How can people believe in communism still, today?
isabel :)
2010-03-31 20:41:24 UTC
how can people enjoy a government in which they have no choice or freedom...i will never understand that.
you are setting yourself up for a harsh life where you have no say in you lives. your pretty much a mindless follower. you take for granted your freedom, in which you can argue your political views. if you were under a government like this you would be killed for stating your opinion..
Sixteen answers:
fill'up space
2010-03-31 21:02:12 UTC
communism is dead, its deader then dead, its...dead. your question is just as relevant if i replace communist with ....vampire. try it . "How can people believe in Vampires still, today?" choice or say in your life....mindless follower...really. your not waking up tomorrow as a commie, or a vampire. "they" aren't taking anything away from you. you just do not grasp the give and take, the compromise of the american political system. go to some other topic that you understand and are not so overly dramatic with your concerns. can't you post about your shoes, purses, nail polish, and make-up ? nobody in america is getting killed because of your fear of communism, or vampires. hey, i am just stating my opinion. and i am still alive.
2010-03-31 20:59:08 UTC
I don't mean to sound overly harsh here but, are you sure you are not a mindless follower as well?

Your statement is very standard of an American who is young, never traveled and believes the narrative of the world the US government preaches.

I am not trying to say Communism is great, but I suspect, like most Americans, you don't really have a solid idea of what it actually is, nor what your country is really all about.

Consider this. Marx (and I paraphrase here) once said that "Capitalists say there is no motivation to work in a Communism because you can't get ahead and it creates laziness. Communists know that in a Capitalism the rich own everything and do nothing while the poor work for scraps all their lives."

Your perception of your own country has been forged by propaganda and misinformation. The USSR was not the best country ever, but there is no such thing. If you do not like the ideals of sharing and prefer the life of naked greed and winner takes all then continue on as you are, but let me share this with you:

America has over 2,000,000 prisoners and 7.3 million people under the control of corrections. That actually makes up for 23.4% of the world's total prison population. 1 in 4 prisoners is an American. Why? Greed. Even the prisoners in the US are for sale these days. Privatizing prisons and using them as a slave work force is the new rage. For me, this is not the type of society I would prefer.

I know I will be attacked for trying to explain the world is not the way America sees it through it's beer goggles, but if you really want to know why people can still see the value of Communism, either go somewhere that has a totalitarian government like the Czars of Russia or just stay in America a few more years.

By the way, Communism is an economic system, not a governmental system. There could by all means be a Democratic Communism if the people wanted which is the way it really needs to come about. Those who support it an get it know that revolution begets revolution. Only an enlightened people can run a proper Communism, not maniacal dictators.
One Cool Marxist
2010-04-01 12:21:04 UTC
What you have described is Totalitarianism. In a Communist society you would have ALMOST INFINITE social freedoms, but with no economic freedoms. In Communism, the people are the governement and the government controls the economy. Additionally, the political model is based on representative democracy, similar to that of the US, but more indepth and bottom-up. There is no social class, and wealth is rendered as of little use as the primary dealership is with commodities and not capital. Additionally, Communism can only be achieved through Capitalism and Socialism (Communism being the ultimate goal). No country that has ever claimed Communism has met these requirements and is therefore not Communist (despite the other obvious reasons).

Yes, that's right, the USSR, China, Korea, Vietnam, none of them were Communist (or even Socialist for that matter). This is usually misunderstood in America because of the Red Scares in the 1910s and after WWII.

In addition, if you read the Constitution of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (not Communist, but had a decent attempt for how wrong they were), many (and more) of the same freedoms guaranteed to Americans were included, such as Freedom of Speech. Only in Totalitarianism and doctrines of the Far Right are these hindered.

In American politics, what you'll mainly deal with is Liberals and Conservatives. Libs aren't remotely Socialist; they strive for a welfare state, while Conservatives opt for a completely laissiez-faire Capitalist economy. Nowhere in the US are Socialists really smiled upon (except for some portions of Massachusetts).

As for my background, I am a high school Sophomore and a Council Communist. I believe in the utmost personal freedom as long as it does not inherently infringe upon the freedoms of others (within reason). I also thoroughly enjoy teaching what Communism actually is to people of my approximate age group.
Diego S
2010-03-31 21:40:51 UTC
Communism that not establish a government where their is no freedom or right to choose, it just states that their has always been a class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Read the "Communist Manifesto" (which can be found free in great quantities on the internet. Its about 80 pages long so you can understand the main principles of the ideology according to its creators.

I do support some ideals of Communism and believe its ideas are still applicable now a days, in the difference where their is not only a class struggle inside countries, but a struggle where "1st world countries" exploit "3rd world countries" for cheaper raw materials and labor forces.

