Will the 2nd Trump impeachment be successful?
Disco Stu
2021-01-10 20:19:07 UTC
God knows I hope so.
83 answers:
The Raging Platypus
2021-01-14 13:49:50 UTC
Of course.  Kangaroo courts are always successful.
2021-01-14 13:14:38 UTC
The first was and it is entirely conceivable this one will again and the senate may even rebuff him. However long the case is recorded and begun before he leaves office it tends to be done when he is out of office... The wheels of equity turn moderate however granulate fine.
2021-01-14 10:48:02 UTC
Impeach him again, even after he's dead! 
2021-01-13 17:55:33 UTC
Will you please think about something for a minute? Are you truly afraid of what Trump might do as President during the next 7 days? Or is this so that he can never run for office again?

If your motive is the latter, I can't respect that. It means you believe half the voters in this country shouldn't be allowed to decide for themselves which candidate to nominate and then try their best to get him or her honestly elected. 

I get it that you are angry at Trump and want to see him punished. But not being elected is a punishment which voters can dish out. Blocking a candidate from running takes that choice away from the voters. Maybe you are angry enough at Trump supporters to be fine with punishing them too. But do you really think so little of our American way of doing things to take choice away from tens of millions just because "your side" is on the upside of the seesaw at the moment?

One more thing about the wave of nationalist, pro-taxpayer, pro-entrepenear, anti-liberal, anti-CNN and other mainstream news media passion, which is bothering you so much. Donald Trump didn't create that wave; he rode it. Those 73 million people haven't gone anywhere, and removing one man won't change that. 
2021-01-13 17:53:45 UTC
No it won’t be.  Biden not insisting that Pelosi stop is further fueling anger and division and he will lose moderate democrat support which will cripple his administration. These next 4 years will be nothing but a disaster for America and democrats.
2021-01-13 17:18:00 UTC
Impeaching the same President TWICE without sufficient evidence shows the hatred toward the People's Choice by a dysfunctional Congress that takes no responsibility.  Four (4) separate extremist groups were involved on January 6, as told by the News. Violence has invaded the USA in all of 2020.  Is Congress saying that President Trump controls all 4 extremist groups and that he is responsible for the Democrat mayors telling their police to stand down while rioters burned, looted, killed and destroyed Democrat cities.  Also why has Congress allowed a proactive decision to target Conservatives?  I would also like to ask Hillary Clinton, "Are you happy with what you've created?"
2021-01-13 16:51:51 UTC
Oooooh so tired of Yahoo's news of Trump did this or that for four years! Is there no other subject that yahoo can make up news for? Has Yahoo turned into a total gossip rag? Yahoo needs to get out of the news business because they S U C K at it !
2021-01-11 11:31:01 UTC
No. He's done nothing wrong. He never asked anyone to storm the capital. The left has this idiotic idea that if someone expands what you said to ridiculous proportions, then you are responsible for whatever stupidity they decide to do. That's just not how real life works. Reality exists independently of how you feel about it.
Best Answer
2021-01-10 22:08:06 UTC
Twitter already impeached him.
The First Dragon
2021-01-10 21:58:40 UTC
No, it can't be because there isn't enough time.  Unless they DO inaugurate Trump President!  You can't impeach a private citizen.
2021-01-14 13:53:43 UTC
No he doesn’t have that long in office 
2021-01-14 13:35:24 UTC
No, there are not enough Republicans in the Senate with the honesty and enough spine to convict.  However, as part of the impeachment process a simple majority is enough to restrict Trump from holding public office, having access to National Security briefings, etc.  So, while he won't be convicted, the outcome will be largely the same.
2021-01-14 13:26:20 UTC
Probably not. Who knows
2021-01-14 12:33:49 UTC
He certainly deserves to be convicted but I would never underestimate the GOP's cravenness.
2021-01-14 11:27:01 UTC
At this point, the only thing left would be for the Senate to confirm the Impeachment. And the only thing that will do, is to prevent Trump from running again. 
2021-01-13 18:38:07 UTC
The Democrats are well on their way to seizing complete control of everything.  A successful impeachment of Trump is probably the final thing they need.  They will come up with a more believable way to negate national election results and make sure they rule for years to come.  They have taken over with the permission of the populace.
2021-01-13 18:32:53 UTC

Because then you will have impeached a Civil Servant for the actions of their followers. And in 7 days, the impeachment trial becomes a waste of time as Trump is once again a PRIVATE Citizen. Article II Section IV of the constitution does not allow for the Impeachment of an EX-President or private citizen. So the politicians running this show are full of SH*T and simply looking for a photo op for the next 7 days.

