Why is America still so racist after all this time?
2016-03-10 13:08:49 UTC
Why is America still so racist after all this time?
274 answers:
2016-03-15 01:13:30 UTC
I don't believe America is racist as a whole. I think there are people who are racist but America as a whole isn't racist. I mean cmon, look at all the people of all different colors who can be rich and nobody is segregated anywhere for there color? Anybody can be friends with anyone too. The thing with racism is its just hate, and there will always be hate in this world, therefore there will always be racism and every other evil/hateful thing you can think of. I myself am a Mexican and I've only experienced racism once by a white person and I'm around a bunch of different people every day for my job. I don't think America is "still so racist" I think it's how you were raised. My mom never told me that people wouldn't like me becuase of my color or that I was at a dissadvantage becuase of it so I never felt different from anyone else. I don't think America is racist. Just some people living in America
2016-10-03 03:02:24 UTC
Is America Racist
2016-03-13 05:19:08 UTC
Not saying that racism exists in America, because it does. But the things we are talking about in the media ate not correct. First is illegal immigration. Most people are for legal immigration. We are talking about illegal immigration, which no other country tolerates, but if America doesn't, we are seen as racist. Second thing is the shooting of blacks by cops. The media doesn't tell the whole truth about those stories. Most of them are gang members with history of crimes a mile long and did not comply with the officers. Usually attacking them or other people. Just because they didn't have a gun on them doesnt mean they weren't dangerous. America is a high crime country. Police get shot all the time. Even trying to help a stranded person or responding to a car accident, they get shot. And more whites get shot than blacks. The mainstream media doesn't report them. Just the local news.
2016-03-11 09:03:05 UTC
Why is America still so racist after all this time?

Take a look at all the answers to this question. Each one reflects the anger, bitterness, hatred, or denial that has been a part of America from the beginning.

The problems America faces are not "political" they are social and always have been. You can legislate hiring practices, but you can not legislate equality or concern for someone else's well being.

Skin color is used to justify the demonization of certain groups of people, but keep in mind that the Hitler's of the world also killed people that looked just like themselves merely because they held different opinions.

Race is a social construct, not a scientific concept. Racism, just like religions is handed down from one generation to the next for centuries and is just as much a part of that person as their DNA. It is a "tradition" often as compelling as a belief in a particular god. If you want to understand the mind of a racist you must first understand the psychology that binds him to his beliefs.

Any problem can be solved with the application of a little imagination. Sometimes, however, the solution is to recognize that the problem was not created to be "solved."

Good luck!
2016-03-11 09:59:20 UTC
Why is America racist? Because its hard for any country too see immigrants from the other side of the world flooding there streets and replacing there own people. And also of how they behave when there in a rich country e.g, UK or USA. Black and Muslims here in the UK are very disrespectful to us for no reason it seems we let them in then we get targeted. I'm not a racist I just have a problem with there lifestyle and there behaviour towards us, im sure it happens in the USA as well, however in the usa its alot more harder with the racist police officers around. Here we don't have that I got loads of black and muslim mates we all get along well just some I have problems with.
2016-03-11 21:21:13 UTC
America has always been racist for generations. It even exists today unfortunately, at our schools, workplaces, even religion (KKK), which is still practiced in the South today. Racism is not right but people still tend to be "racist" because they can. There are no rules that say that "We can't be racist", but the equality of race is not well practiced because we made it that way. I'm not racist but we all need to get along, skin color has nothing to do with it. Racism is a problem because WE make it a problem.
Justin Weaver
2016-03-14 22:01:55 UTC
We still have to continue to evolve into better human beings. Think about it. If we were in the situation people were in the 1800's, you'd probably think that we were vile and crazy for how we acted. Honestly, we could not have been as evolved as we are now, even when circumstances come to course. As we have evolved, we slowly learn these things are bad, and slowly start to become better. Now if course, we are no where near perfect. We are still flawed. We still need to improve, a lot. The goal into move in the right direction. So when people say " let's make our nation great again, I think that's stupid, because realistically things can't change in 2 years. Yes, maybe Isis can be controlled (which would be great), but we as a country would r become better. Same goes with racism. We are moving in the right direction, even if we are going at a snails pace. In other words, don't expect it to go away overnight, but eventually it will, the same goes with out ability to comprehend it.
2016-03-10 17:13:31 UTC
Not everyone is racist. It's just a common conflict, and a reason for people to be offended. I don't find America in specific most racist. It's a world issue.
2016-03-12 09:04:11 UTC
Good question. According to the Bible, during the times we are now living in would have people that don't get along, and would be looking out for themselves. (Matthew 24:7 & 12, 2 Timothy 3:1-5) However the good news is that eventually there will be a time in the future where people will be able to live amongst each other without racism or prejudice. (Psalms 37:11, 29) For more information see the site below listed in the 'Source' section.
2016-03-12 06:46:07 UTC
I think what you should be asking is, "Why is the world so racist after all this time".

