shingliza, please don't wait for the draft, leave now and take your dishonorable **** buddies with you, if you can't fight for the country you damned sure should not be here,
now the question , our forefathers warned us about haveing a volenteer army, as those who want to make the army a profession wold be easier to brainwash and go against their own people, that is something our forefathers did not want to happen,
any coutry who can get their army to go against their own people are just wanting to be taken over by some dictator or worse,
the Kennedys did that in the early 60s against our constitution when he sent troops to Arkansas to intergrate the schools,but, I don't think many if any of our troops would have fired on their fellow American citizens, had it came down to it, but, you can see what has hapened since then our schools have turned to pot
kids get out of high school and can't read or write, the blacks have disrupted the classes so much no one could learn any thing, so the colleges had to lower their entrance exams , they gave a passing grade to the blacks for a grade of 50 whites had to have a score of 70 to pass, so now our country is in deep **** , we came in 5th place in technology this year and have already been shut out on math , and science, our professors are going to other countries to teach as they are tired of trying to teach idiots who can't read or write in their college exams, so al in all you tell me if you want a strickly volenteer army? our forefathers must have been one hell of a lot smarter than the idiots who are running our country today, and they were statesmen who put their lives on the line and really cared for thie country , they didn't sell their votes in congress , senate either.