In her speech on Saturday Hillary Clinton said the war was poorly planned, but why didn't she apologize?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
In her speech on Saturday Hillary Clinton said the war was poorly planned, but why didn't she apologize?
29 answers:
2007-01-28 23:54:10 UTC
Everyone is more focused on Bush. They seem to forget the hundreds of others who run the government.
2007-01-29 02:35:28 UTC
I believe that the information that was presented to the Senate was incorrect. In the fact that WMD's were never found in Iraq after the invasion. Although it's true that Saddam Hussein was out of control and needed to be dealt with. The facts that were given by the administration were fabricated.

Why were these items never uncovered? How was this so called intelligence being collected? It's easy enough to blame Hillary since there is an upcoming presidential election on the horizon. There were plenty of other Senators that made their decision to invade Iraq based on the same information that was supplied to her, both conservative and liberal. Why is it that you feel the need to direct this at Hillary, and not the senate as a whole?
2007-01-28 23:55:05 UTC
Hillary Clinton only knows how to lie, not Plan!!
truth seeker
2007-01-29 00:14:14 UTC
Voting to authorize military action and a war that is poorly planned are two separate and distinct subject matters. Why lump them like this?
2007-01-28 23:56:40 UTC
Good question and now shes dancing barefooted on hot coals over it! Pretty damn funny it is.Her husband was a smooth talker with a great gift of gab who could talk his way out of anything. Hillary just looks like a fool..
Fast Eddie B
2007-01-28 23:55:41 UTC
Queen Hillary the Great, as usual, wants to have it both ways.

What I continue to be amazed at is the fact that the press generally gives her a free pass when she directly contradicts herself. This went on for eight straight years while King Bill ruled the land and this bimbo wants EIGHT MORE YEARS! (sound of man throwing up)
2007-01-28 23:55:27 UTC
I don't beleive she thinks she was wrong, Most Dem really believed in what we did at the time. They just beleive it is wrong now because it gets them votes, If the majority of the people were behind the war, they would now be for it.
2007-01-28 23:55:09 UTC
being a democrat, means never having to say youre sorry
2007-01-29 00:32:18 UTC
She has already said she regrets her vote and takes responsibility for it, she just said it again yesterday in Iowa. What more would you like from her and the rest of the House and Senate that voted for this war, Dems and Repubs alike, who are now saying with complete correctness, that they were given the same bad intel the rest of us were fed with the rhetoric out of the White House? She told Keith Olbermann her vote was a mistake a week ago, she has said this several times, when will it sink in? It wasn't up to her and the rest to have a plan in place for the aftermath of the invasion. That was Bush and his Administration's responsibility and they failed miserably.

Have you been paying attention to the Libby trial? It came out this week that Amb. Wilson was sent to Africa by Cheney to check out the uranium intelligence that Britian was supplying. Wilson found it was in error, there was no evidence of Hussein trying to purchase uranium. This was reported back to Cheney. Which of course he denied, but his own press secretary stated under oath she told him herself. But in spite of knowing this, and in spite of the fact that most of their WMD theory was based on this intelligence, the President still wove his story around it, to the Houses, and to the public in his 2003 SOTU address to back up his invasion of Iraq. He used BAD intelligence that he KNEW was bad, and now we all know it, well at least those of us who are paying attention.
2007-01-29 00:22:46 UTC
I don't understand what good these apologies would do. I am not looking for apologies. I am looking for people to see there errors and then go about fixing them. You can keep the apologies. Besides is it really up to Hillary to apologize for a poorly planned war. She doesn't make those decisions. She voted for the president to have the power to commit troops if necessary based on faulty information.
2007-01-28 16:02:53 UTC
She is just saying and doing what the current polls tell her to do and say at any given moment. Her only deep thoughts are on how to get and retain POWER!

She, like all the Democrats now, feel POWER can be achieved by going against the war and the President in a big way.

