People want a lot of things. That $600,000,000,000 military industrial complex is very costly. More than 70% of the public WAS pro-invasion in 2003. Much of the last 7 years' war expenses have been off the books.
Over the past 30 years, Rpublicans have convinced the public that they should be grateful to the wealthy for thier jobs, proclaiming that without a rich investor there would be no jobs. But that could not be further from the truth. Without workers there would be no wealthy. They claim expiration of a tax cut on the wealthiest 3% would be a job killer. Michael Steele and fellow Republicans fail to show us how. Will Republicans hide their money in their mattresses after the tax increase or will they continue seeking the highest investment returns possible?
I'll tell you about the injustice of the American tax system. The working class pays more in taxes than the investment class.
Workers pay a marginal rate of 40.3% (25% federal, 15.3% FICA)
The wealthy investment class pays a marginal rate of 15% (15% capital gains taxes, near 0% Social Security and Medicare).
Ask yourself why workers are taxed at nearly triple the rate of investors.
There are just four ways to create wealth:
1. Sell natural resources, such as animal, vegetable, and mineral
2. Labor
3. Intellectual and creative invention
4. Exploit someone else's efforts from no's 1-3 above
Of all these, #4 gets treated most favorably by our tax system. Investors create nothing of value.
The wealthy cannot make money off their investments without someone to raise the livestock, pick the crops, or mine the copper. They cannot make money without workers. Their investments will not grow without inventors designing products or writing movie scripts.