In case you 're interested, Ham radio has been around for many years, and is a legal hobby enjoyed by many around the world.
In case of national emergency, and during the various wars, ham radio operators tried to make contacts for the servicemen and women ,plus have helped in many emergencies.
I have been in ham radio for over 35 years and have never heard of the problems of which you speak, such as blocking internet service.
Ham radio does not affect the electric entering not any home, when and if you have TV interference, it is because of poor tv design and they lack the ability to screen out unwanted signals.
I have yet to see any interference in my home, or my neighbors from any frequency in the ham radio spectrum, regardless of the transmitting power being used.
This is just another attempt by some busy body to discredit and try to stop what many enjoy, instead of doing soemthing usefull with their time.
And by the way, if you don't like to listen to their "chit chat" then by all means turn your damn radio off, as there is no law stating you must listen.