What more should America do to protect the world from terrorists?
2008-09-29 01:00:08 UTC
Sad reality: our nation is the world's last best hope for peace and freedom. Communist nations such as India and China are becoming stronger and stronger each day. As a result, there will be no peace. So what more can America to do keep the world safer in terms of longevity? Should we invade Iran because it's promoting terrorism? Syria? Saudi Arabia? What do you guys think? Legitimate answers only please.
27 answers:
2008-09-29 01:10:17 UTC
Excellent question. One that should be taken a lot more seriously. Americans seem to take for granted our safety- too many have forgotten about 9/11. The bad guys are still out there, and it's nearly impossible for us to fight them all. We need to convince other semi like-minded nations- UK, Canada, etc. to take up the cause to protect the world from people who want nothing more than to spread hate and violence and terror. We need to protect and support young democracies like Georgia. This is all much easier said than done and with all the idiots and yuppies on Capitol Hill who think that an isolationist policy is the way to go it is very unlikely. Sadly, this reminds me of a poem by Martin Niemöller called "First they came..." about Nazi Germany. You can sit by and watch terrorists oppress and kill others, but it won't be long until you're the only one left and they're coming for you.
2016-10-18 14:12:41 UTC
ok, enable's positioned yet another attitude in this. China has invaded the U. S. through fact they can't stand the opression of the U. S. worker by the dictatorship of the capitalist any further, and characteristic desperate to impose socialism on the U. S. (as of direction socialism is the perfect variety of government). The chinese language government now says the worker is freed from the dictatorship of the evil capitalist, and under the (unelected) management of the celebration will lead an better existence. Any American who does not believe this could be a terrorist who hates the worker. Unsurprisingly there are extremely extremely some us people who're fairly indignant, for quite a few reasons. firstly their usa has been INVADED by a distant places ability. next, they do no longer believe socialism, so as that they warfare to do away with it. Thirdly, in the process the invasion the chinese language killed thousands of human beings (to pacify the area) - so as that they are combating for revenge. The chinese language human beings kind them "terrorists, who hate the rights of the worker and % to sell the fatcat capitalist". At a stroke China has extra desirable terrorism interior the U. S. from below one million% to a plenty plenty extra desirable discern. The invasion has created - no longer decreased - terrorism. you could't create peace by launching a warfare.
Introspective Girl
2008-09-29 01:27:51 UTC
You are very naive. First India is not a communist nation, second we do more business with communist China than all nations combined. So if we had such a problem with communist, why are we making these nations rich and keep borrowing money from them? You assume only Muslims are terrorist which is racist and far from the truth. Saudi Arabia is an ally of the U.S and if we had such a problem with them, then we should not being buying their oil. America has over 700 military bases around the world. We invaded a country who didn't attack us nor was a serious threat. Please stop listing to Hanity and other propaganda pimps on right wing talk radio. How can you protect your nation by becoming the very thing you are accusing others of being. Look how many innocents souls who have perished because of the war in Iraq. We gave Saddam his weapons, then played both sides when he went to war with Iran. We over threw a democratically elected PM in Iran in 1953. Just because we don't like the religion of Syria, Saudi, Iraq...doesn't give us the right to invade to do Israel's bidding. Go to any major city in the U.S.A and walk the streets at night do you feel safe? Keep your doors and windows opened like they do in Canada. You know why you don't? Because you know some criminal will either kill you or rob you. I am not talking about a Muslim, Arab I am talking about an American. We have over 4 million men in prison, the most of any industrial nation. Tell me about terrorism, go to the slums of Chicago, or LA. Walk through the streets with the wrong color and see what will happen. Look at the gang violence in every major city and lets talk about terrorism. Go and research the amount of women rapped in our nation. Before you judge others, with this self righteous indignation, why don't you try to make your own country better by not sticking your head in the sand as if we are so perfect and pure. America needs to protect herself from her own actions.
The Patriot
2008-09-29 03:35:29 UTC
Promote democracy rather than support allies in the middle east who are dictators such as Saudi Arabia.

Bring about a just peace in Palestine so that Jew, Muslims and Christian can live in a just peace with no fear of violence.

