Why aren't more White people outraged about Tamir Rice and the plague of killings of unarmed Black men?
2015-12-29 13:59:33 UTC
80 answers:
Smokies Hiker
2015-12-30 19:48:52 UTC
First of all a 12 year old any color you want to choose, can use a gun to kill someone! Many 10 to 14 year old Juvenals are taught to hunt and shoot various types of weapons, so age has little to do with this case. And Tamir Rice was nearly 6 foot tall and weighed nearly 200 pounds, so he likely looked to be older than he was during that brief time period when the police rolled up and Tamir removed the gun from his waist in a move the police thought was to shoot at them. that's why the police took the action they did. Tamir had altered the airsoft pistol to look real by removing the orange piece of the barrel of the gun that the manufacturer places there by law to indicate the gun is a "toy" and not real. We may never know why Tamir had made the toy gun look real, but it caused the police to react in a split second in the manner they did. They want to go home at the end of their shifts their family! And there's also the fact that the 911 dispatcher neglected to give the information to the police offers that the person waving the gun around on the video surveillance was reported to be a child by the 911 caller. All the information the police received was a person with a gun at the park. Probably 99% of any normal person would have reacted in the same manner the officer did. This is unfortunate for all involved. People of all colors should be outraged this happened, but not at the police, but instead, people should be outraged at Tamir's parents for allowing him to have this "toy" that was made to look like a real gun in the first place!
2015-12-29 17:33:12 UTC
OK tamir rice was armed so what do you expect he pointed a toy gun(that looked real) at a cop. It is not like the trayvon Martin case were he was innocent. This tamir rice knew what he was doing he was old enough too seems like every time I turn on the damn TV his name is always there like come on! His mom just wants attention she does not care she should have raised her kid better and then maybe he would have never been shot. Trayvon Martin's parents didnt do that at all.they just want something to talk about. If it was a black person that killed him it would be a different story and you know it! They would not care talking about black lives matter yea I'm for that but you can't act anyway you want to and now expect the consequences. This is just blown way out of proportion
2015-12-31 09:49:11 UTC
Simple -- Tamir Rice DID NOT appear to be unarmed. Michael Brown was a thug who was only without a gun because he could not take it from a police officer. I am sick of hearing about "unarmed" Black men who are carrying knives, guns, throwing rocks at property and/or police, committing crimes, etc. Black or white -- they more often deserve what they get.

A better question --- why aren't more BLACK peolple outraged about little black children being killed by gang wars and retaliation? You only care if a WHITE cop kills a black man --- but are completely complicit when blacks kill blacks.
2015-12-29 22:28:02 UTC
I'm not outraged because the cops have to make decisions fast if they want to live. They have families at home. These cops aren't having issues in rich white communities, they're having issues in the ghetto. If blacks want to stop this violence, maybe they should start obeying the law and stop looking for trouble every time a cop pulls up. Be more peaceful people. Or keep breaking the law, getting arrested or shot (your call how that plays out) then riot like some untamed animal. That will get you respect. I'll give you some more free advice. Black lives matter is a cult, and a joke. Cops lives matter. PEOPLES LIVES MATTER! Stop listening to Al Sharpton and Obama, they'll get you in over your head. It's simple, be someone you would want your kid to be, cops don't get called, then there is no risk of a gun going off in your direction. Gangs are a joke, rap music sucks, and both promote violence... Your move
2015-12-31 19:35:46 UTC
I'm white, and trust me I am so, so, so outraged. How could anyone not be? He was a boy. A child. And he was britally killed, and his killer's actions were not accounted for. That's one thing I hate about the United States. If this were to happen in Canada, the cop would have paid for his actions and be in jail right now. People aren't racist here. People are realistic and our version of CNN doesn't brainwash its licensers. I'm sorry that you Amercians feel as if there are races within humans. There is only one race and that is the human race. I hope for you Americans to find peace as we have here.
Who Dat
2015-12-31 10:40:42 UTC
White people think it's not their problem. So they don't stand up for what's right. Cause they have been cuddled and told they are better their whole life. Well They are now seeing that they are out numbered and are scarred that they will be left behind. So their reaction is not to care about people of color. The reality is most white people are trying to change their view of people whom do not look or sound like them. But the few are crazy and will do anything to make people of color go away. Good luck with that.
Steve M
2015-12-31 16:45:42 UTC
If Tamir Rice were white, the odds are good that he would still be alive today. Therein lies the problem. The odds are only good. It is easy to imagine a white child brandishing what appears to be a weapon and getting shot. There are better examples of Black lives not mattering that should be used to make the case that systemic racism exists in our law enforcement departments. It really does have to be black and white for people to see the truth.
2015-12-31 13:56:05 UTC
Actually many white people are outraged. However, the fact that Tamir Rice first pointed a gun at the police officer has moderated the outrage of some. The death of Tamir Rice at 12 years old is deeply tragic. It is hard to understand why any parent would allow a 12 year old to have a gun.
Philip H
2015-12-29 14:02:57 UTC
You Leftist Idiots can't see the marches in Chicago with all those Whites marching in unison with the other people of all ethnicities who justifiably fight against the Domination by a Liberal Democrat Administration and the Corrupt Leftist Union Police Department that has been entrenched there for decades?

