What do Americans think of Hugo Chavez?
2008-09-13 18:39:50 UTC
What do you think of a man who stands up for the poor and downtrodden masses of Venezuela and has the guts to stand up to the rapacious oil companies and to US imperialism?

27 answers:
2008-09-13 19:42:22 UTC
I'm not an American, I'm A scot and I think he's fuc**ng brilliant. I support anyone who sticks it up to the self styled world leader but I especially support him for his courage and outspoken distaste for the bully of the World. Rock on Chavez! Stick it to the bast***s
2016-10-24 18:19:10 UTC
i really comprehend little or no about Hugo Chavez. He became elected by ability of the individuals of Venezuela in 2 elections, so i became prepared to allow those individuals to have their determination of leaders. lately, I did see a software the position huge crowds were demonstrating hostile to him, so possibly it hasn't worked out besides as they anticipated. i imagine it in touch the governmental takeover of a properly-loved television community. He appears somewhat a loudmouth, emotional, demonstrative. He likes interest and he likes to impact Bush. regardless of the indisputable fact that, it should be significantly better if there have been cordial relatives between our personal united states and all different international places. With Chavez hooking up with Castro and different South American leaders, we would face an alliance contained in the destiny. China and Russia are also obtainable co-enemies. we desire a pacesetter who has a knack for international relatives, would not consistently threaten attack, and straightens out our overseas relatives. To me, Bush and Chavez have some similar features.
2008-09-14 08:16:41 UTC
Saddam Hussein was re-elected every year as well and carried 100% of the votes. I do not know Hugo Chavez personally, I think he is unimportant and has no effect on me personally. I thought his crack at the UN was inappropriate for the leader of a country but also quite humorous
2008-09-13 19:21:59 UTC
Communist garbage. Would you consider living in Venezuela ? Seriously, so we can get a direct opinion of the man first hand. Or is this all a warped fantasy created by a frustrated individual ? This is the USA & Chavez is on the bottom of the list right now if indeed he ever made the list. Concentrate on your own country & stop asking us what we think of a socialist agitator. We don't care. God bless America!!!
margaret h
2008-09-13 18:58:00 UTC
He is a dictator who came to power in a rigged election that was "certified" by Jimmy Carter. He tried to change the Constitution to allow himself to be "President for Life" but his people rejected the change despite intimidation by his military and thugs. There will be a new election soon and the people are trying to resist his gangs so thst they can vote him out of power.

He nationalized the oil companies which was a mistake because the heavy crude in Ven. can only be refined in a few places and he has lost the market for it. He's losing money while sitting on huge reserves.

The Russians are keeping him afloat because he represents a beachhead for them in the Americas.

He and his friends are sending millions to their own accounts in overseas banks while the people sink into poverty.

Once prosperous Ven. is now a Third World PIT, rife with crime, corruption, and fear.

He is spreading his Marxist style to other Latin countries causing economic destabilization, leading them to sink into poverty while their leaders rake the profits from drug dealing off the top.

Any other questions about the Paradise of Chavez???
2008-09-13 18:57:01 UTC
He's an idiot with little education and a low intelligence level.His policies have been tried by countries before and all have failed.The only reason that he caters to the poor and downtrodden is that they are too ignorant to realize what a buffoon he really is. He has based his countries entire economy on oil. When the price of oil drops severely as it will then he will be hanging by his toes.
DeLite aka xXxCHExXx AJB ROCKS!!
2008-09-14 02:40:26 UTC
I asked a similar question ages ago. They hate him because he has the guts to tell the US to **** off and he is proof that socialism can help the masses. They also think he's a dictator because FOX news says so. Proves that these Americans need to get rid of their TVs. I think he is absolutely brilliant.
2008-09-13 19:00:59 UTC
He stands up against the US and the corporate giants. He stands for the poor and looks to eliminate the poverty whereas we look to eliminate the poor. Socialism is the only way we can make things equal. Capitalism may seem to give an equal opportunity it really only gives it to a few. Like they say "It's not what you now it's who you know." The supporters of Capitalism look at a few people and say "There is the Capitalist dream." True, but where is the Capitalist reality? In short I support Chavez and Socialism.
2008-09-13 18:51:51 UTC
why do people think hes a dictator when he won the last election?

americans will never like him and to be honest he doesnt seem like the best leader ever but he still won the election fairly so i fail to see how hes a dictator. if he calls off the next election in venezeula then ill believe hes a dictator. until then hes the rightly elected leader
Lisa M
2008-09-13 18:54:13 UTC
Seriously, no cares about Chavez.

People only know he exists because he keeps throwing a temper tantrum every time a camera is in front of him.

He's just another fool full of hot air whose days are numbered.
2008-09-13 18:50:41 UTC
I think people in the United States should mind their own business starting with bush. and stop saying "what do Americans think" Those people live in America also. Some like him. Some don't,

Same as in the United States. Some like the president; others don't.

To each his own.
2008-09-13 19:11:07 UTC
He just took over all the media so he can brainwash his people. Along with that he took their property and businesses. He's a real gem, wink wink.
George B
2008-09-13 19:28:45 UTC
For the most part they don't.
2008-09-13 18:47:24 UTC
Lol, his political henchmen got caught dealing Heroin to fund Terrorists. So I'd give him a "will be shot on site" award.
2008-09-13 18:45:02 UTC
He's setting up his people for a communist system by demonizing the US. Just as the Republicans set up Americans for fascism by demonizing Muslims.

If he wasn't ranting against a phantom menace like Republicans, I'd say he's just another socialist leader trying to find the best economic system for his country.
2008-09-13 18:45:42 UTC
Uhhh... I thought I already did an answer to this question?

Oh well.

He's not bad for a soft socialist who came to power via military coup, and then by elections, rather than a real revolution.

I hope he survives long enough to be overthrown by real Marxists rather than CIA stooges.

In the meantime, I'll cheer him on as he takes on my bosses here in the U.S., and I'll be buying all my gas and heating oil from Citgo.
2008-09-13 18:44:08 UTC
i think he says one thing and leaves his people starving like most socialist dictators in the world
2008-09-13 18:44:53 UTC
I think he's the poster child for paranoid schizophrenia, with his audacious claims that the United States is out to get him. I bet he thinks his coffee pot is plotting against him too.
Liberty or Death
2008-09-13 18:44:03 UTC
He's a dictator who has trampled on the rights of his people. He's living a life of luxury while his people are living in poverty. He's a worthless piece of scum who deserves to die a scumbag's death.

2008-09-13 18:47:48 UTC
He 's The Venezuelan Dubya.
2008-09-13 18:47:11 UTC
Dictator, trouble maker........
Johnny P
2008-09-13 18:50:10 UTC
He is a greasy little ****.
2008-09-13 18:55:51 UTC
Let me think, the U.S is his #1 oil buyer.........

ES UN PINCHE PAYASO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-09-13 18:45:16 UTC
He was elected, so anyone here who bitches about him should be sent to China since they don't like democracy.
2008-09-13 18:44:21 UTC
I think the CIA should take him out....and not for a drink! Then we could just take his oil! MANIFEST DESTINY!
ken s
2008-09-13 18:48:39 UTC
commie nut job
2008-09-13 18:44:14 UTC
Not much!

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