released before he won the election.
Linda R
2017-01-31 15:03:52 UTC
Only ONE of his many promises - GREAT JOB PRESIDENT TRUMP! He has more to go because we've just gone through 8-years of B.S.
2017-01-31 04:17:09 UTC
I think they need to have some kind of system we're all the people protesting can sponsor a refugee family and not have to depend on the taxpayer to support them on their welfare no matter who comes in this country there's almost a guarantee the blacks are going to be on the bottom now if we don't have any jobs for the blacks now why the hell are they want more people to come in this country the working people we have to work everyday we can't stand out there and protest for what's right for the country all of this is a bunch of young college kids who don't know nothing about life yet but one day you going to piss a couple crazy people off
2017-02-01 06:15:43 UTC
i love it they all should be banned
2017-01-30 18:10:34 UTC
I'm a well-educated woman in my 40s and honestly I can't understand the extreme reaction to immigrant vetting (it's not a permanent ban) in the abstract. The way it was handled IS highly regrettable; those on a flight to the US should NOT have been affected, nor those holding valid green cards. However, the US or any sovereign county has the RIGHT to make laws regarding immigration and enforce those laws, just as you have the right to limit who comes into your home and uses or takes your possessions. Immigration restriction is not a new, radical, Republican idea; most countries have some sort of immigration policy or procedure. Even Bill Clinton was for tightening the borders.

As a historian, what both interests me is that some people seem to be questioning the right of the United States, as a nation, to set standards for immigration. I can immediately come up with three possible reasons for this mindset:

(Globalism) Is it because those who disagree with vetting believe in globalism, or that all nations should simply have open borders and allow anyone who wishes to simply waltz right in?

(Naiveté) Is it because they do not believe that terrorists may be hiding among these refugees? This is naivete. I remember what a social worker who'd practiced for 30 years told me once; she said that the hardest thing for her to come to grips with when she was new in her profession was that NOT EVERYONE IS TRYING TO BE NICE OR DO THE RIGHT THING. Not everyone has middle-class American values, and not everyone wants to play fair or live by the rules. There are people who will take advantage of your weakness, and who enjoy (or believe it is right) to do things that most of us would consider reprehensible. Unfortunately, these people are hiding among those who would benefit from our sympathy. To protect ourselves, we have to try to identify these terrorists before they get into the US and plant a bomb at a marathon or shoot up a shopping mall.

I also wonder if our young people do not realize that our welfare system has limits, and that there are older & disabled Americans who REALLY need more help than they already get? Unrestricted immigration puts more strain on our schools and welfare system. The urge to feed and help people is a noble one, but as a society we're already feeding and housing a LOT of people. Once some of these young people leave college and start trying to make a living, they'll realize how much of their income goes toward social services.

(Discrimination) Or is it simply because those who disagree with "vetting" feel that one group (Muslims, or Syrian refugees) is being singled out for unfair treatment? Maybe it isn't fair or politically correct, but the world is NOT fair, and certainly those who wish to kill us are NOT playing "fair." The Muslim community (many Muslims are very good people) really needs to denounce these extremists in no uncertain terms; it would go a long way for them to have a zero-tolerance policy for extremism. As a Christian, I acknowledge that there are "Christians" who have done things that go completely against what Jesus & the Bible teach. Yet most Christians and churches distance themselves from, if not loudly disown, "Christians" who commit acts of violent racism or terrorism. The Muslim mosques need do do the same. If they will not denounce extremism, then they are giving tacit approval to jihad and terrorism.

So, no I do not regret voting for Trump. I believe that this action could have been done in a better way. My heart goes out the refugees. I wish that churches/mosques/charities in the US could have worked in partnership with churches/mosques in Syria to help refugees settle in the US, with church/mosque members being financially and criminally responsible for those refugees, but I agree that we simply can't fling the gates wide open. We've seen here, in France, and in other countries to what this open-handed hospitality leads. This whole situation is pitiful, but never forget WHO is causing so many people to have to flee their homes in the first place.

But.....on the other hand, if Hillary had won, and a terrorist got in and killed dozens of people in a Paris-style bombing, would you have regretted voting for her?
Warren T
2017-01-31 13:21:39 UTC
2017-01-31 21:00:24 UTC
Relatively few Trump voters regret their 2016 votes.
2017-02-02 00:02:04 UTC
I was not a Trump supporter until LAST WEEK. I VOTED FOR HILARY and now I see that Obama tip-toe-ing around Iran for eight years got us to this point where Iran is firing missiles, and I THANK GOD we got Trump after all! The faster we get into it with Iran the LESS time they will have to build up their arsenal. And I wish Trump's "Ban on Refugees" really was that. My only Regret is that Trump cannot make it a REAL BAN!
2017-02-02 03:34:58 UTC
He's keeping his election promises, unlike most politicians who promise you the world so you'd vote for them and when they're in office, their promises end up being hot air.

Obama was a useless president and will go down in history as one of the most ineffective, if not The most ineffective president in history. His big claim to fame is Obamacare ...and we see what happened there. The biggest and best insurance companies dropped out, rates more than doubled after a year, and the now infamous promise that "you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor" turned out to be another lie that harmed so many people. Can someone else tell me just one positive change Obama made?

Then along comes Hillary...the most dishonest person to ever run for office. Can anyone name someone more dishonest? And she totally lacked any integrity or common sense ... a high school teenager would know better than to put your server in your home. Her computer was easier to break into than yours or mine. And it was, by foreign nations who now have America's top security information. And we were supposed to vote her in for President!!!?? Who except someone who had no clue as to national affairs would vote for her?

Did I vote for Trump? You bet I did. Would I do it again? In a New York minute.

Is Trump a perfect person? Are you? Am I? No. But he was the best we had. And I have confidence he will keep his campaign promise to make America great again. He has already begun by bringing back thousands of jobs from Mexico. He has convinced large companies who were planning to move to foreign countries to stay in the U.S.

Let's all stop the hate and the ignorant political rhetoric and get on the bandwagon to make this the great nation it once was where people can work and thrive once again. God bless America!
2017-02-02 00:53:45 UTC
He isn't banning refugees, you imbecile! He's banning illegal immigrants!
2017-02-01 01:35:44 UTC
Are you out of your ever loving stupid libtard mind? He is my hero!!!!
2017-02-01 00:48:51 UTC
I voted for trump and had not regretted my vote. Trump did a great job banning refugees because it help America feels safer. America is not an Islamic state.
2017-01-31 22:55:02 UTC
You want intelligent answers from people who voted for an orange pervert? Ha!
2017-01-30 20:56:10 UTC
I say we need to bend everyone over who wanted him in

and kick them in the *** and have water come out of there heads , note there is no brains coming out

they dont have any all voters need a kick in the *** 3000.0000 times

2017-01-30 16:40:54 UTC
Curious that NOT ONE of those Muslims nations he listed are doing business with his companies... hmmm...! Strange, huh?
2017-02-02 17:58:21 UTC
All moslems should be banned. And the ones we have already here should be put in camps.
jan in uae
2017-02-02 06:47:47 UTC
They will never ban their Saudi business partners so it is all political bs.
2017-02-01 15:18:28 UTC
2017-02-01 05:31:54 UTC
2017-02-01 04:54:32 UTC
I voted for him because of the job market, The job market is flat bad right now. As a employee with a Bachelor in Computer Science, I see that many people with degree don't have a good job.

I liked Obama, but he hasn't truly impacted anything on the job market, while big companies continue to hire people from outside for cheap labor, i seen obama as a failure and Clinton as same.

I can't say anything about the muslim ban, because truly I have not lived in any of those countries, and i dont have any resources to find information about those countries.

And if you say something about you can see the internet or watch the news channel

Let me say, All the news channel was wrong about Hillary winning and i was happy that trump won

and when the media said the job market is good, i knew that the media was lying the whole time about it.

And your question was, did i regret voting for Him

I say NO, Because he understood the problems in America, and in first 10 days, he has done more to help this country than OBAMA and BUSH did

( P.S. I'm Not White or Black) I'm Indian and atheist
2017-02-01 02:37:10 UTC
It's not a ban, it's a 90 stay until we can find a way to vet them.
2017-02-01 00:33:37 UTC
2017-01-31 18:59:43 UTC
Hate him
2017-01-31 18:36:12 UTC
It's temporary and about time. I would vote for him again.
2017-01-31 15:09:02 UTC
I support Trump now more than I did when I voted for him. He's done so much for America that he promised during his campaign. I can't wait to see the southern border wall finished with a sign on it saying "Made in America. Paid for by Mexico."

If only the racist, fascist, anti-American left would get the hell out of America's way, American's could make some real progress toward making America great again.

daniel g
2017-01-31 05:51:22 UTC
I don't regret his decisions and policies at all. Now if you think you have a better solution to keep terrorists, enemies, and illegals out of the US, no one has come up with better as yet.

You also overlook the fact this ban is only temporary, and subject to serious DHS investigation.

On the other note, no where in our constitution does it give any foreigner the excursive right to enter the US.

Try getting into a British ruled country, that is a one on one decision to allow or not allow visa. That applies to anybody.

I am glad to see Trump fulfilling his promise to secure our borders, long overdue.
2017-01-31 03:15:28 UTC
No I don't. It's a proven fact that terrorists pose as refugees sometimes. We need to help the people in our country first before we help anyone else. For an example you don't start a task and not finish it and go start another task. It honestly sucks for the Muslims who don't want to be apart of terrorism but the truth is, is that you can't tell the difference between the good and the bad. Most people act like Trump is the first one to ban refugees but he's not. President Obama banned Iraq refugees in 2011, President Carter banned refugees, and President Roosevelt banned Japnese people from the USA because of Pearl Harbor, he also banned Italian refugees because their ruler at the time of WWll was communist and more than likely had contact with Hitler. He also banned Jewish refugees in fear of Nazti Spy's blending in with the refugees and it worked, it kept us safe for a long time. We have a similar problem now, history repeats itself.
2017-01-31 00:39:26 UTC
I think that it was a stupid move, people can still easily fake their way into this country regardless.
2017-01-30 20:47:16 UTC
First - I do not regret voting for President Trump. Second - One of the things I did not like about President Obama was his "I have a pen and a phone" " philosophy which allowed him to totally bypass Congress. I am dismayed that Trump is now using the same tactic. I understand the concern that America must be able to properly vet those who wish to move to the US, and passing laws through congress takes time. But - I don't believe the President should bypass Congress except when the country is under direct attack.
2017-02-05 00:25:22 UTC
i think they need to have some kind of system we're all the people protesting can sponsor a refugee family and not have to depend on the taxpayer to support them on their welfare no matter who comes in this country there's almost a guarantee the blacks are going to be on the bottom now if we don't have any jobs for the blacks now why the hell are they want more people to come in this country the working people we have to work everyday we for the life of me cannot stand out there and protest for what's right for the country all of this is a bunch of young college kids who don't know nothing about life yet but one day you going to piss a couple crazy people off
2017-02-01 16:54:15 UTC
Sounds great to me
2017-02-01 13:42:00 UTC
It is a decision based on security concerns. If you reduce risk then you reduce cost to the state (i.e. the tax payer). The world is a harsh place, charity does not come into it, its simple economics.
2017-02-01 08:36:20 UTC
I think he should have planned it better and made it clear what to do with people that were lawful US residents and were already approved to come into the country. No, I don't regret voting for him and I would have been fine if a dozen more countries were added to the list. ISIS has expanded to over 30 countries and this is just a temporary ban until he is sure that people from these countries can be adequately vetted.
2017-02-01 04:46:22 UTC
Trump is a dick anyway soo yeah
2017-01-31 23:29:45 UTC
2017-01-31 22:22:23 UTC
My only regret is that it wasn't actually a Muslim ban. Those wretches, aboriginals, and drifters need to stay off our land!
2017-01-31 21:24:19 UTC
Nope :)
2017-01-31 20:35:46 UTC
I support Trump
2017-01-31 19:20:42 UTC
I'm more than willing to replace all those trump supporters with the Muslims and undocumented immigrants. Wouldn't you rather want a group of people who works hard and have a smaller statistic of committing terrorism compared to whitetrash who shoots up the school every other few months? I would.
2017-01-31 19:11:56 UTC
Immigration has been part of policy for a long time and both parties have had something to say about what to do. They have talked about legalization and citizenship for some already here without papers. After the War in Iraq we started to address radical terror and some domestic terror also. Then 9/11 we developed a policy to affect domestic safety. This is some of the background I know.

Trump campaigned on this issue and people voted knowing that it would enhance safety. Trump signed an order to suspend policy until the time It could be reviewed. The conversation is mostly not an issue because he can not change the laws that Obama's administration has made. He can enforce the whole law and in doing that develop a policy and the personnel to implement the policy. To have the conversation he needs to start a continuum of how he is going to work with Obama's administrations Law.

There is no real reason to protest what Obama worked on and at this time the rules remain the same. When you change a law a much greater vote is required and Trump wants to do it the easy way so he will probably make an addendum in the end. So here is the most important thing is that he has started the conversation about safety and that will win. Citizens want to feel safe.
2017-01-31 16:15:01 UTC
ABSOLUTELY NOT, Trump has done nothing different than previous presidents. Obama banned Iraqi's from entering the country for six month during his administration and Clinton called for similar bans during his administration. Athough every one applauded them but they call Trump a racist. Give me a break from the winning and think for yourselves. All these whiny fools are just hypnotized by the media. what a bunch of sheep. Also trumps ban is not a muslim ban there are many muslim countrys that are not banned. These countrys were banned because they have no international identification system in place.This makes it easy for terrorist to sneak through to the U.S.. Get your facts straight people before you start protesting.
2017-01-31 16:04:11 UTC
During world war 2 when Jews were trying to escape persecution from nazi Germany we turned them away. The us was anti-Semitic as well. Henry ford sent hitler money to support him. We didn't take Jews in and they were innocent and didn't behead people. They were in need and weren't violent people but we banned them. So why is it bad that we don't take a people in that are known to hate Americans? Who behead our loved ones?
2017-01-31 15:39:36 UTC
He sure as well hasn't dealt with the cause, only with U.S. foreign policy effects.

So much for him Being ANY DIFFERENT from the other proceeding stooges.

Bankers make vast profits from fueling discontent, regime change, instability, and yet they don't get held to account, along with their enablers up the food chain.

The refugees are fleeing U.S. wars of CHOICE, unleashed under the banner of Project for the new American century. But that part of the equation is ignored, overlooked because the industrial military complex ratchets up its easy profits. Endowes with $, those who don't oppose it.

The refugees are fleeing TERRORISTS who have been bankrolled, trained, to bring about EXCEPTIONALISM, to spread "our values". Than the fake surprise, when they seek sanctuary. Such utter hypocrisy.

Guess who Trump is NOT banning.

Is U.S. going to be any safer than on 9/11? HARDLY. "President Trump shows the same cowardice and dishonesty that infected the Bush and Obama administrations.

The evidence of who is funding and supporting most of the world’s terrorism is overwhelming...

..what Trump’s initial foray into the complex issue of terrorism has revealed is that he is unwilling to take on the real nexus of terrorism, just as Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama shied away..

Trump’s seven-nation list includes Iran, Syria and Sudan as state sponsors of terrorism and Iraq, Yemen, Somalia and Libya as countries where there has been terrorist activity. But the governments of Iran and Syria arguably have become two of the leading fighters against the terrorist groups of most concern to the U.S. and European populations."

Nothing like a fool's paradise!
Vinegar Taster
2017-01-31 15:35:36 UTC
I'd ban anyone coming from Iran , ECT. , these are countries who are hostile to us !
2017-01-31 13:46:31 UTC
When someone knock on your front door, you yell who is there? You do not just yell come on in.

Once the person(s) at your front door identify themselves you might yell come on in or open the door for them to enter.

This is the means you protect your family from being harmed by individuals you do not know.

The same apply for individuals entering a country, you would want to find out who is entering your country so you are able to protect the citizen of our country. Finding out if a person has intentions of harming the citizen of a country is better than allowing a person in to the country and they kill the citizen of the country.

I have no regrets in voting for Trump. He campaigned on limiting immigration. He as well as others see or saw what was happening in Europe.

If you are not able to see that the current enemies of the Untied States has indicated they would send individuals 'to the United States to kill the citizen of the United States and you fail to take action to prevent this, you are not in the drawer with the sharp knives.

You would want to put in measures to prevent the killing of citizen of the United States.

Again I want to use the analogy of inviting individuals to individuals coming to visit your house. You would want individuals that would not want to kill you and your family.

The same applies to people coming to the Unites States, you want to make sure individuals coming to the United States are not coming to kill the citizen of the United States.

If you think the United States should allow any and everyone into the United States, why do you lock your door at night or when you would not be home? You lock your door to keep out unwanted individuals that would do harm to you and your family and steal from you.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2017-01-31 02:30:55 UTC
No, I am furious with Trump along with all the other Utopian Liberal snowflakes. I mean, c'mon, France had massacres in Nice and Paris, the Charlie Hebdo attack, there have been massacres in Brussels...

