Why do Liberals hate George W. Bush so much?
2006-06-24 09:05:44 UTC
Is It because THEY know something WE dont?
27 answers:
2006-06-24 09:13:13 UTC
It's like when you roll a snowball down a mountain, it just gets bigger and bigger. After losing 2 straight elections the demoratic party's hacks were so disillusioned, they went into desparate smear and attack mode on anything G.O.P. Now, with groups like and other left wing propoganda peddlers in overdrive, it has gotten a bit out of control.
2006-06-24 16:30:23 UTC
I think it's safe to say most Americans (true Americans) disagree with most of his actions. The Iraq issue has been a problem for over a decade. It's another Vietnam.

Wars are great for big business, and kill the small business. When the first Gulf war broke out I lost my electronics business, because there were no customers at all. Everyone was hanging on to their money. The second one basically killed my software business, too.

So around my house hate runs deep. But, I don't think we should be in Iraq or Kuwait or anywhere else, for that matter. We should not be paying for their problems. @#$% them.

If our so called leaders would make the big companies like oil companies make alternate fuels (that are also cheaper), we wouldn't have to worry about people cutting off our oil supplies in the first place.

When I say leaders, I'm not just referring to the President, who actually has very little power, but also the congress and senate. Congress apporves all of the money Bush and every other president likes to spend. So if you're looking to aim blame, look at congress. These are a bunch of old-farts and alchoholics that don't have a clue about real life in America. And who told them they can set their own raises? It wasn't the people, I'm sure.

If they really wanted to stop terrorism, they should stop doing it themselves, first. The U.S. has terrorized more countries and poeple in history than all other countries combined. I don't hate America, I'm a true American that loves this country, or at least what it used to stand for.

The last time I remember having a fairly good economy was the Reagan era. Since then inflation has gone through the roof and politics have become a big joke. None of our leaders have done anything to help America. But they sure don't have any problem loaning trillions of dollars to foreign countries (that never pay it back by the way), who later attack us and our way of life. Heck our government even gives them the weapons they use gainst us. How fricken stupid are these old farts in congress?!

Like Clinton says, "it's time for them to go".
2006-06-24 16:18:02 UTC
There are many valid reasons for disliking ( notice I did not say hate) this President. The division in this country is not a good thing.With other administrations, when the election was over the President got down to the business of running the country, Including every opinion. Advisers were consulted, again from both parties. In the end it is the President who makes the final decision. For like Truman said " The buck stops here". However he did not dismiss half (or more) of the people in this country. GWB and his minions have divided us to a point where even dialog is not encouraged. Anyone who does not agree with him has been demonized. That is why. Maybe you need to think instead of just blindly follow any President. We are Americans!! We are supposed to be able to have a dialog, we are supposed to be free to have an opinion. God weeps
2006-06-24 16:43:21 UTC
Bill Clinton spent 8 long hard years tearing down the American Culture, Selling our national assets to other nations, taxing the Mom and Pop small business into ruins while the multi National corporations simply moved their headquarters to third world counties. Bill stripped away many of the tariffs that protected American workers and realigned those taxes on the backs of the American workers.

George Bush has stood in the way of these Liberal goals by not advancing them in a way the liberals had hoped they would have been under the rule of Gore or Kerry and now it will take them even longer to turn America into a third world country and this ticks them off.
2006-06-24 16:36:38 UTC
Because he sounds illiterate, even if he is supposedly not. He inhereted his power, the Bush family is the most prestigeous family in America. He's a fake: he acts all down home 'good ol' boy', when his father and mother don't talk like that, neither do his siblings and again, he comes from one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in america.--don't you get sick seeing him constantly clearing brush from his multi million dollar estate?

He has conflicted interests. His father is involved with oil and very cozy with Middle Eastern countries-=-including Saudi Arabian royalty--their country still executes people in public forums and stones women to death. Cheney and W were both oil executives and the fact that anyone can swallow the excuse for going into any war in the middle east with 'fighting a global war on terror' is a joke.

He was a mediocre student and businessman and partied, snorting coke and drinking--even being arrested-- for as long as he could before daddy found him a few career opportunities.

He didn't exactly WIN the election, he had to rely on the supposedly terrible Supreme Court to put him in his seat.

He was the only president in history to get pelted with eggs while the limo drove him up to his throne.

And did what we all knew he would do: start a war. 9/11 was a perfect excuse for him to "hijack" a cause and go to war. Which basically makes him and his cronies repugnant.

He won the second election because that is the way people are; they stick with the "winner", especially in a time of war, even if they don't fully trust the guy, it's psychology and they know the alternative was not good either.

And now that I think of it. He is full of crap when it comes to his "religion" as well. All his 'changing his ways, seeing the light and I'm a down home prayin' man crap is exactly that CRAP.--playing on peoples sympathy for a repentant soul makes for great Americana support, again, simple psychology and they know it. He is a politician--which inheretly makes him a liar. But he is a dangerous one because he doesn't really seem to care as long as someone else is clueing him in on what to do , what to sign, what to "read"--if he does in fact. He doesn't go according to any inner wisdom, purpose, cause because he doesn't get his information from reflection and the ability to observe. He is a puppet.
2006-06-24 16:07:38 UTC
We don't really hate George. We just don't have a plan of our own so the only thing we can do is blast the opposition.

