Why is everyone so anti Nazi?
Erik H
2009-03-16 19:01:06 UTC
My grandmother was a Nazi and she is the sweetest and most hardcore lady I have ever known. Never hurt anyone. So what if the Holocaust was blown way out of proportion? That is propaganda, America did it, so did Germany, so did Russia. And so what if Mel Gibson is an anti-semite? This is America and people have the right to express their opinion. If you try to censor that, or even refute it, you are worse than the Nazi's that were supposedly oh so terrible.

"The symbol of freedom cannot just be a flag, but must also be that flag burning." -- Thomas Jefferson

I want to know why I always hear so much hatred about these topics, no matter how out of date the subject is.
33 answers:
2009-03-16 19:30:21 UTC
Wow, where do I start. Umm... I will fight to the death for your freedom of speech, homie, but here's how I see it, and mind you, a few very dear, very old friends of mine feel exactly like you. I also have spoken with a few more than a few Nazi vets, who cry every day about the terrible things they did. They beg God every day for what they've done. I've also spoken with a few old timers (only ONE is Jewish) with the tattoos on their arms. It turns out, not only were 6 million Jews killed in the camps, but so were 7 million other folks! My God, I wish you would see how it sounds from this side of the fence, knowing what I do. I have tried to convince those guys I've known since we were kids, why they're wrong. No evidence will sway them that the Nazis were evil, and the Men and Women of Germany were so lied to. They were fed constant propaganda. I've read just about all there is on the subject, and interviewed the Vets on all sides of WWII. Believe me, you are doing a terrible disservice to future generations who would hear your words, and allow genocide to happen again, as it is all over the world today. How many millions have died, simply for who they were? My gosh...again, you have every right to say what you do, but boy, I wish you'd think it over.
2009-03-16 19:15:43 UTC
it's not because they killed so many Jews and other ethnic groups. Stalin killed far more than they ever did. Its because they were so efficient about it they made it into a mass production style process. Lots of countries have tried to commit genocide including the United States. The Nazis did it with a particular coldness that simply revolts civilized people.

Your right that much of it was propaganda as well. I am not saying that the holocaust did not happen but it has been publicized far more then any other such event including the genocides that are going on today. We hate the Nazis because they proudly display what most of us find shameful. Unbridled and unrepentant hatred with no possibility of reason. They didn't simply hate other people, they made it a religion that puts faith in hatred and calls tolerance heresy.

Added: The Nazis were the dominant political party in Germany during World War 2. Just because someone was German didn't mean they were a enthusiastic member of the Nazi party. Many Germans despised the Nazi party and its ideals. Hitler made the parties focus into one of hatred and people today who call themselves Nazis are not particularly political, they are simply extreme bigots. When you say your grandmother was a Nazi, I suspect that she was simply a German. There nothing wrong with Germans as a people. Nazis are something entirely different.
The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy
2009-03-17 08:28:46 UTC
I don't know, but many people did not take part in the killings and some near the end were most likely forced to fight. They never talk about the evil stuff Communism has done. In the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia in 1917 10-60,000,000 Christians were slaughtered by the Communists. So why do you always still hear the "Jews" complaining? Murder is evil. But it is also good to hear both sides of a situation which we never do. The Nazis are socialist are they not?

HA HA HA pissing people off is fun isn't it?

You might understand the source, but then again you might not.
Kaylee O
2009-03-16 19:14:34 UTC
Well technically the Nazi's were the National Socialist Party so your grandmother may merely be a socialist, however, the reference Nazi is meant towards Hitler's totalitarian regime and the Holocaust in which over 6 million Jews were murdered, not to mention the political prisoners and those killed for being handicapped.

Now I will not say other countries haven't done similar things, Stalin killed far more people then Hitler did yet we never talk about it in schools. The spoils of war partially but no decent person can condone such actions of violence and genocide.
2009-03-16 19:18:39 UTC
You have a right to say what you want, however, I have the right to refute it. I believe when Eisenhower found the concentration camps, he told them to take lots of pictures because some day there will be those who would deny it ever happened.

