Is it possible to feed 9 billion people by 2050?
2015-12-01 07:44:30 UTC
solution to the global food crisis
442 answers:
2015-12-04 08:31:27 UTC
Yes, it IS possible to feed 9 billion people by 2050
noor jahan
2015-12-03 21:43:29 UTC
Yes, it IS possible to feed 9 billion people by 2050. American's would just have to start eating about 50% less food.
2015-12-04 06:43:28 UTC
I think if people start growing there own foods that might help. Also people need to stop wasting things like it's nothing it might not have much impact on us now but it will in the future. Also another big concern is water if we have pleanty of water by 2050 we can still survive if we are running short in the earths natural resources by then we could be in trouble. Also the fish in the oceans numbers are declining by 2050 fish might be nearly extinct maybe we should lay off the fishing for a while or cut down anyway. Fish are getting smaller in size they believe the fish that are left will be even smaller by then. We need to look at what we are doing wrong now to prevent this in the future.
2015-12-02 06:53:42 UTC
I hope 80% possible to feed 9 billion people by 2050.
2015-12-05 10:30:19 UTC
Yes, only if there is 9 billion people by 2050.
2015-12-01 23:15:28 UTC
If the fat ***** in America start eating less then yes I think it is. I think if people start growing there own foods that might help. Also people need to stop wasting things like it's nothing it might not have much impact on us now but it will in the future. Also another big concern is water if we have pleanty of water by 2050 we can still survive if we are running short in the earths natural resources by then we could be in trouble. Also the fish in the oceans numbers are declining by 2050 fish might be nearly extinct maybe we should lay off the fishing for a while or cut down anyway. Fish are getting smaller in size they believe the fish that are left will be even smaller by then. We need to look at what we are doing wrong now to prevent this in the future.
2015-12-03 04:00:12 UTC
9 billion? are you expecting a massive die off of humanity before 2050? We hit Seven billion in 2012 we are better than seven point five billion now. That 9 billion is going to hit us about 2025. Yes we can feed that many even though we are not feeding the population we have , that is more because we in the west are picky eaters and waste as much as we eat.
2015-12-03 18:46:42 UTC
It is possible, but the United states feeds around 300 million people rounded up. And has enough to feed up to 2-4 billion people on the face of the planet.

We just choose, well Americans choose money over anything, thus companies like McDonalds, Wendy's, Burger King, and any other popular company only builds food restaurants for money.

Not saying that we're, well Americans or the United States are all greedy, but we just are we don't like losing but simply gaining.

EROUPE AND ASIA ALSO has enough to feed a couple billion of people.

It's not about that the earth could attain enough food, Because The planet earth could easily.

We just need to work together not only in the USA but in the other wealthy countries to keep up the poorer countries fed, and good looking.

We could do anything if we had good people, to do good.
2015-12-02 00:41:16 UTC
Yes, it IS possible to feed 9 billion people by 2050. American's would just have to start eating about 50% less food. This of course would also solve our obesity, hypertension, diabetes crisis.
2015-12-01 15:24:06 UTC

Of course, Trump can solve the problem easier. A couple well places nukes and he'll have wiped out all of ISIS and the food problem.

We could always let the restaurants change their "meat products" into real meat, only human, and the problem is solved. I mean, we don't know what we're really eating anyway. Horse, rat, human... A few may notice and complain, but they could be the next course. Either way, Trump or Hillary could take credit, once they remove the movie and book rights.

Monsanto is doing very good with it's "Frankenfood." Just because we don't know what problems it can cause in the long run, why worry? So it causes cancer. Big deal, it's just more money for the doctors who treat instead of cure the illness. In fact, it will just keep coming back so they can make even more.

Or, just let them die. I mean, come on. Trump makes it clear he hates non-whites and those who are disabled, so... Cut off welfare and let them starve, stop sending any help to Africa, Haiti, or any other nation that has non-whites. More money for him, or Hillary, and less population. Since most Americans seem to agree with his racism, I guess that solves a lot of problems.
2015-12-02 21:12:48 UTC
America itself is what would stop the world from reaching that goal. If people in America were to consume less food or waste less food, we would have a way better chance of being able to feed 9 billion people by 2050.
Petra Chor
2015-12-01 12:22:09 UTC
Yes, it IS possible to feed 9 billion people by 2050. American's would just have to start eating about 50% less food. This of course would also solve our obesity, hypertension, diabetes crisis.
2015-12-02 10:47:57 UTC
Allow me to rephrase your question. What if there was a limit to feed 9 billion people by 2050 and you were happen to be the 9 billion+1 person. What would you think if it was not possible for you to be fed?This sounds as much cruel as your own question. The thing is that there is plenty for everybody, if happy with what one should have and not what can have.
2015-12-01 21:50:21 UTC
yes possible because in the past when the world population was only 1 billion people at that time predicted same thing but now 7 billion above still there hardly found a person died by starving so what ever it is 9 or 12 billion people will find the way to feed all the people.
2015-12-01 21:15:40 UTC
Is it possible to feed 9 billion people by 2050?

Unless there's major league technological advancement in the food industry by then, no. For one thing, some scientists are predicting (despite media hype to the contrary) that we may be entering a period of global COOLING similar to previous periods within the last thousand years. If this happens and crops fail, along with other constrictions on vital commodities, a few billion people may have to say "sayonara" - similar to previous times not that long ago.

When the planet is warm and productive people tend to over-reproduce and paint ourselves into a corner. Then the cooling comes and many have to suffer and die - unless next time we're better-prepared.
2015-12-01 14:01:50 UTC
Yes! 9 billion people can be fed by 2050. Switch to a diet of whole grains and legumes. Also nuts and fruits. Maybe an occasional egg. Some soy milk would be ok to.
2015-12-03 23:17:31 UTC
No, it is not possible to feed 9 billion people by 2050. It will create the unbalanced situation in the world according to the population.
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Art G
2015-12-05 01:25:05 UTC
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2015-12-02 22:39:22 UTC
>Is it possible to feed 9 billion people by 2050

There's easily enough food to feed 9 billion people. Distributing it? That's another question.
Ann O
2015-12-02 02:48:07 UTC
Yes it is possible. But let's look at the global population for a second. The most populous countries also have large economies. India is the second highest mass producer of people with 1.25 billion people. Despite rising levels of education it seems lower class women - who do not have access to education or understand contraception - will inevitably reproduce and continue doing so until their wretched womb becomes a shredded monstrosity of what it used to be. The first world should feel lucky that they have so much access to education, support services, and basic resources for living. The poor and destitute living in impoverished countries breed like rabbits because it's the only thing to do. Breeding is their r'aison d'etre.
2015-12-04 02:39:40 UTC
The correct answer is No because the disappearance of fresh water all around the world will bring this to a head long before 2050. Already the US is diverting water from the Great Lakes into the Mississippi system in violation of US law and international treaty. India & China will fight a pointless, perhaps nuclear war over Himalayan water sources.
2015-12-03 22:33:06 UTC
Yes, it is possible. However, if we keep using the same tactics we do now, then it might be a bit difficult.

For example, the world population is approximately 7.3 billion, however there's still the issue of world hunger.

The problem is that people waste alot food. The amount of food we waste could probably end world hunger. Therefore, our habits would have to change in order to feed 9 billion people.

Simple Solution: STOP WASTING FOOD.
2015-12-02 00:58:12 UTC
Yes its possible. People have always been worrying about over population since the 1800's or before but science and ingenuity always find solutions to feed everybody.

Some people may not like it but capitalism is part of the answer, peoples drive and ingenuity will solve these problems based on demand. This is what allowed us to progress this far, and also had allowed developing countries like India and China to catch up and not cause their billions of people to starve. If you left it all up to some sort of government system half of them would have died by now.
2015-12-01 14:37:08 UTC
Nine billion people is the apparent maximum housing capacity of our planet. Hopefully though by 2050 missions like Mars One will be successful and humans be inhabiting Mars, as planned. Also as time progresses innovations in technology and science, like modern the use of modern GMOs, occur that allow us to produce more food more often in more locations that we could before. Another leap in agriculture is hydroponics, which incorporates both fish and plant farming. In this case fish provide most of the plants nutrition and about 95 percent less water is required in comparison to traditional horticulture farming. Never underestimate technology and how it will advance and remember, for every problem you encounter there is always a corresponding solution.
2015-12-04 15:04:35 UTC
Yes, we can create 9 billion pizzas before 2050. That's only 725k pizzas a day. All we need is 100k people to make a bit over 7 pizzas every day each and then it's done. it's as easy as (pizza) pie.
2015-12-04 07:03:35 UTC
We could always let the restaurants change their "meat products" into real meat, only human, and the problem is solved. I mean, we don't know what we're really eating anyway. Horse, rat, human... A few may notice and complain, but they could be the next course. Either way, Trump or Hillary could take credit, once they remove the movie and book rights. Monsanto is doing very good with it's "Frankenfood." Just because we don't know what problems it can cause in the long run, why worry? So it causes cancer. Big deal, it's just more money for the doctors who treat instead of cure the illness. In fact, it will just keep coming back so they can make even more.
2015-12-05 20:49:51 UTC
We could always let the restaurants change their "meat products" into real meat, only human, and the problem is solved. I mean, we don't know what we're really eating anyway. Horse, rat, human... A few may notice and complain, but they could be the next course. Either way, Trump or Hillary could take credit, once they remove the movie and book rights.

