When Joe Biden promises to spend $2,000,000,000,000 where is this money coming from?
2021-02-27 23:51:05 UTC
Actually it’s 1.9 trillion to be fair 
73 answers:
2021-02-28 23:03:47 UTC
It is coming from your future and your grand children's future.  
2021-03-02 03:35:40 UTC
He’s so out of it it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s buying fake kids money at the dollar store and trying to use that.
2021-03-01 22:37:11 UTC
Federal reserve money and scared for the deals the United State will have to make under future rulers to compensate for loses from this. 
2021-02-28 23:13:40 UTC
Stop having children! They need you or else they will enslave their own children. 
2021-02-28 23:10:09 UTC
All of it is coming from the American Tax Payer.
2021-02-28 21:28:05 UTC
Sell the wall 45 built. All the red states would give up their federal funding. It is states relying on government handouts. 
2021-02-28 20:59:47 UTC
It comes from the same place as your hero former president Trump got his!
2021-02-28 19:29:07 UTC
Deficit spending.   Liberals only care about the here and now, not the consequences such deficit spending will have in the future.  
2021-02-28 17:52:26 UTC
2021-02-28 15:57:07 UTC
Maybe some of it can come from the money Mnuchin is trying to steal from the first corrupt stimulus money that was never allocated and set up to help corporations instead of the working class and people who really need it.  Where is the money and why wasn't it given to states so they could have started to help small business' to open and protect worker's safely, the schools to protect teachers and students.  Where is the money, your money approved to be spent for these purposes Mnuchin is trying to steal from you.
2021-03-01 22:34:45 UTC
Can’t say but American is wealthy because of you
2021-03-01 15:46:48 UTC
Mostly. the income tax and more debt. Both parties are fond of funding their programs, Democrats with welfare and Republicans with military spending, by adding to the national debt.
2021-03-01 02:35:58 UTC
We're borrowing against everything, but this isn't new.

It's not a partisan thing to spend recklessly as far as our country is concerned.

The very 1st Stimulus Check I ever got (and I don't know if it was the 1st in U.S. history or not) was in 2008. 
2021-02-28 23:06:38 UTC
Ever heard of taxes? 
2021-02-28 21:57:21 UTC
ask andre below... Fine and dandy giving money to rich  when they do not need it... but oh no to the lesser and unfortunate. they have to work  for it......... sighh....
2021-02-28 21:15:00 UTC
borrowing money, deficit spending
2021-02-28 19:16:44 UTC
From the federal reserve then you the taxpayer and your children and grandchildren will pay it back, the government has no money only the peoples money. So what their doing is giving you money you have not give them yet. But you will big tax hike coming to you soon.
2021-02-28 17:28:43 UTC
How about taking back the billions Bush gave capitol gains millionaires like Romney with a 50% tax break or the billions Trump gave corporations, like his own, with his 41% tax break. Not one Republican complained then. But now when Biden is trying to beat Covid, get kids back to school, parents back to work and help those hurt by the pandemic making less than $50,000 a year, Cons are all up in arms saying it’s too much. Hypocrites! Trump added twice the 1.9 trillion in his first three years, $2.7 trillion, even after he bragged about his “greatest” economy and promised to pay down the national debt. Republicans also brag about his great for the wealthy economy. Double hypocrites!! Most economists agree the added stimulus will help bring back the economy faster. Lower income people spend their stimulus not just buy another Country Club membership or another thing they don’t need.
2021-02-28 16:54:14 UTC
We are going to rescind the tax cuts to the super rich 3 percenters trump gave them which amounted to 90 % of all the tax cuts under his traitorous regime and still have a trillion left over in walking around money . 
2021-02-28 14:05:24 UTC
Where all other Government Funding comes from..the Taxpayer.

The problem is that the Liberals will tell you that they are only going to go after the "rich".  But they don't tell you that even if they tax the "rich" at 100% there still wouldn't be enough money and they are going to have to raise the taxes on everyone else.

