Why do so many conservatives struggle with basic science?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do so many conservatives struggle with basic science?
220 answers:
2016-10-18 16:13:33 UTC
Science denial is actually more bipartisan than you would think between the parties; looking the other way from facts is a common tactic when pushing a certain agenda. On the right it's evolution, climate change, etc. But the left is just as guilty, if not more so. They look past scientific data on the safety and viability of nuclear energy & fracking, they believe genetically modified foods are dangerous, there are those that are anti-vaccine, they reject the scientific consensus that life begins at embryonic conception and use euphemisms to describe a developing fetus, they believe a person with male genitalia and XY chromosomes can be female. Yeah, each side is pretty guilty of science denial when it comes to convenience and pushing policy.
2016-10-19 06:53:24 UTC
As a Christian conservative, I was considered pretty smart. I had top GPA in my university department (they gave me a plaque for that on my graduation), and had full scholarship through my master's degree. Yet, I cannot fully trust the big bang theory. Why? I struggle with basic science because I've seen ONE thing that I cannot account for, and ever since this event, it put doubt in my mind on what is real.

When I was about 12 years old, one of my mother's friends had bone cancer. 2 weeks before her expected death, she was like a skeleton, and had to be on a stretcher at all times. Her friends were desperate, and modern medicine had failed, so they felt they needed to do something different. They wanted to take her to a Peter Youngren healing service, where they heard rumours that there were good results. The friend with cancer declined, because she was in so much pain. But my mom and her friends literally kidnapped the cancer friend and brought her on a stretcher to the event. Instantly, during prayer, her body fully recovered and her muscles filled back so that she looked like a healthy weight person. Not only this, but she could immediately run around and she couldn't believe she was healed.

Not everyone had witnessed a miracle with their own eyes, but if I was blessed with this rare opportunity, it would be illogical for me to ignore it. Something is strange with the world and how it works. I can't explain how my mom's friend suddenly gained back 40 pounds and got healed from cancer in a few seconds. I can't explain how my mom's friends did NOT seek the media after the healing (would have made a great story). I just can't explain it.

So, logical minds don't disregard what they've experienced and seen. I don't expect you to believe me. I don't expect anyone to believe me. But keep an eye out, and an open mind, and maybe one day, you'll stumble upon it yourself (though it is unlikely).

I didn't witness any other proof in my 32 years of life, but that one incident has left doubt in my mind about the theory that God doesn't exist.
2016-10-20 08:32:39 UTC
Basic science is when you can prove your theories. It includes things like gravity and other facts that can be proven over and over again.

What intelligent people struggle with is when money directs scientific discovery toward a specific conclusion. You want us to trust the government to tell us whether or not there is global warming when there are tons of politicians who are going to get even richer if we start enacting laws about global warming.

This is the same government that can't even decide whether butter or margarine is better for us. They keep flip-flopping on this very simple item depending on which lobbyists are paying them the most money that day.

Unintelligent people believe whatever they are told without question as long as it's what they want to hear - if it backs up their feelings about a topic. That is not science. It's theory, and they are often wrong.

Intelligent people learn about a topic before they declare it to be "basic science" and incontrovertible.

I'm sure your liberal professors don't tell you this, but much of the climate change data is wrong. They cherry-pick data, they put temperature stations in places where they will get higher readings than the surrounding areas, and every single computer model that is supposed to predict the future can not accurately predict the past. That is, they put in real numbers from the past, and their program does not correctly predict what really happened. Yet, idiots believe that this same broken model can somehow predict the future.

You'd have just as much accuracy calling one of those TV psychics.

2016-10-18 13:24:26 UTC
Liberals too have their own problems when it comes to science; from their confusion of genders, to vaccinations, to what constitutes life. Throw into the mix that liberals have no understanding of statistics, economics, the English language, basic history, or constitutional law, and you'll see that the Left is a very ignorant group.
Phoenix Quill
2016-10-19 06:43:42 UTC
Conservatives aren't bad at Science, Liberals are just REALLY good at Propaganda.

Individualistic Limited Government Free Market Capitalism is SO efficient at creating wealth & prosperity, that the 'Stronger Together' Socialists can't LOGICALLY portray themselves as a better choice. So you play a trick. Individualists favor Freedom hence they accept the Religious, a few of the Religious reject Evolution, so Liberals say Individualism is the rejection of Science & the acceptance of stupidity, so don't vote for Individual Freedom.

Nice trick huh? Then Liberals will turn around & promote Abortion & Gay Marriage, neither one of which make any sense from a Darwinian perspective.

On CAGW. Those foolish Conservatives don't believe. Do you think Obama, Hillary or Gore believe? Does Hillary ride a bicycle to work? Obama dumps thousands of tons of CO2 every time he flies off in AF1, when a teleconference would do. Al Gore has a HUGE carbon footprint. CAGW exists politically to funnel billions in tax dollars into phony crony green programs.

Conservatives would be working on next gen nuclear like the LFTR, because they can do the math in terms of energy required. Libs think Solar would suffice because they can't do the math. But they are good at Propaganda. 20 years Trump might have squeezed an unwilling boob.... that's important right?
2016-10-18 12:33:29 UTC
So you accept the basic science of being born with xy chromosomes and a penis makes one a male.
2016-10-18 16:39:56 UTC
Climate change is Total ******* Bullshit, its all a scam to pay carbon taxes to the Government
2016-10-18 15:17:54 UTC
False premise.

I am a conservative and outscored my high school on a intelligence test. My highest scores are in science and technology.

Highly intelligent people can tell when the Democrats are lying. They lie constantly.

An intelligent super brain is also highly intuitive which also allows me to frequently win big in gambling casinos.
2016-10-18 12:29:28 UTC
I bet you couldn't explain why the molecular make up of water is H2O.
2016-10-18 12:26:17 UTC
I don't need to dust off my freshman psych books to recognize the obvious insecurity and lack of original thought behind this oft-parroted "question"...
2016-10-18 20:25:05 UTC
Many republicans struggle with basic science, because it often times goes against their beliefs. Although there are certain things that liberals do that go against science, ie, calling a male a woman, it is typically to be morally correct. Biology, both liberals and conservatives understand that the person is physically a male, however, they would feel more comfortable as a woman, so we allow them to be able to choose their own skin. Similarly, pale people often times tan their skin in order to appear darker, or people may dye their hair. Although they weren't that shade or hadn't had that hair color at birth, we accept their choice to change who they are.

However, with conservatives, science often times challenges their beliefs. For example, many conservatives are devout Christians (which, there is nothing wrong with that, you can believe what you want, how you want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else). Science typically goes against major Christian beliefs, such as evolution - in which is only considered a theory since there are creationists who have a disbelief in the concept - which disproves creationism. Although we experience a small scale of man-made and natural evolution through artificial and natural selection, it contradicts their idea that God had created the earth. Additionally, science has disproved many past events that were said to have happened in the bible. the story of Noah's ark, for example, states that the whole earth was covered in water, however, science tells us that there was never a world wide flood, just by looking into the grand canyon, which is 6 million years old - much older than the ark story. Which points out another fact - calculations from the bible tells us that the earth is only 6 000 years old, which we have observed it (more than just through the grand canyon) to be over 750 000 times older than what the bible says it is.

Another thing to point out, is who republicans are. It has always been true that states where 30% or more of the population have received bachelor degrees or higher will always vote democratic, while states where less than 30% of the population have received bachelor degrees or higher will always vote republican as a whole state (excuse me from forgetting which year the study had started, but since that year, it has always been true). This is why Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio have typically been fence states, where they could go either or. Until the recent election where Donald Trump has lost much of his republican votes, PA, FL and OH have always voted democratic or republican depending on how much of their population has a bachelor's degree or higher. This shows that people with a higher education, and therefore having a better knowledge of the sciences, tend to vote democratic, while people who have a less education, and are therefore more prone to be ignorant to the sciences, tend to vote republican.
2016-10-19 12:58:39 UTC
I'm not struggling with basic science. It is the monkey to man chart of evolution that I struggle with and will not believe, because scientists are teaching a new religion. No one has ever observed a monkey changing into a man. It can't be found in fossil records, because all the fossil records presented have been false since DNA was discovered. See, when you have lying scientists that will tell you anything to prove their theory, then science falls apart at every level. That is what happened to evolution. Adaptation we have always observed, but not one specie changing into a new specie. Kind produces kind, just like the Bible says.