Monsanto is doing very good with it's "Frankenfood." Just because we don't know what problems it can cause in the long run, why worry? So it causes cancer. Big deal, it's just more money for the doctors who treat instead of cure the illness. In fact, it will just keep coming back so they can make even more.

Or, just let them die. I mean, come on. Trump makes it clear he hates non-whites and those who are disabled, so... Cut off welfare and let them starve, stop sending any help to Africa, Haiti, or any other nation that has non-whites. More money for him, or Hillary, and less population. Since most Americans seem to agree with his racism, I guess that solves a lot of problems.
2015-12-04 17:05:21 UTC
No. We are having food shortages, not to mention that most of the food goes to the military, and rich. Leaving the rest to adjust eating habits especially the sick, mentally ill, poor, and homeless. Global warming is also another factor when it comes to growing food and bees to pollen, and their becoming extinct. Islands like the Philippines, Cuba, puerto rico, Guam, samoa Islands of they start right now a program for farmers to cultivate food and give them a good substancial Finance for future farmers to grow healthy food and animals then there's a chance. You also have to think will there be a ww3 or a ww4 in the future as well. And last is the number one thing we all humans need than food and that's h2o. No water there won't be 9 billion people it be cut significantly especially since we are having droughts now.
2015-12-02 14:00:52 UTC
The problem in most cases is not the ability to grow food. it's the infrastructure and distribution along with loss from rats, insects and spoilage that causes waste , Even with those problems lowering the cost of energy in the production of food could make it possible to feed even more than 9 billion people by 2050 .
2015-12-02 18:57:41 UTC
Yes it is possible. The solution is right in front of us, in plane view. But doing so will ignite a war.

LAND LAND LAND! There is no shortage, only a small group of people who own all of that precious tillable space who refuse to use it properly. Why have 99-100 acres, 1000 acres, or even 20-50 acres, that you do have no intent on using? Elitism. From my experience, that type of land ownership is to snuff out the chances of possible neighbors. Boo hoo NEIGHBORS, Right? The Baby Boomer and Millennial generations both suck. They are terrible, wasteful, lazy, slow to do anything but complain; Fools. You can grow food in a dang flower pot. But nobody will, and gardens are being outlawed everywhere. Gardens are ugly, and food is not important.

The elitist scum that were raised with a silver spoon in their mouth are no better than the scum selling crack to children. Outlawing gardens? How in hell did that pass legislation? The green initiative is total BS if this is not repealed. I mean you can't even own a few chickens! Ask those people in Florida.
2015-12-02 03:48:47 UTC
it isn't a food crisis but a reproduction one. If you feed all the starving ones, they'll get their strenght and will reproduce, before you know there'll be 27 billion starving. This you'd know if you looket ad the past, for instance live aid in 1985 feed 8 million starving people, look at the numbers only 1 year later there were 16 million starving people. This is facts that people choose not to see as I am the only one mentioning. Sure, feed them, keep on feeding them. I for one will not reproduce.
Coop 366
2015-12-04 16:15:07 UTC
If they don't stop polluting the atmosphere they not be that many in 2050. But I think by than we will still have to fight over food. The melting ice caps will force more people onto lands needed for crops. When you think of it this away, the future looks kind of bleak.

I'll be just a 108 years old.
2015-12-05 08:29:14 UTC
By 2040, the world’s population is predicted to rise to nine billion. That means two billion more mouths to feed. Even now, the earth groans under the weight of those numbers. More than 800 million people are malnourished. Another two billion are short of essential micro nutrients, which affect health. A billion more consume too many calories and are obese.
GrandpaJon Red Sox
2015-12-01 12:45:39 UTC
To begin the world's population growth has slowed down greatly and the population of the world will actually soon be decreasing in reality, but I know you liberals are never bothered by pesky things like facts! The biggest problem by then will be the aging populations in many European, Western, and Asian countries meaning a greatly depleted work force.

There will still be thousands of starving people in Africa but the problem is not producing enough food to feed them, the problem is it is far too expensive to ship the food there and get it there before it goes bad and these are serious issues which we have no answer to in 2015, but the ITER fusion reactor that will be built in France in a few years could mean cheaper energy in the near future which could be a start to solving this problem.
2015-12-02 16:14:36 UTC
Of course! The U.S. alone throws away enough food to feed 9 Billion people. With the way scientists are modifying our food lately, we could see corn the size of cows by 2050. I don't see hunger as a unresolved issue by then.
2015-12-03 02:34:24 UTC
Yes it is should be possible.we examined several of the issues associated with feeding a global population of nine billion people (two billion more than our current population) by 2050. This month I will discuss additional issues. Specifically we will look at rising incomes, urbanization, food waste, agricultural productivity, international trade and hunger.
2015-12-02 17:59:51 UTC
It's probably possible to feed 9 billion people now, but a lot of profit would be lost and we'd all have to stop eating turduckens for a while.
2015-12-02 13:25:09 UTC
Sadly I don't think so. We can't even feed all 7.3 billion people alive today. The situation is very sad. The people who are not "intelligent enough" to figure out that they can't afford to "feed children" are having the "most children." Then to make matters worse, the Catholic Church's presence in the Philippines is aggravating the already pervasive problem of overpopulation in that country since Catholic organizations there hamper the accessibility of contraceptive devices and pills. Indeed missionaries of all stripes are exacerbating the problems of out-of-control populations in Third World and developing world countries. Abstinence is a joke to most people in pre-industrialized societies and restricting contraception with the expectation that "abstinence measures will be followed" is a formula for disaster. Meanwhile, in the developed world many populations are "shrinking" because many educated people have record high student loan debt, and they work in occupations that don't pay well. The U.S. and other affluent countries are running out of resources to provide to the rest of the world. I fear that we will lose "tens of millions of babies" to starvation and disease from now until we reach the 9 billion number. This is a grim prediction, but an accurate one.
2015-12-01 07:50:42 UTC
Yes. It's called capitalism. I know how to feed trillions. But the soicalists would stop me

I could actually feed trillions using 100% organic food. For free. Completely eliminate the human element and use all robotics.

I can walk into any business and save the owner hundreds of thousands a year and cut man hours while boosting sales
2015-12-03 16:05:17 UTC
I think it will be impossible to feed such a large scale humans, by 2050 means 35 years later, I do not think human being could not solve food shortage problems by then. Even now many people died in hunger, I think system of supply food must be re-constracted as soon as possible.
2015-12-01 23:28:56 UTC
Yes, it is possible, but not likely. The leaders of the world today are greedy and corrupt, most of them, until this changes, there will never be an even distribution of wealth, hence, the world may not be able to feed 9billion people by 2050. Except of course, charitable organizations get very very lucky. :)
2015-12-02 11:57:41 UTC
We can easily feed 9 billion people, in the US alone we throw away 50% of our edible foods, at the farm, at the grocery store and at home. I'd bet money we have the technology to feed 9 billion today if we as a society cared enough to do it.
2015-12-01 16:16:10 UTC
It is not nice but can be done. Africa will need gone into & forced to go to large scale farms by brute force. That way they would have a food surplus rather than starve every day. Diet will need change to more grain. Insects look good, Roof tops to grow on. Back yards used. Lots of room left to grow. Problem is were to get the water? Solve that & 20 billion can be fed if water is in the right place to use. 1 cow 20 acres to graze. Add water. 1 cow 2 acres to raise. There is the big question water were needed for cheap.
2015-12-02 18:15:01 UTC
Yes, it is quite possible. With development of GMO technology and a reduction in meat consumed, then we could easily feed 2050.
2015-12-03 04:54:16 UTC
56 billion animals a year slaughtered and they take up over 80% of the cut down rainforest, they eat food that is cheap and that could feed billions. The meat industry also produces more of the top 3 greenhouse gases than other industries combined. So if we want to feed this volume of people we need to be more ethical to the animals, ourselves, and the planet.
2015-12-03 09:47:34 UTC
There ain't going to be 9 billion people by 2050, there's going to be far less people in the world left by 2050!!!
2015-12-01 20:07:47 UTC
jeffrey f
2015-12-04 11:10:03 UTC
No more than to feed 7 billion people in 2015.
2015-12-02 04:59:42 UTC

the herd needs to be thinned out, frankly.