Because I don't think America is still doing the whole slave trade thing. If anyone is racist, it's the people living there. And you can't just call a whole continent racist, just because it consists of like 20% retards who think they're better than other races.
2016-03-12 06:40:10 UTC
America has always been racist for generations. It even exists today unfortunately, at our schools, workplaces, even religion (KKK), which is still practiced in the South today. Racism is not right but people still tend to be "racist" because they can. There are no rules that say that "We can't be racist", but the equality of race is not well practiced because we made it that way. I'm not racist but we all need to get along, skin color has nothing to do with it. Racism is a problem because WE make it a problem.
2016-03-11 11:49:55 UTC
Firstly, it is not natural for the human race to get along with each other where there are ANY difference at all. They don't mind inner tribal differences, but other than that, forget it.

Skin colour differences, dialects preferences, , likes and dislike, languages body structure. cultures, religions, choice of food, habits of dress, they just don't like it. Its never going to happen.

The North and South divide immediately increased this difference when each developed its own culture accordingly. The South relying on the introduction of slavery by the Brits in order to boost the southern economy where they had considerable investments. When the Brits changed sides , the Southern economy collapsed, but there is always some solace in a collapsed economy when one section can see that there is yet another section that is worse off than they are. All that this does in reality is increase the difference between the two sections of that society, each being resentful of the other.

Its never going to change until both sides bend those stiff necks . team up together against their resentments and their silly prides, and start to work together as a real team.
2016-03-13 07:58:04 UTC
America is still racist after all this time because some people benefit from it being racist. Americans voted for Barack Obama simply because they thought that electing a black man would end racism. Electing a black man simply because he was black was itself an act of racism. The sad part is that Barack Obama has no ability whatsoever to perform the job of President. Jesse Jackson has become a multi-millionaire by convincing Americans that racism is rampant. Al Sharpton is also a profiteer from selling racism to whoever is stupid enough to believe him. In reality, the worst racism is perpetrated by these racism peddlers, not average Americans.
2016-03-11 19:34:33 UTC
It's how the system was created in the first place.. Also the idea of race is always exalted to prime importance.. To the point where people think we're all different people's and separate themselves because they feel like they can't relate to certain groups.. I mean just under 50 years ago MLK was marching through streets.. In the end change the way the system works, and you can change a lot of things about America, and the world..
2016-03-11 20:27:55 UTC
Personally, I'm sick and tired of the old droll argument of a racist America. Look at the bulk of the world and you'll discover it is MUCH worse. A billion people still live under a caste system in India. Japan is under threat of population collapse because the young don't want to marry and make babies, and the population-at-large DOES NOT want baby-baring immigrants moving to japan to pick up the slack. In Africa, blacks routinely wage war on other blacks because of tribal differences. I'm just saying, by virtue of the fact that you're here, RIGHT HERE-IN AMERICA, you have a shot at the American dream, no matter what your color.
2016-03-13 08:19:16 UTC
I hate to tell you this, but all peoples are racist. We are probably hardwired for it, since it would have given our ancient ancestors some survival advantages.