Just watch you favorite Leftist Mainstream Media Propaganda Outlet and ignore the false gossip you get from your Twitter account.
2015-12-30 19:22:50 UTC
Ultimately there are racist people out there but I do believe that most white people who don't speak on it just can't relate, that tied with the mainstream media trying to put a label on African Americans as inferior not only to white but every race when in fact no human being is greater than the other. It's a failed brainwashing process by mainstream media
Linda R
2015-12-31 14:58:18 UTC
I'm not outraged because Tamir Rice made a HUGE mistake. He was in a park, carrying a plastic gun, which looked real and the neighbors called the police in fear for their lives.

The only one to blame is Tamir's parents!!!
2015-12-31 06:00:08 UTC
Poor little black boy. He can't even go into the park and point a gun at people with out the cops stepping in and shooting him. Who do they think they are ruining that poor black boys fun. Don't they know that little black boys have the right to scare people with a gun and shouldn't be subject to any repercussions. When are these stupid cops gonna learn not to interfere with black people's rights to break the law.

My opinion the cops are protecting blacks. I think there would be more black deaths if the cops weren't around. It's just not white people who don't trust blacks. Schit they don't even trust themselves There is more black on black crime then non black on black crime. Which is good for whitey I guess.
2015-12-30 10:17:43 UTC
ROFL, figured it would be long before the whining, blaming IDIOTS of Life would start their CRAP about Tamir Rice ... I suggest people STOP PLAYING WITH GUNS of any kind ... that MIGHT save your LIFE, it would be very stupid and deadly for cops to wait and see if the GUNS are real , especially on someone the size of this Tamir Rice who was ADULT SIZED - like 5'7" 160 lbs , not CHILD SIZED , sadly in Todays Life ... it's shoot first !
2015-12-30 15:05:48 UTC
Lets see....this is the unfortunate case where a 12 year old boy carried a toy gun around, which was identical in appearance to a real gun, and was pointing at people, including the police who shot him....right? Why are you outraged? Why is this a race issue? A white kid would have been killed in the same situation. What is wrong with you?
2015-12-31 06:32:25 UTC
The actions of this young person proved to be fatal.

The Family or he removed the orange tip off of the

BB gun to make it look real. I would invite you to look

at the still photo of a Real Weapon and the fake toy

little Timir displayed. I challenge you to tell me which

is which. From 30 ft. 20 ft. 10 ft. 5 ft. You can't do it.

The child was warned more then 20 times to put the

weapon down. And when he raised it at the Officer.

Tragedy occurred.
2015-12-30 20:14:59 UTC
Because im not dumb enough to fall into the media's trap. They only post stories of white on black murder, when in fact people of all races die. There might be a few bad cops out there, but they do not target anyone, the combination of nerves and how someone portarys there self can cause a person to react.
2015-12-29 14:47:07 UTC
Oh come on.. we have all weighed in on the subject of police brutality.

The facts seem to indicate that our police do indeed shoot more people then in other countries There is a current investigation going on in Chicago right now about this. There is an investigation so what are we supposed to do , go shut down a mall or something equally stupid?.

I think shutting down businesses is not helping the cause.The knock out game that was called this because black folks randomly targeted white women, men and even older folks to knock them out. Look up youtubes on it.

I never heard any blacks condemning the knock out game but suddenly it never got any more coverage anywhere.

I never heard anyone say it was wrong to call in a threat against people and pretend it was a white person on a campus or jump into a moving vehicle and tweet you got hit by it and didn't get an apology.

. No one condemned the harassing of students at a library in Dartmouth.

I never heard Al Sharpton or Spike Lee say anything about shutting down the mall in Louisville.