She does not have enough HONOR to stand up for what she did and said in the past relevant to the war.
2007-01-29 14:49:25 UTC
Everyone was mislead about Iraq. Faulty intelligence is not her fault. Trying to resolve a mistake from past is much better than "staying the course" or cutting-and-running from the true threat in Afghanistan.
2007-01-29 04:01:24 UTC
Actually, Hillary's new spin on her vote was unleashed in her Davenport, IA speech last week. To paraphrase, she now says:

"...yes I voted to authorize military action. But then George Bush MISUSED that authorization, etc., etc."

The more widely used "he gave us phony intelligence" excuse is rapidly being refuted for the reasons you gave. So the Dems sound bite factory is searching for a new way to defend the votes they cast.

I think you'll be hearing more of this outrage over "he misused my vote" in the days to come. Hillary seemed pleased with herself when she said it.

Whatever sells.
2007-01-28 23:57:48 UTC
Disarming Saddam and getting our asses in the middle of a civil war are totally different subjects. She like everyone was being fed bullshit by the Bush people. History will tell the true story of how a few idiots twisted the intelligence to suit their need.
2007-01-28 23:58:57 UTC
She voted and spoke for the same reason many RedsState Congressmen did.

Never in their wildest imagination did they think the President would lie and conspire to go to war.

They trusted the president and his disinformation. Now everyone on earth knows the intelligence was faulty.

Go big Red Go
2007-01-29 00:20:28 UTC
Because she would rather "blow smoke" by bashing Bush and anyone else that gets in her way!!! That diverts the attention away from her own actions or inactions.
2007-01-29 00:03:01 UTC
She's a "good" politician. When the war was popular, she went with the crowd. ( Like a lot of other Democrats ) Now that so many are against the war, she has backed down. You have to "appear" to please the majority of voters to win elections. She really doesn't think she owes anyone an apology.
2007-01-28 23:57:49 UTC
She has the right to change her opinion any time it is convenient for her, and you should not EVER question her on it. HeHe

A better question might be, if the dems, and Hillary in particular, are so against the war, then why can't they provide a clear, concise plan for dealing with the terrorists? It seems to me that if your are going to criticize, you should be able to give an alternative plan.
2007-01-29 00:14:33 UTC
jesi,i think Hillary is only concerned about what her political carer does for her,at the time 2002,it must have been to her benefit to do that.she will never admit anything that will hurt her chance for the presidency,.Hillary tends to flip flop.she will probable take the seat in a few years,,,but hell,you are the hotti,,,,,cheers,,,,
2007-01-29 00:23:42 UTC
She thought she was doing OK until Cindy Sheehan threatened her.
2007-01-29 00:12:09 UTC
Like the rest of the country, we were fed LIES by the Bush adminstration. That's why - she (gasp!) actually believed something Bush said! Well, we have learned about that: the dolt always lies.

Lies, lies, lies.
2007-01-28 23:54:30 UTC
She voted for it ask the Israeli lobby.
2007-01-28 23:57:54 UTC
ALL the Democrats were tricked.

They were all "for it" before they were "against it".

IF they are still "for it", they would have done it RIGHT.

Democrats have Special Powers: "Hindsight".


(As Brother Dave Gardner would say: "Ain't That Weird"?)
2007-01-28 23:55:55 UTC
Our Congress voted to send troops only after Bush lied to us about WMD. Remember? That lie was a crime. He and his gang of traitors need to be impreached and brought to trial.
2007-01-28 23:54:43 UTC
Because even back then she knew she would be running for President. You know, that popularity contest we have every 4 years.
2007-01-28 23:53:19 UTC
How many times do you have to hear it? She got bogus intel, as did the rest of congress. For a person who likes to be factual, you are falling down on the job.
Tom S
2007-01-29 01:04:44 UTC
You rock Jesi.................... the looser will not apologize for the simple reason she is just too stupid to know that one is due
2007-01-28 23:58:35 UTC
a clinton admit they're wrong? yea right!
Gypsy Gal
2007-01-28 23:54:53 UTC
Guess they all speak out of both sides of their mouth.

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