What are your thoughts on the Labor Party leadership change and where do you see them in the future?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What are your thoughts on the Labor Party leadership change and where do you see them in the future?
291 answers:
2010-06-24 02:00:19 UTC
This change in leadership has been bad in the fact that it was brought on by the media and mining bosses who crippled Kevin Rudd's reputation. Since when did they think they could run the country and force the government into a leadership change because they THINK the Australian people want it? I loved the idea of the mining tax but now I'm worried it may not go ahead now that Kevin Rudd is out of he PM role. I felt sad when he said his speech and watching the images of him sitting on the back bench today. I agree with Tony Abbott "It is no way for a prime minister to go." and only after less then a term in office. Julia Gillard just stabbed him in the back. Politics is defiantly a brutal game.
2010-06-24 01:02:00 UTC
I agree(as do most ((now ex-))labor supporters I know) wholeheartedly with Annette(and now everyone else who has answered who agree with Annette's thoughts!). Julia. Knife. Kevin's back. How can the people of Australia not see it as this? If this happened in anyone else's occupation it would be seen as ''bullying'' and ''unfair''. It is as simple as that.

And I disagree with the ''we choose the party, not the person leading it'' jargon. Ummm...This is the reason why we didn't vote Liberal to continue on. Did anyone like that Turnbull??? I sure as hell didn't, and I am not a fan of Tony Abbot for that matter.

Not that any of this matters. Had Julia done this the right way and through an election, I am damn sure no one would be feeling the way they do. But instead she knew she wasn't going to get the support she needed from the public so did it the coward's way. You can give me all the reasons in the world why she didn't just say NO, I don't give a toss. I don't vote for unloyal, hipocritical bimbos like that, and that's exactly what she is. How can you put your trust and faith into someone who has blatanly done this???????

Hahaha, I do have to say, though, she had better watch her back. Who's to say Wayne Swann isn't going to do the same thing to her?

Within her speech addressed to our Nation she is all about ''community census this, I will consult our citizens with that, yadda yadda yadda''. I ask you all now, where TF was the ''community census'' to her taking Mr. Rudd's place? When TF did she consult the rest of us about taking control??!!!? She dodged every question in relation to what she disagreed with Mr. Rudd about(climate change, asylum seekers and the like), and if I heard right, she actually still agreed with every damn thing Mr. Rudd had been seeing to...SO WTF DID SHE HAVE TO STEAL HIS JOB AWAY FROM HIM?????????????????? Why did she not just try to council him around to her way of thinking(being 2IC and all)?????

I must say, I applaud Tony Abbot's little speel today during the question session, about how a mid-night knock on the door and political execution thereafter is NO way to do things, NO matter who the person is, NO matter who is involved. And THIS will be almost THE main reason Australian Labor supporters are feeling cheated and jaded. We WERE NOT consulted(so really, makes you think, what else isn't she going to consult us about?!?!).

Where do I see the Labor Party heading? No where. I hope she enjoys her very few weeks, that's all that she's going to get, and I highly doubt we will see Labor back in for a fair while after this. I'm voting the Fishing Party(Or the Greens, or we all get The Sex Party in, now there's a party we know will win!!!!!!!!). BRING ON THE ELECTIONS(truly, if she was that confident, she would have it in the 7 weeks when it was first planned rather then later, if she is sooo confident of what she's doing).

P.S I really think Mr. Rudd shouldn't have stood down, and let it go to the votes, at least that would have made her face up to what she has done. IT IS NOT ANYTHING EXCEPT FOR THE WAY SHE DID IT. UNAUSTRALIAN.

''Policies'' don't mean crap unless they are carried out by strong enough team. You're thinking doesn't make sense to me...If the party is too occupied doing this sort of crud then no policies will be persued, the cat just keeps chasing it's tail. That really is passing the buck, in it's truest form!

Seriously, having someone who could do this to their ''team'' makes the party one very shaky and unstable group, incapable of thinking collectively and for the best of this nation. So of course you vote for a leader, you vote for the one you think is going to be the strongest to lead the team...Unless there is a flaw in my reasoning...

*Itchiban, I too agree with you on the fact that it's excellent she's our first female pm, but it's her nasty tactics and the way she went about it that makes me(and you, obviously, and most of our nation) feel that she has now proven herself untrustworthy(that and the fact that we had no say whatsoever-She gave us no choice!).

Maybe we should all make our own political party, without the politics!!!!
2010-06-23 20:23:44 UTC
I seriously don't understand what people are saying here. Yes, you vote for a party, but you KNOW who's up for the job of PM, therefore you are actually voting to get a specific person in, are you not?

I am disgusted by what has taken place these last 24 hours. I don't know what will happen to the ALP after this, but I for one am inclined to have a serious think before voting for them again (if indeed I ever do). I don't like Tony Abbott either....

I applaud Kevin Rudd for the fine job he did before he was ousted.
2010-06-24 02:34:22 UTC
Ms "I'm more likely to play full forward for the 'dogs" Gillard has shown her true colours. Loyalty is obviously fleeting. She claims she won't be a puppet to the masters that engineered her victory. Even she isn't that naive. She'll dance to their tune or she'll follow Kev into ignominy on the back benches.

As for the rest of her team, watch for Wayne Swan... he's seen how a deputy is supposed to treat their boss.

Her personality might be good enough to scrape a win at the election but if they can't trust each other how on earth can we, the voters, trust them.
Gordon M
2010-06-24 02:32:56 UTC
Julia has just stabbed Rudd in the back no doubt. Her policies are no different to Kevins, therefore what is she going to do any different? Anything different now on the ETS or mining tax is a backflip and Labor will be judged on that. Labor has just lost a lot of supporters and I for one am going to watch with great intrest what they do from here before I decide who to vote for.
2010-06-24 05:55:11 UTC
We now have an unelected PM. I personally believe that the whole labour party is responsible for the failings of the government, not just K Rudd. This appears to be an underhanded effort to raise their poll ratings by sacrificing our elected leader. To be absolutely fair, Rudd did his best with a poor hand from day one of his election considering the GFC, and stood by his ministers despite their substandard performance. It is a shame the labour government as a whole has not the moral fortitude and endurance to stand by their (and our) elected leader who God forbid, tried to tax the rich. I will not vote for a disloyal government who forsakes their own and it's a shame Ruddy wasn't a National. By the by, I do not know of anyone who has been involved in any of the opinion polls concerning Rudd. Where do they come from? Who is paying the media to report these results?
2010-06-24 03:49:47 UTC
This is an awful thing. Kevin Rudd was elected by Australia people, not by Labor party. Labor party changed Kevin Rudd's role without the involvement of Australia people. This is totally unacceptable and is also the disrespect to Australia people. The transition of PM is not just a matter of Labor party.
2010-06-24 02:04:09 UTC
When I voted I voted labor because Kevin Rudd was leading it - id met him i liked him and he won my vote. I didnt vote for Julia Gillard, she may be a good leader but now for me at least she is tarnished and I will not be voting for her or labor in the next election. I seriously cannot understand how on earth our people elected PM can be ousted in the middle of a term ... what the hell does my vote count for if this can happen... why bother voting at all!!!!!
2010-06-24 04:43:33 UTC
I can see no future for the Australian Labor Party. I have always voted labor but after this assassination of the prime minister I will never vote Labor again.
2010-06-23 20:34:33 UTC
Big mistake. As much as I like Julia they should have let Kevin ride the storm and come out at the other end. Labor Party now looks bad switching PM's mid term. I have always been a Labor supporter but this swith worries me.
2010-06-23 17:57:20 UTC
Australia did not elect Kevin Rudd, they elected the Labor Party. As with the Liberal Party, leadership is decided by the elected members and senators, not by the voters.

This seems to be something people just don't understand. When voting, you're voting for your local member, a State/Territory senator, and a party - not the leadership.

Personally, I believe anyone who thinks they're voting for a particular leader, rather than the policies of a given party, is pretty stupid. Leaders come and go at the whim of the party, but it's the policies which make the party.
tired tax payer
2010-06-26 11:19:33 UTC
I predicted Julia Gillard would do this long before Kevin Rudd was even elected. It was and is obvious that she is power hungry. Don't be fooled by that smug sickly sweet smile. Don't be fooled by the well executed speeches she makes. As a member of the Labor Party, her policies will be no different to Rudd's or any other leader the Labor Party chooses. The truth is, they are all responsible for the crippling debt this country is now in. Julia states she believes they (LABOR) have been a good government - that says it all.

The Mining Industry already pays billions of dollars in Royalties every year. The mines are usually in very remote areas. no roads, no rail, no housing, no infrastructure - who do you think implements these things. Certainly not the government. The mining industry has created huge employment growth, not only on the mines but in areas that service mining. Mining has created so much work that we do not have the people to cover all the jobs available. The Labor Government should look at the big picture and see that the unemployment queue is shorter. That would be too easy - all they see is dollar signs and want a bigger piece of the pie. So they introduce a so called Super Profits Tax. Banks make a fortune ripping off Australian families, why are they not charged a Super Profits Tax??

Julia Gillard stands proudly and announces to one and all that she wants to work alongside the families of this nation. The families that work hard. The families that set their alarms early. The same families that are taxed to the hilt under a Labor Government. The same families that can never get ahead with a Labor Government. WHY - because Labor waste tax payer dollars, the country is always in debt, Taxes are always increased somewhere to help pay their debts and the hard working families ultimately pay for it. The same hard working Families Julia Gillard is trying to fool.

I would never vote Labor. And I would never vote for any party whose preferences went to Labor. I hope Julia Gillard calls an early election and she falls flat on her face just as she made Kevin Rudd do. How underhanded can a person be?
2010-06-26 05:04:54 UTC
It is not just the Labor Party

A HUGE question arises whether we are a Democracy or not, the controllers of our country exposed themselves in this case.

That which the media presents and argues shapes public opinion and voting , such as the emphasis on a female PM , pushing the adulation, regardless of the seamy scummy facts, under the carpet, pretty smiles, we love you rah rah. Come in sucker

Looking back we can now see a pattern Whitlam came to power thanks to the Media as it was becoming obvious Vietnam was a lost cause, there would be a major financial impact, there was , the war had to be paid for. Libs were voted out , money had to be spent by the government. The problem was they encouraged and backed new startup enterprises which weren't whinging about being prevented from export or innovation by the unions. Not allowed, nor was decentralization allowed.

Once the dirty work was done get rid of them and enter the Libs with an unblemished financial record.

Then when Global problems were looming again, the media put Labor back in, same story save the bacon , but at a cost. Then media put libs in with a clean record, note the pattern each time.

The media slant deposed the Libs this time, the problems behind the GFC were known , the maturation and timing were known, The Super Contribution match supposedly introduced to reward those who done it hard, as if they could put $1 Mill into their super, but the rich ones who hadn't done it hard could. But it provided a solid stable support for the stock market.

Reality how many Billions to support the stock market of taxpayer money.

Rudd had the job to save our economy from what the Libs and media knew was coming. The Libs had no answers and knew decisive action and buckets of money would be needed to save the economy. They knew they couldn't do it, besides with more media manipulation the mugs will forget the reasons and once again label Labor as wastrels and Libs as good money managers.

The Money and Business powers in the Miners who rape and strip the land of its assets then leave a wasteland for profit, why think they treat the nation any different, it is the way they think. Negotiation, huh never, Palmer and Forrest said it, If Rudd tried to negotiate, 5-10 years of getting nowhere by which time super profits are gone as all those new mines all over the world, many fully or part owned by China start replacing our output, and the miners are starting to do it tough and wanting taxpayer handouts

Like the gangsters and other crime groups setting an example, the prime minister was destroyed, the point was made. In future the politicians will ask How High? when told to jump. PM included.. Of course the media is doing the big whitewash of theirs and the miners actions and the poor mugs will believe them.

You can fool all of the people some of the time, some all the time, but you cant fool all the people all the time.

Is Democracy finished, the people and their votes meaningless. ?
2010-06-26 00:20:25 UTC
I am absolutly disgusted that a group of scheming individuals seem to think that they have the right to oust an elected Prime Minister. I appears that there are a handfull of snakes in the field who have jumped ship to feather their own nests. I wish that I could vote in their electorates and I would definately vote them out especially Wayne Swan and Julia Gillard. How dare they do this, Rudd was not losing the numbers, and isn't it about supporting the leader and changing the policies if they do not work, not removing the leader and keep the policies that don't work, if they didn't work for Rudd then why would the same polices work for Gillard and Swan, mark my words Swan has a real role to play in this mess, what has happend to the principles and morals of supporting your leader, I voted for Kevin Rudd not a wranger. I have been a labor voter all of my life I have supported my 21 family members in their voting for the Labor party, but not any more, we will all be voting for Tony Abbot who we do not like but at least he and his party showed compassion for an ousted Australian Prime Minister. I do not know what will happen with the party but it is not the party I once treasured, suggestion maybe Kevin Rudd could start up a new and valuable and needed party, I am sure he would get many voters to follow him. I voted for a person who was born here in Australia not a 10 pound Pom who was not even born in this country, my guess is that n the union guy from the Tassie mining accident will be the next on the ladder to oust the wranger, the games they play at the expense of the Australian people.
2010-06-25 22:11:09 UTC
There is no change in the direction that the Labor party is heading. The idea that you can solve a problem by throwing money at it seems to be firmly fixed in their minds.Kevin Rudd was made a scapegoat for their failings. It should be remembered that the new P.M. and her Deputy were part of the "Gang of Four" responsible for the events of the last two and a half years

Will things change or will they continue down the same path? Who is going to pay for the reckless spending that has gone on and the waste that has taken place? Can the Union bosses, past and present, change their attitudes? Can the Labor Party Leopard change its spots? Unfortunately for Australia that doesn't seem likely.

The Prime Minister is adept at evading questions that would show her in a less than favourable light. Bring on the Election and allow the people of Australia, not the Union bosses, to decide who will be the Prime Minister.
2010-06-25 18:37:17 UTC
I have voted Labor all my life, but I wont at the next election. The political assasination of Kevin Rudd is the most dispicable act I have ever seen. The people of Australia should be disgusted by this act. A redhead and a woman? Who cares? Take those two things out of the equation and all thats left is a grossly obscene, treacherous act. Kevin Rudd, I believe, had done a very credible job in a short time. There is no way I will vote for a party that treats any person in this manner, let alone a duly elected first term Prime Minister! Factional Leaders? Who are they? and why are they removing the Prime Minister that we the people have elected? Gillard has been at Rudd's side all the way, she has been involved in all these descisions that he was supposedly removed for, so why didnt they get rid of her too? Dont forget that the Liberals(in the Senate)have blocked key components of Rudd's plans for Australia's future for no reason other than Political gain! Politics in this country are a horrible mess. We the people who vote these people in are lied to and kept in the dark while these henchmen(factional leaders etc) call all the shots! We need a complete overhaul of the political process in this country. More accountability, more public consultation!
wise one
2010-06-25 01:36:12 UTC
The Labor Party is playing the politics game now and that game is to try and win the next election. As the polls show a swing to the Liberals, Kevin's neck was put on the chopping block. A new leader gives the(the labor Party) a chance to amend or change some of the unpopular decisions made. They are hoping that a new face in the leadership role will help to win back some of the lost affection. All political parties do this sort of thing. The Liberals didn't actually do this, but, in hindsight, I bet they wish they had as they lost the last election.

Personally, I was won over by Kevin Rudd. My first impression was that he was a wimpy nerd, but I soon saw that he is an intelligent, articulate man who, I believe, had the courage of his convictions. I think he initiated some very good reforms -even though there were some problems with their implementation. I would have liked Kevin Rudd to lead the Labor Party to the election. I think Julia Gillard is also an intelligent, articulate woman and I hope she has the fortitude to lead a political party. I think she can.
2010-06-26 08:51:06 UTC
It is quite a shocker. Nobody voted for Julia Gillard, and she's just a pawn to those faceless faction leaders in the Labor Right. Also, by his own admission, former leader Mark Latham said Julia herself is not loved by all members of the ALP - Jenny Macklin, Anthony Albanese and Wayne Swan disliked her. Whether his comments were true or not, it is very damaging for the Labor Party to be involved with this kind of factionalism. The public doesn't like it, even though Julia is more personable and approachable compared to Kevin Rudd. And now Lindsay Tanner has resigned in the middle of all this. It is so very damaging for the Labor Party, and this should not have happened at such a critical time.

I reckoned that, with the election held this year, this Government will be voted out and Tony Abbott will be the new Prime Minister. The best thing that can happen to Federal Labor is that the Gillard Government gets voted in, but they will lose a lot of seats and win only by a very small margin.

Regardless of which of these two outcomes, the Greens will definitely pick up a lot of seats similar to the way the Liberal Democrats did in the UK, and they will become a significant Third Party.
2010-06-26 03:30:30 UTC
Julia Gillard has not performed yet. We can't predict her future.She thinks she is bringing the Labor Party to the so called "right track" (?) - but what is the right track? How & when it's going to be done?

Kevin Rudd has been an impressive Prime Minister in the past, regardless what the media reported about him. He is an extremely hard working PM who has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the country and always have Australian people's interest in his heart. Australian people will always grateful to him. May God always bless him.

Despite some politicians are blowing trumpets for the new PM, the future of the Labor Party doesn't look very promising because: (1) Public confident to the new PM; (2) The manner of her risen to the position; (3) The so called "right track" mentioned by the new PM hasn't been exhibited.
2010-06-26 00:27:53 UTC
The labor party is not run for the people of Australia, but rather for the trade union movementt its leaders and the so called elected party members. The dumping of Kevin Rudd was politically motivated to save the scalps of their party politicians, so much for loyalty there is not any in the labor party, the end justifies the means.

In my opinion it is only a cosmetic change, whilst I think Ms Gillard is a smart, intelligent woman, but opportunistic and power hungry. The question remains how will she change the labor party remains to be seen , there is an old saying" the proof of the pudding is in its eating".

In my opinion the labor party is trying to kid the electorate that they are changing, but like the leopard it cannot change its spots and to think their right wing has got into bed with a left wing leader what next? Maybe a special deal with the Greens to cover up their back flip on the ETS!!

Julia Gillard was part of Kevin Rudd's decision making team AND IT SHOWS TO ME THE LABOR PARTY DDO NOTKNOW HOW TO MANAGE CHANGE OR , PROGRAMS.

As a reforming government maybe they tried to do to much all at once AND DID DO ANYTHING RIGHT, so did not cControlthe management of their reforms very well, hence the various back flips.

I say let's hope the vast majority of Australians are not fooled by the cosmetic changes labor has made and that when the federal election is called and is carried out the labor party will be sent back again into the wilderness.


Tony Brown

I voted for Kevin Rudd as I thought John Howard's work place reforms were out of touch with the opinions of ordinary Australians.
2010-06-24 22:18:38 UTC
The people of this nation voted for Kevin Rudd not Gillian Gillard for Prime Minister, the labour Party will lose the next election because of there disloyality to Kevin Rudd.

The Prime Minister of the day did the right thing for Australia when he announced the Tax on the miners,

What people need to understand is that many of the resource companies operating in Australia are owned

by multi- national companies from overseas, so if australia does not get a fair deal from the resources that these companies are exploiting then every Australian will suffer for it.

Deals are made and people are mislead by the propaganda that comes through the media.
2010-06-24 14:58:26 UTC
I am not an australian but a permanent resident of Australia. I could see the demise of kevin Rudd starting from the housing insulation issue when many young peoples lives were lost. Then the Asylum seekers issue and again the back flip on the ETS and the last straw was the mining tax policy.

It is a known fact according to the saying that goes like this "I am remembered only for the bad things I do than the good things I do" Kevin has done many good things in the two years service as the Prime Minister of Australia and i believe credit should be accorded where it is due. It was only the few last decisions that turn the polls against the labor Party of caused his fall from favour.

Now Julia was a close confidente of Kevin in the last two years. It is a known that she was one of the four people in the inner circle of kevin during his time where he discusses political and economical issues with them first hand before any one else in Federal Government Parliament. Julia would have gone through the thick and thin of kevins Political and economical isssues that affect the Nation of Australia. Julia needs to reste a new mine set in tackling issues that affect the nations populatiion rather than the one she was clouded with when she was working under the sahdows of Kevin Rudd.

