How many can I list?
1) The removal of Donald Trump from office.
2) The criminal prosecution of Donald Trump by our federal government.
3) The restoration of decency in government and the restoration of our founding values of equality and rights for all.
4) Not having to listen to a president lie.
5) Once again, living with reality in American government.
6) Protection of healthcare rights for all through the Affordable Care Act.
7) Protection of Social Security and Medicare
8) Restoration of good relations with our American Allies.
9) Seeing Vlad Putin, Kim Un Jong and the Saudi Royal Family sweat.
10) Seeing right wing Fascists, Nazis, racists, homophobes and misogynists sweat!
11) Seeing a reputable law and order Vice President take over.
12) Seeing respect for American workers return to government.
13) Seeing the wealthy finally pay their fair share of taxes.
14) Seeing the Trump kids kicked off the taxpayers public tit.
15) Seeing federal police reform and a national code of conduct for police.
16) Seeing a president who actually believes in science in charge of this epidemic.
17) Finally having a first lady we can be proud of.
18) Kicking Donald and Melania and his dirty kids to the curb in January!
19) The return of SNL this fall with Jim Carrey playing Biden.
20) Watching CONServatives all over the country wailing and crying, tearing their garments, shooting off their guns and getting arrested.