If the Trump impeachment is somehow erroneously successful, then when Republicans regain power, they can impeach every Democrats for the actions of their followers as well. BLM and ANTIFA have been doing the bidding of the Democrats for the last year. They destroyed businesses and cost them billions of dollars and the evidence is on YouTube for all to see.
2021-01-13 18:22:14 UTC
It is looking like enough Republican senators are disgusted by Trump's behaviour since the election and what happened on January 6 to vote against him.

Any pleasure Joe Biden might get from that would be tempered by the fact the process would take priority over his program in Congress.
2021-01-13 17:19:27 UTC
Be extremely careful around the area where his sun don't shine.
The Devil
2021-01-13 17:09:06 UTC
Yes, in spite of tRump's help from Putin.
2021-01-13 17:06:28 UTC
i hope not, tired of dems dividing the country
2021-01-13 16:52:10 UTC
Probably.  And he will have the dubious distinction of being impeached TWICE. And he can be impeached AFTER his presidency, since he planned the insurrection while he WAS president.
2021-01-13 16:37:06 UTC
With just 7 days and 25 minutes to go until he's out anyway, we can get it done and make sure he can't hold a federally elected office again. Meanwhile, he's still running around in circles trying to find a place to live.
Mr. Wizard
2021-01-13 08:36:10 UTC
Minutes into his speech to the march demonstration pro-Trump crowd, I knew President Trump was being set up by Nancy Pelosi's extremist LEFTIST SOCIALIST LIBERAL bunch. 

I remarked to a colleague who was watching ( CNN ) the early stages of the debacle with me that Nancy Pelosi has several tiered people who have bought and hired professional protesters to very likely cause "structured control damage" to the Capitol building in an effort towards discrediting President Trump so Pelosi can aggressively pursue impeachment efforts.

And I was correct--so when Pelosi started pleading her desperate case, I was not surprised.

Pelosi and Maxine Waters already had their hard copy drafts of their articles to initiate impeachment on Trump--likely finalized days BEFORE the Capitol protest march; further proof this is a well planned coordinated impeachment effort.

It is Nancy Pelosi who should be charged with Sedition NOT President Trump 
2021-01-13 08:20:57 UTC
No. It will do more harm than good, and will only serve to energize his supporters. Remember 74 million of us voted for Trump and MOST of us still support him.  Removing trump with less than 10 days will only serve to inspire more resistance to the democrats, and prove just how tone deaf they are to our ideological concerns. This was never about who won the election, for me; i know Biden won; its about the Democrats loud calls to pack the supreme court, and seek revenge on conservatives. Its about an elected president who will use representative government, to trample over the rights of a political minority (73 million is not a small minority) using Tyranny of the Majority.

These violent acts are the result of having NO OTHER CHOICE but to fight.  Removing Trump will serve to rally supporters even more strongly around the president and prove to us that Democrats fully intend to represss conservatives by abusing the majority they have in congress.

Democrats have repeatedly called to pack the Supreme Court. This would effectively turn it into a kangaroo court, to rubber stamp all of their a ti conservative laws regardless if constitutionality.

Conservatives lacked a conservative judge majority for years, yet we never tried to pack the court, because that is fundamentally undemocratic.

