Thinking the unthinkable will do that to a person
I don't know - I have no cyrstal ball - and even if I did know who would believe me ?
I've asked this question before - but I had a lot of references from current gorvernment legislation to back me up
Presidential directive 51 twined with Homeland security directive 51 - The powers that FEMA would atoumatically recieve should an emergency occur
The various positions of people who deny the 9/11 story
The fact that prison camps are being built at a cost of 325 million dollars
The fact that Bush Sr still sits on the Caryle group - the biggest military supplier group in the nation That Bush Sr was the director of the CIA just after the "family jewels" time period was about
That GW Bush's grandfather helped build the Nazi war machine by funding and investing in Germany and was later charged in 1942 with trading with the enemy - A lot more to that story if you choose to look
That Bush Jr - has changed the laws so that a US citizen can be denied rights and declared an enemy combatant
The nuclear posture review again a government white paper sets out the objective of policing the internet.
That according to Jorge Hirsch a nuclear phsicist from Ca has a movie about a change he calls disaster namely that the mini nuke (which is more powerful than the one(s) dropped on Japan) are now considered safe for cilvilain use
I am no expert in anything - but that is a lot of stuff - and it all available to anyone who wants to look - All of that is printed and out there for the public
Yet - it really may be they know of a threat we don't -
We may be in more doo doo than we are told and so on No responsible government wishes to tell everyone everything
No one expects that they will I am sure -
But there have been a lot of moves that are scary to me joe blow citezen -
One one hand I can't do anything to change anything - Perhaps I shouldn't read all of this stuff
So the truth is - If your paranoid your not alone -