I know it gets old listening to us b*tch all the time but think of it this way - eventually we will win and then we will stop.

Hey, that could be a campaign promise - Vote for us and we'll stop all the whining.

I need to make a call. Anyone know who's in charge these days?
Rich E
2006-06-24 16:34:28 UTC
I think all they know are key talking points like "failed policies" (the vast majority of Democrats [in house and senate] voted to go to war against Iraq), "bad economy" (the unemployment rate is one Europe would kill for, growth is steady, inflation is at a level that could have even got Jimmy Carter re-elected, all this in spite paying for the war, Katrina, and the hit 911 took on the economy). They hate that someone they think is an idiot that comes from a life of privilege beat them in two elections, but they keep putting bigger idiots from greater privilege against him for elections.

Bush's biggest weapon, everybody thinks he is an idiot. He has gotten more of what he's wanted than Clinton, and Clinton was "brilliant". This drives Democrats crazy since they think they are so smart. They have no plan they only criticize.
2006-06-24 16:12:40 UTC
Um, Liberals aren't the only ones who hate Bush. Many Concervatives do too. Remember he's only got a 28% approval rating, that might give you the first clue. He's a moron, a puppet. He's only gotten as far as he has through his father and Dickie. Without them, he'd be a nothing... which is more appropriate.

He's taken this war too far, he's taken a completely illogical stance on so many issues, too many to even begin to discuss here.

In short, he's dangerous; a stupid man given way too much power who associates with criminals, or at least those with criminal intent to destroy this nation and all it stood for.
Andi Rolf
2006-06-24 16:09:50 UTC
It doesn't take being a liberal to hate George W. Bush.
2006-06-24 16:11:36 UTC
I am not a liberal and I cant stand the man.

The policies that they have are nothing more than schemes to make the rich people richer.

The economy sucks, Jobs are moving over seas faster now than they ever have and we are in a war that we will never get out of.

Its all about big oil and big money screw the bastards that are getting our kids killed for what they push as the good facing the bad.

We all know that its all about oil.
2006-06-24 16:15:13 UTC
Look at what a mess he has made of everything. The money he has spent on the war with Iraq should have been invested in searching out terror cells right here in this country. Also, under his presidency, the rich are getting richer and the poor are turning to lifes of crime. The middle class doesn't exist anymore. I could go on and on, but I will just say: He should never have been elected. He doesn't have what it takes to be president of the U.S.
2006-06-24 16:10:42 UTC
I don't hate George bush even though i think he makes a few stupid decisions but i think the liberals are wooses that they dont want to take it to war. If we dont go in war with iran we might all get killed by a nucular bomb
2006-06-24 16:11:06 UTC
For starters, he started a war based on a lie about WMD. He is doing nothing about hordes of illegal immigrants coming into the country. He is responsible for the highest deficit in our history. He totally bungled the rescue and restoration efforts with Katrina. He has alienated almost all of our allies. We are facing a crisis concerning the environment and he won't take action. Get the picture?
2006-06-24 16:09:44 UTC
I've got some news for you, chief. Not only do liberals hate G-Dub, but so do actual conservatives. The only people that like G-Dubya are the lock-stepping BushBots. BushBots would rape their own mother if GWB told them to.

2006-06-24 16:12:47 UTC
I think you'll find it growing to more than just the liberals. His failed policies, poorly choosen appointments, lack of economic developement, and general lack of organization and planning has turned many die hard Republicans against GW also.
brian 2010
2006-06-24 16:30:17 UTC
It's because Bush has some serious issues with himself!
2006-06-24 16:09:45 UTC
It is not just the liberals anymore. Are you a 29 percenter?
2006-06-24 16:10:04 UTC

Independents and alot of Republicans hate him too. He is a spineless tool of the party campaign contributors - stupid, unethical, and a hypocrite. Zero leadership capability.
The Idealist
2006-06-24 16:25:14 UTC
This is one of the most asked questions. After breading the responses already on here, I guess there's really nothing more to say...
2006-06-24 16:09:01 UTC
hes a complete a$$hole
Richard M
2006-06-24 16:10:55 UTC
It drives them nuts that they lose to someone they feel superior to.
Edward K
2006-06-24 16:10:57 UTC
102,500+ deadin the service of a lie is my guess.
2006-06-24 16:15:14 UTC
i'm liberal and i don't hate him. i'm against some of his policies.
2006-06-24 16:08:14 UTC
i think in general everyone hates him
2006-06-24 16:09:08 UTC
i don't hate him....i don't know him

I HATE his

failed policies and incompetance from him and his appointments.
2006-06-24 16:12:02 UTC
no one like his opponent wining
2006-06-24 16:08:01 UTC
They are just jealous.

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