Why should Europe have all the fun? Bring them here! It gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling cozying up to all these poor refugees.
2017-01-31 01:42:15 UTC
I love his ban. Look no farther than Sweden Germany France Belgium Italy Greece Turkey United Kingdom NY,NY,USA We cant afford to turn into the Middle East. They are behind all the chaos in western societies . I am proud of our President Donald J Trump. And if you feel scared,then good. That makes me even happier.I refuse to live in Islamic hell. I will fight to the end.
2017-01-31 01:10:05 UTC
i wont stop supporting him even if he starts war
2017-01-30 20:33:40 UTC
I think it's a step forward but it's not enough. There should be a ban on all Muslims. Saudi Arabia and Iran get away with killing gays, prosecuting other religions, using the death penalty for those who leave Islam etc because millions of Muslims put pressure on them so do so and enforce monsterous Islam. We should ban all Muslims until Muslim countries stop the atrocities.
2017-03-08 17:36:15 UTC
never ban their saudi business partners so it is all political bs...
2017-02-02 23:38:53 UTC
if you want your children raped n beheaded then by all means let them all in

most are syrian rebels and ISIS.

they are here n growing in power cuz of obama....he is one of them.

Trump will purge the nation of this filth.

when they start bombing daycare centers n matunity wards you will wonder how it happened....

you who wanted hillary and want refugees will pay the family is armed n ready-we will not be victims.

will you let them live next door to you? why not? will you share a room with them? nowhy not?
2017-02-02 18:53:54 UTC
You people are idiots. Thats why we voted for him.
2017-02-02 08:04:01 UTC
I have been voting Democrat for decades....early in his candidacy I considered voting for Trump based on his campaign rhetoric on immigration, trade, muslims etc..... I talked to many people who refused to believe that a man like Trump could win the election. I kept telling them that Trump could win because he was addressing some issues that most "normal" americans care about and are concerned about.

I did not vote for Trump because in the final analysis I had a lot of other concerns about him even though I strongly agreed with him on a few issues.

I Trump exists...because a situation has been created in our country and worldwide that requires Trump.
2017-02-02 04:53:26 UTC
There's a phrase that is usually associated with being in debt, but it applies here too: when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

Too many people have come into this country who should never have been allowed. How many people have overstayed visas, and now can't be located? How many came on student visas, then disappeared, never attending any school?

This is not a permanent ban, it's a PAUSE until our country can get a better handle on who is coming in, where they come from, why they're coming and to make sure there's no risk that they want to do harm to anyone on our turf. It's sad when anyone has to flee their own country for whatever reason, but how does that translate into the US opening its doors without doing some due diligence?

I don't regret voting for Donald Trump at all. Do I wish there were things he says and does that he'd modify, yes. But it's hard to fault someone who wants the best opportunities for his country's people, both natural born and legal immigrants. Anyone who has ever held a leadership position of any kind probably knows the burden of having to make unpopular decisions.
2017-02-01 13:46:11 UTC
I voted for Trump and I am very pleased with all that he has done so far. He is actually taking steps to make us safe. This whole system of people coming here by the thousands was crazy. You could never get a handle on who was actually coming in. The last two presidents were the worst in my opinion and did absolutely nothing to help America. But take a wrecking ball to it. Some aren't aware but this same order was given by Obama in 2011...
2017-02-01 13:35:01 UTC
I think it's a step below the holocaust, but so near the idea...
2017-02-01 12:47:28 UTC
Luv,, Luv President Trump. It's about time we clean up America and throw out the trash
2017-02-01 11:36:32 UTC
They had 3 options. Vote for Trump. Vote for Hilary Clinton or stay at home and do nothing. Its not their fault they voted for crap. Trumps ok at business but he could be the next george bush (disaster zone).
Random Guy
2017-02-01 01:57:58 UTC
Here's a game: Did I vote for Trump?

Winner gets a prize!
2017-02-01 01:01:44 UTC
Trump is doing a great job maybe he's a little to straight foward whith certain things but he's getting stuff done and making a change for the better he will make usa stand tall !
2017-01-31 21:58:41 UTC
Hes our president get over it.
2017-01-31 20:10:49 UTC
Did you know that every president in my lifetime I think has banned immigrants from somewhere. From Iran, Cuba, many other countries, many presidents ban certain immigrants and refugees. It is allowed by the constitution. Stop watching that idiot channel CNN
2017-01-31 17:56:01 UTC
Trump is a example of what is correct for America.Stop the killing by Bad Muslims ,keep them out.
2017-01-31 16:36:34 UTC
If it keeps our women productive , it seems like the anatomically correct thing to do ...
2017-01-31 05:41:53 UTC


“Unfortunately, despite all of our progress against ISIL on the battlefield and in the financial realm, our efforts have not reduced the groups terrorism capability and global reach..."

A good idea for a new President would be a 90 day ban to form a better plan to tighten up security and secure the borders. Oh wait.... He did that! Go Trump!!!
2017-01-31 04:00:13 UTC
Here's a bowl of 1000 m&m's. Three of them are poisonous. Want a handful?
John C
2017-01-31 00:34:26 UTC
Why would Trump voters regret voting for him because of this? He had promised to stop various groups, including illegal immigrants, terrorists and refugees. He hasn't yet done all he promised.

He has not permanently stopped anyone - these are suspensions only. Only when he gets legislation passed to ban all Muslim's from entering the USA will be have done what he originally promised to do. And I doubt that he will be able to get such a law passed.
2017-01-30 19:23:39 UTC
The temporary suspension of refugee asylum while appropriate security measures are put in place is wise. The end of religious discrimination against Christians refugees is moral. You don't support religious tests and discrimination regarding refugees, do you? I sure hope you don't have that hate in your heart. I am glad I voted for him and would have campaigned for him had I known all this would happen. As it was i only campaigned against hillary by posting rants on Facebook.
2017-02-03 19:27:37 UTC
I'll assume that your question is asked in ignorance, not a total lack of ethics.

1) Not a ban. It is a suspension for a period of time.

2) It is not on refugees, it is on refugees from specific countries.

3) It is not on all Muslim countries, and that is not the criteria; it is the amount of terrorism coming out of those countries.

That you do not understand that, I assume is ignorance.

That liberals repeatedly and willfully misrepresent it tells you how unethical they are and why they do not belong in government.

For them the ends justifies the means.
2017-02-02 14:41:34 UTC
Most presidents spend their first month explaining why they can't do what they promised, Trump is delivering. The media would have you believe that the protesters represent the majority, but while they protest, most Americans are hoping he goes beyond his promises.
2017-02-02 05:31:23 UTC
Fantastic 1------------- No 2
2017-02-02 04:21:59 UTC
I guess he put a temp ban on refugees from 7 trouble area countries. I really like that he's giving preference to persecuted minorities (Christians) and no I don't regret voting for him. That's awesome. We have a great new Supreme Court Justice coming on board. We have someone who's not browbeaten by the media but who berates them himself
2017-02-01 20:44:06 UTC
It only last 120 days so they can work out all the problems in the system.. to make sure no terrorist slip through.
Sharon G
2017-02-01 17:09:31 UTC
Go get them.....They need to respect our immigration laws just like our families did before. The Democrats are hypocrites. They are doing this just for political reasons. I like not having a politician in the White House. Hurray for the New President keeping his word, not like all the other politicians lining their pockets.
2017-02-01 06:30:38 UTC
and soon you will be band. he's taking lesson from RUSSIA
2017-02-01 05:13:13 UTC
No. Cause Obama used the same ban 6 times between 2010-2014.
2017-02-01 02:48:34 UTC
he shuld made a Policy which is acceptable for all.
2017-02-01 01:21:54 UTC
I don't regret voting for him, in this case the intent could have been better executed. It is not a ban on refugees, but rather a hold on some areas that the Obama administration determined to be without sufficient order to trust individuals from there. I would like some more countries included. We also need as we have seen some exemptions and upgrades. He promised to do some things and now he is going to do them.
2017-01-31 23:37:33 UTC
i don't like all trump has said or done, especially the way he talks about women. but is insulting people who voted for trump really necessary. i mean, i voted for trump because I, for the most part, support conservative ideas. that does NOT mean i hate liberals, gays, abortion supporters, and many other left leaning groups. it means i have different beliefs than them for a specific or various reasons. i wish we could all come to a truly peaceful agree to disagree. but, honestly, is insulting the other group really peaceful and loving(im speaking to both sides here). in my opinion its not. we cant say we support peace if we cant love those who differ from us in their ideas.
2017-01-31 21:07:49 UTC
This is precisely why I voted for him. I have no regrets.
2017-01-31 20:39:58 UTC
2017-01-31 17:59:49 UTC
I'm so glad you asked this question. Here is my answer, American Liberals should prioritize taking care of "Americans in poverty" over the rest of the world's poor. Currently, thousands of "welfare dependent" American Liberals are demanding that dirt poor foreigners be allowed into the U.S. who would "deplete the welfare" given to America's poorest "citizens." If we invite countless millions of refugees into the U.S. then there will be fewer dollars for the poor people who are already in the U.S. American Liberals need to "fight" to keep the entitlements they already have. Inviting legions of impoverished foreigners into the U.S. is going to increase the rate of homelessness and destitution for Americans who are already living hand-to-mouth. With a $20 trillion dollar debt, how much more money can the American taxpayers afford to give to millions of refugees from other countries. Gen Xers and Millennials are on track to receive none of the Social Security and Medicare they've been paying into for their entire working lives, and you want "legions of poor foreigners" to work here in the U.S.? What practical purpose would that serve given America's current state of financial insolvency? You want more "foreign coolies and serfs" to expand America's underclass.
Ryan M
2017-01-31 17:59:26 UTC
Why would I regret voting for someone for actually fulfilling a campaign promise? 8 years of broken promises from Obammy and suddenly people freak out when one is actually implemented. WOW
2017-01-31 13:57:07 UTC
keep them the **** out of the coutry
Sam Frm E. Coast
2017-01-31 11:23:54 UTC
I support Trump. I am glad he kept his promises. We should have banned Muslims since 9/11 2001. We would not have to deal with all these security checks at airports. We can't even bring a jar of grandma jam with us (we had no check-in luggage) when we flew. All because of Islam/Muslims.

I am thankful to Trump who has guts to do something finally. That is why intelligent people (mostly whites and orientals) voted for him. Not many welfare leeches voted for him obviously.
Mr. Wizard
2017-01-31 06:15:56 UTC
No regrets here. Just because America hasn't seen another epic scale size 9/11 attack from extreme violent terrorists ( being fair by casting aside religious defecations from such terrorists ) DOES NOT MEAN the U.S. will never see such again.

Frankly, I'm amazed the U.S. hasn't seen such an attack this far from the horrific 2001 al-Qaeda attack, helmed by bin Laden.

I still agree with Trump: Until the "war" on Terror is officially ended---the U.S. has to be hard line careful about who gets in to OUR country, be it by temporary visa or by application for U.S. citizenship.

The WW2 Japanese "interment camps" weren't a pretty option---but being ever the fair, civilized nation America is---all efforts to make such camps ABOVE humane standards were successfully made.....and yes....some encamped Japanese-Americans WERE FOUND to be loyal to Japan's Empire as an Axis soverign. And many of these Japanese Empire patriots HAD plans to suicide bomb critically strategic U.S. sites---and this was in the 1940s!!

The divisive protests against Trump are unsettling---however, I also look at them giving Federal law enforcement the catalyst to keep high bar standards aimed at PROTECTING THE U.S. from any terrorist attacks; all it takes is just one to domino fall discredit the Democrat Party led protests.
2017-01-31 00:51:34 UTC
I fully support what President Trump is doing. First of all.

There is NO ban in place. There is only a temporary

Moratorium. There is no need for these snowflakes

reacting the way they are. If your saying refugees are

Immigrants, Your full of chit up to your ears. More then

85 percent of these people have no documents in their

possession that we can source check them through.

So keep their asses where they are.
2017-01-30 06:12:06 UTC
I'm sad he didn't ban more people. We are a nation of legal immigrants and criminals have no place in this country. People from countries hostel to America or at war are worse than illegal immigrants because they are essentially the mata hari. Who the f*** wants a double spy in their country. We need to end all immigration until we can figure out what's going on. And the only thing I regret is that the government can't just take these fake news companies by force. Absorb them like a hostile corporate take over. And I regret all the losers who are listening to them. It's sad to see so many people with such a low iq diluding them self and ruining the country. They are listening to propaganda supporting terrorism and enemies of the USA. They can all get run over by a muslim in a truck for all I care and irony purposes.
2017-02-04 03:04:34 UTC
America is being infiltrated, and has been ..., by radical Muslem terrorists cells ...who are planning /waiting to do " Murder..Death ...Kill " on Americans ~~~especially on helpless, unsuspecting people at public functions.

Tell me ~~if you can ---one single Muslem nation around the whole world ----that is at peace .

There is not a single place on this Earth where Muslems are ----there is not some kind of war going on.....even Muslems against Muslems are being murdered

Wittness Germany...Chancellor Merkel's policies has pretty much changed the German culture , by the large numbers of refugees that have been freely allowed into Germany.

I guess we have all heard about the violence going on there now ....German women being raped ...people killed in other ways at major events there ...small German towns being overwhelmed by sheer numbers of refugees ...causing major disruptions , and violence against the local population ...even the food at local grocery stores is being limited purchase and some items are on the decline ~~such as pork items .

Take a peek at Spain ...France ..Italy---Sweden ...where the refugee Muslems go ---there will be violence ....when their numbers build up ....look at these so called " No Go Zones " where radical Muslims group up in numbers taking over areas of the city...and cops are reluctant to go ....

I , agree with President Trump ---in setting up tent cities / camps , on their own part of the world there.....whatever it takes ---so they have a safe place to stay --til this war is settled.

Water & Oil simply do not mix ...Read their Qur'an book ..I do not call it " a Bible " ...., for to me it is nothing less than a manual -of-war describing in it's many verses ( well over 100 verses ) ways on how to kill me . It is a book of violence ~~to take over all other religions and it's people ..., or finally to kill them..., for all others are considered " Infidels ". .....their idealogy/Shari Law--- does not go well , in any shape,or form with American values, or our Constitution itself..It is the same as mixing baking powder & water together---for they are in direct conflict ~~~, as can be seen easily using the old method of smelling a dead fish with your nose , and knowing about the various violence /incidents/shootings/killings are inspired by this Muslim idealogy and written down in their Quo'ran book .it is not a religion/book of peace ...quite the opposite --being the conquest of all others and religions , as their " religion " commands.

I do not reject immigrants coming in legally....not in the least ---it's just the ones being let in who are intenting to do harm to our country...

President Trump doing what a president , by law & oath ---is supposed to do ---protect America ---that means you and me . It's for a certain time period only ---while they work out better ways of security / vetting immigrants ...especially regions known to be hostile to America..., such as Syria.

President Trump's decision to tighten up on our borders ..., in a time of war~~~is a good common sense approach , in doing his job , as President---to protect American lives ..

Look around the world now more countries are putting up barriers now and turning away the heavy influx of refugees invading their countries in sheer numbers.

Let's all get together on this we can ---and give our President Trump full support .

...Hope this was a good answer for your consideration ....also I believe there are more voters out there who voted for Hillary Clinton ~~~and wished they had not .....I have never wavered in my support for Donald Trump , as millions of others .

Have a nice day .

2017-02-02 19:49:20 UTC
"Intelligent answers"

"Trump supporters"

Choose one.
2017-02-02 18:44:49 UTC
run their *** off ........ GO TRUMP !!
2017-02-02 12:15:17 UTC
Why would we? He's doing EXACTLY what he promised to do. Go Donald!
2017-02-01 21:21:28 UTC
Oh yes
2017-02-01 20:34:37 UTC
Saudi Arabia is no on the list, yet where did all the hijackers come from, as well of course Bin Laden ? Also do not forget which Country is a big U.S. arms importer. And last but not least keeps us in 'Black Gold and Texas Tea ??
2017-02-01 08:25:10 UTC
Too young to vote, old enough to make a decision...I like what Trump is doing so far...
2017-02-01 01:58:45 UTC
It's a good decision, We have too many people as it is and our country's safety needs to be first priority over any foreign nationals. Also, no I do not regret voting for him.
2017-01-31 23:16:49 UTC
I regret the fact that I didn't wipe last night.
2017-01-31 22:34:46 UTC
trump does NOT ban refugees !!!

the UN decides what a refugee is and most leaders in the world wont accept them.

trump banned ANY movement from 7 specific countries. NO ONE, visa owners or not, are not allowed to enter the US.

these are 7 countries obama banned refugees from, trump just took these countries and went even further by completely blocking it.

*personally, im not into bringing in refugees. many of them cause problems and increase poverty in countries they come to.
2017-01-31 22:19:55 UTC
President Trump is doing what we who voted for him hoped for and then some !
2017-01-31 20:15:00 UTC
No I don't regret voting for him. I think he's got the right idea and he wasn't first to deport people from the country. Jimmy Carter did the same thing to Iranians and Shiite Muslims during the Iranians hostage crisis (look it up).

As for Pres. Trump's wall that he wants to wasn't originally his idea...