Besides we know this is Obama trying to get rid of the police. That is his agenda He wants lawlessness and a take over of the US by subversives. He wants to blame this on racial hatred but the guy is half white. My grandfather is mulatto. I can't decide which side of me is really outraged about anything

I didn't hear any blacks apologizing for OJ Simpson or the three black women who killed a homeless white guy with a hammer.

I didn't hear any black people condemn the thugs who killed that pregnant pastors wife in Indianapolis after a series of robberies. You know there are too many things to be outraged about .

Martin Luther King didn't do this crap. He didn't . He would be ashamed of this nonsense.
2015-12-30 14:19:00 UTC
well me, as a person who's white, a quarter hispanic, and kind of a moderate to center right libertarian more than a republican, I can say this: that police brutality is a problem that I wish the Right wing, the so called "small government conservatives" would wake up to. The Christians, gun owners, and conservatives who foolishly support the police no matter what will be gnashing their teeth when their same hero cops confiscate their guns, rape their women, and march their happy asses to a FEMA concentration camp.Everything used on the war on terror is going to be turned against the American people.

We already see it. The same armored vehicles and weapons that we used downrange are being gutted from the military as they chase the ZioWestern backed ISIS (and told to blame everything on Assad and Putin) and just given to the police to aim at the American people. During Hurricane Katrina, the police and National Guard worked together to secretly confiscate guns from people during the crisis.Some National Gaurds felt guilty for this. Several women were raped in the process.

It's also hilarious to note that when interviewing all these cops with all these tanks and ****, that you hear a slip of the tongue. They'll accidentally say "constitutionalist" when they would normally say "muslim" or "gangster" or something.

Little do people know, that their hero rightwing (cough cough) is actually about to turn on their asses. The people in charge see Homeschoolers, returning veterans, gun owners, and certain kinds of Christians along with Muslims as more dangerous than ISIS....they're just going to focus on "defending" you from their controlled false flag attacks so you'll take their side, and be too busy fighting somebody else while they stab you in the back. The reason why the police state is warming up to constitutionalists and gun owners is because "keep your friends close and enemies closer." When they're recruited as many people to their cause as possible, they can exterminate or enslave the remaining gun owners when their numbers have dwindled and their guard is down.

I mean, seriously, the same people who funded ISIS and fund the Drug Cartels with weapons are also the same people who give the police all this ****. And it's not just Obama doing it, lest we forget McCain and various other republicans and democrats are in on it, too. And the Authoritarian side of Conservatives are brainwashed by their churches, police officers, and corporations. They don't want to question them because they feel like they would be liberal hippies.

But there's also some of this that is very much the fault of the left. That is, there are many, many, MANY cases of police brutality against whites, and brutal cops that are black. BUT the leftist media, being part of the same aforementioned establishment, WANT a ******* race war. They WANT it to be all about black vs white, straight vs gay, Christian vs other religions, etc etc etc. A civil war, be it a race war or something like that, would be JUST the excuse they need to declare ******* martial law and burn up the constitution. They've been shooting at doing this for quite some time's just that they've been tiptoeing and now they are in a sprint.

The leftwing wants everything to be all about racism when it's not, because that would unite people if blacks and whites understood they were both getting ******. It's a distraction. The rightwing side of this monster is happy to play along.
Ursus Particularies
2015-12-31 11:08:36 UTC
People like you who say "white consent" are not only wrong but as much at fault as anyone else in this matter who always sees in particular color.

Would it surprise you to know that most whites are fair and just, just as most blacks are, excepting the racists?

Do you know that in history, whites were often in brutal slavery? Are we always seeking compensation? Only God can compensate distant ancestors.

Get on with life ! Fix things instead of milking further troubles.

Learn to feels others' pain, regardless of their color.

See who is constructive and destructive, note honestly the variety of colors in each category.

Do your homework before killing or disparaging the innocent.

Anyone truly guilty should be punished in accord with legal procedures.

Burning down the whole town creates enmity and great losses, spreading the fire of hate upon the innocent.

Many burned cars belong to blacks in Chicago, Baltimore and L..A. The burned police cars in Denver result in replacement costs for everyone, black taxpayers included.

Some in all groups need reform.

Contribute to the help for all, not to the enhancement of the disaster.

FACT: Bear has nearly been killed by blacks three times, but does not burn incessantly from rage; further, I have always supported equal rights. And all middle class blacks had far richer life. Although you may think I went through several years of posh colleges you are wrong on that too. 95% self-taught using diligent efforts, spending for books on minimum wage, long before computer and internet age. Many brutal jobs, unemployment. Educational discrimination against former military. Not even 4 years of actual college, but see that I answer hard questions where few post graduates help, and notice the QUALITY.

