2009-06-07 09:22:23 UTC
In the link above the nazis are saying they will put North Korea back on thier own version of the terrorist list,for carrying N.Korea carring out out Nuclear tests.
All this started since N.Koreas launch of a sattelite a few weeks ago, then N.Korea notifed the U.N and the World in advance that this launch was only for launching a sattelite ,this is what all countires hve to do if they too plan to launch any rocket powered object by U.N law, so N.Korea action were perfectly legal.
However just a few days after the launch, the nazis and thier nazi allies started putting sanctions on North Korea, saying the launch was for some long range missile.So in retaliation to the nazis acts N.Korea tested an under ground nuclear bomb.Just to prove that it is the nazis that are the real axis of evil , who was it that killed these people in thier tens of millions starting from the native indians, then the black slaves,japanese,koreans,vietnamese,south and central americans,grenada, libya,sudan,middle eastern countires ,etc.Nazi america even funded hitler and nazi germany, that later went on to kill tens of millions of people in Europe. The nazis barbaric acts are known by every educated person in the world today.Just to cap it off, the present Hypocritcal Nazis should look at them selves first before blameing and accuseing other nations of illegal acts when it was they that invaded a country to grab it's oil killing hundreds of thousands ,namely iraq,then supporting a dictator in Georgia who attacked a sleeping town killing thousands of civillians,makeing a nuclear armed terroist country thier ally namely pakistan.The barbaric acts of the nazis is endless.It's time for the rest of the world to arm it self to the teeth to protect themselves from nazi imperialisum.