2012-04-13 15:29:32 UTC
Out of 910 registered voters there were 706 landline calls and only 204 cell-phone calls - meaning the poll was heavily skewed towards senior citizens.
Although the poll claims to include only 354 Republicans, it also claims to include 376 Republican primary voters.
Also: the response to the following question suggests a level of paranoia that is indicative of fudging of the numbers - and a very high level of Republican and Tea Party participation in the polling process:
Which of the following statements comes closer to your view on the national debt?
In times of high unemployment and war, the country’s debt has to go up to fund essential government spending ... 28%
Government spending is out of control and the country must take a stand now to reduce the debt
... 68%"
What's your response to FOX intentionally skewing the reporting on a poll that was heavily biased towards frightened old people and Tea Party members and even in that context Mitt Romney only wins by 2%?