Doesn't there come a point when the Government has enough tax revenue?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Doesn't there come a point when the Government has enough tax revenue?
24 answers:
2010-09-25 02:32:50 UTC
Apparently not. They're a bottomless pit.
2010-09-25 02:32:09 UTC
Even better than that, there are some who actually believe that the Democrats will balance the budget by raising taxes. The politicians in Washington have a spending disorder. Compulsive spending is rampant, for every new dollar they take in they spend three. If they raise taxes and double the income they will spend six times that. There never was a balanced budget that a Democrat liked and never a spending bill that they did not keep adding to.

There will never be enough tax money being drained into the swamp in Washington. The federal reserve has had the printing presses working overtime and we still can't keep up with the Democrats.

Anyone who actually believes that they even intend on balancing the budget is daft.
Limit Government
2010-09-25 02:25:09 UTC
Excellent Point.

We need everything we can get to pay this debt though.
Lloyd J
2010-09-25 02:29:42 UTC
The sad part is that when the tax rate goes above a certain point, it does so much damage to the economy that government revenue goes down. So increasing tax rates is counter productive. We are well above the tax rate that produces the most revenue, so we would be better off with a lower tax rate.
2010-09-25 02:28:01 UTC
No, there is never enough tax revenue. Obama. What a guy. Hope and change we can believe in.
Red neck
2010-09-25 02:24:54 UTC
Grrrreat question.
2010-09-25 02:23:58 UTC
I'm pretty liberal but yea, it never ends it seems.
2010-09-25 06:55:53 UTC
Nope, they rob us blind, their greed for our money is insatiable. Every year their budgets cost us more money because they plan to spend more.

Obama spends millions on generating 55 jobs. He shuts down our oil riggs & gives Brazil & Mexico millions so that they can drill for oil.

Obama is a hypocrite.

2010-09-25 02:47:13 UTC
Indeed. The old do as I say, not as I do quote applies.

Since laws are too slow, tedious, and require much work, expect a new round of theft that will frost the cake.

The Euro & (proposed) Amero are the tip of the iceberg.

Look out for the Globe - O, and you will get "stiffed" on the exchange rate (no matter where you are).

After that ... the Solar System - O, the Galaxy - O, & finally the Universe - O.

They'll "Nick" you a little bit more each time, until you're left with a hand shake & a pat on the back, and of course .. (from them) ... a $hit eating grin.

Who says robbers need a weapon? All they need is your vote.
2010-09-24 19:24:57 UTC
This is such a good question, someone should ask this to the president!

Star for you!
bill j
2010-09-25 02:46:40 UTC
Obama believes there is a point where the government has enough money. When they have it all he will be satisfied.

And I'll let you in on a little secret. Anytime you raise taxes above a certain point (around 15% or so) you lose revenue. Maryland passed the Millionaire Tax claiming it would increase revenue by $106 million a year. They ended up losing $257 million. New York City passed an increase in hotel room taxes claiming it would generate $11 million more in revenue per year. In 6 months they lost $4 million and repealed the tax increase. Every state that increased tobacco taxes lost revenue and the higher they raised the tax the more money they lost. The feds increased tobacco taxes and have lost millions in revenue. Congress passed a Luxury Tax on boats over Bush the elders veto. No new taxes were collected but about 30,000 people lost their jobs in the ship building and related industries.

And lowering taxes increases revenue. Presidents Coolidge, Reagan and Kennedy (yes JFK) LOWERED taxes and this increased tax revenue and created more jobs and stimulated the economy. Do a little research on the Laffer Curve and study a little history, you will see for yourself.
2010-09-25 02:36:29 UTC
Because statists believe that government exists above and apart from society (not the rest of society). Therefore, what applies to us doesn't apply to them. They steal from us and call it taxation or wealth redistribution. They mass murder foreigners and call it war. They kidnap us and call it military draft. They counterfeit money and call it monetary policy.

No there doesn't come a point where government can be satisfied.It is always in predatory mode.
2010-09-25 02:33:43 UTC
I love this question!

I always wondered why he did,nt just take a million dollars and give it to every person on the IRS list that marked under a certain amount and watched to see how it impacted the economy,you know folks would have used it..and what we have like 16 billion in thiss country could have been alot cheaper.
2010-09-25 11:39:56 UTC
It is NOT the income they want. It is the CONTROL!!

If they increase the taxes, and then give REBATES to those they want to succeed, they are CONTROLLING us.

That is what it really is all about!

Drop the deductions, and make a flat tax for EVERYONE, then you would have a true and fair system.

This one is a CLASS system, where the rich are FORCED to pay for the poor. That is NOT a democratic system, in my view.
falsi fiable
2010-09-25 02:25:19 UTC
People want a lot of things. That $600,000,000,000 military industrial complex is very costly. More than 70% of the public WAS pro-invasion in 2003. Much of the last 7 years' war expenses have been off the books.

Over the past 30 years, Rpublicans have convinced the public that they should be grateful to the wealthy for thier jobs, proclaiming that without a rich investor there would be no jobs. But that could not be further from the truth. Without workers there would be no wealthy. They claim expiration of a tax cut on the wealthiest 3% would be a job killer. Michael Steele and fellow Republicans fail to show us how. Will Republicans hide their money in their mattresses after the tax increase or will they continue seeking the highest investment returns possible?

I'll tell you about the injustice of the American tax system. The working class pays more in taxes than the investment class.

Workers pay a marginal rate of 40.3% (25% federal, 15.3% FICA)

The wealthy investment class pays a marginal rate of 15% (15% capital gains taxes, near 0% Social Security and Medicare).

Ask yourself why workers are taxed at nearly triple the rate of investors.

There are just four ways to create wealth:

1. Sell natural resources, such as animal, vegetable, and mineral

2. Labor

3. Intellectual and creative invention

4. Exploit someone else's efforts from no's 1-3 above

Of all these, #4 gets treated most favorably by our tax system. Investors create nothing of value.

The wealthy cannot make money off their investments without someone to raise the livestock, pick the crops, or mine the copper. They cannot make money without workers. Their investments will not grow without inventors designing products or writing movie scripts.
2010-09-25 02:25:32 UTC
When Democrats stop figuring out ways to waste trillions and trillions of taxpayer dollars?

Oh wait never mind at that point we will just being paying interest on the debt we can no longer pay off.
2010-09-25 02:29:04 UTC
How many of your famous corporations got away with paying no tax at all last year at the same time as they got government handouts.

GM is a great example.

Flat broke to fully financed and richer than ever as soon as the executives got told they could not get any bonuses until the government loans were repaid.
scott b
2010-09-25 02:28:01 UTC
Yes, there is. But that point is NOT when you have a large deficit and huge debt. Why don't you ask the people in England, where some pay 80-90% in taxes?
2010-09-25 02:27:33 UTC
Actually the US tax to GDP ratio is the third lowest in the OECD. Conservatives whining they are overtaxed is just too funny.
2010-09-25 02:30:17 UTC
2010-09-25 02:27:12 UTC
You probably don't realize how low the USA tax burden really is.
2010-09-25 02:24:51 UTC
when they can reduce spending it may be possible. taxing more and spending less would help get us where we need to be a lot faster.

I get the idea that even with less spending, people would still complain about taxes even knowing that we would eventually become more balanced.

don't complain about the situation if you're not willing to help.
2010-09-25 02:24:10 UTC

Right when I have to start paying them.

Ship the turds skins back to their homelands, and send the libs with them. PROBLEM SOLVED!
2010-09-25 02:30:13 UTC

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