* $500 billion dollar bailing out corporations and banks
* $500 billion dollar of Paycheck Protection Program funds he 'misplaced' that went to hate groups, 9k Evangelist megachurches, Tucker Carlson, his own son-in-law, Kayne West and his multi-million dollar donors.
* $11 billion spent on 3 more miles of border wall that isn't even stable that immigrants are climbing over, sawing through and walking around.
* $8 billion spent on military weaponry hidden in coronavirus bill
* $1.7 billion hiring independent contractor Tommy Fisher, who alongside Kris Kobach, "Sheriff" David Alexander Clarke Jr. and Stephen Bannon wasted $25 million dollars to build an inadequate 3 mile wall too close to the river which engineers have said the wall should never have been built so close to the river, is already showing signs of runoff erosion and in danger of falling into the Rio Grande.
* $686 million for new F35 Fighter Jets hidden in coronavirus bill
* $454,000,000 surplus in Military equipment for local police
* $141 million taxpayer dollars on Golf at Donald J. Trump's personal golf course
* $50 million taxpayer dollars on his own legal fees
* $1,600,000 Tax break to millionaires/billionaires
* $60k to have military fighter jets fly over hospitals in New York City.
* One million dollars on a military fighter jet that crashed before take off
* Thousands on a fourth of July parade that got rained on
* Thousands on the fourth of July Mount Rushmore show
* Thousands on Final RNC Rally on the White House front lawn
* Undisclosed amount of money to reconstruct ICE Detention Centers.
That isn't half of what Donald J. Trump had spent over 4 years. Remember you only got $1,200
But President Joe Biden wanting to actually help people is bad for the national debt that republicans created. Biden wants 1.9 Trillion, Republicans think you only deserve barely $600 million. 'Meeting half-way' my ***.