As far as being educated, it is an uneducated man that does not know the Holy Bible, the Words of the Living God. Your beginning and your future is written in the Holy Bible and you ignore it for your own purpose of furthering your manmade agendas.
2016-10-19 09:39:33 UTC
While Science is Great and improves the World in many ways, it cannot provide absolutely positive answers to many fields. A lot of which are educated opinions, and so on. Science is not 100% on many things and still doesnt understand how some of the simplest things work. Their are many, like my Bio Teacher, who would say Evolution is a Fact. But this is because they credit Micro Evolution to prove Macro Evolution, which it doesnt. There is a whole Pandora's Box that is opened when you look at what many different research and facts have to say about the matter, you could find some in a easy google search.
2016-10-18 19:11:21 UTC
Focusing on evolution (theory of), the scientific community is not 100% behind the theory; far from it. Charles Darwin was just getting started collecting data and left hints in where research needed to continue; the search for missing links. He said they need to be commonplace. Are they? Name a few. The Wistar conference was a gathering of world renowned biologists and mathematicians, with the purpose of addressing one question: "Can mutations with natural selection serve as the basis for evolutionary change?" The mathematicians shot it down completely; "No!" Thomas Huxley, evolutionist and mathematician calculated the odds of a single celled animal evolving into a horse within the time (10 to the 18th power seconds of time) and space (size of universe 10 to the 80th power atoms) constraints at a dizzying 1 chance in 10 to the 3 millionth power. That is a polite way of saying it is not possible. Now, why do so many liberals try to fabricate theories that will never work? Could they have an agenda from the start?
2016-10-19 12:36:16 UTC
So are u saying the left are atheists scientists who follow the darkside of science?

To be brutally honest both sides are right, but no side is more right than the other and both sides go too far.

Science goes too far to say humans evolve and that athiesism is the only logical answer. Humans don't evolve, they invent tools to adapt. We did not come from apes, but they are our cousin species.

Religion goes too far by reading into symbolism and believing the rhetoric symbols as quite literally the truth without questioning it. Jesus Christ is not the savior, but if they read the bible correctly reading the symbolism instead of believing the symbolism is the truth, they would figure out he was highly praised as a prophet of the earth.

As for death, this has been proven time and time again through science and religion that we all get reincarnated.

Both sides are right and wrong in pushed beliefs at the same levels.

If there is a god, the earth is god and it goes by many names.
andrew m
2016-10-19 09:18:53 UTC
I think it's fear.

They've been taught such things by people they trust - often quite deeply - from an early age: e.g. parents, teachers, members of the clergy, friends or other relatives.

Now certainly as far as the adults go, most of what they taught them will be genuine, truthful, and factual: e.g. eat your greens if you want to grow up big and strong; too much sugar is bad for your teeth; if you get lost, ask a policeman for help.

So people learn to trust these "seniors", as for the most part, they've always been on their side, and have maybe even looked after them. And they start to build their lives, their whole world view on what these people have taught them.

Then along come new people who challenge these long-held foundational beliefs, and that can be quite a shock to the system! Especially if the newcomers seem to be attacking their beliefs. That could even be seen as an attack on the people who taught them: their parents, teachers, etc.; and an attack on their honesty and integrity. That's quite a bit to deal with! And worse still if the attackers are hostile, even disrespectful or arrogant people, like Richard Dawkins when he attacks people of faith. I don't believe in any god, but I think Dawkins has went about it all wrong, and has become a nasty wee man, even a flip-side of the same coin as those religious extremists he attacks.

And that's aside from the potential shock and gravity of what it may mean if it were to turn out that these newcomers were right!

I mean, can you imagine if YOU found out today that the Earth really WAS flat after all? That north is actually south, and that ice and snow at the polar ice caps is usually at 18° C? It would - to say the least - freak you out a bit, wouldn't it?!

So when these conservatives have their worldview challenged, it's understandable that they may feel like they've had the rug pulled from under their feet, and that they no longer know which way is up. It can take quite a bit of bravery, or self-confidence, or resilience to cope with such a shock, then face up to the possibility that things perhaps aren't how they first thought.

I know - I've experienced many such challenging realizations in my life.

And it's not just non-scientists either; as a Physicist myself I can assure you that the history of science is replete with scientists vehemently rejecting any new theories or claims that their existing knowledge is wrong. People weren't happy when Einstein said that time isn't the single, universal, almost abstract arbiter we thought it was, standing back from the rest of the universe and measuring the seconds of our existence ticking by. He's just a Swiss patent clerk, many said! But he turned out to be right.

And again, you can see why. Even today if you want to propose a new scientific theory, you'd damn well better have some proof! Otherwise other scientists won't want to know. That's because, in the same way that religious folk build their lives on their gods, scientists build their work, their research, and their careers on existing knowledge.

And if that turns out to be wrong? Well, it could be a long way back to the drawing board! Years of work perhaps seemingly in vain, and all that was built upon it now in question? If the new theory is right, it could mean a lot of hard work for a long time to change over to what they then know is right. And nobody wants to make all that effort if they don't have to.

So we should maybe spare a thought for those conservatives, and try to help them by making it easier for them to adjust, rather than giving them a hard time over it. :D
2016-10-18 17:48:05 UTC
Why do so many conservatives struggle with basic science?

They don't > many Republicans are not stupid enough to believe all the BS corrupt politicians SPEW to gain power, control, money and votes like a lot of Democrats > Follow the Money, that's the truth
2016-10-18 18:27:40 UTC
Because "man made global warming' is a myth, not a science.

Rejecting a myth doesn't mean you're struggling with it, it just means you're smart enough to know better.

The next thing you know liberals are going to be saying those sea fossils a thousand feet above sea level mean that the ocean used to be a thousand feet higher and could be there again (when there isn't enough water in the world to make that happen) instead of just understanding they got there from tectonic plate shifts and subduction and subversion.
2016-10-20 10:33:37 UTC
What you really are saying is people with religious beliefs are stupid and uneducated and liberal atheists are much smarter and knowledgeable, It's interesting that one thing liberals always ignore about religion is that it is the reason we have morality and from that science. When there very few that believed in the one God, the world was full of butchery and barbarism. Think Rome, Greece, the Vikings etc. As more and more people began to believe in the one God society civilized because it was God's word that killing is wrong, that you should treat others as you would have them treat you. As those concepts became more wide spread society became more civilized and science flourished. There is no reason not to kill and take what you want except that we now say that is wrong which all started from a belief in a God.
2016-10-18 15:33:18 UTC
Why do so many conservatives struggle with basic science?

They don't > many Republicans are not stupid enough to believe all the BS corrupt politicians SPEW to gain power, control, money and votes like a lot of Democrats > Follow the Money, that's the truth !
2016-10-18 16:43:59 UTC
I can answer that from personal experience as a former conservative.

Conservatism relies on people being uneducated. A very large amount of them (evangelicals) are young earth creationists. From childhood, they are trained to have a distrust of scientific consensus about things like evolution, global warming, and basic statistics.

While there are no authorities in science, there are certainly experts. Conservatives feel that their ignorance on a matter is superior to someone else's expertise.