western aid should be withdrew from 3rd world countries. they're the ones overpopulating the planet by breeding too damn much at our expense,

people will whine about how americans, europeans or other 1st world people are too "greedy" with resources ( often these people are living in the 1st world themselves and no doubt use all the same resources ), but these countries are the most productive, economically, scientifically and otherwise. it's not your average middle class white woman in the USA, canada, UK, germany, australia etc who needs to cut down on the number of kids she's having, in fact western women aren't having enough kids to sustain the future population -- it's indians, pakis, africans, thais, filipinos, etc

as i said, withdraw aid and let natural selection take its course. because if we don't, a nuclear world war 3 will take care of the overpopulation problem we're having when a huge portion of humanity is wiped off the face of the earth.
2015-12-01 16:19:16 UTC
To begin the world's population growth has slowed down greatly and the population of the world will actually soon be decreasing in reality, but I know you liberals are never bothered by pesky things like facts! The biggest problem by then will be the aging populations in many European, Western, and Asian countries meaning a greatly depleted work force.

There will still be thousands of starving people in Africa but the problem is not producing enough food to feed them, the problem is it is far too expensive to ship the food there and get it there before it goes bad and these are serious issues which we have no answer to in 2015, but the ITER fusion reactor that will be built in France in a few years could mean cheaper energy in the near future which could be a start to solving this problem.
2015-12-01 22:00:14 UTC

Of course, Trump can solve the problem easier. A couple well places nukes and he'll have wiped out all of ISIS and the food problem.

We could always let the restaurants change their "meat products" into real meat, only human, and the problem is solved. I mean, we don't know what we're really eating anyway. Horse, rat, human... A few may notice and complain, but they could be the next course. Either way, Trump or Hillary could take credit, once they remove the movie and book rights.

Monsanto is doing../@/..
2015-12-03 08:42:29 UTC
Yes it is possible but people are really going to have to change especially western culture. I read this one post where they said that 10% of the United States milatary budget could've feed the world for 2 years. Not to mention all of the fast food restaurantz where if the food sits out for more then 30 min they just throw it out, and that today in north America far more people die form obesity then hunger. They literally kill themselves with gluttony and same goes for us I feel that if people don't learn to share soon were going bury ourselves in our own greed
2015-12-02 00:52:01 UTC
Of course, most of the big countries produce about 140% of the food that is required, most of it is wasted at the production plants, supermarkets or tossed out at homes. So if you manage land capacity better and more technology, yes 9 billion people isn t unreasonable to feed if you do it right
2015-12-03 08:58:56 UTC
I don't believe the world population will reach 9 billion by 2050.

Too many people will die of cancer by then, too much dodgy chemicals being put in food, too much doctors misdiagnosis and mistakes being unreported.

I work in a very busy hospital myself. I am tired of seeing patients being given the "do not ressucitate" note just so we get more beds available... Or only because the "system" tell us to do it which is very likely to be because it will save government money in the form of welfare benefits - It's an automated system.

Even our water is being added stuff that slow down our thinking. Too many things being added in what most people eat and drink will kill them a lot sooner than we expect in the form of cancer or dementia. Most of you will never blame those who fill our food with bad chemicals, or even question what you eat or drink, many of you will just think it's "FATE".
trurider t
2015-12-02 09:43:31 UTC
Given the huge amounts farmers in the UK have to throw away just because the cucumber/carrot/whatever is not straight enough - the right size, colour I would say no problem. HOWEVER 70/80% of American food is from or contaminated by Monsanto GM. Most of the rest of the World has banned it. Now the problem with genetic modifications is that they ae unstable and change. What if the modified GM food mutates and the result is food that tastes bad or rots really fast or poisons you. America would have to destroy millions of tons of food and buy everything from abroad.
2015-12-03 14:58:19 UTC
Breast pumps and lactating women who live in luxurious castles with back rubs , manicures , pedicures and who are fed only the best foods and beverages with classical music playing in the background and lovely servants. . We would be milked like cows and the milk treated with natural flavorings sort of like yoghurts with real fruit inside.

After a time, these women could have bionic breasts installed that would not drag to the ground because it would be a gravity free breast milking facility .

I really do think the power of breasts is underrated and some of them could feed families of ten or more.

There would be financial reward and the women carefully screened and worshiped as semi deities.
2015-12-01 20:33:34 UTC
Yes, It's possible
Brittany S
2015-12-03 08:27:22 UTC
Yes it's possible to feed that many people b 2015. The best way to make sure that more people are being fed is to have each of the individual eat the amount of food they are hungry for instead of eating more food than they need and should eat. There's some of people eat too fast that cause them to eat more. That's some of the people have Praider Willie syndrome which cause them to eat much more that the portion they need to eat. The best kind of food for people that eat more is food that are healthy like fruit and veggies. The restaurants and fast food need to stop selling Super sized meals. The another way to have enough food for billions of people is to have their own gardens in the backyard. Gardens really helps and it really save a lot of money. Another way to have enough food for everyone is to try not to waste food and don't buy too many foods while grocery shopping especially foods that will spoil and turn moldy if you buy some foods too soon. If anybody want to buy a lot of food in one shopping trip, you can put perishable, short period foods in the freezer to make it last longer.

If you see some cans of food that you no longer need orwant in your pantry, take it back to the store with receipt or take it to the foo bank for donation instead of tossing it in trash.
2015-12-02 00:13:11 UTC
You really mean by 2050? People carjack now. By that year, people will housejack. People will kill you for clean water. Do you really want to bring a kid into that? Or do you want to contribute in that by having a kid? "But i want a KID! I hear someone saying. Well, you're selfish. Don't have kids. The world is now over and over-populated, and the Catholic Church should be blamed for over-population. They encourage population growth. The world is destroying itself. And if you don't believe me, mark my word. Someday, when that time come and you come to my house begging for just one sip of clean water, one of my women in camouflage slips will shoot at you with a sniper rifle or crossbow, defending me and my clean water.

So don't have kids. Don't kill my planet. Get a fix now. Or use condoms religiously.
Don Verto
2015-12-03 07:26:42 UTC
When I was born the world population was 2 billion.Even then many people did not get enough to eat.Maybe about 10 billion people have died since I was born. Indeed a lot of food is being wasted in our world.A lot of food just gets plowed under to increase prises.
2015-12-02 08:26:17 UTC
Yes it will be possible. By that time we will have come up with a more advanced way of producing food in larger quanities; plus we'll finally learn to stop wasting the food we grow and eat. Marjority of the grain we produce goes to livestock feed instead of human mouths.
2015-12-01 13:20:31 UTC
If nine billion people go poo poo and breathe out CO2, there will be all that more poo poo and CO2 to fertilize the ground, and also that many more people to plant the seeds so WHY THE F*CK NOT! Will need to rip up some of the rich people's property for farmland and start again using all that farmland that the higher-ups in government stopped farmers from using.
2015-12-01 16:13:16 UTC
Of course! the sun energy falling on one state is enough for energy for the whole world!

the technical solution is EASY! we lack the political will. and We still have the mentality of pre-industrial revolution in 1800s. Before that all food was raised by

humans who had to eat it and have a SMALL surplus for others.

BUT we cannot ALL live like the American lifestyle, that would take the resources of about SIX entire "earths"

Americans have the equivalent of about 100 (roughly) energy slaves for EACH of 300 million Americans. If we were ancient Rome, living on slave labor and stolen wealth we would need 30 BILLION slaves, just who could control them? another 10 billion police?

but working together we CAN produce al we need, Assuming the population does not increase without limit . ( the only thing that keeps increasing is called a


we only reached 1 billion in the early 1900 I think. we CANNOT keep "doubleing" every few decades, double only 10 times and the increase is 1,000 times.
2015-12-02 05:59:11 UTC
Sure, why not? do you know how many undeveloped acres there are in this world? Do you know how unproductive a lot of agriculture practices are, compared to others?