Watch this -
2017-01-31 18:33:22 UTC
He placed a TEMP ban just like the last 6 presidents have done. Look it up for yourself. So the DEMS were ok with it as long as a DEM president did it. Regret voting for him? Are you serious- He is doing exactly what he ran his campaign on and what AMERICA voted him in to do. Never been more proud of our President!!! Many corrupt people are concerned that they are about to be exposed. Many dems have already left before being exposed. More to follow possibility on both sides of the table. Make America Great Again
2017-01-31 16:51:08 UTC
Very much feel it is the right move. Absolutely no regrets voting for our President.
2017-01-31 16:45:22 UTC
2017-01-31 15:28:54 UTC
Refuge is illegal in the United States. One must enter legally in the United States.
2017-01-31 12:49:40 UTC
Great Idea especially the ban on Muslim countries only went part way should ban all Muslims
2017-01-31 11:36:03 UTC
Are you nuts. Lets be honest for a minute. Your afraid of some Muslims from these countries who have done nothing to the us. Yet your perfectly fine with the 30,000 murders that take place in the us yearly just with guns alone. Makes no sense so that's not the truth or your just stupid. So then your going to blame that on blacks and Brown's right? You people are just cowards fearful that someone is going to take away something from you. How come your all for nra and carrying guns then. Cut the **** and keep it real. Thanks to you idiots we now have billionaires running things completely unqualified mind you. You have f$%%% up for sure. The government is not a business people. So good job giving our country away to the very people who are directly responsible for eroding it in the first place. It wasn't good enough these people control 89 percent of the wealth now they own 100 percent of our government. Say goodbye again to your pensions, Medicaid, and jobs people. Dumb move.
2017-01-31 00:18:56 UTC
all he is doing is enforcing the law, it read no one is allowed to come here to live with out being a citizen. besides who do people think is paying for them for food, money housing etc yes it he tax payer .

anyone can come live here as long as they do the paper work, other wise get in line and do your paper work first
jacob f
2017-01-30 20:34:33 UTC
Of course the security of yourself,your family, and your fellow Americans should be a top priority. Why should we help people who only come to take and try to force us under Sharia law? Shouldn't we make it more of a priority to make sure incidents like San Bernardino don't happen again? Shouldn't we make sure ISIS isn't sneaking in with all these military age refugees?
2017-02-04 18:25:30 UTC
I'm not a Trump supporter, and I'm definitely not an Obama or Clinton supporter. Do you really think that the ban on refugees was just something Trump did to piss off the left? I can see a security threat here, can you?
2017-02-02 22:46:18 UTC
2017-02-02 07:41:15 UTC
I agree with his ideas. I'm leaving the New Democratic Party and becoming a Republican.
2017-02-02 06:04:55 UTC
2017-02-02 02:00:13 UTC
Trump always said that he will make the safety of the American people his top priority
2017-02-01 22:43:27 UTC
Good Idea.
2017-02-01 22:33:58 UTC
2017-02-01 18:49:29 UTC
2017-02-01 13:33:58 UTC
I work in an industry that deals with people from such countries...get off the plane, have an apartment waiting, charities take them to various places for clothes, food, get signed up for food stamps and health insurance and have a vehicle in a week...what about our vets and homeless families who get turned away from agencies because they do not qualify? We have to stop the influx from many places, get this ship back on course and renew last thing, could someone give me the definition of illegal? I seemed to have forgotten the meaning in watching the news and reading articles...
2017-02-01 07:02:45 UTC
That is like a california roll tickling a scuba diver
2017-02-01 04:08:10 UTC
i hope they do
2017-02-01 00:29:06 UTC
I didn't vote for Trump, and I'm not even from America (I'm from Europe) but this just means I can give you unbiased answer.

Honestly, I see nothing wrong with it.

Many countries do it. Especially in Europe.

Having strong borders is really important, especially in the world we live in.

If your fellow American died cause you let anyone in, how would you feel?

President of America should be president for American people FIRST.

That means that safety for Americans should be his top priority, before other people.

There are many people in this world that are unfortunate. But he, as the POTUS, should do what he does, take care of HIS people first, as priority, help them and make them safe.

Really hope this helped, even tho I doubt it.
2017-01-31 15:56:16 UTC
**** them all to death.
Nekkid Truth!
2017-01-31 15:07:54 UTC
Other countries have very strict guidelines on immigration. In many countries, you cannot enter as an immigrant unless you have a valuable, marketable skill.. they don't want the unskilled workers who are able to do min wage type jobs.

Why shouldn't we also have restrictions on who can or can't immigrate here?

Oh we all are descendants of immigrants? Yes, there was a surge in immigration here when there were JOBS. There was a point when there were tons of factories opening up, so immigrants came here seeking work. We don't have enough jobs to support our own people right now, let alone to open the borders to more unskilled workers.

Until we can provide for OUR OWN.. our borders should remain closed.
2017-01-31 14:16:51 UTC
Look to Australia Law regarding deportation all criminal people, back to their roots, cleaning the country, or think about China wall working against Mongolians and Turkish invasion. If the wall is not made in USA, America should be finished in 30-50 years, because afro and latin women will multiply people in USA, getting social security benefits, others should pass the border as until now and think about how many millions of minorities shall get America in few years of socialism era. America needs a strong president as mr. Donald Trump and do not listen to all people blind and stupid. Perhaps some day, all whites should return back to their roots in Europe, but leaving the country in the hands of others, who do not deserve it, should be a global disaster. So, its better for Mexico government to think how to create on the border with Panama, etc. an economic filter, to develop an industrial area, to stop emigrants from other afro and latino countries to invade USA. We are not talking about other countries problems, we care about USA future, who was going under few American presidents in a wrong direction and the time was coming to stop it. If we love how America was before second world war, having a great culture and noble spirit, we have to stop to blame mr. Donald Trump, to stop the socialism propaganda all over of world and to put seriously hand on work.
2017-01-31 06:34:21 UTC
No, banning refugees until we can get an accurate way to evaluate them is a good idea. We already know ISIS isn't afraid of hiding behind human shields and insurgents have been pretending to be regular citizens since the fiasco known as the Iraq War began. If we just allowed them all in the LEAST we could expect is a massive increase in crime and violence against women, exactly what Europe is seeing. Because in Muslim culture woman are sub-human, rape is not considered an overly heinous crime in Islamic courts, it's a part of their culture which is largely still in the Bronze age attitude wise.

Is the situation in the Middle East FUBAR? Yes. Maybe the US should accept responsibility for Bush and Obama and actually clean up the mess, which will eliminate the refugee crisis by default.
2017-01-31 05:33:22 UTC
It's not a ban on refugees it's a ban on Muslims coming from nations that harbor and support terrorists. Duh! It has nothing to do with religious persecution and everything to do with national security, but you don't want American people to be safe do you?
The Engineer
2017-01-31 04:46:30 UTC
Hell yea! You go Trump!
2017-01-31 04:08:08 UTC
2017-01-31 04:06:04 UTC
I think it could have been rolled out a little bit more smoothly. I mean, he could have exempted those who were literally in the air while he signed it. I think he did eventually also apply an exception to Green Card holders, so that's good too. The only other thing I was slightly concerned about was dual citizens, however, US citizens can return despite the order, and non-US dual citizens can go to their non-banned home country, and from there travel here.

As long as all of that is in place, I support it. I don't mean to be an anti-Islamic racist as the media seems to think I am for supporting it. As much as it hurts me to realize that there are so many good people whose lives are literally in danger in their home countries who want to come here for their own safety, we needed a better immigration system. Obama was letting people in faster than we could vet them, and then that equalled terrorist attacks, which equaled American citizens dying.

So, Trump followed a campaign promise that, coupled with his other promises, led to his election. Can you blame him? By not following through, he would lose those that supported his order, while most likely not even gaining those who didn't (they would never choose Trump over a liberal, ever). So, politically, he had to.

And the policy was necessary for our security. Refugees are coming here because it's a safer place with more freedoms and more opportunity. And I think that those whose lives are endangered should be able to come here. But, terrorists? We were not vetting these people well, and ISIS could have so easily sent a few militants. It was time to find a system that could let the good in without the bad. Then, we stay a safe place for Americans and the good refugees. You can't tell me that you don't think we should vet these people, and only let in those who we don't have reason to suspect will kill innocent Americans.

Also, to further help the fact that the order is barring people from entering our country when their lives are at risk, Trump allowed people of persecuted religions (i.e. much more likely to be killed, and statistically less likely to become radicalized) to enter. Because of this rule, many think it is a Muslim ban, but I would like to remind those people that muslims from non-muslim majority countries, in addition to muslims from countries not among the seven Trump used in his executive order (Indonesia, the most populous muslim-majority country, was not banned; neither was Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc.) . And it does make some sense to allow persecuted minorities, whose lives are even more at risk than muslims in the countries from which he paused immigration.

Therefore, in the end, all he really did was pause immigration from countries whose immigrants are more likely to have connections with terrorists than other nations' immigrants until we can reform our immigration system to properly determine who can come in and who can't while keeping our nation a safe place for refugees and Americans alike.
Ron Akia
2017-02-04 22:50:53 UTC
Trump is doing what he was elected to do. He's not banning all refugees, just those we don't want. Let's give him a chance.
2017-02-03 10:43:10 UTC
ill get my dad to deport your curry munching ****
2017-02-03 01:06:02 UTC
like this comment if you like trump.
2017-02-02 18:37:52 UTC
people need to not look to main stream media for the facts and find any other source. I for one agree with the ban on travel for now. trump is smart and hes trying to put the head back on america so we can not act like complete fools and wreck our reputation as land of the FREE and HOME OF THE BRAVE. As for the people whining about the constitutional rights for the foreigners read this (NOTICE HOW IT SAYS CITIZENS OF AMERICA?)> All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law!
2017-02-01 14:39:00 UTC
Best thing I could do! President Trump, a man of his word, doing what needs to be done to keep Americans safe.

All American know that isis terrorists and their like are using the American Refugee Program as one of the ways to infiltrate the United States. God knows, we already have thousands of terrorists here in the USA. We don't even know who or where they all are! So how would YOU protect your family, your Mother and Father, your children?
2017-02-01 14:08:07 UTC
I think it is a great idea. Terrorists must be stopped from becoming mass murderers at all costs. I am not a citizen of the USA, so I cannot vote here. My Americans friends voted for Donald trump, and so would I, if I could vote.
2017-02-01 13:02:05 UTC
I think his ban is great, we can not let people in who we do not know anything about, Isis has said they will infiltrate them with terrorist. Are we that stupid, just look at Europe and see what is going on there. I will never regret voting for him. He has done more in a 2 weeks than most presidents do in a year. Keep up the great work.
2017-02-01 06:17:19 UTC
2017-02-01 04:15:42 UTC
Do you regret voting for Bernie? My vote counted and it is ABOUT TIME we protected ourselves from the surge of Muslim terrorist before it is too late and then there is nothing we can do. Example - France UK and the rest who are bleeding heart liberals!
2017-02-01 02:24:37 UTC
NONE of the countries on the list had any terrorists involved in 9/11 living there. In FACT the CONSERVATIVE Cato Institute Think Tank states that not ONE terrorist has entered the U.S. from ANY country on the list in 40 years. And all the countries that SHOULD be on the list but ARE NOT each have Trump hotels in them. And you call Liberals stupid. You people are not only idiots, you are ignorant to boot. Now let's see how many ignorant morons thumbs down my FACTUAL comment. (Because the only thing Conservatives hate more than minorities is TRUTH!)
2017-01-31 22:48:53 UTC
No regrets whatsoever. Very smart choice.
2017-01-31 20:11:13 UTC
Not in the slightest, people need to wake up and live in the real world, yes there are poor innocent civillians that are dying and its atrocious and they do need help! but opening our borders and letting isis infiltrate us is not the answer, ask yourself this question would you rather be politically correct and run the risk of having one of your family killed in a terrorist attack?
2017-01-31 17:20:37 UTC
Amazing how some people see history as only the last 10 seconds. The President is doing what other Presidents have done in the past - including President Obama, and only applying the current law to do so. Do these nay sayers ever consider the open border policy from the last 12 years and the impact on Americans from just those actions. When we say "my parents immigrated here in19xx" they did so legally, without malice and assimilated to the values and speech of this country and became valued citizens of America. Perhaps you need to look around and see if those same characteristics are prevalent today. Good job President Trump.
2017-01-31 16:47:13 UTC
It's only 7 countries..

Pakistanis are still allowed in.
2017-01-31 14:33:56 UTC
2017-01-31 12:55:34 UTC
Make America great again!
2017-01-31 11:51:41 UTC
Absolutely not. Security for the U.S. is paramount. If previous presidents had this in place the Boston Marathon shooting and the San Bernardino shooting could have been averted. As the latter proves, the ban needs to be extended to ALL Muslim countries and above all, vetting needs to be overhauled. As part of this personal emails need to be scrutinized, as the San Bernardino shooter communicated radical ideas with his wife from Saudi Arabia before she came here.
2017-01-31 04:17:23 UTC
Nope, its a lot better than if hillary won.
2017-01-31 00:38:21 UTC
2017-01-30 22:43:15 UTC
It is fine. There is no ban only extreme vetting which should have always been the case.

Do I regret voting for him? Absolutely not!
2017-02-04 16:49:17 UTC
illegal immigrants need to be gone. Obama let them walk all over america. Tired of paying to feed them.
Teekmeister L
2017-02-02 14:43:49 UTC
I didn't vote for either candidates. At first, I didn't like Trump, but now, I like his ban on immigrants. No more muslims entering our country and that means less potential terrorists.
2017-02-02 00:09:48 UTC
He has common sense. Unlike you.
2017-02-01 18:38:14 UTC
I hate everyone who voted for him
2017-02-01 14:14:34 UTC
I voted for him and I do support his ban on refugees... because we as a a country of let in so many immigrants and refugees the whites are now a minority(which isn't ok) and why should we allow Mexicans we cross the boarders illegally for economic reasons stay in the country or Muslims who scare the **** out of people
2017-02-01 05:54:29 UTC
I didn't vote for him, I voted for Johnson, but Trump was a better choice than Clinton. Had Johnson not been in the race I'd have voted for Trump.

I agree with a temporary ban on immigrants (plenty of presidents, including Obama, have done it) while vetting processes are improved. In looking at the significant problems refugees have caused throughout Europe, I think it's wise for the U.S. to be proactive in tightening the system... considering in 2015 they realized they let like 800 immigrants in with criminal records who slipped through the system, it's a worthwhile thing to investigate.

Trump stumbled into this executive order poorly... he should have held off till he had his cabinet in place and thought the bill through better to avoid travel issues for those who already had visas & green cards. He rushed it and it had unintentional consequences.

The way people reacted, though, was equally ridiculous... you'd think these people were at the firing squads instead of detained at airports or other countries.

No one lined up when Obama had record-breaking numbers of immigrants deported, including turning his back on several hundred Cuban refugees the last couple of months seeking asylum who he sent back to their country. The press barely mentioned it, because this kind of immigration control is perfectly legal and warranted.

The only reason people are in an uproar right now is because Trump is the one who ordered it, and they've whipped themselves up into an irrational frenzy over Trump... same reason they're freaked over the SCOTUS nominee, who they were already planning to protest before finding out who he was.
Free Advice
2017-02-01 05:31:24 UTC
He said he was going to do it before was elected
Mrs Awesomness
2017-02-01 04:37:08 UTC
Darling these are you're asking the same people who voted for the same guy who said, "Grab them by the p****" and called climate change a Chinese hoax. Trust me, you're just going to have a bunch people talking about how Trump will drain the swamp and build a wall, yada yada.
Anne Smith
2017-02-01 03:19:17 UTC
I am very happy I voted for him
2017-01-31 21:45:01 UTC
Not a Trump supporter.
2017-01-31 21:05:45 UTC
2017-01-31 19:03:57 UTC
Oh yes. I regret voting for a president who actually wants to make America. The worst part is that he doesnt want illegal people here. Cant stand him
2017-01-31 13:54:36 UTC
My only regret is that I can't vote for him again until 2020. Not only is this executive order brilliant, but we need to remove any refugees that Obama let in to destroy our country. And Obama should be thrown out as well.
2017-01-31 13:21:41 UTC
Fascism rizing
2017-01-31 13:18:42 UTC
This is my pee pee
Strange Dick
2017-01-31 01:55:39 UTC
2017-01-30 22:34:10 UTC
This is something Obama HOULD have been doing. No, I am HAPPY I voted for I'm.
Kitty 2
2017-01-30 21:31:02 UTC
No I do not regret it.. glad he is taking a step from letting those rag head to come here .. Obama and Hillary would of let them in and they would of done more killing.
2017-01-30 18:44:49 UTC
WTF are you a retard. If you don't belong here don't come here. If you have proper id and valid passport that allows you entry fine.
2017-01-30 17:23:43 UTC
Of course NOT. This is why I voted for him. I knew he would keep his promises. And guess what? He's been in office for 1 week and he's keeping his promises. If you ask me, if he keeps this up, he will most likely MAGA.
2017-02-04 02:29:26 UTC
Nope, dont regret anything.
2017-02-02 10:09:43 UTC
trump not
2017-02-01 22:12:27 UTC
It's nice to see him following thru on his promises. These refugees cannot be properly vetted, and it is known that ISIS will try to send people in under that program. They have done so in Europe already. In addition, most of these people are not refugees. There was an article about someone considering going back to Somalia where he has family. Then how is he a refugee?