I've lived overseas, I've traveled extensively. I've encountered racism and bigotry everywhere (ever been to East Asia?). One difference is that the US is very open about our racial issue, so that they receive a lot of attention on the international stage. That's actually one of our strengths. Other countries have real problems with race and ethnicity, but they often pretend that they don't, or else Americans don't pay much attention because they are so preoccupied with these issues at home.

Let me point out that while many European countries were involved in the African slave trade from te late 15th century (earlier, European slaves were mostly white -- eastern European or middle eastern), they took most of their slaves to their overseas possessions -- here in the New World. So, we in the US have a good-sized black population, as do Latin American nations, but visibly different-looking peoples are far fewer in number in Europe. That's been changing over the past decades since World War II, and Europe has significant racial and ethnic issues now.

But as I said, they haven't talked about it the way we have.
2016-03-13 14:29:49 UTC
America is not a racist country? Only a certain percentage of the population in that country, who have narrow and closed minds, are racists. They are the ones who remain locked in the old school thinking, conservative ideas, and tribal mentality. They lack the intelligence to move forward into the new century where every citizen should be treated as equals. Unfortunately, there are many caucasians in every country, especially in America, who believe that it is their duty to feel superior over other special interest groups, immigrants, nationalities, and/or indigenous inhabitants.
2016-03-11 07:01:50 UTC
I was a good old white guy who survived the first round of rioting in our cities in 1965. In the next 4-5 years we all "healed up" For the next 25 years I rarely had a racist thought. Obama and the liberal media have given voice to the most despicable of people. Career criminals are immortalized when they defy authority and get killed. He imports sunni Muslims while Yazi ,Kurds and Christians ( the most peaceful peoples in the middle east) are raped, murdered, enslaved and denied US passage. Whites get mad when we are taxed to the limit to support those who have been receiving entitlement moneys for 3 generations. The back man commits more crime but cry racism when arrested for resisting a peace officers orders. I'm not seeing much healing in the near future. I work hard for the same money a single mom and 1 kid get for free, and I still can't afford the health care and good food they get for free. They are right where the dems want them. Dependent on a system that's screwed them for decades.
2016-03-10 19:27:31 UTC
Children generally grow up to become and act out what they are taught by the important people in their lives. Taught explicitly by words, and taught subconsciously by the actions and behaviors they see played out in front of them every day. A child who grows up in a loving home grows up to be loving. A child who is taught and shown how to hate, will grow up with hate in his or her heart. There are many cultures and countries that are MUCH more racist than America. But don't paint with a broad brush. A country isn't racist, an individual is.
2016-03-10 17:16:43 UTC
Why is America still so racist after all this time?

Why ASK about America as if ONLY AMERICA .. not hardly, sadly, hate, RACISM... happens in all the World , including people hating people just because they are American !!
2016-03-12 05:19:04 UTC
Poor ethics, ignorance, and unchecked Global Mental Heath, where the patients are running the asylum. Every major system is infiltrated by the dis-ease.

It has always been convenient and is practiced by every colonial imperialist power for a little more than 500 years.

To be sure, very little critical thinking is employed.

There are no such things as different races, but there is Racism.

Racism, Race, and Racial prejudice all come from the same group that erroneously, with pretentious presumption pronounced themselves as "White." and other Humans as other races less than themselves, while they considered themselves supreme to others.

Those who are immature and insecure,practice Divide and Rule by conditioning helplessness, fear, scarcity, etc., playing upon the underdeveloped egos.