After just such an upbringing, I was able to think my way out of conservatism and out of believing in magic deities who create universes.
2016-10-19 19:09:13 UTC
I'm a conservative who has no struggle with complex science. Evolution is a theory with much evidence to support it so I believe it to be true. Climate change is a fact, the Earth's climate has been changing since the Earth was formed. The belief that man has a significant influence on it is an unproven theory which is further corrupted by the fact that the supporters of this theory have much to gain by the potential redistribution of wealth by picking economic winners and losers.
2016-10-19 00:21:57 UTC
I think this problem can be looked at in a much wider perspective. Rather than looking solely at Conservatives, it is questionable as to why a large portion of society struggles with elementary level problems. It is evident that the trend of Anti-Intellectual elitism has buried itself deep in the culture of Americans. With the rising of anti-intellectualism comes the declining level of education in the states.

According to the National Research Council report, only about 28% of high school science teachers consistently follow the guidelines on teaching evolution. There could be many reasons as to why these teachers defy these guidelines, though I believe that people who hold a conservative mindset are more likely to hold on to the values and teachings that their religion has taught them (I remember Nailah stating this), and people don't tend to ignore their values and simply agree with others. Here the idea of "motivated reasoning" can also be seen but that in itself is another monster.

There are so many other factors which could be the culprit of a less intelligent America, with materialism, consumption, corporate influence and conformity only being a few of them. I personally believe that this could also stretch to culture and whether one is raised in a collectivistic or individualistic environment. and how that molds them. If you want to see an over-the-top movie which captures this idea of a stupid America I suggest watching the film, Idiocracy.
2016-10-20 22:00:18 UTC
I don't think they struggle with understanding it--I think they struggle with accepting it because so much of science runs completely counter to most religious belief and teachings.

And to be fair, it's not just conservatives who have that problem. Plenty of liberals have problems with science, too.

Any time science bumps up against a person's closely-held personal beliefs, there's going to be a conflict. It does not invalidate science. It also does not invalidate a person's right to pick and choose what is most important to them, or what they will believe. If a person believes that their faith's scripture is divinely inspired and that it came from a given Divine Being, they may face a difficult choice--following their faith, or following their mind. When a person believes their immortal soul is involved in that equation, and that it is endangered by belief in science, they're going to push back against science.

I don't think it's a matter of struggling with science, per se, but rather a matter of an internal struggle with what they are willing to accept as fact. And there's the rub. Faith is, by definition, a belief in things which cannot be proven. People get confused, and believe that faith is the same as fact, when that is not really what it is. Because so much of science takes place outside of what we can directly observe with the naked eye, and is shown to be correct by inference and replication of results in experimentation, people may think that faith=fact, while science=taking things on faith, based on what scientists say. When they think that way, think that science is mainly a bunch of unproven theories, and that things which belong in the realm of faith are actually facts, they're going to disregard one of them, and it's not going to be their religious beliefs.
2016-10-20 20:12:58 UTC
I'm a conservative and I do believe in climate change, it personally annoys me that many of us fail to accept it. It's not an issue of comprehension of the science, it's a matter of many of them don't accept the fact that is an imminent threat. That same question would also apply to how many liberals don't accept that life begins at conception, even though it's basic science. The same logic applies to both, it's not a matter of knowledge or capacity to comprehend, it's a matter of acceptance to a valid position later proven true from their opposing party.
My name is not bruce
2016-10-19 19:10:09 UTC
The average person struggles with science. Climate change has implications to business expense. Accepting climate change means it will cost more to do business due to regulations. (Personally, I accept man made climate change,but I'm against cold weather and polar bears).

Republicans took an anti climate change stance and then conservatives mostly parrot. Democrats are on the opposite and liberals parrot.

You won't believe how many liberals I've met that believe cold weather can cause a cold.
2016-10-18 19:21:54 UTC
I'm not republican, but, the fact that climate change has always existed and happens naturally, and there's not a damn thing we can do about it!!!! therefore, all this claptrap the democrats are spewing is crap. And if they believe what they're saying why do they own private jets and limos ? Not to mention own several homes. Oh that's right they own stock in alternative energy companies, so they can keep their jets, limos and multiple homes. Democrats want to give away everything that happens to not be theirs, such as tax money, to illegals, like that's based on science, or common sense!!! I believe in voting for the person not the party, and that will not be a Rep. or Dem. they have lost their morals, common sense, and I have no respect for them. btw, I do know evolution is fact, not fiction.
2016-10-19 07:15:13 UTC
Conservatives are generally the very religious types! When you look deep enough into religious beliefs, all the scientific and evolution stuff are usually ignored! The really staunch religions also feel that higher education turns one away from their god and therefore they should never learn this stuff! Also this sort of thing as a lot if other subjects just don't belong in politics! Some things are no ones business and putting it in the governments business us not right!
2016-10-18 17:27:44 UTC
Why do so many conservatives struggle with basic science?

They don't > many Republicans are not stupid enough to believe all the BS corrupt politicians SPEW to gain power, control, money and votes like alot of Democrats > Foillow the Money, that's the truth !
2016-10-18 13:44:10 UTC
Why do so many conservatives struggle with basic science?

They don't > many Republicans are not stupid enough to believe all the BS corrupt politicians SPEW to gain power, control, money and votes like alot of Democrats > Foillow the Money, that's the truth !
2016-10-20 21:43:15 UTC
Google "bigotry" some time. A. Not all conservatives belive that. B. evolution is a theory, a good one, but not as much support as you "scientists" claim. That's in quotation marks because of your ignorance. You hear stuff like "science proved.." science can't really prove, but just give evidence toward. And you only accept that evidence> you call christian science "not science". Well what's the difference? The diploma? There are people with diplomas who believe in aliens, ghosts, and witchcraft. Turns out its not that special. Oh, and who ares about Global Warming? If there is no God, were doomed to fail eventually. If not by Global Warming, overwhelming pollution, movement of the tectonic plates in the Earth, or some other eventual catastrophe. YOUR life is only thing that matters, because the biological machines you think have meaning don't, and will eventually die....if your believe in God, he promised not to flood the Earth....soooo who cares? The big bang?....sure why not, expansion of the universe blah blah blah. What started it? You don't know? could've been God. Probably not, but who's to say? You just assumed an entire political party believes in 3 things that are DEFINITELY not unanimously agreed on. Hell, I know a TON of Christian liberals who I can't stand.
2016-10-18 14:05:03 UTC
Why do so many conservatives struggle with basic science?

They don't > many Republicans are not stupid enough to believe all the BS corrupt politicians SPEW to gain power, control, money and votes like alot of Democrats > Foillow the Money, that's the truth !
2016-10-20 12:48:00 UTC
Ignorance mostly, and a diet of lies from assorted frauds and the old principle of if you don't like the message, then shoot the messenger.

This dates right back to the days of the Nixon administration. There were warnings from scientists concerned about acid rain. The cause of acid rain was clear, the use of high sulphur coals from the east of North America. To correct this problem would take government action and some government spending and some co-operation with Canada, which were opposed to Republican principles. The ideologues therefore downplayed the science, called the scientists mistaken etc. By the time of the G Bush Jnr. administration, a senior US scientists was saying that in the early 1970s most US scientists were Republicans but by around 2005 most were Democrats. There was even a book called "The Republican War on Science" published in 2005.

The American moderate right has been partly taken over by conspiracy theorists and young Earth creationists. Back in the days of the Reagan administration, it was found that fundamentalist Christians by and large did not vote. So the party developed minor policies (which they never really intended to implement) to appeal to these people. So they had candidates make vague remarks about abortion, evolution and anything else that might appeal to these folks. So the Fundamentalists turned out to vote Republican.

But this has had a backlash in the Republicans, since sensible and competent men have been shoved aside. I recall watching a lineup of Republication presidential candidates from the election before last. Some of them came over as loonies. By comparison, Trump looks pretty good. I don't like him, but he isn't crazy - well not that way.

Young Earth creationism is a fraud and the most widely accepted conspiracy theory in the English speaking world. The supposed conspiracy is that virtually all scientists on the planet (not just in the USA) are in a giant conspiracy which has lasted almost 200 years,. This is supposed to be against a minority of Christians who are largely confined to the USA. For some reason that kind of fundamentalism has not taken off very well outside the USA though it does exist. Those who fall for one conspiracy theory will fall for others. If you think, or have been told that scientists are lying about evolution, then it is but a small step to believe that they are lying about global warming, big bang theory and anything else that conspiracy theorists don't like.

