Do you mean impeachment or conviction? His first impeachment was successful. He just wasn't convicted. Same as Bill Clinton. Typically, impeachment/conviction is a product of who controls congress. For example, although I'm not a fan, I personally don't think Clinton should have been impeached, at least not in the way that was. That was obviously a hit job by Ken Starr, who forced Clinton to the stand, premised on a lie, and gave Clinton the choice of either publicly humiliating himself or committing perjury, a circumstance that would not even exist but for Ken Starr's initial lawsuit brought under false pretenses. Ironically, Starr has since been similarly disgraced. At the end of the day, adultery is not a good reason to impeach a president, as it's obviously something many presidents before Clinton had committed and nobody cared. If you had evidence of corruption (and believe me, I'm sure Ken Starr looked), that would be a different matter. But nevertheless Clinton was impeached because Republicans controlled congress at the time. However, Clinton was not convicted. Not only did Republicans not have the votes, it would have been a bastardization of democracy to convict a sitting president because one side disagreed with his politics. That's, in my opinion, not how the government is supposed to work but we have become so partisan, our government is basically filled with a bunch of crybabies. Nixon's impeachment proceedings were different. Nixon was not impeached because he resigned. But he absolutely would have been impeached and convicted. We know this because it was Republicans, not Democrats who called for Nixon's impeachment in one of the most heroic moments in political history. I don't think Trump's first impeachment was proper either. But on January 6, 2021, Trump did something far worse than Watergate.
When I say that impeachment should not be a product of political discourse, I mean that impeachment is what it should be - a criminal proceeding based on justice, not a political tool for power. Justice is blind. It does not care who committed the crime and at what stage in his career or life he committed the crime. If someone with terminal cancer committed a murder, is he absolved of his crime because he will die in a few days? No. We are a nation of laws. Victims deserve retribution, and we would be setting a dangerous precedent to allow a departing president to get away with inciting a riot to stay in power, with no consequence. I believe Trump should be impeached and convicted. Will it happen? I'm 100% sure it will not. Democrats don't care anymore because Trump already lost. Republicans are scared of Trump's constituents. And although they fear for their safety, they would rather hope Trump would stay quiet for 8 more days than actually make sure he does. Trumpians believe in conspiracies that the election was a fraud. Some independents believe the corruption in the government is so great that Trump is either the lesser evil and perhaps even a necessary evil to bring those wrongs to light. Very few care about the one thing that actually matters - justice.