Having said I would like to say that, for the good of the Labor Party Julia needs to do some radical changes regarding issues like the assylum seekers, the ETS and most impportantly the mining tax law. Labor will gain the confidence of the regional Australia if Julia and her team make some very radical changes to the super profit tax issue against the mining compnies. I beleive the regional areas holds more power in swinging the voting numbers in the next general election.

Labor will need to visit all regional australia to gain more support in the next coming weeks and months. If labor fails to gain support in the regional areas, especially in Queensland and Western Australia, I dont see much hope of the Labor government returning after this coming general elections. The liberal will win. But if liberal wins, Tony Abott will not be one to make a good prime Minister. Some one else should be the prime Minister and not Tony Abott.
Oz Robbo
2010-06-26 04:59:52 UTC
As I said to someone the other day -

"Don't let em fool ya - it's no different with Julia"

Julia Gillard was part of each and every decision that went wrong for Kevin Rudd.

She was part of the "Kitchen Cabinet", the 'Gang of Four' - Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Lindsay Tanner and Wayne Swann.

It will make absolutely no difference if Julia Gillard or Kevin Rudd is Prime Minister - it will still be the same old problems because it is the same old party machine at the wheel - the Aust Labor Party.
2010-06-25 21:09:52 UTC
I think it's naive to believe that the leader of a political party does not influence the direction of that party's governance. While I think it's a shame that Kevin Rudd didn't get to finish out his first term as PM, I do believe Julia Gillard will make a great Labor leader, and I hope that this change in leadership will at the very least stop Tony Abbott from winning the next election. How anyone could want this baboon as PM is beyond me.
2010-06-25 20:08:26 UTC
kevin 07 could have become kevin would have been a very close result indeed with labor being returned with a reduced majority.he may have just made it across the line with a razor thin margin.but the senate vote would be a more favourable result for labor meaning that legislation could be passed more easily

he did make a couple of mistakes, but they were made without any deliberate intent or malice.the mining tax was wrongly would have long term damaging results to the national economy, not at this current moment in time but in the future.the mining companies do not pay fuel taxes like the rest of us have there is some room to make adjustments to the method in which the miners are taxed.

the national apology should not have eventuated in the first a matter of principle if a prime minister is deeply concerned about a personal moral issue then it should have been a private matter.if mr.rudd felt that it was an issue that had a profound affect on him as an individual then he should have made a personal apology outside of work hours in his own personal residence.he did not have the right to apologise on behalf of all australians to all aboriginals.because that is inclusive of those members of the race 'living' in the prisons as a manner of lifestyle.the sitting members of parliament from all parts of australia had to go back to their electorates and explain to to the general public the reason for the apology.and nobody had been consulted in depth prior to the apology statement.and what did the apology achieve?absolutely nothing.actually race relations along with race based crime, violence,bad attitudes plus an ever growing contempt towards the aboriginal community.this current situation is the same or worse than during the years of the howard government.

kevin rudd was [and still will be] a career diplomat.that was reflected in his approach to the increasing problem that is becoming a looming crisis concerning boat people. this issue was clear cut.the tamils started the civil war in sri lanka and instigated a conflict that ruined the that country and sent it backwards.then the tamils lost, so australia which was not involved in the war should not 'carry the can'.also paying a 'smuggler' to enter australia illegally is a crimminal conspiracy under the federal crimes act, and should be treated in that manner.

'choy sun doa', australia rode on the dragon's tail of the booming chinese economy[and still does].this in part was due to the excellent relationship nutured by the mandarin chinese speaking mr.rudd.kevin 737? well in hindsight he did do a lot of travelling whilst in office when more attention should have been used on the home front.

i did dearly desire the kevin rudd victory in 2007.if the conservatives had remained in power they would have kept going even further to the far right.that would have eventually resulted in anarchy or even civil the moment the conservative opposition only wants to continue with the same doctrine from 2007.they have an entrenched impression that the tap was turned off during the last federal election and it should be turned on again.a god given right to rule from the moral high ground of the neo right,but how wrong they are.

i did only ever meet kevin rudd once in person.although it was only for a very short few words to him were 'you are much taller than i thought you were' his reply was 'i have always been five foot eleven'.so now mr.rudd will will always remain 5 foot 11 but he will not become kevin 11 as anticipated."but he will be back one day, mark my words".
2010-06-25 08:00:06 UTC
The ALP under Kevin Rudd would almost certainly have lost the next election. Julia Gillard is a much more learned, well respected, strong willed politician and should turn out to be a competant and natural leader. She seems more likely to exercise directive control rather than dictate terms and micro manage ministers as Rudd did. If she can fix the faults in the proposed mining tax, she will quite likely lead the ALP to victory late this year. I expect her to be far more transparent and honest than Rudd and not rely on spin to confuse Australians. She seems to have created some fear in Tony Abbott already. He would have been confident in challenging Rudd to a battle of wits, but is much less sure about taking Gillard on. With the right cabinet selections, she could govern for a further two or three terms.
2010-06-24 23:37:34 UTC
I think Labor has lost it's way. It has become a self ego driven party that no longer looks after the average Australian citizen. It no longer listens.

As Ms Gillard was in on all the policy making, how is it going to change?

I think some of Labor's policies are great. What they have done to health, education, the old age pension to name a few is great. Even the mining tax is a good idea if perhaps not as well presented as it could have been. It's a shame that the mining sector has obviously got to you.

A few bad polls and you all s--t yourselves, (again self serving). Actually the polls were starting to come back to Labor, if you bothered to look and listen.

Everyone I have spoken to agrees with the SPMT.

Your asylum policy SUCKS! My parents came here as LEGAL refugees in the 1950's and only got their accommodations. They had to work to get money. Now the ILLEGALS come here, get 5 star accommodation, more money than an old age pensioner (who have paid taxes all their lives), computers etc, you name it and still have the hide to complain. Don't bring them onto the mainland, they will never get off now. They should be flown home and the boats burned. It would be far cheaper to do that than spend the billions you are now.

The same goes for the illegal fishing boats that steal from our waters and then are allowed to spend time in jail (better than their accommodation at home) and fly home. What a joke. no wonder they come here in droves.

Your product import policy is also unbelievable. I can't believe you're allowing the importation of Chinese apples. Minister for Agriculture, Tony Burke cannot stand by and allow this flawed process to continue unchanged.

Our country does not have the pest problems of other countries and your opening up Pandora's box. The white winged suzuki fly, Chinese fruit fly, and fire blight to name a few. Haven't we damaged our environment enough?

Ms Gillard contrary to your spiel was NOT ELECTED, she was put there by party buffoons who have nothing but their self serving interests in mind and don't give a damn about how the Australian public voted. We have been treated with total contempt and democracy has suffered!!!

Unless you start listening to the general public and respecting them as being the people who elected the incumbent, you will lose the next election. Call it Karma, for the backstabbing.

I will probably be voting for Don Key at the next election!
2010-06-24 17:34:03 UTC
Politics is a cut throat game but the australian labor party has taken it to a new level. As a previous answer stated when we cast our vote we not only vote for the party but many do so because we believe the leader will do a good job and as a result it is also a vote for the leader. It is understandable to change a leader who has been there for a few terms and a fresh face is needed to present the message the party wants to get across to the public( as it should have happened with John Howard). But, to get rid of Rudd before his first term is over when he is still polling higher than the opposition is stupid.

It just goes to show how the labor party is controlled by a couple of factional leaders and still under the thumb of the unions. So when we cast our vote for labor we are actually giving the power to the faceless power brokers and unions. These people don't have the same scrutiny and disclosure requirements elected parliamentarian's are placed under. It would be interesting to analise and place these people under the same scrutiny, then, we will find out who really pays their pay check and why this execution was orchestrated.
Marianna S
2010-06-26 20:44:11 UTC
Whether it is Kevin Rudd or Julia Gillard as prime minister makes no difference.

They both belongs to the same party and responsible for all the success and failure of the party's policy.

The way the party internal politics demands no respect in the way it was carried out by puling a knife out to stab your own colleagues. It is a party's apparent mistakes but no one appears to accept it.

Leadership challenge should be done openly and fairly for all voters to get an insight into.

It concerns most voters to know that a party should operates more humanly.

A leader who knifed another leader raises some concern.

It literary means that the voters can be knifed too!!!!!

A well staple Govertment reflects a good Govt.

A troubled Govt is not very healthy for the Country in the near future.
Ex-Tassie Police Officer
2010-06-26 01:46:37 UTC
The labor party is renowned for assassinating its leader. I think that confidence is an issue for all Australians to consider with this Labor party. The old adage of living by the sword will surely be death by the same means. Labor is too dangerous when power is being distributed by very influential business people through union camouflage. Regardless of gender, Gillard is not right for leader, but unfortunately Abbott is not an inspiration even if he had a modern-day Costello.

An early and rushed election orchestrated by Gillard would probably be a mistake. I have no doubt that the voting mind will take some time to come to terms with political assassination for position. If Gillard rolls the dice then she and the Labor party will have to go by the numbers.
2010-06-25 22:54:38 UTC
It does not matter who the leader is! As long as he/She can do the job probably !

If we all look at Julia past. like:

"After Labor's defeat at the 2001 election, Gillard was elected to the Shadow Cabinet with the portfolio of Population and Immigration under the then Opposition leader Simon Crean.

In 2003 Julia Gillard was promoted to the Health portfolio in an opposition front bench reshuffle.

After a three-year stint as opposition health spokeswoman, where Tony Abbott was her direct opponent, Ms Gillard was elected unopposed as opposition deputy leader in 2006.

After Kevin Rudd's 2007 election victory, Gillard was appointed Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations and Education Minister, leading to her being dubbed the "minister for everything".

Gillard has been credited for putting an end to Australian workplace agreements under the former Coalition government's WorkChoices laws, however she has also faced criticism over the Rudd Government's Building the Education Revolution schools building program, with allegations that contractors were seriously overcharging schools for work done and that some projects were wasteful and unnecessary.

Directing the Government's introduction of the My School website, Gillard dealt with criticism from many teachers and principals who said it failed to give an accurate indication of schools' performances."

What do you reckon ? I hope and wish Julia can bring Australia bright !
2010-06-25 21:16:48 UTC
Firstly, there is no such thing as an election for the position of Prime Minister. Australians elect representatives, who choose a leader. Nor is it unprecedented for an incumbent Prime Minister to be dumped by his party. Party leaders are dumped with such monotonous regularity it's almost routine. As to Ms Gillard: she is intelligent, articulate, has a sense of humour (I suspect Mr Rudd found his in an old Beano Annual) and excellent self control. She is an impressive parliamentary performer and certainly presents as a better PM. But I thought so before the last election and the Labor Party disagreed. Ms Gillard will be better at letting people do their jobs and far better at negotiating with interest groups.There will no doubt be policy adjustments, reflecting the more consultative approach she is likely to take, but no substantive changes. I look forward to more efficient government.
2010-06-25 00:11:07 UTC
I think it is an insult to the Australian people by the Australian Labor party to change a democratically elected Prime Minister of Australia. The Australian people voted for the Australian Labor party with Kevin Rudd as the leader at the last election. When they cast their vote the Australian people knew who would be the next Prime Minister of Australia. Only the Australian people should have the right to reverse their decision and change the Government and the Prime Minister of Australia.

This decision shows that members of the Australian Labor party are loyal to their party first and to the Australian people second when they forced the Prime Minister of Australia to resign.

I see the Australian Labor party paying the ultimate price for their decision to change the Prime Minister of Australia at the next Australian federal election.
2010-06-24 22:08:32 UTC
Julia Gillard + Wayne Swan walking arrogantly like two peacocks down the corridors of Parliament just after they and those hardheads had chopped Rudd into pieces. They were both as culpable as Rudd for some of the failed policies - insulation and education infrastructure to name two and they were "all in" on the mining tax. She will make a swerve on mining and now has the opportunity to look real good.

I hope she gets slaughtered in the election and remember we DO NOT elect the PM - that's half the problem. It's left to the party and the yobbo powerbrokers. Some system of selection!!! Joe public of course thinks it is electing the PM but all it gets is a chance to express opinion through wobbly polls.

Labour Party looks headed for dominance by the unions again - Gillard doesn't have balls.
Peter M
2010-06-24 20:21:26 UTC
Firstly, the people of Australia elected the ALP to govern and the party appointed the team of Rudd and Gillard as the leadership partnership. If Rudd had been an ACT representative I would have had second thoughts about supporting him.

Mr Rudd, was too autocratic and failed to bring everyone into the fold preferring to take the running on everything. This led to the instability, poor decisions, and knee jerk cash injections without ensuring appropriate governance was in place.

Ms Gillard a staunch ally of Mr Rudd was put in an in enviable position and made the tough decision to take over the leadership of the government. As an ALP rank and file member I commend Julia on her brave decision and believe she has the vision and the leadership that was lost in the recent past.

I feel that given unbiased media coverage she will take the ALP to victory in the rapidly approaching federal election. Given that the Lib/NP do not have any creditable substance to provide a viable alternative.

Chef davide
2010-06-24 17:01:01 UTC
A Ruddy Murder.The Gillard Story.

Australia’s first default female prime Minister Ms Julia Gillard has nothing to offer when compared to the forcibly ousted Kevin Rudd. Unknown leading entities within the mining industry Indirectly launched a personal attack on Mr Rudd , resulting in the demise of a very good Prime Minster. Julia Gillard will simply negotiate with the mining industry a tax increase of perhaps 2 or 3 % instead of the previously non negotiable demand increase of 10%, in where such a tax will not come into force for years in advance. Ms Gillard will then announce (soon) a hollow victory just to lay claim that “She has fixed the whole matter “ up. in where she will simply state that the final outcome still resulted in a tax rise. In fact the mining industry does not want to pay any more Tax at all, now provide the impute that very small gains will prevail.

But in reality what has the intervention of Gillard produce ? Nothing.

In the long term any (if? ) trivial increase will represent nothing more than a token annoyance to mining magnates with mineral resources especially products like Iron ore likely reaching USD$ 200 per MT FOB within 6 months, resulting in lining the pockets of mining executives and its shareholders even more. The Mining industry claims to employ directly and indirectly 35000 Australians In fact they employ millions of Chinese as well who turn such is exported iron ore into steel and sell such back to us often in the form of inferior value added products -

There should not be be a mining super tax, but instead a penalty applied to the mining industry for ensuring that so many Australian are not employed , while so many Chinese are. I like to see how they would argue against such.

The mining industry is about making great wealth with the fewest of workers- and come no where near other industries based not just in Australia but the rest of the world. The hospitality industry in this country employs 3.5 Million people and they pay tax through their nose -tax on everything, now gives further insight in understanding that Australian have been duped on two fronts.

Mr Rudd was personally attacked - an attack funded and launched by the mining industry indirectly via its unions, and Australians have lost a good Leader.

Rats leaving a sinking ship , many will still drown-

Everyone speaks of team work . Ostensibly there is not such thing as “team work “ without a leader- A leader creates the very environment for team work to exist- therefore the grounds of which “team work” even exists depends heavily of the leader leading the group. Take away any good leader , you’ll end up with only harbouring nothing more than rogue team. Australian Parliament is full of disloyal rogues- the only question now needs answering is “Who paid 30 pieces of Silver”

If I were Kevin Rudd , I would run again and also create history by being relocated. I would then clean the rats out of of the cabinet.

Davide G.A.Papa

CEO FTN Exporting Australia
2010-06-24 15:34:33 UTC
The statement above is inaccurate. In australian politics, the people DO NOT vote for the Prime Minister. We vote for members of political parties, Zifir understands this, and so hando250 and anyone else doesn't understand our system to argue we voted for Kevin Rudd. The political party endorses its leader as PM, just as Julia Gillard was anointed to take over the leadership....did you or anyone else vote for Julia? Think very carefully in the next election. I'm a Liberal voter and can still say Kevin is a fine man: maybe not the best person to lead Australia, but why would you vote for political leaders who will treat their leader in such a disgraceful manner!
2010-06-26 22:13:03 UTC
I'm all for the shift in leaders and am quite happy that we have a female PM, a change and a new direction towards the future is what we need, I do really hope that Australia gives Miss Gillard a chance to show what she can do. She was doing a great job while Mr Rudd was over sea's and shown she is a strong woman and able to handle the top seat, so come on Australia lets keep Miss Gillard in as PM lets show we have faith in what she is all about......You have my vote.....Go Girl....

Dawn W
2010-06-26 19:45:53 UTC
As Julia Gillard has already been sworn in as Prime Minister I wish to comment on her "Australia should not be large" policy. OK, yes, Sydney is full to brimming, but population control is not the answer! I had been thinking for several years now that the population should be moved into country areas and jobs created to support the local area to keep people from having to move back to the city. Yes, the cost of water supply would probably rise because it may have to be brought in to certain areas, but costs like housing, electricity through solar power would cost less after initial installation and with government assistance it could work. What is needed is policies to encourage people to move out into dryer areas and work created to support the populations in those areas. Julia Gillard needs to look at these options and not control the population as it goes against life. Australia is a vast country and desert cities should be the thing of the future to relieve the pressure on the coastal cities and areas. Employment could be created in areas such as sustainable living resources in these areas and with the increase of population in these areas would increase the number of jobs available within each local community. The big savings would be in travelling costs for residents which would offset any extra costs in transporting water to the area.

Why don't the politicians of all sides consider this option for Australia's future. I am sure it may be hard in the beginning, but I feel sure that once the plan is up and running, it will be better for Australia in the long run. It is then not about population control, it is about moving the population out of the coastal areas.
2010-06-25 22:05:48 UTC
It is clear that who has orchestrated this coup. That is the mining magnates, right wing party factions, union heavy weights, and the media. Kevin Rudd said in 2007 he would govern for all - clearly this approach to governance was not acceptable to those whose agendas were more important. Yes, he took them all on and lost - but he has exposed that democracy is far from well and alive in Australia - it is sick to the core. Juliard Gillard was given an opportunity or an out to save her own political hide due to the education wroughts, and avoid any scrutiny hence the early election. Both sides of politics accept that not allowing Kevin Rudd to complete his first term, and history shows = that this is poor form. What really hurts is the rhetoric of being in the national interest and that labour had lost its way - this is nonsense. As mentioned above Kevin Rudd did the right thing - and was crushed by the elites in society. Australia has lost one of its brightest minds in Kevin Rudd - a person who really did try to make good on his pre election promises but was subjected to the most biased reporting - the likes of which have never been witnessed. This is the 2010 dismissal and it is the result of a concerted effort of the elitist sections in our society. I feel guttted and cheated by what has occured and have lost all faith in our political system. We as a country have reached a new low. The miners will pay a tax - and it will be diluted - the health policy will be completed - and the new broadband will be rolled out - and Australia will commit to a carbon tax to address climate change - and all the while it was Kevin Rudd who brought them all to the table. This sham this shameful act has put Australia back years and we may never recover - because Kevin Rudds talents will never be realised. Why is it Australia is afraid of new ideas and those talented few who take a more visionary approach to governance. We will remain mired in our ignorance and corruption unless major reforms occur to our so-called democracy. One could see that with the new Chinese investments in mining and the new deals signed up to by the mining magnates that Kevin Rudd was right. We also know that there was never a back down on climate change so do not try and argue rubbish. We also know that Kevin Rudd did govern for all and gave his all - a sad day indeed one that dwarfs the 1975 dismissal and one that we will pay for - for years to come. I hope you greedy few are satisfied.
2010-06-24 22:30:07 UTC
I feel the labour party needs to focus on its integrity at the first place, if it has to push through with its policies. I can understand that we vote for a party, but we also vote keeping in mind a certain leader to lead it. We trust that the party will support the leader and stay integrated to be able to achieve bigger cause than waste its precious time changing leaders. Its not true Mr. Rudd has failed. It’s the failure of Labour party. Mr Rudd doesn’t make a decision as an individual. He makes it with the party’s support. Ms Gillard is a great leader too, but we felt the same about Mr. Rudd sometime back and he was the face of Labour when they won the election. Didn’t take the party too long to dump him when there was a strong opposition to labour’s policies. You can’t guarantee this will not happen again. It’s the party that fails and not an Individual who is the PM. For labour to stay strong, it has to be united firstly and then stand by its leader through good and bad times. This is for the elected Labour members who shifted their support from Mr.Rudd to Ms.Gillard ----- Put yourself in their shoes, and see what comes your way. I am sure you will feel he heat……….
2010-06-26 16:58:37 UTC
I believe when I say, I speak for the millions of Australians that we should walk on to parliament house in protest and demand to have our democratically elected prime minister mr. K. Rudd reinstated! It's sad to say the least and it's something not to be proud off, that this will always be edged in history of how Australia got it's first female prime minister by mutiny and it can never be erased. The world is watching the Australian people are speaking louder then ever, we don't live in the dark ages, minority rule is popping it's ugly head once again. I same as Mr. K. Rudd speak for women's rights, but I'm afraid our female G.G and Premiers are selling our states over sea's, but ms. J Gillard you did the worst you have sold our country out! so Ms J Gillard do it for yourself, do it for those honourable Australian women and most important do it for our Nation and do the right thing and step down and let the People elect you when it's your turn!
2010-06-26 06:45:27 UTC
It was the only direction the Government could take.

