Is the Republican party the closest thing to organized crime in the history of the U.S. government?
2008-08-06 19:44:31 UTC
Is the Republican party the closest thing to organized crime in the history of the U.S. government?
29 answers:
Joe S
2008-08-06 20:39:04 UTC
While the Republican party might be the closes thing to Organized Crime in the history. The Federal Reserve System is Organize Crime. The Republican Party as well as the Democratic party are frightened to death due to the pure power that the Federal Reserve System has over our Government. Other than Congressman Ron Paul, everyone else is to scared to talk out. Is there no one that stop the pure power of the Federal Reserve System. My best guess, and mind you it's only a guess is "No"
2008-08-06 20:54:17 UTC
Criminal yes, but not organized.
Republican Criminals
Adams, Tom
Adams, Jim
Aiken, Steve
Alishtari, Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali
Allen, Bob
Allen, Claude
Allen, Bill
Alonos, Miram
Anderson, Tom
Ankeney, Randal David
Aragoncillo, Leandro
Atchison, John David R.
Bakker, Jim
Barclay, Bruce
Barnes, Martin G.
Barter, Merrill Robert
Beaird, John
Bena, Parker J.
Beres, Lou
Beverage, Sam
Bird, Calvin
Bland, Wilton Frederick
Blessing, Louis
Bloom, Philip H.
Blundell, Brian
Bobrick, Bill
Boggio, Scott
Botes, Stephan
Boylan, Joe
Brady, Kevin
Brock, Darrell
Broderick, Thomas
Brooks, Howard L.
Brown, Shawn
Bryan, John
Bundy, Ted
Burcham, Tom
Burghoff, Matthew
Burt, John Allen
Butler, John
Cagle, Charles "Chig"
Cappelli, Angelo
Carona, Deborah
Carona, Michael S.
Carpenter, Jared
Carroll, Cherie
Casamento, Ricahard
Casseday, Randall
Childers, W.D.
Childs, Keola
Cianci, Vincent
Clark, Donald Ross
Coan, Kevin
Collins, John J.
Colyandro, John
Condos, James
Constantine, Lee
Cooper, Nathan
Corrigan, Larry
Cortelyou, Scott Eller
Coughlin ,Paul
Coutretsis, Andrea
Craig, Larry
Cramer, Carey Lee
Crawford, Lester
Cunningham, Randy “Duke”
Curtin, John R.
Dasen Sr., Richard A.
Davis, Ronnie
Davison, Pat
DeLay, Tom
Delgaudio, Richard A.
DeShon, Ronnie Gene
Dibble, Peter
Dickens, Joshua
Disponett, Dave
Doolittle, John
Doyle, Dan
Doyle, Victoria
Doyle, Brian J.
Druce, Thomas
Druen, Dan
Elizondo, Nicholas
Ellef ,Peter
Elliott, Matthew Joseph
Ellis, James
Fabian, Alan
Fawell, Scott
Federici, Italia
Fields, Vincent
Fleischman, Donald
Fletcher, Earnie
Floren, Livvy
Flory, Michael
Floyd, Larry Dale
Foggo, Kyle “Dusty”
Fossella, Vito J.
Fox., Galen
Franklin, Larry
Gallagher, Dennis
Gardner, Richard
Garofalo, Dave
Gillin, William
Giordano, Philip
Glavin, Matthew
Gosek, John
Goyette, Richard R.
Graves, David
Grethen, Mark A.
Griles, J. Steven
Groe, Trish
Habay, Jeffrey
Hamilton Jr., John J.
Hansen, Shaun
Harbin, Ben
Harding, Russell
Harris, Mark
Hazlette, Tim
Healy, Chris
Heaton, William
Heldreth, Howard Scott
Hicks, Brian
Hiller, Bradley R.
Hintz, Mike
Hoffman, Debra V.
Holland, Robert
Hooks Sr., Michael
Hopfengardner, Bruce D.
Horsley, Neal
Houchen, Pamela J.
Hughes, J. Marshall
Hurley, Steven M.
Iadanza, Richard
Matricarid, Edmund III
Isenhour, James K.
James, Rayfield
Janklow, Bill
Jensen, Scott
Jones, Jody
Juliano, Richard
Kaelin, Jeffrey
Kauffman, Allen D.
Kelty, Matt
Kerik, Bernie
Kidan, Adam
Kimmerling, Earl "Butch"
King, Lawrence E. "Larry" Jr.
Klaudt, Ted
Kline, Ronald C.
Kohring, Vic
Kontogiannis, Thomas
Kott, Pete
Krusee, Mike
Lambert, James R.
Law, David
Lay ,Michael Aaron
Leonard, Richard
Leung, Katrina
Libby, I. Lewis "Scooter"
Limbaugh, Rush
Linnen, Stephen
Loeper Jr., F. Joseph
Looper, Byran "Low Tax"
Loren-Maltese, Betty
Lukens, Donald "Buz"
Luongo, Gerald J.
Malloy, Patrick G.
Malone, Lance
Martin, Hayes
Mathes Jr., James R.
Matricardi, Edmund III
Matthews, Jon
McCurnin, Joseph
McGee, Charles
McGuire, Patrick Lee
Meadows, Cory
Merla, John
Michael, John
Mixon, Michael
Monteleone Jr., Joseph
Morency, Nicholas
Murgatroyd, Dick
Murphy Jr., Glenn
Nash, James J.