I am glad your gramma didn't hurt anyone, but that doesn't discount the millions of people who died in the holocaust. The subject will never be out of date because it is real history. It isn't a lie just because someone hates the Jewish people. I don't see how the Jefferson quote applies.
Dustin S
2009-03-16 19:13:49 UTC
Did other countries like Japan and Russia commit horrible war crimes but that hardly lets the Nazis off the hook for the millions that they slaughtered like animals. You may think how you like but you can't defend the un defendable. My grandfather was a soldier in WWII and he was captured and sent to a concentration camp so I have a different and opposite point of view than you do. No one is trying to sensor you, you do have the right to say what you wish as demonstrated by your post, just don't besurprisedd if many people disagree.
2009-03-16 19:07:24 UTC
Well, I understand being anti Nazi, but I hate when people act like Germany was the only country that has done anything like the holocaust. Oh and I hate how if you say you love germany you get called a nazi. I got called a nazi for taking a german langauge course, hah.

But on topic: The truth is, there has been many massacres in history. The holocaust wasnt the first, and isnt the last. Anyone still remember about Africa right now? Theres genocides taking place there right now. :/

I'm full Polish, but Im not crying everytime I hear Nazi. The holocaust happened, and as tragic as it was...we need to move on and learn and grow from this. We should feel sorry for the lives that were lost, yes, but we should still grow and move on. Nazis killed 2.5m poles by the way.
2009-03-16 19:11:45 UTC
I think the Nazis are disgusting.

But people should have freedom of speech.

If someone wants to shout about being a Nazi, fine. They aren't going to change my mind - I still don't agree with them. They committed the Holocaust. It was disgusting and horrific.

But they do have the freedom to express any silly thing they want. I wouldn't want that right taken from them - I'm not a Nazi like that~
2009-03-16 19:24:46 UTC
You have the right to hate anybody or group you like in this country! That's what Jefferson meant with the flag burning. Now, try to hurt, harm or kill (exterminate) these people and you will see a serious whipping coming your way. Are you trying to justify Hitler or your GrandMom?
2009-03-16 19:10:42 UTC
Your right to express your opinion stops when it kills millions of people.

I'm sure your grandmother was a nice person. But that is as a grandmother. The Nazi party systematically destroyed entire populations. Yeah. I generally have this mental block against liking a heretical sect that believes in killing mass numbers of people.
2009-03-16 19:12:24 UTC
Nazi's did get a bad reputation after WW2, because of all the killings they were responsible for, but some people don't even realize how much worse communist russia and china were, and they killed way more than the nazi's did.
2009-03-16 19:08:42 UTC
Read Mein Kamph in Hitlers own words and let me know if you still feel the same way. The over all goal was to exterminate anyone who did not fit the Aryan look. This is in his own book and is not propaganda.
Idle Chitchat
2009-03-16 19:33:48 UTC
Your intelligence is so lacking, you make that monkey that peed in his mouth look like Einstein. Type "monkey" and "pee" and "mouth" into YouTube, 'cause I know you have the time.

You reduce the issue of Nazism to one of simply ideas---propaganda, antisemitism, opinions, blah blah blah. That is NOT what makes Nazism one of the most wicked philosophies of our time. The philosophy translated to ACTION, the killing of millions of people just because they were Jewish, gypsy, homosexuals, or dissidents. That is why people are anti-Nazi. Your grandma may be sweet and hardcore, but she is also IGNORANT, as were so many members of the Nazi party who joined to unify Germany but had no idea the mass murder that was being committed in their name.