We're not even packed in like sardines, but very spread out. Take a look at some satellite maps.
Wizard Fro profile is open
2015-12-04 20:34:52 UTC
Possible? Yes. Going to happen? No.

It's already not happening. Nine billion? Please. We've got, what, 7 billion and it's already NOT happening.

And let's say America DID send all our food overseas. Let's say there's this place ruled by warlords. Think the food is going to be shared in that country?
2015-12-04 16:59:49 UTC
Of course, we have had enough food to feed the world for quite a while, it's just that there's no money to be made in doing that. Trust me, it's sad to say, but there are very few that are trying to be that nice.
2015-12-02 12:38:42 UTC
2015-12-02 12:22:24 UTC
2015-12-02 11:54:09 UTC
2015-12-02 09:35:31 UTC
If its ramen noodles then yes

time to be cost effective with them ramen recipes

Chicken Soup Ramen

Prep Time: 1 minute

Cook Time: 8 minutes

Total Time: 9 minutes

Servings: 1


Campbell’s Creamy Chicken Soup




1. You know the drill. Just add the soup at the end AFTER taking out excess water*. Good for rainy or sick days.

----------- PARMESAN RAMEN: At its core, ramen is just a package of plain noodles, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with making a classic pasta dish out of it.

HOW TO: Cook ramen as directed on package, but leave out the seasoning! Drain noodles. Stir in one tablespoon of butter until melted. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top and mix.
2015-12-03 15:04:25 UTC
Refrigeration, Aquaponics, Canning, & Vacuum Sealed Bags, it's possible, although space will be scarce with many wild life in the verge of extinction, if not driven into. Pollution will increase: CO2 Emission, Waste (sewage, non bio degradable solids, bio hazard, toxic, heavy metals, & chemical), water usage, & Manufacturing junks, all forms of vehicles, electronics, collectibles, furniture, concrete jungle, paper use for labels, writing, printing, news article, documents, blue prints, card boards...
2015-12-02 03:19:54 UTC
I don't see any problem in the near future and probably not far future. The world still has plenty of uninhabited arable land that only needs to be cultivated and perhaps irrigated. There's plenty of water f/ the oceans that only needs cost effective desalinization. The Sahara desert used to be green.

The US pays farmers NOT to plant ...

"USDA Gives Millions to Farmers Who Aren’t Actually Farming"

I see a conflict of interest if someone is pro life and worried about over population.
Some Girl
2015-12-04 14:28:28 UTC
2015-12-02 01:02:05 UTC
Yes and very easily. Large vats in which high protein yeasts are grown which are then made into sausages and are then shipped out to the retailer food stores who then sell to the public.

A great deal is already known about yeasts. The ancient Egyptians discovered that by making their bread with yeast, it made it rise and thus made it possible to feed many more people - the whipped ice cream principal.
2015-12-02 14:48:23 UTC
Of course its possible, there is so much land globally which is not even being used for plantation for crops and so on, this world has space which can accommodate people even over 10 billion.
2015-12-01 23:34:22 UTC
2015-12-01 20:50:54 UTC
If we heed the advice of our Savior, Donald J. Trump, then I believe that we can achieve anything. We are so very fortunate the our Father has sent down his second son to bring us to salvation. Trump will bring us a solution, just as his brother Christ did, to feed the masses with just two loaves of bread. Even if he must make the choices which we are too weak to make, such as send back those who are leeching off our society and building a wall for our promised land, or having the willpower and piety to rain projectiles from the heavens to crush the infidels that threaten our city on the hill. Have faith, and he will come.
2015-12-03 20:17:08 UTC
The truth is that in order to feed everyone in 2050 or NOW there has to be this inbalance of starvation as there isn t enough space to create enough food for everyone, so in order to have the diet we usually have we must have this inbalance in the world
2015-12-04 07:13:01 UTC
As long as we don't elect people who:

-Use corn to make ethanol. We use 40% of our production or this.

-Block off land from crop production

-Government regulations.

Here is something to chew over......a lot of oil is being transported by train. Because of that it's difficult to find available space to ship corn or wheat from the farms. Therefore a lot is wasted in the silo's. More oil pipelines would reduce the need of shipping by rail and would create space for shipping crops. Sadly that idea is blocked by Obama and the EPA.

In 2013 we had a bumper crop.....a lot of it is still sitting in silo's.
Cable Guy
2015-12-02 09:56:15 UTC
We'll have to wait to see if that's one of the next big hoax's the silly Climaters come up with at their carbon burning 1,700 private jet plane conference. It's very likely though since Barry is coming up with ideas there this year and all the drugs he consumed as a teen seemed to have damaged his mind significantly.
2015-12-02 08:29:03 UTC
Not Applicable
2015-12-03 06:02:40 UTC
It is possible, but it may take some innovative uses of agriculture. You might be interested in the eco-modernist movement which has grown out of environmentalism. They stress that human growth and development around the world is tied to our doubling down on technical innovation to decrease the human ecological footprint and improve living standards. Generally, speaking they are "separatists" when it comes to humans and the natural world stating we need to de-couple humanity from the natural world because we manage to mess it up when we try to harmonize with it. One statement they use is: Nature left alone, is Nature spared.

Eco-modernism explicitly embraces substituting energy, technology, and synthetic solutions for “natural” ecological services. Among other things, eco-modernists embrace agricultural intensification, genetically modified and synthetic foods, desalination and waste recycling, urbanization, and substituting denser energy fuels for less dense fuels (e.g. substituting coal for wood and, ultimately, getting all energy from zero-carbon technologies like nuclear power--fusion power is especially interesting, and advanced renewables). Key among the goals of an eco-modern environmental ethic is the use of technology to intensify human activity and “make more room” for wild nature.

Given those efforts, it is possible to feed that many people. One myth eco-modernists challenge is that the human population will continue to explode until we are at crisis. They contend that as living standards improve, human birth rates tend to decline and will taper off if that continues. However, we need to take steps to nudge things in that direction.
Gerri R
2015-12-02 04:20:32 UTC
Yes, it's physically possible. There's enough Apples in the world for example that you could give one to every person on earth and you would have fed everyone at least one Apple. Then you would have fed everyone on Earth. But that won't fix the problem.
2015-12-02 12:42:02 UTC
Yes easily think how much we overeat as a species it is just a matter of giving people a maximum on food for instance think about 100 years ago bigger family numbers less food and everything works
2015-12-02 05:53:51 UTC
2015-12-02 23:57:41 UTC
Soylent Green
2015-12-01 22:05:48 UTC
2015-12-02 06:44:13 UTC
A global war will happen decades before that. So by then, our population is actually 3-4 billions.
2015-12-02 19:25:29 UTC
If the world gave unlimited hand-outs to third world countries as America gives unlimited hand-outs to Illegal Alien Latino Felons, then yes -- the entire 9 billion would be fed every single meal, every single day.
Steel Rain
2015-12-02 03:45:01 UTC
2015-12-02 23:29:31 UTC
ray s
2015-12-05 01:42:10 UTC
Yes. We all ort to give more to the poorer Countries, but of cause, Countries like India are so Corrupt, that when the Government get the money, they share it out between themselves, leaving nothing for the poor and hungry. India is the worst Country in the World for CORRUPTION. Every Gov job like the Police and Government offices are riddled with CORRUPTION. We ort to stop paying India any money, as it does not help the poor.
2015-12-02 18:10:03 UTC
2015-12-03 16:17:55 UTC
No. We don't do an adequate job of feeding the world's over-population now. Not even in the U.S. Even if there were food available, rampant capitalism makes sure that there are always a humongous poor class who is food-insecure or starving.
2015-12-02 18:40:58 UTC
Yes it is possible. It takes 2.1 hectares of land and water to provide for the average human being. Earth only has 4.1 billion hectares of arable land and the vast majority of it that can be farmed is being farmed. The way we consume and waste food now it is not possible though. We would have to become more efficient with our food consumption and not be wasteful and we would need to become vegetarians to support 9 billion people.
2015-12-01 17:53:33 UTC
I have no doubt that we could feed 9 billion by 2030 if we industrialize Africa and develop aquaponics further.
2015-12-01 13:40:52 UTC
The US government pays millions of dollars to farmers to NOT plant ground each year. This is a strategy to keep prices in the range certain people want them to be in. There is plenty of farmland to feed as many people as we want.

