That's not just a Republican thing, child. It's an American thing.
'What Americans Don't Know About Science'
'216 Million Americans Are Scientifically Illiterate'
'Americans Believe in Science, Just Not Its Findings'
'Scientists Agree: Americans Don't Know Much About Science'
'Americans Have Little Faith In Scientists, Science Journalists: Poll'
'Poll Results Show Disparity Between Scientists And American Public On Scientific Issues'
And it's far worse than just scientific literacy.
It's literally everything Americans only think they know. But actually don't:
'Anti-intellectualism Is Killing America | Psychology Today'
'America dumbs down: a rising tide of anti-intellectual thinking'
'How Much Don't You Know? The Epidemic of American Ignorance'
'US adults are dumber than the average human'
'The American education system is creating ignorant adults'
'American Schools Are Training Kids for a World That Doesn't Exist'
'Study: Americans Don't Know Much About History'
'America’s Literacy Crisis: An Overlooked Epidemic'
'American Ignorance of Global Geography: A History'
'Study: Americans Don't Know The Facts On U.S. Issues'
'Americans Are Pretty Ignorant When It Comes To Religion'
'Many Americans Don't Know Basic Facts About Government'
'Ignorance of international affairs: It's a major problem for America'
'Require a civics test? Americans have a long history of ignorance'
'Financial Literacy: Two-Thirds of Americans Can't Pass Basic Test'
'Americans are dumber than average at math, vocabulary, and technology'
'American Idiots: Our Own Political Ignorance is Destroying Our Political System'
'Blame the childish, ignorant American public—not politicians—for our political and economic crisis.'
'U.S. Foreign Policy Can be Only as Good as Public's Understanding of World Affairs'
'World Publics Reject US Role as the World Leader - "cannot be trusted to act responsibly."
'Compared to Rest of World Americans Are Delusional, Prudish, Selfish Religious Nuts: Study'
'Researcher Says Americans Are "Deluded" Regarding What They Know About the Rest of the World'
'How Stupid Are American High School Students?'
'New Poll Shows Young Americans Are Embarrassingly Ignorant'
'American graduates dumber than other countries' high school dropouts'
'American Kids Aren't Getting Dumber; They Were Just Never That Smart'
'U.S. Millennials Fall Far Behind Educational Average'
'Report: 6 of 10 Millennials Have 'Low' Technology Skills'
'Surprise: A Majority of Millennials Don't Have a College Degree'
'US millennials far below average in literacy, numeracy, problem-solving'
'Are We Doomed? American Millennials Are Just About the Least Skilled in the World: Report'
Like the man said:
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."
-Thomas Jefferson
America's so busy telling itself it's exceptional above all other nations that it's utterly clueless it's not.
And just as clueless as to why the World's laughing at the USA for thinking such nonsense about itself.
The kneejerk US reaction - blaming that laughter on envy or jealousy - only makes the World laugh harder.
Time for Americans to humble up and smarten up. Before the USA collapses completely.