Kevin could not explain or sell the Mining Tax to the ordinary person in the street even though it was a good and "just" tax. This left the party in disarray - Kevin couldn't do a black flipp on the Tax so in steps a new leader who can change the Government's previous position without losing credibilty.

So for the future watch this space:

1. The mining Tax will be greatly reduce - 20% max could even go as low as 15%

2. Boat people won't be tolerated - a return to the Howard days or close there too

3. Schools will be left untouched - too far into the building program to let it slide now.
2010-06-26 05:55:03 UTC
The appointment of Australia's first female Prime Minister should have been a momentous and proud occasion, not achieved via the back door with knife in hand!!!!!

This is nothing more than a gloss over by the Labour party to divert attention from the string of disastrous decisions & policies that they are in trouble for now......many of which Julia Gillard was AN INTRICATE PART OF!!! Now we are supposed to believe that things have changed???

In my opinion, the Labour party power brokers that were responsible for instigating Julia's act of treachery have deeply insulted the Australian voters intelligence by assuming it would blind us to this government's serious flaws......though there are always those who can't see past the smoke and mirrors.

That's exactly how Kevin Rudd was elected in the first place!!
2010-06-25 23:45:34 UTC
It's the policies that count not the front-person. Rudd was euphorically heralded as the Messiah of a Labour victory and was the most popular PM ever. What happened? Where were his inner circle of colleagues? He was the rich Uncle dispensing money to be loved and to be applauded. Wrong, dead wrong. Not well thought out policies. Gillard is the new Messiah but the bad policies remain.

By the way, Rudd should have quit politics. He looks pathetic on the back bench. It's a red card Kev. Get off the field!
2010-06-25 22:21:23 UTC
What's wrong with people that believe that you are only voting in your local area, these votes too count towards the person that the people believed was going to lead the country. In my opinion, I think that Kevin Rudd was harshly done by, and he, and the rest of the country deserves better. Julia Gillard one day may have received my vote when the time came that we had a change of Government, but now (as much as I dislike Tony Abbott) the Labour party will never get my vote!!

I hope that Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan (who looks like he has a hand shoved up him) lose their local seat next election!!
2010-06-25 21:20:48 UTC
This is not the way to treat our Prime Minister Rudd, as he was elected by the Australian people and he won by landslide victory, he did so many good things for us, now the Labour Party pushed him of the cliff, because they no longer need him, he has been used for their own gain Australian People are no fools. Do not treat them like idiots This is the biggest mistake Labour Party has ever made. Australan People want to see our Prime Minister Rudd to lead Australia to the next election.

The Labour Party Will certainly lose the next election without Kevin Rudd. He did not voluntarily step down he had no choice. His disloyal colleagues ousted him.
2010-06-25 17:29:41 UTC
Firstly I am a swinging voter, not a member of either party I vote for what is best in my opinion. Labout has problems, Rudd should have been outed by the people wh voted him in at an election, I agree with the comments made by Abbott, Rudd did some good and like all pollies some back not all his fault, but perhaps his arrogance and autocratic nature was his downfall, Gillard she will have to prove herself not only as a leader but a genuine PM, I really do not think she has it, to agree to do what she did to Rudd does not show an compasion or leadership, just a bloodless coup, heaven help Labour.
2010-06-24 19:01:01 UTC
Yes we elected the Labor Party fair enough, under the understanding that was going to be lead by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. I never voted for Julia and "NEVER WILL" the way it was handled was a disgrace to the Labor party and to the Australian people.

Look what she done to her Leader can only imagine what she is going to do to the Australian people. They say Rudd was to Blame but I am sure the entire party was behind the decisions or did he wake up one morning and say I am going to change this and that.

Labor has lost a great Prime Minister and my vote.
2010-06-24 06:12:16 UTC
I totally agree with Kiri, Janizz28, Annetter Chapman, hendo250, Shell, Gordon M, Coolbean, Cheryl and many others who agreed that even though the election party is to vote for the party but most people actually vote for the person who will lead the party. Moreover, it is really disgusted to the fact that the people in their own party have betrayed their leader just because they are worrying that their party will not be voted in the next election.

To be fair with Kevin Rudd, Kevin deserves to serve the full term as the prime minister and then the people of Australia can then decide whether to vote for him and the party again based on the contribution. It's really disgusted that they party has kicked Kevin out before full term. Again to be fair with Kevin, he didn't really do any damage to Australia and instead he has helped Australia to go through the rough time of financial crisis and have done a brilliant job. Why can't labor party support him through his whole term and trust his leadership. I strongly believe if Kevin Rudd was not the leader of Labor during the last election, Labor would not have won the election.

After this PM switching before full term incident, I have no faith in Labor party anymore since the party itself doesn't have faith in their own leader. This PM switching is really not right and disappointed. I think all Australian should stand up and tell the government that this is not right! Give Kevin a chance to serve full term and prove that he is a great leader! It's really sad that Kevin was doing his best and contributed to the Australia people but the party has kicked him out due to worry and for crime that he hasn't committed and hasn't given him a chance at all.

All Australian with belief in royalty, please voice out!!!!!!
2010-06-24 06:05:42 UTC
I think the Labor Party betrayed Kevin Rudd, who was elected by the nation as Prime Minister. The brutal media, they suddenly have the power to influence the government as well now, by pinning this "Julia Gillard is a better Prime Minister" attitude. I don't think the polls were accurate anyway, the public seemed to have loved Kevin Rudd as Prime Minister, and I think they would have re elected him if the government had given him time (he didn't even complete his first term in office).

In a way, Julia Gillard used her position as Deputy Prime Minister, which was given to her in good faith, to her own political advantage. She should've advised Kevin Rudd during his term (with the mining tax), stuck by him and been loyal to him like Costello was to Howard, instead of taking over this way. But ultimately, I think that Julia Gillard is good for the party, as she's a better communicator and will get some good policies out for Australians. Kevin Rudd did a lot for the country with education, recession, health, indigenous people, etc, so I think Labor is in a good position now and for the future.
2010-06-24 05:31:46 UTC
Yes, we choose a party but we also choose the person who lead the party, the Labor party put Kevin Rudd up as the leader of Labor party, n he did manage to charm a lot of ppl into voting for Labor and win the election.

Suddenly Labor turned against him n replace him with Julia Gillard( another puppet), what does it say about the party??!! If they are all busy trying to backstabbed each other , do you think they have time to build up Australia??!!

I don't mind a female PM, just not a backstabber PM. I wonder how long she will last before she got stood down by another backstabber. It is a bit of the MIss Universe contest, promote world peace n you get voted in.

I think we should stick to what has worked and a party that is loyal, like State of Origin, Qld stick to the same team and won 5 years in a row and NSW keep changing the team n lost. What does that shows?Only a party that stay together will build a country up.

It just goes to show, money talks , kevin rudd walks!
2015-10-16 08:37:39 UTC
I voted for Kevin Rudd not a wranger. I have been a labor voter all of my life I have supported my 21 family members in their voting for the Labor party, but not any more, we will all be voting for Tony Abbot who we do not like but at least he and his party showed compassion for an ousted Australian Prime Minister. I do not know what will happen with the party but it is not the party I once treasured, suggestion maybe Kevin Rudd could start up a new and valuable and needed party, I am sure he would get many voters to follow him. I voted for a person who was born here in Australia not a 10 pound Pom who was not even born in this country, my guess is that n the union guy from the Tassie mining accident will be the next on the ladder to oust the wranger, the games they play at the expense of the Australian people.
2010-06-26 16:35:03 UTC
I will clear one thing up before I go on : and this is to you Zafir - Australia elected the ALP under the leadership of Mr Kevin Rudd - not Julia Gillard. So you really have to get your brain in gear before putting pen to paper.

I have been a Labor voter for many years - since Paul Keating days .... however, after this latest shennanigan - I will NOT be voting Labor in - and especially not under the leadership of Julia Gillarg - looking back over old footage of a younger JG where she fought tooth & nail and used the "factions" ( the Union heavy weights) to get her places - and then as Deputy assured us she was all for KR and would never oppose him and all the other examples of her loyalty - well - the factions have once again come to her aid and put her in to leadership position. You cannot trust her - or Swann (KR's school buddy).

This will go down as a black day in the history of Australian politics - the Assassination of a Prime Minister - indeed a DAY OF INFAMY.

I only hope we don't see her hairdresser move into the Lodge as well and perhaps she could get somebody to work on her non existent top lip and do a job on her two front teeth as well.

The world has looked on in horror at Australia.

Yes, she may come in for a term. The Libs power will also shift as people are really afraid in a way of Abbott, B Bishop, J Bishop and J Hockey to some degree - too much of the old party there to be voted in. I will move my vote too - and make sure it does not go to a preference for the ALP - they have lost many supporters as they show a lack of loyalty - and are too controlled by the UNIONS - these union heavy weights have put women into power in Qld, NSW and now Australia.

I am not impressed with the 1st woman PM for Australia - I come from a country who had a most able woman PM in power until her assassination - and of course there was M Thatcher and Mrs Bandharanaike of the then Ceylon.
2010-06-26 00:50:39 UTC
I hear people saying that it was the mining industry that brought Rudd down and this maybe so in a small way but be realistic and look at all his failings which truly brought him down, including his own people that manipulated things to get rid of him and get Gillard in. This was purely a party power play which Gillard was behind right from the start and helped to manipulate thngs so she looked sweet to the naieve voters. Remember her having more chance of playing as a forward for an AFL team but when it came to the last minute assasination of Kevin, she was right there at the front to grab the reins with both hands and a big smile of accomplishment. Do you really think it was a accident that she stuffed the education porfolio up so much and yet Kevin put "HIS" neck on the chopping block for her. Gillad and her cronies are nothing but manipulating pack of back stabbers and the mining tax issue by Kevin only gave them the catalyst to assassinate him for the sake of their own personal power. Shame on them and dont ever expect my vote ever again because how can voters trust you or your murdering team ever again for what you have done and how you went about carrying it out.
2010-06-25 22:40:12 UTC
i think the labor party will lose its position among the Australian people. as the ex prime minister Kevin Rudd said " he was elected by the Australian public, not by the party", it was not a good way to remove an elected prime minister. I think it is the insult of Australian people who love Kevin Rudd. as he said that all the decisions in his regime were not made by himself all alone instead that were the party decisions.

in my point of view Kevin Rudd is on of the best leaders in the world. he kept Australia safe when the whole world was experiencing the shocks of economic recession. Australia was the only country in the world who didn't experience the destructions of this recession. People might have not yet forgotten the last years tax time when he announced the bonus of $900 for every person who paid even a single dollar as tax.

Kevin Rudd is being blamed for the scandal in insulation scheme but i think it is not his failure. it was a very positive approach for the future of Australia.

I belong to Pakistan and i just have been here in Australia for only an year but since my arrival here i have been a great fan of Kevin Rudd. he is really a role model for the young generation.

2010-06-25 07:54:54 UTC
I am disgusted in the labor party back stabbers. Kevin Rudd was elected by the people to govern. Julia Gillard was not. Now we have a Prime Minister coming into power without being elected. why not, they think the Australian people are to stupid to think. The mining oil companies have won. Corparations govern this country and make decisions. Congratulations to the Labor Party. Now stupid people, not all will be voting a back stabbing Julian Gillard. If she does Govern. I didnt agree with Kevin Rudds policies and I didnt vote for him. I feel sorry for what they did to a man who believed in what he did. If you didnt like him then vote in the next election, its called democracy.

Governments are to serve us. Julia has a nice big smile on her face, how happy she looks.
2010-06-25 05:38:40 UTC
I feel sorry for Kevin Rudd, but then again he banged the nails in his own coffin by his poor choice in deputy PM's and the Governor General. I know that he was going for the female vote, but he took it too far. Gillard seems to me to be a back stabbing power monger who has her own agenda. I think that many males will not be voting Labor at the next election, as Gillard is very obviously anti-male. I also think that the distrust between men and women will now grow in Australia and Gillard will be responsible for an escalating gender war and marriage rates will plummet to all time lows.

I have no problem with a female PM as I am more interested in what she will do. I can however see a lot of similarities between her and how Thatcher used to be, even though politically, they are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Both are uncompromising, but think that they are doing good.

I voted Labor at the last election. I will now vote Liberal.
2010-06-25 04:31:12 UTC
Poor Kevin. Stabbed in the back by his most loyal deputy or that's what she claimed to be anyway. The people of this country have been given a last minute notice that this was to occur. The people of this country aren't dumb. We should have the right to vote for the person to be our PM. This sucks big time!!

There's not many PMs on this planet who can speak Chinese as a second language and I think it's great that he can. Where to for Labor from here?? Down hill I'd say. A lot of their policies have failed esp the ETS and the Ceiling Insulation Rebate. With Gillard around, it's the same ship but a different captain.

Federal Labor and State Labor are EXACTLY the same. Both parties stabbed their leader in the back and both leaders are foreign born. Foreign born leaders DON'T deserve to lead. Most important of all they are both puppets controlled by unions to get what they (the unions) want.
2010-06-25 03:07:44 UTC
Mining Companies now own the Labor Party. Corrupt dirty bastards have used their billions to change the course and leadership of the Government to their advantage. The mining bastards have won the day. What's wrong with the 40% Super Profits Tax? Nothing. Sad day for Oz. The Lizard Lady is such a two-headed snake. Blah! Blah! Blah! There's no way I am challenging for the leadership. Horse manure I say. I feel so sorry for Kevin Rudd. This is not the way we should treat anyone, what more a Prime Minister. The Labor Party and Lizard Lady are worst than animals. At least animals take care of their own. The election of Lizard Lady is sooo undemocratic. People voted for the Labor Party because of Kevin Rudd and his policies. If you actually look at Lizard Lady's face, it has all the traits of dishonesty and a touch of a villian's look. As for the LABOR PARTY....Phew! Phew! Phew!....Now go and wipe the spit of you face. Bunch of stupid fools.
2010-06-24 21:42:14 UTC
The Labour party could have shot itself in the foot. I think it has thrown it,s credibility out the window. We now have a prime minister that we didn,t vote for. As other people have stated in this forum, we vote for a party not a person and anyone that does is very misguided indeed.

I think that the Labour party will send itself into political oblivion again at least for the next 5 to ten years. The party is run by faceless union leaders and that is a very bad thing.

For those people that think voting Green is the answer and on one hand I agree with them, I would love to vote Green myself. Just remember that those preferences go straight to the Labor party.

I didn't vote Labor and I never would. I always new it would end in tears. Gone are the days of the Really Gutsy politician and in some ways no mater which side of the fence they sit, they all have their snouts in the sam trough.
2010-06-26 00:55:13 UTC
I think the Labour party has come to a all time low, because of the way they treated the Prime Minister Mr. Rudd, he and his party was elected by the people of Australia and not by the party political hacks. Ms. Gillard although bright, Intelligent and very ambitious, she follows the left and right faction and will definately be their puppet. If the labour party have lost their way it is because they treat the people as idiots, and lets not forget Ms. Gillard was part of the kitchen cabinet, so why she now says the decisions were not her's only Keven Rudd's, what a load of baloney, the ship is the same only the deck chairs have moved. I think Labour has lost there way and heaven help us voters. Di
2010-06-27 08:37:17 UTC
The leadership is nothing much to do with the gender or popularity within its party. It is about a person who has a vision, a representative that presents what the whole party's spirit. A PM is a person who has the vision, not just to continue what has been done and tried, not just to keep the peace with the price of our nation's future and the that of our next generations and the planet, but to make a difference. A PM like that should be supported and advised, but not stabbed at the back while he lays his trust upon his party during his hard work. Nobody is perfect or makes perfect choices all the time. Whatever goes wrong is the whole team to blame. Kevin Rudd did not speak for himself. He spoke on behalf of the team. Dumping the blame onto Mr Rudd in a very undignified way and holding a crown on top of your own freshly coloured red hair is not the role model we need to represent our nation. I don't think any Australian, or well educated Australian, would trust someone like that to seek the best of our nation's interest. If that is the way to treat your PM or team leader, then we can expect nothing as nobody.

Julia Gillard has totally breached the rule of playing fair game in a civilised society. A thousand words of explanation will not give way to her unacceptable behaviour. Unfortunately, no publicity is bad publicity. Cameras focus on what's the best sell but not the best do. That is the misleading nature of media. However, human beings, been though millions of years of transformation, are at the plateau of modern civilisation. We should have been equipped with the sense of shame towards what happened on the 24th of June 2010.

"GO GIRL!" "It's about the time to have a female one" after all these DOG FIGHTS in the 21st century is the joke of the century for such a beautiful developed country---Australia. How could some people feel proud of what Gillard has done? And you wander why some feels no big deal to steal or rob.
2010-06-26 21:39:02 UTC
the Labor party was elected using high profile faces who virtually knew nothing about running a country this includes Rudd,Rudd never voluntarily stood he was forced to step down that is the cutthroat ways of this party does anybody expect Gillard to state that she was going to run the same policies as Rudd no she will call early election on the high of a new leader,she will con you with a lot of lies by saying she will be different and if she wins the election she will only revert back to the past 3 yrs and it will be too late for us to do anything, be very careful with your vote when the election is called and remember a vote for the Greens is a vote for Labor by stealth
2010-06-26 00:00:24 UTC
Gillard has been a leading player in every lousy decision made by the labour government since the last election.Stabbing Kevin Rudd in the back further confirms what a cold hearted communist she is.She is prepared to do anything and say anything to achieve her goal. Julia along with her bunch of labour and union mates is also buggering small business in Australia and as the year rolls on unemployment in this sector will become a disaster. If you have a job in small business dont fall for her lies in this quicky election designed to suck you in before you get to know her
2010-06-25 20:48:39 UTC
This change has shown that Federal Labour are in the same mind set as the NSW Labour, change leaders when this start to get hard, new face. It worked in NSW so far. But this is the whole country and I hope they (the people) are awake up to this sight of hand. I call this a bloodless coupe, but only for the Labour Party, we (my family) take this very seriously, because it shows how the Labour thinks it can manipulate a persons vote so simply as a change in leader will Fix the problem, it is a lot more entrenched in it own inner workings, unions leaders, power brokers, etc. And remember Mr Rudd is in the same social bracket as a lot of other Millionairs with the earings he and his wife received from there businesses when the other party was in.
2010-06-25 16:16:48 UTC
A few facts about MS Gillard -

The Communist Party of Australia reformed as the Socialist Forum in 1984. Julia Gillard became a member and signatory for them writing much of their extreme promotional literature

The Socialist Forum was designed to channel Communists into the Labour Party and was absorbed by the Fabian Society in 2002 and MS Gillard was still a member of it. She never resigned and is also a member of the Fabian Society

She presented a paper to the Fabian Society as late as 2007 called "How to be a Socialist Teacher"

With a brutal totalitarian Communist such as China becoming a future threat in the region, we would be crazy to vote in a Communist as leader of our country

However we have not been given a choice.

We must choose at the next election.
2010-06-25 05:48:07 UTC
This saga does not augur well for the brand of politics practiced in Australia. None of this appears to be in the interest of Australians rather in the interest of the main political players.

So much is being made of Gillard being the first female PM. Sounds much like some Asian countries that practice racial politics. I would hope that the leaders of this country are not elected or put in positions of authority purely on the basis of their gender but rather on merit.

Now we can see why Rudd did not consult with many of them. They couldn't be trusted.

I am appalled by this "unkindest cut of all" All said and done I believe Rudd is as honest a politician as you will ever find. Perhaps a bit naive.
2010-06-25 01:04:23 UTC
It was a political assassination by everybody involved particularly the mastermind of it and the new Prime Minister. Kevin Rudd's fortunes improved by at least 6%. over the Liberals and were still improving when he was dumped. The people were getting sick of the Mining Council advertising. After all it is the billionaires fighting for their personal interests and not for the Nation.