Edit: Sorry, billions of dollars
2015-12-03 23:19:47 UTC
Fully not possible. The quantity of poverty rising higher day by day. But 70% can hope & possible by 2050.
2015-12-03 03:33:57 UTC
Certainly, Indeed,1400 ago, In the last and final order of God is detailed that the land for human Lining is so much wide & wast that it can never be shorted upon human beings provided they are trained by parants as oeay of the only & one alone God.,As per Islamic rules ®ulations which I always Agree with. As per Al Furqaan / Quraan )
2015-12-02 08:09:36 UTC
You have to grow and breed more to feed more.... In addition to enough available farmland for that purpose.. Which could mean A. the need for fewer people or B. More efficiant use of resources and better housing as in more people in sky scraper cities.
2015-12-03 17:39:24 UTC
2015-12-03 17:03:07 UTC
2015-12-03 23:10:28 UTC
Yes. A few days ago i read a fact that a few years ago, a few of the the top richest people made enough money in one year to feed everyone that needs food.
2015-12-01 08:03:09 UTC
Yes: nowadays massive amounts of food are wasted, and production in general is geared to making a profit rather than to meeting people's needs.
2015-12-04 07:36:33 UTC
The planet has an abundance of recourses that could feed the population for eternity. However big business such as monsanto want to dominate and their greed for money stifles the food chain.
2015-12-02 07:44:44 UTC
I would be if everyone banded together for the greater good. Here's an example check out the Ubuntu movement in South Africa right now!!!! They are trying to change the world... Literally.. It's a good change.
2015-12-05 10:05:59 UTC
We are already stretched to the limit and the Earth cannot take much more of this out of control human population growth. We are headed towards a tipping point and then the Earth will self correct the crisis. Billions of humans will die out and the Earth will be left with a more sustainable human population.
Lucius T Fowler
2015-12-01 11:46:28 UTC
There is no global food crisis. The EU alone has crops to feed half of Africa, and South America has the rest of it. The problem is, how do we get it there, along pirate ships and into a war zone?
2015-12-01 10:26:29 UTC
2015-12-01 07:47:02 UTC
There is no world hunger problem, as people think. It's all distribution- economics, not lack of food. If we used liposuction on America, we would have enough fat to feed the hungry of the world.
2015-12-04 10:50:09 UTC
2015-12-02 10:09:07 UTC
There is no shortage of food my friend, there is inequality in terms of how the resources of the world are used. The Western world through their banking and military prowess are able to divert more of the world resources in order to prosper. IMF, World Bank, WTO, tyrannical governments, corrupt governments, CIA sponsored coups, blatant sabotaging of economic progress for third world people are the real reasons people are starving. There needs to be more equality in the world instead of one group of people living under the impression that planet Earth was created for them.
2015-12-02 02:00:45 UTC
I don't think so it just proves over and over that people need to be using birth control! Especially to anyone on welfare that already has 1 or 2 kids!
2015-12-02 07:12:06 UTC
Why do you need to and who is going to?

It's ridiculous and self-righteous nonsense that politicians come up with.

If they wasted half as much food as their companies and backers do and stopped monopolising. There would be no food problems in the world at all.
2015-12-04 13:00:21 UTC
No it is not. You are not even being fed right now, you are dead. We are all trapped inside zombies with no knowledge of this. The reason I know this is because recently I was on a run and tripped and landed on a goose. The goose kicked me and knocked me out. When I woke up I knew this.
Jake No Chat
2015-12-02 05:02:29 UTC
Yes, it is possible, but some people will have to make some changes. We have the means to do that, but not yet the will power at this time. Currently, there is lots of waste, lots of over indulgence, and lots of untrust and indifference. We have to become better people to make this situation better.
2015-12-03 12:26:12 UTC
If America significantly reduced their portion sizes, their contry is large, their houses are getting larger and also their bellies. But on a serious not real action needs to take place to decrease the standard portion sizes in America.
Huy D
2015-12-02 20:31:29 UTC
2015-12-02 16:01:58 UTC
We can EASILY grow more than enough food to sustain all the people of the world for longer than the foreseeable future.....WELL beyond 2050.....what we do NOT seem capable of is resolving the political & social obstacles to doing so....
2015-12-02 14:19:13 UTC
With increasing technology and possibility of going new heights ... From farms on today's oceans to human colonization of the moon and beyond.
2015-12-04 20:11:10 UTC
yes, the earth can feed 12 billion people
2015-12-03 14:09:26 UTC
Possible? Of course. But will it happen? Doubtful, there is too much greed and mistrust In politics for people and countries to achieve such a thing.
2015-12-01 07:49:14 UTC
Yes. Easily. That is simply not a problem.

The question is who's going to support all the old people once the population starts to drop. Just ask the Chinese and the Japanese.
2015-12-02 22:43:01 UTC
If we focused more on plant based diets, then yes. Factory farm animals take up a huge amount of resources that could go to agriculture instead.
2015-12-04 13:10:54 UTC
We can't even feed the people on this planet now and we have the resources for it. It's easy for the first world nations to judge poorer nations (African nations) eating habits and them hunting even endangered animals for food when we have a lot of food to sustain us. Our use of fossil fuels and overuse of chemicals in food are destroying the poorer nations.
2015-12-01 13:35:40 UTC
2015-12-01 21:26:26 UTC
Lets clampt down on the mega-corporate AG giants (end their monopolies) and lets focus on the newest technology in the AG world that uses less water and less space to produce more and better crops. We even need to export that technology to the developing world. GMO's won't do it. They'll only kill us all off.
2015-12-03 06:39:49 UTC
People are going digitized day by day and nobody wants to produce food and work in soil.That's true.Very soon day will come there would be nothing to eat despite many are ready to eat.
2015-12-02 11:07:57 UTC
Tell fat america to eat less and there would be enough food to feed people for 1000 years
2015-12-02 15:25:20 UTC
it doesn't really matter how improved producing good becomes, there will always be people who don't have anough to eat

there are areas of this world still at a point that if they can't produce what they eat, there is nothing to help them

people have to be able to provide for themselves, it is not up to gov'ts to feed them
2015-12-02 18:11:40 UTC
Yes it is possible if all government will unite in one goal which is to lead the world towards the good future and a healthy world to be
2015-12-02 10:44:51 UTC
Yes. The crisis now is about distribution. We have enough food an resources for everyone. We just do not distribute it fairly. We do not have a population criss and we won t. We have a greed and compassion crisis.
2015-12-01 09:34:47 UTC
I have a friend who is a farmer and is old enough to retire. He told me the average American farmer is 58 years old. It is very difficult for young people with no land or money to get into it. This will come back to haunt us.
2015-12-04 13:49:35 UTC
It may be possible to feed 4.5 billion people by having them eat 4.5 billion other people.
2015-12-03 12:39:06 UTC
It could be. But we are doing to much dmg to our own planet and its hard to keep up. In USA as of right now it would take 3 earths just to keep up living.. So im hoping that we will do somthing about it soon.
2015-12-11 06:03:22 UTC
2015-12-02 22:13:41 UTC
California produces 50% of America's Produce and exports more than it uses and the rest of US uses of its resources combined. Yes, California the most fertile area on earth but only one small area in the scheme of things.
2015-12-01 15:05:26 UTC
We could feed twice that number if we absolutely had to. In fact, we could cut world hunger in half right now if teh federal government stopped putting food in our gas tanks.
2015-12-01 22:55:31 UTC
Yes, recycled human waste water and Soylent Green bars that was predicted in the 1973 movie titled "Soylent Green" starring Charlton Heston...~!
2015-12-01 22:26:13 UTC
The problem isn't that we have too many people. The problem is that we have too many people that do nothing but have kids. I lived in the Philippines for two years and all people do is pump out kids. Such a shame.
2015-12-04 10:57:04 UTC
I was against GMO's at first but it may be our saving grace. It's nothing more than genetic splicing which has been done for years. Now meats and poultry still have me concerned.
2015-12-02 07:47:09 UTC
It might be possible to do it for a while as long as nothing goes wrong. Just asit might be possible to drive a porsche through crowded city traffic at 90 mph, as long as nothing goes wrong.
2015-12-02 01:19:20 UTC
Yes but it requires people to work together and too many of us think only of ourselves. Also we as a species should consider lower population, not ever growing.
2015-12-05 15:34:12 UTC
Yes it is
2015-12-03 19:58:33 UTC
Yes if other people understand what is food and how many people no have food and also ''maybe'' if you have Good president who care for people not for war business and personal profit
2015-12-02 12:12:33 UTC
Yes, Jesus fed 500 people with a single fish
Vinegar Taster
2015-12-03 11:43:45 UTC
We can't feed the people already here !

