Why didn't Rush complain when they built a shopping center near the Manassas National Battlefield?
2010-08-20 07:32:04 UTC
I remember Rush Limbaugh talking endlessly about a developer's right to built the shopping center wherever he wanted to and that the Federal government should stay out of private property right decisions. Now, however, conservatives run to the same government and demand it stop a Muslim development.
22 answers:
On the left and proud
2010-08-20 07:35:17 UTC
Because he is a big fat blowhard full of hate towards people he don't agree with
2010-08-20 08:01:35 UTC
Can we stop arguing how inconsistent conservatives are please?

We all know the the path that conservatives will take, how it will work, who will line up where and the eventual endgame.

The fact is if brown people want to do anything they don't like they will attempt to find a constitutional or legal path

and once that doesn't work they'll try to shame them with "tradition" or "decency"

and once their recently invented ideas of what is decent or traditional doesn't work they will turn to threatened violence that will have the Rush Limbaughs and Bill O'Reillys blaming the Muslims for the threats fo violence.

If the eventual violence - either against the property or the imam or the 51 Park developer - happens BEFORE November 2, it will be fun to see which candidates will defend the Christian terrorists and which will (in the words of Captain Renault) be "shocked, shocked there is gambling going on here."

Of course then the Republican party will quietly accept "your winnings, Captain" while staying away from the blame of inciting the thing to begin with.

This is the endgame that happens almost every time. I wish we could stop arguing over the inconsistancies in the argument. That is not their plan, their plan is to get votes by building up anger into violence.

In the 2008 election they did the same thing with Sarah Palin claiming Obama was a Palestinian Terrorist or connected to the Weathermen (Obama would have been 8 at the time) until the actual violence started happening (and that woman faked being attacked by a large black Obama supporter).

In 2009 this is exactly what happened with the Stimulus bill that led to that attack on Sikhs in St. Louis (because those morons thought they were Muslims).

In 2010 shockingly the health care debates that led to Bachmann leading a rally that included signs like "If Brown Can't Stop it; a Browning Can!" led to attacks all over the country. Republicans not only denounced the "shocking" violence they tried to argue their own actions had helped a good bill pass.

So now as another election approaches you are shocked by the playbook of the right? This is the exact same playbook since 2008!

1. Claim incorrect legal basis

2. Claim "traditional" or "decency" basis

3. Threaten and incite violence while blaming the victim for the threats.

4. Distance yourself from it and act "shocked" when the actual violence takes place, blaming unconnected elements and say things like: "the victim isn't without blame."

_ Just read big Nick's description - See, its acceptable to be against the constitution and a hypocrite as long as you are "Conservative minded, America loving, patriot, nationalist, capitalism is a good thing, support our troops, Christian religious and all those other good things." While it might not be Big Nick it will be somebody like him who opens fire on the mosque and half of conservatives will be shocked and the Christian terrorist who couldn't handle the constitution will be defended by the other half.
Big Nick
2010-08-20 07:54:35 UTC
First off, it is a shopping center, nothing to offend anyone by. We all go to shopping centers anyway. Not all of us go to mosques. We conservatives are right when we say a mosque shouldn't be built near Ground Zero. A mosque near Ground Zero is a slap in the face to those who died. And don't start saying, "Oh, many Muslims died in Ground Zero, too." That's not the point and you shouldn't be using that as an excuse. The point is who did it, and the other point is, it is Ground Zero. Who put the planes in Ground Zero; Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims or any other faith? A group of radical muslims, that's right. So why build a muslim place of worship here on sacred ground when they could go build it somewhere else. Why here??? The left side will make excuses for everything, just like the millions and millions of illegal people from all over the world on welfare and trashing this glorious nation. The nation was not radically liberal like it is today. It all started in the 1960s. So going back to the point, the mosque near Ground Zero is a no no. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but if you want to build a mosque, build it somewhere else. Just leave 9/11 out of it.
2010-08-20 08:04:56 UTC
Who's demanding anything ?????????????? Nobody of course but u Liberals can't help but put words in others mouths, just like Rush Limbaugh saying racist comments that all u Liberals claimed when he wanted to be a partner in buying a football team, u have NO proof yet you say he did.

To build it there is wrong on a tolerance level, not a government or federal level, its being built as a monument to there victory and to say otherwise is to be oblivious to the world around u.