The majority of the Mining Companies are foreign owned and controlled from boardrooms overseas.

The Mining Companies did a disservice to this great country of ours and those who took Labor Federal Parliamentarians did a disservice worst than the miners. They betrayed the former Prime Minister.

And Mr. Brumby has got nothing to smirk about. His turn will come in NOVEMBER. I have been a Labor supoorter since I was fifteen years old. I will not vote LABOR AT THE FORTHCOMING STATE AND FEDERAL ELECTIONS.

For instance why do we have to put up with OIL COMPANIES FLUCTUATING THEIR PETROL PRICES everyday before they exhaust old stocks? There is no other commodity which changes its product's prices daily & so often and by so much. There is no other industry who takes advantage of week ends, of football at week ends and of long weekends and of holidays to put up the prices of their product. Every time they put the price up of Petrol the public suffers in the forced increase of other industries' products. They are holding the country to ransom.

The offer that Julia intends to offer to the MINING COMPANIES is a complete capitulation to the MINING COMPANIES AND TO BIG BUSINESS. We needed to show these companies who governs this country. Our elected Government governs, not the boards from foreign countries and certainly NOT THE FACTIONS WITHIN THE LABOR PARTY AS URGED BY UNION BOSSES.


I DO NOT SEE THE LABOR PARTY MAKING ANY HEADWAY. ITS FORTUNES WERE IMPROVING BECAUSE IT WAS A JUST CAUSE. I see the Labor Party taking a big DIVE and those responsible for it should be accounted for it.
2010-06-24 21:51:03 UTC
Go Julia! I am sorry to see Kevin go because he may have left much to be desired in his manner but he got to work and, he was only in office for a short time. I would have preferred Kevin to stay as Prime Minister. However, I do believe in Labor's policies and hope they can work out the problems and get on with the jobs they promised to do. I think Labor will stay for a long while when we compare what Howard, Costello and Abbott did in 11 years in office. Labor has got a big job ahead of them and need time to plan, develop and implement reform. Of course, there will be hiccups! There always is with change, especially major reform. They deserve another term as their policies are long term not the short term quick grabs for votes like the Liberals.
2010-06-24 19:03:19 UTC
It is unfortunate that Labor Party failed to utilise the opportunity given by the Australians. If they can not manage their own party matters one would suspect if they could manage a country. They failed to notice dissatisfaction early and eventually they had to blame someone for it. Typical Labor policy. This is backed by a strong history too. It puts Australia's political status as a laughing matter in the international perspective. Julia is not elected by Australians as PM. Clearly she should seek that mandate from public before making this decision. It is fact that some faceless people have masterminded Mr Rudd's demise, who was working hard and was no doubt mandated by Australian public as their PM. With the poor performance and recent developments people of Australia will not vote for Labor again. The people who were mere union bosses are now in-charge of the running (ruining..?) the country. Running a country like Australia is not employer and employee matters.
2010-06-26 07:16:17 UTC
If Kevin Rudd cant be the PM, so is the same as Julia because they are the people who planned and decided to have the super tax. Changing the pond but did not change the duck!!! She is well planned and he is too naive, she cant wait to jump to the top job, it just made no different because labor party worry too much and hopefully by kicking out the PM the world will change instantly, how stupid is that? No way..... it is just like a toy game they are playing around ...hopefully have a quick changing hand the good things and luck will come to their party....stupid ...stupid...I really feel pity for him but this is a good lessen for their party because they are no going to win in the future anyway.....
2010-06-26 00:40:36 UTC
I remember what Labor did so us in the past. They have not changed, regardless of who sits in the PM's chair. The Queensland party is the same. They do what they like regardless of what the people in a so-called democracy want! The drug rehab fiasco on Eagle Heights in Qld is a prime example of wasting 56.2 million... for starters... for 70 or so court ordered "clients"!

They are all into selling off everything not bolted down for a quick bandaid fix on bad management induced problems. Playing the party protocols and political correctness at the expense of the people who voted whoever is the flavour of the month and acting like spoilt brats in the process.

The shift in power? Hah! The power mongers are still there and all we have is a different coat of paint over the same old same old rust! I wish we could chuck the lot of them all out and start over again with real people doing a real job where the good of the people matters.

We may or may not have liked John Howard, but he did at least get us out of the red but wer'e heading back there again.

We deserve the country we get by the way we vote!

Keep the bastards honest...

By the way, I will not vote for Labor again!
2010-06-25 23:52:05 UTC
People are not stupid. The political system is. Basic human instinct and the way we are designed is to follow strong leaders. Because of some of the chaos that have happened in the history with a single leader(dictators, kings, etc) everybody felt democracy is the way to go. All the good things happened history always had a strong leader behind it and not necessarily the democracy. In theory we are saying we vote for the party. But, in reality we vote for the leader that we think can get us out of trouble or improve the country. People who think we vote for the party alone are shallow and ignorant. Learn from the history. Kevin Rudd has done a fantastic job, up until two months ago, when he started initiating more changes for the economy and people. He failed because of his personality failed him to convey his message better. He failed of the ridiculous out of date parliamentary democracy. It doesn't matter whether he stays for another term or not. It matters somebody make some good changes to improve the quality of life & economy for everybody, not just few rich eccentrics. It's pathetic we have a system the party can kick him out without the involvement of people. Real winners are the rich international & local greedy mining companies.
2010-06-25 23:31:06 UTC
I know That I personally did not vote for Kevin Rudd BUT it was kevin Rudd who encouraged my way of thinking towards the last election...

I am a Green Voter.

I feel totally disgusted at what has happened to Mr Kevin Rudd and shall never forgive labour as I will never forgive The Liberal Party when they ousted Mr Malcolm Turnbull and Mr Brendon Nelson.

We Australians should have a party who work only for the people of Australia not for other interests which seem to over-ride these parties.

How can I **EVER** trust another politician??????????
2010-06-25 20:20:38 UTC

The way Julia Gillard rise to power is the most cunning and calculating way of assaulting someone who is in the most fragile position considering the mess that government has done of which she is a part of it. So she is just as guilty as anyone in the labor party.

I believe that the Coalition might rise to power and took on the idea that labour party started e.g Mining Tax but most probably in a more subtle way. Mining Tax is the way to go. Our resources had been used and abused far too much and Australian does not get the full benefit of it.

So Where do labour go from here, it will be a repeat of the history when Hewson introduce the GST, he got axed, then Howard put it anyway.
2010-06-25 18:25:09 UTC
I see the Labour party as a bunch of disorganised factions all being controlled by the UNIONS. This will be the downfall of the party at the next election as no matter what spin Ms Gillard tries to put on her FAKE prime minister ship, the people have seen how mercenary the party is. The two big issues are still present; Mining tax and ETS. Until these go away, they have no chance next election.
2010-06-24 22:40:47 UTC
From day 1 in 2006 when Kevin Rudd with the help of Julia Gillard defeated Kim Beasley for ALP's leadership, I have already formed the opinion that Rudd will only serve as a vehicle for the union factions in ALP to win power in the Federal govt, after which they will seek means and excuses to depose him in favour of their favoured daughter(son ?).Rudd is naive to have thought that he can call the shots when all the time shots are being fired at him. If Gillard as a Deputy PM had a part in the ALP govt policy as she had repeatedly said, together with Swan & Tanner, then both Gillard & Swan should emulate Tanner and step down from leadership as well. But these 2 ruthless, two-faced hypocrites, who had unshamedly pledged allegiance to Rudd, have no compunction in plunging the knife into Rudd's back. At the end of the day, union powerbrokers reign supreme in ALP. They are no fans of Rudd. Let the electrorates throw this whole lot of scalliwags into political oblivion in the forthcoming Federal Election to teach them a lesson. Kim Beasley is probably having a good laugh at the turn of events. Let us show the ALP that the electrorate choose the PM and not the ALP power brokers.
2010-06-24 21:26:48 UTC
Kevin Rudd, was sold to the electroate as the man who would "save" Australia at the last election, not the Labor party. now labor has lost the countries support , they should not install an other prime minister, but should have had the guts to call an election to let the people off Australia decide their collective fates.
Mummy Wife Friend Life
2010-06-24 21:10:52 UTC
Cant wait to see her playing full forward for the dogs! As was her quote theres more chance of me playing full forward for the Dogs than becoming PM before the next election

Personally see Labor pleased with claiming the countrys 1st FM PM but it would heve more substance had it been an election win rather than a party shuffle.But then they really did need something...anything positive from this term in Govt to try to balane the historical spread sheet.

Dont see to much difference given Ms Gillards unending support for all things Rudd.

She should be very careful as everyone knows it can be slippery when you have a pile of krudd on your shoes. She will no doubt make sure they work in unionson as Labor do best

Come on election
Llewelyn Moss
2010-06-25 22:35:20 UTC
Politics is Australia is a tough business and is no place for the emotionally fragile. If you don't perform you're out. The Labor backbenchers knew they would be out of a job at the next election if they didn't do something. No one wants to lose a plumb job. Don't worry about Rudd as he just reaped what he sowed. He was tougher and less tolerant with his staff and colleagues than the Labor party was with him. He was a rotten prick to people and he didn't have a single mate. The quivering chin and teary eyes are just part of the show.

However he was still the PM of this great country and he should have been treated much better. It just shows the world we are still a bunch of hopeless convicts. The man should have been given the chance to resign with dignity and hand over to Julia G in a manner befitting the role of PM of Australia. The Labor Party should have done their business in private. Shame on them.
2010-06-25 22:24:03 UTC
If Gillards gets in it will be the end of the Labor Party. I and all those I have spoken to Will not vote for backstabbing Gillard. She should have waited for the election and stood then. I did not think I would ever say this after being Labor for years, but we are all going to support Abbott in preference. She is not a good Australian, they would not do what she has done.
2010-06-25 19:40:37 UTC
If she had thought so long and hard about where Australia was heading under the current government policy why did she only say something to Rudd just before she slipped in the knife - she is a liar, pure and simple. Why did she just not say to Rudd, hey, better change tack, back to our "core' promises, change or we will replace you... what a lot of the proverbial... union hacks were sick of Rudd, they wanted a true red leader - one they can boss around. And as for not even born in Australia - her hero is Welsh - not an Aussie!! Did you listen to her double speak her way through every rehearsed comment, no originality, no brains, no idea. I hope to see labor dead for a long time.
2010-06-25 18:07:05 UTC
When holding an election you are voting for your local representative, and the party. It is the party who decide who will hold what job... I thought that was an easy concept to understand.

It would be great if the Australian population remembered and looked at political history when talking about the Australian Labor Party.... Whitlam... Hawke/Keating.... tell me what is different now to what happened under those two administrations? From where I sit... history is repeating itself.

I studied politics years ago... and after studying the dismissal vowed I would NEVER vote Liberal again in my life. However... I have been voting and supporting Liberal for near on 20 years.... why you ask?

I look at the policies of both parties, and look at the what is best for the AUSTRALIA... not whats best for lil ole me... like most voters do, if you look at what is best for Australia, and look at history... answer this.... which party has had the longest.... and second longest Prime Ministerialships in Australian Political history... and ask yourself.... WHY?
2010-06-25 01:43:39 UTC
Kevin Rudd was elected by the people of Australia I didn't vote for him , I was disgusted by the News Media s push for their Kevin 07 Campaign he showed he was a goose right from the start but the Fact that ABIB a union leader orchestrated the downfall , proves once and for all the Unions and crime bosses of N.S.W. and VIC own the ALP lock stock and Barrel .

Tony is a good Honest Family man with Kids he Know what Australians Need , don't get caught up in the Female Prime Minister Hype New Zealand did and what a shambles that place is a very de-pleated Armed service Crime and almost uncontrolled immigration from Nations that don't assimilate to the N.Z way of life so Politically correct it is Impossible to stop . with Unemployment and ethnic claims almost out of Control
2010-06-24 18:55:07 UTC
Hopefully this will be the END of another useless Labour Government; Australia voted Labour in on the back of Kevin Rudd, now we have a Prime Minister who was not voted into this position by the Public. A Labour/Union implant trying to save their day?
2010-06-24 17:14:41 UTC
The policies endorsed by Kevin Rudd are the same policies endorsed by Julie Gillard.

In addition they are both left wing and committed to destroy business and mining and redistribute the wealth in this country. This policy has in the past never led to national prosperity but economic disaster.

From having no public debt the Rudd- Gillard government has put our children and their children into huge debt and lowered our credit rating.

Further the leading economic pundits predict a double dip recession which will severely reduce demand in the west and lead to China severely reducing raw material exports from Australia. Union governments know nothing about making money or wealth only about spending other people's and reducing everyones prosperity! Wakeup Australia!
2014-11-20 13:36:15 UTC
integrity at the first place, if it has to push through with its policies. I can understand that we vote for a party, but we also vote keeping in mind a certain leader to lead it. We trust that the party will support the leader and stay integrated to be able to achieve bigger cause than waste its precious time changing leaders. Its not true Mr. Rudd has failed. It’s the failure of Labour party. Mr Rudd doesn’t make a decision as an individual. He makes it with the party’s support. Ms Gillard is a great leader too, but we felt the same about Mr. Rudd sometime back and he was the face of Labour when they won the election. Didn’t take the party too long to dump him when there was a strong opposition to labour’s policies. You can’t guarantee this will not happen again. It’s the party that fails and not an Indivi
2016-04-12 12:30:03 UTC
Off course they are. Labour left this country in such a bad state. The Tories have to be unpopular to sort things out. Labour will win the next election and make things worse and Ed Miliband will be the puppet of the Unions. Things have to be tough at the moment to get the country back on track. If Labour had won the last election then things would of got worse. (If possible). Tony Blair needs to be brought to account for his actions. He has ruined so many peoples lives while he swans around the world getting richer with that smug grin oon his face. Labour voters vote for a party that are no longer the Labour Party of old, a party to give a voice to the common man and workers against the rich and elite of the Tory party. It's basically Tory Party 2. I get the feeling that Ed Miliband will let the unions control the country and bring it to it's needs.
2010-06-26 07:33:25 UTC
I understand and people also understood that we all voted for the party under the leadership of Kevin Rudd not for everyone else. It was who that I believed that he will push Australia to the ideal stage of progress he promised. Now under this new leadership which came through bloodless coup I won’t vote for the Labor under new leadership anymore. I believe if there is such power struggle going on in this party the mean thing that will come to surface Australians real interests will be forgotten!
Max L
2010-06-26 06:07:53 UTC
Frankly, I think Kevin Rudd was a good leader for the Labor Party...albeit Prime Minister Julia Gillard may be the better one to present a more calm demeanour in a heavily-biased media climate (who of course have no corporate interests and maintain complete impartiality). The Labor party probably won't be elected because many prefer easy soundbites and glib media diatribes to actual policy and workable strategies (hence Abbott's claims RE asylum seekers, "oh let's just send them to Indonesia". Gillard: "Indonesia doesn't want them").

Ironically, the lower-IQ, slightly prejudiced segment of our audience who usually vote Liberal are usually the ones hurt most by the penny pinching antics of the Liberal Party (Workchoices et al). Then, they expect a magician to materialise (i.e. Kevin 07) and wave a wand to fix mistakes that took the Howard Government 11 years to create. Of course, spurred on by the media which focuses on any slight imperfection of the Labor Government yet conveniently glosses over major bungles of the Liberal Government (AWB, anyone?).

So, it's all a bit of a non-event to me - who cares really...but it would be a buzz to see Labor implement sound, workable (and most importantly, democratic) principles as they usually do. And also to see a fantastic Prime Minister in action!
2010-06-25 22:31:36 UTC
1) This is unacceptable behaviour from Labour Party.

2) I vote for Kevin Rudd and then I have an intention to vote for him next election eventhough some of the policies are quite right. Give him enough space to lead our nation. Labour Party is not honest and they underestimate Kevin crediability and his face value. So they shoud be punished in the next election.

3) Now I learned some thing new from this incident and so I won't vote for Labour anymore.

4) No future for Labour if they continue with this culture.

5) Kevin Rudd should be joining to different political party or shoud start seperate political party or. All true friends from his party (even though small ) should be come out of the party and act against the Labour party to show their voice. This vital as Kevin Rudd elected by the people.

6) News Paper and Media should give guidnece to Kevin (good leader for our country) if he is going to wrong path instead of pull him down to death.
2010-06-25 00:43:38 UTC
Its a desperate move to save the Labour Party at coming elections. Personally, I don't feel sorry for Kevin Rudd nor do I have any confidence in Miss Gilliard saving the day for Labour.

Tony Abbott will bring the Coalition back in, and not before time given the disastrous results for Australia with Labour at the helm...
2010-06-24 19:02:35 UTC

M/s. J.Gillard looks like she can handel the PM's job very well. I think she is tactful in dealing with the Businessmen & the top leaders. Because of her intellegent and learned since her school age. And I think the political luck is on her side (SINCE SHE WAS YOUNG). Her faciology is very distinct and very different from others. +++ I don't know about ALP's future, because LIBERAL politician(s) are also very clever and well experience in politics. As Australia politics is decided by the Australian people, I think ALP can develop this country very well in the far future, some what similar to U.S.A.

GOOD LUCK for M/s. Julia Gillard & her party,


2010-06-24 18:51:05 UTC
I agree that Kevin Rudd should finish his term in office, and when it is time for an other election then let the people vote,

Not do what Jilia Gillard did, a turn tain you would not do that to your best friend. What do we wont a kiss ass Prime Minist ... I don't think so. Keven was voted it by the people and if they wont hime out then they will vote him out, he was one of the good ones. He might have made some mistakes but don't we all.

2010-06-24 17:23:37 UTC
I am very angry. I am what you would term a swinging voter, but I thought Kevin Rudd to be a man of thre people. He showed still had real connection with the masses. These taxes might have provided some tax relief for us, the middle income, as opposed to mining profits buying16 year olds their own yatch for their birthday. The big end of town has nobbled him. They offered Julia the prize, and she snatched it, no ethics or loyalty,stepping onto onyto Kevin Rudds face to grab it. I am sick of polititions backstabbing each other. What do they mean when they say they will suooprt their leader? I will support you until I do not support you anymore? Julia Gillard has shown hherself to be TRECHEROUS. I will not vote for her. Australians have always supported the underdog, and I think will vote against Julia in protest! My husband left for work yesterday crowing that it was a good thing, and came homne from work furious at her trechery. Such is opinion out here.
2010-06-23 18:02:11 UTC
The Labor right obviously has thought that Rudd wouldn't take Labor through to the next election, so they've dumped him.

I'm not sure if Rudd saw this coming but perhaps the party was beginning to see him as a "lame duck" sort of Prime Minister, after not being able to pass legislation like the ETS and now the Mining Super Profits Tax through the Senate (though given that the Senate is hostile, can he really be blamed for that?)

As for new politics and a new direction? I don't think that will even move even 1° from the course that it's already heading on.
2010-06-25 20:45:04 UTC
I have voted labour in every election since Gough - except for the Latham/Gillard ticket. I will not vote labour this time either. Why? I do not accept how the back room boys - and yes they are boys- could dump Rudd after he led the party to an historic victory against Howard. They have shot themselves in the foot again. The party heavies are out of touch with the electorate and the ALP voters like me. And I am sure I could not be the only one.

The problem with the educated working class like Gillard (and her mentor Latham) are that their mindset is stuck in the 1950's rhetoric of the 'us' and 'them' class war - the 'Toffs- born to rule' types versus the 'good hardworking folk'. Gillard has already wheeled out this rhetoric in the first five minutes and cross to her good working class folks at home. What these Labourites with this heritage and political baggage don't realise and make the mistake time and time again is that Australians and the Labour voters are made up of a more varied political and social heritage than this narrow one and they loose them with this rhetoric - labour voters like me, educated, middle class, concerned about social justice but don't buy the union 'us' and 'them' rhetoric. Latham was a shocker , Gillard is a little better but the disguise is paper thin. I often recall the wisdom of the political historian and social commentator John Raulston Saul "that in order to achieve real reform the left has to be able to harness the good intentions of the upper classes" (not a direct quote but something like that. The likes of Gillard and Latham and the educated working class in the labour party miss this point again and again and are still locked in to fight their own battles along class lines. The only glass ceiling Gillard wanted to crack is to put a working class person in charge. I agree with her when she does not think it is so important being the first female PM - what does interest her however is that even working class people with an education can become PM. It is in her rhetoric. Get over the working class background mantra- it is old fashioned and boring. The only time in my memory of when labour succeeds is when they can ditch this rhetoric and have a broader appeal, Gough, Hawke and Rudd all did this which is why they succeeded. Keating was in a category of his own and he to crossed the divide. Gillard however has shown no potential whatsoever of understanding the broader ALP church. She is a throw back to the old rhetoric and I for one have not forgotten her allignment with Latham. The big obsession with education and the state school versus private school rhetoric is another complete giveaway. Her stuff up of the billion dollar spend on education is the proof of how the obsessions can go so wrong. School buildings do not deliver education.

