I see some one commented on the fact that Clinton fired U.S. attorneys when he came into office. This was not unique to Clinton. Bush did not retain most of the U.S. attorneys that had been appointed by Clinton. Bush 41 did the same, however, this case is not the same. These guys WERE appointed by Bush BUT they were doing their jobs which was to follow the evidence, if there was sufficient, they went after them, if not , they did not. They did their job by seeking justice, not persecution.
As David Iglesias, one of the 9 pointed out, he was called by the republican senator numerous times to indict but he did not because the evidence was not there. Now surprisingly, he had "poor" job performance which led to his firing. This was a crock and Mr. Iglesias was able to prove he had favorable ratings up until this dust up with the Republican Senator.
Now if you notice I said 9, not 8. This is because in the mix there is a long forgotten demotion that took place in the U.S. territory of Guam.
The U.S. attorney there had been opened an investigation into Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay and the Marianas Islands 2 years ago. He went bye bye and the investigation went away.
This is the pattern with the White House, protect the friends at all costs, to hell with justice