Those who imitate the behavior are victims who want to join that same make- believe world, so that they can feel superior.
2016-03-14 11:20:37 UTC
when it comes to social progress and humanistic development, the white culture is still the leader in humanistic social progress. obviously---racism was not a major value, and as america embraced it in the 1960s, the freedom of minority equality was accepted. america is still the most diverse and the most accepting of countries in the entire world, and it has historically been a majority white country. people are free in america to have what ever they earn for themselves. change is inherent in life, and i believe that america is great because it embraced positive change as progress.

racism is a product of civilized people living closely packed together in poor inter-city areas. they tend to blame each other in an animalistic struggle to get more and to to be superior to every other person. it is often the 'racist' charge that is used to polarize groups for their own gain. this is animalistic competitiveness to get everything for me and mine. american sports based on acquisition and aggression have glorified the nature of the animal-sports as a healthy competition. this exaggerated the importance of success as a material and social being over the value of being a human being. this is what is so bad about being racist, and the values which people uphold to support their racism.

historically, democracy and equality have only existed in the america for about two-hundred years. it inspired other countries to develop a democracy for the common man, as well, and the democratic process spread around the world. before then everyone has had slaves. it is a well establish cultural phenomena.slavery in the middle east has existed for over 6000-years. the middle eastern muslem introduced slavery to the americas and to england where it was not known. when the first white foreigner, dr. david livingston, explored into the central african region, he found the slavers there so deplorable, that he became an abolitionist. apparently, that america has been historically a white majority, and still is a white majority today; yet, america has the highest diversity and acceptance levels of any country in the world. most of the divisiveness you call racial prejudice is really only 'personality' conflict.
2016-03-13 18:07:05 UTC
Even though people have stood up for black people and asian people, there are always people who are still racist. There's nothing you can do to change that. It's not just happening in America. It happens in Australia too. Australians have shut off Aborigines from society completely.
2016-03-14 15:17:17 UTC
There are racists throughout the world. All races, all walks of life have their racists among them. America isn't nearly as bad as the libtarded media tries to make it out to be. Part of Obama's agenda is to stir up racism to create problems. Everyone knows he is just a whore to George Soros and the EU idiots.
2016-03-11 18:20:12 UTC
Hi. I think it's because some thinking and behavioural patterns are too hard to break. It because almost reflexive to view certain groups in particular ways (both more favourably and in a derogatory sense). The only way to work past this prejudice is to get to know others in those groups- but that not only takes time but also opportunity. How can we learn better when each sector of society can function so separately ?
2016-03-13 11:05:54 UTC
It's only racist to those who need it to be racist for political & self importance self-centered gain like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, La Raza, CAIR, ACLU. A lot of these race hustlers would be out of business if equality ever happened. If they can't find it then they'll manufacture it.
2016-09-10 14:16:11 UTC
firstly, it is not natural for the human race to get along with each other where there are any difference at all... they don't mind inner tribal differences, but other than that, forget it...

skin colour differences, dialects preferences, , likes and dislike, languages body structure... cultures, religions, choice of food, habits of dress, they just don't like it... its never going to happen...

the north and south divide immediately increased this difference when each developed its own culture accordingly... the south relying on the introduction of slavery by the brits in order to boost the southern economy where they had considerable investments... when the brits changed sides , the southern economy collapsed, but there's always some solace in a collapsed economy when one section can see that there's yet another section that is worse off than they are... all that this does in reality is increase the difference between the two sections of that society, each being resentful of the other...

its never going to change until both sides bend those stiff necks ... team up together against their resentments and their silly prides, and start to work together as a real team...
2016-03-11 14:19:15 UTC
The funny thing is that if you read or watch the news, you'd get the impression that America is a hotbed of racial tension.

But what about real life? I'm nearing 50 and I've seen a huge difference between the racial attitudes of the older and younger generations.

Racism is a learned trait, and it tends to be exacerbated by social interactions; people who might not be inclined to racism will often become so if they are around family or friends with those attitudes. That is why is it difficult to erase.