And people actually voted this guy into office.....
2021-02-28 13:31:18 UTC
This money comes from the sale of weapons and the budget of the United States is very rich and I think you can provide this amount.
2021-02-28 13:13:24 UTC
It comes from diluting the existing money supply,making a dollar less valuable,which is the definition of inflation.
Mr Chowdhury
2021-02-28 11:47:46 UTC
The Adobe fast wood printer in the central bank basement were many trolls are busy printing .
2021-02-28 07:55:36 UTC
where else , you , you pay for the money not the government , they just spend it , you have to pay the deficit . thats what taxes are for , always been that way , by the way you owe 28 trilion bucks .lol
2021-02-28 02:08:52 UTC
You the Taxpayer
2021-02-27 23:56:50 UTC
He cut welfare 2022
2021-02-27 23:56:24 UTC
That comes from the federal government budget. 
2021-02-27 23:54:08 UTC
The same place from which the Gross Old Perverts found the $1.5 trillion to give to the rich and to corporations.
Elwood Blues
2021-02-27 23:53:38 UTC
Same place Trump's $6.6 trillion spending came from in 2020.   Isn't it CUTE that, after 4 years in hibernation during which Trump spent like a drunken sailor, the deficit hawks are starting to wake up?
Philip H
2021-02-27 23:53:32 UTC
And over one trillion of it is wasted money dedicated to bailing out Failed Blue States and Union Pensions, plus a few other Leftist Socialist agendas and projects most Americans would neve support.

That money is Created by running the printing presses constantly and in the process each unbacked dollar printed devalues the dollars you have earned. That is known as inflation.
Jhon Brandt
2021-03-03 10:54:50 UTC
How about taking back the billions Bush gave capitol gains millionaires like Romney with a 50% tax break or the billions Trump gave corporations, like his own, with his 41% tax break. Not one Republican complained then.
Tom V
2021-03-02 03:06:26 UTC
Trump promised his tax cuts would bring us a huge budget surplus. So we are just going to take a small portion of the money those tax cuts gave us, and use it for COVID-19 relief.
2021-03-01 16:49:20 UTC
China and Ukraine.  Ten percent for the big guy. 
2021-03-01 10:40:15 UTC
2021-02-28 21:54:46 UTC
I will magically appear just like the money in his bank accounts.

Taxes, Taxes, Taxes and eventually everyone (regardless of your income level) will have to pay for it. 

Inflation will also rise since this is new money into the economy. 

This means that everything will cost more.

Low income will suffer the most.
2021-02-28 21:42:41 UTC
It will come from a combination of taxing us more, creating new money (inflation), and deficit spending.   Whatever the precise division of these things, it’s basically a shell game.  One way or another we the taxpayers pay.  
2021-02-28 20:20:42 UTC
Well, ultimately, part of it and the interest will come out of the pockets of those of us who work each day to support ourselves and our families. The rest of it and more interest will come out of the pockets of future generations.
2021-02-28 19:49:53 UTC
It won't happen immediately. It comes out of Taxes. Now Joe has to look at the Tax policy for the rich and see if adjustments can be they also shoulder some of the Tax Burden TOO.

.  No more "Space Force"  No more "Border Wall building"  We will remove that steel and make cars out of it. Dismantle I.C.E. so a savings in those wages. 

.  Trim the military budget?

.  Not spending it getting hair styled or on the golf course.  or on excess hamburgers. No more massive legal bills. #45 always had lawyers and ongoing cases.  Lawyers charge money. Pres or no Pres.  He was a "client".  He lost 60 times meaning he had to pay his lawyers and the court costs. 

.  Less money paid to big corporations as they do not need "incentive money" anymore. Such as Big Oil, Big Pharma, Amazon, Big Auto., Big Air, etc.  They will have to do with Less. (they will grumble but they will survive)  

.  They may also do a call back on their Loans.. Less infrastructure spending for awhile. There are savings to be had when you start whittling.  The more the government can trim off of its expenses, the less is taken out of taxation(or your pocket).  Like any business, your expenses cannot exceed your income.  Also, they usually have an Emergency reserve.