You want to see violence? Wait until democrats live u to their threats 
2021-01-12 16:27:32 UTC
The idea of a 2nd impeachment right now, is stupid. The Democratic party on a national level is doing more harm than good.
2021-01-11 00:38:27 UTC
Could be since mitch won't be able to hold court with NO witnesses and NO evidence.
2021-01-10 22:27:46 UTC
Wait a couple weeks, then throw peaches at him!
2021-01-10 20:24:43 UTC
Not enough time. Otherwise yes.
2021-01-10 20:24:06 UTC
the first one was successful, and this one will be too, however he probably won't be convicted, just like last time, but this time it probably won't happen because the Senate isn't seated till the 19th, not because there isn't support for it 

Edit: I don't know if the Senate will decide to take it up after he is gone or not, they may just leave it up to the courts since Trump will now be a citizen and will be subject to the courts of law, there are a lot of things that Congress needs to take care of they may decide that convicting on an impeachment of a president that is already out of office is not a good use of their time 

Edit: Matthew seems to think that members of Congress are paid by the hour 
2021-01-14 16:16:48 UTC
I'm with you, Disco Stu.
Md Mahfuzur
2021-01-14 14:22:15 UTC
I think no, it will not possible.
2021-01-14 13:54:31 UTC
According to Michelle Obama and his husband, it will be successful.  
2021-01-14 13:44:56 UTC
He's been impeached for the second time. That was successful. Impeachment is just the bringing of charges.

What you really mean is, will the Senate trial convict him?  The answer is "probably not". And once he's out of office anyway, it doesn't really matter.  

What many people don't realize is that conviction in a Senate trial is not necessary to bar him from holding public office again.  The Senate can vote to do that with just a simple majority -- 50-51 -- rather than the 2/3 majority needed to convict in a trial.  So, after the second attempt to convict fails, they can just hold a separate vote to bar him from holding office again.  With the Democrats now holding 50 Senate seats and Kamala Harris as VP, that simple majority will be a cinch to achieve.
2021-01-14 13:16:15 UTC
Of course. The Knee Jerk reaction by mentally ill liberals has nothing to do with why the founding fathers created impeachment.

Pelosi has now made it easier for future congresses to get rid of their opponents.

In 2022 if Republicans take the House, Biden may see the wrath started by Nancy

This was a political lynching. 

Have you ever seen a criminal trial happen in 4 days? 

A real trial involves a thing called fact finding. Not Knee jerk reactions and vindictive retrobution.

New facts are continuing to come in, including news that this may have been an inside job by Pelosi. 

If it were true, Liberal mindless Robots will never know. CNN/MSNBC filters all the information these stoned fools see. 
2021-01-14 12:58:38 UTC
democrats have failed bringing him down a million times and now they cheated and the whole world is laughing at the dems lol
2021-01-14 11:11:16 UTC
No, and the Dems are complete hypocrites.
2021-01-13 17:34:18 UTC
Yes it will but will the Senate find enough Heroes or will they continue to be the cowards we believe them to be.

I  hear Cruz is being compared to Goebbels 

is not fair old lying ted is much worse he is a traitor .
2021-01-13 16:50:56 UTC
I don't think that 2 impeachments are going to change anything and impeaching someone based on hatred is not healthy. Trump would not be removed from office anyway.
2021-01-13 16:43:28 UTC
Trump will be impeached for the second time.

Will he be convicted?  Only Moscow Mitch and the traitorous senators can tell. 

As far as impeachment and conviction when out of office.

For the link impaired:

"The Constitution provides that the President “shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” but it says nothing about the timing of when the impeachment and trial may take place. That omission makes sense, since presidents – and any other impeachable officials – could commit impeachable offenses at any time while they are in office, including in their last months or days in their positions. It certainly makes no sense for presidents who commit misconduct late in their terms, or perhaps not discovered until late in their terms, to be immune from the one process the Constitution allows for barring them from serving in any other federal office or from receiving any federal pensions."
2021-01-13 16:32:45 UTC
The impeachment yes, the Senate trial to dispense justice probably not since unless a special session of the Senate is called they do not meet again until after Trump is no longer President.