The media in America is fueling racism, and this has a snowballing effect. Reverse racism is part of the media game, and nothing causes resentment better than false accusations or generalizations. Again, more snowballing.
Gerry G
2016-03-12 08:49:31 UTC
Some people may be, but, not the country as a whole. If America was still racist, would we have a black president?
2016-03-12 03:06:16 UTC
Because black people and everyone else is exploiting white people for what they have and they are taking over the country in outnumbering them.

They always trivialize and deconstruct white people rights, and culture.

Its a racial-cultural war. To me violent force must be used, to make it stop.

War, is war, weather you use guns or not, it doesn't make a difference! They are the enemy.

They know they are guilty, but they just wont admit it until after its all said and done to where white people cant do anything about it. If you are the enemy, your job is to deceive and bamboozle white people. (so you can get benefits in the society) and so that you will have control and power and so that you can control the culture.

So excuse me if white people are, "RACIST" because of what you immoral ***** are doing.

Yes, just keep you ******* trap shut *****.
2016-03-12 14:59:25 UTC
The country isn't racist. Only certain people in America who have narrow and closed minds are racists, bigots, homophobic, and hypocritical of anyone who is of a different nature.
2016-03-12 07:24:55 UTC
It use to be white people were racist to black and after sometime and we get to now. Black people are racist towards white people and the worse part is no of them were in the 60s none of us participated in those times. So now it's just turning into the cool thing to do. Like instead of all lives matter it's only black lives matter because black people want to be separated from whites because they believe they're more special. But I'm not religious but God doesn't care what color you are. I don't either. My husbands black.
2016-03-11 19:04:07 UTC
America? You think it's just America?

Racism is everywhere, unfortunately.

People are ignorant if they are racist.

There's always going to be ignorant people.

There's always going to be racist people.

It would be lovely if racism was forever gone.
J. Sanders
2016-03-14 06:11:07 UTC
Only black America is racist. Blacks are playing the discrimination

card over and over because they believe that they will get, and often

get, special consideration from the government and many other social

and politics groups. Also, this way they can never assume responsibility

for their behavior but always blame it on someone else.
2016-03-11 09:44:08 UTC
There is more prejudice than racism in America. Meaning we are conditioned to prejudge someone or a group of people based on appearance. That's normal. Stereotypes are also pretty accurate when you study them. We have all likes and dislikes. If you want to be more likable, don't act on any negative stereotypes that are associated with your race and gender.
2016-03-13 12:53:11 UTC
America ain't so racist. What we have is a crack baby in the whitehouse, the most divisive leader ever, instigating race problems to deflect attention away from all his failures. He's hurting America and he's hurting black American citizens and latino American citizens most with HIS racist rhetoric.
2016-03-11 13:48:15 UTC
Most of us are curious and distrustful of people who are different.

If you live in a mixed neighborhood you are able to see that folks are folks and some are jerks and some are decent.

We put this racist name on it but really I know how it is . You hate the criminals and violent people and in never mattered to me what color they were if they ran with a gang and had a gun on them. I didn't determine all of the blacks were problems. My black friends had class and some of the white kids were just trash Cops deal with criminals all the time and it makes them jaded and lose faith in humanity . Most of them end up with post traumatic stress. They know they could be shot at a traffic stop and it makes them edgy and more belligerent toward blacks who commit more violent crime in the United States. Men commit more violent crime but black women can be bad to the bone and not at all willing to put up with much nonsense.

