What's your response to learning the details of this FOX News poll?
2012-04-13 15:29:32 UTC
A recent FOX News poll that showed Romney edging out Obama had a few discrepancies which were only visible to those who download the full text of the Poll on the RCP website.

Out of 910 registered voters there were 706 landline calls and only 204 cell-phone calls - meaning the poll was heavily skewed towards senior citizens.

Although the poll claims to include only 354 Republicans, it also claims to include 376 Republican primary voters.

Also: the response to the following question suggests a level of paranoia that is indicative of fudging of the numbers - and a very high level of Republican and Tea Party participation in the polling process:

Which of the following statements comes closer to your view on the national debt?
In times of high unemployment and war, the country’s debt has to go up to fund essential government spending ... 28%

Government spending is out of control and the country must take a stand now to reduce the debt
... 68%"

What's your response to FOX intentionally skewing the reporting on a poll that was heavily biased towards frightened old people and Tea Party members and even in that context Mitt Romney only wins by 2%?
Nineteen answers:
2012-04-13 15:32:16 UTC
ANYBODY but Barry!

Rasmussen has them basically tied but indicated that if the economy doesn't improve, Romney will be moving into the White House in January. They tend to be fairly accurate!
2012-04-13 16:07:03 UTC
Less "1000 people were polled" polls, more fact-checking from multiple sources, more record-checking, more vetting.

If voters went to the Facts or used their brain as much as their reliance on 24hr news stations delivering skewed news, Obama would've never been elected in the first place.

Fox News sux, along with MSNBC, etc. CNN gets some respect as a channel because at least they send people out to do actual journalism (like their Haiti earthquake coverage, etc), meanwhile you'll see MSNBC vs FOX in a UFC grudge match.

*** BTW anyone acting like MSNBC doesn't belong in the same category of Fox News, just watch some of their shows sometime. Al Sharpton, nuff said. MSNBC just dresses it up better with their long-winded rants by Rachel Maddow, etc etc. Same overt bias.
2012-04-13 15:40:45 UTC
A lot of people have both a land line and cell phone, not just old people. A lot of old people have cell phones. I would say the example you gave is pretty representative of the country. 65% say we are headed in the wrong direction. You are a good example of why we need a Republican president to restore fiscal responsibility for the future stability of the country. Anyone should be able to see that regardless of party.
2012-04-13 15:31:21 UTC
Who knows, I wouldn't get my polls from any news company because they all have an agenda. Fox is usually pretty good though.
2012-04-13 15:36:34 UTC
my response is who gives a s*** what that already discredited bunch of traitorous sleaze bags think?

since Rupert Murdoch has already been identified as a traitor I'm shocked that the entire Fox news corporation hasn't been eradicated by the government

they are a so blatantly skewed an organization their tactics make North Korea's propaganda minister's heads spin with such velocity that N.Korea could use the rotation of their flummoxed heads as their next rocket propulsion system
2012-04-13 15:32:47 UTC
Red Pandas > Foxes, therefore PANDA> FOX

Let me and my panda pals do a poll ourselves, then we'll definitely get an accurate answer.
2012-04-13 15:32:18 UTC
I can't believe that Obama shows such high ratings.n the Fox poll. It must be a mistake.
2012-04-13 15:32:59 UTC
Fox news making up polls to support their ideas no way.... Lemme guess was it a Rasmussen poll?
2012-04-13 19:53:13 UTC
Fox poll results are what ever Fox want them to be.

FOX knows most people are sheepie's, that'll believe anything.
Weise Ente
2012-04-13 15:33:53 UTC

Those are quite the leading questions. That's a clear indicator they didn't want the truth with this poll.
2012-04-13 15:34:50 UTC
Did not see the data you cite on that website.

Rasmussen also has Romney ahead.
2012-04-13 15:32:23 UTC
If you can't trust this polling data, then what else from Fox can you not trust?
2012-04-13 15:44:30 UTC
Fox is an entertainment network, nothing more.
George B
2012-04-13 15:33:01 UTC
Boy, do you ever need to rush right over to your nearest junior college and enroll in "logical deduction 101.1"
2012-04-13 15:31:09 UTC
2012-04-13 15:33:13 UTC
funny how Obama sheeple

love polls

when Massa Obama is doing good

Mike Grotch
2012-04-13 15:32:05 UTC
So, you want people to jump on the band wagon, i see.
2012-04-13 15:31:38 UTC
I could care less.
2012-04-13 15:31:46 UTC
I'd say if it comes from Faux news, it's probably bullshit

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.