I have seen such acts : Obama's 42 Acts of Hypocrisy
42 Mega-hypocrite Obama raises megabucks selling access to his policy advisors; access to Warren Buffet goes for $28500
41 BHO claims in response to McCain's negative ads he's going to START being "No More Mr Nice Guy"; he's been trying to trash McCain for months
40 Obama challenges McCain's patriotism after promising he would never challenge another mans patriotism.
39 Obama wrongly accuses Palin of belonging to an Alaska Independence Group; he supported a bill which could lead to Hawaiian Independence
38 Oink! Oink! Obama pays his women staff 83% of what he pays his male staff: Act of Hypocrisy
37 Obama's plan to "share the pie" doesn't apply to him; Italian mag finds half-brother George living in squalor
36 Obama hires Big Oil lobbyist: #36 example of "Do as I say not as I do"
35 Obama cries like a baby about folks lying about his record: campaign concedes BHO was the one lying
34 BHO criticizes McCain for the company he keeps
33 Obama failed to condemn corruption in Mayor Daley's Chicago; sold out for votes
32 Michelle tells women to turn back on corporate America and accept lower salaries for helping the community; her last job paid in excess of $300,000 and she also accepted fees for serving as a corporate director
31 Obama slammed HRC's tax holiday from gas taxes as "pandering";Obama proposes giving consumers an energy rebate check
30 Pays off 20 years worth of parking tickets dating backing to his Harvard Days, 2 weeks before he announces he's running for President
29 Two-faced Michelle didn't know if she could vote for Hillary; suddenly she cant stop gushing about HRC's greatness
28 Post-racial candidate Obama wants to grant preferential treatment based on race
27 Hypocritcal Obama opposes "school choice" for public schools; sends his own kids to expensive private school
26 Michelle claims Obama's "message is one of inclusion"; charges $500 for photo with her
25 Post-racial candidate deliberately uses "us v them" language to pamper to Latinos
24 Obama does not practice what he legislated on disclosure of campaign bundlers
23 Condemns religious intolerence; fails to condemn his Church in June 2007 when it publishes,"Jews invented a bomb that killed only blacks and Arabs"...that month he introduces his pastor at a conference as a "great leader"
22 Condemns Republicans in state senate for putting their careers ahead of their constituents by not backing a bill he proposed and voting "present": Obama votes "present" 140 times
21 Condemns mainstream Americans who "cling to their religion"; touts the devoutness of his own Christianity
20 Claims he wants an "open and vigorous debate"; Obama is silent while his surrogates try to delete opposition from the internet
19 Supports MLK's Dream of a color-blind society; removes two Muslim women wearing jihabs to avoid them being seen on TV at an Obama rally
18 Condemns Republicans for ignoring the plight of inner-city residents; Obama ignores desperate plight of residents in his congressional area living in slums built and managed by his friends Slumlords Rezko and Davis
17 Announces we should love our country; openly condemns "John Wayne" in favor of "collectivism" (socialism)
16 Says "words matter" then secretly sends memo to Canada assuring them his words about NAFTA are only "political manouvering'
15 Accuses mainstream Americans of being "bitter" about the country; continually put down the greatness of America; bitterly condemns its inequality; and spouts economic misery
14 Calls on Democrats to "show unity" by embracing Clintonites; Obama continues to demean "Mrs" Clinton
13 Tells Russert in Jan 06, there should be an "Enforcer of lobbying and ethical rules"; Obama bought land in January 06 from his corrupt major donor, Rezko
12 Condemns his opponents alleged temper by failing to stop a whispering campaign; Obama's temper tantrums led to least two fights, one in Senate
11 Condemns Imus for promoting a racial "stereotype that hurt his daughters;" Obama speaks at rally where the band Nappy Roots raps about "hos"
10 Condemns Clinton for not making all her records public; refuses to disclose ANY of his records from 8 years in State Senate
9 Condemns people who run for office when "they're not ready"; admits wont be ready to run for President in 2008 and yet runs
8 Condemns exclusionary "closed door" meetings; meets privately with the top Imam in the USA
7 Condemns sexists who put down women; chronically refers to female professionals as "sweetie"
6 Condemns his opponents for refusing to let every vote count; refuses to allow Democrats in Florida and Michigan to have a voice in the Primary
5 Condemns politicians who accept money from lobbyists; Obama accepts far more money than other candidates from corporations and lobbyists
4 Condemns American SUV drivers for causing Global Warming; drives a gas-guzzling Hemi V8 Sedan
3 Condemns $10,000 a plate fundraisers; holds a $33100 a plate fundraiser
2 Condemns Clintons in leaked memo to media for relationship with ethically-challenged donor; accepts his $10,000,000 pledge after beating Clinton
1 Condemns racists while pursuing a blatantly racist campaign strategy built around his "waking up Black America" and securing its 93% block vote
The more you get to know Senator Obama the more you realize that underneath his good looks and high powered rhetoric there is a side to his personality that his biographer David Mendell, a Chicago Tribune journalist who followed Obama for the past four years, described in his 2007 biography as "his imperious, mercurial, self-righteous and sometimes prickly nature, each quality exacerbated by the enormous career pressures that he has inflicted upon himself." (Source "Obama" D Mendell) For those of you without immediate access to a dictionary and who, like me, need a refresher on one or two words used by David Mendell: Imperious: Arrogantly domineering or overbearing Mercurial: Quick and changeable in temperament; volatile: Self-righteous: Exhibiting pious self-assurance. Prickly: cocky ****** prone to irritate!