Black guy kills a white man and woman. Whadda ya say us white folks go out and burn down a neighborhood and loot a few stores?
2015-08-26 12:51:18 UTC
Burn down our neighborhood, ransack a few businesses, maybe attack some police officers. Sound a plan?

Hands up, don't shoot. White lives matter!

Seems pretty ridiculous, doesn't it? And yet that's what the black community has been doing for over a year now.
Thirteen answers:
Arizona Yankee
2015-08-26 13:17:03 UTC
American Lives Matter
2015-08-26 12:59:01 UTC
Ban the ANC flag as a "symbol"; funny how you can still be classified "workplace violence" when you are fired two years ago! So if I shoot anything up, I can blame a job I had in 1983 then... oh but then I am white and poor so I better make sure I shoot only white people!
2015-08-26 13:04:13 UTC
Blacks don't riot because a white person kills a black person. They riot because the justice system lets the white killer walk free, sometimes without even a trial.

But you already knew that didn't you.
2015-08-26 12:56:27 UTC
Sure. Just ignore the fact that mentally unstable people get hold of guns all the time and shoot people. We expect better from the police, which is why we are outraged when they shoot unarmed suspects.
2015-08-26 12:52:06 UTC
That white man and woman were KIDS, from my perspective at my age. They could have been my grandchildren.
2015-08-26 13:15:14 UTC
No, that is NOT what "the black community" has been doing, and the fact that you posted this shows your ignorance and in fact your willful ignorance, which is even worse.
2015-08-26 12:52:42 UTC
a white guy shoots and kills a bunch of people almost every month, conservatives : "they were obviously mentally ill"

Black guy kills a white man and woman:

conservatives are OUTRAGED!

"its a hate crime" "it's the liberals fault !" ""White lives matter!"

"The black community burn downs neighborhood, ransacks businesses, attacks some police officers !"
2015-08-26 12:58:50 UTC
African Liberation=Doom

I.E OJ Simpson, Malcolm X, Reverend Al Sharpton, Reverend Jessie Jackson, Black Lives Matter terrorist.

There is not one white slave owner that is alive today.

But yet there is still a race war against white Americans.

There is a double standard when it comes to violence against whites.

White men have to start standing up and protecting their communities.

You have to stop watching on in fear as your kids scream mommy! Mommy! As the dark skins move into your neighborhoods with their intense rap songs that ferociously blast off in their cars and force you to pull out a gun and mow them down like pigs to the slaughter, Ounk 0unk!!! and their horribly chapped lips, and they’re gross ashy knees, and they’re severely funky crocked green teeth, and their stinky little legs, and their cheap ghetto no good toddler pants that drop down to their ankles.

You have to stop being afraid of being called a racist.

They make you believe that there is such a thing as “White Privilege”.

They make you feel guilty.

Well I say it’s time to rise up.

Not against the minority community but against the Politically Correct professors that have distorted history for them, us, and the rest of the world. And then and only then; would we strike the minority community. Strike them real hard. I mean really hard. I’m talking one swift move. Like lighting on my feet Taylor Swift maneuvers. I mean she and her background girls come in with serious speed. Unlike Nicki Minaj and her fat butt that weighs her spine down to the ground like an anvil. She’ll look like a hobbit; a hermit; or humpback soon enough. By the time she’s old she’ll look like a spider. Now that would be a real *black widow* baby. Imagine Taylor Swift in a fight with Nicki Minaj. Taylor Swift would totally win. Nicki has size and I’ll give her that much but Taylor Swift could easily break her neck; she has speed and martial arts. I’ve seen Taylor Swift bust some mad moves in her music videos like slow motion Kung Fu stuff. All she has to do is aim for the fake breast and pop those puppies like the overgrown puss ridden pimples they are. Or maybe kick that thick booty into next week. If Taylor Swift could just so gently thrust her soft, gorgeous, leg up Nicki Minaj’s thick, juicy, shiny, plump booty that would be so nice. That’s what we should do to the minority community. Hit them hard like Taylor Swift. Imagine getting b**** slap by Taylor Swift. They don’t call her Swift for nothing. She might not look it but she will drop you like a ripe apple on a hot summer’s eve. That’s what we will do to the minority community. F*** them up in one hard motion. Get in there and deliver; If you know what I mean. I mean really hard like a big, wide, long, fast, wild, reckless, stiff, hard, full, wet, moist, sticky, slippery, trembling, vibrating, pulsating , popping, stretchy plunger into a horrifically disgustingly bloody green diarrhea , sperm, burnt hair, deceased rat, eye puss, and used tampon stuffed with leeches; over-filled to the brim toilet.

There is no such thing as an ‘African American’.

The fine men and women that walk among us today are fellow Americans.

A more Realistically Correct term would Be Neo-Africans.

But like I said they have no mental or spiritual resemblance to the uneducated savages that roamed that underdeveloped region of the world in the later era.

So the Most correct term would be Neo-Americans.

Twenty years ago this PC madness go to the point where OJ Simpson (The average black guy; who lust to tame and destroy the white woman) was able to succeed in taming and destroying a white woman. If you’re a white woman and you’re reading this you should stay at least twenty feet from the nearest black man. Even if they are married with a wife and have kids that can only suppress their primitive raw base emotions to a certain extent. So you can be at least 5 feet away from them. Unless they are gay then it is okay. Remember that rhyme in your head women. If they are gay then it is okay. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone manufactured some sort of drug to turn American babies into lesbian, bisexual, and gay people. That is definitely a disorder if any. Got to keep are women safe. Even if it means a few white boys are gay and transgender. I mean seriously for land mass the U.S must have the biggest population of homosexuals worldwide. The numbers say it’s like 2%. In other regions across the world such as the Middle East and Russia I would expect the numbers to be around .0001% of their population. But my plan for the Master Unity will fix this LGBT problem soon enough. It is the new final solution to ridding this world of the lesbians, gays, bisexual, and the transgender. The new final solution. There have been many attempts to exterminate the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and the transgender in the past. But now I know why they were really created. In the 1960’s the feminazis secretly manufactured a drug to turn kids into lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. With the help of chem trail planes; they released small, weak, mutant estrogen doses into the mainland. They wanted to decrease the amount of rapes and the men in power thought it would be a good Idea because more gay men would leave more woman around for the rest of us men and decrease the chances of rape and domestic violence, and more lesbians would leave more men around for the rest of the women; and more bisexuals would mean more fun for everyone; but the transgender were an unintended consequence of the experimentations.
2015-08-26 13:05:41 UTC
Don't do it. It is against the law.
2015-08-26 12:52:16 UTC
It's called education. You have it they don't.
2015-08-26 12:52:27 UTC
Don't be silly, white folks are civilised.
2015-08-26 12:54:19 UTC
All lives matter. Racism and violence are abhorrent no matter who perpetrates it.
2015-08-26 12:52:09 UTC
We don't need to. The cops work for us.

And that is all the difference.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.