I see from some answers that some Trump supporters are still promoting the fiction that the protestors were not Trump supporters.  This is despite the fact that many of those involved in entering the Capital Building have been identified and all of those identified so far were confirmed to be long time Trump supporters or members of the QAnon group of idiots.  I saw a picture of the guy with the horns claiming since he was at a BLM protest he was obviously one of them.  Not only did this person take offense at that claim, he stated that while he was there he was supporting the police and protesting against BLM.  He is a well known QAnon supporter.
2021-01-13 16:31:57 UTC
I doubt it. Plus, he only has about 7 days left until the end of his term.
2021-01-13 16:24:36 UTC
No, the democrats in congress look so desperate, weak, and afraid. 

Try to question why people, particularly conservatives, are being silenced. 

What is the left so afraid of that it needs to become bffs with tv news  media outlets and social media ceos in order to collaborate on censorship and propaganda? The truth? 

They’re trying to impeach President Trump when he has only 7 days left in office. Why are they so afraid of him? Do you ever question that?
Randy S
2021-01-12 16:07:18 UTC
He will be impeached by the house, as for the senate I'm not sure that they will even bring it up.. But we all know this shitz stain of a person, should never be able to hold any public office again.
2021-01-11 03:12:44 UTC
not a chance. everyone is owed due process. no way they can do this in less than ten days. the hearings alone would take weeks. get over it and move on. it's too bad the dems and liberal media weren't this rushed when all the rioting, looting, burning and killing of police officers occured all summer. oops. i forgot. these were law abiding citizens exercising their rights to loot and burn and riot. where is the difference between what happened at the capitol and what went on all summer. and don't tell me they invaded a government building. what went on in portland? and what was done when an entire city was seized. there is none. this is purely political. always has been. and the democrats allowed it to get out of control. just like DC when dems are looking at who to place blame. who cut law enforcement in that city? a democrat mayor.
2021-01-10 21:21:36 UTC
Are you really THIS clueless of what it takes to put on an impeachment? The last one took almost 2 months from beginning to end. How much time is left is left in the Trump presidency? Well? Do the damn math.

NEVER MIND that JUST like the last impeachment NO CRIME has actually been proven yet! Just childish hopes of wishful thinkers like you! Besides, there no way in Hell, you or anyone else (like Pelosi) could prove he actually wanted the violence of 1/6 to occur when he spoke.

The ONLY type of impeachment that exists IS Presidential impeachment. It doesn't exist for anyone who is out of office. 
2021-01-10 20:50:26 UTC
Yes, then Trump will be able to brag that he holds the record for the most amount of impeachments by a sitting president. Because we all know that he bases his entire life on bragging to be the best at everything!
2021-01-10 20:29:55 UTC
It does not matter much at this point; that the processes starts is enough, and the sack-o-$hit will be out in 10 days anyway.

But his name will be forever associated with a double impeachment, two in less than two years.

That will also scale heavily into Congress voting a resolution that voids and cancels the whole orange shitstain tenure, so that he will NOT be called a former president, but an usurper and a traitor.
2021-01-10 20:23:27 UTC
The first one was successful.  What wasn't successful was his subsequent removal.  He will be the first president to be impeached twice, and we know how much he likes being first. 
2021-01-10 20:21:54 UTC
Almost certainly. What's questionable is if the Senate will convict and remove him, but if there's a God in heaven and He holds any sway over at least 16 Republican Senators...
2021-01-14 16:50:02 UTC
If impeachment trial will happen after January 20, then, yes, it will probably be successful!! 
The Football God
2021-01-14 16:41:12 UTC
How would it change your life?

I'm not a fan of Trump, he's a POS. But the Liberals gave me no option other than vote FOR him. For 25+ years I've said no one in Washington controls what goes on in my life. I'm standing by that.If your President is that important to you, you've failed in life. Take the bull by the balls and be accountable to and for yourself. As for the impeachment, it doesn't faze me one iota. It shows the pettiness of our 2 party system when THAT'S the most important thing on the agenda.
2021-01-14 15:24:05 UTC
no. its just for show
Jake No Chat
2021-01-14 14:34:00 UTC
Yes, it already has, Trump has been branded with a unique achievement, he is the 1st President that has been impeached twice. 
2021-01-14 14:13:51 UTC
If you are democrat God doesn't know you