One result is that on Y!A categories like Biology and Astronomy & Space we see "critics" of evolution and big bang theory who clearly have no idea of what the facts are or what the theories actually say.

These conspiracy theories are reinforced by a parade of paid liars, such as Ken Ham and "Lord" Monckton. Then there are countless blogs that continue to repeat utter garbage like Michelle Obama is transgender, Barack Obama is Muslim / Kenyan, the Sandy Hook massacre was a false flag operation to remove guns from the population, misrepresent things that Dawkins or others might have said and on and on it goes.

EDIT The answer from David is a direct lie.
2016-10-20 06:06:07 UTC
I am actually a conservative AND a scientist that knows a lot about cosmology, the Big Bang theory, the Standard Model (SM), the string theory, etc. I have recently spoken at an international conference on related topics.

And yes, based on the evidence I have seen, I believe that man-made climate change is politics and not a proven scientific theory.

In my circles, the only person to ever mention man-made climate change was a sleazy corporate guy, and I was wondering how was he allowed to voice his opinion.
Rachel L
2016-10-19 10:52:10 UTC
Conservatives have no problem with science. Liberals have a horrible time seeing the facts, about a candidate that could possibly take the whole world down with her. Could I make it anymore clear, to the selective memory mind of the Liberals. FYI the Cons are now the Libs, the warmongers, is that for

ecology, I don't think so.
2016-10-21 00:17:22 UTC
I see the RadicalWrongFakeConservativesTM are ranting their willful ignorance about science.

You would think that they would not be here braying the music of Rush and the Windbags but no they are too stupid to not prove the point of the question.

Then there is this type.

"Follow the Money, that's the truth"

I have, right to the Koch Bros. That is the truth. They want stupid people to vote to damage the Earth just so they can make more money. Not surprisingly they hired experts at that. They hired the same people that lied for the Tobacco lobby. People that would rather you die of lung cancer or emphysema rather then they not make a lot of money on addiction.

As for Creationists, they are so dump and willfully ignorant that they think that there was a Great Flood. 4400 years ago.

Six hundred years after the Sumerians and Egyptians began writing.
2016-10-18 12:39:49 UTC
Why do so many conservatives struggle with basic science?

They don't > many Republicans are not stupid enough to believe all the BS corrupt politicians SPEW to gain power, control, money and votes like alot of Democrats > Foillow the Money, that's the truth !
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-10-18 14:29:39 UTC
Read something about true democracy requires evaluating scientific facts and weighing what makes the most sense for the majority - and that goes against everything that republicans believe in and cling to. Totally incompatible with the authoritarianism they so crave.

However, I will say this - they really, really get turned-on by the most ridiculous science fiction and conspiracy-theory stuff. These literal thinkers can't separate fact from fiction.
2016-10-19 09:25:43 UTC
You answered your own question - people who believe the talking snake hypothesis aren't going to listen to anything a scientist has to say. I thought a lot of it had to do with guilt and selfishness, as in those who oppose science are also polluting, driving gas guzzlers and don't recycle. I also thought it had to do with politics, since republicans still mock Al Gore for using the term 'global warming' instead of 'global climate change' so idiots would understand the concept. Unfortunately, I've learned most of the apathy has to do with ignorance, as in science is just too deep for them to understand - for example, morons think that since we still have cold weather, global warming must not exist. Truly intelligent people know there's a lot to learn, but the truly dumb won't even try.
2016-10-18 14:51:44 UTC
WEEEE don't, what I struggle with is the idea of teaching young kids about things that haven't been proven yet. When they are still growing and developing. I fee things like evolution and distance of stars shouldn't be discussed in science class. 1. You can't prove the claims made. 2. These claims are personal and don't belong in a pubic school setting.

😅 😅 😥
2016-10-22 07:17:04 UTC
You mean like the struggle with accepting that Xx and xY chromosomes (and not the plastic surgeon) determine gender, that a fetus with a heartbeat is alive, and that there are only two types of animal reproduction: heterosexual and asexual, thus proving that those who identify as the non existent "homosexual" really do have some type of disorder.

No wait, those are struggles that liberals have with science.
2016-10-20 05:31:13 UTC
I am quite sure that "the big bang theory" , which is an implication of the mathematical model of the universe currently used and which is bound to b replaced in the future, and the theory of evolution which will also undergo mutation in the future are THEORIES. And you're positing that these are etched in stone simply belies YOUR misunderstanding of "science".

As many have said, certainty is the tool of fools (and, unfortunately, this often includes academics). The fact that you somehow identify an interpretation of science with a group of people labels YOU as a fool. And, yes, I have an extensive background in the sciences, especially mathematics.
2016-10-20 20:34:44 UTC
Because science itself is NOT real.. It's theories, and tests what's being questioned and from there they come to the conclusion.. Being that science isn't 100% accurate or proven, they stick to believing in religion.. The same way scientists look at religious people is the same was religious people look at science.. They think it's fake, made up, imaginary bullshît made up by atheists to convert them into believing what atheists believe.. Err well convert them into NOT believing.
2016-10-19 05:26:37 UTC
First, because science contradicts their religious viewpoints, and they approach EVERY issue from that viewpoint. Secondly, substantial numbers of them are high school dropouts, or did poorly in high school even if they did complete that diploma. Thirdly, not a few of them never actually studied science in school. Kid can ace every other course but get a D-minus in general science and still graduate. Bottom line: they actually work hard at being ignorant in the sciences.
Shawn Robin
2016-10-19 04:27:36 UTC
That's not just a Republican thing, child. It's an American thing.

'What Americans Don't Know About Science'

'216 Million Americans Are Scientifically Illiterate'

'Americans Believe in Science, Just Not Its Findings'

'Scientists Agree: Americans Don't Know Much About Science'

'Americans Have Little Faith In Scientists, Science Journalists: Poll'

'Poll Results Show Disparity Between Scientists And American Public On Scientific Issues'

And it's far worse than just scientific literacy.

It's literally everything Americans only think they know. But actually don't:

'Anti-intellectualism Is Killing America | Psychology Today'

'America dumbs down: a rising tide of anti-intellectual thinking'

'How Much Don't You Know? The Epidemic of American Ignorance'

'US adults are dumber than the average human'

'The American education system is creating ignorant adults'

'American Schools Are Training Kids for a World That Doesn't Exist'

'Study: Americans Don't Know Much About History'

'America’s Literacy Crisis: An Overlooked Epidemic'

'American Ignorance of Global Geography: A History'

'Study: Americans Don't Know The Facts On U.S. Issues'

'Americans Are Pretty Ignorant When It Comes To Religion'

'Many Americans Don't Know Basic Facts About Government'

'Ignorance of international affairs: It's a major problem for America'

'Require a civics test? Americans have a long history of ignorance'

'Financial Literacy: Two-Thirds of Americans Can't Pass Basic Test'

'Americans are dumber than average at math, vocabulary, and technology'

'American Idiots: Our Own Political Ignorance is Destroying Our Political System'

'Blame the childish, ignorant American public—not politicians—for our political and economic crisis.'

'U.S. Foreign Policy Can be Only as Good as Public's Understanding of World Affairs'

'World Publics Reject US Role as the World Leader - "cannot be trusted to act responsibly."

'Compared to Rest of World Americans Are Delusional, Prudish, Selfish Religious Nuts: Study'

'Researcher Says Americans Are "Deluded" Regarding What They Know About the Rest of the World'

'How Stupid Are American High School Students?'