I believe she has totally double crossed Rudd and has been totally disloyal. I do not beleive the last 24 hour bullshit about changing her mind. She is also totally dishonest in her trying to move on from the policy's that backfired for Rudd. She was behind ditching the ETS, she was behind the BER mess, she was behind the mining tax and the rhetoric has her all over it , the capitalist exploitative boss's v. hardworking Australians rhetoric; she is totally dishonest about this which is why I will never vote for her. She is a power broker, an opportunist and a liar. I was not even an obsessive Rudd supporter but I recognise achievement when I see it and Rudd's resounding victory over Howard was a direct result of him being able to appeal to more people - the middle class. Gillard will alienate them.

Bring back Kevin - labour has lost it's way again, another decade in the wilderness.
2010-06-25 01:55:15 UTC
I am disappointed (to say the very least) in the fact that the Australian public voted Kevin Rudd into this position and yet we don't get a say in whether he stays or goes !!! makes me wonder why i voted in the first place!! I can honestly tell you i will not be voting for the woman with the dagger in her hand... the Australian public deserves better ... and you have to remember kevin rudd wasn't making the decisions on his own he just got the blame because of his position, and guess who else made those decisions with him !!!! yes that would be julia backstabbing gillard!!!!
2010-06-24 18:33:59 UTC
At 82 I have seen many come and go with promises they haven't always kept, I am female. Julia Gillard was not born in Australia and therefore I am of the opinion that she should never hold the high office she has won through the factions. The privilege of being Prime Minister should only be held by those born in Australia and not by immigrants who naturalize. Even though they taken an oath of obedience to the country their main loyalty remains with the country of their birth. However I do believe that she is a sensible and strong lady that will listen more to the people than the previous P.M. Kevin Rudd who never listened to the people. Even one Premier is American, she was born in the USA and still has her nasal accent. Why do we allow people who are not born in Australia to come and rule our country. As for the future of the Labour Party it will go down hill as long as the factions rule for they are for the Unions not the people as a whole. I will not vote for Miss Gillard and her Party and I live in her electorate..
2010-06-26 02:29:21 UTC
First of all, do we elect a party or a leader?If we elect a party, then why the same party will lose electiosn under other leaders and win under a certain leader? Then why Labour needs to change its leader, fearing it will lose election with this leader?

If we elect a leader, then what power people have given to the governing party to change its elected leader? if this view is correct, then Gillard's prime ministership is illegal.

This is the loophole, so we may need to change constitution to prevent next coup of whichever party to discard the people elected prime minister.

Our current concern is if Australia is led by an ex-communist, what could happen to this country? Communism means collective ownership, which is also early Fabians' philosophy. This should be a serious thing for all voters to think about carefully when they cast their votes.
2010-06-25 23:43:46 UTC
Time and time again is has been proved that the left side of the labor party is useless and a heavy stone to ware around the nations neck .... Gillard at the reins? ... this will lead, if not at the coming election then the next one, to another long long stint of a week labor party as an opposition and a free run to the Liberals. Is this a good or a bad thing ? .... well there lays another question
2010-06-25 17:15:17 UTC
When Abbott's friends the billionaire mining magnets put up there add's so they wouldn't have to pay there fair share of tax, this propaganda worked and if Rudd had gone to the poll's he would have lost. The only Option they had was to change leaders. Julia Gillard did not run the $138 million add campaign against Rudd, Abbott's friends did and used it as a tax deduction. When we got a 5 cent rise in the shearing price we didn't have $138 mill to let Australia know what we thought of that when Howard was P.M.. I think that labour should do what Fisher did when he lost his seat to a man who owned his own news paper and bagged him in the media, he started his own news paper and got himself back in and became the first Labour government in the world to have a majority in both houses. I think Abbott's friends in the media killed off Rudd not Gillard. Go Julia.
2010-06-25 16:32:10 UTC
I have no problem with a women in Power

However having said that,....

Kevin Rudd Was Elected by the People As our ELECTED PRIME MINISTER

I do however have a PROBLEM with Julia Gillard, & how she has STOLEN.........

The position Of prime minister

Julia Gillard was not Elected By The People....Nor will she be, if The Polls are any indication of how The PEOPLE feel about her SHAME ON YOU JULIA GILLARD
2010-06-24 23:10:27 UTC
Labor has done wrong by the people so badly here and obviously they wont listen to what we want or what we need! the only way to make them listen is not to vote for julia gillard in the next election. then maybe then they wake up to themselves and start putting peoples needs and wants first after all if it wasnt for people like us there would be NO ALP and im sorry but thats the only way we will get into there heads that our votes mean something and without us they dont have a CHANCE in the FUTURE!!!
2010-06-24 21:44:02 UTC
Labour won partly because Kevin Rudd was promoted as their Leader. Not because of Gillard or some mining bosses. If the mining bosses think they are the fit ‘Rulers’ of this country, then why don’t they stand for election? They did not because there is no need and have shown beyond doubt their power and in turn the powerlessness of the people.

It seems whichever party that comes; we already have rulers in the country. We should actually thank the ALP for publicizing it.

What is now important is for the citizens of Australia is to exert their Rights and “choose not to vote” which is their Fundamental Right. Citizens should not be threatened to vote by massive fines which is absolutely against Democracy and Rights of the People. It should be understood clearly this country belongs to the people, not to some bunch of ‘money mad bullies’ who have shown their loyalties by creating bewilderment, uncertainty, confusion and mayhem,not about just one party, but every party in Australia, crippling the confidence of citizens who now, do not know or trust any party to vote.

This is traitorism and terrorism rolled into one. It is now for the People of Australia to show their Power.

If you vote, you are giving your Rights to not the parties but to some turncoats who may in the future sell the country. They are the biggest problem for the country right now.
2010-06-24 18:28:54 UTC
I would like the leadership change to mean something, that is a change in which the Labor Party deals with the people. There needs to be more consultation and honesty. I am especially interested in the Education policies. I am particularly worried that Julia is making so many decisions on education policy and not consulting teachers, who have much more qualifications and experience in this matter. Of particular concern is the funding of public education, particularly TAFE. On public education week, Julia quietly removed $50 million dollars from TAFE NSW for the teaching of Language Literacy and Numeracy and gave it to charities and corporations just to save money. Most of these other private providers do not have any teachers, premises or resources to provide this most important task to the most disadvantaged of our society to provide a second chance education. Julia back to school because there will be repercussions for an uneducated community. A race to the bottom does not provide quality education or value for money. It will destroy the quality that only a publicly funded provider can provide. Look at the mess international student education has put us in.
2010-06-24 17:41:30 UTC
Poor polling and the internal politics of the Labor Party, which seem to have been the main causes of this coup, should not be allowed to interfere with important policy directions.

The mining tax is a good thing, but has to be presented in a way that counters the negative media blitz of the mining companies, the opposition and the media companies that support them.

The other major issue is keeping mortgage rates down while keeping the economy growing. If Gillard can achieve that, she will gain a great deal of support.
2010-06-26 23:21:30 UTC
My thought is: If Kevin R was as bad as Graham Richardson stated on Channel 9 "To-day" show,ie he never gave meeting agenda, people turned up and decisions had been made then it should have been worked out as it is in other workplaces all around the world. Kevin R would have been sent to be retrained. Organisational Psychologists work wonders with people that have his managerial style. The way he was 'beheaded' was too public, you should not air your dirty linen in public. Everyone can see just how power hungry Labor is, as the government has been detrimental most to the people who are most vulnerable in society. Julia G needs a complete make over and needs to get married. Lastly, the unions should but out. They have not been elected by the people paying the Prime Ministers very generous package. We the pay masters control the government. The unions should never have that power. why the Australian public has not reacted more strongly to this is beyound me. Why aren't we passionate about our say in government when we are the highest taxed nation in the world I cannot fathom. Why are we so sedate? Why aren't we more like the French and Greeks? This is OUR government, NOT, I repeat NOT the unions government.
2010-06-26 22:33:56 UTC
I Hope the Labor Party is going is going OUT, I had no time for the traveling Mr Rudd, but as for Poker face Ms Gillard she did not get the Job the right way. I class her as a backstabber,

Nothing will change she will do the same things Rudd was doing, but I believe she will do a worse job.
2010-06-26 04:19:34 UTC
To me it seemed PM Rudd was "ousted" from his position and really had no choice but to say he "stepped down", simply because Labor feared losing the next election.

This change had nothing to do with public opinion, it was decided all within their own walls.

I couldn't care less who governs this country, labor or liberal, as long as they do their job!

In fairness to Rudd, he was a hard working PM and did a lot more than some former leaders had done and in such a short time too.
2010-06-25 22:18:43 UTC
I feel like the Labor party has trampled on the rights of the voters who elected Mr. Rudd in the last election. Why even have an election if they are just going to step in and put forward who 'THEY' want anyway?

The public voted for what they wanted and a lot of us do not appreciate the self serving Labor party casting aside what we wanted to save thier own ****.
whay i lost my ?s
2010-06-25 19:14:20 UTC
Kevin Rudd was only ever elected due to the fact he wasn't John Howard, that being said I have never liked Julia Gillard, not because she is a woman but mostly because everything she says sounds so condescending. Not to mention the way she took power was appalling honestly backstabbing, conniving are these honestly traits we need in our country's leader i think not

Labor will win the upcoming election due to the fact that no one likes tony abbott, he is far to conservative for the modern australia to really like
2010-06-25 05:08:00 UTC
labor has commit ed political suicide kevin rudd would have voted in as pm again Jillian Gallard is not the person i voted for i voted for rudd and that is who i want as pm labour need wake up and not dump there leader as soon as they get a few bad polls rudd would have been fine all they needed to do was ride it out and not jump to dump there leader as soon as they get a bad poll. Personally i think Gallard had her eye on the top job the same time she just waited till she thought the time was right and wayne swan you are a snake i don't trust ether of you 2.
2010-06-24 16:59:32 UTC
How on earth did she, Julia Gillard, and her partners in the political arena have the temerity, legal authority to literally boot out Mr Kevin Rudd?

However, I thought that Mr Rudd was a little too emotional at his press release when you consider that he doesn't have to apply for NewStart Allowance for losing his job.

He is not exactly struggling to pay the bills like me.

I have been in the same situation where I was either retrenched,sacked or laid off just because I didn't fit in the crowd, part of the team and/or negative stereotyping. And, because some belligerent boss and his female handmaidens disliked me because I was a threat to their gender.

So what if there is a woman at the helm. It doesn't mean she is intelligent.

I think I now understand the concept of politics and the government arbitrarily asserts their control over the people in our anarchic democratic society.

This would never have happened had Australia become a Republic. Did you know that 90% of the world's' countries are republic?
2010-06-24 15:53:12 UTC
They were dirty tactics, backroom deals and a complete lack of support for the leader from his party. I elected a political party, not the Australian Workers Union, to run our country.

I congratulate Kevin Rudd for the work he has done so far, and I'll be interested to see what Julia Gillard thinks she can do differently/better. As I heard someone say, it wasn't the salesman that was the problem, it was the product.
2010-06-24 01:56:35 UTC
It's great to see that Julia Gillard has gotten the Prime Ministership, but I think Kevin Rudd deserved it more. He was elected by the people, had not completed his first term and was, well, to put it bluntly, backstabbed by the woman he chose to lead as his Deputy.

Don't get me wrong, it's great to see our 27th Prime Minister a female, but I just think she should have waited until Kevin had completed his first term, at least.

I honestly think Gillard will have a decent shot at this election - she has a few things going for her - one is definitely being our first female Prime Minister. The other is, in my opinion, no bad blood between her and Tony Abbot (if you see past videos of "The Morning Show" you can see a flirt there)

I think that Kevin was doing a bang up job and there was no need for this change - he should have just gotten rid of the Mining Tax.

__ Hendo, I agree 100% with this:

I applaud Tony Abbot's little speel today during the question session, about how a mid-night knock on the door and political execution thereafter

I think that basically sums up the whole deal. It was upsetting to see him go and upsetting to see him cry a little.

Kevin 07 Forever :)
2010-06-25 17:27:57 UTC
I voted for Kevin Rudd not Julia Gillard.

The back stabbers have now caused me to vote elsewhere.

Backstabbing is not the AUSTRALIAN WAY.

I believe Kevin Rudd would have made compromises, discussed them with Julia , changes that would have got him elected but now Julia will take the credit.
2010-06-24 21:16:45 UTC
technically australian vote for the labor party, however the labor party widely used Kevin Rudd as its marketing brand, hence stop being so naive to think that people voted for labot party only. Kevin Rudd was the brand, and now they have played dirty on him. I think Mr Rudd is a sincere person who had australia's best interest at heart. It is a real shame to get rid of Mr Rudd when he had saved australia from the possible recession just recently.
2010-06-24 20:00:12 UTC
The Labor Party has no respect for the Office of the Prime Minister.

To do what they did to Kevin Rudd is a reflection on the value the Labor Party holds for that position.

The Australian Constitution is the backbone of our society and to treat it in such a deplorable way by ignoring the principles of democracy and decency can only be taken as a treasonable offence.

I did not like Kevin Rudd as I found him shallow and full of spin however he did not deserve the treatment handed to him by his so called party members.

To have them running our beautiful country is very very scary.

Lets shown them the contempt they deserve.
2010-06-26 07:20:44 UTC
It's now plain to see that the Labor Party is run by just a few backstabbers hiding just out of sight, who are prepared to just keep changing leaders until they get what they want. No doubt Wayne Swan sees this as his chance to be PM, so I agree that Julia had better keep a good watch on her back.

As for how this went down, the betrayal that Kevin Rudd felt was plainly evident. North Korea gets rid of people with only a little less dignity. Never voting Laor again.
2010-06-26 01:46:12 UTC
I was very disappointed in Julia Gillard when she stabbed Kevin Rudd in the back, Sorry Julia, but I don’t trust you now so I don’t think I would vote for you. Give Kevin back his job, he did a good job.

I voted for Kevin, for I liked him and what he stood for. I did not vote for the Labour party, The fact is most people vote for the person they think will do the best job, and after that the policies and then the party, sounds strange but its true.

At the next election I will vote for the person I think will do the best job. I don’t like Julia Gillard and I don’t like Tony Abbot either. Greens don’t have much either, So who else is there ?

Kevin stand again and I will vote for you.
2010-06-26 01:20:56 UTC
So Australia has it's first female PM. Big Deal. Whats going to change? She was Rudd's right hand man (woman) who endorsed and rubber stamped everything he did. What a hypocrite! Unfortunately though she is pretty smart, as she knows that most Australians these days are gullible enough to believe they are voting for the individual and not for the party and it's policies. It's becoming so cumbersome. History is merely repeating itself. A labor "personality" who appeals to the masses is voted in.They stay in long enough to screw the country and lose popularity and then the party quickly and underhandedly endorses another prospective "personality" just in time to try and win a federal election. Then when that personality gets in, they too screw the country and everyone in it, but by that stage the damage is so irreparable, we have to vote the Libs back in to fix it. WAKE UP ALL YOU BRAIN DEAD AUSTRALIANS.
2010-06-25 22:54:16 UTC
Labor Party and Julia Gillard - Same horse, different jockey. Unfortunately so many unionists will be fooled into voting for the Labor party, only to discover that jobs in the mining industry will continue to go down the gurgler.
Wendy P
2010-06-25 19:04:12 UTC
I believe this shows that the Labor party is ruled by the various factions within the party, and not the elected leader. I think Julia Gillard is a puppet of the left wing union factions, and is only doing what she is told.
2010-06-25 16:16:33 UTC
I am cannot believe the under handed way in which Kevin Rudd was stabbed in the back. I do not usually vote labor but I see the way this was dealt with by stabbing Kevin Rudd in the back as a despicable act and I will definitely not vote labor now. This should have been open and honest and given public vote.
2010-06-25 00:47:42 UTC
I thought Kevin Rudd was doing a great job.

The global economic downturn made him change his mind on promises he had made in good faith.

The downturn was completely out of the blue, and his spending ( borrowed or not ) kept our economy going.

I hope the Labor party wins the next election under Julia Gillard who I admire as an individual and as a person, she is a great replacement for a unluckly Kevin Rudd.

2010-06-25 00:34:35 UTC
I can't stannnnnnddddd Labor! I hate them. I don't know which idiot elected Kevin Rudd. The guy was hopeless. Has anyone noticed that every single time a Labor primeminister has been elected the country has gone f*****d seriously. Gough Whitlam first example. Bob Hawke, Keating. the inflation goes up as well as unemployment. in rudd's case he killed people through his insulation scheme and lies and lies. the war on iraq, he was supposed to bring the troops back. seriously we are better off without him and now gillard omg. why don't they just give up and give it to the serious and political and way smarter people like liberals!!!!!
2010-06-24 06:09:28 UTC
Well I'm 80 years young.Been a member of the Party for over 50 years.

Seen em come seen em go,at both State and Fed.level. Seen a lot of dirty tricks in my time ,but I reckon this would just about top the lot.Then again again she's Welsh. Never trust a Welshman.

I hope the electors move the cross-hairs across to Bill Shorten and his mates and put an end to their political aspirations.

Now we go back into the wilderness for quite some time ,because Brutus Gillard is certainly no Moses
2014-11-03 09:34:27 UTC
his is the 2010 dismissal and it is the result of a concerted effort of the elitist sections in our society. I feel guttted and cheated by what has occured and have lost all faith in our political system. We as a country have reached a new low. The miners will pay a tax - and it will be diluted - the health policy will be completed - and the new broadband will be rolled out - and Australia will commit to a carbon tax to address climate change - and all the while it was Kevin Rudd who brought them all to the table. This sham this shameful act has put Australia back years and we may never recover - because Kevin Rudds talents will never be realised. Why is it Australia is afraid of new ideas and those talented few who take a more visionary approach to governance. We will remain mired in our ignorance and corruption unless major reforms occur to our so-called democracy. One could see that with the new C
2010-06-27 20:16:44 UTC
I think both the Labor and Liberal party have treated the public like mugs for so many years. It is only a matter of time before a credible third party is formed and wins Government relegating the Labor party to the history books. What those power brokers did to the PM is disgusting. Sure i did not like Rudd but to get rid of him like that does not make out country look good.
Douglas L
2010-06-29 18:03:22 UTC
It is great that the party organized a palace coup and threw out Rudd. His stupid tax on mining companies told the whole world that Australia is not a safe place to invest. His actions were like Hugo Chivas of Venezuela.

The Labour Party will be a bit more pro-business in the future.
2010-06-26 11:29:48 UTC
I would like to know the names of the "factional labour leaders" and the "union bosses" we hear everyone talking about but no-one is naming. I would like to know who they are so I don't (by accident) vote for them in the next election. Second thoughts, since all the other Labour MP's bailed on a good prime minister, simple... Im just not going to vote for any Labour member in the next two or three elections. No backbone or loyalty for what is right, I dont want any of them representing me or our country. But hell, who are we left with - the Liberals, some crap just a different bucket! Perhaps the Greens or some new fresh and shinning independents.
Cambodia Nation Rescue Party Of Victoria Australia
2010-06-25 22:52:05 UTC
People elected Mr Kevin Roudd as a PM and the PM stand for Labour Party, due to Labour Party choosen Kevin Roudd as PM , That's why people voted for Labour Party. DO people will voted for me if Labour Party put me stand for PM,,,,!? The answeard is Yes because They voted for Labour Party right ? and no mattre who I am? where I came from ? and what I did right ? so how many people choosen this decision? I was voted for Mr Kevin Roudd to lead the country as Labour Party . I dint voted for Labou Party to put whoever Lbour Party choosen. Julia Gillard is a Crooked. Unexceptable...., This is what I called bloody Party commettee Cop. This is a pack of MONKEY.To get power shall be done by people elected not by people around u. This is not a democracy model, but it was a nachism style. I'm fell SORRY for you MR Kevin Roudd.
2010-06-25 15:51:07 UTC
I feel cheated. This is not democracy. Those who preach: it is the way the party system works are leaning on a communist model. If the Labour Party stand on that principal why does it keep presenting the voters with a new leader to window dress their policies? Because it ia all spin.

