Sooooooo, you're saying that there has been a WEATHER SHIFT and that that DOESN'T prove that Global Climate Change 'just might' actually be occurring?
California is in a multiple-year drought, summer sea ice in the Arctic was so minimal this summer that several ships sailed the 'reverse Northwest Passage' and that the boats were completely unimpeded by ice. And the normal complement of American, Russian and Canadian icebreakers wasn't needed, for the first time ever. Greenland ice is vanishing. Frozen methyl hydrate (about 10x more volatile than methane) lies frozen at the bottom of oceans and in the Canadian tundra: hydrate bubbles are popping up off the Southern California coast and if the tundra defrosts, and it looks like it is, THAT will release gas, too
Just because some places are getting colder doesn't mean that the whole world is that way, too. Maybe that's the problem with trying to explain science to people who still believe that the Earth has 4 edges, cavemen battled dinosaurs and mankind is only 6,000 years old; they think that THEIR world is THE world.
I got news for ya: IT AIN'T.
How long do you think that the Earth can sustain itself when factories, houses, power plants and cars, etc., pump out super-heated air 24/7, ALONG WITH a billion toms of CO2 every year?
You guys talk about not wanting the Government to burden your grandchildren with 'fiat money' U.S. debt... but you seem OVERLY-EAGER to deny and denigrate the very idea that how we treat the Earth TODAY definitely will burden your grandchildren...
Are you really trying to say that aside from Nature having cycles, which it does, and that temperature changes vary from year to year but the point is to gather WORLDWIDE DATA over a long period of time (say, 1880 until now) and compare CO2 content in pre-1880 ice-core samples. You know: the SCIENTIFIC approach, rather than blithely ignoring this basic fact: EVERYTHING WE DO HAS AN EFFECT, SOMEWHERE SOMEHOW. How about analyzing your activities and seeing how WISE you can be with resources... it saves MONEY, too (now, THERE'S an incentive for most people!!!), not just your grandchildren's future here on Earth...or don't you care, 'cuz you'll be gone in 50 years anyway?
Besides: a lot of human-caused pollution is avoidable and much it is stoppable by virtue of alternative methods of heat, propulsion, etc. All it takes is some imagination, technical know-how, the willingness to learn AND a belief that Mankind is smart enough to WISELY use and conserve the resources of the earth.
Keyword: C-O-N-S-E-R-V-E.
That seems like a good thing for a supposed-conservative to do.