Well he handled a good job for this post-9/11 attacks but for the war in Iraq? Don't get met wrong, it's true to the fact that Saddam was not abiding by the 1991 ceasefire treaty but that's the other thing.
Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, one of Bush advisors, convinced George W Bush to invade Iraq with fewer troops than the military advised the civilian leaders that were needed. The troops were not so much needed to defeat the Iraqi Army, they were needed to slam a lid on the country once we had occupied it. By not having enough troops to quash the budding insurgency immediately in the aftermath of our takeover it took root and grew into a much longer term problem than it would have otherwise.
Cheney/Rumsfeld were the Robert McNamara's of the war on terrorism. They thought that because they have business degrees that made them smarter than the generals who only had attended second rate colleges like West Point, Annapolis and the AF Academy which don't even offer business degrees.
Turned out the Generals and Admirals knew what they were talking about (again) and the civilian arm-chair generals should have kept their mouths shut and followed the expert's advise.
George Bush father listened to the military, Bush Jr didn't really that much. Also Bush saw the economy crashed but i don't blame him, most of the regulations started back under the Carter adminstration in the 1970s.
So no, he's not good president in my eyes.