Democrats are evil wicked people that do not know God, if they did they would be pro-life
2021-01-14 13:51:08 UTC
This "impeachment" is the criminals last stand. No one is getting in and no one is getting out of Washington DC. Try to keep up!
2021-01-14 11:34:55 UTC
Trump will remain president,do you really think democrats can win that easy??
2021-01-13 17:35:28 UTC
Anybody who thinks another moronic impeachment instead of congress spending time on a new stimulus to feed the starving is a simple minded MORON and that includes the poster of this so-called "question".  You're pathetic and should be ashamed for allowing yourself to be brainwashed by liberal group-think, outrage-on-demand bull$hit. 
2021-01-13 17:26:18 UTC
Yes, the congress realizes that he was leading a coup to take over the country and become a ruler like North Korea or Russia.  They want him stopped and the constitution and country protected from his insanity. 
Harley Lady
2021-01-13 17:24:41 UTC
Hopefully. The attack on the capital should finally be the last straw and show future Presidents we the people will not tolerate that behavior. Be Best!
Blue Skies.
2021-01-13 17:22:32 UTC
No. Short answer. Hell No. Long answer.
2021-01-13 17:07:09 UTC
I sincerely hope not.
2021-01-13 17:04:10 UTC
The first one was and it is very possible this one will again and the senate may even punish him.

As long as the case is filed and started before he leaves office it can be finished when he is out of office... The wheels of justice turn slow but grind fine.
2021-01-13 16:52:22 UTC
The first was successful. He was and IS impeached. Impeachment does`nt necessarily mean removal. NO impeached president has ever been removed from office. And don`t start blathering about Nixon, either. Nixon was not removed from office. And he was NOT impeached.
2021-01-13 16:45:19 UTC
All I have to say is if it is our legislative branch will spend all of its time and our tax dollars impeaching Presidents, instead of serving citizens of our nation going forward.
2021-01-13 07:53:34 UTC
Only time will tell, the gop members who would convict him don’t want to risk not getting re-elected. The only way more would vote is republicans and the rnc as a collective expelled trump and cut him off.

Trump, his children, and anybody that resembles trump will provide steroids to the Democratic Party when it comes to voting. The surge in voting was not for Biden, the surge came from people wanting to get rid of this cancer known as Donald trump. If he runs again more people will vote against him. The gop has a better chance of electing a non Trump cult member and maybe less Democrat turnout will happen.

But after Jan 6, I know I will never miss another election and will take at least   5-10 people to go vote against the gop. I voted gop before trump came and exposed what the party truly was. Before I only payed attention to the policies, because it benefits me financially to vote gop. 
2021-01-12 16:21:38 UTC
Those pursuing impeachment don't care about unifying this country, which is unfortunate given all the rhetoric we've heard from the Democrats.  74 million people voted for President Trump this election.  Democrats are missing an opportunity to lead ALL Americans, not just their Left-wing base.
2021-01-11 10:57:03 UTC
hoping for a successfull conclusion to election fraud is creepy.  really REALLY creepy.  you DESPARATELY need prayer.  because of people like you the answer may be yes but its sick and disgusting.
2021-01-10 20:46:41 UTC
If the cockroach is removed from office, he loses his pension and secret service protection.
The Truthseeker
2021-01-10 20:23:59 UTC
Impeachment part of it is almost a done deal. Will be done tomorrow. Conviction part is up in the air. We need 17 Republicans for him to be convicted. So far we have three. The conviction hearing will start 100 days after Biden takes office.  We need the first 100 days to take care of the immediate needs of the Americans who are hurting. 
2021-01-14 17:02:26 UTC
If it's not we'll see the the amount of Republicans who are truly traitors to this country and how many of them were in on all of what's taken place. They should immediately be removed from the congress and be shot.
2021-01-14 14:48:14 UTC