'New Poll Shows Young Americans Are Embarrassingly Ignorant'

'American graduates dumber than other countries' high school dropouts'

'American Kids Aren't Getting Dumber; They Were Just Never That Smart'

'U.S. Millennials Fall Far Behind Educational Average'

'Report: 6 of 10 Millennials Have 'Low' Technology Skills'

'Surprise: A Majority of Millennials Don't Have a College Degree'

'US millennials far below average in literacy, numeracy, problem-solving'

'Are We Doomed? American Millennials Are Just About the Least Skilled in the World: Report'

Like the man said:

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

-Thomas Jefferson

America's so busy telling itself it's exceptional above all other nations that it's utterly clueless it's not.

And just as clueless as to why the World's laughing at the USA for thinking such nonsense about itself.

The kneejerk US reaction - blaming that laughter on envy or jealousy - only makes the World laugh harder.

Time for Americans to humble up and smarten up. Before the USA collapses completely.
2016-10-19 07:32:05 UTC
Conservatives are not really thinkers and intellectuals. They operate on base instincts like fear, envy, hate , racism, anger, cynicism, etc. They are often irrational in their thought processes and have a very primitive understanding of the world around them. They cling to religion, as most primitive people do. So science doesn't factor well into their psyche.
2016-10-18 19:43:05 UTC
Such as environmental sciences to include evolution and climate change to physics like cosmology and the big bang theory?

I understand that there a few smart republicans here there when it comes to science, but the large amount of conservatives will disregard biological evolution in favor of the talking snake hypothesis.
2016-10-19 21:33:42 UTC
Your mom struggles with basic science.
2016-10-19 04:35:05 UTC
If you point out science that doesn't bode well with the liberal political correctness agenda- like

1) the biological proof of differences between races, or

2) the problems with DNA/RNA encoding's enormous amounts of raw data information as it relates to probability of life forming by pure chance, or

3) the fact climate change has been shown to have been naturally occurring cyclically for billions of years-

4) the tons of clear medical scientific proof that life begins at conception-

and suddenly liberals deny science too!
2016-10-20 15:23:31 UTC
THINKING OF someone as "struggling with basic science" makes them struggle with basic science? That's a first. I will try to remember that. ^cough ^cough
2016-10-18 14:51:15 UTC
I believe it is the result of a long history of twisting truths and facts to be "the way of the devil" when those facts seem to conflict with what they want the truth to be. Once they tie a disturbing fact with the devil (evil) then they no longer have to provide a logical or reasonable defense because "God is against it". They have been doing that so long they seem to feel it's OK for them to "adjust" or reject any or ALL scientific research. Besides, those scientists are all Godless liberals. But when they get sick or need surgery they want all the Godless liberal science that medicine has to offer.
2016-10-19 08:58:00 UTC
I know many Christians who don't struggle with science.
2016-10-29 13:15:33 UTC
i think this problem can be looked at in a much wider perspective... rather than looking solely at conservatives, it is questionable as to why a large portion of society struggles with elementary level problems... it is evident that the trend of anti-intellectual elitism has buried itself deep in the culture of americans... with the rising of anti-intellectualism comes the declining level of education in the states...

according to the national research council report, only about 28% of high school science teachers consistently follow the guidelines on teaching evolution... there could be numerous reasons as to why these teachers defy these guidelines, though i believe that people who hold a conservative mindset are more likely to hold on to the values and teachings that their religion has taught them (i remember nailah stating this), and people don't tend to ignore their values and simply agree with others... here the idea of "motivated reasoning" can also be seen but that in itself is another monster...

there are so numerous other factors which could be the culprit of a less intelligent america, with materialism, consumption, corporate influence and conformity only being a few of them... i personally believe that this could also stretch to culture and whether one is raised in a collectivistic or individualistic environment... and how that molds them... if you want to see an over-the-top movie which captures this idea of a stupid america i suggest watching the film, idiocracy...
2016-10-18 18:12:31 UTC
If you think you know everything, which is highly doubtful look up what Tesla and Einstein said about God. If you are so smart you should understand the word allegory or parable.

Tesla said there are black holes from which nothing can escape and white holes which nothing can enter. That the reason the sky is black at night is because we are in a black hole.

I can explain how the illusion of real life is accomplished. I bet you can't.
Spock (rhp)
2016-10-18 12:38:50 UTC
and why do you believe in human caused climate change?

Hint: the major journals have not stopped publishing studies that are critical of the idea. maybe you should wait until a solid consensus is reached in the literature before jumping on the bandwagon, eh?

one of the problems is that people like you talk of evolution and climate change as having equal scientific merit -- when they don't. the evidence for evolution is far better.

there's even evidence that evolution applies to social systems -- which I expect you'd ignore or hate since that idea implies that all social systems are not equal and, therefore, that multiculturalism is nonsense. [which, by the way, I contend it is.]
Andy F
2016-10-18 15:14:28 UTC
All of us tend to believe what we want to believe, and what fits harmoniously with our existing ideas. This is true of liberals and socialists like me, as well as conservatives: Dislike for "cognitive dissonance" is common to human beings, period.

In the case of modern conservatives, many of them are either employed by the fossil fuel industry, or dependent on the fossil fuel industry for gasoline for their cars, which they use to commute to work.

This gives them a huge emotional reason for ignoring what the vast majority of oceanographers and other weather have concluded about fossil fuels, greenhouse gases, and global climate change.

As science historian Naomi Oreskes also notes, in her book "Merchants of Doubt," there are some well-educated scientists in the conservative camp who are refugees from the Russian Communist takeover of Eastern Europe in the 1940s.

As refugees from Russian-style Communism, a lot of these guys have a simplistic faith in the capitalist "'free market" and a real fear of Big Government of any kind. They recognize that the world can't fix the problem of climate change and fossil fuel emissions within a "free market" framework.

And so they have been busy churning out propaganda against the more responsible climate scientists, even though they should know better scientifically. "Cognitive dissonance" tells them they can't accept an analysis of climate change that puts free-market capitalism in any kind of danger, so they respond by denying climate science.

A third group of conservatives who have problems with basic science are fundamentalist, evangelical Christians who insist that every word in the Bible has to be understood literally.

Not all Christians believe in this way of interpreting the Bible, and many Jewish scholars have long been willing to see some of the Bible as metaphor, poetry and myth, while still holding to a firm belief in the Creator. But many fundamentalist Protestants in the US insist on a literal reading, and it puts them at odds with science.

Because the Book of Genesis tells these fundamentalists that the world was created in 6 days, roughly 6,000 years ago, they tend to ignore or deny the evidence of the geologists and evolutionary biologists about the origins of our planet and the development of life on it.

There are some leftists who have different problems with basic science, I think. But these are some of the main reasons that important groups of conservative voters, politicians and intellectuals have emotional problems with science.

-- democratic socialist / Only the truth is revolutionary
2016-10-21 18:46:47 UTC
I suspect it's because they've been fed fear of the unknown all their lives, and cannot deal with facts and evidence; they listen to party propaganda and can't tell the difference between facts and factoids and they're too lazy of mind to look up things to substantiate, prove and verify things. They often hear and pay attention to VERY educated demagogues mocking education... an ancient ploy to keep people stupid and uneducated so they can be herded like sheep to be fleeced and slaughtered by their very own Judas goats.
2016-10-18 14:31:21 UTC
I think most conservatives have a better understanding than their public representatives suggest, but there does seem to be more resistance among deeply religious people, and that overlaps with political conservatism. This is why the separation of church and state is so important.
2016-10-19 07:02:25 UTC
We don't, we just understand the difference between science & mythical Marxist ideology masquerading as science because while liberals are indoctrinated by the state, we conservatives educate ourselves independently of political correctness.
2016-10-19 00:00:35 UTC
I've noticed the same thing. Odd, as I'd like to believe that the majority of the population base their opinions on reason and fact. But that's not the case. It looks like a good 40% just go with how they feel. And it's upsetting.
2016-10-18 13:55:08 UTC
Liberals think science is googling something and then pasting it to yahoo. I think it is using MRI scanners at 7.0 Tesla on rat models of Alzheimer's disease to determine the anti oxidant effects of immunosuppressive agents on the neuronal and astrocytic mitochondria. I guess that makes me a conservative who finds you a laughable and ignorant moron, since what this is what I do for a living.