Lay off of excess public servants...or reduction in hours worked.x's thousands of workers= savings.


That is my guess.
2021-02-28 19:24:58 UTC
Your children's children's children's children's children.  They will be saddled with the debt that is being created to buy the votes so pandering professional politicians can keep their lazy backsides parked on their comfy chairs in the Swamp.
2021-02-28 19:02:26 UTC
If you're the Chairman/woman of the Federal Reserve, all you have to do is add a few zeros to the current money supply and...VIOLA! I don't think they even need to print actual bills anymore.
2021-02-28 18:22:11 UTC
The money comes from loans by Japan and Communist China.  We have been borrowing from them for 25 years.  The largest line item in the budget will soon be just paying the interest on those loans.  Teach your kids to speak Chinese or Japanese.  Like the national debt, those loans can never be repaid.  The United States has financial obligations as large as the entire wealth of the world.  The United State is dead and gone.  The guilty can be found in any mirror.
2021-02-28 15:05:28 UTC
from the printing machine
Goonbags Puncher 🇦🇺
2021-02-28 07:27:54 UTC
Money grows on trees. Look around if you believe.
2021-02-28 03:33:37 UTC
People that haven't even been born yet will inherit Biden's debt.
2021-02-28 02:31:59 UTC
don't worry - your taxes will going up soon after COVID thing has passed
2021-02-28 00:18:40 UTC
Some of it is coming from immigrants, who pay more in tax that they receive in benefits and more than U.S. citizens with similar incomes pay.  The rest will be borrowed.
2021-02-28 00:02:09 UTC
The Treasury makes it.
2021-02-27 23:58:23 UTC
The Adobe fast wood printer in the central bank basement were many trolls are busy printing . Pallets of hundreds on the way to banks soon . That's was 8% of total GDP.

 Last one was about 12% . Your dollar is worth 20% less now . 
2021-02-27 23:54:33 UTC
same place war money comes from. Since 9/11, USA spent $5.6 Trillion and it still has crumbling infrastructure..
2021-02-27 23:52:42 UTC
We will be paying on this for generations with higher taxes. Our job creators and businesses are already paying economy killing tax rates. If this passes, our economy is done for. No business will invest in a nation with over 26 trillion in debt. What we need is: tax cuts, deregulation, and legal protections for our job creators and businesses. This will get people back to work.
Go Heels
2021-03-01 21:58:53 UTC
It’s created when the federal reserve issues new treasury bonds. 

  If the question is who or how will it be paid back/off , the answer is it won’t.

 The short answer is the U.S. dollar is the worlds reserve currency. And being such must print enough U.S. dollars for the entire world to have enough U.S. dollars to use. 

  If that seems problematic too you, then know it does to others as well. There is something called the Triffin dilemma that explains our dire situation .
2021-03-01 13:22:34 UTC
From the school children.  Who will need work longer & harder to support there parents in the future. While making less & less  as tax's go up.
Judy and Charlie
2021-03-01 01:29:05 UTC
During the Reagan Administration, the CONServative Republicrats TRIPLED OUR NATIONAL DEBT as they REDUCED TAXES FOR THE WEALTHY.  This caused congress to borrow heavily from foreign countries.  Thus, our National Debt.

Why weren't you whining about this then?

