Do Liberals Really Care If America Goes Bankrupt?
2010-04-17 10:31:04 UTC
In the highly unlikely event that Obama and the liberals were wrong to "borrow" trillions upon trillions of dollars from generations to come, do liberals really care if the most expensive experiment ever attempted, fails and The United States of America goes bankrupt? What do liberals desire in a post American world?
46 answers:
2010-04-17 11:08:20 UTC
There is pro and con on the spending habits of Congress and Obama. Whatever side of the issue you come down on is now irrelevant. What is done is done and we have to go forward from here. Business is the engine of our economy and business is in trouble. Foreign products are keeping the retail prices down while government tax and regulation policies are increasing cost of production. This results in severely reduced profits (taxable income) and reduced production (less jobs). Without the engine of business to power our economy there will be an even lower return of tax revenue to pay for all of this spending. Revenue taken from the private sector by government stops producing taxable revenue. Government spending on entitlements creates no new taxable revenue, only more expense to the taxpayers. As long as liberals get their entitlements and pay little tax themselves, they could care less about bankruptcy because they do not believe that it can happen. To them the well of money is bottomless. Because they believe this, they dream of a Socialist mecca where everything is free.
2010-04-17 10:51:27 UTC
I'm not sure this question even resonates with liberals. America has no money right now, California is issuing IOU's , and the fed is doing the same thing in selling bonds to foreign nations who rather despise us.

Liberals, simply do not believe that this is a possibility(they believe the money to be endless as long as we have printing presses), which is even more dangerous than caring about this event or not.

America is already financially bankrupt; now the question is whether or not America will degrade into becoming totally morally and spiritually bankrupt to boot or will we begin a new era of responsible behavior in the 2010 and 2012 elections?
Deb M
2010-04-17 10:45:27 UTC
That question should have been asked during the last administration. The chart below shows that the last administration grew the National Deficit more than it was when they took office. We were on the road to pay down the deficit...but a tax cur in 2001 and then a tax cut in 2003 plus two wars and this:

Bush report: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S.

Wonder why people whine about jobs when Bush spent tax payer money to send them all overseas. Add to that the sweetheart drug deal that the Bush administration gave to the pharmaceutical companies at the expense of the elderly!

Did you people sleep through the bush regime? Where did the educational system fail in this country? This is sad...really sad. And looking that the Deficit....republicans are the ones who grow it.

If anyone wants this country to go is the republicans...the greatest generation that built this country were NOT republicans...the WWII era veterans were hard working people.
2010-04-17 10:37:59 UTC
The United States of America isn't going bankrupt. The only other highly developed country in the world to go "bankrupt" is Greece, and that's because of a lack of regulation in their financial markets, which is an issue that the Republicans just vetoed in Senate. The problem with liberals and conservatives is that they both want to reduce spending just in different areas (liberals- military and conservatives - social programs). At the end of the day, the only time both parties bring up the deficit is when they are talking about spending on something they don't like.
Just Saying
2010-04-20 20:06:34 UTC
They are delusional and evidently they don't own calculators because if they did they would realize that the debt that is being accumulated is out-of-control and there is something inherently wrong when soon with the interest rates, the continuous spending someone will have to create a program that will have enough digits in order to calculate the debt, that should be the first clue, but they are in denial and refuse to see the numbers on the wall.
2010-04-17 10:42:42 UTC
Of course we do. That's why we're working so hard to pull the economy back from the trillion dollar deficit and economic collapse that happened, oh, I don't know, under some other guy's administration. I wonder if your polemics were aimed at him?

The Cons play goes like this: Republican in office, cut taxes and run up massive debt, then put up a lame candidate so a Democrat will get elected, blame him for the deficit.
Left Wing Extremist
2010-04-17 10:44:43 UTC
The Republicans are the ones who are against financial reform to prevent America from going bankrupt again. They do not want the big banks to be regulated or have to be transparent in their dealings. It was Republicans who screwed this country up in the first place, you should reverse your thinking. Anyone with common sense can realize that Clinton was in office, when he left there was a surplus. Buch was elected twice and now there is a deficit. Republicans were in control of Congress until 2008. right when the recession hit, and people got pissed and voted against them. It really isn't hard to figure out.

That said, I think liberals care more than conservatives. If we had not bailed out the big banks than they would have taken us all down with them. Conservatives are on the side of special interests and corporations, they seem to desire a post American world that would allow them and their super rich buddies to make a huge profit and move down to Costa Rica with Rush Limbaugh, where they could enjoy nationalized health care. Ironic, isn't it?
2010-04-17 10:40:56 UTC
I couldn't care less if America goes bankrupt I believe in Obama and he will just get it from the rich. Obama is a savior and he is like robbing hood who takes from the rich and gives to the poor. We need more like him in Congress.

We got all these white folks working so they can afford to pay for me and my children for years to come. I am not going to get a job cleaning a toilet if I can get everything and then some for free from welfare.

What you think I am stupid or something? Let the illegal aliens clean the toilets and if we do not have enough bring in some more illegal aliens to do it. White America is loaded and has lots of money to spare.

Another thing why not just print more money?