These people are just using the program as a way to immigrate to make some money. They are not fleeing anything. Why do the refugees in Europe not stay in Greece or Turkey? Why do they seek to go to Germany, UK, Sweden, Denmark, etc?
2017-02-01 19:56:30 UTC
2017-02-01 18:44:51 UTC
Safety first...for U.S. citizens! I am happy I voted for Trump, even more not that I see him actually taking action on the issues I feel are most important. Trump's immigration program is not a ban, it's a time out so we can, hopefully, figure out how to properly vet them before letting them come here. Obama had a more restrictive policy than Trump's and not one news outlet made a big deal out of it then, nor mention it now. The "Fourth Estate" has become nothing but a rumor mill with extreme bias. I think Trump should ban ALL reporters from the White House, Air Force 1, all press briefings, etc. He can replace them with U.S. citizens from a cross-section of the country who will serve (voluntarily) for a period of time, then be rotated out. They only care about they can get paid more and more; same idea for actors/filmmakers/athletes/politicians, etc. All of their pay rates are obscene. I believe their public position on issues is a function of the guilt they have for taking so much money from the masses for something "they love doing, and would do anyway." Most of the 99% could never say that. I love it when Leonardo and Streisand, etc., lecture us on conservation then take their private jets whenever they travel and keep all of their houses at 72 degrees or lower, even when they are not in residence. They're all a bunch of hypocrites and they're the ones make all of the fuss. As far as abortion goes, I think there should be enforced restrictions on harvesting and selling body parts, and severe penalties for following procedures that allow them to secure higher priced parts (like intact brains). Your local department can provide women's health services far better than PP. All PP does is refer them elsewhere UNLESS they want an abortion. Read up on Margaret Sanger. The founder of the PP "movement" was motivated by the desire to minimize the size of families of immigrants and other poor people who she felt could not properly educate their offspring and would become a drain on societal resources. Talk about racism!!! and genocide!!!!! All of the Trump haters need to revisit their positions and attempt to understand who they are following, and if they truly want to follow them. I think many will choose a different position if they are honest and objective.
2017-02-01 08:36:23 UTC
Only fools against the ban.


"white guilt"

It is WAR, if you cant protect your land, you lose it.

1) Mongols killed 1/4 of the world population. Mongols killed 50% of Chinese.

Genghis Khan's law, Killing a Chinese = killing a donkey.

2) Japan killed at least 30 million Chinese and other East Asian in WWII.

Manila massacre - Wikipedia

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia

3) Ainu people were the first people in Japan.

The so called "Japanese" invaded Japan.

Ainu people were killed or enslaved.

Ainu people - Wikipedia

4) Blacks were the first people in China.

The Yellows came later and killed the blacks.

“There is evidence of substantial populations of Blacks in early China..."

-- K. C Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient China, Yale University Press.

5) Chinese ate and traded in the flesh of Taiwanese aboriginals.

Cannibalism, Wikipedia

In honor of the Little Black People - Taipei Times

(Taipei, the capital of Taiwan)

6) American Indians were not the first people in America.

The first people in America were Australoids.

Luzia Woman - Wikipedia

The Australoids were almost exterminated in the Americas by the Mongoloids.

7) Arabs invaded black Africa

There were 10 to 20 million black slaves in the Arab world.

There were over 80 million Blacks died en route.

Black boys had their scrotums and penises completely amputated.

8) Blacks invaded Spain.

Spanish were enslaved by blacks for 700 years.

Moorish ruled Spain, 711-1492.

Islam in Spain - Wikipedia

Spanish were white slaves and are dark people now.

9) Mongols, Huns, Turks invaded Europe

European army defeated Muslim army at the gate of Vienna.

Siege of Vienna - Wikipedia

10) The percentage of African American serial killers is 40.3%.

Serial killer, Wikipedia

43% of murders committed in the US were committed by blacks.

FBI Uniform Crime reports. 2010-2014.

Chicago: 71% of Murderers are Black

New York, if there are only whites, the murder and rape rates will both go down to 10%.

Race-Based Crime Statistics released by NYPD for 2012

38% of police killers are blacks.

FBI report, Officers Feloniously Killed, Profile of alleged known assailants.

Blacks killed by blacks: 90 percent.

FBI, Uniform Crime Reports data, for 2014

11) Civil wars In Africa, in Asia.


1,000,000 people were killed during 100 days, constituting as many as 70% of the Tutsi and 20% of Rwanda's total population.

Rwandan genocide - Wikipedia

11.2) China

Taiping Rebellion,

20–30 million dead (best estimate).

Highest estimate: 100,000,000 Chinese dead.

Taiping Rebellion - Wikipedia

In a number of Chinese civil wars, Chinese killed over 50% of their own people.

12) The liberals say that whites destroyed the beautiful native cultures.

12.1) Cannibalism

(a) Till 1900, in China, a death row inmate would be chopped into 1000 pieces.

(Death by a Thousand Cuts (book) - Wikipedia)

Lingchi - Wikipedia

Liu was executed by death by a thousand cuts.

Onlookers bought a piece of his flesh for one qian (the smallest currency at the time) and consumed it with rice wine.

Liu Jin - Wikipedia

Yuan was executed by death by a thousand cuts.

Many Beijing residents rushed to buy his body parts so they could eat them as soon as the body parts were sliced off from his body...

Yuan Chonghuan - Wikipedia

(b) When Japanese, Mongols, Manchus inavded China, they all ate human fresh there.

Japs also killed and consumed some American in WWII.

Chichijima incident, Wikipedia

(c) Some Chinese gerenals oredred their soliders

to ate human fresh as daily meal.

Huang Chao used hundreds of stone mortars to grind human flesh.

Massacres in ancient history | The World of Chinese

Huang Chao, , Wikipedia,

Zhu had some 200,000 men, Zhu then encouraged his soldiers to eat women and infants, stating, "Human flesh is the most delicious flesh. As long as there are people around, we need not worry about hunger."

Zhu Can , Wikipedia,

12.2) Human sacrifice

In the New World, human sacrifice continued until the European colonization of the Americas.

The number of persons sacrificed in central Mexico in the 15th century as high as 250,000 per year.

One in five children of the Mexica subjects was killed annually.

In China, human sacrifice continued until Manchuria conquered China.

(Manchus ruled China for 300 years till 1911.

Manchu conquest of China - Wikipedia)

Human sacrifice - Wikipedia
2017-02-01 08:05:32 UTC
Blind to or of Hestia?
2017-02-01 03:05:39 UTC
I don't know
2017-01-31 22:45:07 UTC
Dump trump
2017-01-31 19:42:54 UTC
This notion opposes all America stands for freedom of religion and faith and direct attack and small talk and abuse of any minority which includes immigrants is against constitution and against freedom and democracy and is subject to endorsement and should be prosecuted by supreme judges.
2017-01-31 17:48:53 UTC
2017-01-31 16:07:26 UTC
every country in the world has borders, this isn't, not yet anyway, a world of world wide citizens, each country has its own borders, laws, rules et al

when and American wants to live in another country or even apply for citizenship, he has a routine to comply with, he might be very restricted to what he can do, so who are these idiots who say my casa is su casa? if this is the case then let that idiot take care of the ones he welcomes --in his home, at his expense et al
2017-01-31 15:41:17 UTC
yes, i regret voting for this idiot
2017-01-31 09:46:27 UTC
Everyone is acting as if this is the first time there has ever been a ban! I assure you it's not, and this one is for one of the better reasons. His goal isn't to stop immigration completely, he just wants to make sure the ones who get to come in aren't planning to use that privilege to kill a bunch of people. It seems pretty logical to I'm sure it does to anyone mourning someone lost in any of the all-too-many radical Islam terrorist attacks we've had thus far.
2017-01-31 05:52:54 UTC
Absolutely not.

First, there is no "ban" and it is not against Muslims but all persons from specific countries.

And what it is doesn't violate laws or American values and has been done in the past.

2017-01-31 03:53:20 UTC
Nope I think he is not doing enough !!!!!!
Mir Quasem
2017-01-31 03:17:32 UTC
They should regret.
2017-01-31 02:28:51 UTC
This ban was beyond excellent. Militarizethe police, more security, we all safe from thse refugees. No more terrorism
Jeff D
2017-01-30 05:24:57 UTC
It's a temporary ban, and only from a few countries; and it's exactly what Trump said he'd do during the campaign, so why would any Trump supporters regret it?
2017-01-30 05:09:40 UTC
They do not care. They aren't Muslim so why should they.
2017-02-02 17:22:20 UTC
Nope not one bit. We have war veterans that are homeless, jobless and who get the absolute worst medical care. And they are the ones who fought for this country. My opinion we need to take care of them before taking care of the illegals.
2017-02-02 09:18:41 UTC
I am all for it and yes I voted for him!
2017-02-02 07:52:52 UTC
They are not refugees in many ways. $10,000 to reach the U.S. is enough to start a business there. So the poor starving story does not work. They for most part seem to economic oportunist. Willing to take advantage of a bad situation. When they could stay home & build there Country. Also America is running out of water. So why add to that burden? There are more good reasons to say NO. Than yes.
2017-02-01 19:38:41 UTC


2017-02-01 18:13:33 UTC
send those camel riders home
2017-02-01 02:16:21 UTC
Raymond P
2017-01-31 21:49:26 UTC
No! He is doing what Obama should have done some time ago. That is why we voted for him. To put a stop to the flood of "Refugees" pouring into our country and the illegal immigrants who sneak up through the southern border and take jobs from us. I am not talking of the educated people from Asia who are our doctors and Technologists and Entrepreneurs who create jobs for us.
2017-01-31 21:49:12 UTC
I think trump is taking the right safety precautions and measures to keep our country properly functioning and working. Many people are over reacting ( in my opinion) The media seems to portray trump as some terrible monster. If nobody can recall, let me refresh your memory. Obama did something very similar to this.
2017-01-31 19:01:32 UTC
2017-01-31 15:37:22 UTC
they should have dun that when Bush was in charge... what took so long ???
2017-01-31 14:48:49 UTC
NO, those people do not have a right to be here
2017-01-31 13:04:17 UTC
Nope. Do you regret voting for Hillary?
2017-01-31 12:53:59 UTC
mohammed ibrahim
2017-01-31 08:38:33 UTC
i am trump supporters,but i ai'nt not regret voting for him.
2017-01-31 04:49:04 UTC
2017-01-31 02:58:28 UTC
Nah. They should ALL be banned and the moose-slums already here should be kicked out.
2017-01-31 02:22:07 UTC
Regret? very funny! No, I don't.

I am totally 100 percent behind President Trump. Take our country back! Make American Great again.

Obama did not know how to make America great. He had failed us. no good.
2017-01-31 00:48:16 UTC
Regret? Not at all. Trump is only doing it for 90 days. And to the exact same countries that Obama banned for 6 MONTHS. If anything do you regret voting for Obama?
2017-01-30 18:16:08 UTC
2017-01-30 16:59:25 UTC

Shes providing a safe place in here......
2017-02-02 02:22:10 UTC
I see no reason for a political debate because I'm just not into politics everyone has their good and bad sides we are stuck with the man for the next four years yes I will admit there are others who voted for him only because of who he is not what he can do everyone does not think the same as others do but I think we should all respect each other's opinions
2017-02-02 01:40:19 UTC
2017-02-02 00:24:44 UTC
If you want an intelligent answer, first you have to ask an intelligent question.
2017-02-01 22:07:42 UTC
One of the reasons I voted for Mr. Trump is he promised to keep Muslim scum out of this country.
2017-02-01 18:20:09 UTC
2017-02-01 14:26:16 UTC
Your so lucky? i'm not American I'm british but I don't understand what your all moaning about. Refugees are dirty scrounging people who just take take take and rape rape rape, in Britian reports are coming in everyday about them raping teenage girls and women. Trump is right on this one so just shut up and count your blessings
2017-02-01 04:48:12 UTC
2017-02-01 01:38:38 UTC
It was only 7 countries you ****. Obvious troll.
2017-02-01 00:51:43 UTC
What are 'refugees'? They can comprise of blacks, browns, whites, or yellows. do you mean 'muslim' ban or refugees of any race?
2017-01-31 21:42:16 UTC
No i dont regret it and the ban is good
2017-01-31 20:34:57 UTC
All the comments on here supporting this man makes me realize how IGNORANT the president and his "people" are. This country is made up of immigrants clearly but instead a wack *** white man is claiming THE LAND OF NATIVE AMERICANS as his land when it's written all over the history books that this land was stolen from Native Americans. Even your president comes from a German immigrant family.
wave soul surfer
2017-01-31 19:45:20 UTC
It's not a ban although some people are obsessing on Trump's & the media's erroneous use of the word. The law merely strengthens the Obama policy (only countries from the Obama policy are included) and ensures temporary visa visitors from these nations are thoroughly vetted before being allowed entry. Are you really asking if this Obama policy tightening makes Hillary suck less!!?
2017-01-31 17:15:05 UTC
May Be Or May Be Not
2017-01-31 16:52:31 UTC
trump and the world is a mess
2017-01-31 12:15:35 UTC
Is this a surprise for you? This is one of the things he talked about during his campaign. I didn't vote for him but I don't really see this as a bad thing. Look at the trouble they are having in Germany because they took in so many "refugees" they don't want to work, they want free money, food, homes, health care. No country has the money to support people who won't contribute. So many of these refugees are criminals. We can't take care of our people. They should stay in their own country and fight for what they want just like our forefathers did. The problem in the world today is people want stuff handed to them and they don't want to work for it.
2017-01-31 05:29:22 UTC
2017-01-31 01:43:57 UTC
Don't regret voting for donald trump. The foreigner has to remember it's privilege to be in my counrty. Just like itsome privilege for me to be in Japan,Europe, China so on. The foreigner has no right to be in my country unless they went through the proper channels to obtain citizenship. It's NOT A RIGHT OF FOREIGNER TO DEMAND TO BE IN MY COUNTRY. THE FACT THE FORIENGR OF ANY COUNTRY THAT VISIT MY COUNTRY THE U.S. IS A I QUOTE ( PRIVILEGE TO VISIT). NOT A RIGHT.
2017-01-30 21:31:23 UTC
I believe it's a grand idea. If we Americans, God forbid, had to tuck tail and run from our homeland because of a losing Religious war, which Countries do you think would welcome us with open arms as we came pouring in by the thousands? It wouldn't be long before that came to a screeching halt, and some type of restrictions and or regulations were put into place. Look, Americans have a good life and are spoiled to the core. I see why people are attracted to this place. I also understand trying to make a better life for yourself, but politicians have been crapping on the people born and raised here for years. Making a better life for themselves. Mr. Trump sees that! I feel relatively safe here. I use to feel very safe.
2017-01-30 20:23:26 UTC


we got a ban of moozies wanting entry here going on a week,,2 weeks?


shaddup gway
2017-01-30 05:14:27 UTC
I fully support the ban.

One main reason why he was elected.

God bless Trump.
2017-02-03 19:34:16 UTC
Not the slightest
2017-02-03 16:04:01 UTC
I am all for it. Too many of these people plan to commit terrorist acts if they come here. It is not worth the risk of allowing potential terrorists to enter the country. Such a ban will save many lives. I voted for Trump against Hillary. Thus far, he is doing even better than I had expected.
2017-02-02 13:47:48 UTC
No don't regret voting for him at all. Wish I could have done like the Dems. and voted for him twice. What is it about the word illegal don't you idiots understand.
2017-02-02 04:03:58 UTC
When you move into a new flat, the flat might not be brand new - but new to you.

It also needs a sweep / clean.

What's the difference?
2017-02-01 23:23:13 UTC
I have never been more proud to be an American. No regrets at all!
2017-02-01 20:34:25 UTC
I voted for him and I'm totally fine with it. It was Obama's plan to begin with, he made the list. I do hope we will create a much stronger vetting process for those coming from Islamic countries. They made their bed now they have to lie in it
Jordanian Sunnis
2017-02-01 02:49:58 UTC
The Russians voted for us.
2017-02-01 02:03:13 UTC
When Israel, Australia, New Zealand and Canada have borders as porous as ours and don't enforce on the books immigration laws, then I may feel a smidgen bit guilty for voting for Trump.
2017-02-01 00:48:08 UTC
Part of his promises kept.

Obama is lame compared to Trump.
2017-02-01 00:00:29 UTC
Honestly, I'm sort of impartial to the issue. I think Trump carried it out horribly, he shouldn't be signing executive orders left and right. I also think that no one is recognizing a primary source for all the refugees. Obama bombed the crap out of these middle eastern countries, contributing to a refugee crisis and leaving Trump to pick up the pieces. Just look up the data, Obama ordered 1000+ Afganistan drone strikes in 2016 alone. That's just in Afganistan, in total he used 10 times more drone strikes than Bush did.

I'm not trying to excuse or justify Trump, but it's only fair to point out that Obama has caused a major part of the refugee crisis. But I also want to call out Trump's administration for using Obama's 6-month travel ban as a scapegoat. You can't justify your actions by just saying "well he did it." That's never an acceptable answer in any situation in life.

I know this question was targeted towards Trump voters, but I figured I'd give a more honest in-between answer than the others that are commenting straight from the far left and far right. I was a Republican before the election and was going to vote for the nominee had it not been Trump. I voted for Gary Johnson instead. Still proud of that vote, seeing how both sides continue such a pitiful childish fight.
2017-01-31 21:56:34 UTC
No I do not regret voting for Trump, he is a thousand times better for POTUS than that scumbag illegal alien muslim piece of **** hussein 0baba, or that lying BlTCH piece of $hit hillary.
2017-01-31 21:22:38 UTC
2017-01-31 21:00:19 UTC
First, your question contains a false premise of what's actually contained in the executive order. There are seven countries where more vetting is needed than is currently available. Those countries were identified by intelligence agency work done under Obama. They are the seven most dangerous countries. Why stop at seven? If you read the report there's a notable drop off in "dangerous" activity between country seven and country eight on the list. It's the 80/20 rule. So those seven were chosen to halt until vetting can be improved.

