Does it bother Ron Paul supporters that his defense policy pleases Islamists and coWhat would you like to ask?
2012-01-09 09:37:47 UTC
His policy is the complete opposite of Reagan's who, had he adoped Paul's defense policy, the USSR would today probably be controlling all of Europe; Taiwan would be non-existent and the Middle East would still be smoldering from the nuclear war Israel had to wage against bloodthirsty Muslims surrounding her in order to avoid annihilation.
21 answers:
parochial school graduate
2012-01-09 09:53:57 UTC
I am old enough to remember when we thought the Japanese were uncivilized suicidal killers and the Chinese were mindless throngs of soldiers intent on swamping us and smothering us with their human flesh or the Soviets who we thought would gladly give up their lives and starve to death to give another Ruble toward researching another weapon to kill us.

All Lies of course but still stupid people believed them.

All this talk of bloodthirsty Muslims is the same crap different day.

Are you telling me that with all the perspective and education we have today you are just as ignorant as some knight going on the crusades in the 1200's

My God man we need to live in this world and improve it, not destroy it.
2012-01-09 18:01:11 UTC
Not sure I'm really a Ron Paul supporter. And I'm not sure it's really relevant because I don't see how Ron Paul is going to get anywhere to where he'll be in a position to where that matters. As I don't even see him winning a state primary election let alone the Presidency.

But what you said in your initial question doesn't bother me at all. Why can't the U.S. develop a policy that pleases Muslims & be considered a good thing instead of a bad one. I don't see any reason why they can't. Sure it's difficult now because the U.S. has gotten involved in that region the way no U.S. Citizen would want any Nation to get involved in ours. And the last time they did there was a few little Wars between The British Empire & their Former Colonies that you might have heard of.

Outside of the United States of America there are very few people that you'll talk to who think that 1 Nation acting like the World's Police Force is a Good Idea. Many don't even think that the U.S. or any 1 Nation should have Nuclear Weapons & the ability to use them on other Nations. Even a lot of Americans are sick & tired of assuming the role of Nation Building & Being the Leader in Policing other Nations throughout the World.

If U.S. Policy wasn't what it's been the last several decades in the Middle East 9/11 would have never happened. And I don't think there's anyone that can dispute that in a rational way at all.
2012-01-12 23:03:31 UTC
Over-involvement in Afghanistan was part of what drained the USSR. Israel can handle Iran, and the US already supported Islamic dictators in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (no wonder they hate us over there). We overthrew a democratically elected government in Iran to put in a US friendly dictator, which was overthrown and replaced by the current regime as a backlash. Ron Paul is suspicious of the idea of the US as this superhero that goes around saving everyone and promoting freedom around the world. Ron Paul advocates a true national defense (as opposed to our current national offense). He wants the US to stand for freedom through its example.
2012-01-13 12:34:03 UTC
Yep, Dr. Demento is pretty scary.

Ron Paul is a complete racist and is just about the nuttiest candidate out there in any party. I would vote for Obama before Dr. Demento - Ron Paul.

Paul thinks the majority of blacks are criminals - stated it in his own newsletters over and over again.

Paul thinks Bush did 9/11 as an inside job. Waaaaaayyyy nutty.

Paul thinks America deserved to be attacked on 9/11. Said it himself many, many times.

Paul claims to be a strict constitutionalist, but does not understand the basics of how it works.

Paul would generate warfare all over the globe by bringing back US troops from every overseas base. We provide a lot of security and stability in the world.

Paul thinks America should have never fought the Germans in WWII.

Paul thinks Iran should be allowed to build nukes and they don't threaten anyone.

Paul thinks meth, marijuana, cocaine, heroin and LSD should all be totally legal because the Constitution says so. What a lunatic.

Paul is just about as insane as they come. He is racist and frightening in so many other ways too.
2012-01-10 16:04:10 UTC
No. It only bothers zionists, evangelical extremists, and war mongers who profit from the death of human beings.

Ron Paul is an honest politician who can't be bought and sold like the rest of the political whores whose pockets are lined by zionists and wealthy corporations. Reagan was a intellectual dwarf in comparison to Ron Paul and many other politicians.
2012-01-09 17:47:46 UTC
What I would like to ask is why you, as well as the Bush administration, ignore the results of the Rand Commission investigation of terrorism which said that over the last 100 years, only 7% of terrorists were put down by military methods? (Bush commissioned the study, by the way.) Why do you believe that having localized bases in our fight against a global problem will solve anything? Why do you believe that not having those localized bases would make it easier for terrorists to attack us? Did bases in Guam prevent the terrorists from attacking London, Madrid, etc.?

I'm not a Paul supporter, but I also do not share the idea that we can have a presence in every square foot of the world under the current debt situation. How will you support it?
Andy F
2012-01-09 17:52:48 UTC
Uh - didn't Reagan actually provide financial and diplomatic support to Saddam Hussein of Iraq, who was a big threat to Israel?

