Whats the most important issue to you this election?
2020-09-15 20:58:57 UTC
Whats the most important issue to you this election?
102 answers:
2020-09-20 11:16:36 UTC
Law and order. Then the economy. Then healthcare. All are tied to ending Marxism/Socialism in this country.
2020-09-19 10:03:03 UTC
The American people getting our freedom back!!
2020-09-18 23:25:25 UTC
The environment. Trump is doing his best to destroy it. What does he care? He won't be around when people start dying from temperature extremes, catastrophic weather events and lack of food because crops won't grow any more. And he basically cares only about himself. Coronavirus is obviously and issue, but if they come up with a vaccine, climate change is still right on schedule to be the big killer of humanity. We don't need any more Bolsonaros and Trumps. Thanks but no thanks.
2020-09-18 18:01:28 UTC
Continued existence of the United States as a useful and believable supporter of Democracy in the world. 
rev ricky
2020-09-18 05:20:14 UTC
A return to some type of normal. Biden is the beginning. It will take a decade to recover from the damage Trump has done.
2020-09-18 03:40:09 UTC
To remove from office a murderer who would outright lie to avoid a panic, not just try to avoid a panic, but actually outright lie and say the complete opposite when he knew it was airborne and would kill people. Someone who would also remove a 3 week old nursing baby from its mother's breast and thus offend God. Who cages the Little Children whom Jesus loves. Who says that there are fine people on both sides of a neo Nazi swastika march in Charlottesville in which 1 woman died. Who let down the little Guatamalan girl who walked instead of being picked up by the US Navy ships that never went to rescue them from the death squads. A blowhard who picks and chooses when to damn the legalities and lacks real balls and just bullies the weak he figures can't punch back. Corrupt and low class and tacky. We can fight the Abortions later, legally, using due process. This turd is NOT our only hope.
2020-09-17 11:59:45 UTC
fighting communism.
2020-09-17 06:39:10 UTC
no one will vote for trump this time , dont mess up this time
2020-09-16 22:59:39 UTC
Ending all creative unrest, violence.
2020-09-16 12:53:19 UTC
For me pro life, protecting my social security, my second amendment rights and LAW and ORDER
2020-09-18 20:04:52 UTC
I'm not a single-issue voter.  I don't even bother prioritizing my top 5 issues.  However, this time, regardless of the order, all the issues point to the same candidate.
2020-09-18 17:38:38 UTC
Getting rid of Trump.
2020-09-18 13:03:12 UTC
The cognitive ability of the candidate. This is why we must give Donnie 4 more.
2020-09-18 03:57:58 UTC
Dumping Donald..

Dump the Trump.

then, lock him up for fraud, treason, theft, and about twenty other charges.  

"That's just what I'm hearing on the Internet." 
2020-09-18 03:06:47 UTC
Reversing the damage to our country and earth that someone has already done.  
2020-09-17 20:06:50 UTC
Law and order/Economy
2020-09-17 16:52:37 UTC
To quote James Carville, “It’s the economy, stupid.” I want to live in an America where I can make as much money as possible and as little of it gets into the hands of inept politicians as possible. In an ideal world, I would only pay taxes for public goods. Certainly not education and health care. Why don’t people talk about reducing costs for these sorts of things instead of having everyone pay the exorbitant costs collectively? There is no reason they are as expensive because my BA without any loans or scholarships was under $30,000 for four years and there is no way my mother’s overnight stay at a hospital was justified at $20,000.  
2020-09-17 16:07:12 UTC
The exposing of a corrupt governmental system that has been extracting the wealth of this nation for 100 years, and seeing Trump expose the roaches of Washington D.C...... Trump might not be the ideal President, but for America to be what our founders intended needed action taken to restore confidence back into democracy, but the problem is, we have a few generations of brainwashed people who have no knowledge of real history, our media today rivals that of Nazi Germany propaganda machine during World War 2....... in the least, Trump has awoke America to take a good look around and to pay attention to those who would exploit your vote.
2020-09-17 13:56:36 UTC
The virus which means vote trump out. We've had plenty of time to look at the countless ways he insulted our intelligence w/ BS like the April heat will end it.