And for the record, India is the worlds largest democracy.
2008-09-29 09:26:46 UTC
You could do the following

1. Stop terrorizing the planet

2. Remove all military bases you have in 50+ countries all over the world.

3. Stop getting brainwashed into believing in you are the hero, and everyone who fought back against your aggression and then got bombed by you is a terrorist.

4. Mind your own business.
Rej C
2008-09-29 01:22:00 UTC
people like you are why terrorism exists!!!

if america didn't invade other countries (more wars than any other country since ww2) you wouldn't be attacked back would you?

look @ iraq no terrorist until the u.s. invasion.

if you knew what your government does to the rest of the world you would realise you are the terrorist's

stay in your own county & leave others alone.

there will never be peace with a country that spends more money on weapons than it's people.

america starts all the problems -you invaded cuba! tried to assassinate their leader then embargoed them when you failed- did you know this? it's a historical fact!

the whole middle east problem is your creation-supporting giving the land of palestine to the jews. then giving them nuclear weapons A JEWISH STATE with nuclear weapons are you mad?

the rest of the middle east wants the land given back to the palestinians.

the list is endless.

you attack countries just because they want to be communist or socialist & help there people - you can't even organise a universal health care system. you spend to much money on weapons it's sick- & you blindly support this!

if you left others alone you would have no problems, but you invade countries to steal their resources & oppress their people.

stop believing american propaganda & look @ the FACTS.
More than 1 way to pan cakes
2008-09-29 01:11:58 UTC
This is a new world with drastically new challenges. The old power structure is obsolete---unable to effectively deal with problems such as terrorism (especially homegrown terrorists). What we need is a global governing body with complete immunity to criticism. And the power to override national legislation for the betterment of the international community. I just wish that some genius could at least plan something like this.
2008-09-29 01:06:45 UTC
Don't invade anyone - just be supportive of the countries that get attacked - which you were not during July the 7th - but that's all you can do , something tells me there is going to be a lot of cleaning once China gets into power . trepul do you really want to know what George bush said after the 7th of July ?he said " I have informed the guys back home to be on high alert " no condolences nothing , majority of Britain was sympathetic to the USA after September the 11th - and I mean that with great sincerity - but you never did the same with us - actually some of you said we deserved it - shows how much you think of us
2008-09-29 01:15:05 UTC
Are you Kidding me?

Its not World Terriost that are terroizing this Country, it is our Own Government.

This country has become worse than any other country in the nation with all of their scare tactics they use. Haven't you seen the propaganda they've fed you on a continous basis?

I bet you're a REPUBLICAN, because those are the only ones that seem to fall for all of that mess.

Wake up and do your homework.

America protecting the world from Terriost...... what a joke

Thanks for the laugh....


Did you know GW Bush met with Putin during the Olympics? Australia's Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd: The American President and his fellow War Leaders, however, grossly underestimated Putin, who upon learning of the US backed invasion of South Ossetia directly confronted Bush, and as we can read as witnessed by Australia’s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd:

“Mr Rudd revealed in an interview with Beijing Now in Beijing on Saturday that he was sitting just two rows behind Mr Bush when an "animated" discussion between he and Mr Putin broke out over Russia's advance into South Ossetia, a breakaway region in neighboring Georgia. (,27313,24156469-5014197,00.html)

Putin’s greatest anger towards Bush, these reports continue, was his foreknowledge that the invasion of South Ossetia by Western led forces was a subterfuge maneuver designed in an attempt to cover the Americans true objective, a limited nuclear strike upon Iran’s nuclear facilities, and of which the US War Leader had already given the order to strike.

Putin’s rapid response to these machinations, however, led to his swiftly contacting the top leadership of the United States Military Command whereupon they swiftly ‘crushed’ their own President’s war plans and removed from the American Nuclear Weapons Chain of Command the US Naval Officer who conspired with Bush to plunge our World into Total War.

So appease Putin Bush had “The commander of a Navy air reconnaissance squadron that provides the president and the defense secretary the airborne ability to command the nation's nuclear weapons has been relieved of duty, the Navy said Tuesday. Cmdr. Shawn Bentley was relieved of duty Monday by the Navy for loss of confidence in his ability to command, only three months after taking the job.”
2008-09-29 01:07:21 UTC
India is communist? I bet the Indians disagree. How about we stop sticking our nose into the business of other countries, stop funding Israel and other middle eastern countries and just let them sort it out?