Over 800 million people live in " absolute poverty ". Over one million kids under the age of 7 starve to death every year .
2015-12-03 21:20:01 UTC
Yes, it is possible to feed that many people and more by employing mariculture, horticulture and other edible techniques in new ways.
2015-12-02 19:26:04 UTC
2015-12-02 04:39:34 UTC
The world will not get to that size population,, all resources will have run out long ago, the human race is now over populated, and is in serious trouble.
2015-12-02 08:15:22 UTC
Yes, because too many studies in this field is increasing day by day. Recently, we know that Golden Rice, genetically modified rice was developed.
2015-12-04 18:49:22 UTC
Yes, but the government has to want to feed them
Cameron Melin
2015-12-02 12:08:16 UTC
Probably but it will require the use of fossil fuels, or some other energy source. Unfortunately, climate alarmists what to eliminate the use of fossil fuels. This has the potential to cause serious food supply problems.
2015-12-03 03:31:09 UTC
Maybe if some places *cough* America *cough* don't at meals for 4 every day then yes
2015-12-02 13:58:46 UTC
2015-12-02 04:47:59 UTC
Yes it would be possible and it would wonderful. Americans don't eat because they're hungry they eat because they're greedy. If everyone would just cut back this would absolutely be possible.
Johnny Bench
2015-12-03 10:09:49 UTC
If you consider how much food the developed countries throw away. In Vienna, Austria, people throw so much bread away that you could easily feed Graz, Austria with it.
2015-12-04 12:53:45 UTC
No, and if you are here in America we need to take care of our own people before we feed the world anyways.
2015-12-01 21:46:27 UTC
2015-12-01 17:49:19 UTC
Yes it is, problem is though food supply would diminish far too fast whereas now the supply is evened out and not having to worry about running low.
2015-12-01 12:24:13 UTC
Yes but its a matter of land being cleared and cleaned in some areas
2015-12-05 05:50:02 UTC
Yes no problem just give me Two Loafs and Six Fishes.
2015-12-01 23:27:09 UTC
War will happen and though war is bad it's the best at keeping the world from going even more overboard with people
Michael Corleone
2015-12-02 18:10:47 UTC
Yes; it's called socialism.
2015-12-01 07:45:51 UTC
There will be trillions of meals served by that time. Most people even eat more than once a day.
2015-12-01 15:21:16 UTC
Absolutely. In fact, there is a new product soon to be released called; Soylent Green.
2015-12-01 20:31:40 UTC
Yeah, we can/could of fed the entire planet 10x over with the 10+ trillion dollars the United states federal reserve swept under the rug. might even have some left over...
2015-12-04 20:30:17 UTC
Food won't be the issue... If were still here it will be mostly our own technology(trial and error) that might be mix of a fix and destruction. Wish I could be there to see it... Oh well.
2015-12-02 04:36:18 UTC
What about providing that same amount of people with water? The worlds supply of water is running out. No water = no food.
2015-12-03 07:46:04 UTC
No, however war is more likely to break out. Let's pray it doesn't, but when population grows history has shown us war is more likely. Which could help reduce the population.
2015-12-01 16:11:54 UTC
Yes. It's called Cannibalism.

Plenty of food is created everyday when people die
2015-12-02 09:01:17 UTC
It's difficult but possible
2015-12-01 23:25:28 UTC
Id say yes considering the population would probably grow to billions more.
2015-12-02 08:55:54 UTC
2015-12-01 17:16:02 UTC
no. we can't even feed 7 billion people in 2015.
2015-12-01 07:46:21 UTC
The solution is more agriculture, obviously.

21st century tech actually helps farming.

But a lot of people prefer gunz to plantz.
2015-12-02 17:50:59 UTC
Stop sending rice to those starving who already have AIDS in Africa. (do them a favor)

That eliminates 1 billion right there
2015-12-01 17:17:38 UTC
Yes, use less land intensive plants, reduce waste and improve distribution as well as use high efficency technology such as geneti engineering
2015-12-02 10:59:46 UTC
Very easy. All you need is a sausage roll, a razor blade, an electron microscope, plenty of time and 9 billion plates Job done. Can I have best answer please?
2015-12-02 11:41:37 UTC
All the fuc king fat people got offended by some comments.yes is true eat less fuc king obese people you need just 2000kal per day not 5000.if you keep eating like this the food will be soon not enough for everyone god damn nouns hogs..
2015-12-01 07:52:39 UTC
yes- we can't afford to have 9 billions of them all ride in cars to strip malls to buy the food, though.
2015-12-01 07:45:33 UTC
No, it is not possible for the would to support that many people. But, hunger won't kill nearly as many of them as not having clean water to drink, or even basic medical care. As it stands NOW, every two seconds-----a child dies from a preventable cause---that's 30 kids per minute, that's 1,800 children per hour, or 43,200 kids every day---weekends and holidays included. Death doesn't take vacations.
2015-12-03 14:06:04 UTC
2 billion is 2 millions of millions, here in the earth are around 7 thousand of millions until the end of this century.. andas mal.
2015-12-03 04:57:52 UTC

*a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step*
2015-12-01 14:58:32 UTC
you can but whats gonna happen to the people that are going to be born after that and their families are in poverty ? do you know how many people are born in each in poverty? okay yeah say we feed them but who is going to grow all the food or kill all the animals ? plantations are slowly decreasing and some animals will become extinct.
2015-12-02 15:30:37 UTC
Yes but we have to be smart about food production and conservation. Strict laws will have to be set globally
2015-12-02 05:49:45 UTC
God is warning me that a food shortage is coming in 2016 as wellas other have reiceved this message
2015-12-01 23:42:40 UTC
there is always sufficient food to feed any amount of people but the thing is some greedy people plays dirty games of hoarding so that they can sell that later at high prices.
2015-12-01 22:01:02 UTC
There's no need to worry. Let's keep shaming women who don't want to have kids. I'm sure that will fix everything
2015-12-03 15:31:31 UTC
I highly doubt that will happen since we are running very low on resources right now. But I'd hope!
2015-12-02 16:57:26 UTC
I think it's 79 % possible
2015-12-01 08:35:21 UTC
Yeah, but I don't want to spend my whole day in a food line
2015-12-01 14:43:55 UTC
Hopefully it solves itself by leading to mass starvation and death in the 3rd world countries that can't sustain their unnecessarily large population.
2015-12-05 05:43:44 UTC
The top 7 richest people can feed them all by one day.
2015-12-02 04:11:53 UTC
Hahaha some of the answers on here is hilarious hahahah


I'm being honest.
2015-12-02 13:13:23 UTC
Watch Cowspiracy and you'll have your answer. It's free on Netflix.
2015-12-01 20:23:06 UTC
Hope so. As long as people ate and wasted a little less I think it would be a lot better
2015-12-02 18:50:33 UTC
It's all up to Trump
2015-12-02 04:27:32 UTC
2015-12-03 17:03:16 UTC
2015-12-01 22:34:28 UTC
2015-12-03 01:28:28 UTC
There will always be a global food crisis. The demand for food is always higher than the quantity supplied - economics.
2015-12-02 07:04:23 UTC
Yes! Losing fewer foodstuffs to the ravages of insects and animals would solve the problem instantly.
2015-12-04 07:19:50 UTC
No we are already exceeding our maximum population. That is why children all across the world especially in Africa and India are starving
2015-12-04 01:13:27 UTC
We just have to cut down in the rich countrys, and also blow the **** out of all the poor 3 world countrys.

Problem solved.
2015-12-02 17:22:54 UTC
If we spade, neutral, abort and punish Liberals whilst banning Unnatural marriage then the population will be stable.
2015-12-01 18:57:04 UTC
2015-12-03 07:07:35 UTC
well yes due to high demand will force enterprises and large agric industries to get more labour to produce more to sell to a now higher demanding public
2015-12-01 21:52:17 UTC
2015-12-04 13:58:47 UTC
Yas with more gmo food if we got the money (if donald trump becomes a kind hearted pres)
2015-12-01 07:51:40 UTC
God! 9 billion humans?!!