I have onerous medical problem throughout life, worse than you can imagine, all years. Never even kicked the cat.

Do you think you really know True Pain? Angels know my pain meter is pegged to far right, for decades, see?

But often through all years, even when suffering, I have found time for cheering words and constructive help for others, no matter who.

What do you think? Has bear ever called for Police reform in YA? How many times? Once? If you are not lazy, it may surprise you VASTLY...

So much for Silent Whites. Did you see the other races, killed similarly?
2015-12-31 13:20:03 UTC
Fact is, more unarmed white people are killed by the police every year. Where is the black community's outrage for the innocent white lives snuffed out by police? Where is the the outrage when black people are killed by other blacks, which happens far more often? Black Silence= Black Consent
Enter Name
2015-12-31 03:15:59 UTC
It seems like outraged people would get tired of being outraged all of the time. I wish they would join the human race instead. How many idiots have been elected to public office by pandering to outraged people? Too many. It's tragic when a kid dies. We need to look at ourselves and ask why. Disrespect for civility is the major cause in my opinion.
casey m
2015-12-31 12:12:11 UTC
Because we are sick of hearing about black people doing shady things then getting mad when the police respond. Fergusson MO was a bit of a turning point. That guy was a huge thug who had no problem bullying a shop owner and robbing him. He made a move at an officer and boo hoo he got shot. Then many people want to riot there. I am outraged, but everybody playing into this race card crap. Heck, even Rodney King didn't buy into this and he was abused for real
2015-12-30 10:13:38 UTC
Let it go if it would have been a grown black man that got shot nobody would even care. And if alot of black people stop acting like they are hard then it would be no shootings going on. But it seems like every time a black person gets shot we have to make a big deal out of it. Just like the Micheal brown case nobody saw what he did before that. He robbed a store and then when people found out they stopped talking about it right. So why is his case so damn important people have more important things to worry about like Isis making a terrorist attack.
El Tecolote
2015-12-29 14:05:35 UTC
Tamir Rice wasn't unarmed. It may have been a pellet gun, but it looked so real that I'm surprised the officer didn't fire earlier than he did.
2015-12-29 14:08:26 UTC
well....... the poor little kid has some toy gun. In the middle of the night, the cops can't tell what he has..

So that's the breaks.

We need to start taking guns away from EVERYBODY - and crushing them. It would take a few years to rid the streets of them, but then cops wouldn't have to feel so much like targets all the time.

We live - unfortunately - in a mindless right wing GUN society.
2015-12-31 11:58:14 UTC
Wow! So many issues touched on in just the first page of posts!

1. Gun control

2. Racism

3. Police brutality

4. Politically charged media fuel

5. Disproportionate distribution of wealth (aka top 1% vs the poor)

Not a single one of these topics alone can be labelled as a cause, but all together, over decades, they influence many of these recent events. These are all deeply complex issues and there is simply too much to say to type in a single post. I suggest readers go research these issues first (All of them!). Then make up their minds as to what is really happening.
2015-12-29 14:03:37 UTC
People have accepted the investigative findings of the Grand Jury. White, and black. Why don't you?
2015-12-30 22:03:22 UTC
Because white people don't understand what it's like to be black. We don't understand the concept of being shot by a white cop and us being black and unarmed.
2015-12-31 14:37:07 UTC
Why aren't more black people outraged about the hundreds of murders of black people committed by black people
2015-12-31 02:26:53 UTC
The same reason that the “Black Lives Matter “ movement doesn’t care that there are more white people killed by police officers than black people.

Would any of these black activists have taken to the streets for other races?


Then that’s the answer to your question.

We know the names like “Tamir Rice” & “Trayvon Martin” & many of the other black youths that died recently…. but how many names of white people gunned down by police do we know?



More white people are gunned down by police than black people… yet our liberal media doesn’t want that to be the story. The liberal media wants to report it that black people are gunned down because of their race…

yet when white people are gunned down by police… they’re just understood as “criminals who earned their death.”

(yes… many of the white people gunned down were also unarmed)

Please research this issue before you get outraged over your obvious racial bias.