2016-10-20 13:30:40 UTC
The snake talking to Adam and Eve are analogy as it where. Regardless of what you may or may not believe I believe in what the work of God says. There is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof is destruction. Now if you have a problem with that I suggest you take it up with God. I did not write it, I just believe it. It is in my spirit where God speaks to me, and I can t prove anything to you.

You have to believe what you believe or else your world will fall apart. A good thing actually.
2016-10-20 00:22:29 UTC
Climate change is not science. It's a scam. When the only thing you have is a computer model with data that's been proven faked twice... Well that's not science. Whining about a 'consensus' is stupid, there are no consensuses in pure science.
2016-10-18 13:07:21 UTC
Liberals think science is googling something and then pasting it to yahoo. I think it is using MRI scanners at 7.0 Tesla on rat models of Alzheimer's disease to determine the anti oxidant effects of immunosuppressive agents on the neuronal and astrocytic mitochondria. I guess that makes me a conservative who finds you a laughable and ignorant moron, since what this is what I do for a living.

2016-10-18 19:16:26 UTC
Why do so many Lbierals struggle with basic truth?
2016-10-22 08:21:02 UTC
Far-left Liberals and Far-right Conservatives have trouble accepting science because it goes against what they believe in, basically, both of them (radical leftists and radical rightists) believe that they are right and basically want to dictate how everyone else should live their lives. Both are very close-minded people.
2016-10-21 11:47:57 UTC
Pretty sure they don't 11/12 of my science teachers/professors were Conservative.

Liberals are the ones that believe what they are told by their masters. If a celebrity, the gov. or liberal pres. candidate says something they are right according to liberal logic.

Hillary could say that rape is fine if her husband does it, and liberals would agree... Oh wait, she pretty much already said that, and liberals don't care about Bill rapist. However, now they are getting people to 'confess' thay Trump raped them. Firs of all this is pretty suspicious, pretty sure Clinton paid these women to say they were raped. 2nd, they weren't raped, looked at and bumped into isn't rape. What bill did is rape.
2016-10-21 12:33:15 UTC
I am a conservative and I have a 93 in science class.
Linda R
2016-10-19 08:56:31 UTC
Why should we have to struggle with anything when we already know the truth?

Planet Earth is billions of years old and goes through changes DAILY; ALWAYS have and ALWAYS will.

Therefore, climate change is just a phrase someone came up with to scare people.
2016-10-19 19:04:46 UTC
Ive gotten an A in earth science, A in Astronomy, and a B- in biology, its better than struggling lol
2016-10-20 15:13:00 UTC
Trump 2016
2016-10-18 23:37:50 UTC
Because their Science book(aka the bible) contradicts with modern science, such as saying that the sun revolves around the earth, donkeys and snakes can talk, all animals just popped into existence from thin air, devils cause diseases(not germs)..., They want to live like the dark ages where their science book (aka the bible) worked, and people who argued that the earth revolved around the sun could be burned at the stake.
2016-10-19 07:22:40 UTC
We don't. I hold three degrees, all of them in the physical sciences. I guarantee that I've forgotten more about science than you ever knew. In fact, most conservatives that I know studied and work in scientific fields, because we didn't want to get a useless arts major like most liberals do. Did you get a graduate degree in protesting and finger painting? That's neat, and I'm sure it will come in handy for shouting at customers when you're a barista for the rest of your life.

I highly doubt that you know much about science, other than very low level pop science.
2016-10-20 17:44:42 UTC
Has evolution or climate change been tested in a lab, and does it meet the requirements of all the steps of the scientific method? Unless you can provide evidence, I'm afraid you are just spouting a bunch of hot air that can't be proven.
2016-10-18 19:03:56 UTC
The average American struggles with science, it s not just conservatives.
2016-10-18 16:06:35 UTC
Do you seriously think you're right on everything in science? Science is a theory, it has not been proven to be scientific fact yet.
2016-10-19 21:16:40 UTC
Like Professor Brian Cox?

Or maybe you mean Sam Harris....

Man those dumbasses. Who knows how they ever got through school with so much trouble with their basic science.
2016-10-19 13:46:14 UTC
Well liberals believe that Caitlyn Jenner is a female even tho he has XY chromosomes. Thats basic science to me.
2016-10-20 15:28:03 UTC
Why do so many liberals struggle with basic common sense?
2016-10-20 11:44:29 UTC
Basic stupidity
2016-10-19 11:21:49 UTC
Democrats are convinced that genetically-modified food causes all sorts of diseases, that Dick Cheney is stalking them, etc.--lots of nonsense. There are also plenty of Democrats who are creationists and thus don't believe in evolution, although more Republicans are that way.

So both sides are guilty of bad science.
2016-10-20 17:14:36 UTC
We have trouble with BS not Basic Science.
2016-10-20 13:23:55 UTC
Because they struggle with science this is why they are conservative
2016-10-18 18:08:30 UTC
It's actually the whole "man made" global warming idea that Algore is using to get wealthier. We all understand that global warming is a cyclic thing. It's been going on much longer than the tiny minds of democrats can imagine. To attribute it to man is actually silly. Global warming? Sure. But it's not a new thing and certainly not the first time. Thanks! :)
2016-10-18 16:51:51 UTC
ALL the CONS that I know do well with basic science. And ALL the LIBS I know majored in non-basic science areas. Without exception.
2016-10-20 16:26:04 UTC
Unintelligent people believe whatever they are told without question as long as it's what they want to hear - if it backs up their feelings about a topic. That is not science. It's theory, and they are often wrong.
2016-10-19 12:40:57 UTC
You are attacking Conservatives and you are attacking Christians. You set up a Straw Man argument, then you attack them when you have no regard for the facts. You have been brainwashed by someone or some group.
2016-10-18 15:35:07 UTC
Because science based on theories, not always true, while the bible can't be wrong.the key is that scientists are struggling with the bible, not conservatives struggling with badic scientists.
2016-10-19 06:27:17 UTC
They don't struggle. They just wait until Rush, Glenn or Sean tells them what to think, then they happily spout it out until tomorrow's program.
2016-10-21 06:20:58 UTC
I am a "born scientist".

I think perfectly, along the lines of scientific theory.

Science, wile not always logical, is as simple to me as putting on my socks.

I am a Republican.

Have a nice day.
2016-10-19 10:36:52 UTC
Why do so many liberals struggle with basic logic?
2016-10-19 18:47:41 UTC





youre mentioning conservatives in your question is a reflection of your own personal cowardice and intellectual dishonesty because you are not speaking of any concern for science... its that dissent to your whatever ideological dogma you are concerned with that is met with dissent by "conservatives" that you are concerned with.
2016-10-19 04:21:20 UTC
because they didn't listen in school and never learned what science really is and they listen to people like Rush Limbaugh and Anthony Watts who promote anti-science and conspiracy theories

This book explains it better: The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science — and Reality
Sgt Bazz
2016-10-20 07:34:49 UTC
Why do liberals struggle with basic economics?
2016-10-19 12:26:11 UTC
You got it backwards, its the Liberals who struggle with basic science. All those idiots spouting "MY GENITALS DONT DECIDE MY GENDER" "JUST BECAUSE I WAS BORN MALE DOESNT MEAN I CANT BE FEMALE" "I AM A ANIMAL TRAPPED IN A HUMANS BODY", Don't even get me started on all the fact deniers.
2016-10-18 21:43:25 UTC
They have a problem with one of the foundation s of science, logical reasoning. They tend to react more like babies or immature children. For example If a TV show criticizes you, want it cancelled. If a newspaper criticises you, threaten to sue, make baby insult nicknames for your opponents, ad nauseum...
2016-10-19 08:20:00 UTC
The reason is because most conservatives are religious. Once you take that leap of faith to believe in the make-believe, you can believe anything and make stuff up to suit your views. It's pathetic.
2016-10-18 16:28:54 UTC
Of course, this goes with the assumption that all conservatives are Christians.