Do I regret that a few people may be inconvenienced, harmed or even killed because of this? Yes. Would I change it? No. It makes no sense to allow people from these countries to freely enter our country when our current system doesn't allow us to properly weed out the extremists.

For example, five of the seven countries have laws that prescribe the death penalty for being gay. It's lovely that everyone wants to be compassionate, but you must also reconcile that compassion against the values of our country. How can you support the gay community on one hand but not weed out extremists from these country?

You see... there are problems with "the left" position of "we love everybody." That's great that YOU love everybody but you must recognize that some of the people you love want to kill other people you love.
Fan of Reductio ad absurdum
2017-01-31 20:13:57 UTC
does not go far enough. need to ban muslims permanently.
2017-01-31 19:59:26 UTC
No, I don't regret voting for him
2017-01-31 19:23:06 UTC
He is dumb !
2017-01-31 12:22:20 UTC
I support it, why don t they go to Saudi....
2017-01-31 10:50:19 UTC
Foreign exhcange rates
2017-01-31 02:00:24 UTC
I'm one of the Trump supporters and I think Trump's ban on refugees is a good idea. Just look to Germany and France and how their refugees turned around and murdered innocent citizens. Those countries regret letting the refugees in. We will regret letting the refugees in too. An outsider might think that American Liberals are always focused on the victims. This is wrong. Liberals are always focused on destruction. Are the Liberals in France and Germany apologizing for letting in the refugees who murdered their citizens? No, and yet the Liberals are the ones who welcomed the refugees in.
2017-01-30 17:36:20 UTC
he is keeping his promise to make america safer. someone should've done this long ago, before hundreds of innocent people got slaughtered by terrorists. and it's not forever, only long enough for him to make a more long term plan to stop terrorism to our beloved country. he's a mover and groover and has america's safety and repair in his every move. if people can't see thru his brashness and tweeter's fingers, they are blind. let him do his job however he can figure out to do it. he has good people all around him. TRUST them to bring better things to our country
2017-02-02 18:54:30 UTC
2017-02-02 13:16:51 UTC
My dad is black
2017-02-02 00:08:18 UTC
I wish that President Trump would close off ALL immigration from all countries. We can't even feed, clothe, and house the people living here now. We have homeless people living in the streets as proof. We need to deport ALL illegals and everyone with a middle eastern background. They do not fit in with our way of thinking and do not intend to assimilate. They intend to conquer us. Anyone from that religion can not be allowed to stay. They ALL must go. Read the koran and you will see for yourself.
2017-02-01 20:05:27 UTC
*sigh* The selfishness
2017-02-01 08:27:56 UTC
I think it was a very bright idea considering crimes in Sweden and Germany are on the rise after they welcomed refugees into their countries.
Steve P
2017-02-01 04:10:57 UTC
It's not a ban, it's a temporary freeze. Don't fall for lies.
2017-02-01 04:01:50 UTC
Not yet, just look at what has happened to other countries that have let refugees in.
2017-02-01 02:15:24 UTC
kicking illegals out? awesome
2017-02-01 00:28:00 UTC
2017-01-31 22:22:04 UTC
2017-01-31 21:53:05 UTC
Its the same thing Obama did in 2011.

I think of it as a house: you gotta put locks on your doors because people have to ASK to enter your house. When there is danger on the streets, folks are warned to close their blinds and keep their doors locked. Refugees will be able to come here but not until we figure out where the enemy is.
2017-01-31 15:56:11 UTC
Glad he did it, I do not regret voting for him #makeAmericasafeagain
2017-01-31 13:47:25 UTC
no no no
2017-01-31 10:56:55 UTC
It about time someone stands up to the so called poor people claiming to be migrants are terrorists not all but some are after Paris Germany even the U.S.A.are now vetting all But those who live in the country also be checked but alloa 2 stay
2017-01-31 04:13:51 UTC
2017-01-31 01:41:57 UTC
I couldn't vote this election but this is what I believe.

Trump's executive order was a good idea. But what I think is that it wasn't correctly executed.

He never specified that Green Card holders and Visa holders and US allies should be able to come in. I used to be pro refugee but now understand that it is a huge risk by looking at Europe.

Trumps order = Good Idea, Badly Executed
2017-01-31 01:22:59 UTC
I think it's hilarious that libtard predictions that he would let us down were once again wrong.
2017-01-31 01:13:28 UTC
Well im glad congress had a stop on it because they were not letting pernament residents in. Just because they are Muslims or any other culture. I mean yea illegal immigration is understandable but people who are legally here like wtf. Trump was violating the constitution because of the first amendment of the constitution. Yes I do agree with them putting a stop on them not the residents
2017-01-30 22:36:48 UTC
These so=called refugees, for the most part, have already bred themselves into oblivion in their home countries so now they seek refuge in the USA where it is highly likely they will continue their irresponsible breeding practices. It is even more alarming because in the USA, it is now lawful in many places to murder (abortion) innocent and helpless babies as soon as they are born simply for the reason the mother is too worthless to inconvenience herself by providing for her progeny. It is truly said that necessity is the mother of all creation and these people need to learn how to provide for their own destinies in their own countries and cease to seek to impose their philosophy and practices on American citizens.
2017-01-30 20:58:06 UTC
I'm glad now that I did. I was worried he was all talk and no action, you know another Obama. I hope all these protests keep up because the more these same idiots scream about this action or that action that Trump takes the more they are finally exposing themselves for what they really believe. They are just going to keep adding people to the Trump camp that see they want nothing to do with the idiots on the left.
2017-02-04 04:48:47 UTC
The nations he listed are the ones Obama identified as the problem nations,
2017-02-03 07:07:09 UTC
He will be impeached on some sort of previous businesses dealing... Watch and see
Marty Burnett
2017-02-02 14:54:37 UTC
Trump is not banning illegal immigrants he banning people who have applied legal to be in the USA. YES I am sorry I supported Trump!!!! To date we have had 123 people killed last year in so called terrorist attacks, but we have had 240,000 USA citizen murdered in this county last year.
2017-02-01 20:48:47 UTC
Build the wall
2017-02-01 20:39:05 UTC
Stupid regrets nothing.
2017-02-01 17:41:01 UTC
BUILD THAT WALL - finally a real President who loves America and is going to get stuff done instead of making a world "apology" tour like pres. Osama did.

Get a life protesters - America doesn't want your borderless, Godless, genderless society and of course the lib media makes it look like Americans are outraged when in fact a vast majority want the wall and travel bans.
2017-02-01 15:13:49 UTC
I love it.
2017-02-01 07:06:24 UTC
I love it! The only problem is it should be for at least 8 years instead of a few months.
Thunder Thunder
2017-02-01 05:55:19 UTC
2017-02-01 04:51:44 UTC
there is no room for anybody else. Why would they keep bringing people in when we are already over populated!?!
2017-02-01 03:55:42 UTC
Republicans have no idea what you're talking about. These people can't comprehend climate science or biological evolution but insist that the story of the talking snake and two naked people is an accurate account of events.
2017-02-01 03:38:38 UTC
I voted for Trump, I love him, and I love what he is doing. The United States Government has been corrupt since the 60's, and Trump is cleaning house and putting an end to the bullsh!t. I'm loving every minute of it.
2017-01-31 23:29:37 UTC
It's impossible to recieve intelligent answers from trump supporters.
2017-01-31 23:00:49 UTC
Have you forgotten the choice we had? It was a resounding vote for anyone but hillary - except California, which has a short memory. I was for bernie, loved obama, although he seemed not himself toward the end, like hillary was using her begged, borrowed and stolen money to force herself on America. Good riddance. No trump is not ideal, but anyone or anything is better than those geriatric grifters who have been dividing America for their own ambitions since the 90's, never mind the effect on the country. Who does that?
2017-01-31 20:36:43 UTC
Trump is your president.If you think otherwise pick another country, any country but GTFOOH.
2017-01-31 15:07:24 UTC
Love it. No.
2017-01-31 14:54:33 UTC
Hmm. Intelligent answers only. If you are liberal there are few conservative answers you might consider intelligent. There is nothing in the Constitution that forbids barring any segment any alien population. Refugees don't want another country. They want the one they had. They can't get that here.

It is expected that people who want to come to America want to be Americans. That is what is wrong with refugees. They don't get to force their own culture on the host. If you want to come to America you have to respect American law.

The reason we have a Constitution and a President is to defend our nation against all threats foreign or domestic. You can not expect people who actually support the Constitution to oppose preventing foreign influence from destroying the nation and the domestic tranquility, which by the way is one of the purposes for ordaining the Constitution.
2017-01-31 04:44:36 UTC
I voted for Trump. To answer your question, there are three ways to look at the ban:

1) Is Trump incorrect legally from making the ban? According to 8 U.S. Code 1182 Inadmissible Aliens: (f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President: Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

So he apparently has the legal right to do what he did.

2) Is the ban morally wrong because it targets Muslims? Out of the entire Muslim world, only seven countries are being "targeted". Which means Muslims are still welcome to travel to the U.S. In fact, when you look at the entire Muslim world, far more Muslims are allowed access into the US than are denied. So the ban isn't against Muslims.

3) Is the ban morally wrong because it's against an ideology? According to Pew and Rasmussen polls, Muslims in those seven countries prefer Sharia Law as a governing body over any other law - to include the US Constitution. With how vastly different Sharia Law is to the US Constitution, and considering that these refugees are not coming to the US to assimilate, President Trump has an obligation to protect the American people from such ideologies.
2017-01-31 02:38:59 UTC
I think it should be permanent. Not just on these 7 countries but ALL non white countries. White people are safe. they are not terrorists. We don't have to worry about someone from switzerland, Germany, or Iceland attacking us. I don't want some sand n*gger blowing up my family
2017-01-31 02:08:29 UTC
i don't regret it that was one of the things i was hoping he would deal with. I however like some other don't like the idea of him using executive orders like i have been hearing. I didn't like Obama doing it and i certainly won't make an exception for Trump.
2017-02-04 16:17:57 UTC
Doesn't Trump realize most elderly couples were not born in this country?
2017-02-04 06:03:57 UTC
No sir, he banned Muslims, I would ban all type of minorities. Beside hatred and racial tension, there is nothing positive with him. I am minority myself.
2017-02-02 19:18:43 UTC
2017-02-01 14:20:23 UTC
Trump is going to get more done in his presidency than anyone. He wasted NO time addressing problems we have had in this country and continues to do so without worrying about stepping on toes. He's doing what our country needs MAKING AMERICA FIRST.

Now if he can address the illegals here who drive brand new fancy cars while they draw government assistance for their KIDS going to our schools. So sick of hearing how "little money they make". I know better
2017-02-01 00:56:34 UTC
Think about it like this. You have a jar of M&Ms and you know that in the jar of M&Ms there are a few poisonous ones. You wouldn't go ahead and risk eating them anyways right? So what I'm trying to say is, are all Muslims bad? Absolutely not but with recent events, we can't risk more terrorist attacks and deaths occurring and unfortunately, it just so happens to be that many terrorist attacks that are happening are by the hands of Muslim people. I do not regret voting for Trump at all, I in fact think we need someone like him to take charge and do whats right for the nation. I do feel bad for the Muslim people that are innocent in all of this, but at this point we need to stop sparing peoples feelings and just need to do whats best for this nation and will keep us safe
2017-01-31 23:24:44 UTC
I supported Obama's ban on Iraqi refugees

I support Trump's 90 day moratorium, and very strict vetting of Syrians, encouraging other arab nations to help, make safe zones in Syria
2017-01-31 20:41:01 UTC
2017-01-31 20:18:45 UTC
Trump made a good choice. His immigration ban not only reduces the amount of jobless immigrants who get welfare all the damn time with our tax money, it also prevents us from being blown the f*ck up all the time.
2017-01-31 19:41:11 UTC
Send them ALL back, Saudi Arabia has plenty of room for them !!!
2017-01-31 19:12:43 UTC
I seriously doubt it was votes that won Trump just same with Bush( Florida Facade), its has to be 2 terms Democrats the 2 terms Republicans its a must, that's how Intellgencia/ Illuminati control the States most people are such simpletons and slave of the system that they can't even see a simple truth right in front of them, instead they would argue and fight to protect it.
2017-01-31 19:06:50 UTC
It's aight
2017-01-31 19:00:50 UTC
Well it Is a little concerning
2017-01-31 18:28:31 UTC
F*** Refugees Trump 4 life.
2017-01-31 17:48:41 UTC
As a black man I think it's great.
2017-01-31 13:52:49 UTC
I live in the UK so could not vote for him. I would not even if I was a US citizen, neither would I have voted for Clinton. I am also a Christian and have no ties with Muslims although I do have a couple of Muslim friends and they are not terrorist. In fact they live and breath Great Britain.

Trump's ban in my opinion is totally idiotic.

He is denying genuine Muslims' the right to enter the US simply because of an extremely small minority of Muslim terrorists.

He need to get his act together pretty darn quick.

He is already alienating himself and the USA from a great many countries, not all of which are Muslim countries. The number of demonstration against him and his policies around the world, especially Europe is staggering and it goes to show what the world thinks about him.

He is in charge of arguably the most powerful country in the world and I cannot, for the life of me, understand why Trump and Clinton could have been selected to run for the Presidency, let alone getting into the White House.

What on Earth were the American electorate doing?

guy who hates polygamy
2017-01-31 13:17:30 UTC
i say very good it keeps the US from turning into Germany.
2017-01-31 03:39:24 UTC
I proudly voted for Trump. As far as I'm concerned, the only bad news is that he can only be president for 8 years. As of right now, this has renewed the pride I have in my country. It just keeps getting better and better. In spite of what the left says, the majority of Americans support the travel ban.
2017-01-30 22:44:13 UTC
If he did nothing and we had a terrorist attack you know 100% that the whole gang of nuts would be going crazy. It is better not to have a terrorist attack and just have the nut go crazy for nothing .
2017-01-30 21:07:30 UTC
"Only intelligent answers please and answer only if you voted for Trump."

With that restriction, there should be no replies to this question, LOL!
2017-01-30 05:38:00 UTC
Not at all. I support it fully. Look at what happened in Quebec. That dude that shot up the mosque was a refugee that was from one of the seven countries, forget which, and if Trump didn't put up those bans, that would have been on our borders. Now that it was on Canada's side, maybe the progressive idiot Trudeau will support Trump in fighting multiculturalism and diversity just for the sake of having it, and fight the refugee floods and ISIS itself.
2017-02-03 06:31:02 UTC
Not for one minute! I'm for the most part happy with what he has done so far! I wish he would declare ENGLISH to be the OFFICIAL language of this country. I do feel bad for people who had been vetted and then couldn't come even though they

had all their papers approved.
2017-02-02 01:48:47 UTC
Absolutely I do NOT regret voting for Trump... it's about time we have a leader that's taking care of us for a change. No offense to refugees, but Trump is offering to help them "over there".... If you'd been paying attention, we can't vet the refugees to stop terrorist, but it's always been the case, and we've been lucky we haven't had more problems.
2017-02-01 23:23:18 UTC
One piece so far I disagree with The Republicans on it's Marijuana Laws and Corporate America and Special interests Group Running the people thru the Government. We've turned into a Dictatorship and losing our freedoms. That's do to resent day Immigration. Sorry too say, Muslim Radical beliefs. I am an Independent and will vote differently if Republicans go to Extreme. We must stop Tit for Tat on all said along with Fake news. It's a danger too all
2017-02-01 23:00:28 UTC
Trump 2017
2017-02-01 17:49:10 UTC
This is partly why I voted for him in the first place. I don't care about refugees. Do you remember 9/11? How about the Boston Marathon Bombing? Or any other terrorist attack done to us Americans? How about our tax dollars that help them out, but not our fellow veterans? I'm not saying all refugees are dangerous. I just don't want to take the risk, nor do I agree with the special treatment they receive just for being a refugee. It's like oh, he's a refugee. Here's handout after handout after handout. Oh, you're am American citizen... Good luck with that. No special treatment for you!
2017-02-01 17:43:00 UTC
No. The Democrats are doing a great job of conflating national security with racism and constitutionality. Emma Lazarus did not write "Send us your tired, hungry bomb throwing America-hating maniacs yearning to kill people"
2017-02-01 16:43:56 UTC
Yes of course
2017-02-01 07:35:14 UTC
No and here is why. The ban is only for effect for 90 days. (3 months), and it is only for specific countries. This is to give him and his staff time to clean up the immigration policies that have allowed or could allow Islamic Extremists from entering the country. Considering what has happened in other countries this is about security of the country and protecting it's people. Take Germany, it has rape gangs of muslim "refugees" or immigrants. They didn't vet their immigrants properly and have so called "refugees" coming in claiming they are teenagers when they are obviously full grown adult men. They did this to get in the country as the government there are not allowed to refuse any women or children. Then we have the rape gangs, the violent attacks from them in all the other westernized countries in Europe.
2017-02-01 06:12:34 UTC
We need help ourselves, not others, live well in this country.
2017-02-01 05:46:10 UTC
Sorry dude there isn't a ban on any thing except maybe your ability to think on your own..............................
2017-01-31 20:06:26 UTC
No. I rather him than Hillary.
2017-01-31 19:47:10 UTC
No I don't regret it. Muslims believe in destruction, domination, and violence. I'm sorry to be so blunt and honest but it's what they are born and raised to believe. They hate anybody who isn't muslim and want to kill them. Considering the United States isn't an islamic country muslims do not belong here. Look at other countries that have aloud muslim refugees in. I'm not saying all people from middle eastern countries are bad people, but whether people want to admit it or not muslims are evil people and don't belong in civilized societies.
Barry T
2017-01-31 18:11:29 UTC
The couple hundred complained about being inconvenienced. I've been inconvenienced since 911 going through TSA lines and not getting through on interstates thanks to cry babies protesting
2017-01-31 12:09:57 UTC
Dead on
2017-01-31 03:06:29 UTC
Not at all. The problem is not Trump, but the liberal media and liberal uneducated radicals who can't discern the difference between a travel ban due to religious discrimination versus a 90 day travel ban on 7 countries that are known for producing the highest quantities of radical jihadists to give the government some time to design a vetting system to keep our families safe.
2017-01-31 01:53:28 UTC
I voted for him and I am glad for the Muslim ban. It is one of Trump's Campaign promises. No I do not regret anything.
2017-01-31 00:38:01 UTC
I didn't vote for him but I an sure there are supporters who do.
2017-01-30 23:49:42 UTC
No regret at all. Ban them all.
2017-01-30 22:12:04 UTC
I still support Trrump. Muslims don't belong here. There's only room for one group of terrorists in this country....and that's our government. America is the nastiest fighting country in the world....remember WW2
2017-01-30 05:15:15 UTC
No I don't' regret voting for him.