They put a woman in the window to distract from the issues and the fool media laps it all up. The newspapers are killing themselves as an industry because there are no journalists with integrity anymore. There is no policital guts in the editors because it is all controlled by the advertisers.

The media is powerful. The voters are sick of the power play.Give us the voice.Start a people's campaign, we have the buying power. Maybe you will actually start selling NEWSpapers again. Not gossip and spin.

How do we as the people change the following:

1) Get rid if the preference system.

My vote belongs to ME as a citizen. I choose to have my say. That is the democratic right so many sacrifice their liberrty for. The compulsory vote makes ours a true democracy as EVERY citizen have their say. Can anyone tell me how the preference vote came to be? What gives any political party the right to then use my vote as a bargaining chip and place it elsewhere? That is why we do not have REAL choices. The smaller parties end up GIVING our votes to a party we DID NOT want to vote for. That is why there can be no real change. Right now for those who do not want either liberals or labour are saying they will vote the greens, because they hate labour. Guess what? Based on PRIMARY votes Liberals WIN. That is the voice of the people. But no, because the greens are just dressed green but are red commies, they give your vote to labour and they WIN.

To fix this country's politics this is the first thing that MUST change. How do we do that?

2) Change the constitution if need be to protect our democratic right to elect who leads us. Who represents us at all levels of government. Throw out the party system it has not served our country well as it has clearly demonstrated that it allows a few power brokers to play king makers. How do we do that?

3) Update the the Electorate Commission to include issue of the digital certificates for EVERY voter. Welcome to the age of the internet where the voice of the people CAN heard on every major issue under secure systems which will eliminate the power of the "public poll" with a sampling of 1000 opinions out of a population of 23 million.. Our voice can now be heard not just once every election but every time a major policy is proposed that affects us as a nation. Why has none of the political parties proposed this? Because it will keep them honest and it will give power back to the people.

The voters will decide issues such as:

- Politicians salary

- Politicians cushy payouts no matter how they perform

- Politicians SUPER superannuation scheme

- Why do we need MPs to mis-represent us in government? We can speak for ourselves.

4) I propose all of the above and will form a party that I have long thought of. We are the hard working people of Australia - the majority who are too busy working and supporting our families and the nation. We are not the minorities who make the loudest noise who then get heard. Or the ones on the dole recruited by specific interest groups who have the time to hug trees and wave placards and create change because they have the time to make themselves heard. We are the citizens who are supporting the nation, the political debaters who discuss issues around our family meals at the end of a long hard day at work and are mystified at how we who are the backbone of the nation have decisions made for us that we do not support and wonder how it all came about.

The Labour Party claims to represent the Worker. They don't, the Labour Parrty has its idealogy based on Communism. And we know how that works, a few pretend to speak for the people. All Labour supporters were given a rare glimpse into its naked power wielding in the Kevin-Gillard power play. Vote Labour and the ACTU is on TV making policy announcements. It was the case when Bob Hawke was in power. It is notable that there is a total lack of TV air time for Union bosses under Kevin Rudd. Perhaps his reputation for the hogging the TV exposure is what undid him.

I propose to form a new party a TRUE alternative and will run on the above platform to bring about real change in the political landscape of Australia.


Who wants to sign up???
2010-06-25 08:09:10 UTC
I have always voted Labor,was a .member of Y.L.A. in my youth.I am gutted by the events over the past few days,brings back memories of the Whitlam oust,I think Labor is finished and will take a good many years for them to get back from this.How can we trust them, when they carried out such an attack on our Prime Minister,the words from our Mr Whitlam many years ago was 'KERR'S CUR' now we will say' RUDD'S RATS'and it is a fitting name for those cowards, for the first time in my life, I will vote Liberal in the next election,I think there will be a huge backlash to this group of cowards in the next election,how sad for all of us who could see what Prime Minister Rudd was doing was best for this country.I AM DEVASTATED
2010-06-24 23:38:40 UTC
She would need to change. Will she now start to directly answer questions when they are put to her,when she is interviewed she just pours out a lot of nonsense about how wonderful the Labor party is and her replies have nothing whatsoever to do with the question asked, you can only assume that she takes us all for fools.

She needs to explain the terrible waste and mess with regard to the schools building program.She hasn't admitted that it is a mess and she is the minister responsible.

The spending of this government is worse than Whitlams.We are a real mess and I can't see her fixing it.

As for the Greens they are living in fairytale land, they want to do things like shut down coal mines, they would send us broke faster than Labor is doing .
2010-06-24 23:03:23 UTC
Whilst Federal ALP is under the control of people like Mark Arbib,the State Secretary who oversaw head office hacks turn the NSW parliament into a political "cesspit" ,there will be little hope of Labor being seen as an honest and focused party, capable of holding the confidence of the community in the long term.

It matters not who is at the helm of a ship with a broken "RUDDER"
Russ B
2010-06-24 21:43:19 UTC
We finally had a prime minister that was worth get out and voting for and his own party stabs him in the back. That leaves us a traitor or a tattle tail that only gets out there and points out what everyone else dose wrong. Once he brought something to the table for single mothers, his party left him hanging and he had to recall statement and has said nothing sense. What is the point in voting when the people vote for something or someone and a hand of people can change it depending on who is lining there pockets.Wont vote again unless federal and for independence.We are the only country including African tribes that have not sent the red coats home. Think about it
2010-06-24 02:59:12 UTC
The labor party is trying desperately to fall back into favor by shoving a new leader in, and the hard fact is it isn't going to work. No matter which politician they put into power, they'll still have the same ideas because its the SAME PARTY. If Australia wasn't happy with Kevin (which we weren't) then they won't be satisfied with Julia. The only answer is to choose someone from a different party come the election. And I, for one, will not be voting for Julia Gillard simply because she is a woman! I will cast my vote based on my view of who will be the better leader. And that won't be anyone from the labor party.
2010-06-26 05:13:07 UTC
She has been in all the major decisions Rudd made and responsible for a lot of the problems they created. Wayne Swan, now Deputy PM, cannot avoid his responsibility either. So nothing new from Labor and nothing better outcome. Now I am switching to Liberal for the first time.
the one
2010-06-27 01:47:36 UTC
Once labor has passed the 40% mining tax and we lose lots of chinese investors as well as other important countries Australia will not be one of the most prosperous nations anymore.

One of the reasons Australia was not in recession is beacause of our natural resources

and because of Kevin Rudds stimulus handouts.

Sure Julia is a new face but with the same ruthless and greedy policies like the mining tax

what is the point in changing leaders.
2010-06-26 17:36:45 UTC
Citizens of this country, take time to think. If Kevin was considered arrogant why was he chosen to lead the party in the 1st place? When did stories about his unpopularity surface? Why and when did Rudd began to show his angry self? What did he find out about the ALP? ( think about it)

2nd ALP is a party that in the last election vied for VOTES from people to win the election by fielding a candidate and set of policies it had for future of Australia? It succeeded because Kevin Rudd was liked by Voters. So, People gave their Votes( ideas, hopes, trust, beliefs, values, etc.) to Labor. If Rudd was back-stabbed and you feel this much anger, then think of the backstabbing that took place against the citizens that voted for Rudd and Labor.

The Party members of ALP failed to understand that their petty personalities, prejudices, likes and dislikes stays outside not brought into the party. Today, Gillard is speaking about Australia and its future? Her caliber is shown when she blatantly ignores public feelings to talk about next election.

Is she a true Aussie??

3rd, Voting is freewill and fundamental right of every citizen of the country. It is a legal agreement if not in law, definitely morally because these votes gives the ruler Rights of the People to run a country. It is an Agreement between the people and the party. It has been reneged, but importantly the victims, The Voters have not been compensated one way Legally or otherwise. By right, there should have been Legal Action taken against Labor for its act!

That takes us to the next; why are we voting? Is it the sword of Damocles(hefty fines if one does not vote) hanging over the voters head that compels, coerces them to vote when there is 'no suitable party' or party they like? why are we being forced to Vote for parties we dislike? Now that is the issue citizens should worry about,because it is at the core, violation of Human Rights and can be considered crime committed against humanity. Why Gillard is not addressing that first? What does that tell about your citizenship and your Rights?

Did no one ever wonder why Bill of Rights were vociferously ostracized by successive government though UN found citizen freedom was curtailed in Australia? Howard had an answer for that it seems. He seemed to have said we do not want anyone meddling with the sovereignty of Australia. It is more like, don't interfere with the 'sovereignty of the Rulers, thank you'.

What this country need to Act on is,

1) Is Gillard a citizen and when did she become one? That means every future leader needs to be Australian Citizen.

2)The right of citizen to vote or not vote. Not Voting is a major indicator of the feelings of people. Why is it being forcibly pushed aside?

3) Bill of Rights, that safeguards Rights of peoples should be included in the Constitution.

4) Who gave mining companies the rights to mine in Australia? When? What were the agreement or conditions?

5) The mining company books have to be audited, because the discrepancy and avoidance of mining tax by all major parties indicate discrepancy within Mining Companies.

At least these are the tasks Tony Abbott should have talked about, you would think as opposition leader.

Importantly, Why did you not, Tony?
2010-06-26 01:45:11 UTC
May 2009 I met with PM Rudd and Dr Nelson. Both have been deposed, yet IMO they are the best that either party has.

Gillard has achieved nothing and the voters have not elected her. Ditto Abbott, both Abbott and Gillard are products of their party back room power brokers.

Rudd rode to power with the support of veterans and seniors, an ever increasing voting block. Abbott is already on record for his comments of taking pensions back to the Howard years, Howard kept Veterans pensions way below the National increases, especially the TPI'S.

The choice between Abbott and Gillard is no choice at all. Like do you want to drink battery acid, or urine
2010-06-25 23:33:13 UTC
The leadership change was inevitable, given Mr. Rudd's inability to match Abbott's aggressive head-kicking style. Rudd was a good man, but he didn't have the raw aggression that Abbott has. That's not to say Abbott is any good. He isn't.

I see Labor winning the next election, and the Liberal's Abbott experiment failing.
2010-06-25 19:19:32 UTC
That was simply a political prostitution. Know, it is very clear that it is not the Federal Elected people who govern Australia but the Banks and the Miners. I was not a Kevin Rudd simpathiser, but what they did to him gave me nausea. E tu Brute tu quoque filli mi? And you Brute, You also my son? What is the difference with countries in which the military people take power from democratic elected presidents? Julia is not Julia, she is Dalila. If she did this she is capable of doing anything! Don't be surprised!
2010-06-25 15:39:56 UTC
These opinion polls aren't worth much, elections are very vague also when you have a percentage of people who are voting that have no legitimate or educated reason for whom they are electing.

This leadership change was of course only done to try and double dip on their original campaign which sucked the majority of voters to swing towards their "TIME FOR CHANGE". For people to ever vote Labour in again like this would only show how unintelligent the people in this country are.

There needs to be an Australia wide survey done to each person in this country that Votes, a survey where they can check a box that states "I do not fully understand politics therefore I am not making a decision that would be in the best interests of this country"
Ann A
2010-06-25 02:05:01 UTC
Julia Gillard is no lady Macbeth. She is Macbeth and the "double agents" who corrupted her will assassinate her too. Swan is lurking in the shadows waiting for the media to tear rip her to shreads (give it a week or two). Sad to lose our first chance for a legitimate female PM. Sadder to lose King Rudd. Saddest that Abbot is laughing all the way to the polls. Bring back Rudd. I want another $700 stimulus package and I want it paid for by the mining billionaires.
David M
2010-06-24 23:06:22 UTC
I am not a labor party supporter but in many ways Kevin Rudd did a good job - his outgoing speech was a good reminder of his achievments (althought I believe he tried to do too much too soon).

I am sure the mining tax will be identified as his downfall but, I believe, it wasn't the mining tax itself that caused the problems, but the way it was brought into the arena and lack of consultation. I hope I am not being cynical but it appeared to me the mining tax was the only way Mr Rudd could deliver on promises and balance the budget after the big spending GFC resuce packages.

As individuals we don't know or understand fully the machinations of politics, economics etc.but my questions are these:

1. did the mining tax issue reveal more concern for the Labor Party and less concern for the budget or was it genuine naivety on the part of the political leaders; and

2. the way in which Mr Rudd was axed was ruthless which, in my opinion, could only build instibility - in the political arena we all know where that leads to.
Sub Stance
2010-06-29 21:23:27 UTC
the biggest back stabber in the country, I know she has done a lot for the labor party for many years but to steal the top job like this is disgraceful, as deputy I would have expected some loyalty to kevin rudd. I cant stand the woman anymore. I would have voted for her before this incident, not any more, shes a low life pig
2010-06-27 19:14:23 UTC
Who knows? There are no visionaries in politics anymore. Its all about the next election, numbers and vote buying! We only survived the financial crisis because of good housekeeping by the previous government. Labor will give until there's no more to give and then the opposition will be given the task of cleaning up the mess. Its happened before. The only consolation I can offer Kevin Rudd is this Irving Wallace quotation that I'm sure he's aware of.

'' To be one's self, and unafraid of whether right or wrong, is more admirable than the easy cowardice of surrender to conformity."

Irving Wallace. (American Author 1916-1990)
2010-06-26 19:50:52 UTC
It seemed to me to be premature about Rudd being overthrown, but then he has appeared rather apathetic recently. He couldn't seem to handle criticism of which there is a lot of in that business. I think he is not cut out for a leadership role, but I hope he stays in parliament as he's a good honest worker.

As for Julia Gillard taking over, that's fantastic, I think she makes a great leader. And finally someone is saying & doing something about the out of control population!
2010-06-26 19:14:10 UTC
Back to the bad old days of Union control. It appears the AWU now decides who will lead the party, which will mean total instability from now on. Gillard has already proven this because she has already started to apologize for policies SHE helped to form. Rudd was firm that what they had formed as policy should stand. She has just about turned.
2010-06-24 21:22:01 UTC
i think it highlights the lying and cheating that goes on in world of politics and Rudd was mislead and betrayed by his advisers and fellow party members,now we are supposed to be lead by one of the betrayers??? ,i don't think so! . Labour has shot itself in the foot this time and i like others i know i will be invalid voting because i have a choice and i choose non of them .

Also it has shown who really owns the country and that's the Mining industry ! .

When a party assassinates it's own PM to try and not loose an election i can no longer believe in politics anymore this was the final straw ! . i would not have ever voted for Julia had she run .

this is a sad time for Australia a once proud land that now betrays it's own.
2010-06-24 19:19:04 UTC
Labor's style of changing a leader who was elected by the people is for me very disappointing. I will never trust the party leaders again. They did not have respect on the will of the people who placed Mr. Rudd in that position.
2010-06-24 19:09:28 UTC
Labour is really "the same dog, different spots" only now it is more controlled by the faceless ones that were not even elected, IE the Trade Unions. There are too many so-called power brokers who are never elected but secretly worm their way into places of power, largely for their own non specified agenda.

I would think most thinking Australians do not trust any breed of politicians, they all blow hot and cold and follow the latest fads to get public acceptance. We need leaders not puppets whose strings are pulled by faceless, non elected, power factions
2010-06-24 19:02:22 UTC
Kevin Rudd was dismissed as Prime Minister because of his dogmatic ways within the Labor Party - not consulting, and proceeding with policies on the "hop".

This egotistical man did not fit the Caucus mould of what was required by them.Not consulting with the factional power brokers resulted in his downfall.

His approach to the ordinary Australian was "bugger them I know whats best for them" and I'm putting in place policies accordingly. No compromise just dictatorial actions resulting in disastrous policies effecting us all.

His pompous and bully tactics finally caught up with him. He became popular as a result of spin and false promises backed up by a spending spree unheard of in current economic times with debts in excess of $300 billion for which we and our children will be paying for over generations.

I'm afraid this will continue under the Gillard regime. She was responsible as part of the "gang of 4" which introduced these stupid and unworkable policies.

Bring on an election please.
The John
2010-06-24 04:12:02 UTC
Vested interests in both the media and mining industries destroyed democracy in Australia today along with a once proud political party.

The media is scared of losing advertising revenue to the new services in the FTH NBN and anything to protect their dividends.

The miners happy to rip our nation off and spend millions to bring down a government

Rudd and his team were confronted with a crisis, the GFC, acted decisively in a manner the Libs never could have ,( their pet trickle down has never worked and would only have made the situation worse with workchoices destroying wages and spending power wiping out so many businesses)

Rudd and team saved our butts, sure in the emergency and haste mistakes were made, but the alternative would have been many times worse. For that the media set out on a concentrated effort to destroy him, overlooking the great achievements in such a short time and focus on the negatives, in full knowledge they are manipulating public opinion and the polls. This is reminiscent of Randolph Hearst and his fawning support of Adolph Hitler and His Nazi party.

Most unforgiveable is the pathetic cowardly wimps in the ALP that rather than stand and fight, publicise the great achievements even though the media would try and sabotage them.

Stab the man who has achieved this in the back. The replacement, under the circumstances a powerless puppet and irrelevent.

I and many others I have spoken to today will never vote Labor again. They are finished

The scurvy forces have guaranteed a one party state that can proudly be led by visionless incompetents into being a third world country with low paid peasant workers living in shanty towns, or as slaves, sorry servants for the wealthy would be nobilty, with the media making all the excuses and disclaiming any responsibility
2010-06-26 22:55:00 UTC
'Australia did not elect Kevin Rudd, but the Labor Party' - blah blah blah. I actually voted for Kevin Rudd who was going to be the lead of the Labor Party. I did not elect Julia Gillard. I am actually really disappointed in what happened to Kevin Rudd. They treated him like crap and both Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan are backstabbers. Alot of my friends agree 100%. Kevin Rudd has made alot of good decisions, like for example, leading our country through the GFC. The problem with most ppl is that they tend to always focus on the bad things and not ever the good things get noted. He and his party have done more good than bad and we need to remember that. Also, all decisions that Kevin Rudd made were backed by his deputy pm 100%, so who is she is all of a suddent turn. The school disaster was her project that stuffed up. Her and Swan are puppets and I will not be voting for them in the next election, nor will i vote for abbott, probably the greeens.
2010-06-26 23:45:32 UTC
I think J. Gillard should understand that what she has "inherited" ia a Prime Ministership, not a

Presidency. During a recent televised interview never once used the words, we or they. It was I,I,I.

I am afraid that we are in for another megalomaniac P.M. uttering nothing but hollow words.

I see the Labor Party continuing their downhill slide into oblivion. I hope the ill advised Labor Voters

do not make the same mistake again, and vote for the Union controlled incompetents.
2010-06-26 01:01:43 UTC
I think its like switching deck chairs on the Titanic, and they have to have lost all credibility and any confidence that the Australian people may have had in them. To back stabbing that has gone on really does show what a bunch of two faced thugs most of the labor party are. My vote will go to Tony Abbott, and the liberal party you would have thought the Australian people would have learnt their lesson after the 19% interest rates and the recession we had to have, and then our once leader had the audacity to call our country, which thousands fought and died for, A Banana Republic. I rest my case
Tom K
2010-06-25 23:11:45 UTC
The power shift gives greater power to unions,the faceless brokers, increased socialism & national debt.As a retired successful businessman, how can a nation be run by a group of amateur power hungry people that has no experience in business, discipline & control. Just look at the labor controlled states,DISASTER. As an a-political person my negative opinion hopefully does not come to fruition?
2010-06-25 21:55:08 UTC
The Prime Minister like ALL politicians in ALL party,s was NOT chosen by the people of Australia, they were chosen by electoral committee,s who,s members are composed off political correct fanatics,and who screen candiates and select for only candiates with political correct views, no differnt than in communist and facists states, and should any candidate DARE to state an opinion not seen as political correct, that candidate is virtually destroyed, ie: Pauline Hanson,,,, get over it my fellow Australians, we have no say because we do not have REAL democracy,,,,,,,,,,,,
2010-06-25 17:40:09 UTC
Labor party is doomed. I voted for Labor Party because of Kevin Rudd. I will dump Labor Party in the coming election because of what they did with him. In the state of NSW, I was resolved that I wouldn't vote again for Labor then came Kristina Kennelly. There was a resurgence of labor because of Kristina and I changed by vote for her. I thought by supporting her it gives support to Kevin Rudd. Now those union morons applied it at Federal Labor by dumping Kevin. They thought that there would be a similar resurgence at Federal level as in state of NSW. They were bloody wrong, they just confirm how dirty they are---pure personal greed. Not only that I am not going to vote labor at State and Federal level, I lost my respect with the party. They alienated us labor voters. I lost my respect to Julia and company. In this time of difficulty she should have supported Kevin who brought labor to power but her true color came out--her personal greed to own the record of the first woman prime minister.