If you think your lily-white skin makes you superior to everyone else on the planet, think again. Your susceptibility to violent skin cancer, cystic fibrosis, hemochromatosis, autism, and arthritis should give you some "genetic" pause. You think something divine is embedded in your DNA? Buckle up, white boy. Brown-skinned Hebrews got a hot-line to God, while your kind was holed-up worshipping Thor and sacrificing virgins to your deities after having been gang-raped by hordes of white men. Are you proud now? We are only, mercifully, heirs to God's promise because of a humble group of people (Jews, in case you got lost) who gave us our scriptures, and our Lord, in spite of the relentless hatred, spite, and murder we inflict on them constantly. They make up so little of the world's population, but no one has suffered more than they have. Why? Because they are God's people. And people hate God. Why not kill them? Why not kill God? Your grandma never "hurt" anyone? That's wonderful. Her hero, Hitler, murdered and burned the bodies of millions of innocents. She needs to get on her knees. And so do you.
2009-03-16 19:07:34 UTC
In this day and age, most people dislike fasicm and WWII. The Nazi party have some elements of fasicm, and it started WWII.

It could also be that I (and other people) don't agree with thier ideals. Is that enough reason for you?
2009-03-16 19:07:00 UTC
Small world, my gramma was a Nazi too and she's the sweetest and most hardcore lady ever. You're probably going to get bashed but there are a lot of things that you've said that I agree with.

We are all entitled to our own views, I wrote a small story once called "I don't believe in Sea Otters" that has to do with this topic.

Keep on living your freedom, man.

EDIT: Hey guys, read carefully. He isn't asking about Hitler, he's talking about Nazis. They were in a far different position than he.
2009-03-16 19:11:34 UTC
Lets overlook the holocaust as you propose. They also started the biggest, deadliest and most destructive war in human history. That alone would earn them hatred.
Tootsie pop ♥♥♥♥
2009-03-16 19:36:04 UTC
You must of been smokin when you wrote this.

I mean your grandmother must of believed in killing Jewish people, and african americans, etc.

locking people in gas chambers, taking little kids to forests and shooting them.

2009-03-16 19:04:40 UTC
Did the Church of Rome ever excommunicate A. Hitler?
2009-03-16 19:13:08 UTC
Simple. Not hating Nazis would lead to analyzing them and noticing they're indistinguishable from Democrats.

Hm. I guess that's actually a reason to keep hating them, huh?
Red-eye Coyote
2009-03-16 19:08:14 UTC
Oh I know. The Nazis didn't kill the Jews they just resettled them...into furnaces.
2009-03-16 19:15:30 UTC
I won't insult you.Your so far beneath contempt.I'll just take the two.

Goodbye hope to see more inane questions you post.
2009-03-16 19:08:50 UTC
mostly because nazis hate me on the basis of my skin colour. they would like to kill me on the basis of my skin colour. they think that their skin colour makes them superior. nazis, white supremacists, and any others who claim superiority and the right to exterminate others based on skin colour, nationality, or creed are the enemy. it can be no other way.
2009-03-16 19:05:58 UTC
I'll have to read up on it, but I think Hitler was the evil one. The political party was the Nazi party that he corrupted.
2009-03-16 19:14:24 UTC
the sweetest, most hardcore lady?
beth l
2009-03-16 19:11:00 UTC
While I hate what you are saying I will defend to my death your right to say it....moron.

I think it is fairly obvious why ppl are anti-nazi...
2009-03-16 19:06:22 UTC
Once you've made a reputation it can be very hard to shake it.

Millennia perhaps... in this case
Mogollon Dude
2009-03-16 19:06:25 UTC
Study History to answer your own question .
Ah Ha #26
2009-03-16 19:09:21 UTC
Maybe cause they killed 5 million jews, idiot.
2009-03-16 19:06:41 UTC
Your right Genocide is always over exaggerated.
2009-03-16 19:04:38 UTC
Hate and murder can NEVER be a beautiful thing!
Insane Liberal
2009-03-16 19:05:07 UTC
Is your Klan accepting any new members???
2009-03-16 19:04:59 UTC
Nazism = Bullshit
what now
2009-03-16 19:05:40 UTC
Not everyone.

Only Democrats.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.