He isn't doing anything that Obama hadn't done with Syrian refugees in 2011, when Al-Qaeda terrorists were found living as refugees in Kentucky. Gee where were all the protests then?
2017-02-03 20:38:53 UTC
Not banning refugees. I love it and we should expand it to include countries like China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, all countries in Africa, Haiti, Pakistan, any country that ends in stan and so on and so on.

I do not regret voting for him and think, so far he has done a great job.
2017-02-03 05:40:43 UTC
Not necessarily regret but I don't know if it's the right approach because it might make potential terrorists hate America even more because now they may think America hates Islam, etc.
2017-02-01 21:47:50 UTC
Turkey and Jordan have taken in lots of refugees but our supposed ally Saudi Arabia has not taken in any nor have the other oil rich emirates. Those countries are in the Middle East and should take some in before we do. What about the largest Muslim countries like Indonesia and Malaysia shouldn't they take some in before we do? The United States cannot solve all of the world's problems and since this is a problem caused by Islamic countries fighting each other the ones who have not taken in any should do so before we do. We have already taken in thousands before Obama left office. We can take our fair share but let some of those big Muslim countries who have done nothing do their part. first.
2017-02-01 19:49:27 UTC
S h
2017-02-01 14:52:12 UTC
I think he is doing what he said he would do ... no rhetoric just action.... I would like to see a little more prep work first... its easy to sign an executive order but have a well laid out plan before it's executed,,,, I think most of the objection to this was that there was little to no notice and IT SEEMS Home land security didn't have time to prepare and have a clear objective to screen these 109 people that were detained.. but sounds now like they are back into society with little more than an inconvenience of a little more questioning.... and this isn't a muslim ban its a terrious screening from predominantly muslim nations... I would like to see President Trump quit tweeting because his knee jerk replies end up biting him in his a$$. it's going to be an interesting first 100 days... and NO I don't regret voting for him..... its about time we get someone in office that isn't a politician,,,and isn't politically correct... we are too politically correct get back to reality and boy and girls bathrooms we shouldn't inconvenience 97% of the people to cater to the 3%
2017-02-01 10:55:25 UTC
what I think is that once I go back to my homeland I will do what I can to ban Americans from entering it.
2017-02-01 07:36:00 UTC
Sensible answers????? This is Yahoo, why break tradition now after all these years. Stupid replies rule on Yahoo answers ( apart from mine ) and always have done.
boby valinto
2017-02-01 02:54:05 UTC
you are asking the wrong group of people for intelligent answers.
2017-02-01 01:45:47 UTC
Ugh. Did you read the order? It's a pause in immigration from a select set of really dysfunctional countries, while we figure out who the people are who are trying to come here are. Refugees will continue to come, though with some more understanding of their intentions.
You Know . . .
2017-02-01 01:13:40 UTC
1995, then President BIll Clinton did the exact SAME thing, and the whiney liberals did NOTHING!
2017-01-31 20:43:07 UTC
The same terrorists who who were cutting men, women, and children's heads off because of what they believed in, throwing gays of roofs, and blowing and shooting places up; are the same terrorists who threatened AND HAVE infiltrated the refugee population flooding into our and other countries. So yes, for the safety and well being of my wife and children, I am glad he did it and I don't regret voting for him.
2017-01-31 19:55:23 UTC
Not at all! He is doing exactly what we all voted for. He is protecting our borders and our nation from Islamic Terrorism. The protesting and disrespect of the office of the President is truly outrageous. The opposition to President Obama did not protest his victory or any of the ridiculous executive orders he pushed through. We did run through the streets when Obamacare was put in place. All of the uproar and protesting is exactly the reason Donald Trump was elected.
2017-01-31 18:25:19 UTC
President Trump is trying to protect the people of the United States. Great Job!! We finally have a president with balls.
2017-01-31 14:29:56 UTC
All hail Trump that's what we voted for he sold it from the start what's the shock and why all of a sudden do these plebs care about muslims, why didn't they protest when obama first implemented the ban?
2017-01-31 13:12:59 UTC
I'm too young to vote, I'm 15 years old. However, I supported Trump from the primaries to the general election. I think the guy has good ideas. I even supported the idea of a temporary Muslim ban when it came out until we "figured out what the hell is going on." However, it's so poorly implemented and won't do much good the way I see it.
Ralph T
2017-01-31 03:14:42 UTC
All he has done is close the doors for 90 days.

As opposed to Obama throwing the doors wide open to immigration.

It is the role of the federal government - not the states - to regulate immigration into the U.S.

In 1953,Congress passed as law that bans immigration of people & organizations whose personal,religious or political views and opinions are contrary to U.S. laws and the U.S. Constitution.

The who immigration debate started back when Bill Clinton was the President and the news media started claiming that the U.S. had no immigration laws at all,but they still said the U.S. needed to overhaul the immigration laws.

You can't overhaul laws that the democrats said don't exist.

I did not vote for Hillary for the following simple reasons:

She would allow even more immigrants without vetting than Obama

She was calling for bigger government and higher taxes

Promoted more government spending instead of paying off some of the national debt

Back when Bill was in office,she claimed that she was the co-president of the U.S. just because she was married to Bill (she's NUTS!).
2017-01-31 01:50:31 UTC
In my opinion thats a very good thing to do since certain muslims are coming into our country by the thousands to join their own kind known as terrorists by getting guns & ammo from their mosque's. As for more people from other country's I agree with the ban at least until America is straightened out. I'm glad I asked my people to vote for Donald J. Trump for a greater America. Mike
2017-01-30 23:56:21 UTC
2017-01-30 20:59:50 UTC
Trump supporters, what do you think of Trump's ban on refugees?

I think it's terrific. Refugees shouldn't be allowed in the United States without fully vetting first. They are not "entitled" to be here anyways!

Do you regret voting for him?

Not at all. I regret Obama was ever our president or lack there of.
2017-01-30 13:20:04 UTC
Excellent! Let Saudi Arabia take them in.
2017-02-03 18:00:22 UTC
If I were to walk down the street in one of their countries, I would more than likely be beaten and killed within an hour.

So if I cant walk down their streets, then why should they be allowed to walk down mine?
2017-02-02 03:19:17 UTC
2017-02-01 22:37:08 UTC
2017-02-01 16:24:50 UTC
i do not. i think those protesting against this are upset because we are 'offending' a religion that practices violence against those who has a religion that contradicts theirs.

also, if you read the executive order it says, 'The United States should not admit those who engage in acts of bigotry or hatred (including "honor" killings, other forms of violence against women, or the persecution of those who practice religions different from their own) or those who would oppress Americans of any race, gender, or sexual orientation.' which is the precise notion the liberals are pursuing.

it's only ninety days. he's doing this until he finds a way to properly identify those who are coming into our country.

and i have no problem with muslims, however, i have a big problem with islam because it encourages violence, oppression towards women, hate against people of a difference sexual orientation, gender identity and sometimes race and kill me, but i'm just not for those things.
2017-02-01 15:13:30 UTC
No i dont
2017-02-01 14:52:01 UTC
I do not regret it at all.
Pete Pemantell
2017-02-01 14:26:46 UTC
Not for a minute, Trump's the Man
2017-02-01 13:08:11 UTC
I personally think that it was good that Trump didn't allow the Syrian refugees to come in, the reason why is because of what they've done to the Europeans in Europe. Look at Sweden and Germany, those countries accepted lots of Muslim refugees and those refugees started sexually harassing and raping women and children, not only that, they want to be on welfare and they've been causing riots and chaos in the streets of Europe, putting the innocents in Europe at risk.
2017-02-01 07:16:34 UTC
I don't necessarily agree with banning but I do agree with serious vetting. Realize the ban will be lifted when a vetting system is solved.
2017-01-31 23:29:01 UTC
President Orange is doing a great job.
2017-01-31 21:58:46 UTC
I support the ban (which your messiah obama implemented first!) and do not regret voting for him at all. I don't see any of you snowflakes bitching about how horrible the ban letting unvetted refugees into your homes. Safety for the US first!!!
2017-01-31 19:16:59 UTC
In the recent past we've gone from Uncle Sam to being Uncle "Patsy."

He promised that things would "change" and that's what he's giving us. The fact that it just happens to be different from Obama's "change" is the crux of the problem. No one really likes "changing the status quo" - especially the entrenched liberal Left.
Bert Weidemeier
2017-01-31 19:11:56 UTC
This is designed to keep out the terrorists, I could care less about someone from Yemen who wants to come here to live they can go to Bolivia instead.
2017-01-31 18:34:35 UTC
I don't regret voting for Trump. Not one bit.

I support all of his actions to date especially his ban on refugees. It's a good start in solving a big problem.

America First!
Adam C
2017-01-31 16:41:08 UTC
2017-01-31 13:50:34 UTC
hell no I don't regret it. its the one thing...CLINTON got right...
2017-01-31 03:49:41 UTC
What I am most worried about is the Christians in the middle east, I have been one, and never felt completely safe, but not much of problems. Now I'm more worried about the Christians their, because of Trump, now they may be targeted in attacks, attacks could increase, and ISIS would then use Trump as a means to target Christians even more.
2017-01-31 02:23:57 UTC
Absolutely yes! There are so many assinine liberals with an easily 4th grade or lower education spouting anti American sentiment from these countries.

Their idealogy of stupidity is poisoning our culture with unAmerican goals in the media and streets.

I just pray they and their ilk would leave the USA and go shout that political bs in a country like Iran where death is the response to protestors against their country. They do it here without any responsibility or repercussions because we are a free society unlike Shariah controlled nations.
2017-01-31 00:17:08 UTC
2017-01-30 23:11:20 UTC
2017-02-03 20:54:08 UTC
Muslim's deserve some pushback for supporting Jihad.
2017-02-02 23:42:44 UTC
Hes only doing it for bants.
2017-02-02 14:13:53 UTC
He didn't ban refugees. If they have visas they're allowed.
2017-02-01 22:29:01 UTC
Good and no!
2017-02-01 19:58:51 UTC
I wouldn't call myself a supporter but I sympathize with some of his ideas not including the refugee ban. I think it's a terrible idea.
2017-02-01 18:48:35 UTC
I'll vote for him again in 4 years.
2017-02-01 09:13:40 UTC
Not nice - even real Born in the USA Americans have been caught up in this nonsense. I read in one British newspaper of a boy aged about five years, an American boy, who was handcuffed by the US Border Agency when he arrived by plane from somewhere outside the USA.

Then this. . . .

The situation is now completely out of control - little self appointed fascists have taken over the borders of the USA completely forgetting that they and their ancestors came to America from somewhere else.

One thing I know for sure is that this kind of thing is going to kill the US tourist industry stone dead. I mean, what person in their right mind is gonna want to wait inline for half a day?

Soon Americans living outside of the USA are going to feel it too. I've read of Americans here in UK who are not even contemplating returning to the USA, ever.
2017-02-01 07:57:41 UTC

I think all AMERICANS will appreciate Trump in the future. Give him some time to work his magic
2017-02-01 06:19:36 UTC
NOT A SHRED OF GUILT BABY! #1muslims hate us! #2 we are fighting a ******* WAR WITH THEM SO WHY INVITE PEOPLE YOU ARE FIGHTING A WAR WITH TO YOUR COUNTRY! Its like the british inviting german immigrants to great britain while fighting the nazis at the same time! that is retarded!
2017-02-01 03:50:59 UTC
Tip in in
Smokies Hiker
2017-01-31 22:37:41 UTC
In reality, Trump didn't do anything except issue an Executive Order requiring our security forces to actually enforce the laws governing anyone entering the United States. This means that immigrants/returning immigrants had to be checked for their identity/vetted, before being processed into our country. The laws have been in place for years, but the Obama administration had been lax in following the written laws. Trump is just making everyone follow the laws already on the books for security. That is what he promised the US citizens, and he is delivering!
2017-01-31 21:27:47 UTC
Trumps first task is to protect Americans -and that's what he is doing. I could care less about

upsetting the Muslims.
2017-01-31 20:23:27 UTC
I am quite happy I voted for Trump.

What CNN, Yahoo News and Liberals have totally missed - 'Immigrants' today are not the same as 'Immigrants' from a century ago who helped build our Nation. When Irish, German, Italians and others 'came over' they were quick to learn English, educate their children as Americans, and integrate into American culture. This is NOT what has happened with the last decades of immigrants from the Middle East in France, England or Canada. France was soooo happy only 960 cars were burned by Muslim immigrants this past New Years Eve, down 20 or so cars from last year. Every country that has let these folks in from the Middle East has earned a blemish on their land - parts of cities where its not safe to walk even in daylight. And instead of pointing fingers at the problem (that would be profiling, OMG!!) or dealing with the folks causing the trouble - these countries have enacted laws that killed liberties for the whole population when only one was responsible. Think back, did you like it when some kid in the back of the class tossed a spit ball and the teacher kept everyone in at recess to 'punish the culprit' - this same 'think' is being used on entire countries.

Worse - the Muslims who are good working family people - are also smart enough to NOT point out the trouble makers or deal with them. Who wants to get shot going to work, or, have acid thrown in the faces of their family? Oh, and while I am on the subject - I note it is only the peaceful of religion of Islam that tosses acid in women's faces........ please to show me other peaceful religions that do that? Fact is - there are not any.