I hope this coming election she will be the first woman unelected pm not to be elected and the shortest one. Julia showed here weakedness when she tried to appease the mining industry for simple reason the unions are dependent on it not the Australia people per se. Union in today's world has become irrelevant. Those who join the unions are inept, unskilled, lazy and coward who seek protection like in a gang.

Julia is PM of labor unions not to the labor voters who appreciated Kevin Rudd the 'Reformist'. It's unprecedented in Australian politics that an elected PM was assassinated by his own party in favour of greed. It will be unprecedented if we labor voter would bring Kevin Rudd again to lead labor this coming election. Why not? After all, he was the one who brought it from oblivion.
2010-06-25 00:30:55 UTC
The future of the Labor Party seems going into the dark. It's also a bad luck for all ALP members from now on...Why ? Just simply think about a group of people who are working together for same objectives but they actually have no trust, no loyalty and willing to kill together for their own benefit.. It becomes worse and more shameful that they made deals together and betrayed their group leader who had ever believed and supported them in the past. Do you think this group of those evil people will be successful in their future ?? And the reputation of the whole group will be still good ?? Who else can believe them ?? But to me, I NEVER EVER BELIEVE IT....
2010-06-26 18:16:09 UTC
Julia Gillard has become a puppet prime minister unfortunately! Bill Shorten is waiting in the wings to pounce on this preferred title of PM. As a woman I applaud Julia's rise and I wish more women were in a position to bolster her appointment long term.

The shift in power is interim and she will soften the edges of mining taxes,health system reforms etc,etc. If she wants to stay in the job she will have to focus on what she considers to be the most important issues which impact economic change,monetary change and community changes.

It is a well known fact that Australians do not tolerate leaders who forget what they are their to do,as evidenced recently! If she wants to stay in the job honesty, humbleness and a good measure of luck needs to be exercised as well as being able to have a reasonable handle on her parties political aspiration together,unlike these factions which have rent this party to pieces lately.
Blazing a trail
2010-06-25 23:48:06 UTC
Well for all the idiots that voted Labor at the last election, guess what!, the 4 wise men from Rudd's left ,right and centre were all trade unionists,so who is running the country now? As for the current red head, "we lost our direction".....what!!, and she was one of the gang of four!, what happened to the supporting your leader! And she was is in charge of the B.E.R,............... DONT YOU FOOLS GET IT ....Builder's early retirement fund.. 5 BILLION TAX PAYERS DOLLARS YOUR DOLLARS, YES YOU, WHO IS READING THIS....5 THOUSAND MILLION DOLLARS......Insulation batts, 4 dead Australians 1000 house fires, How can any Australian vote for a party of idiots such as this,
2010-06-25 03:53:54 UTC
people of australia choose kevin rudd as prime minister of country . so only people have right to take decision is he is right or can be clear in coming election.he was a good prime minister .as per my point of view if he done 95% right things for people of country & make couple of mistakes it does not mean he is not capable for the prime minister post.I always like his way & i will.after his nobody now what is the future election result.
2010-06-24 06:11:40 UTC
Today will go down in the annals of history as the "Ides of June" when B. Brutus and his 70 or so conspirators masterminded the political assassination of one of Australia's most descent Prime Ministers.

If the Labor Party is so naive to believe the electorate won't read into this infamy it can count itself dead and buried. I voted for Kevin Rudd as leader of the Australian Labor Party. I did not vote for a dictator endorsed by corrupt Labor factions who within hours of endorsement whent cap in hand to the miners.

Who runs this country?

I'm a swinging voter - Adios Labor
2010-06-24 04:12:45 UTC
In opposition after the next election as their policies are just to benefit the followers of this party ,they have lost Rudd so all willmove to the left from now on, pity she lives not in the real world of life. We end up like some Euro countries like Greeece and others if we do take a firm stand now. Abbott is for me in 2010 at least he some brains
Ron Mc
2010-06-27 23:02:34 UTC
The public do not vote in a leader, they vote in a party. this is why the politicians in power never want us to become a democratic society, they know we wouldn't vote for them on their own. if we were a democracy we would have the choice to vote, and how many people do you think would vote then?

As far as the Rudd, Gillard fiasco, are we supposed to have confidence in a party that has now shown how underhand they can be?

If they do that among themselves, what are they going to do to the public?

I say bring in the democracy, and see who the public really want to lead the country, you would have a lot of nervous politicians, and we may see some of their promises met in the future.
2010-06-25 18:51:44 UTC
The Labor has lost my support with Julia Gillard forever.
2010-06-24 20:20:08 UTC
Hi l feel there was a Big pay out or some deal under the table deals by the mining company to voted Rudd out ,cause there already worried about pay for the big spills costing them millions and that's why Rudd was booted out. bet your bottom dollar they will {mining company} end up paying less tax or its dropped by Julia if we voted someone in they should be in for that time its all about money .People need to make a stand just like in bugs life as one alone just cant sort out everything
2010-06-25 20:20:04 UTC
Its the policies, not the person. Julia will make all the right noises and appear to change tack, but in the end, the socialist policies of the trade union movement of which the Labour Party is the parliamentary wing, will prevail.
2010-06-25 19:23:54 UTC
So our political arena is owned and run by foreign power brokers and their henchmen.

Fair enough, they'll have to leave us alone when we have nothing left to sell.

I choose to vote because I want a say, I didn't vote in the Gillard as my PM and certainly have no plan to now.

The Labor Party is a now a complete non-starter in our household and in my in-laws, and my siblings and their families households - and I don't care how much the spin doctors say otherwise!
2010-06-24 22:26:39 UTC
Security is slack at Parliament house these days, their not checking for knives anymore .

Same old, same old, only less Rudd and probably the only sincere labour polly Tanner.

Julia was standing right behind Rudd while every one of those mind boggling decisions were made .

Will Julia suddenly become a smart economic manager . I doubt it .
2010-06-24 21:31:14 UTC
Quite honestly, all the people I know are not very confident to vote for Labour again. We are all worried that a change of leadership can just happen overnight without a general election, where does that leave the people of Australia? Are we heading for a communist takeover?
Angel Wings
2010-06-24 17:52:31 UTC
Give this lady a chance, she has been in for less than a day and already the backstabbing has started.

Ease up Julia has to alter the image of the party to attract the public support for leading the Party into victory.
2010-06-24 15:41:53 UTC
I find this unfair to Ruddy. He was doing well and certainly better than Howard did. He got us through the Global Financial Crisis almost unscathed and in some sectors during the Crisis, Australia even thrived under his leadership. So what if he annoyed one of two Trade Unions? He was doing well for the people of Australia and still had the voter's support at the time this all happened. He was doing so well for the country and I don't think anyone saw this coming at all.
2014-06-18 19:28:23 UTC
I must say, I applaud Tony Abbot's little speel today during the question session, about how a mid-night knock on the door and political execution thereafter is NO way to do things, NO matter who the person is, NO matter who is involved. And THIS will be almost THE main reason Australian Labor supporters are feeling cheated and jaded. We WERE NOT consulted(so really, makes you think, what else isn't she going to consult us about?!?!).
2010-06-28 03:24:38 UTC
poor labor party the last 5 prime ministers were treated the same way bunch of traitors only difference Kevin got the ass the quickest out of them VOTE liberal at least he has balls doesn't sound like a women and isn't desperate for attention like her it says enough what she has done to prove she is like Pauline Hanson only in a different shell 5 years ago she was classed as a lesbian can't dress properly and talks like a bloke jump on another band wagon not theres
2010-06-25 18:47:35 UTC
THIS IS VERY VERY VERY UN AUSTRALIAN Aim a Labor Party voter but now i will no longer support this team of bluntly, backstabbers.Julia Gulled will not be my vote for Prime Minister ever no way,Julia Gil lard is now running the Labor Communist Party. Bu ger the Austral in people??????????
2010-06-24 23:26:54 UTC
what we saw was a labor party without any dignity. They have no values, no principles. The only thing they care is not to loose the next elections.... and they will take out the knives if needed.

Is that what the Australian people want????
2010-06-24 23:19:43 UTC
Gillard is as much of a communist as Rudd is. She shares his belief that society can be re-moulded, bashed into any shape they wish, at the stroke of a legislative pen. When this keeps on failing, they never re-think their original beliefs. Instead they think if they change the name, or change the person doing the legalised plundering, socialism will work eventually.
William F
2010-06-24 18:11:17 UTC
Oblivion, since they're ideologically anti free enterprise and delusional believing they know what's best for their constituents.

It's our mea culpa electing to power to represent us a gaggle of unionists, lawyers, school teachers and a rock star - none of whom have ever run a business, owned a business, understand business (or cash flow) much less had any business experience. What else can we expect - witness the inevitable political demise yesterday of that disgraced pathologically narcissistic bureaucrat and his colossal vanity.. how did a nation of otherwise intelligent people allow this to happen ?

As for the replacement - different balls, same racket.

Bill Forbes

Port Melbourne VIC 3207
2010-06-24 09:08:29 UTC
The ALP had already lost the next election but this won't change that. In fact it'd make the rout worse.

This reminds me of the night when Gough Whitlam had to stand outside whilst the ALP decided policy behind closed doors. The ALP is totally undemocratic. The unions and the power brokers control everything behind closed doors. The public never gets what it voted for with those guys.
2010-06-27 20:55:48 UTC
They did not elect the Prime Minister they elected Members of their Legislative Assembly(Representatives) and the Prime Minister is one of those members and is only the PM because he is the leader of the Labor Party. Since he stepped down the Party decided that deputy PM Julia Gillard would take over.

I think the power shift is fine and is how it works in Australia when a PM steps down.
2010-06-26 15:20:15 UTC
The Power of BIG MONEY advertising has effected the fickle voters in Australia again Money talks it is ridiculous that people have such short memories about Australian political history and the contempt that Big Money and the Liberal Party have continually shown towards the working class and poor of this country and especially the use of our assets AUSSIES WAKE UP AND CHECK IT OUT!
2010-06-26 03:14:37 UTC
Bring back Kevin Rudd...She aint Australian where in our political system a foriengner be our PM...Im not all for a republic like the United States etc but in there laws you have to be the country of birth... I think a born Australian has the right for our top job not and imigrant...Which she is...Bring Back Rudd
2010-06-24 06:24:32 UTC
This is a clear drama of political back stabbing. A clear show of faceless powerbrokers who acted to filfull their vested interest by keeping Ms. Gillard as a puppet. Australian people elected a person as PM and it is not the bloody right of some faceless people to decide who should be the PM b4 an election. This is ridiculous. We hate this type of filthy acts.
2010-06-26 06:20:34 UTC
None of these leaders help to lower or maintain the cost of basic needs (e.g food, rental), stimulate packages will help rich getting richer, poor getting poorer because the prices of the goods increase by 30% and only people who sell will benefit and the consumer will suffer. Most of the employer will not employ more people because they prefer higher profit and will ask existing employees work harder.

In the future, people will suffer more if the leader unable maintain or lower the cost of basic needs.
2010-06-25 21:18:06 UTC
At sixty five years of age and a rusted on labor voter they have LOST ME . We genuine labor supporters have been served up so much crap over the years by labor FRACTIONS putting their own self interest before all ales

I can not vote for either Gilliard (A sneaky Assassin) or Abbott ( An insincere idiot )

My vote will be informal

2010-06-25 19:12:04 UTC
At last Australia has joined the only other completely DEMOCRATIC nation in the world, New Zealand and we have a female Prime Minister. We do not want a leader who owes his alliance to Rome first and second to our homeland.
2010-06-25 19:12:02 UTC
I think the Labour party will go a long way in securing Australia,s future with Juilia Gillard as Prime Minster
Jason B
2010-06-25 18:00:31 UTC
well i did not vote gillard shes a troll the thing was set up fprm the very start that why Rudd had a female is his 2 IC so there would be a first in australian politcs
2010-06-27 22:10:39 UTC
This woman was party to all the poor decisions made in the past two years. A leopard does not change its spots overnight. She will still have the same back stabbers and spin doctors around her. Nothing will change in the long term.
2010-06-26 15:50:12 UTC
i just can't get over how childish the whole set up of these people is,you could not c this happening when RUDD got in.SWAN will b next and watch the Union because they r well known as bullies ,they all can handle a KNIFE.What the hell is GILLARD going to do with the same tools and the same cowards still there.I RECKON GO ABBOTT

PS.i can't stand any of them,they r all tarred with same BRUSH.
2010-06-24 23:34:40 UTC
A man makes decisions, he makes mistakes. Julia did not make final decisions, she had not made big mistakes yet, which was one of the reasons she was put forward.

Kevin's "driver licence"(Prime Ministership) was taken away, but he was not even given a chance to have his "demerit points" deducted. There should have been a protocol which stipulates in what circumstances a Prime Minister is not allowed to fulfill his/her term.
2010-06-24 09:17:22 UTC
I'm unimpressed. I see the Labor Party losing the next election in spite of this last-ditch effort. What they've done: basically rearranged the deck chairs on the Titanic. Vile, treacherous snakes!
2010-06-25 09:14:43 UTC
VERY VERY ANGRY ALP voter. For many years I have voted ALP in the lower house and voted for the democrats in the senate because they "KEPT THE BASTARDS HONEST" then the democrats assassinated their leader Natasha and lost everyone’s vote including mine, the result, they were wiped of the political map. I would have voted for Julia but not after this treachery perpetrated by this mob. Maybe just maybe you will suffer the same fate as the democrats did at the next election TRUST! WHO CAN YOU TRUST? Not this gang of back stabbers, they have lost my vote.

Truly a sorry day for Australian politics.
2010-06-25 06:31:15 UTC
Julia Gillard was not voted in by the people of this great nation so why do we have to except her as prime minister
2010-06-25 06:04:54 UTC
disappointed.....may be its a wake up call, its about time we the people put a stop to this type of politics by voting in our own leader for the top office instead of the party, similar to United States. in this way no back stabing and those members of parliment that we elected, MP must have no say in who we as a people want as a president or prime minister......., as such our approach in vesting power to an individual must be vested in the Australian people and we alone should decide who sits in our country's highest seat and no one else........Time for change.
2010-06-24 20:35:58 UTC
I will not be voting for the Labour Party again... I will not be voting for the Liberal/National party either... Greens have my vote for now ... Nothing against Julia Gillard or tha fact she is a she ... totally dislike BOTH major parties ... & agree with Kochie for Labour to unmask the hidden guys making decisions ...
2010-06-25 01:02:25 UTC
Kevin Rudd -Australia will love you for ever. Our heart is going off for you. He is the man and Australian Hero. My respect forever for you. No more vote for labour party.
2010-06-25 19:03:42 UTC
GREAT! Even the Murdoch Press is saying positive things about it! The Polls don't (always) lie...the Australia Public love Gillard and she is certain to lead the party to victory in the upcoming elections.
2010-06-24 23:00:08 UTC
I hate the way julia did, she was around kevin when they were implementing the policies. why she wasn't advise him if that was not good or to do real " negotiation". On the first day question time she said" i don't know weather there was a real negotiation happened "? what it means? was anybody trapping kevin?

Anyway I lost the trust with labor party and not going to vote for labor.

Kevin you are great - you said " sorry " to stolen generation .

Kevin you are blessed - increase the aged pension and carer pension " their blessings are with you".

kevin your humanity is great " you did a lot for cancer patients".

many many thanks for all the good job .

we always love you and miss you.
2010-06-24 19:28:30 UTC
I would NEVER vote for someone who stabs another person in the back all the while smiling at him.

Gillard set him up. Why was it so under handed and nothing was done about it??????

I'm sorry Mr Rudd, I didn't agree with alot of things you did, but you DID NOT deserve what happened to you
2010-06-27 00:44:37 UTC
Julia Gillard is one very stupid women to back stab her own leader in just few months before election. I bet now the Liberal are already celebrating in advance and they will definitely open up a bottle of champagne for her stupidity. Its either she is stupid or she has been used by the business, either way she has ruined ALP's reputation and ruined their chance to win the next election.

Kelvin Rudd was a great leader, and please stop blaming him for high living cost, unemployment and interest rate and ****, it doesn't matter who is leading the country, it is the world that is driving these economic attributes, besides the government can hardly do anything about that. We are very ucky not to get hit as hard as other countries during the financial crisis.
2010-06-26 07:03:28 UTC
I think Kevin should have held on and as far as Iam concerned I will NOT be voting labour again like I have fot the last 32 year thats over three decades of supporting labour and I won't again. I hope she is happy and it will only be time till that swan stabs her in the back. Coops the ex labour supporter.
2010-06-26 03:47:10 UTC
Well as natasha stott despoja saids was a very HERstoric day but it seems the voting process is fundamentally flawed if we can suddenly have a prime minister that nobody voted for ? ....what we have is an assassination of Rudd and when emotionally driven women are in power could be coined "MISS-MANAGEMENT".....ok enough of the sarcasm.....but one things for sure....POLITICS IS REALLY DIRTY AND INDEED A BAFFLING GAME WHEN YOUR HEAD IS ON THE CHOPPING BOARD BASED ON RIDICULOUS POPULARITY NEWSPOLLS WHICH WERE DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAD DEMISE OF RUDD.I'd cry too......
Sir Loin the Stake
2010-06-26 02:32:08 UTC
I think that there will be no change in Policy - same old story as K.Rudd. If they really want to do something positive, they should address the boar people problem and channel all that money into the aged & poor instead of paying for these illegal immigrants.
2010-06-26 06:20:34 UTC
None of these leaders help to lower or maintain the cost of basic needs (e.g food, rental), stimulate packages will help rich getting richer, poor getting poorer because the prices of the goods increase by 30% and only people who sell will benefit and the consumer will suffer. Most of the employer will not employ more people because they prefer higher profit and will ask existing employees work harder.

In the future, people will suffer more if the leader unable maintain or lower the cost of basic needs.
2010-06-26 02:12:47 UTC
Backstabbing is not ethical.

The way Rudd left was a disgrace and I now have no respect or regard for the labor party or Gillard.

Shameful conduct.
2010-06-26 00:09:31 UTC
I'm shocked. I understand that Rudd was struggling. However, having brutally dumped him will not, in my opinion, detract from the underlying problems facing Labour. They still need to deal with a hostile senate and obstructionist opposition. They must be able to get legislation through to keep faith with the people who voted for them.
2010-06-25 19:08:42 UTC
Is Julia Gillard an Australian citizen? Has she been naturalized or is she still a pommy?

No disrespect intended but a lot of pommies occupy high positions in Australia and have no intention of becoming citizens.
2010-06-24 06:23:31 UTC
How Julia came into power is a shame, she back stabbed the man she was supposed to be loyal to, denying for months that she was not interested in the PM job, what she did was underhanded and a big disgrace and added alot more wealth to the saying that politics is a dirty game because what she did is dirty.
2010-06-29 00:57:34 UTC
Now that history has been made by having Female Prime Minister lets get back to normal by voting for Tony at the next election. One thing is for sure there is no question about his sexuality !!!!!!!!

2010-06-25 09:35:32 UTC
i have been a labour saporter for the past 30 years and i voted kevin in but after the insulation bull sh...t i said i will note vote for kevin i have seen personaly how many peoples lifes he has destroyed with that desision you make a anouncment on friday 2 pm that the program ends 5 pm that day what is that rubish how can any one do something like that i dont care if your pm or presedent or god him self you cant do that to milions of people and just walk away as if nothing was wrong he shot him self in the foot the minute he made that dissision thats where it started going down hill i would have not voted for him this election i was preperd to go frew liberal to be incharge just to get rid of rud the dud..but now i will vote again as long as Rud is not in power our new pm needs to get rid of peter garet that guy has no id insted of rud geting rid of him they got rid of rud they both need to go RUD you hade the wright id but no back bone you crumbuled under presure from oposition your to weak to be our Pm sorry my frend your not labour to kill that many peoples jobs in the insulation program that did the whole thing for me..

