I don't mean to sound overly harsh here but, are you sure you are not a mindless follower as well?
Your statement is very standard of an American who is young, never traveled and believes the narrative of the world the US government preaches.
I am not trying to say Communism is great, but I suspect, like most Americans, you don't really have a solid idea of what it actually is, nor what your country is really all about.
Consider this. Marx (and I paraphrase here) once said that "Capitalists say there is no motivation to work in a Communism because you can't get ahead and it creates laziness. Communists know that in a Capitalism the rich own everything and do nothing while the poor work for scraps all their lives."
Your perception of your own country has been forged by propaganda and misinformation. The USSR was not the best country ever, but there is no such thing. If you do not like the ideals of sharing and prefer the life of naked greed and winner takes all then continue on as you are, but let me share this with you:
America has over 2,000,000 prisoners and 7.3 million people under the control of corrections. That actually makes up for 23.4% of the world's total prison population. 1 in 4 prisoners is an American. Why? Greed. Even the prisoners in the US are for sale these days. Privatizing prisons and using them as a slave work force is the new rage. For me, this is not the type of society I would prefer.
I know I will be attacked for trying to explain the world is not the way America sees it through it's beer goggles, but if you really want to know why people can still see the value of Communism, either go somewhere that has a totalitarian government like the Czars of Russia or just stay in America a few more years.
By the way, Communism is an economic system, not a governmental system. There could by all means be a Democratic Communism if the people wanted which is the way it really needs to come about. Those who support it an get it know that revolution begets revolution. Only an enlightened people can run a proper Communism, not maniacal dictators.