I am an equal opportunity lover and hater. If you a threatening me or my family , don't expect me to roll over and play dead. It also depends on if your family has a white trash name. I knew who those kids were and my folks wouldn't let me associate with them and the police know those names as well. If your family has a history of being in trouble with the law you are best to move to another town.
2016-03-12 04:31:55 UTC
America was created for most white people to live as comfortable as possible in whatever class they are in. The Willy Lynch letter was put in progress in the Time of slavery to keep black people in line ,and still in process today by the government.I mean why do you think t.v,magazine covers,ads,ect is mainly Caucasian. It a system that has been maintained For White people By White people for many years. As far as racism go it a form of hatred. The reason why is the sense of power that black people seem to radiate without having to do anything or the fact that Black people very existence contradicts themselves.Racism is sometimes created and sometimes people are born. The Sins of the parents fall onto the Sins of the child. That is my conclusion of racism.thanks for reading and God Bless You.
2016-03-12 11:28:13 UTC
Well, people like trump and other people can effect what people believe, also some people and children still grow up with parents or grandparents being tought that black people are evil and should not be trusted, its sad, that this still happens even on the bus a women got kicked of for saying the N word when getting on the bus with there grand daughter. Also what is on the tv, blacks getting arrested, or caught with drugs, it because howthe world focuses on that and not the goods.
2016-03-14 14:46:46 UTC
Democrats and liberals. They put roadblocks on races/groups, gender, sexual status..etc.

They need groups to feel that they are being repressed by factors they cannot control. Almost everything the democrat party touches makes the matter worse but they don't care. They need their votes and most of all a permanent underclass.

They don't ever want to fix anything and if anything they will make it worse. Then you have politicians and take our president for example he's trying to fix all the things that is broken when almost all of it is from his own administration then will blame anyone from republicans to rich people to Christians to white people for all these mysterious problems.
2016-03-10 23:42:23 UTC
I'm so tired of being called a racist, if you want to think I'm a racist, then I am a racist. Maybe we're all racist who knows.
2016-03-14 07:48:01 UTC
Go to Japan and then America won't seem so racist.
2016-03-11 14:39:46 UTC
It was built on race......among other differences. It's hard to let go of something that's been so successful.

Whether is race divided or race united......America will capitalize either way. So race will never go away. It may get better, it may get worse, but race isn't going long as America remains a capitalize society.
Brown Okay
2016-03-11 19:10:44 UTC
It's not just America it's humanity ... Humans are naturally racist and discriminative creatures and they have no clue for why they hate someone !!
2016-03-10 14:13:46 UTC
And it's going to be racist in the future. Now what you going to do?

You've never been to Mexico have you? Now that's a racist country.
Sweet the lightsage
2016-03-13 00:52:38 UTC
The comments reflect the ignorance and bigotry of this country. The problem is, that hate comes from somewhere usually family and lack of education. The US, is full of this when it comes to destroying itself by cutting education and thinking it's nothing but a waste or for nerds. Well, this is what you get after decades of destroying education and brainwashing Caucasians into thinking they're superior. As stated, no one is superior we are all ******* humans. Also, what are humans? Evolved primates..
Sheltie Lover
2016-03-12 04:36:42 UTC
Well.. I will shock everyone and say: "There is no real racism in America." If there were, we wouldn't have a black President. It took a majority to elect him you know.

What we do have, is blacks who think the world "owes them" because of racism in the past. (Yes, we DID have serious racism here when I was a kid.)

We also have cops who get tired of dealing those blacks, who have no respect for anyone or anything. ...........

We have 12 years of free education here. Many blacks drop out of school as soon as they can and then whine because they have no jobs.

There is no excuse for their lack of success.

Life is simple. Want respect? Act respectable!

Want a good job? Get a good education.

Want the police to treat you with respect? Treat them that way too!

Yes, There are bad cops, just as there are bad teachers, bad barbers and bad black teenagers, who do way more stupid crap here than white teenagers do.

I repeat. Want respect? Act respectable.

Want a good job?Get a good education.

