He is a dictator who came to power in a rigged election that was "certified" by Jimmy Carter. He tried to change the Constitution to allow himself to be "President for Life" but his people rejected the change despite intimidation by his military and thugs. There will be a new election soon and the people are trying to resist his gangs so thst they can vote him out of power.
He nationalized the oil companies which was a mistake because the heavy crude in Ven. can only be refined in a few places and he has lost the market for it. He's losing money while sitting on huge reserves.
The Russians are keeping him afloat because he represents a beachhead for them in the Americas.
He and his friends are sending millions to their own accounts in overseas banks while the people sink into poverty.
Once prosperous Ven. is now a Third World PIT, rife with crime, corruption, and fear.
He is spreading his Marxist style to other Latin countries causing economic destabilization, leading them to sink into poverty while their leaders rake the profits from drug dealing off the top.
Any other questions about the Paradise of Chavez???