And didn't the Reagan administration also provide financial aid and Stinger Surface to Air missiles to "jihadist" Muslim guerrillas in Afghanistan?

Some of whom later became the nucleus of al Qaeda, the group that carried out the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center?

I'm a leftist who happens to think Ron Paul is right about US foreign policy, although not about anything else, really. I think his domestic policies -- eg totally eliminating the Federal Reserve -- would wreck the US economy in the long run.

But I think Paul is right to say that the US now maintains a huge military empire that we can't afford, and that if we keep trying to maintain that empire -- including its operations in the Middle East -- this will bankrupt the country eventually.

Although I support the right of Israel to exist, I also think the current Israeli government deserves to be sanctioned -- hard -- for its stubborn refusal to negotiate in good faith with the Palestianians.

For the US to support Israel as it continues to place illegal Jewish settlements on Palestinian lands makes a mockery of our claims to defend "peace" and "democracy."

BUT - whether you love my opinions of hate them, and you probably hate them -- it's just WRONG to see Reagan as a president who never supported violent Islamist jihadists.

He not only supported them in Afghanistan; he called them "religious freedom fighters." I don't think Ron Paul ever did anything quite as dumb as that.

Please see the movie (or read the book) "Charlie Wilson's War," for details.
Humble Libertarian
2012-01-09 17:50:21 UTC
Who was the only one that stood for Israels right to defend it self when it bombed an Iraqi nuclear plant in the 80s.

Who is the only one that would bring our troops home and beef up the border where the real threat to the U.S. is.

Who is the only one that will get our spending on track so we don't have to cut a large parentage of our military power and technology.

Who is the only one that understands what the military intelligence term blow back means.

Who is the only one that would go to war to win with direct goals and an exit strategy.

Ron Paul 2012

stop and think for yourself for once.
2012-01-09 18:02:00 UTC
Why is Israel the USAs responsibility?

Does the average American really want there kids to die for Israel?

Perhaps we should vote on whether or not the US is the police of the world.
2012-01-09 17:45:48 UTC
Most Ron Paul supporters think 9-11 was a hoax. Many of them think that the fall of Communism in the Soviet states is still just a trick. Some think that the Jews are behind everything including decreased car sales for Ford. Then there are the ones who think an Apocalypse is coming. Oh and then there are the potheads.

See when you start the question by limiting responses to Ron Paul supporters, you've basically said "Ok conspiracy theorists, wack-a-doos and Tin Foil Hatopians...."
2012-01-09 17:42:26 UTC
I would like to ask: "What more, short of gov't issued Kevlar jackets can the US do to manifest itself to be more like Israel? (Because with the host dying, I fear it may be too late.)"
2012-01-09 17:51:02 UTC

Muslims again, when Ron Paul is doing everything for the people of US as a whole! US will be much better off without Israel, it seems we are all fighting for Israel and paying top dollars in taxes, when it is not necessary at all.

US should be left alone and not decided by Dual passport holders who are all working for Israel and using US as a tool in when, how they wish!!

Portrait of a criminal

January 7, 2012

3-year-old Geraldine Blingoai was born to non-Jewish migrants. That was her crime.

Yesterday, Blingoai was arrested at her birthday party by officers from the Israel Oz Unit, a division of the police created to target non-Jewish migrants and other violators of Israeli immigration policy (link is to Hebrew article; pardon any translation errors). When Ilan Gilon, a member of Knesset from the left-of-center Meretz Party, attempted to visit Blingoai at a holding facility, his assistant was arrested too.
2012-01-09 17:47:11 UTC
Nope because you have to ask yourself, "how many (insert country of choice) lives equal an American life?".

-my answer is always the same, NONE.
2012-01-09 17:47:27 UTC
I know his policy would please Islamists, obviously it would. The question to ask is whether his policy is morally and legally right. It is. We aren't 5 years old, we don't need to fight Islamists because Islamists don't like us, we need to act like mature adults.
2012-01-09 17:43:03 UTC
For good or bad Ron Paul has isolationist tunnel vision on no foreign policy, 'its none of our business' he says this about every single foreign issue.
Mr. Wolf
2012-01-09 17:40:27 UTC
Those idiots think Muslim extremist prefer President Obama's policy of killing them where ever they hide instead of Ron Paul's policy of leaving them alone.
2012-01-09 17:44:02 UTC
This question is incoherent and not worthy of a legitimate answer
2012-01-09 17:42:55 UTC
It doesn't even bother Ron Paul supporters that their messiah is a self avowed racist and white supremacist sympathizer.

EDIT - Truth hurts, huh Ron Paul supporters. Idiots.
2012-01-09 17:41:56 UTC
What part of "We Quit" would any of our enemies not like?
2012-01-09 17:43:53 UTC
Ron Paul supporters just ignore the facts about Islamist radicals & assume they are just like everyone else. Just like the idiot European appeasers did with Hitler. We saw how that turned out.
2012-01-09 17:39:38 UTC
so what?

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