Neal, Rebecca
Newton, Chris
Ney, Bob
Nielsen, Jeffrey
Nighbert, Bill
Nixon Jr., Kenneth E.
Noe, Bernadette
Noe, Thomas
Noonan, Thomas J.
Novak, Lawrence
Nugent, Johnny
O’Grady, Raymond
Oleen, Lana
Owens, Leonard Ray
Palughi, Anthony J.
Parker, Brent
Patti, Jeffrey
Pazuhanich, Mark
Privette, Coy
Prokos, Alexandra
Pugh, Edward
Rader, Dennis L.
Randall, Tom
Randall, Jeffrey Kyle
Rathmann, Rolf
Ravenel, Thomas
Raymond, Allen
Regola, Robert
Renzi, Rick
Rice, Steve
Ringo, Robert R.
RoBold, Warren
Rosen, Steve
Rowland, John
Rudy, Tony
Russell, Beverly
Ryan, George
Safavian, David Hossein
Scanlon, Michael
Scannapieco, Matthew V.
Schepp, Brent
Schofield, Robert T.
Schrenko, Linda
Scott, Randy
Seidensticker, Mark
Shaner, Matt
Shortridge, Tom
Siljander, Mark Deli
Skandalakis, Mitch
Skiles, Paul
Slocum, William
Smeltzer Jr., Fred C.
Smith, Rick
Stanley, Roger “The Hog”
Stillwell, Roger
Stockman, David
Stroupe Jr, Wade
Stumbo, Bobby
Sumrow, Ray
Swartz, David
Symington, Fife
Taff, Adam
Taft, Bob
Tanonaka, Dalton
Tate, Mark
Tebano, Armando
Teele, Arthur
Temple, Merle
Thompson, Joe
Thompson, Donald
Thomson, Gary Russell
Tobin, James
Treffinger, James
Tristano, Michael
Turbyfill, Basil
Van Vleet, Rick D.
Vanderwall, Robin
Velella, Guy J.
Vellanoweth, Robert
Volz, Neil
Wade, Mitchell
Walker, Derek
Warner, Larry
Weissmann, Keith
Weldon ,Terance
Westberg, Craig
Westlake, John E. "Jack"
Westmoreland, Keith
Weyhrauch, Bruce
White, C. Stephen
Wilkes ,Brent
Williams, Robin
Wilson, Bob
Zachares, Mark
Zimmerman, Al
2008-08-06 21:20:43 UTC
If the Republican party is the closest thing to organized crime, I would hate to conclude that the Democrat party is organized crime. All they care about is stealing the money from hard working Americans and we have to sit back and take it until their terms are up.
2016-11-06 02:44:24 UTC
a minimum of, He spent some time with Bwany Fwank, The have been in the basement well being middle. If their have been a preacher, they could have have been given married. huge style fifty seven is already a liar, asserting the guy attacted grew to become right into a conservative. The retard knew He grew to become right into a democrat occasion member. No pun meant with the observe member.
2008-08-06 20:16:20 UTC think organized crime holds that distinction. But the Republicans are a very close second...and I'm sure there is some overlap.
2008-08-06 20:44:17 UTC
That's the best description of the GOP ever, but a direct hit, right on
the button. You should receive a medal of Merit Award.
Many laws applies them, under Ricco, Racketeering Organized Criminals.
2008-08-06 20:17:57 UTC
The Republicans gave me an offer I can't refuse..., it's to vote for a Democrat in the next election.
2008-08-06 19:49:27 UTC
No, I think it's safe to say that ACTUAL organized crime, is closer than the republican party.
I'm not a republican, but don't paint them all with such a wide brush. I disagree with McCain, so I'm not gonna vote for him. Why does it have to be a smear fest?
2008-08-06 20:09:24 UTC
No. Look no further than the Clinton Crime Family for that.
Robinson Cruz
2008-08-06 19:50:19 UTC
Nah. They are a partisan political party, just like the Democrats. What voters need to decide is whether they like this partisan stuff that accomplishes nothing, or whether they want government to do something. Your choice, voters.
2008-08-06 19:53:55 UTC
No actually the democrat party is. They love trying to steal elections with hanging chads and getting dead people to vote.
2008-08-06 20:04:23 UTC
You are confused sir...the Dem's are the criminals. Does the madwomen Pelosi ring a bell?
Bob O
2008-08-06 20:07:00 UTC
No source or link needed. YES!!
2008-08-06 19:54:24 UTC
The Democrat party is probably a shade closer!
2008-08-06 19:53:20 UTC
That's rich coming from a Democrat.
Forget War Buy More
2008-08-06 19:48:02 UTC
No, but the Neoconservative movement forgot about Ethics long ago.
2008-08-06 19:51:23 UTC
Like there aren't any crooks in the Democrat party.
You can't bash one because the other is also guilty.
2008-08-06 19:50:13 UTC
No, that would have been the Wilson administration.
2008-08-07 19:57:15 UTC
well i uhh i guess uh
2008-08-06 19:48:52 UTC
Neocons are. Not sure about Republicans;-p
God Bless
2008-08-06 19:57:38 UTC
Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black. Don't ya think?
2008-08-06 19:51:32 UTC
This question was brought to you by the DNC (in case nobody figured that out).
2008-08-06 19:50:36 UTC
Both the Demcrats and Republicans qualify for that definition.