Now THAT is depressing.
2015-12-04 19:29:10 UTC
Man that's a lot of peanuts every four years!
Martin the baby
2015-12-03 07:31:25 UTC
No its not. There will be tousands of extremely rich people and billions of poor. Enjoy.
2015-12-01 07:51:45 UTC
They won't be able to be too picky about what the leftist elite feed them.
2015-12-01 08:01:50 UTC
cant feed Earth's pop now,

nor supply drinkable water which is much easier to supply
2015-12-02 09:34:27 UTC
Yes it is possible if America stops eating... Lol
2015-12-02 16:33:04 UTC
yeah with gmo food, that's the only way. sustainable food will require a few billion less people.
Midnight Rider
2015-12-01 19:10:32 UTC
Grasshopper, crickets, beetles, scorpions, etc. can all be consumed not to mention wild geese. All abundant and tasty as well.
Tad Dubious
2015-12-02 05:41:27 UTC
Yes, but folk are going to have to get over their aversion to the wonders of Monsanto.
2015-12-03 04:01:03 UTC
Why bother? Vote for Bilderbergs?
2015-12-03 19:00:37 UTC
no because the sun will blow up in 9 billion years
2015-12-03 16:23:50 UTC
Only if we all become vegetarians. Growing plants, then feeding the plants to animals, then eating the animals is inefficient.
2015-12-03 01:23:21 UTC
We are already producing enough food right now. The only problem is that much of it is being wasted.
2015-12-02 16:01:26 UTC
yes it would be. easily. But will it happen? no. Why? because people don't want to since it will cost to much
2015-12-02 10:34:35 UTC
Probably would need to add an extra lane in the drive through,
2015-12-02 15:37:41 UTC
i dont think 2050 would exist,...because of day of judgement
Gaia’s Garden
2015-12-03 04:09:01 UTC
We could do it now if the wars stop, but sadly there are people who will always seek power over anything else.
Your Average American
2015-12-02 18:23:51 UTC
No, we will need a mass extinction event of some of these overpopulated nations...India and China.
2015-12-04 18:07:29 UTC
Decimation of the global populace, or all you freaking idiots who have no self control and have litters of children can learn to keep it in your pants!
2015-12-02 07:33:50 UTC
yes it's possible
2015-12-01 08:15:03 UTC
We could feed that many now if we ate less meat
Richard RIGHT
2015-12-01 07:56:09 UTC
This will be the Left's selling point that only gay marriages are legal in the future.
2015-12-02 21:17:17 UTC
within 2030 we will able to discover other planet where we can live, and we will use it as a other earth, so don't waste food. and use a comdom while u fell horny xD
2015-12-03 05:53:50 UTC
Nine billion isn't a great idea.
2015-12-01 14:36:36 UTC
Yes but you'll have a sore arm.
2015-12-02 11:36:59 UTC
FEED THEM BIRTH CONTROL or we'll have another generation to feed
Being Respectful
2015-12-02 11:45:46 UTC
Yes it is possible.
2015-12-02 16:58:43 UTC
Yes, eating bugs
2015-12-01 22:47:22 UTC
Just need some points to ask the adults more anoying questions
2015-12-02 03:18:13 UTC
Yes its very possible if things are handled well
2015-12-02 10:13:50 UTC
Can't feed enough people today lol
2015-12-01 23:37:55 UTC
With GMO technology, yes.
2015-12-01 08:10:00 UTC
Yes. We might need to start making soylent green.
2015-12-02 09:09:17 UTC
Automation will ensure plentiful food
2015-12-03 03:25:14 UTC
We need to have a major advancement in technology by then or else we are screwed.
2015-12-03 14:37:47 UTC
Yes. We could definitely do it if we all adopted a vegetarian based diet.
2015-12-03 18:36:59 UTC
Only with the help of biotechnology and each of us practicing at least small agriculture in our homes.
2015-12-01 16:48:30 UTC
there are too many people as it is, the world leaders should be thinking how to depopulate rather than feeding more.
2015-12-04 10:31:33 UTC

Cannibalism solves both overpopulation and the food shortages crisis.
2015-12-01 20:56:06 UTC
Its not our duty to feed everyone else. Try again dumbocrat
2015-12-03 02:40:31 UTC
If we're wise enough, yes. Probably not though
2015-12-01 08:02:54 UTC
No it is not. For we never learn our history lessons.

Land will not be preserved for growing. Restricting

what can be grown.
2015-12-02 18:28:00 UTC
we should process fast food garbage and turn it into a edible bar they could have different flavors like mcdonalds or taco bell
Big C
2015-12-02 07:38:59 UTC
No, and people should have fewer kids because there are already too many people to sustain.
2015-12-02 03:02:45 UTC
Therefore, ISIS is optimizing world population
2015-12-03 15:57:34 UTC
No, we can't feed all of the people on the planet now.
2015-12-01 18:42:23 UTC
2015-12-01 20:41:36 UTC
Hell there is already a hunger crisis here? why africa? **** those people.

turn some abandoned places in America to farmland
2015-12-02 13:28:58 UTC
2015-12-02 13:09:33 UTC
2015-12-02 06:22:22 UTC
2015-12-01 18:09:03 UTC
I won't be around, so...keep those babies rolling in, when the welfare money and food runs you going to feed all those mouths....????
2015-12-01 07:48:45 UTC
Being gay, banning guns and taxing the living fck out of anything that breathes is not the answer.
2015-12-01 07:50:09 UTC
Yes,..over population is a lie perpetuated by the powers that be and their puppets.
2015-12-04 01:39:08 UTC
Gosh it's gonna flood man... people everywhere.... we should have birth control.... like china
2015-12-01 12:38:12 UTC
Yes it is easily possible, but radical changes will have to be made
2015-12-04 08:20:34 UTC
2015-12-02 05:49:24 UTC
Considering we can't fee 7billion people now, maybe. Just maybe, with the technoligical advances maybe.
lika baby
2015-12-01 23:02:45 UTC
@Alias When there is a way(successful people with millions of dollars), there's definitely a way! (:
2015-12-03 15:41:30 UTC
Sure. It will be a diet of vegetables and insects and jellyfish but we could do it.
2015-12-04 17:58:37 UTC
2015-12-02 01:26:16 UTC
Food is manufactured now. So prolly. yes
2015-12-02 14:12:21 UTC
Its already possible but the wealthy don't want it to happen.
2015-12-01 20:40:35 UTC
Yes. This problem is actually the solution.

France had it from Paris where, "They were

shooting at us like if we were birds."
2015-12-03 21:07:37 UTC
Most likely not.
2015-12-04 15:59:13 UTC
What kind of food farms will Muslims have?
2015-12-01 07:53:10 UTC
Yes. Soylent Green is people.
2015-12-01 16:04:28 UTC
yes one county in Ohio can do that with modern methods
2015-12-01 19:29:38 UTC
Yes watch the movie "Solent Green"
2015-12-04 08:29:15 UTC
Depends if everyone does their fair share of helping the misfortunate!
2015-12-01 19:49:16 UTC
2015-12-01 17:21:24 UTC
2015-12-04 09:35:29 UTC
Yes, if we start to harness science and technology even better.
2015-12-04 11:14:29 UTC
More like 10.1 billion.
2015-12-01 16:17:01 UTC
yes as me a president
2015-12-04 01:48:11 UTC
I seriously doubt that all could avoid starvation level diets...
2015-12-02 05:43:44 UTC
Yes, we must limit fat people's food diet.
2015-12-02 01:56:50 UTC
2015-12-02 07:47:25 UTC
hmmm... not really cz today even at 7 billion, many people are starving ..
2015-12-01 07:46:50 UTC
yes..very easy if we can get Obama and Monsanto out of the food business...let's end monopoly,
2015-12-02 05:54:04 UTC
wars and terrorists help governments having less stress providing food :D
2015-12-03 10:13:38 UTC
2015-12-03 07:52:41 UTC
2015-12-03 06:43:42 UTC
2015-12-03 04:20:48 UTC
I think we'd have fed twice the amount by then
2015-12-02 23:46:35 UTC
2015-12-02 23:23:09 UTC
2015-12-02 10:45:02 UTC
yes its possible
2015-12-01 14:48:28 UTC
Sure as long as you dont mind eating other people.
2015-12-01 23:41:20 UTC
Aquaponic and desalination plants.
2015-12-02 00:53:46 UTC
YES............its not even a question. Unless you know something i don't know like something is trying to starve us.
2015-12-01 15:40:00 UTC
oh certainly with new crop hybrids that amount of food can be grown in one Iowa county

