I think it's safe to say most Americans (true Americans) disagree with most of his actions. The Iraq issue has been a problem for over a decade. It's another Vietnam.
Wars are great for big business, and kill the small business. When the first Gulf war broke out I lost my electronics business, because there were no customers at all. Everyone was hanging on to their money. The second one basically killed my software business, too.
So around my house hate runs deep. But, I don't think we should be in Iraq or Kuwait or anywhere else, for that matter. We should not be paying for their problems. @#$% them.
If our so called leaders would make the big companies like oil companies make alternate fuels (that are also cheaper), we wouldn't have to worry about people cutting off our oil supplies in the first place.
When I say leaders, I'm not just referring to the President, who actually has very little power, but also the congress and senate. Congress apporves all of the money Bush and every other president likes to spend. So if you're looking to aim blame, look at congress. These are a bunch of old-farts and alchoholics that don't have a clue about real life in America. And who told them they can set their own raises? It wasn't the people, I'm sure.
If they really wanted to stop terrorism, they should stop doing it themselves, first. The U.S. has terrorized more countries and poeple in history than all other countries combined. I don't hate America, I'm a true American that loves this country, or at least what it used to stand for.
The last time I remember having a fairly good economy was the Reagan era. Since then inflation has gone through the roof and politics have become a big joke. None of our leaders have done anything to help America. But they sure don't have any problem loaning trillions of dollars to foreign countries (that never pay it back by the way), who later attack us and our way of life. Heck our government even gives them the weapons they use gainst us. How fricken stupid are these old farts in congress?!
Like Clinton says, "it's time for them to go".