What is wrong with Americans?
2010-12-30 13:26:56 UTC
Look at the comments on this article-

Investment banks have had a good year financing and building up businesses that help everyday Americans live their lives! Why are people whining? It's not like investemnt banks' stock is doing horribly, and they're posting record losses. They're doing well. What do these commenters want the employees to do? Work 12 hour days and churn out record profits for the bank for the average middle class salary? My God people....A lot of these bankers are very generous, as well, giving a lot of money to charities. If you are one of the people condemning these bankers, you should be ashamed. Is it simply jealousy?
Eleven answers:
2010-12-30 13:34:54 UTC
I could not give a damn what other people make for a living. What they make has absolutely nothing to do with my livelihood and the way I choose to live my life.
2010-12-30 21:45:29 UTC
You`re trolling right?Nobody on Earth could be this ignorant.In the off chance you`re serious,let me explain why people are angry.These generous investment banks of yours de-regulated themselves so that it would be legal to make millions of un-guaranteed loans to people who had no hope of paying them back.Then they bundled these worthless loans into a magic investment vehicle called a derivative and sold them to European banks at a huge profit,at the same time knowing they were ticking time bombs.The Euro banks figured out they got jewed and wanted a refund on penalty of many,many lawsuits and fraud charges.With me so far?Now to pay off the Europeans,your marvelous banking buddies needed hard assets because paper wouldn`t fly anymore.That`s where your home comes in.That`s why a $400 dollar a month payment is no good,they need it NOW.That`s why families are living in tents during the worst winter in decades.Do you get it now little miss?

Edit: Oh you`re a silly school girl?Well that explains your ignorance.Why don`t you get one your teachers to explain the definition of FRAUD idiot.They broke the law and are getting away with it.I can only hope your family ends up spending the winter in a f*****g snow bank and learns what desperation means.Now go back to guitar hero or whatever you punks do nowadays.
Philip H
2010-12-30 21:36:37 UTC
Wat is wrong with America? Tyranny and the deliberate ignoring of the Constitution.

Our founders knew that Power Corrupts. That is why they gave the bulk of political power to the States and to the citizens. That is why they divided powers to prevent placing too much power in the hands of too few.

That is why we have anti-trust laws to reduce the Power of Big Corporations and prevent monopolies.

Corruption comes for too much Power.

If it is too big to fail, it is Too Big!

Big Banks. Big Insurance Companies. Big Unions. Big Pharmaceutical Corporations. Big Medical Establishment.


All are too big and must be cut down to size. Until they are, Tyranny shall persist.

Money is Power and those who want to raise your taxes are power mad Tyrants.

Term Limits will limit the Corruption that is created by too much political power. We can all see the voters won't limit the terms of the Elitist Desopots dictating our lives.
2010-12-30 21:30:40 UTC
BS. As a percentage of income middle and lower middle class families give more to charity than any other income range.
2010-12-30 21:31:21 UTC
So they give a pittance to charity and I'm supposed to be thankful? Sociopaths have interesting ways of justifying their behavior.
I'm Chris Hansen
2010-12-30 21:30:10 UTC
Those investment banks should not exist anymore.
Bobby Crosby
2010-12-30 21:28:18 UTC
I agree, I almost worked an hour yesterday and I'm only making $5 million a month. Why don't you ungrateful gits get a real job?
2010-12-30 21:30:45 UTC
2010-12-30 21:31:16 UTC
Uh.... I'm and American but don't lump me in with those whiners. I'm on your side.
2010-12-30 21:28:39 UTC
These people take houses from hard working Americans!!! Leaving them on the streets!!!
2010-12-30 21:30:02 UTC
I think we are all phucked up.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.