And our labour party should go foward from here as long as we dont get another rud in power we will be ok
2010-06-24 03:39:35 UTC
The labour party is ideologically left wing and what we are talking about now is to what degree.

It was under Rudd, very Socialist but now with the far left factions in control and appointing the most left wing Prime Minister since Whitlam (Gillard) has taken us into territory that is very unAustralian and sympathetic to Communist regimes such as China

Rudd began the social engineering experiment and Gillard will finish us off as the current soverign nation we are

A few facts about MS Gillard -

The Communist Party of Australia reformed as the Socialist Forum in 1984. Julia Gillard became a member and signatory for them writing much of their extreme promotional literature

The Socialist Forum was designed to channel Communists into the Labour Party and was absorbed by the Fabian Society in 2002 and MS Gillard was still a member of it. She never resigned and is also a member of the Fabian Society

She presented a paper to the Fabian Society as late as 2007 called "How to be a Socialist Teacher"

With a brutal totalitarian Communist such as China becoming a future threat in the region, we would be crazy to vote in a Communist as leader of our country

However we have not been given a choice.

We must choose at the next election.

The mining tax has a socialist agenda -

spend other people's money (ours) as Socialists do, then tax us all to the hilt to pay for it. Along the way, cripple the mining industry and our market advantage we built up and sell off the mines AND THE RESOURCES at bargain prices to their Communist Chinese mates to pay for the gang of 4's recklessness whilst making us all dependent, through taxation and regulations, on a huge centralised government that sticks its nose in all of our affairs and constrains us. Soon we become an economic satellite state of China

Then you will see a cruell and heartless class system where officials and special friends are the elite. The rest of us and our children never being allowed to better ourselves and have any goals unless sanctioned.

This sort of thing has happened many times in history and now in various countries

How smart are we to allow it to happen here?

Bring on a female Prime Minister sometime sure, but not this one, she cannot be trusted nor can this government.

Vote the Liberals in, Abbott is a good guy, his old policies in regard to marriage etc he is toning down, and he has never said he will bring back Work Choices, when asked he said NO.

Th Liberals are conservative and cautious and believe in individual freedom to be what ever you want to be in life. A big difference to the bludgeoning Labour Union thugs - look how they treated Rudd
2010-06-25 19:05:47 UTC
A TREACHEROUS MOVE THAT WAS HATCHED BEFORE THE LAST ELECTION. How many times is Australia going to make the mistake of changing a good government when things are going ok
2010-06-25 18:16:08 UTC
easy down the shitter.yes we all know we vote for a party.but if we had to vote for her,no way,look at wat she's done already.alot of mistakes,and y do we vote for a pm if they can do it for us.wats next that we have no say in.thats y people are really unhappy by this,we are AUSTRALIA,NOT plz stop trying to make us.we like that we have a choice and that our goverment is controled by the people for the people,we should of made the choice to dump rudd not them.ive always voted labour but i will not not for her.and alot of people will do the same
2010-06-25 05:41:40 UTC
The fact that the party has the SAME brand JUST a different RED label, will I beleive send it (or her) down the gurgler in the next couple of months
2010-06-26 16:57:12 UTC
I think Labor will stay in it depends on what they do This mining Tax is a terrible gree for money!!! Why lie about things and say your going to do them when you don't If we could finally get some honesty with our government, then you will have trust, then respect and a better country for working families!

2010-06-25 16:17:53 UTC
Will win the next election people don't trust Abbott; but also .people need to remember that Most Labor Party politicians are former lawyers.
2010-06-25 05:43:40 UTC
nothing has changed the labor party is a spent force they won't win the election and we are in big debt the greens will do very well
2010-06-29 18:02:28 UTC
Julia Gillard is a stupid, union-loving lesbian who will run this country into the ground, like KRudd was trying to do.

You guys should chuck-in for some elocution lessons for the ugly red-heading dyke.
2010-06-26 21:56:03 UTC
I am annoyed that the desires of a small group of people can influence, and actually bring down the head of government. I thought all votes were supposed to be equal but it doesn't seem like that any more.
2010-06-25 22:06:23 UTC
When Election Time arrives, I will go to the poll booth with a huge black texta and write "I VOTE KEVIN RUDD" all over the ballot paper.

2010-06-25 19:26:16 UTC
***** Kevin Rudd & Julia Gillard***** ???? Labor???? WHAT A F???EN ////////////////////////////

?///////////////// FAILURE Put the price of power up & get more Boat People & Bring More Asians into OZ LAND OH & Put the TAX UP TO PAY FOR THE Labor party's OVERSEAS HOLIDAY'S

2010-06-25 04:12:17 UTC
South! Even Julia Gillard isn't the drover's dog.
2010-06-27 20:58:53 UTC
So glad to see the back of Rudd, he was spineless and incompetent. The Libs will win the next election
Allan T
2010-06-24 22:36:04 UTC
personaly i don't give a damn who the prime minister is as it is the responsibility of the whole labour party to ensure that the country runs smoothly and it does not matter who leads them.
2010-06-25 08:24:22 UTC
Mr Rudd, I respect you and commend you on being the first PM in years to actually try to bring this country into the 21st century, your hard work, compassion and commitment to our beautiful country, the country that you also love is appreciated enormously.

Hopefully you will continue to strive to do the same.
Phil S
2010-06-26 17:00:45 UTC
the pm should be voted in by the people.not 4 power broker or from thn union we voted for kevin Rudd and i do no se Gilard as the prime miniters
2010-06-25 18:49:39 UTC
as an exlabor voter and unionist how could you vote for these backstabbing slimebags i would have voted against rudd we voted him and it was up to the voters to vote him in or out

its the same cart only a different horse or should i say mare
2010-06-25 04:07:22 UTC
I don't want a backstabber for a Prime Minister
2010-06-24 17:12:14 UTC
Feel sorry for Rudd,,it's clearly people vote for Rudd last election. labour part wins because of him , i think he handle economy well , seems he haven't got any support form his party .
2010-06-24 19:33:31 UTC
honestly without Kevin Rudd Lobor Party will lose for sure.
2010-06-25 05:44:24 UTC
Incorrect zafir.. We voted for kevin rudd to lead the labour party and it was he we elected for pm. not some ring in who should be shot for treason
Henry M
2010-06-26 15:05:19 UTC
I think that we now understand who is in charge! One knows in the back of our mind who the real Mccoy is, but to be told just like that in our face, it is pretty scary. They can give and take and very swiftly too. Kevin tried to touch them a bit and see what happened! Now who is the Robin Hood who is going to tackle the others like Banks, Pharmaceutical ,Arms dealers....don't see any hands you?
2010-06-25 03:06:16 UTC
J.G. is not elected by the Australian people, she is elected by the labour party as a party leader. the labours future looks very bad. she wont make it, she will not be re -elected.
2010-06-27 20:25:53 UTC
Things didn't work out so well for Rome after the backstabbing assassination of Julius Caesar. Not much difference here, I reckon.
2010-06-25 22:36:58 UTC
the shift of power by the faction power brokers will blow up in their faces. same old policies different salesperson, only fools will ever believe them now. it's becoming too centralised (communism) wake up Australia!
2010-06-25 19:15:53 UTC
Don't be fooled people its still the same Labour party horse,imagine the damage they can do if they get another four years.
merv g
2010-06-24 18:05:49 UTC
2010-06-24 17:18:11 UTC
Julia And kevin \have the same thought they have the same policies

Same **** Different Smell
2010-06-25 21:06:52 UTC
Backstabing betrayal of our elected political leader.

It is a victory of ideology over common sense to say the electors voted just for the Labor Party and not specifically for Kevin Rudd at the last election.That is the 'denial' logic of people driven by fear rather than integrity and intelligence, people who need to competitively win at all cost rather than co-operatively negotiate what is fair and best for the people and the country.

The voters saw Kevin and Julia as a super intelligent team, working well together, who could be trusted to iron out the faults in any high-principled policies and make them work for the majority.

Then, what did we see on 24/6/10?

We saw fear- driven social dinosaurs in the party, running scared because of pressure from the mining companies and media pressure,(not from the voters), put pressure on Julia ( who we had all assumed could, with Kevin, institute changes and 'ride it out'), who then fronts up unexpectedly to Kevin like some gaellic Lady McBeth, and proceeds to push aside the leader we had seen establish Australia's reputation worldwide as an intelligent voice for the pressing issues of the 21st century.

This dirty business must make so many people overseas wonder what the hell we are doing to a man who was so respected by the American, Chinese and European leaders, someone who was helping to re-shape the political and economic priorities of the world as well as Australia so that humanity could survive the overwhelming challenges we face.

No, all I can say is: "Thus speaketh the unprincipled, primitive rabble".

If this was 'democracy' in action, let's try and find something that works better than passe western democracy for decent, principled, ethical human beings. Democracy itself has lost it's way!

Now Julia holds the blood-stained challice, she will backflip on the mining tax to keep happy all the financial nymphomaniacs, including those in the media, and all the pathetic hordes of 'fellow-travellers' in the general public who have been conned into becoming political 'yes men and women', dependent slaves to financial dividends, thus losing their freedom to make principled political decisions. You can see it in their faces. Even some of our leading TV interviewers seem more worried about their share portfolios than they do about what is good and right for the people and the nation when they are interviewing on issues like the mining taxes.

And you do not need to worry about the unions fighting for principles any more. Now that the conspiracy to emasculate the voter has succeeded and we have a country where both partners need to work and maintain maxed- out credit cards as well, just to maintain this sad little prize called 'western affluence', then you have a population which is effectively in the pocket of any power group who says something 'threatens jobs'. Shock horror, we might lose a job, the 'illusion' might all fall apart- so, yes mister, we will do anything you say mister! Just tell us who to vote for! Even the unions have been emasculated in the same way!

So now Julia has given up the principles for the power, she is really no different than the Liberal-National party. SHE CAN BLEAT ALL SHE LIKES ABOUT BEING INCLUSIVE AND A TEAM PLAYER. iT'S CRAP! She is a competitive, fear driven, power hungry, old school pugilist, just like Tony Abbott,and just as 'passe' and irrelevant to what this country really needs. She is a very 20th century person.

Unlike Kevin Rudd, who is a 21st century person. It's just we didn't have the intelligence or the guts to grow up fast enough and go there with him. Maybe when another comet hits us like one hit the 'other' dinosaurs, we will understand we did not cherish and care for ourselves or our planet.

In Kevin Rudd we had someone truly outstanding to lead us and we couldn't resist pulling him down to our dirty little level of mediocrity. I'll now sadly wait to see how long it is before those even more fear-driven, unethical,competitive social dinosaurs in the USA do the same thing to Barack Obama.

Unless we are able to individually and socially transform to being a co-operative people driven by loving integrity and wise ethics, we have no chance of undoing the terrible glitch in human evolution that interpreted "survival of the fittest " as meaning survival of the strongest instead of survival of the most intelligent (in the true sense of the word).

Julia Gillard will not survive, any more than Lady McBeth survived. She made a fatal error in judgment in terms of her developing evolution as a human being. Betrayal like that is expensive.

But Kevin Rudd will survive. He is in shock now, who wouldn't be. But he will re-emerge in foreign affairs and ultimately at the United Nations, in some leading role. I wish him every good wish!
2010-06-24 06:53:12 UTC
I don't think it was a good move. The labor party panicked after a few bad polls and kicked him out.
2010-06-24 05:42:30 UTC
A bit of manipulation gets you anywhere in politics hey Gillard.... Would have been better to see you win with the public, and not a bunch of factional leaders with their own interest in mind, to bring you into leadership, half assed effort, true ozzie style.
2010-06-24 03:57:43 UTC
I have always been a labor party supporter, but I am now so disgusted with the rat bastards, that they can just get stuffed as far as I'm concerned the Labor party is dead!
2010-06-23 23:07:48 UTC
How can Julia Gillard lead the country if she back stabbed her own leadership member who has done a wonderful job at this stage.Im sad to see KEVIN RUDD go as he was the only prime minister doing the best for our country.The mining tax which had everyone up in arms about you forget how much profit they really make even after tax.I will not vote julia gillard at all.
2010-06-24 05:42:08 UTC
Most of the people in Australia are waiting for a new government after election. Because this government doesnt perform well. High living expense, Rent, travel expenses, scarcity for houses and the latest issue is the tax for the mining.
2010-06-26 21:07:34 UTC
its a bad move for Australia..shows labor are a back stabbing UNLOYAL LOT so to speak..

now she was smiling and agreeing with Kevin in all he said and next minute she is betraying him..

to me..thats being an untrusting , unloyal liar
2010-06-26 06:33:33 UTC

BAD MOVE killing a sitting PRIME MINISTER !!!! GOD have MERCY on JULIA and Co....
2010-06-25 08:10:54 UTC
This act I believe was a cowadly act and I will not vote for Labor again
2010-06-24 18:16:01 UTC
i think they just lost the coming election, has anyone forgotten what this women did to the education department ? i think not. thank goodness she won't be in power for long
troy b
2010-06-24 12:53:56 UTC
He kept the country afloat during the G.F.C but everyone was keen to get rid of him just to keep the mining magnats happy. ps Why cant they pay tax like the rest of the country?
Pete O
2010-06-28 05:13:05 UTC
Her hair colour now matches the colour on her hands. Blood red.
Graham S
2010-06-25 07:27:00 UTC
There will be no great changes....just promises of better things to come....Until after the next election !
2010-06-25 06:40:31 UTC
I used to be a Labor supporter. In fact, Kevin did not launch any policy alone without consultation from his colleagues. Using the blame game on your leader is not a solution. Before launching any issue/policy/regulation to the public, a leader like Kevin must have consulted his colleagues. To be a strong/excellent group, all members of the group have to provide clear evidence about the benefits and disadvantages of any programs/policies to their leader with a clear explanation and commitment to reinforce the leader‘s actions about what to do and what not to do. A group member who uses a blame game on the leader is seen as being a traitor who tries to gain power for themselves not for the group as well as not for their own nation. Putting your leader down and replacing his/her position with another member in the group is not a good way to prove the public that your party is strong and committed in management. In fact, most people can see clearly that, this is the way a party with a lack of confidence in leading the country uses to improve public attention towards their group only.

The smartest way to keep your group’s reputation is to keep the leader and reorient her/him towards fixing or mending the problems. For instance, the home insulation program can be fixed by postponing the program and sending experts to find out what the real cause of fire was. If the material used for insulating the house caused electric spark, then look for other material such as a thick plastic sheet wrapping it before installing into the roof. With mining super-tax, when there were strong reactions from the communities, an implementation to reduce rate of tax on mining industry to the level where the industry feel comfortable with it by letting them say about what level they could afford. All members of labor party saw that one program (e.g. home insulation) fail, they should have advised their leader not to introduce another program (e.g. Health care system reform). One problem was not yet solved your group members still let your leader move into another problem. Is that called good team members?

The education revolution initiative was a kind of waste management or corruption in using money since the productivity of the program was not matched with the money spent. Moreover, there is no evidence that providing each student with a laptop can improve their knowledge/skills. Comparing to the previous time, most students at the present tend to hardly learn but they like communicating the most through internet chatting or they like playing games. Thus providing laptops to them may bring adverse effects instead.

It is not important that we have male or female PM; the important thing is that PM leads our nation towards prosperity. Thinking that it is good to have a female prime minister is inappropriate. Those who have this feeling seem to bear in their mind of discrimination already since they have less feeling towards male MPs and they tend especially to have low focus on what the real tasks of the PM are.

After being appointed, our new PM quickly phoned to leaders of many countries. This seemed to explain that she intended to inform the world about her position instead of her tasks. it would be better if we Australian people sacrifice to help each other to construct our country and each of us should ask ourselves that, “What have I done to help my country? ” but do not ask, “What has my country done to help me?” This helps improve our cooperation in moving our country forwards. No matter labor or liberal party, we are Australians- one of the great nations in the world.

My above talk did not focused on the question completely, but tend to explain that changing leadership in labor party (any party) is a blame game only since the team members are not completely cooperating to help their own party to focus on the nation's needs- they tend to compete for their position. I feel disappointed with labor party.
2010-06-24 14:49:34 UTC



2010-06-24 03:26:23 UTC
We elected Kevin Rudd not to give it away to Julia, however, as long as the policies are the same then there is no real change, the party is going down the hill specially in the illegal migrant issue which means a security for this beautiful country, Tony Abbot will do a better job by all means.
2010-06-26 05:48:36 UTC
I think it is appalling sorry but Julia is a two faced timer. She has no loyalty to anyone and I certainly would not trust her in any situation.
2010-06-24 04:45:47 UTC
All the horror of labour politics in NSW gone federal. Faceless power brokers make decisions without any regard to the will of the people.
Angus P
2010-06-25 01:27:32 UTC
leaders will come & leaders will go , factions will come & go, But the ALP will be around for a long time to come. that is the nature of the beast
2010-06-24 05:53:02 UTC
people have gone ape due to the fact tht she is a red head and a female, its rediclous, who cares, why is the public so concern about her appearence, more concern should go into whether she is going to do a good job or not. my opinion would be better the rudd who is an idiot, the only smart thing he did was step dwn from PM
2010-06-24 19:17:51 UTC
Just another nail in ALP's coffin.
2010-06-29 04:35:34 UTC
hmmmm na future
2010-06-26 07:07:27 UTC
2010-06-26 02:33:23 UTC
as long as they make fair Australia.. weather its the matter of immigration or mining industries..
2010-06-26 00:16:41 UTC
Same product, just different packaging
Chicken Nugget
2010-06-29 06:38:43 UTC
Julia Gillard is a little *****.
2010-06-26 11:48:38 UTC
(to the tune of Sandy Shaw's song!!!)


I wonder if one day that, you'll say that, you care

If you say you love me madly, I'll gladly, be there

Like a puppet on a string...
2010-06-26 15:47:41 UTC
same faces, same political party, doomed from the beginning
2010-06-25 17:21:12 UTC
we still in roman days where they kill off leaders eg Julius Ceasar, JFK etc
2010-06-25 17:08:19 UTC
the Ginga Ninga is not a aussie (she is welsh) so how can she be PM . she was'nt BORN here ,and our LAW says you have to be a AUSSIE to be PM So much for our RIGHTS...unaustralian
2010-06-24 02:39:33 UTC
Kevin Rudd has been push out by big mining corporations. Its just shows how corrupt is Australia. Devastated
2010-06-27 04:43:03 UTC
Zafir, obviously i'm one of your stupid people as I remember the campaign as Kevin 07 NOT labour paryty 07!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-06-27 15:42:32 UTC
2010-06-23 18:50:47 UTC
I couldn't care less if we had a monkey for PM, as long as they do their job and bring Australia a brighter future then that's all that matters.

The first answer is right. People seem to think we vote for a leader in this country, that only happens in the US, when its in fact we vote for a whole party, it's like if Julia was step down, Wayne Swan would take her place therefore making him PM.

I hope serious issues that seem to be pushed aside are addressed, like asylum seekers who seem to be causing the most uproar when it comes to the Australian Population, and this new mining tax.

I personally want Pauline Hanson as PM lol.
2010-06-26 15:06:03 UTC
I would never vote for a knife wielding back stabbing slimy slithering snake,

2010-06-24 06:27:35 UTC
It doesn't matter who will lead Australia because the real powers reside in UK and USA and if anything which happens here doesn't suit them it will be made to fail. Let's be honest: we are their colony.
bob r
2010-06-25 15:57:18 UTC
2010-06-25 04:28:15 UTC
you"re **** Gillard!
2010-06-29 06:03:09 UTC
I am not excited.
2010-06-23 18:46:33 UTC
It took long enough to get rid of Elmer Dudd but I think we have another Yapper and no Policies.
2010-06-27 15:44:53 UTC
We are all doom and gloom.Shame.
2010-06-23 21:52:22 UTC
who cares they are all as bad as one another, I have always voted labour but not this time.
2010-06-23 20:33:32 UTC
I think it is a positive move for Australia.
2010-06-30 00:54:27 UTC
2010-06-23 18:31:03 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.