Do a little research so you can discover India is a parliamentary democracy with elected officials. Their political campaigns and debates are lively entertainment.Yes, they have a Communist Party but so does the USA. Scared yet?

Quoting Niemoller is ironic ever since the neocons discovered that poem from a leftist German clergyman. The reality is Georgia is less of a democracy since the Rose Revolution, and their attempted ethnic cleansing of S. Ossetia and Akbhar was an attempt to shore up eroding support and put an end to street demonstrations protesting restrictions on freedoms.
2008-09-29 01:05:35 UTC
America's leaders are not the last best hope for peace and freedom. Most of their actions are the complete opposite of that (invading Iraq...erecting the Patriot Act & Operation Sudden Impact, the up and coming BILL S1959). We need to stop bombing democracy on other nations, and try a different strategy. Cleaning up the White House would be a great start.

The USA isn't going to mess with Saudi Arabia...we are too tightly linked up with them ($$$) and I don't know if you've caught sight of it, but Bush kisses Saudi's on the mouth, and their family has been really tight with the bin Ladens for over 20 years:

2008-09-29 01:17:37 UTC
You're a Brit just trying to get angry answers. What is wrong with you people? Seriously, why can you British people never get enough hatred out about Americans that you have to pretend you're an American so your fellow British can say ugly things about Americans.

Do you Brits ever see yourselves from outside looking in?
2008-09-29 01:35:05 UTC
Did anybody give power to America to protect the world?

Let America solve its own problems in schools firstly. I mean students with guns
2008-09-29 01:15:39 UTC
The most important and OBVIOUS way to be protected is by electing into office a TRUE BLUE AMERICAN. There is only one candidate we must put in the White House. One that you can see is so very proud to be an American, one, through his past, is most obvious PRO USA. One that will ensure our safety over any other group of individuals, as he has so clearly proven in the past, and will continue to do once in the White House. Don't you think the USA would be safer under his administration? While your post is some what compelling, I fail to see your logic.

India communist? Since when? Oi, this scares me. Get your heads out of the clouds folks, this is a huge election in more ways than one.

Is that legit enough for ya?
2008-09-29 03:17:48 UTC
Your so-called 'question' is riddled with inaccuracies and non sequitur so it really makes no sense to answer it except to say that the US has been directly responsible for direct terrorist acts against many peoples and countries, and indirectly for instigating them.
Johnny Handsome
2008-09-29 01:12:57 UTC
Sad reality: Your nation thinks it's sheriff in worldtown (well, when it suits you anyway). China and India are some of the futures biggest capitalist countries. As a result of your selfish ways there will be no peace.

I don't think you can afford to invade anyone for a couple of years...
2008-09-29 01:07:02 UTC
As a non-American, I raise the question- What right does America have to make these descisions?

Is it America's right to police the world?

Are not China and India doing exactly what America is doing- taking steps to strengthen their own position economically and protectivly?
Eric H
2008-09-29 02:13:44 UTC
Sad reality - America has become its enemy.

The invasion of Iraq was an illegal, terrorist act.

The world is working on ways to protect US from YOU.
2008-09-29 06:35:46 UTC

2008-09-29 01:14:46 UTC
Nothing just stay within its borders stop invading free countries simply live and let live
2008-09-29 01:13:00 UTC
india is a democracy retard. solution is for the US to stop getting involved in other countrys business bombing civilians in the middle east. believe it or not by killing innocent people you actually turn allies into enemies and youre doing that right now in pakistan.

your arrogance is nauseating. trust me the world would be a safer place is the US dramatically changed its foreign policy.
2008-09-29 01:13:48 UTC
I hope you're joking. I'm on the verge of asking the terrorists to protect me from the US.
2008-09-29 01:07:06 UTC
Not true at all. America should mind its own fu*king business and stay the f*ck away from everyone else.
2008-09-29 01:04:45 UTC
Stop invading Countries!
2008-09-29 01:05:07 UTC
they should commit suicide

and what the hell? jus bcos theyre stronger doesnt mean that they r gonna attack or somethin. we still have australia! most of western europe

god your an american idiot
Tom J
2008-09-29 01:08:09 UTC
the question is, what can the american citizens do
2008-09-29 02:03:44 UTC
easy, ban islam.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.