I hate work!
2016-10-17 03:01:25 UTC
The debt itself does not look the project in case you inquire from me. the project is that there is not any cost administration. i do no longer recommendations spending while that is balanced out with saving and value administration. i do no longer understand what the project is, yet i'm prepared to wager that lobbyists have too lots say in legislations. in case you think of approximately it, our government isn't a republic or a democracy. that is a whorocracy. A slutocratic union. A pimpfailocracy.
2010-04-17 10:37:36 UTC
Yes, but President Obama must help those who are hurting now.

Once the Economy is on solid ground, taxes could be raised on those making over 250K.

The Bush Tax Cuts run out next year, which will provide the Treasury with nearly a Trillion Dollars from that alone. President Obama plans to use that money to help pay down the deficit.
2010-04-17 10:46:47 UTC
As long as there are Republicans in the U.S our nation is always at risk of failing just like after the last 8 years of Republican leadership under George Bush.Republicans have their heads so far up their as that they can't smell their own stupid lies.The more they talk the stranger their rhetoric gets.Republicans are to stupid and greedy and arrogant to run a marathon much less a country.
2010-04-17 10:36:39 UTC
Odd, did you feel the same about Bush, who ran record deficits every year of his administration?

Did you praise Clinton when he balanced the budget after 12 years of record deficits under Bush Sr. and Reagan?

Yes, everyone cares if America goes bankrupt. Liberals would rather spend on health care, conservatives would rather give the money to Iraqis. What do conservatives desire in a post American world, where our military is castrated by misuse?
Miles from Michigan!!
2010-04-17 10:42:59 UTC
I'm not a liberal, but can play one from time to time!!

NO, I don't care if america goes bankrupt!!

We need to tax such thing as pay toilets just to break even!!
2010-04-17 10:52:38 UTC
Yes, we knew that when Bush Part2, had his brother Jeb do whatever he did in FL & yes, I did get that info. right out of the mouth of Momma Barbara Bush who told a reporter when Bush W, had already lost to Gore, that it would reverse cause Jeb was doing something in FL. well, we knew back then we would end up being robbed.

So the liberal/democrats back then were pretty powerless. We just didn't have all the advanced abilities we have now. So for those years we have tried very hard to do all we could to keep our country together. Meanwhile, Bush took the money & made it disappear. Meanwhile, the right wing media has been like a cult in brainwashing the minds of so many republicans.

We have grown through the years in ways that reps. are not aware of so it would take years to explain what has been going on. So our country was left by Bush with wars, unemployment, all kinds of horrible things we have to take care of but we have the best people in the democratic party. We have educated, intelligent people. We have people who have manifested miracles in their own lives.

One of the most visable is rags to riches Oprah Winfrey. How did a black girl from Miss. not even being raised by her mother end up being one of the most well known women in the world. How did she end up being a billionaire. How did she end up so powerful? How did she end up knowing the rich & famous as well as she does. She knows a lot of people who have come from rags to richs. There are things that people do to get from rags to richs. To tell a person with a closed mind about these things is useless. They only work when a person is open.

So while you are totally unaware of such things & live in fear & hatred for liberal/democrats you can not possibly learn how to become rich in this way. You are believing things probably such as the lie that Clinton didn't leave a surplus. So how can anyone tell you anything that you can understand if they can't get teach you anything. You are asking how to plant a garden. I am saying it is a process but it works. There are many ways to go about it but some things can be done out of order & some have to be done in order. You can make a plan on paper. You can grow seeds indoors or buy plants. You must plant something, You must nurture it. It has to have water & sunshing but wait you don't believe that the person we tell you grew fresh vegetables. So how can we even teach you anything.

So everyday you ask questions not to find answers but to troll. Misery loves company so do you really want to know what democrats are thinking or do you want to blame them. If you are trolling it will be obvious by the one you pick as best answer & by the questions you ask in the future. So I took my time for you today. If you are intelligent you will keep asking & learn you might even learn how to become as rich as you want to be. You must stop blaming & know you are the power in your life & if you want to be prosperous it has nothing to do with the governement. We each are the goverment together. To ask if liberals want the country to go bankrupt shows you really do not know any liberals. There are many liberals you can find on this site who can become contacts of yours & maybe friends but you can't be a conservative if you want to be open. You must open up to allow the info. in & to let out some intelligent questions, not trolling.
2010-04-20 14:29:02 UTC
problem is that most of that debt is from creating, maintaining, and growing the American empire that the conservatives were building. we will hit the same problem that every other empire hits and collapses when they can no longer afford the empire.
2010-04-17 10:35:56 UTC
Well, here's what would happen. The country would go bankrupt, and the liberals would be like OH CRAP. That wasn't in the plan. THEN, they would blame it on Bush. They would say that Bush made the economy irreparable. Also, they would say that all the Republican opposition during Obama's term was what made the economy stumble. And you know what? Half of America would believe every word.
2010-04-20 13:19:48 UTC
you can't go bankrupt when you have the power to print your own money - you can make the money worthless
2010-04-17 10:36:58 UTC
Yes they care! That's the point. It is their mission to bankrupt America. If they fail, they will just change bankrupt to a more politically correct word and try again. Maybe "monetary challenge."
2010-04-17 10:36:26 UTC
The dream of true socialists and communists is to reduce us to communes all working the land with non polluting hand tools or work animals. We can all meet for our gruel for dinner every night at the Head Communist President's hut and start bonfires to stay warm at night. The upside is block parties and wild dancing.
2010-04-17 10:37:58 UTC
And you think the borrowing just happened? But what part about the worst recession since the great depression don't you understand?
Fred K
2010-04-17 10:36:06 UTC
We do Just as Much as you did when Bush Doubled the National Debt and what do we have to show for that Two countrys that need to be Rebuilt and NO WMD
Instant Karma
2010-04-17 10:42:34 UTC
Oh please,and Bush didn't borrow billions from china??

