Flush Hope Here
2010-10-04 15:14:02 UTC
2. Near Filibuster proof Senate.
....a. 57 democrats
....b. 2 Independents that vote to the left.
....c. 5 RINO's ... Review the Kagan vote. (9 for Sotomayor)
.........(1. Susan Collins
.........(2, Olympia Snowe
........,(3. Richard Lugar
.........(4. Judd Gregg
.........(5. Lindsey Graham
3. That's 64+ Senate liberals with various name tags.
It seems the lame stream media and specifically MSNBC and their parroting viewer drones view this 64 liberal count as simply not enough to counter "the party of NO".
Is it possible that the problem is not the amount of liberals, but rather the ridiculous agenda that 0bama, Pelosi and Reid are trying to push? Agenda so ridiculous that the liberal majority are the ones saying "NO"?
How could Obama blame the Republicans?
What is your opinion?