I can think of 15,000 reasons not to let Muslims into the US. Starting with the folks who died in airplanes on 911 and continuing to those who died in France when the heavy metal band club was machine gunned down.
2017-01-31 16:32:34 UTC
No regrets at all. Pretty sure this is one of the many changes he told us he would implement if elected.
2017-01-31 14:31:10 UTC
He said he was going to protect America and Americans. If anyone knows a better way to keep terrorists out of America, let him know NOW! ASAP.
2017-01-31 11:36:44 UTC
I didn't vote for trump
2017-01-31 03:21:54 UTC
Nope. I think its a smart move by Trump! So no, I don't.
2017-01-31 02:28:40 UTC
I think people are overreacting a little. The ban is only for 3 months. I'm glad Trump is showing the Muslim extremists that they cannot just kick us around, and have us accept their people with open arms like idiots. As far as the SAG awards, people in Hollywood are so cut off from reality in their rich, secure worlds. And probably on drugs, or alcohol, in addition to that. He wasn't put in office to "be nice". He was put in office to do a job. He's doing the tough job of leading. It ain't easy, but somebody's got to do it.
2017-01-31 00:37:52 UTC
its only a temporary ban and of course Iran has always hated our guts lol.
2017-01-30 05:10:05 UTC
I think it's awesome that we finally have a President putting America first and protecting us unlike those treasonous Democrats who bring radicals and terrorist here because they see them as future votes.
2017-02-02 04:02:23 UTC
What I fear is that the radical component of Islam that induces terror will use this as a catalyst to inflame the passions of individuals, by telling them over the internet and other means that this is what the infidels think of Islam and to rise up more and create more terror, by saying, "you see, this is what the big satan of the west really thinks of Islam thus inflaming their desire to create more terror.
2017-02-01 17:24:17 UTC
Very happy. Nobody else but him had the guts to do this executive order that is so needed and only way to do it.
2017-02-01 11:28:19 UTC
I don't think you get the answers from Trump voters
2017-02-01 06:31:32 UTC
2017-02-01 02:14:29 UTC
2017-01-31 22:15:51 UTC
Obama did the same exact thing in 2011, and the left was silent. Trump does it in 2017 for all the right reasons, and the world goes ******* nuts.
2017-01-31 19:30:41 UTC
2017-01-31 18:25:04 UTC
It's actually kinda dumb and smart. Dumb because America is the reason some of these people are refugees. Smart because the refugees will be mostly free loaders and America needs to get out of debt first and foremost
2017-01-31 18:02:42 UTC
Most of them are proud that refugees are banned. And that's because it's one of his promises that he said on his campaign.
2017-01-31 18:01:49 UTC
Americans should come first in America not refugees
Right Handy
2017-01-31 17:20:03 UTC
Good first Move. It is refreshing to put America's safety first. No regrets.
2017-01-31 16:12:16 UTC
it's the best. i wished he'd ban all liberals too, and send the feminists to saudi arabia where they belong
2017-01-31 14:05:39 UTC
I think it's retarded because most hate crimes in America in the past several years have been committed by white men. Less than 1% has been committed by Muslims. Where's the ban on white American men?
Trifid Research
2017-01-31 11:09:39 UTC
yes trump supporters will definitely refugee but trump are taken right decision
2017-01-31 09:01:23 UTC
What he's doing is evil, obviously, I never voted for him, since I knew he'd break the constitution and enact racist policies like he's doing now
2017-01-31 03:39:46 UTC
What he is doing is heroic and necessary.
2017-01-31 03:30:29 UTC
Ask the leaders of the UAB and Saudi Arabia what they think? THEY SUPPORT THE BAN THEY SAY.
Some Dude
2017-01-30 21:41:20 UTC
Hey liberals, how much did you protest against Bill Clinton when he said this during the first two minutes of his speech in 1995? Congress gives him a standing "O", but you want to demonize Trump for saying the exact same thing? Poster children for hypocracy! Idiots!!
2017-01-30 20:49:48 UTC
They Should have been more strict. It's only temporary till the back ground checks are done. If you don't qualify then Yes You Have To Stay Out. This is OUR COUNTRY Weather you are a Dem or Rep, We are all in this boat together, and I don't think any American Wants IED's or Vest bombers in our Country
2017-01-30 19:19:59 UTC
Immigration in general needs to be shut down to all but Northern European whites. We're working on that.
2017-02-02 07:36:36 UTC
It is a rate meant
2017-02-01 21:54:04 UTC
It's great! Once we figure out how to weed out the terrorists he can lift the ban.
2017-02-01 20:43:08 UTC
I'm fine with it. He told us he was going to do this during the campaign. If it was going to cause me to regret voting for him, then I wouldn't have voted for him in the first place.
2017-02-01 19:03:51 UTC
That's exactly why I didn't vote for him!!
The Football God
2017-02-01 17:03:05 UTC
I did not vote for Trump, but our election results say," He is our President". This is not a permanent ban, its to be used to better screen those coming here. Any idea why Europe, so proud of its immigration process, has NEVER ask to help us with illegal immigrants from our southern border?
2017-02-01 14:26:55 UTC
Refugees want to move to any country which is safe for them to live in. Dont think anybody would want to migrate to the Us knowing how corrupt the Us is, full of immoral people! We are proud of the Sharia law which gives the maximum penalty for criminals unlike America, they put their criminals in prison and let them live a luxurious life regardless of how many murder, rape etc they have committed. There are less crimes being committed in sharia-law established countries!
2017-02-01 14:25:53 UTC
2017-02-01 06:31:32 UTC
2017-02-01 03:15:48 UTC
I say ban them all. We're fighting against their ppl so don't you think it would be logical to put a temporary band on Syrian refugees? F*ck anyone who disagrees, I love seeing ppl cry about it and it just makes Trump smile even more. That law WILL pass because Trump has kept his word since him announcing presidency
2017-02-01 00:54:57 UTC
Are you tired of seeing innocent Americans being blown up still? I am. It's been almost 20 years since 9/11 and we are still being killed. We are losing the war on terrorism.

I'm not sure I would have made this decision but I understand why it was done. I voted for BO but everything was gray to him, he would never take a hard stand on anything. I am willing to try new things if it saves American lives. And that is what this policy is about. Saving US citizen's lives. Liberals care more about refugees then their own countrymen.
New here
2017-01-31 23:10:06 UTC
And vote for The Hildabeast!!! Never!!!!
2017-01-31 23:02:46 UTC
Syria. Iran. Iraq. Yemen. Somalia. Sudan. Libya. These seven countries are mainly populated by Muslims. However, Indonesia, which has the largest Muslim population in the entire world, has not been barred in terms of immigration. Now why would President Trump ban Syrians, Iranians, Iraqis, Yemenis, and Somalians, Sudanese, and Libyans from the United States, and not Indonesians? Why, because it's not Muslims he is targeting. President Trump is restricting immigration from countries who's population hate us, our way of life, and are heavily influenced and even involved with the Islamic State and other radical terrorist organizations based in these countries. He realizes that, due to the concurrent Battle of al-Bab, Raqqa Offensive, and Battle of Mosul, all being offensives against the Islamic State in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, will fuel much larger amounts of hate and thus increase the danger of retaliation in the form of terrorist strikes, so he's putting a stop to that by way of using these precision bans. And honestly? It's not our business to bring in these immigrants and never was.
2017-01-31 21:25:09 UTC
He's racist, sexist, a pervert, doesn't care about anyone but himself, took money from people, etc
old fart
2017-01-31 14:57:09 UTC
No I am glad he has the balls to do what is right.
2017-01-31 14:39:20 UTC
Didn't vote for him in the first place.

What do I think of the ban. Mehhh, don't really care.

Look, not allowing a few immigrants from countries that the Obama administration called a hotbed of terrorism, seems logical to me.

Beyond that, what is up with this idea that we should be allowing thousands and millions of refugees from 7 countries??? We already have 11 million illegal immigrants. With a total of 42 million immigrants in the US at any one time.

More than 13% of the US population at any time are immigrants. WE take a hard line on a few countries that the Obama administration calls a "hotbed of terrorism" and protesters lose their mind??? What is wrong with these idiots?
2017-01-31 11:28:48 UTC
i hope they all regret
2017-01-31 06:18:16 UTC
It's not like there's no one wanting to come to the US.
2017-01-31 01:49:11 UTC
Why the heck does everybody care about people getting over here with free rides .. we have people in the hood of Chicago that need our help more than some other crazy Muslim people
2017-01-30 21:48:59 UTC
I 100% support his decision, it pisses my off that morons protesting out on the streets won't look past identity politics and see the bigger picture. They are a disgrace to the country. And people who chant death to the USA and treat women, non-Muslims, and gays like sub human scum have no place in this country, terrorist or not.
2017-01-30 21:47:11 UTC
We needed Trump, more than 50 years ago. Thankfully, he is here now. We just have to hope and pray that it isn't too late.
2017-02-02 18:42:42 UTC
2017-02-02 01:10:00 UTC
I pretty much knew what I was signing up for when I voted for Trump and I don't regret it. If by banning refugees, his intention is to say look we need to pay attention to who's coming into our country and to make sure they don't have bad intentions, then yes he's right about that.
2017-02-02 00:51:23 UTC
He's heartless, honestly.
2017-02-01 21:32:21 UTC
2017-02-01 20:50:02 UTC
Yes I voted for him and glad i did.I'm glad he is finally doing something about immigration. Here is how I think about it. Say you open the door to your own house and you see strangers walking down the street. You have never seen them. They arent from your neighbor hood. And then you invite them into your home with your wife or husband and the kids. Who's to say that you and your family wake up in the morning. They have sliced your throat and killed your family. So why in the world would we open up our country to those who want bring in their customs and religion. They they just forget we let them into our country, USA, to them. So shouldn't they come here and follow our rules and religions. We wouldn't be allowed to go to theirs and follow our rules and religions. The Islams religion is a peaceful religion. But their thoughts on peace is a heck of a lot different than ours. Theirs is if you become a muslim then that is great. But if not, then they call us INFIDELS! And they want to kill us. IF WE DON'T KNOW THEM THEN THEY SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO LIVE IN OUR COUNTRY!

If they want to live here then adapt to our ways and religion.
2017-02-01 17:39:10 UTC
Grab them by ....
2017-02-01 07:56:11 UTC
I don t believe he should have dived right into it like that. More like, slowly progressed it, and only for those looking to enter. Those that are here already or have been here, leave them alone. They shouldn't have to leave, but people coming in should have been progressively lowered.

It s not that we don t want to help, but other countries are suffering a great deal since bringing in refugees (best example is Germany). What we would like to do is resolve the problem in their country and make it a safe, suitable place for them to live in peacefully without them having to run to a new country and to prevent people from becoming refugees.

America, too, has a limit and we have been in the Middle East for far too long. All the money that goes to refugees and the war in the East could be and should be used for the American people, but we can t just up and leave. We have been there for too long. We need to resolve the issue, give the home back to the people who want to come here, and assist in making the refugees home a place where they can live peacefully.

We can t take in everyone, but we can certainly help them fix their problems at home so that they may continue to live there and I do believe that is the ultimate goal. Do I regret voting for Trump? No, because I reserve judgement until his four years have passed, but that doesn t mean I agree with him on everything, mostly this ban, but he is not the first president to do so.

Ronald Reagan set a ban 5 times, George H W Bush put a ban in place once, Bill Clinton (Hill s husband) set a ban 12 times, George W Bush did it six times, and recent president Obama has the highest amount of bans, having set a ban 19 times.

Do you regret voting for him?
2017-02-01 06:32:59 UTC
In a certain way if it affects them to the citizens, only that they will not see it thus, this is due to that it not only affects the countries like mexico but also to them because the market would lose some advantages and the citizens will be affected From United States.
2017-02-01 05:35:11 UTC
I don't regret my vote for trump! I'm glad he signed off on the ban hopefully we can get all the muslims out of United States!
2017-02-01 01:58:07 UTC
It is what he campaigned on so why would i regret my vote?......If he did not do what he said then i would regret
2017-01-31 23:27:23 UTC
My only regret is having one vote for President Trump. I wish I could have voted numerous times for him.
2017-01-31 13:51:33 UTC
Trump and Pence. TrumpPence. TrumPets.....God said the trumpets would sound the apocalypse
2017-01-31 13:22:54 UTC
He said he would do it in his campaign. Liberals are just surprised because they're used to their candidates not following up on their promises. I'm glad he banned them.
2017-01-31 08:57:06 UTC
I have a problem with him letting Steve Bannon into the National Security Council and not letting Attorneys see the Documentation and not allowing legal residents back into the country. I also have a problem with the fact that he is behaving in dicatorial ways now and if the other people don't want to admit it, I am going to admit it. To not allow people to communicate with the FCC and the EPA and erase entire web pages is something the USSR would do. Oh, and I voted for Trump. But I am an independent and I sat at home and thought about it until 6:40 that night.
2017-01-31 04:27:53 UTC
I'm very in favor of his ban on refugees! And of course I don't regret voting for him at all! MAGA!
2017-01-31 02:08:47 UTC
Look, Trump and his supporters wanted to get rid of Muslims, illegals, Social Security/Medicare , bloated military pensions and benefits, Disability insurance, burdensome safety regulations for workers, expensive public schools, and food assistance.

Yes, that's going to cause a few problems for some people along the line, but that's the price we need to pay if we are going to make America great again.
2017-01-31 00:56:13 UTC
Absolutely not,finaly a step in the right direction,the Liberal/Progressive/Socialists are bringing in illegal aliens and refugees to turn them into future liberal voters.The flip side we get criminals,Isis sleeper cells,radical Muslims,etc.and the Liberals think they can live in harmony with them.The fact being when these cells go active,these liberals responsible for bringing them in will become targets as well as all Americans.President Trump is doing what is necessary to protect this country and I back him to the hilt.
2017-01-30 20:28:58 UTC
2017-01-30 20:13:02 UTC
I got a super hard erection when he said he would ban immigration from those countries. They have known Isis insurgency, so banning them is why Trump will make America great again, build that wall, ban those immigrants! Heil Trump Daddy!
2017-01-30 16:41:24 UTC
You asked for only Trump supporters to respond and then added "Intelligent answers only..." and only 12 people responded. What does that tell you?
2017-02-16 07:53:00 UTC
hate him
2017-02-01 18:36:46 UTC
There is no "ban on refugees" more fake news from CNN liars...

Muslim immigrants need EXTREME VETTING.
2017-02-01 16:28:21 UTC
The one who voted for him are really want to be a hundred percent sure that there will be no more terrorist attack will happen again once when he's elected as President. So America will be safe from Terrorist.
2017-02-01 05:41:09 UTC
too late
Get Smart
2017-02-01 03:16:59 UTC
The ban is temporary, and no I don't regret voting for him! What's racist about wanting to keep your fellow Americans safe?? U libtards drop the racist

card all the time without even knowing what you are talking about. Also, all countries have to protect their borders.

Get Smart
2017-02-01 01:59:54 UTC
2017-01-31 20:24:13 UTC
I didn't vote
2017-01-31 19:49:28 UTC
2017-01-31 19:02:47 UTC
More than 90 million Americans aren't participating in the traditional workforce because there are no jobs for them. THE US IS FULL, AND IS INDEBTED to the tune of about $20 trillion!

Although it's nice and "Christianlike" to be welcoming and generous to the world's troubled, we are BEYOND full-up!

Now maybe YOUR belly's full and you don't see homeless, chronically-unemployed Americans everyday. Maybe YOU don't have to worry about a roof over your head. Maybe YOU don't know any, or don't care about the victims of domestic terrorism from radical Islamic extremists, nor about their grieving loved ones. But some of us have both eyes open and know there IS such a thing as being TOO welcoming, TOO generous, or too NAIVE!

That's why we're NOT regretful about President Trump. Quite the contrary, he's doing what he said he'd do. This is why we voted for him.

I wish he could do A LOT more!
2017-01-31 18:57:39 UTC
Hello, I am 19 years old and this was my first time votingI voted for Trump.What do I think about his ban on refugees? I think it was clumsily executed... he should have given a warning before all these people were randomly being stopped at airports. I also don't agree with all the countries he banned. However, I do think we need more extreme vetting. People always say "Islam is a religion of peace" and I understand that many Muslims are actually peaceful people and I feel bad since a lot of times they are seen as terrorists. However, I think Islamic Culture is a problem. A lot of these refugees may believe in sharia law, and even though I respect other's beliefs, I think people who actually believe in sharia law should not be allowed to stay in this country. People who believe in Sharia law are racist, are extremely sexist, and we shouldn't let them in just because they are refugees. So basically, I am for a temporary ban I guess, since they said its only to strengthen the vetting
2017-01-31 16:09:30 UTC
2017-01-31 16:01:01 UTC
The ban on refugees was those refugees coming from Syria. Syria is a country entirely engulfed in war. Refugees cannot be verified and vetted by the SYRIAN GOVERNMENT or anyone else. Records are NOT AVAILABLE. So any "refugee" from Syria has to be accepted as telling the truth when they claim they are not terrorists. Since ISIS is based in Syria, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm NOT WILLING to gamble the lives of Americans on some terrorist lying to get in as a refugee. Once there is a VALID way of vetting refugees, then by all means we can look at allowing them into the country. NO ONE has the RIGHT to enter the Untied States just because they want to. Coming here is a PRIVILEGE and NOT a right under the Constitution of the United States. And yes, I voted for Mr. Trump.
2017-01-31 13:45:18 UTC
No. Trump is following through with what he promised us. Why would I regret that?
2017-01-31 03:16:14 UTC
It's about time. If we had Trump after 9/11, we would've had a sensible ban since then. Regrets? I'm ecstatic.
2017-01-31 02:40:05 UTC
2017-01-31 00:54:13 UTC
Complete opposite. I'm even more proud that i voted for him now because he's actually trying to do something about radical islamists getting in the country. The Trump administration is now working on a more efficient vetting system so that radical islamists / terrorists will not be able to get in the country. If you really wanna save as many refugees as possible, you gotta do it where the problem is and not send them to other countries.
2017-01-30 23:10:22 UTC
America is a christian nation; Trump made exemptions for christians in muslim-majority nations because they are being persecuted!! God knows best
2017-01-30 19:25:23 UTC
He is living up to his campaign promises. I wanted some terrorist refugees banned. I certainly don't regret voting for Trump when he is doing so much better than Obama did or Hillary would've done.
2017-01-30 05:28:09 UTC
no not at all i completely agree with him
Don't Fear The Reaper
2017-01-30 05:22:33 UTC
It's far smarter and wiser than suddenly cutting off wet foot dry foot to Cubans. Cubans aren't exactly interested in terrorism coming here. Another gift from Obama to the Castor regime.
2017-02-03 10:05:06 UTC
It is a necessary evil. It is sad so many are suffering at the hands of some- I saw a video that gave great perspective. An American is over in Iraq as a civilian employee. He works with some Iraqi men that are livid about the ban. The American man asked them one question. He asked what would happen if he went out into the city, being an American man. They did not hesitate and responded that he would be kidnapped, tortured and killed. His response was- If you would do that to me, why should I let you in my country?

You can see this video here-

His name is Steve Gern in the event this link doenst work.