White lives matter, too.
2015-12-31 13:50:52 UTC
Black people like to get outraged and act uncivilized. White people say nothing, they take legal action. We learned a long time ago that the pen is mightier than the sword.
2016-02-11 09:44:35 UTC
I am DEFINATELY tired of this Tamir Rice crap! If a WHITE kid pulled out a gun, he would get shot and killed also, so stop broadcasting this over and over.The police are over stereotyped for being trigger happy killers!
2015-12-31 13:26:31 UTC
white silence = white consent? are you for real?

here is an idea that will prevent 'black folk' from getting SHOT 99% of the time:

1 - when the police say "Get down", that does NOT mean, "get up and bust a move" or break dance. it means GET DOWN. do it. and shut your mouth

2 - when police say "let me see your hands" - show them the hands. don't reach for anything, put them up, palms open, shoulder level, don't move more than that.

3 - never, ever point ANYTHING toward a cop. not a finger, nothing that looks like a gun or could be confused for a weapon.

4 - don't reach for anything. don't motion toward your waist (where a gun could be in your pants), don't turn suddenly. just don't move until you are told

5 - don't EVER go for a cop's gun, taser, or anything else. that is inviting it.

6 - remain calm. don't raise your voice, don't escalate, don't run.

follow these simple 6 steps and you will likely not get shot.
2015-12-31 13:02:18 UTC
Why aren't more Black people outraged about Blacks drug dealers killing 9 year old Black kids?
2015-12-29 14:30:39 UTC
Some are afraid they will be accused of turning on white people. A black kid is dead and there ARE many whites outraged about it. Too much evil on the right.Always defending the guns and trigger happy cops.
Alex G
2015-12-30 15:12:43 UTC
Why aren't black people OUTRAGED about black on black killing's in Chicago, Baltimore, LA etc.....Blk silence=Blk consent??
2015-12-29 14:11:22 UTC
Tamir Rice was armed;

to bad it was a pellet gun.

What was he thinking when he was waving this gun around?

Was he pretending to be "Scarface" or a gang banger?

I agree that the MURDERER of Laquan McDonald needs to be imprisoned for life.


Then, BLACK SILENCE=BLACK CONSENT in regards to the silence of 45 MURDERS in Baltimore, Md. between June1st to June 30th, 2015.

Why are these statistics ignored and I get called racist for pointing it out.

TOO MANY young lives wasted.

Tell me about 6 year old Jeremy.

Jeremy Mardis shooting death: Video appears to show ...
2015-12-29 20:23:57 UTC
Your pathetic! How many whites have you seen protesting with black lives matter? A lot, unless you don't really watch television in which case you really have no idea what is going on.
2015-12-31 13:19:34 UTC
BC TAMIR WAS INFACT ARMED WITH WHAT LOOKED LIKE A REAL GUN AND WAS POINTING IT AT POLICE. YES THEY SHOULDNT HAVE SHOT HIM, BUT IF THAT WAS A REAL GUN HE COULD HAVE EASILY SHOT THEM SO THEY DID WHAT THEY THOUGHT WAS RIGHT AT THE TIME. If it was a little white boy people wouldn't give a crap. Regardless of race gun violence is a big problem ,but guns don't kill people, people kill people.
2015-12-31 14:23:49 UTC
Here's the short answer: I'm white and have three kids that would never have dreamed about quitting high school. Black daddy's don't care or can't control their kids so until they step don't expect me to give a shxt.........
2015-12-29 15:35:01 UTC
Because only the White Liberals are using this unfortunate killing of the innocent boy to support their anti-cop agenda. Any sane person who believes (regardless of their race) that the gun did Not appear as a Real threat to the cops is more concerned with the anti-cop agenda.
2015-12-31 13:05:23 UTC
Because it was a tragedy, but it was a reasonable shooting as the boy pointed what looked like a gun at the cop. Black parents need to teach their children to respect the police, obey the police, to not point guns at the police, and to not attack the police. This would lead to much fewer police shootings of young Black men.
2015-12-29 14:32:13 UTC
Apparently you don't know about the millions of white people who are outraged and who are supporting BLM. I'm wondering why you don't.
2015-12-31 14:20:40 UTC
Race is an issue for the public at large and not an issue to be legislated.We need a voice to derive at public opinion not laws that do not show a consensus of opinions that we all consider just. We may vote to accept populations that may contain terrorist, we may choose to resend civil rights as they are now to make the whole public accountable for individual freedoms, we may choose to fund American Indians who would start business and generate taxes, or we could find other ways to treat Illegals to make them productive citizens. There are ways to improve relations but I do not think you can legislate them. It just creates more injustice.
2015-12-29 14:03:07 UTC
We have a surfeit of black violence in America, in which blacks are carrying guns, shootings all over the place, Rap music that celebrates and promotes violence, World Star Hip Hop promoting violence among blacks, but the biggest problem is white police killing blacks?
2015-12-31 14:50:34 UTC
Because EVERYONE of the cases where the police killed a black was 100% justified