What I do disagree with is the use of force to topple the bourgeoisie government and supplant with a government in the hands of the proletariat. This is a really long and interesting conversation, but I still recommend you read the Manifesto.
General Fear
2010-03-31 20:49:50 UTC
True believers in Communism still believe because they say that the communism that was practiced by the Russians and eastern Europe was not true communism.

I'll never forget when I was on a plane to Cuba, and there were Americans on the plane reading the Daily Worker and praising Cuba.

I learned then and there, politics, like love, is blind.
2010-03-31 20:50:06 UTC
Its people that are uneducated that will walk into it without a second thought. And not to mention all the government aid programs don't help because people start believing that the government owes them something and then become lazy so when someone tries to take over they don't do anything about it so long as it doesn't effect their gov't aid.
2010-03-31 20:46:42 UTC
You obviously never to a government class or philosophy class in your life,

Communism has nothing to do with Killing and absence of freedom,

Look up Marxist thought and all of that, and then you would know what you were talking about, The Communism you are talking about is Bolshevik Russia, and that was a different form of Communism

Communism is a great thought, but it is only a pipe dream, a belief in total equality, it won't work because humans are inherently flawed. Make sure you know what you are talking about before you go blathering on about freedom and Killing.
2016-12-10 13:19:33 UTC
Leftism. even if you call it Fascism, Nazism, Islamo Nazism, Democratic Socialism, Satholic Socialism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism or Communism is a one hundred+ 365 days previous ideology. With the strenght and stress of a clean, severe proselytized evangelical faith. that's adherents are basically as fervent as any new convert to a clean god. that's all plausible. There are 3 ideological values at paintings contained in the international Leftism, American Values, and Islamo Nazism. Islamo-Nazism is contained in the perfect violent level of both forceful new domination or very last gasp attempt to live on hostile to Leftism. American Values is likewise in decline. hostile to the ideology of Leftism that now dominates that's youthful voters and their psychological prophets, mullahs and rabbi's. American Values might want to continually be worked at to live on. because it is a freak coincidence contained in the lengthy nighttime of guy's being held down through the oppression of "betters" Be those oppressors Kings, monks or Leftist Masters. adult adult males fall too actual for they theory they are regularly "Takers" and under no circumstances "builders". finding out to purchase and promoting actual Liberty for Bread, Circuses and consistent warfare on someone to blame.
Yeah, That Just Happened
2010-03-31 20:58:05 UTC
@ Instant Karma: You haven't heard of people that believe in communism in today's world? There are people within shouting distance of our president that admit to being communist. Ever hear of Van Jones? He was appointed by Obama. That's just one example....
2010-03-31 20:44:33 UTC
I remember my teacher (a russian immigrant) telling us stories about waiting in line for hours for one roll of toilet paper that was to last a entire family for one week. Everything was rationed while the oligarchy in command drove around in Mercedes. That is communism.
2010-03-31 20:43:55 UTC
In reality communism is a thing of past there are only handful countries that still have communist rule.Usually when a US conservative calls President Obama a communist only can mean 1 things he/she hasn't finished high school and is into right wing talk radio
2010-03-31 20:49:29 UTC
The liberals are the only ones for it, and they want whatever Obama wants for America.

If he says it is Utopia , they believe him.

They will follow him to hell and back.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
2010-03-31 20:43:19 UTC
The New Testament Book of Acts; Chapter 2:44-46

{All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.}

The New Testament Book of Acts; Chapter 4:32-35 (NIV)

{All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had....There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need.}

The Old Testament warned against supply-side economics.

{He who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and he who gives gifts to the rich--both come to poverty.}- Proverbs 22:16.

Our recent financial collapse fulfilled the OT prophecy. The New Testament methods for correcting the maldistribution of wealth that resulted were implemented. The problem, though, is the NT remedy was started by the Bush administration and his Goldman Sachs Treasury secretary. They determined that Wall Street banks and brokerages were the "anyone as he had need". I don't think that is what Jesus intended, but it is true that the systemic risk (as Marx predicted) was too great to let them all fail.
Open eyes to Joker’s Lies
2010-03-31 20:45:56 UTC
Our youth of today have become complacent, they ignore the older, the wise. they have become accustomed to having everything given to them.

Congress can raise taxes because it can persuade a sizable fraction of the populace that somebody else will pay. – Milton Friedman
2010-03-31 20:48:38 UTC
I haven't heard of a person who believed in communism for years. Where are these people you imagine? North Korea? Cuba?
2010-03-31 20:43:12 UTC
they are usually uneducated and never had to work to earn anything

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.