I do not regret voting for him. He is taking massive action, We as Americans are not accustomed to this. I feel he will do a good job getting things back on track, Not all will be happy about the change yet they will benefit.
2017-02-03 00:59:16 UTC
Is it past your bedtime
2017-02-02 20:56:39 UTC
Protecting the country is more important been hurting people's feelings. We know that not all Muslims are terrorists and not all terrorists are true Muslims but you can't stop and ask every single Muslim if they support Isis so the best move is keeping them out of the country
2017-02-02 17:03:25 UTC
Many of his voters are blind to reality.
2017-02-02 13:55:20 UTC
Trump the infidel krusader think he wins Holy war but he no . Islam we Moslem well rain victory of you filthy kuffar krusader. You laughed no you not laugh whin you are whore doughter and wife's submit to Islam or be sex slav to Moslem
2017-02-02 10:10:45 UTC
I don't like refugees any way
2017-02-01 07:25:04 UTC
Trump is going to be one of the great presidents, and he knows it. A wave of awakening is coming. Only the stubborn in foolishness will be left behind.
2017-02-01 06:59:16 UTC
He is doing the right thing.
2017-02-01 02:11:06 UTC
I mean America has done **** like this in the past, its nothing new why is everyone so surprised? I swear people in 2017 get so butthurt and anything you do or say will trigger people one way or another so it doesn't matter to me. I live my life and have my own problems to deal with.
2017-02-01 01:53:41 UTC
I hate trump
2017-02-01 01:04:53 UTC
Trump's doing the right thing. Do you see other countries letting in illegal immigrants? No. America needs to stay strong, so what Donald Trump is doing is right.
2017-01-31 17:38:34 UTC
Not at all,i voted for him and support him and really amused to see he is trying to keep his campaign promises...i don't know why some people are against protecting their own sounds like loving and taking care of neighbor's childern more than one's own you thing it's fair?
2017-01-31 15:15:54 UTC
I believe it had been the silly proceed, individuals may nevertheless very easily phony their own method into this particular nation irrespective.
2017-01-31 14:51:43 UTC
2017-01-31 14:39:14 UTC
They Should Be!!!!!......
2017-01-31 11:41:26 UTC
Intelligent answers? From the liberal loons swimming in this silly cesspool? Better to ask what kind of moron supported a lying, corrupt political whore like Killery, a socialist like Bernie, or the half-white fraud that brought the presidency to Trump.
2017-01-31 04:22:02 UTC
terrible idea never should have been done

Trump is a tool for isis

only for there advantage
2017-01-31 03:24:30 UTC
2017-01-31 03:21:31 UTC
Hate it

Yes I regret
2017-01-31 00:08:24 UTC
they want more
2017-03-31 06:04:46 UTC
he's keeping his election promises, unlike most politicians who promise you the world so you'd vote for them and when they're in office, their promises end up being hot air...

obama was a useless president and shall go down in history as one of the most ineffective, if not the most ineffective president in history... his big claim to fame is obamacare .........and we see what happened there... the biggest and proper insurance companies dropped out, rates more than doubled after a year, and the now infamous promise that "you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor" turned out to be another lie that harmed so numerous people... can someone else tell me just one positive change obama made?

then along comes hillary.........the most dishonest person to ever run for office... can anyone name someone more dishonest? and she totally lacked any integrity or common sense ......... a high school teenager would know better than to put your server in your home... her computer was easier to break into than yours or mine... and it was, by foreign nations who now have america's top security information... and we were supposed to vote her in for president!!!?? who except someone who had no clue as to national affairs would vote for her?

did i vote for trump? you bet i did... would i do it again? in a new york minute...

is trump a perfect person? are you? am i? no... but he was the proper we had... and i have confidence he shall keep his campaign promise to make america awesome again... he has already begun by bringing back thousands of jobs from mexico... he has convinced large companies who were planning to move to foreign countries to stay in the u...s...

let's all stop the hate and the ignorant political rhetoric and get on the bandwagon to make this the awesome nation it once was where people can work and thrive once again... god bless america!
2017-02-03 12:34:43 UTC
Bann them all. Most are cowards for leaving their country, others are terrorists invading innocent countries in order to start crap. If they had balls they would fight for their country, instead of having other countries die for them.

As far as the illegals go, Why should they be allowed to stay and be given free housing, food, and take our jobs. Come here with a visa and earn your way to America. What would happen to you if you were caught in their country illegally , I will help you with that answer "JAIL FOR 20 YEARS"
2017-02-02 12:31:53 UTC
2017-02-01 20:53:52 UTC
100% regret it! America wake up.
2017-02-01 13:55:29 UTC
Did you vote for Obama? What do you think of him freeing illegal immigrants convicted of murder? How do you feel about the people they killed after they were freed?

Do you complain about corporations moving jobs overseas while you sit back and ask for more and more illegal aliens who will take more and more of the remaining jobs away?

Why are you complaining that he banned immigration for only 100 days from 7 terrorist occupied nations in order to make sure there are safeguards which will prevent those terrorists from coming into this nation? Do you not care at all about your own nation and people?

I'm not a Trump supporter. I didn't vote for him. I voted independent.
2017-02-01 12:24:40 UTC
I haven't even voted him
2017-02-01 11:44:28 UTC
I don t think it s a good move
2017-02-01 10:39:02 UTC
trump voters are all racist
2017-02-01 03:54:29 UTC
they can suck my pipi
2017-02-01 02:04:09 UTC
You want an intelligent answer from someone who voted for that lunatic?
2017-01-31 23:05:33 UTC
HOW can TRUMP and PENCE keep us safe when ISIS will never be defeated if Donald Trump and PENCE makes an enemy of the MUSLIM world? This only creates ISIS to sit back and recruit and get stronger to fight for their reasoning of being an enemy from the United States. This is the reason why they do hate us in the first place, it is when they see we side with ISRAEL AND also give them AID of billions of dollars.

This was the reason why other PRESIDENTS did not go as far to show that Muslims are an enemy and we accept them also to make it fair. But since trump is taking a different approach I think it will be dangerous.
2017-01-31 22:06:35 UTC
It's about time we had a leader with leadership capabilities and the common sense to know what our country needs to do to keep it from being overrun by undesirables hell bent on destroying our culture.
2017-01-31 20:05:20 UTC
i voted for him solely because of his stance on illegal immigrants. i think in this day and age it is imperative to block refugees from the middle east from entering our country. there is no way to 100 percent tell who these people are or if they have family or ties to terrorist organizations. south americans as well have no business entering our country either. they aren't starving or from war torn nations so I see no reason to harbor anyone if all it will mean is that my life will get harder by doing so.
2017-01-31 16:09:59 UTC
A smart answer for a not very informative person. You probably would never listen even if i did tell you everything you need to know to survive. Okay, i will make the exception. Hopefully you get a clue this time.

When you visit another country that has microagressions and political correctness, they let their new Islamic citizens commit crimes against society and political correctness is implemented in racism so they get away with it. Like saying "Voldemort", they have to be hush hush or there is severe consequences. It has become against the law in Europe to call a situation out for what it is.

This is all caused from listening to puppet mellenials who were influenced by their tool college professors, who are paid by glabalist pawns for world domination. They figure the tricking the mellenials through news media sources and education that they will call the shots because of the "children are our future ploy". Their being used. Okay, now you know that part.
2017-01-31 15:46:55 UTC
Re-Elect Donald Trump!!
2017-01-31 15:15:54 UTC
Totally thrilled. Glad he's finally taking the action that our previous 'leaders' were too gutless to do.
2017-01-31 12:21:18 UTC
I doubt that this ban would make his typical supporter become full of regret .
2017-01-31 03:25:48 UTC
During the vice presidential debate ,when pence was asked about Trump decision ban of Muslim ,was dismissed .now we are swing the opposition happens
2017-01-31 02:17:40 UTC
I'm proud of Him and of myself for supporting Him.. best president ever! These islamic terrorist hate us! why shouldn't we ban them from our country! A "temporary" ban on immigration is justified and necessary to filter out the bad seeds! why wasn't anyone that now is against the banning fighting for these refugees before? all those celebrities crying out.. where is your support of these people, are you sending hem money so they can have a better life for themselves? It's so easy to protest with your mouth and then sit back in luxury and comfort in your million $ mansions sipping cocktails made by butlers and whine about the injustices of the world... if they really cared they would be finding solutions to these refugees problems... open up your pockets and rich homes if you're so concerned!
2017-01-30 21:06:44 UTC
no ... white power !!!!
Nick Scott
2017-02-03 12:21:02 UTC
Im not surprised that Trump would ban the refugees because he made comments about doing that very thing pre-election. I think the banning of refugees is a small drop of water in the bucket we should be looking at instead of the droplet falling into said bucket. The idea of banning refugees gives credibility and proof to the fact that Trump is trying to turn America into an isolationist nation much like China was during the pre-industrial age. Unlike postmodern China we have access to a wealth of information and a vast amount of geopolitical power they didn't have at the time. So our isolationism may be very different from that of the cases of the pre modern era. However if you want more information on how the shape of our nation might look during his incumbency. I would look up the effects of isolationism and see what we could be looking forward to. On the issue of refugees I feel as if the risk is not worth the reward due to lack of background knowledge. I do feel for them though.
2017-02-01 22:25:11 UTC
I have no problem with it. My grandparents were European refugees who lost everything during WW2, including lands and businesses their family had owned for over 100 years. In order to come to America, they needed a sponsor here. They had a relative already here. That relative had to agree to HOST them. As a host, they had to PERSONALLY GUARANTEE the refugee family a place to live (in THEIR home) and a full-time job. They had to PERSONALLY GUARANTEE that the refugees would NEVER require government assistance. They had to PERSONALLY GUARANTEE to pay for ALL health care needs of the refugees out of THEIR pocket (doctor visits, hospitalization, child births, etc.) They had to PERSONALLY GUARANTEE that the refugee family would not commit any crimes. IF any one of these things happened, not only would the refugee family be sent back IMMEDIATELY, the HOST family would have been severely fined, to the point where it would probably bankrupt them. So the host family had EVERYTHING to lose, and THEY MADE SURE my grandparents understood that.

My grandfather was literally enslaved by his host family. They gave him a 60-hour-a-week backbreaking job, and my grandmother also had to work 40 hours a week. Their children worked too, with the older ones (12+years old) tasked as ADULTS to care for the younger ones. Once they were 15 or 16, THEY GOT JOBS TOO. They did it, and they didn't complain, because they knew, if they complained, they were GOING BACK where they came from.

And that's how refugees WORKED, as a RULE, for most of our nation's history. You came here, you EARNED the right to be an American, and you WANTED that more than anything. It was worth EVERY sacrifice. And that's why, when they finally became citizens, if you asked them: "Do you still consider yourself a ______ (person from their native country)?" they would be OUTRAGED and INSULTED and INSIST "No! I am an AMERICAN!" because they understood how HARD they worked for that HONOR.

If we still did that with refugees, if people who insist we need to open our borders would volunteer as HOSTS with ALL OF THOSE SAME GUARANTEES AND PENALTIES, and we put the refugees to WORK doing really hard jobs (like building our roads and bridges and infrastructure), I'd be 100% supportive of them.

But we don't. Today, they come in, and they DEMAND we serve them and provide for them and give them everything. AND they insist they are still ______ (native land people), and they SPIT on the idea of being an American.

So, yes, I support Trump 1000%. As the granddaughter of refugees.
2017-02-01 18:49:55 UTC
He's doing exactly what he promised he would do. Why are you assholes surprised
2017-02-01 05:54:07 UTC
2017-02-01 05:28:50 UTC
No I honestly don't care about refugees in other countries. We have plenty of people here in the states to take care of.
2017-02-01 01:28:28 UTC
This is why i voted for him, first mudslimes, then beaners, then darkies, out out out. All Hail God Emperor Trump
2017-01-31 23:56:46 UTC
I have no sympathy for 'refugees.' You should stay in your own country and fight to the death, to make it a better place. It's not my problem. I was born here. My family has been here over 200 years. I do not meddle in your country; I do not want you meddling in mine.
2017-01-31 22:04:58 UTC
Maria S
2017-01-31 20:56:51 UTC
Why? Because he is doing what he said he would do? How does that make sense?
2017-01-31 20:54:29 UTC
I did not vote for Trump. I wrote in Eric Matthew Frein
2017-01-31 18:46:16 UTC
Go Trump! Good that he doesn't wuss out to the tantrums to every group that thinks they have a right to force others to bow to them. Just because we thye can say yeas doesn't mean we give up our right to say NO! And as for the ILLEGALs coming in...maybe he is trying to stop the terrorists who simply walk through the front door with blueprints to destroy the US in his hip pocket.
2017-01-31 16:51:27 UTC
Japan already banned refugees a long time ago but nobody ever made a big deal about that. I wonder why
2017-01-31 16:27:54 UTC
No, I think he did a wise thing. President Obama had it planned in the middle of November 2016. I am tired of the hypocritical double standards on TV & in the press, media, & entertainment about it. It had to be done, economically we can barely support these muslims, somalians, & arabs here in the midwest, much less the rest of the nation. It will eventually collapse the economy. That, spoiling bad teachers & collegiate alumni families ( not all, but many), & too many politicians looking the other way on scams, etc. Done out envy, jealously, sins, & revenge. Instead of forgiving each other, making amends, making jobs, finding better ways to educate & opening a few more doors that are 400 years oberdue. I am a Christian, & raised as one, & spent the majority of my life as one. I have no problem with them coming in as refugees or as immigrants or both. I do think they should be vetted & screened deeper for everyone's safety. Unless they get hired & save to become a citizen.
2017-01-31 07:49:02 UTC
I support the ban, and I do not regret voting for him. If you do not support keeping bad people out of your country, leave your doors unlocked tonight. Let's see if you do it two nights in a row...
I have a question
2017-01-31 02:13:11 UTC
Nope lock the terriost up! ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼
2017-01-31 01:33:26 UTC
He is making America safe w/ this ban and I am proud I voted for him.
2017-01-30 20:45:41 UTC
If it pisses off a liberal, then it must be good!
2017-01-30 19:29:26 UTC
Being terrorists said they planed to come in with refugees I think it was the correct move maybe it should even be exspended.
2017-01-30 18:35:07 UTC
Not the first time anything like this happened. Lol.
2017-01-30 18:32:04 UTC
I can think of at least a dozen more countries that should be banned in addition to the ones in Trump's order.

He has had a great first week.
2017-04-22 22:09:17 UTC
hate him
2017-02-02 22:33:39 UTC
Ask lestermoint
2017-02-01 16:13:30 UTC
It's only for 3 months, till he can get the rest of his plan in place. It can be delt with.

No regrets voting for him.
Olive Garden
2017-02-01 15:58:52 UTC
temporary 6 month initiative and some say Obama did it too.
2017-01-31 23:44:38 UTC
I know you said that only Trump supporters should answer, but I want to give my 2 cents on this topic.

Most Trump Supporters didn't vote on him primarily because of his hawkish view towards Muslims. In fact, a huge number of them consider this policy of his to be excessive.

This being said, they probably kept their same view of disagreeing with Trump in that aspect. Ofc, there'll be people who are glad to see Muslims go because "terrorism". I'm just accounting for the non-bigot Trump supporters.
2017-01-31 23:29:43 UTC
I do not regret voting for him. He is STOPPING TERRORISTS. Anyone with the slightest millionth of a brain would know that what he is doing is right.
2017-01-31 23:21:57 UTC
2017-01-31 20:38:14 UTC
I voted for Hillary but imigration definitely needed to be reformed. The Muslim religion is radical and there hatred of Christianity is deffinetly a threat to the safety and security of all US citizens. I find my self wishing that I voted for Trump.
2017-01-31 16:08:10 UTC
The House and Senate support Trump and thats how it counts. The democrats protester are just plain noisy n boisterous.
2017-01-31 15:21:25 UTC
Why don't they go to Mexico why do they feel entitled to come here.
2017-01-31 15:01:35 UTC
Awesome move.
Tortilla Soup
2017-01-31 11:57:28 UTC
Absolutely not. Liberals want to implement all policies that make them look good and require no responsibility. It's another sugar coated topic to win the hearts of Americans. I mean they are so willing to let random strangers with no background check into the country, who could possibly end up raping people like they have in Germany and Sweden, but they are willing to kill their own babies because it's "inconvenient."

Now, I will go into why we should allow this. We should not be giving illegals or immigrants full benefits when this country is debt when we could at least be using that to improve the living conditions of our poor CITIZENS. It's also not discriminatory as what these celebrities are claiming. Anything Donald Trump does that affects people that aren't white is "Racist." If he were to wave at a black person, it would be deemed racist. This use of the word is now absurd in general. He's clearly taking all precautions to make sure this country is FREE from harm.
2017-01-31 11:20:17 UTC
2017-01-31 05:52:20 UTC
I could tell you what I think, but the best thing for you is to research things on your own, just remember that the media is not neutral, its not where you should get your information from
2017-01-31 05:33:34 UTC
First off Syrian refugees shouldn't be admitted. The president has the authority to do what he's doing. This is completely reasonable. President Obama did the same damn thing and nobody cares. Give me a break
2017-01-31 03:15:02 UTC
Why do Muslims everywhere in the world demand human rights when they are in the minority , however everywhere in the world where they are in the majority the minority has no rights
2017-01-31 02:38:48 UTC
Nope. Not at all. I think it was a good call. You never know if there could be a terrorist hiding among all those refugees, pretending to be one.
2017-01-30 21:02:32 UTC
2017-01-30 17:03:50 UTC
I support no immigration especially when its from ppl who dont share our culture
2017-01-30 06:15:35 UTC
No. I don't see how putting the safety of Americans first is a bad thing. Countries that have taken in refugees have experienced terrorist attacks and increased crime. That's just a fact. I actually recently went to Belgium, and it's a nightmare there. I've never been so scared in my life. I later found out where I was staying was a black market hub. I'd prefer the US to not become like this.
2017-01-31 20:52:22 UTC
2017-01-30 21:29:21 UTC
i don't vote for anyone so my hands are clean of YOUR war crimes

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