A non white minority who knows right from wrong
2015-12-29 14:10:16 UTC
Republicans get that special "thrill" when they think of black people being shot dead on the streets by America's cops, these days. They get the same "thrill" when innocent people are executed in Texas prisons.
2015-12-30 10:51:01 UTC
Because when a kid waves around a airsoft gun with no orange tip he's going to get shot.

Seriously. It's his fault.
2015-12-31 12:57:26 UTC
We don't deal in absolutes. White silence doesn't equal white consent.
2015-12-31 16:01:54 UTC
Because the police won't shoot us white people 2 seconds after they pull up, and we ALL know it.
2015-12-29 14:24:06 UTC

You don't speak for all white people, chief, so you can neither say they aren't outraged, nor can you say their silence means consent. In short, shutup and sit down, you useless clown.
2015-12-29 14:24:47 UTC
Every time a black person gets shot by police, they are resisting arrest, attacking someone or just being completely unreasonable with the police.
2015-12-31 15:50:58 UTC
Maybe we are used to twice as many white people getting shot by the police.
2015-12-29 14:02:04 UTC
We are. Someone on here posted that most of the BLM protesters in Minneapolis were white. I know there are white people involved. And there has been media coverage.
2015-12-30 23:06:15 UTC
Because white people are either hateful or ambivalent toward black people. And they want to believe all blacks are crooks, so we deserve to be murdered by cops and white supremacists.
2015-12-31 16:32:55 UTC
As a HUMAN I am outraged that PEOPLE are killing PEOPLE. Take the race card out of your deck and reshuffle.
2015-12-30 18:10:29 UTC
If the police officer was wrong. Then i am outraged. No matter what skin colour
2015-12-29 14:29:23 UTC
Blacks deserve to be killed. I'm going to get drunk and smoke five joints go celebrate the dead n•gger animal.
2015-12-31 15:34:28 UTC
Honestly, I'm too busy partying...
2015-12-31 14:18:10 UTC
If this kid was the choir boy the press wanted him to look like, it would be a different story.
2015-12-30 22:52:28 UTC
tamir rice was armed
2015-12-30 19:02:51 UTC
Even if the police was blind to race, in that situation anyone would get shot.
2015-12-30 17:41:21 UTC
shut your black white bullshit up .. its mother ******* like you that keep race issues alive DONT GIVE YOUR ******* KIDS TOY GUNS! IF A COP SAYS STOP YOU STOP! IF A COP SAYS YOU DROP IT DROP IT ... if you dont well you get what you deserve

white black asian indian .. break the law you pay
2015-12-29 14:00:17 UTC
Don't you have government cheese to collect?
2015-12-29 14:02:44 UTC
White kids killed in the same time and no one saying one word about it. Black silence, black consent
2015-12-29 14:03:03 UTC
why aren't more "questions" about "white people" asked by non-blue nobodies?
2015-12-31 14:35:58 UTC
Why do blacks take every opportunity they get to call whites racest? I am not racest, but come on, people.
2015-12-29 15:21:49 UTC
Maybe they should have put another 16 rounds in that thug.
2015-12-31 12:43:11 UTC
Think of the victims of future crimes these dead people were denied.
2015-12-31 13:09:35 UTC
Sadly, many whites are racist. Even liberal ones. They learn it at home from their families.
2015-12-31 13:53:36 UTC
2015-12-29 14:31:44 UTC
And blacks killing other blacks= blacks consent doesn't it. Doesn't black lives matter???
2015-12-29 14:04:00 UTC
because it was justified, the police didnt do anything wrong.
2015-12-30 07:02:03 UTC
The more the better!
2015-12-30 22:41:05 UTC
a person to react.
2015-12-31 17:06:52 UTC
because they are embarrassed their race has done that
Black Dog
2015-12-31 07:51:46 UTC
silence is compliance
2015-12-30 16:45:22 UTC
we wait for the JURY.
2015-12-30 15:07:43 UTC
i never heard of it? about it, or seen it... i have no idea wtf you talking about...
Yeah, butt
2015-12-29 15:44:22 UTC
oh please.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.