Trump's latest strategy is herd immunity. If we conservatively say that's 65% of us get the virus, using the 2.97% death rate we have now and it's over 6M people dead. That's how willing trump is to sacrifice us. Plus, it's uncertain about getting the virus more than once and long term effects. It's possible to inject people w/ a premature vaccine that becomes a catastrophe etc. Get trump out of the way first for the best path of hope.
2020-09-17 13:05:08 UTC
“Fake” news and the liberal ‘media”......... cnn gave me a hernia #GodBless
Donnie Doom
2020-09-17 12:10:34 UTC
The wall needs to be built.
2020-09-17 07:09:50 UTC
climate change ,it is real
2020-09-17 05:04:59 UTC
Working together as a nation to restore our representative republic. Trump and his corrupt klan must go!
2020-09-17 01:04:02 UTC
I only hope they can find a cure to Early Onset Dementia.
2020-09-16 20:41:08 UTC
Honesty. That's why I am not voting for lying demagogue con artist Trump. He's not only a liar, he's very probably a pathological liar. (Note that both demagogues and con artists are by definition liars).
2020-09-15 21:23:54 UTC
The most important is restoring the rights that the GOP wants to eliminate.  All these are not in the bill of rights, but are just as important.  Decent LESS EXPENSIVE healthcare for all.  The right for a woman to control her own body -- abortion is currently legal.  Some common sense person as president who doesn't pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to bribe women to not tell about having sex with him.  Someone who does not ask other countries to get involved in our elections to get HIM elected.  ===  Trump has done enough illegal that he belongs in prison, not in the White House.  ===  When the Senat Republicans let him off they became accomplices to his crimes.  They belong in jail too.  ===  Returning  
I'm That Mexican
2020-09-15 21:05:11 UTC
The Bill of Rights, followed by the SCOTUS. There was a time in this country when the Bill of Rights was secure and the SCOTUS was not political & just interpreted the law. 
Jeff S
2020-09-15 21:03:51 UTC
Getting rid of the moron in the White House!
2020-09-15 21:00:23 UTC
Prosecuting all the corrupt Obama people and maybe even Obama.. One can only hope... 
2020-09-15 20:59:34 UTC
Getting rid of the brazen, blatant, corrupt, lawless GOP.
2020-09-19 00:53:05 UTC
BRINGING ATTENTION TO AND ENDING CHILD TRAFFICKING !! The democratic party wants the topic swept under the rug. Trump will actually take action and save our children. 800,000 children go missing in the U.S. every single year !! And the F.B.I has stated that TRUMP was the only one to really help them put away Jeffery Epstein !! 
2020-09-18 23:53:06 UTC
Whatever happened to the "Occupy Wall Street" movement? 
2020-09-18 04:08:15 UTC
The economy.. of we  don't get hat back to working for us.. none of us will have anything.
2020-09-18 00:37:44 UTC
Just making it all stop...would be good. Which is why I'm not voting because there's no one on the Presidential ballot (including the Green and Libertarian party candidates) who has any intention of deescalating our current deathwish against our own fellow citizens. 
Lois & Peter
2020-09-18 00:22:45 UTC
Elimination of Trump
2020-09-17 21:58:25 UTC
Supreme Court appointments. They MUST be conservative and interpret the Constitution as it was written and intended to be applied by the Founders. 
2020-09-17 21:26:56 UTC
health care.............................
2020-09-17 20:16:02 UTC
Trump beating the uncivilized Socialist left 
2020-09-17 19:40:02 UTC
The Russian Kompromat living in the White House.
2020-09-17 18:23:33 UTC
Returning to democracy. Putting leaders in charge who want to o right by the American people. Trump cleaned the swamp and replaced it with a more corrupt swamp filled with sycophants who are more loyal to him than the public.p Most of us still want to believe in our justice system, our intelligence community, our free press, our medical experts, and our post office again. We would like to return our country to its former status in the world supporting freedom and human rights. To be a model of how democracy works for all Americans, not just the white or the wealthy.
2020-09-17 16:20:57 UTC
Saving America for the fascist traitor authoritarian RepubliCONS 
2020-09-17 15:08:12 UTC
I want 10,000.00 Federal Reserve Notes to be paid to each and every African-American lesbian for reparations.  
2020-09-17 14:19:37 UTC
Better roads for motorcyclists. Forced awareness classes for cagers. 104 octane unleaded for 78 cents a gallon, NO Alcohol in it.. All on SSI will get at least the minimum wage in that area. Cheap overnite camping like KOA for bikers. Affordable health coverage for all. low deductibles and low co pays. No one  should owe med bills over 10% of their annual income.

EDIT: Yes, Climate change is real; Iceland colder while Greenland hotter. The "Global Warming" myth is pushed by those who dont include records before 20th century nor Jurassic Period, which was hot all over. And, more C in the air then than Now.
2020-09-17 08:57:09 UTC
I want them to provide free beer at the election hall
2020-09-17 01:50:56 UTC
H O N E S T Y !!! NO BS.
2020-09-16 23:56:24 UTC
Trump will be the winner. 
2020-09-16 23:16:43 UTC
The dying ecosystem vs dying empire.
2020-09-16 19:47:40 UTC
They should debate on how the earth and fire need to be handle. Work on the environment and give benefits when working for their company.
2020-09-16 12:40:04 UTC
The less I hear, the better... that's the most important issue.
2020-09-15 21:01:28 UTC
2020-09-19 01:31:41 UTC
Multiple problems are occurring. 