2016-03-11 10:32:05 UTC
Unless you mean racism across all cultures, as in, anyone can be racist, america isnt even close to racist. Stop trolling because mommy said you couldnt have icecream.
2016-03-11 17:00:56 UTC
It is not just america it is everywhere a lot of families don't want their children to be with a partner of a different race people don't like change they don't trust people of other races Generally people are okay with dealing with foreigners in everyday life but when it comes to dating them then that is a different story
2016-03-12 11:28:44 UTC
America is not racist. Let's see some of these Minorities make the money they are making in their native lands.
2016-03-13 23:23:04 UTC
Because I don't think America is still doing the whole slave trade thing. If anyone is racist, it's the people living there.
2016-03-12 00:42:40 UTC
Because of stereo types and how they have carried them out. We think of black people and because it is engraved in our culture our minds go to crime and violence and that's not because that person is racist it's part of society. With Muslims our minds take us to extremism and terrorism because society and the media portrays it to be that way, most people are not inherently racist it's just how our minds work. There will always be racism, because of ignorant people who carry of these thoughts that we ALL have and attack others.
2016-03-13 06:46:40 UTC
Back in the day, it was never talked about openly in society . The social media , which I think does open dialog to a wider audience.

Black Live Matters refuse to admit whites to the meetings as required under the law in public places. They are now having their meetings on private property, like at a church, excluding a % of whites who believe in their cause and what to be apart of the organization. I consider that shameful for that organization to act that way since it shows their true colors.This alienates people who would otherwise might be open to hear their grips, problems, and concerns .
2016-03-11 10:08:32 UTC
In all Honesty, all the so-called "white people' in the world are extremely kind, cool and helpful to other races. There are only some cases of "otherwise"..To say that all white people are racist is completely wrong. To begin with, Abraham Lincoln was a white Christian. Maybe it's constantly just asking that question-that's all.
2016-04-01 04:01:14 UTC
america is still butteryafter all this time 'cause some people benefit from it being racist... americans voted for barack obama simply 'cause they thought that electing a black man would end racism... electing a black man simply 'cause he was black was itself an act of racism... the sad part is that barack obama has no ability whatsoever to perform the job of president... jesse jackson has become a multi-millionaire by convincing americans that racism is rampant... al sharpton is also a profiteer from selling racism to whoever is stupid enough to believe him... in reality, the worst racism is perpetrated by these racism peddlers, not average americans...
2016-03-12 04:22:54 UTC
According to the Bible, the world is under the control of someone evil.—Read 1 John 5:19 How did someone evil gain control over mankind? At the beginning of human history, an angel rebelled against God and urged the first human pair to rebel too. (Genesis 3:1-6) The couple chose to obey that rebel angel, Satan, making him their ruler. Almighty God is the only rightful Ruler, but he wants people to choose his rulership because they love him. (Deuteronomy 6:6; 30:16, 19) Sadly, most of mankind have been misled into making the same bad choice as did the first human pair.—Read Revelation 12:9. Will God allow Satan to continue his wicked rule? No! God will use Jesus to undo the evil that Satan has done.—Read 1 John 3:8.

Empowered by God, Jesus will destroy Satan. (Romans 16:20) Then, God will rule mankind and restore the human race to the life of happiness and peace he originally intended.—Read Revelation 21:3-5.
2016-03-11 10:46:41 UTC
Skin color is used to justify the demonization of certain groups of people, but keep in mind that the Hitler's of the world also killed people that looked just like themselves merely because they held different opinions.