Lets talk about tolerance Pope John Paul II told a Catholic congregation in Germany to NOT build a church near a concentration camp out of respect for the Jews that were murdered there, he said the right thing to do out of tolerance is to build it somewhere else out of respect for the fallen, this is what the Muslims should also be doing & saying out of respect for the fallen, but since they have ZERO repsect for anyone obviously they will build it. If they are a Tolerant Religion they would not build that center in that spot out of respect for the fallen, but they will and they will be praising allah and snubing there noses at us.

Thx Liberals for twisting the facts on this issue, but it just goes to show Liberals are just as intolerant as Muslims.
2016-04-20 00:41:15 UTC
i dont want an airport near lakeside, normally it will take me 5 mins to get to lakeside by car, at present takes 40 mims, just imagne, if there was an airport at lakeside, the roads wouldn't be able to cope. as a local, we are always moaning about the traffic, if there a problem on the QE2 bridge.. so with that Lakeside at Christmas/ sales time and a airport it would be quicker to walk. plus there an airport at Southend, which i understand is under used, one flight a week to Jersey. lets use that. plus London City Airport, is only about 10 miles away. so while does Lakeside need an Airport? do you live local?
2010-08-20 07:38:51 UTC
So you are saying that at the battle of Manassas some shoppers killed 3000 people? If not then there is a big difference. But hey nice try on the propaganda.

Edit: Bluechristy that is false. We haven't forgotten that we number them in with the rest of the victims. Otherwise we would say something like. 3000 Christians died. But we don't say that do we? No we say 3000 PEOPLE died muslims,atheists,budhists and anyone else are naturally included with the word people. But hey nice try.
2010-08-20 07:42:28 UTC
Why did he not buy that run down piece of Property and rehab it?

And if the Community Center would be smack next to ground zero, it should not make any difference.

So, when do we prevent Muslims from being buried next to Christians and others in our Cemeteries?

The right has gone totally nuts. But then look who their spokespersons: Limbaugh, Palin,

Bachmann, Gingrich, Riddle, Gohmert, Morris, Beck, Angle. A Psychiatrists dream team.
2010-08-20 07:38:24 UTC
I didn't know that Walmart, Home Depot, and Bed Bath and Beyond were responsible for the Union troops shot at the two Battles of Bull Run.

Wow, you learn something new every day...
2010-08-20 07:38:16 UTC
You still don't get it do you? If I ever visit this mosque - I mean - community center I'm going to be eating a burger with lots of bacon on it and wear a shirt that says "Mohammed is my bi***". Oh! Was that insensitive? Well, SO IS A MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO!
2010-08-20 07:37:45 UTC
What terrorist act did the developer or any member of the development team commit that murdered 3000 American civilians just blocks from where they built the shopping center?!
2010-08-20 07:36:54 UTC
I cannot speak for Rush, but I remember being opposed to commercial development near Gettysburg. I want my children's children and their children to be able to walk the entire route of Picket's charge - from the treeline along the ridge to the copse of trees along the stone wall - as my parents did with me and as I did with my children. I want the walk to be peaceful enough, quiet enough, and isolated enough for them to reflect on what it meant for America. I want it so quiet that they can hear the bullets wizz by and the canon roar.
2010-08-20 07:37:57 UTC
Asking a person like Rush Limbaugh to be consistent is like asking a dog to solve algebra problems. Somethings just aren't possible.
2010-08-20 07:39:49 UTC
Yes.. because a bunch of GAP and Macy's people killed thousands of people at that battle field..

Seriously.. is this the best thing you could come up with to support the terrorist celebraton monument at ground zero?
2010-08-20 07:37:50 UTC
Nobody came from "shopping center land" and killed 3500 people. However, they DID come from the islameic world. So maybe you should start there and see where that takes ya.
2010-08-20 07:37:10 UTC
And what cons /Repubs try hard to hide is the FACT that many innocent American Muslims died at ground Zero as well.
2010-08-20 07:34:25 UTC
There is a minor difference but so minor that it is difficult to point out.
2010-08-20 07:38:15 UTC
You suppose it's because "K-Mart shoppers" didn't blow up 3000 people?
Agent 00Zero
2010-08-20 07:36:51 UTC
Same reason I didn't. I don't care.
2010-08-20 07:34:01 UTC
So you think it's okay to build a shrine to celebrate the murdering of 3000 Americans? I don't.
2010-08-20 07:36:47 UTC
yeah....... right......great analogy there bud..

Try again.
2010-08-20 07:36:46 UTC
2010-08-20 07:33:31 UTC
what do you expect?

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