We have less than 10 years of CO2 emission before the earth's climate increases by 5 degrees Fahrenheit. { if we continue at the same pace } 

We are beginning to see the more costly repercussions of Global Warming. Mega Fire burning entire towns, and Floods soaking entire cities. 

None of this is good for business. So we need to act now. But we can't because racism is disenfranchising over 25% of the United States. This results in protest. Protesting provides cover for evil opportunists to riot, loot, and kill.

Then we can't work together to save our planet. To save our country.

And we can't work together if we are to sick to work around each other and thus final we must resolve Covid19.

Three major issues that all must be addressed for the success of the United States of America.
2020-09-19 00:05:30 UTC
Getting trump out
2020-09-18 18:39:09 UTC
Keeping the Marxist and Socialistic Democrats out of Power.
Rick Smith
2020-09-18 15:03:18 UTC
Getting our economy rolling again which will never happen under Joe and the Ho.

Taking over Congress and keeping the Senate.
2020-09-18 12:16:42 UTC
I can't vote because I live in the UK, TFFT! The most important issue regarding your election is to get shot of that disgusting, entity that is POTUS at the present.

Donny Boom: Get your head out of the clouds that Clown! hasn't even priced the bricks yet ,four years on. so dream on.
2020-09-18 03:18:07 UTC
As Long as Trump and his Family go to jail after, I'm good.
2020-09-17 19:57:09 UTC
Having anyone but trump.  It's that simple.
2020-09-17 19:57:09 UTC
Promoting Americanism. Self reliance, hard work and STOP BLAMING OTHERS because life is not kissing your A**! The morals, values and responsibilities of life fall on the individual. Kind of hard to promote that though, with the past 30+ years of the "anytning goes" mentality. Answer: Bring back jobs so we all (every race) can earn a decent living. Start educating our children again (not brainwashing them to be America hating activists). Stop the "free ride/you owe me" programs. "Talk about systematic!" The real tragedy is all the above is considered racist, racism, hate crime you name it. Of course that's my view. I could be right? Mr Trump is the closest resolve we have.
Weasel McWeasel
2020-09-17 19:22:53 UTC
Getting rid of the orange traitor ,  voting out as many of his accomplices as possible......and God willing,  winning back the Senate.

and then pressing every charge imaginable against his entire corrupt administration. 

and then we get around to fixing all the damage Trump caused. 
2020-09-17 13:03:26 UTC
anyone but Trump.
Jake No Chat
2020-09-17 11:51:26 UTC
Covid, the economy, jobs - in that order.  Biden is not up to it.
2020-09-17 07:23:44 UTC
Cleaning the house and senate and putting in new politicians for both parties.
2020-09-17 02:17:16 UTC
Getting the election over with.
2020-09-17 01:52:23 UTC
Whether the US is going to fall into the hands of Marxism or not. Soros is already very old, he won't get another chance.
2020-09-17 00:06:40 UTC
Preserving the Union, as close to the Constitution as we can get. Trump 2020 & Beyond
2020-09-16 20:59:23 UTC
I want to know who’s going to what about automobile dependency in America.
2020-09-16 15:36:45 UTC
Getting Trump to go away so we can try to heal this nation instead of constantly being at each other's throats.
2020-09-16 13:09:19 UTC
The most important issue is...'DEFEAT' Donald J.(JAIL) Trump! Our patriotic duty is to take back our White House! =<)
2020-09-15 21:13:46 UTC
No notable tax increases.  

That identity politics stay out of politics.  Government benefits should be based on need/merit not one’s race or sex.  

Protecting our freedoms, not limiting them.  

Allowing American workers to work hard and reap the benefits of their hard work.    American workers should not be losing jobs to those who are working here illegally, to unfair trade or due to over restrictive regulations.  

War- it’s important to me we not have a president itching to go to war, but also we don’t get taken advantage of due to a president who is weak.    
2020-09-15 21:02:32 UTC
Making  sure Biden/Harris   dont destroy  America 
2020-09-19 13:29:00 UTC
#1 - Which candidate is less incompetent?

#2 - Which candidate is less dishonest / has a less unsavory character?