It's the Devil who is involved in the impeachment!  😈
2021-01-14 10:58:05 UTC
Never can tell...
tony b
2021-01-13 21:14:01 UTC
i hope so the last thing we need is trump ever thinking of running again and the idiots voting for him and winning
2021-01-13 17:17:30 UTC
Do you mean impeachment or conviction? His first impeachment was successful. He just wasn't convicted. Same as Bill Clinton. Typically, impeachment/conviction is a product of who controls congress. For example, although I'm not a fan, I personally don't think Clinton should have been impeached, at least not in the way that was. That was obviously a hit job by Ken Starr, who forced Clinton to the stand, premised on a lie, and gave Clinton the choice of either publicly humiliating himself or committing perjury, a circumstance that would not even exist but for Ken Starr's initial lawsuit brought under false pretenses. Ironically, Starr has since been similarly disgraced. At the end of the day, adultery is not a good reason to impeach a president, as it's obviously something many presidents before Clinton had committed and nobody cared. If you had evidence of corruption (and believe me, I'm sure Ken Starr looked), that would be a different matter. But nevertheless Clinton was impeached because Republicans controlled congress at the time. However, Clinton was not convicted. Not only did Republicans not have the votes, it would have been a bastardization of democracy to convict a sitting president because one side disagreed with his politics. That's, in my opinion, not how the government is supposed to work but we have become so partisan, our government is basically filled with a bunch of crybabies. Nixon's impeachment proceedings were different. Nixon was not impeached because he resigned. But he absolutely would have been impeached and convicted. We know this because it was Republicans, not Democrats who called for Nixon's impeachment in one of the most heroic moments in political history. I don't think Trump's first impeachment was proper either. But on January 6, 2021, Trump did something far worse than Watergate. 

When I say that impeachment should not be a product of political discourse, I mean that impeachment is what it should be - a criminal proceeding based on justice, not a political tool for power. Justice is blind. It does not care who committed the crime and at what stage in his career or life he committed the crime. If someone with terminal cancer committed a murder, is he absolved of his crime because he will die in a few days? No. We are a nation of laws. Victims deserve retribution, and we would be setting a dangerous precedent to allow a departing president to get away with inciting a riot to stay in power, with no consequence. I believe Trump should be impeached and convicted. Will it happen? I'm 100% sure it will not. Democrats don't care anymore because Trump already lost. Republicans are scared of Trump's constituents. And although they fear for their safety, they would rather hope Trump would stay quiet for 8 more days than actually make sure he does. Trumpians believe in conspiracies that the election was a fraud. Some independents believe the corruption in the government is so great that Trump is either the lesser evil and perhaps even a necessary evil to bring those wrongs to light. Very few care about the one thing that actually matters - justice.  
2021-01-13 16:35:51 UTC
Who cares? Impeachment means INDICTMENT. There is going to be a "trial" if he is...which is STUPID. He, ONCE AGAIN, did NOT break any law or laws. The senate is going to do nothing...he WON'T BE IN OFFICE. What are they going to do? The whole point of INDICTMENT is to try to REMOVE HIM FROM OFFICE.
2021-01-13 08:08:52 UTC
With everything Trump has done it had better work....because Americans have lost their life thanks to him....and he should not be allowed to ever come back anyone who agrees that he should stay is the real problem to America
2021-01-13 07:44:58 UTC
In 7 days the devil will be put in a hole
2021-01-11 11:38:43 UTC
Impeachment seems to have bipartisan support this time.
I’m just Honest
2021-01-10 21:07:45 UTC
Put it this way he won’t be able to stand ever again. Evil never wins 
2021-01-10 20:52:34 UTC
The senate needs a 2/3 majority so maybe with the new Senate in place to override the traitors who STILL want to protect him even though he had his rabid followers try to kill them, but 2/3 is unlikely. If they did it would be a pleasant surprise. 
Eugene D
2021-01-10 20:40:10 UTC
this will be the 6th time, genius.  Try to keep up.
2021-01-10 20:28:31 UTC
I surely hope that they don't waste all of that money to write up another impeachment and to start the proceedings when it's 100% impossible to get the trial done before Trump leaves office. 

it's a colossal waste of our taxpayer money it's also a colossal waste of our money to invoke the 25th amendment. All that needs to be done is that Trump needs to be told to stay in the White House and be quiet until he leaves and there will be no trouble.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.