2015-12-01 07:48:23 UTC
With gmo crops, very possible.
2015-12-02 21:43:16 UTC
2015-12-02 22:42:27 UTC
Why feed them they should feed themselves.
Ernest Wilson
2015-12-01 14:00:57 UTC
Yes, but the people at the top do not want that
2015-12-03 14:19:39 UTC
No, and I forsee plauge hadling that problem much sooner.
2015-12-04 12:04:19 UTC
Lets try
2015-12-02 14:47:45 UTC
A majority would die before they get fed
2015-12-02 06:15:27 UTC
It depends, Is cannibalism legal?
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-12-02 09:32:55 UTC
YES; Beans, rice, and a little pork !
2015-12-02 06:08:02 UTC
Yes. It is
2015-12-02 21:39:20 UTC
It is possible
2015-12-02 04:06:50 UTC
No. The problem is: we are too many, but no one wants to be the one too many if you know what I mean.
2015-12-01 08:07:27 UTC
2015-12-05 01:32:23 UTC
That's only 2,571,423 per day.
2015-12-03 09:17:47 UTC
2015-12-02 22:38:06 UTC
2015-12-02 15:20:46 UTC
2015-12-01 19:20:23 UTC
2015-12-04 16:36:39 UTC
no, not at current production rates... the food supply will to double, that is not going to happen.
2015-12-01 14:15:14 UTC
of course it is silly. just do not punish people for being productive or reward them for not being productive.
2015-12-03 18:56:42 UTC
Nah ***** let them starve shiiieeeet
2015-12-05 13:37:58 UTC
oh,'s possible. but only if everyone sticks to their diet ;)
2015-12-01 07:46:21 UTC
Only if they're all vegetarians
King Nobama
2015-12-03 12:03:16 UTC
Not anymore thanks to BaraKKK Hussein 0bama, also known as Barry Soetoro, the WORST person to come into existence!
2015-12-01 22:04:05 UTC
Yes we will be fine
2015-12-01 17:22:25 UTC
you will need to stock up at Costco for something like that.
2015-12-01 23:13:40 UTC
We have to colonise Mars.
2015-12-02 10:34:37 UTC
Your man is a conspiracy theory of mine
2015-12-03 10:39:49 UTC
Guess we have some pills that gives us all what we need.
2015-12-02 07:27:25 UTC
if we eliminated the cow industry then we could do it right now but that will never happen
2015-12-02 22:06:50 UTC
Wait and see.
2015-12-03 00:17:22 UTC
that isn't your job, that is God's job. all you can do is share what you have and not be greedy and not waste.

if we eliminate greediness, poverty could be eliminated.
2015-12-02 16:46:30 UTC
yes if we reduce government spending
2015-12-02 19:59:20 UTC
I hope not

they don't deserve it
2015-12-01 17:37:53 UTC
maybe if we moved to space and became self sufficient
2015-12-02 09:22:42 UTC
With a lot of charity and organisation... no problems.

2015-12-02 10:25:33 UTC
yes of course, with modern technology we can do almost anything!
2015-12-03 03:15:18 UTC
We'll find a way.
2015-12-01 07:59:49 UTC
Maybe, but it will require much more farming.
2015-12-02 16:41:03 UTC
how many times?
2015-12-02 05:23:06 UTC
yes, but the planet won't survive
2015-12-02 02:26:11 UTC
2015-12-02 10:50:37 UTC
Only if shrek allows it.
2015-12-02 09:18:57 UTC
yeah but isis gonna empty the europe
2015-12-02 23:30:00 UTC
Then how about 2100 !! Damnnn
2015-12-03 12:56:33 UTC
Where there is a will there is a way
2015-12-03 15:27:36 UTC
We can but we won't -Obama
Debashish Roy
2015-12-01 19:43:48 UTC
may be yes
2015-12-02 16:42:42 UTC
If you feed the rats, they multiply.
2015-12-01 21:15:24 UTC
No it will not be possible
2015-12-02 13:13:29 UTC
Not sure. I will give it my very best shot.
2015-12-02 21:50:06 UTC
Sure, if everyone puts in his/her own time to it.
2015-12-03 23:42:09 UTC
They could do it now if they wanted.
2015-12-01 08:16:40 UTC
everybody becomes a vegetarian.
2015-12-03 00:35:47 UTC
lot of food need for that
2015-12-01 18:03:34 UTC
Yes, but there will be no desert.
2015-12-02 11:33:01 UTC
No, sustainable growth it is and will be impossible!
2015-12-02 10:53:43 UTC
With the technology we have, it is possible.
2015-12-03 12:18:50 UTC
yes, we just need to get into smaller clusters...
2015-12-03 11:53:34 UTC
2015-12-02 19:24:41 UTC
2015-12-02 01:31:26 UTC
need points
2015-12-01 19:14:04 UTC
2015-12-02 10:26:46 UTC
I honestly hope so
2015-12-01 20:50:25 UTC
Ye it is
2015-12-01 12:02:20 UTC
No. The world will be gone by then.
2015-12-02 06:12:15 UTC
2015-12-03 07:14:41 UTC
2015-12-04 11:15:33 UTC
maybe 8,999,999,999. I'll be dead by so i'll help out
2015-12-03 22:48:52 UTC
thats if the bees dont die out by than
2015-12-03 19:16:48 UTC
What for.
2015-12-01 07:48:34 UTC
Hey if not; There is always nukes...
2015-12-04 04:56:39 UTC
life will find its way
2015-12-02 15:28:13 UTC
2015-12-02 05:54:51 UTC
we need to start castration
2015-12-01 21:35:09 UTC
anything is possible
2015-12-02 20:56:22 UTC
3D printer
2015-12-02 17:55:06 UTC
No sir.
2015-12-03 10:51:31 UTC
I hope so
Marina 1
2015-12-03 09:05:18 UTC
It remains to be seen.
2015-12-03 10:11:47 UTC
I have no idea sorry
2015-12-02 21:40:02 UTC
even fat american keep their gluttony, they die thus world reduced its intake, so to speak...
2015-12-05 04:44:26 UTC
the mcdonalds dollar menu will
2015-12-01 17:32:48 UTC
God will provide
2015-12-03 11:34:46 UTC
2015-12-01 21:34:55 UTC
gmos will allow it
2015-12-02 01:54:21 UTC
food isnt the problem. its the food getting to them.
Shelby Brewer
2015-12-02 14:40:00 UTC
anything is possible.
2015-12-04 07:58:17 UTC
2015-12-03 13:50:20 UTC
2015-12-02 16:44:01 UTC
2015-12-02 13:15:11 UTC
2015-12-02 12:03:07 UTC
2015-12-02 08:25:44 UTC
2015-12-02 01:46:03 UTC
2015-12-03 11:11:48 UTC
Yeh- go to it!
2015-12-02 07:55:45 UTC
We can do it NOW............Hunger is the result of greed .....Not Scarcity
2015-12-02 22:26:46 UTC
its possible.
2015-12-03 09:29:53 UTC

lets diet together :)
2015-12-04 05:19:09 UTC
2015-12-01 08:12:36 UTC
it will happen tomorrow
2015-12-05 05:40:54 UTC
soylent green is the answer!
2015-12-02 00:16:59 UTC
I think it is.
2015-12-02 14:21:33 UTC
I hope so.
2015-12-03 00:46:11 UTC
Yeah nuke africa
2015-12-02 11:19:17 UTC
im zach and im gay
2015-12-01 15:37:45 UTC
just kill people
2015-12-02 10:56:45 UTC
it is not possiable
2015-12-03 15:37:31 UTC
2015-12-03 14:06:07 UTC
2015-12-03 10:09:29 UTC
2015-12-03 05:23:03 UTC
2015-12-02 17:22:37 UTC
2015-12-02 15:46:37 UTC
2015-12-02 10:55:37 UTC
2015-12-05 13:28:26 UTC
2015-12-04 05:07:28 UTC
2015-12-02 22:26:06 UTC
why not?
2015-12-03 03:11:04 UTC
2015-12-02 18:03:09 UTC
2015-12-02 08:58:22 UTC
2015-12-01 23:05:52 UTC
I dunno we can't really predict that far out
2015-12-02 07:12:24 UTC
2015-12-02 15:36:29 UTC
2015-12-04 11:00:38 UTC
2015-12-04 08:30:47 UTC
2015-12-02 15:27:35 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.