Simply put, they're not.
2016-10-19 01:34:21 UTC
They struggle with basic economics too, dont worry
2016-10-19 12:53:28 UTC
Why do Liberals struggle with common sense?
Joseph hola
2016-10-19 17:41:09 UTC
That "talking snake" story has more to it than what may meet the eye.

Anyways, it's due to how conservatives have often been with conspiracy theories and that fundamentalism has been common there.
2016-10-20 02:45:37 UTC
in america the space explorers must stop .but building a matter engine to explore space is a reality .but designing ways to build a engine to clash particles though a magnetic field create power .using two negatives repeling with current being place in certain area s allowing postives at the drive attracting particles .this is one theory
2016-10-19 23:59:33 UTC
Because most of them are just plain not very intelligent. They may possess wisdom, some of them, but some people have religion in their core beliefs. And there's nothing wrong with that.
2016-10-19 16:44:20 UTC
Liberals flatly deny basic science that proves there is no such thing as a "gay gene" as proven by the American Psychological association.
2016-10-18 19:18:30 UTC
Liberals struggle with evaluating scientific THEORY because of low information and / or low intelligence.
2016-10-20 16:09:36 UTC
I'm conservative and believe in climate change, as well as evolution being a part of creation.
2016-10-19 14:17:09 UTC
A lot of conservatives are Christians, and a lot of Christians deny scientific evidence because they believe that their god is the answer to everything.
2016-10-22 18:48:25 UTC
They do not struggle with vascuence. However, they know that Lord Jehovah is the most brilliant scientist that created this planet.
2016-10-20 13:53:02 UTC
Oh, I don't know. Maybe the same reason douche bags like you feel they can reduce human beings to nothing more than a political party.
2016-10-19 15:32:19 UTC
Yes, because Democrats so totally pro-science...except when it comes to fetuses being human, or there only being 2 genders.
2016-10-19 03:10:35 UTC
Conservatives tend not be that bright in between the ears if doesn't involve business or money.
Nobody Knows Anything
2016-10-20 21:20:22 UTC
Because the type of people who struggle with science are attracted to the simplistic ideas in conservatism.
2016-10-19 19:47:19 UTC
I m libertarian socially liberal fiscally conservative and agnostic I feel most conservative are very ignorant to science
2016-10-19 05:10:55 UTC
Conservatives typically excel in the STEM fields. Liberals in art & show business.
2016-10-21 15:37:23 UTC
Simply Because a multitude of Conservatives have problems accepting Changes in their lives.............
2016-10-20 22:23:10 UTC
I don't think that's true. But they do struggle with diversity.
Luke Tony
2016-10-20 14:03:00 UTC
Lol, my grandpa who's a conservative said that science is against his god. So actual fact is against your religion, gotcha.
2016-10-18 15:59:30 UTC
Because it is used as propaganda against our cause and because science tries to discredit our religion. We acknowledge science but we see most of it as lies
2016-10-18 16:31:32 UTC
Fighting Fundie home education. That's why so many can't spell, either.
2016-10-18 15:54:59 UTC
Scientific theory is not scientific fact.

When did science turn into daydreaming about what might be and not about what is?
2016-10-18 12:28:58 UTC
For some reason they don't even realize abortions are destroying human lives
2016-10-18 14:28:32 UTC
they have a less evolved brain thats why

just look at the above answers


the thing you just said was found by searching sciency degrees and stuff

bs, show a picture of your degree then maybe we might believe you, because without evidence you've got no proof
2016-10-19 13:30:30 UTC
Science deniers roam the entire political spectrum. However, from paradigm, there are more true idiots on the democratic side then the republican side. Its close.
2016-10-18 19:36:53 UTC
We don't, evolution is how God created and got things done ,simple as that. It seems Liberals have a bigger problem than you thought.
2016-10-19 14:52:43 UTC
In my opinion, if you believe conservatives are so dumb, and you're so smart, a more appropriate question is... Why does it bother you so much what they believe, or think...
2016-10-19 12:18:04 UTC
If democrat hippies became the strong majority, you would get rid of all nuclear weapons, make the military weak, increase Islamic terrorism with your idiotic tolerance, and eventually enable a third world country to attack and easily take over U.S.

So much for your intelligence.
Queen of Sheba
2016-10-19 10:11:16 UTC
I m well-traveled & have been living for the past 35 years in the Pacific, Asia,North Africa & America. I've studied at 4 been a guest professor in regard to Environmental science. Ive seen close up and personal that global warming is a nirmal fluctuation. Soot from volcanic action in the Pacific and industry darkens snow that otherwise reflects tge suns heat yet the artic snow mass is thicker than ten yeats ago.
2016-10-18 13:28:04 UTC
we do. we understand all too well that murder of indiviudals such as in Benghazi is real and permanent and should be accounted for. the science of death is permanent. now if we could just teach that tenet of accountability to idiot liberals.....oh well.
2016-10-18 12:25:57 UTC
The SJW crowd, the far left, is catching up to them at an ALARMING rate. That's your version of the Tea Party right there. Your side produced this monster and you will have to deal with it. Know that.
2016-10-20 00:43:02 UTC
Your ignorance is showing. Science was never meant to be believed. It was meant to be challenged.
2016-10-21 07:38:33 UTC
You assume much with no facts and paint with a broad brush while tossing religion in the middle of it. I daresay you have never spent one moment actually talking to a true conservative. And thanks for the laugh.
2016-10-19 05:39:06 UTC
Science is overrated
2016-10-18 19:31:07 UTC
We don't struggle with anything.
2016-10-21 04:34:42 UTC
I think the climate change thing is too far gone now. Do you seriously think the demicats would choose the environment over the almighty dollar? iF YOUR CONCERN IS SERIOUS, VOTE FOR A PARTY OTHER THAN THE TWO MAJORS
Amber Rose
2016-10-21 11:56:17 UTC
Since you think Liberals are so smart , can you name me a time in history when there has not been climate change? There has always been climate change. It is called "the weather".
2016-10-18 12:32:24 UTC
Darwin's Theory of Evolution suggested that white people were superior and that black people weren't even the same species.

Your post has been flagged as hate-speech. Please refrain from pushing white supremacist views on Yahoo Answers in the future.
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-10-19 08:28:16 UTC
Respondent King Apologist has expressed the simple truth in making reference to the "evangelical" or "young-earth creationists" as a root of the problem.

If you read Michelle Goldberg (2006), "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of 'Christian' Nationalism" or the expose books by Harper Editor (and uncover investigative journalist) Jeff Sharlet on the GOP's theocratic COUP-seeking Heritage Foundation-connected branch CULT The Family (a.k.a., The Federation, C Street, Council on National Policy or CNP, Youth With A Mission, or YWAM---same CULT with different facades), "The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power" and (2010), "C Street: The Threat to American Democracy," you will discover the in-depth answer to your question.

"Young earth" means those who believe that the earth is only 6 million years old---Biblical literalists who go by the Old Testament only. While Alzheimer's-afflicted Reagan was at the "helm" (handled by behind-the-scenes extremists like Dick Cheney and these Heritage Foundation literalists, the GOP was seized by the Old Testament fanatics and taken pretty far off-course. The secretive Council on National Policy (CNP), for example, sought to have homosexuals receive the death penalty and to have "nonprocreational" sex (sex for pleasure) declared a "capital offense" in our right-wing stacked courts. To further the THEOCRATIC COUP goal of these Old Testament fanatics, the YWAM branch CULT leader Lauren Cunningham (and The Family, its parent group) set up what he called the "Seven Mountains"---the seven spheres of influence that must be "conquered" in order to overthrow a government from within the political system at local, state, and federal levels. Among these "seven mountains" to be "conquered" is the PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM upon which the biblical literalists ("young earth creationists" cited by King Apologists) had declared war.