Obviously, if we tax the wealthy at a fair level, we will gain that revenue to help the country recover....why?
2021-03-01 00:27:39 UTC
There is no government, city, county, state federal of any country that makes money. They all TAKE money from the citizens. You think canceling student debt means the education was free? Guess again, the taxpayers would pay for it.
2021-02-28 23:50:46 UTC
He will borrow every nickel of it .Kids not even born yet will be paying for this.
2021-02-28 22:49:57 UTC
Anyone objective can see that the Republican version is more reasonable.  There are many people who do need help, but there are others who don't need $1400 more after the two earlier checks.  The wastefulness of this plan is astounding, especially with Covid cases down and the economy reopening more and more each day.
2021-02-28 22:46:51 UTC
The room with the printing press I guess.
Disco Stu
2021-02-28 22:22:55 UTC
He's gonna borrow money, the whole world is doing so in this time of crisis. Neither should the economy be our number one priority.
2021-02-28 20:29:34 UTC
Same place the $10,000,000,000,000 that Trump spent came from. Part from taxes the rest borrowed 
2021-02-28 17:20:50 UTC
The printing process
Armchair Goddess #1
2021-02-28 17:14:29 UTC
The United States has a $17 trillion budget, the largest in the world, spaceman. When Bill Clinton left office in January 2001 after two terms as our beloved President, he and his first Democrat-controlled Congress had put a simple revenues-producing 39% tax rate for the wealthiest corporations and billionaires---and he BALANCED our national budget, going on to build up a huge $3.2 budget surplus.  Not even one Congressional Republican voted "aye" for that wise 39% tax rate for the top 1.5% of our economy, yet they each benefited from the nationwide lower crime rates due to paid-for community policing, and from all the other social safety nets or infrastructure maintenance and jobs creation (see "The Clinton Presidency: Key Accomplishments" to learn more).  If you compare the two economic policies, "Demand Side" or "Keynesian" for the depressions-reversing Democrats, or "Supply Side" ("trickle on down" sugar snack) for the Great Depression (1929-1938), the Reagan Recession with the loss of our manufacturing jobs base and all-out war on America's union workers (1980s, and the firing of PATCO), and the almost fatal housing/credit markets' collapse (2005-2009) that cost many millions of Americans their homes, the price-gouging by oilmen Cheney and Bush in spite of huge reserves (as much as $5 per gallon) from 2002-2006 cutting down on travel or tourism upon which states rely and maxing out people's credit cards (lowering borrowing power), followed by the GOP-deregulation-caused FINANCIAL SYSTEM MELTDOWN that brought us to the very brink of financial ruin---this is Supply Side "trickle down" economics' inevitable outcome.  Then the American people bring in the fiscally sane Democrats like FDR, then John Kennedy/Lyndon B. Johnson, and miracles-working photographic-memory Bill Clinton that inspired the "West Wing" TV series and fellow Leo Barack Obama (grandson of a female banker in Hawaii and son of a Ph.D. Anthropology and Micro-Economics mom/Business Management/Macro-Economics dad), each with a Democrat-led first Congress, to clean up the GOP's messes.  The trend continues now with Joe Biden, former Senator Kamala Harris as VP (able to negotiate with Congress for bipartisan support), and his Democratic-controlled House and Senate.

