2006-10-25 19:40:56 UTC
The Pope - Held himself as an example on how to die with dignity and not compromise morals, principles, and the word of God in order to save his hide with the destruction of life for the sake of science. This was a holy man who through his suffering taught us a lesson that unfortunately most people did not learn. This was a man who literally saved millions of life, not by destroying life, but by living the word of God and spreading it and standing resolute to defend it.
Michae Shake Fox - A man who cared not one bit about this desease until his hide was on the line, and has now stooped so low that he now uses his desease to campaign for politicians that will force the rest of us to pay taxes to support something we clearly don't. This is a man who purposely does not take his medication when being interviewed about the desease or testifying in congress.
Hmmmm, I wonder which one has the moral authority here.