1) Open more Government Jobs to provide work.
2) Re-regulate the banking and big Business policies.
3) Shut Down unnecessary and resourceful government projects.
4) Continue to inspire Americans which is the basic FDR tactic of Great Depression.
5) Aid John Deere in securing their contract with China.
6) Ask China to regulate their foreign markets and quit defrauding the currency.
7) Re-Organize the military in the Middle-East, pull out of Iraq in a year and redeploy half of the Iraq troops to Afghan lands.
8) Increase health benefits for struggling americans.
9) Change the help the homeless actions to his Green Street Projects.
Which is where homeless work in a self-sufficient community where the owner or bonus funds return to Uncle Sam.
Everything Listed is included in his personal agenda, he can't do anything but re-regulate and increase jobs, the market is capitalist and must return on its own. Good news is it will happen in 6-12 months. So all Anti-Obama people quit your bitching, he can't do anything till Jan. and he doesn't have to do much. Bush and Clinton just as Alan Greenspan put it let the economy bubble up and burst. Take an economics class.