Obama said this morning that he wants to end subsidies to agribusiness, do you agree?
2009-02-23 11:38:59 UTC
As one of many many cuts he wants to do to our nation's budget to cut the deficits in half.
25 answers:
Get out of my pocket!
2009-02-23 11:47:22 UTC
We need to subsidize. It keeps groceries affordable. We could use the money slated for WORLD abortions to pay for it. We need to keep the Stimulus money in America to stimulate our economy.
2009-02-23 19:45:20 UTC
Not exactly what he told farmers around here during the primaries. He'll reverse course on that and call them bio fuel subsidies instead.

Same result, different name.

John McCain, who loves to hate federal ag programs, says he would eliminate subsidies if he could - including the ethanol subsidies and mandates that created new markets for corn and raised prices for the grain. McCain says the subsidies increase prices for consumers and damage international trade relationships.

Barack Obama, who represents corn country, wholeheartedly supports ag subsidies but says he would shift some dollars from the biggest and richest farms to do more for small family farms, organic farms and young farmers starting out.
2009-02-23 19:50:47 UTC
Subsidies were put in place to keep small family farms from failing and to crop prices steady. The corporate farms are just milking an antiquated system.
2009-02-23 19:45:16 UTC
what I agree to is removing ALL subsidies, oil as well. Otherwise government is still meddling in market and causing malinvestment. Did you know the Model T was designed to be run on hemp ethanol, because Ford wanted to help the struggling farmers? Then the oil companies lobbied for oil subsidies and the nascent hemp ethanol business couldn't compete. Government is full of unintended consequences when it meddles in the market. SELECTIVELY removing subsidies, forgetting other actions that have been taken due only to the fact that those subsidies exist, could cause severe problems. His 'rush it through because people hate it' method of legislation doesn't lend itself to a thoughtful approach to this.

Having said that, done right I wouldn't have a problem with removing subsidies.
2009-02-23 23:03:21 UTC
It's funny how Republicans are opposed to government intervention in the market, but when Obama tries to get government out of business he's called stupid and naive.

Subsidies are bad for globalization. If we subsidize anything, then it diminishes world wide competition. Do we want to do that?

I would definitely not subsidized tobacco farmers. In fact, we should tax every plant that is grown and heavily until we tax them out of business. A pack of cigarettes should be $100.
2009-02-23 19:51:41 UTC
Subsidies are the reason our food supplies aren't as safe as they used to be and that family farms are almost a thing of the past. I for one would love to see an overhaul of our agricultural industries, break up the big farms, and return to local suppliers. I eat beef my brother raises, I buy local produce in season and I eat few if any processed foods. I am all for it.
2009-02-23 19:45:16 UTC
I agree. Agribusiness is corrupt and too powerful. Do you know what a subsidy to agribusiness is? The government is essentially paying farmers to NOT grow crops, in order to artificially hike up the prices of crops. Subsidies only hurt the small farmer, while huge corporate growers laugh all the way to the bank while poor people all over the world are starving to death. It is really sick.
2009-02-23 19:45:21 UTC
Obama will end subsidies to all but his rich friends.. banks, real estate etc... the small ones he will eventually take over and the others he will lend so much as to take them over too... then he will have complete government control.

Sound familiar.. check the old USSR
2009-02-23 19:49:09 UTC
To those who agree have no clue.

You do realize that subsidies keep food prices down. If this occurs be expecting to pay $5.00 for a loaf of bread and $10.00 for a gallon of milk.
You Lost Get Over It
2009-02-23 19:43:15 UTC
Farmers get paid _not to grow_ crops for which there is little demand. Thus, the more a farmer doesn't grow one of these crops, the more he is paid and the more land he can purchase not to grow even more of that same crop.

That is ridiculous.

The system needs to be revised, otherwise we're paying people more money the less they do.
2009-02-23 19:46:14 UTC
I agree with him.....I am happy he is following through with his plans...he has always been against corporate agribusiness getting handouts over family owned/run farms.
Michael M
2009-02-23 19:43:24 UTC
Yes because, millionares like David Letterman, get hundreds of thousands of dollars just because they own alot of land acres. It is amazing how much these people milk the system.
2009-02-23 19:46:46 UTC
With this Cut when you get a Big Mac that cost $15 then remember you voted for him.
2009-02-23 19:49:46 UTC
Do I "agree?"

I believe He "said it".

Do I think he "means what he says, or says what he means?" NO.

He's a Democrat, they NEVER tell the truth! They are genetically predisposed to say what people want to hear, then either do the opposite, or nothing at all.
2009-02-23 19:42:30 UTC
He would save more money cutting off subsidies to the Baby Factories in America. Growing vegetables is cheap. Raising children is not.
2009-02-23 19:43:10 UTC
He should end subsidies to all businesses and foreign countries.
Colette Pioline ART
2009-02-23 19:42:27 UTC
I see no reason to subsidize massive corporate farming organizations.
2009-02-23 19:52:29 UTC
I don't think we should subsidize farmers NOT to grow certain crops.
2009-02-23 19:43:46 UTC
Should never have started them in the first place just like affirmative action should never have happened.
2009-02-23 19:43:56 UTC
LOL anyone for 8.00 a gallon milk. Wow is he going to ruin America. The prophecy continues.
2009-02-23 19:44:47 UTC
hope the farmers that voted for him in wisconsin, iowa, and minnesota heard that! but any state that elects jesse ventura governor, and (probably) al franken, senator really don't get it anyway!
2009-02-23 19:42:30 UTC
Yeah of course.
Shovel Ready
2009-02-23 19:42:40 UTC
Obama said EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE when he was campaigning in Iowa. Funny how that works.
2009-02-23 19:41:48 UTC
it makes no difference to me since i am not involved in that type of work
2009-02-23 19:45:08 UTC
I agree on that..... but there has to be a hidden ploy its Obama!

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