When it comes to "stimulus" think of it in the following terms:  A way to stimulate consumer spending on the idea that "a rising tide lifts all boats."  What happens if the economy is in decline and average Americans are given a monetary boost---what do these millions of Americans do with that extra money?  They SPEND.  The local spending helps beleaguered business owners to finally TURN PROFITS, so they HIRE some of their laid-off clerks to handle the NEW DEMAND.  Purchases include a state income tax, which builds up revenues for state budgets, some of which must be balanced each year, and the new hires for the store pay local, state, and federal taxes as well (more revenues).  The shop owners do what?  They ORDER MORE STUFF to restock their shelves, and this then helps stimulate our shipping industry (which in turn hires more workers to meet new demands) and our manufacturing industry (hiring more workers here, too) in an ever-expanding upwards and outward economic GROWTH SPIRAL that gets us to where Bill Clinton took us: Lots and lots of jobs, adding to revenues and spending, and a balanced budget leading to an economic SURPLUS, which is where President Obama was taking us.  The UNPAID-FOR TAX CUTS (government spending and destruction of revenues) that Trump and the Republicans rushed through by December 2017 were for the richest elites and they busted our budget just as subsequent fiscally insane decisions took us ever deeper into losing our jobs base (ala Reagan/Bush and Bush/Cheney) and watching our Obama/Biden robust economy fail alarmingly.  WE ARE GOING TO BE OKAY, budget wise, job wise, and healing wise.  
2021-02-28 17:12:02 UTC
Same place from where Trump got all the money from when he increased the deficit  three fold.  Oops, my bad, the Trumps get all of their money from Russia.  According to what Eric Trump said. So, no, it won’t come from exactly the same place.  If you really want to know, go to Biden’s or the White House’s website and I think it will show how they intend to pay for what is in the bill.  
2021-02-28 16:59:56 UTC
Thin air for now and from your pocket later on economy tanks completely.  
2021-02-28 13:59:29 UTC
Europe and China.  Europe has negative interest rates, and China has too many dollars that if they DON'T roll them over into our bonds, their economy will suffer.
2021-02-28 03:28:05 UTC
Government borrowing while interest rates are so low.
2021-02-28 00:08:14 UTC
Nobody knows  It's not like the criminal aliens pouring in over the southern border are bringing in a financial contribution 
2021-02-27 23:55:59 UTC
It should have been a little higher. 
2021-02-27 23:54:19 UTC
The same place the previous stimulus packages came from.  Why are you just asking now? 

Perhaps you're inspired by the change of administration to start inquiring about sources of federal expenditures. 
2021-02-27 23:53:53 UTC
* $500 billion dollar bailing out corporations and banks

* $500 billion dollar of Paycheck Protection Program funds he 'misplaced' that went to hate groups, 9k Evangelist megachurches, Tucker Carlson, his own son-in-law, Kayne West and his multi-million dollar donors.

* $11 billion spent on 3 more miles of border wall that isn't even stable that immigrants are climbing over, sawing through and walking around.

* $8 billion spent on military weaponry hidden in coronavirus bill

* $1.7 billion hiring independent contractor Tommy Fisher, who alongside Kris Kobach, "Sheriff" David Alexander Clarke Jr. and Stephen Bannon wasted $25 million dollars to build an inadequate 3 mile wall too close to the river which engineers have said the wall should never have been built so close to the river, is already showing signs of runoff erosion and in danger of falling into the Rio Grande.

* $686 million for new F35 Fighter Jets hidden in coronavirus bill

* $454,000,000 surplus in Military equipment for local police

* $141 million taxpayer dollars on Golf at Donald J. Trump's personal golf course

* $50 million taxpayer dollars on his own legal fees

* $1,600,000 Tax break to millionaires/billionaires

* $60k to have military fighter jets fly over hospitals in New York City.

* One million dollars on a military fighter jet that crashed before take off

* Thousands on a fourth of July parade that got rained on  

* Thousands on the fourth of July Mount Rushmore show

* Thousands on Final RNC Rally on the White House front lawn

* Undisclosed amount of money to reconstruct ICE Detention Centers.

That isn't half of what Donald J. Trump had spent over 4 years.  Remember you only got $1,200

But President Joe Biden wanting to actually help people is bad for the national debt that republicans created.  Biden wants 1.9 Trillion, Republicans think you only deserve barely $600 million.  'Meeting half-way' my ***.
2021-02-27 23:53:36 UTC
The government just prints the money.
2021-03-01 19:33:37 UTC
2021-02-28 21:17:58 UTC
The same place all other currency and value comes from thin air.

those things literally do not have value until you give them value.
2021-02-28 21:16:20 UTC
Same place it was when Trump gave a gracious tax cut "giveaway" to the wealthiest corporations and big business from 35% down to 21% in 2017, and they responded with a WHOPPING .7% improvement of the nations GDP from the Obama years!!! But the big shareholders made out big in the stock market.............because that's where the "great" tax breaks went.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.