Author Goldberg describes how "homeschooling from infancy" (brainwashing) became the GOP "norm"---and the base "TEXT" upon which the home lessons were built was the LITERAL ONLY Old Testament of the Bible. Thus began the GOP efforts to DUMB DOWN our textbooks and public school teachings nation-wide, and CULT branch leader Michael Farris (cited in Goldberg, 2006) was recruited to get the GOP's homeschooling into ALL 50 STATES, creating what Farris called his "army of minions" or his "Generation Joshua" being groomed to take over our government by running for local school boards or other insignificant political posts, and then spreading their influences until these religious-freak extremists were the "norm" as "Republicans" in political races. Voila! War on science!
2016-10-18 23:27:24 UTC
Because when you believe in god and country, it stops your mind from learning other knowledge. That is why fundies can't accept progressive knowledge.
2016-10-19 05:43:31 UTC
We don't, and the fact that you're saying this shows who's truly ignorant here.
2016-10-19 19:54:14 UTC
You are a good liberal and you get it! We good liberals just make $hit up as we go along and you just made this up off the top of your head proving you are a good liberal!
2016-10-21 08:21:50 UTC
Evolution is what it is: a theory. It is neither proven nor disproven. So don't get your panties in a twist.
2016-10-18 15:23:42 UTC
Because they get their lernin' from the word of GOD, not from some namby-pamby peer-reviewed "science" book!
Revolutionary Warrior
2016-10-18 12:24:49 UTC
That's one of the biggest problems I have with conservatives. I'm not beholden to the Democrats but they just make rational sense in the face of Republican bullsh*t. Lesser of two evils by far.

Pence, a man who could be the VP of America, doesnt believe in evolution...that is mind-blowing stupidity
2016-10-18 12:35:22 UTC
actually all scientific research to date

shows conservatives are more knowlegable about science than liberals are

your own liberal research Harvard 2012, proves it.
2016-10-19 17:09:46 UTC
Because they are the product of a government school. They were never taught how to think. They were taught what to think.
2016-10-19 13:21:52 UTC
Primitive minds.
2016-10-18 21:13:27 UTC
2016-10-18 19:25:18 UTC
Too complex for their tiny little brains to absorb
2016-10-19 08:19:52 UTC
Probably because they haven't evolved enough in their beliefs.
2016-10-22 22:22:15 UTC
Evolution is not a science. It is the religion of the athiests.
2016-10-18 18:51:15 UTC
"Edward Teller was no friend of mine." Most liberals might consider the premise upon which these conclusions are reached. Consider how zany your "question" really is.
2016-10-18 20:36:46 UTC
They are far more likely to have double digit IQs than liberals.
2016-10-19 19:47:44 UTC
Because those same Conservatives are stupid, regressive individuals.
2016-10-20 05:45:33 UTC
Let me guess, you're the "smart scientific Democrap" that believes humans evolved from apes.... who's the smart one again?
2016-10-18 16:25:37 UTC
Lack of education
2016-10-18 15:35:42 UTC
I think many of them made C's in high school.
2016-10-19 06:18:54 UTC
Because just like the word entails, conservatives are conservative (old-fashioned).
Planet Earth
2016-10-19 09:28:28 UTC
Because they deal with other side of Nature.
2016-10-20 03:53:36 UTC
They don't teach it equally, diversifying how they teach, and people don't know what to ask abd how to get to answers they need.
2016-10-20 01:43:26 UTC
BC some persons are persistent and stubborn
2016-10-20 09:12:29 UTC
NO Source, NO link, NO life.
2016-10-18 16:20:34 UTC
Home schooling is hard when having inreed hillbilly sex with grandma
2016-10-18 16:37:52 UTC
Because they have been allowed for far too long to cling to the past
2016-10-19 08:49:52 UTC
Liw IQ
2016-10-19 15:24:46 UTC
Oil and coal interests
2016-10-19 12:06:21 UTC
They didn't finish elementary school
2016-10-20 05:52:07 UTC
Inbreeding and a lack of education.
2016-10-19 12:30:25 UTC
Close minded
2016-10-18 13:26:29 UTC
Because oil companies support them
2016-10-19 08:46:42 UTC
Al Gore is the greatest scientist of all time.
2016-10-20 16:15:31 UTC
They didn't graduate
2016-10-19 06:22:39 UTC
Better question why do you struggle with wiping your ***
2016-10-18 19:59:03 UTC
Have you watched the show River Monsters and conclude you KNOW IT ALL?
2016-10-18 20:21:01 UTC
Reality destroys their delusions.
2016-10-19 20:10:48 UTC
Maybe because deep down inside they are IDIOTS!
2016-10-21 13:00:46 UTC
Too much to actually think about
2016-10-19 17:53:14 UTC
It requires too much brain power.
2016-10-19 15:56:32 UTC
Stupidity and willful ignorance.
2016-10-19 09:33:52 UTC
,Most of them are either dumbshits, high school dropouts or anti-science religious kooks.
2016-10-18 18:31:03 UTC
Because your mom, that's why.
2016-10-18 18:14:24 UTC
their I.Q is too low to understand science.
Randy the Atheist
2016-10-20 20:28:09 UTC
Ignorance cause superstitious belief.
2016-10-19 06:50:40 UTC
You mean that evolution don't work or FU = HELLO
2016-10-19 17:00:07 UTC
The dont have apes in zoos in the south. Its in case the population try to marry them.
2016-10-19 15:02:48 UTC
2016-10-18 13:59:11 UTC
U no Y . Products of the public fool system : Do not educate slaves !
2016-10-18 19:07:35 UTC
Because it proves their claims to be wrong.
2016-10-20 12:33:12 UTC
shouldn't gossip
2016-10-19 05:14:16 UTC
I don't.
2016-10-19 23:28:49 UTC
We don't , we just understand that two same sex monkeys can't poop out babies
2016-10-20 10:22:01 UTC
Cause they dont care
2016-10-18 12:39:25 UTC
They are conservative not scientists
2016-10-19 17:24:28 UTC
home schooling
2016-10-19 02:53:49 UTC
Because their not smart
2016-10-18 12:25:07 UTC
They take Stupid Class - they roll in Stupid like a dog rolls in a dead animal.

And the bottom line of all this is anger..... Mom whacked their pee pee too much when they were little.
2016-10-19 11:09:54 UTC
ya liar

musta got yer daily instructions from wapos dope smoking citcle
2016-10-18 14:20:27 UTC
The irony here is appalling. Holy ****.
2016-10-19 21:58:35 UTC
2016-10-19 12:09:02 UTC
2016-10-19 11:45:33 UTC
I do not know if that is trie
2016-10-19 13:06:20 UTC
2016-10-18 16:58:08 UTC
My Ph.D. is in physics. And yours?
2016-10-18 19:51:48 UTC
go republicans
2016-10-18 12:28:17 UTC
their bible tells them what they need to know and that is fact and the bible is fact and law
2016-10-18 19:50:38 UTC
2016-10-19 08:19:36 UTC
Because they read the Bible
2016-10-20 08:19:40 UTC
2016-10-19 06:44:12 UTC
2016-10-18 12:25:12 UTC
Their faith allows them to do that. Funny thing is they wouldn't know the Bible if it bit them on the a**.
2016-10-19 16:18:06 UTC
Because they're all redneck bible and jesus lovers.
Zezo Zeze Zadfrack
2016-10-19 05:18:52 UTC
uneducated i guess
2016-10-19 20:10:02 UTC
They do?
2016-10-19 06:21:47 UTC
Why are liberals so ******* stupid?
2016-10-18 16:29:20 UTC
beacuse of this Http://
2016-10-18 19:45:51 UTC
republicans are stupid and uneducated.
2016-10-18 13:49:41 UTC
Why do you?
2016-10-19 07:36:23 UTC
they're dumb
2016-10-19 01:50:45 UTC
oh do they??
2016-10-19 06:13:40 UTC
2016-10-20 12:48:04 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.