To go with their guts... Not just no but HELL NO!
I know I'm unreasonably idealistic here, but people should read the candidates written positions on all issues and take special note of the ones they have no position on.
When our political system fails it is specifically because of the TV effect of likability and dislike ability. GWB was a happy sort when he first ran, and peoples gut instinct was to pick him.
I suggest that you all go to the MSNBC page, "Candidates + Issues Matrix," that has you personally rate the policy of each candidate with a red/green slider, when you are done zoom out and see who you picked based on policy plans. (note the Ron Paul crew spam the over all results somehow, he's usually all bright green. Goddamn hackers)
I know it's hard to compare them side by side so I created a set of pages specifically designed to make it easier.
I aligned each candidates policy to a constitutional presidential power.
I believe that only Barack stands out as the best possible choice for America.
Those personality tests are all like horoscopes. They don't have to be right, they just have to sell advertising. How would you prove any of them wrong?