REAL Conservatives DO. Fake Conservatives DON'T.
Fake Cons will drink cult leader Trumps diarrhea right from his crack and drink his urine to wash it down afterwards if HE tell them to.
There are no REAL Conservative who support Trump. Only the "Conservatives of Convenience" support him. Conservatives are the ones who originally hired Fusion GPS
to create the "opposition Research" Trump dossier.
THESE are the REAL Conservaives"
*Karl Rove "Trump is a complete idiot"
*Charles Krauthammer "Trump is a "rodeo clown."
*Mark Levin: “I Am Not Voting For Donald Trump. Period.”
*Radio Host Charlie Sykes: “When I Say Never Trump, I Mean Never Trump.”
*Colin Powell "Trump is an international pariah"
*George Will: "Republicans Must Keep Trump Out Of The White House. "
*Michael Berry On Supporting Trump: “I Don't Vote For Democrats....”
*Mark Salter: "If The GOP Nominates Trump, “I'm With Her.”
*Glenn Beck: "I Won't Vote For Hillary Clinton, And I Won't Vote For Donald Trump."
*Bill Kristol: "I Would Try To Recruit A Real Conservative To Run."
*Kevin Madden: "I'm Prepared To Write Somebody In So That I Have A Clear Conscience."
*Jay Caruso: "In Good Conscience I Will Not Support Nominee Trump."
*Rick Wilson: "With God As My Witness, I Will Never Vote For Donald Trump."
*Bob Owens: "I Will Stay Home In November Before I Vote For Either Hillary Or Her Buddy Donald. It's Called Having A Moral Compass."
*Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman “I won't vote for Donald Trump because of who he isn't. He isn't a Republican. He isn't a conservative. He isn't a truth teller…. I also won't vote for Donald Trump because of who he is. A bigot. A misogynist. A fraud. A bully.”
*Sally Bradshaw(Bush Aide) "I could not abide the hateful rhetoric of Donald Trump and his complete lack of principles and conservative philosophy."
*Gordon Humphrey(Former U.S. Senator) "Trump, “a sociopath, without a conscience or feelings of guilt, shame or remorse.”
*Michael Steele (former RNC chair) “I was damn near puking during the debates, listening to Trump”
*Gen. Barry McCaffrey: "Trump is 'betraying the people who voted for him"