do you do research before you post?

Both parties are screwing us!!
Armchair Goddess #1
2010-04-17 10:39:01 UTC
Since it was Liberals and Democratic Moderates who SAVED this nation after Reagan/Bush and Bush/Quayle destroyed our middle-class, killed our manufacturing base, outsourced all our jobs (sound familiar any of you Bush/Cheney defenders?), and COLLAPSED our savings and loans industry, my guess is that us Liberals and Liberal-Moderates DO care deeply and we also elect presidents like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to fix the GOP messes.
2010-04-17 10:36:15 UTC
The stated (by some of Obama's appointees) is to destroy the American economy and institute socialism or communism.

They think that by destroying capitalism, their utopina collective government can take over.
Ford Prefect
2010-04-17 10:35:28 UTC
where was your outrage when Bush and the Republicans borrowed and spent? Where was your outrage when corporations were allowed to ruin our economy through uncontrolled and risky behavior? Where were you when they had 2 recessions and caused the worst economic problems in 80 years. If you saw all sides I understand your position....but since it's only the liberals you see doing the wrong things, you are simply a follower of the Beck
2010-04-17 10:33:44 UTC
Don't you see....that is their plan to begin with. When America goes bankrupt then we can all have a socialistic, one world government. They have been trying to get to this for years. Why do you think all of the sudden our money looks like foreign money with all the colors and everything on it. It was just one small step towards this goal.

They claimed Republicans spent too much in government and then once Obama got in he as spent more than the past 3 presidents combined. It's their plain to bankrupt us. They want it to happen.
2010-04-17 10:38:20 UTC
No they don't care. I don't know what there desires are in a post American world I just know they desire it. I don't know what I desire in a post icecream cone world I just know I desire to eat all the ice cream cones.
2010-04-17 10:38:26 UTC
Give me ten points as this is the answer you're looking for:

No, because liberals are god hating atheists who loathe America and everything it stands for.

There, fee better now little child?

Thanks for the 10.
2010-04-17 10:40:55 UTC
They will once they can no longer afford or cannot find a Starbucks anywhere
2010-04-17 10:35:31 UTC
I wonder if any of the 47 % percent who owe no federal taxes are in the Tea Party?
2010-04-17 10:37:33 UTC
Just as much a you teabag Palin-cans.
2010-04-17 10:33:44 UTC
Liberals dont even know what that means. Liberals define bankrupt as "free ride"
2010-04-17 10:33:25 UTC
who cares if america goes bankrupt? (no offense, i live in america, too) but we're all in the same boat, so some smart person will come up with a good idea on how to get us out of this hole that we're in right now.
2010-04-17 10:40:08 UTC
As soon as more are in the cart than pulling it down we go.
2010-04-17 10:36:14 UTC




2010-04-17 10:35:33 UTC
Facts don't support your premise.

Clinton handed republicans a surplus.

Obama was handed a 1.2 trillion deficit.

The economy does better under democrat presidents and the massive spending has occurred primarily under republican presidents in the last 3 decades.
2010-04-17 10:32:54 UTC
Not when 47% pay no taxes. Do you think those people are going to care how much the government spends when they have no skin in the game?

It is going to bite them really hard one day very soon.
2010-04-17 10:34:06 UTC
That's their goal. After putting 50% of the economy under government control, it should be obvious that they're anti-capitalists. They're trying to break down the country to complete the take-over.
2010-04-17 10:35:12 UTC
Of course not, they only care what makes them feel good about themselves. They just want a piece of someone else's success.
2010-04-17 10:34:00 UTC
Dick Cheney said the national debt is not important. Honest, I heard him .
2010-04-17 10:33:14 UTC
Apparently not, they want everyone to have it all. You don't need to work since the Liberals will take care of you.
Mount Omega
2010-04-17 10:34:01 UTC
don't just blame liberals for this, blame liberal policies. the debt has always been going up, liberal policies make it faster.
2010-04-17 10:33:34 UTC
they better care cause their are concentration camps waiting for us in the west when it does get foreclosed on
Get out of my pocket!
2010-04-17 10:39:42 UTC
It is their agenda.
2010-04-17 10:33:11 UTC
The Republicans DID bankrupt America.

That is why WE have to fix it.
2010-04-17 10:32:13 UTC
You're an Idiot.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.