Are you a veteran? Or an active service member? If not, then your "experience" as a 38 year old woman makes you completely unqualified to render an opinion. Do you also try to tell the brain surgeon how to do HIS job?
To answer your other points: Don't Go To War Without a DAMN Good Reason. Sorry, if liberals aren't as willing as you to throw life away (especially someone else's life) for trivial reasons (and YOU'RE supposed to be the "Pro-Lifers")
We're not FIGHTING terrorists in Iraq; We're MAKING terrorists in Iraq. Would you do any less than the "insurgents" are, if the US was invaded? Or would you just roll over and learn your new conqueror's language? N, we shouldn't be there, we should be in Afghanistan, removing the Taliban completely and arresting Osama bin Laden. The Iraqi people never ONCE asked us to come in and rescue them from Saddam. NOT ONE. The military in Iraq HAVE killed hundreds, if not hundreds of thousands, of non-combatants. The fact that the enemy hides among the civilian population is one of the leading reasons for this, but the fact remains, old women, infants, toddlers (and I'm willing to bet some fetuses were aborted when pregnant women's houses were bombed into rubble) have been killed by US forces. And now it seesm the militar aren't killing enough civillians, we have "above-the-law" private contractors opening up on innocent Iraqis as well. Cindy Sheehan lost everything the day her son died in action in Iraq. The fact that you can justify your vile direspect of his mother because she is against this silly, futile war doesn't make you a hero either. And then to try to exculpate Karl Rove as well? Have you NO conscience? And are you so afraid of the elected PRESIDENT of Iran you can't possibly stand to listen to what he has to say? Are your own beliefs so shallow to you, you fear he could convince you to become a terrorist? Not one of us has ever said America is evil. Only time I ever hear THAT phrase in Yahoo Answers, is when a Con is typing it. Great. You LOVE the troops. How many have you written to personally? How many of them do you regularly correspond with? Have any of those you wrote to regularly been killed in action? Do you now really miss them and miss their letters? Of course, if your answer to the first of these questions is ZERO (which Im betting on) then the rest of the questions are pointless aren't they?
But you LOVE the troops. And have sent how many care packages of treats? How many DVDs? How many magazine subscriptions have you bought for thern? How many other supplies such as cases of drinking water, soaps, shampoos, etc? Merely talking about how you "love" the troops is sad, empty, pale patriotism, not worth the time it took you to write how much you "LOVE" the troops. Have you even gotten together with your neighbors (just the ones who "LOVE" the troops as much as you) and video a big production in the street screaming "THANK YOU" and "WE LOVE YOU" to send to the troops you claim to "LOVE" so much?
On the Republican side, you chose to omit: Send Others off to war but don't go yourself. Borrow money from Communist China to pay for a war which was supposed to last 6 months, and cost the US taxpayer nothing, or, at most, $87 Billion. It's now 4 and a half years later and over a half a TRILLION dollars spent, not to mention almost 4,000 dead soldiers and Marines. Don't find bin Laden but say anyone who disagrees with you "emboldens" the enemy. Elect a man who picks the absolute worst people for government jobs, the only good thing is they always run off before doing TOO much damage. Be against immigration, unless they're mowing MY lawn, cooking MY food or raising MY kids for me. Be more like Leona Helmsley who said, "Taxes are for the little people."
Don't care about Osama bin Laden even though he admits he is responsible for killing almost 3,000 US citizens on Sept 11, 2001. Throw away civil liberties on account of we're so SCARED of terrorists, Dont vote for a woman or a black man, you might upset Saudi Arabia. Call a Deserter during Vietnam a "War President". Listen to BUNCHES of non-veteran Republicans tell you they know how to run a war. Excuse Republican Pedophilia but crucify any Democrat with a consenting adult. Be pro-competition but support the awarding of a multibillion dollar contract (with no competing bids) to a company the VP has stock in. Send the "troops we support" off to war without adequate food, drinking water or body armor. Tell returning wounded veterans, sorry, we'll get to you when we can and cut $2 Billion from the VA's budget. Outsource more jobs then award your CEOs tens of millions in bonuses they didn't earn, while gutting the employee pension funds. Refer to yourselves are uniters, but then claim, "Youre either with us, or against us". Blame the victim. Whatever you do, ALWAYS BLAME THE VICTIM. Send hundreds of billions of dollars to Iraq but tell homeless shelters and public schools (not to mention bridges and levees) in the US there's no money.
I AM a veteran. And I know enough to know you DON'T send America's best and brightest off to die without a DAMN compelling reason, which, we discovered too late, Bush didn't have. If you loved the troops you wouldnt send them off to die so Shell Exxon and Gulf can contiunue to overcharge us for gas and make BILLIONS in windfall profits while also receiving millions in Taxpayer funded subsidies.
How do you sleep at night knowing you call yourself "Pro-Life" but support 3 US soldiers dying everyday, 7 days a week, 365 a year? Will those soldiers' families get a discount on gas next time they fill up from their friendly neighborhood Exxon Valdez, er, I mean filling station? Hell, look at Cindy Sheehan, her son dies in Iraq and right-wingers call her everything but American, John McCain, a former POW who served his country with honor and distinction, and republicans too cowardly to actually serve, have the GALL to call his patriotism into question? To take the qualifications of a man who didn't see fit to finish his OWN military obligation satidfactorily? Who couldn't find North Vietnam on a map?