#3 - Which candidate is proposing to enact policies that a President can actually enact and that are more beneficial / less harmful to the country?
2020-09-19 11:51:18 UTC
Stopping Joe Biden and the radical left wing movement.
2020-09-18 23:03:57 UTC
Toilet paper. That is important to me. As long as I am clean, I can find my way. Trump needs to be taken out, and I don’t mean to the ball game. Let the karma begin.
2020-09-18 19:28:35 UTC
I'm interested in the amount of Wax in Biden's ears. Maybe we can harvest it and make BLM candles. 
2020-09-18 15:36:34 UTC
Legalizing prostitution.
2020-09-18 11:35:19 UTC
Stop North America from being part of South America.  
2020-09-18 06:27:46 UTC
Bidens promise to repeal the 2nd amendment and confiscate all civilian firearms. 

I am anti communism and pro Trump. 
2020-09-18 02:22:09 UTC
I took in by illegals that bearly had enough..  They kind folk wanting better but come legally or not at all..
2020-09-18 01:42:24 UTC
reopeing the country 
2020-09-17 23:45:00 UTC
Affordable health care
2020-09-17 22:03:45 UTC
Slowing down/stopping left-wing globalist neo-communism.
The Football God
2020-09-17 20:56:24 UTC
Despite Trump being a POS, I CANNOT vote for a party that does not condemn rioting and looting. Then they condemn the police in deaths where convicted felons are resisting arrest. I would LOVE a reason NOT to vote for Trump, but the democrats are not offering one.
2020-09-17 19:55:01 UTC
Healthcare. It needs a re-haul because Obamacare is a joke to the working man. Sure if you don't have a job or low income you get it free but what about the working person who pays outrageous cost just to have it???
bad girl
2020-09-17 19:14:27 UTC
Voting the Trump/GOP out of power. This is our opportunity to be rid of the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight!
2020-09-17 18:35:14 UTC
Same as always: smaller government, fewer regulations, reasonable tax policy, pro-American trade policy, liberty and justice for all. 
2020-09-17 05:03:57 UTC
For America not being stupid and put liberal, pedophile, moron Biden in the White House or Democrats in control of either chamber of Congress so America can go back to the backwards, miserably failed Obama era, that this silly dolt Biden was a part of.  By far the most important issue.
Judy and Charlie
2020-09-17 02:40:40 UTC
How many can I list?

1)  The removal of Donald Trump from office.

2)  The criminal prosecution of Donald Trump by our federal government.

3)  The restoration of decency in government and the restoration of our founding values of equality and rights for all.

4)  Not having to listen to a president lie.

5)  Once again, living with reality in American government.

6)  Protection of healthcare rights for all through the Affordable Care Act.

7)  Protection of Social Security and Medicare

8)  Restoration of good relations with our American Allies.

9)  Seeing Vlad Putin, Kim Un Jong and the Saudi Royal Family sweat.

10)  Seeing right wing Fascists, Nazis, racists, homophobes and misogynists sweat!

11)  Seeing a reputable law and order Vice President take over.

12)  Seeing respect for American workers return to government.

13)  Seeing the wealthy finally pay their fair share of taxes.

14)  Seeing the Trump kids kicked off the taxpayers public tit.

15)  Seeing federal police reform and a national code of conduct for police.

16)  Seeing a president who actually believes in science in charge of this epidemic.

17)  Finally having a first lady we can be proud of.

18)  Kicking Donald and Melania and his dirty kids to the curb in January!

19)  The return of SNL this fall with Jim Carrey playing Biden.

20)  Watching CONServatives all over the country wailing and crying, tearing their garments, shooting off their guns and getting arrested.
2020-09-16 23:52:31 UTC
A conservative victory across the board.  Bring it!
2020-09-16 22:46:43 UTC
Ending the corona virus
Echo Chamber
2020-09-15 21:00:48 UTC
Securing my Bill of Rights. Especially the 2cnd amendment. There are others that are very, very close ties for second most important, FYI.
2020-09-19 05:47:41 UTC
To teach a ultimate Lesson to China and strengthen No.1 position of America!
2020-09-18 23:46:34 UTC
Getting rid of Trump
2020-09-18 22:16:14 UTC
The economy n fighting socialism.
2020-09-18 22:02:09 UTC
getting rid of the illegal aliens and creating more jobs for those who were born here.
2020-09-18 06:43:21 UTC
Keep Communist China in check  ,  or defeat them  totally  . 

Communist China  is the greatest  danger  that the US , even the whole world face. 
2020-09-17 21:33:23 UTC
Throwing out that ancient document the Constitution and that will ONLY happen if the socialist doves win the election!
2020-09-17 17:48:21 UTC
Getting Trump out of office before he does any more damage.
2020-09-17 12:04:03 UTC
Getting rid of Trump
2020-09-17 05:43:32 UTC
In which country? There are close to 200 on this planet.
2020-09-17 04:15:05 UTC
Who kept promises.
2020-09-17 00:38:24 UTC
Give support against the socialists.
2020-09-16 03:18:52 UTC
Law and order  Our country has become barbaric it's unacceptable 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.