People like you who say "white consent" are not only wrong but as much at fault as anyone else in this matter who always sees in particular color.
Would it surprise you to know that most whites are fair and just, just as most blacks are, excepting the racists?
Do you know that in history, whites were often in brutal slavery? Are we always seeking compensation? Only God can compensate distant ancestors.
Get on with life ! Fix things instead of milking further troubles.
Learn to feels others' pain, regardless of their color.
See who is constructive and destructive, note honestly the variety of colors in each category.
Do your homework before killing or disparaging the innocent.
Anyone truly guilty should be punished in accord with legal procedures.
Burning down the whole town creates enmity and great losses, spreading the fire of hate upon the innocent.
Many burned cars belong to blacks in Chicago, Baltimore and L..A. The burned police cars in Denver result in replacement costs for everyone, black taxpayers included.
Some in all groups need reform.
Contribute to the help for all, not to the enhancement of the disaster.
FACT: Bear has nearly been killed by blacks three times, but does not burn incessantly from rage; further, I have always supported equal rights. And all middle class blacks had far richer life. Although you may think I went through several years of posh colleges you are wrong on that too. 95% self-taught using diligent efforts, spending for books on minimum wage, long before computer and internet age. Many brutal jobs, unemployment. Educational discrimination against former military. Not even 4 years of actual college, but see that I answer hard questions where few post graduates help, and notice the QUALITY.
I have onerous medical problem throughout life, worse than you can imagine, all years. Never even kicked the cat.
Do you think you really know True Pain? Angels know my pain meter is pegged to far right, for decades, see?
But often through all years, even when suffering, I have found time for cheering words and constructive help for others, no matter who.
What do you think? Has bear ever called for Police reform in YA? How many times? Once? If you are not lazy, it may surprise you VASTLY...
So much for Silent Whites. Did you see the other races, killed similarly?