Race is a social construct, not a scientific concept. Racism, just like religions is handed down from one generation to the next for centuries and is just as much a part of that person as their DNA. It is a "tradition" often as compelling as a belief in a particular god. If you want to understand the mind of a racist you must first understand the psychology that binds him to his beliefs. the USA as well, however in the usa its alot more harder with the racist police officers around. Here we don't have that I got loads of black and muslim mates we all get along well just some I have problems with.
2016-03-11 01:17:57 UTC
The whole of the USA's sociology is based around being supieriour, they have taken the same path as the narzi's did, they swear alegence to a country, but every human of any coulour race polotics or religion is still a human, with all the problems the human race faces we will stand together or die alone
2016-03-13 15:49:18 UTC
America is no more racist than any other country, and less racist than almost all of them. There is no country less racist than America.
2016-03-11 20:33:12 UTC
It's not as bad as people make it seem... Just because someone isn't politically correct doesn't mean that they're intolerant of other sexual orientations, religions, or races. So, boo ****** hoo about people being so sensitive and trying to find racism where there is none.
2016-03-10 19:39:23 UTC
Because of the divisive mainstream media and liberals like Barack Obama. They're always driving racial fear mongering in an effort to get the "minority" vote. Obama has created an environment for politicians like Trump to succeed. Obama has pissed off a lot of Americans.
2016-03-14 05:24:15 UTC
It's taken 400 years to reach the current situation. Also, many people like the current social pyramid and do not want to share their place closer to the top. Finally, many people console themselves over their low social situation by looking down on others. "I may not amount to sh*t but I'm still better than a n*gger" as the classic Redneck proverb goes.
2016-03-11 07:14:03 UTC
Because America is still ruled by scum that need to be exterminated to make way for the new heaven and earth in Revelation Chapter 21.
2016-03-11 22:12:01 UTC
Time is what is needed...time for more white racists to die off. Seriously that is what Oprah Winfrey said. I'm white and frankly she's right. I'm ashamed
2016-03-10 18:17:20 UTC
It is not so that America is so racist, this problem seems to spread worldwide. How one feels about people of a skin color or ethnic group differs. Some view them as equals. Sadly, many view certain races as inferior. “Racism,” according to one reference, is “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” Yet, humans are genetically homogeneous,” or essentially the same.

Beginning in 1950 the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization published a series of statements intended to combat racism. The statements were authored by anthropologists, geneticists, and sociologists. Yet, racism persists. Clearly, an awareness of the facts is not enough. The heart, or the inner person, must also be reached. “Out of the heart come wicked reasonings,” said Jesus Christ.—Matthew 15:19, 20

The Bible’s Viewpoint:

The Bible was written to appeal to the heart. For example, in addition to stating the scientific truth that “[God] made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth,” the Bible also says: “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.” (Acts 10:34, 35; 17:26). “[God] made out of one man every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth.”—Acts 17:26. God does not value one race above others. If we are honest with ourselves, we may realize that we are inclined to feel at least a little superior, or perhaps inferior, to people of another race. Since neither viewpoint is compatible with God’s thinking, we should work hard to remove any such feelings from our heart.—Psalm 139:23, 24. Jehovah God wants us to show that we love him by becoming like him. “Become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love,” says Ephesians 5:1, 2. “Walking in love” includes LOVING people as God does, regardless of their skin color or ethnicity.—Mark 12:31.
Uncle Remus 54
2016-03-10 15:06:17 UTC
It is not racist at all.

Only the news media keeps putting people on television that say over and over again how racist we are.
2016-03-12 14:00:33 UTC
I would like to think that America is not so racist. Their are millions of americans. and they are white, black, yellow, etc..Which are the racist. Who picks them out. Who defines them as racist?
2016-03-13 08:58:54 UTC
The most racist people in America are the black people, following the closely is the liberals.

America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that the blacks, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation, and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known. Wright ought to go down on his knees and thank God he is an American.

Second, No people anywhere has done more to lift up blacks than white Americans. Untold trillions have been spent since the '60s on welfare, food stamps, rent supplements, section 8 housing, Pell grants, student loans, legal services, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credits and poverty programs designed to bring the black community into the mainstream.

Governments, businesses and colleges have engaged in discrimination against white folks -- with affirmative action, contract set-asides and quotas -- to advance black applicants over white applicants.

Churches, foundations, civic groups, schools and individuals all over America have donated their time and money to support soup kitchens, adult education, day care, retirement and nursing homes for blacks.

We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?

0bama talks about new 'ladders of opportunity' for blacks. Let him go to Altoona, and Johnstown, and ask the white kids in Catholic schools how many were visited lately by Ivy League recruiters handing out scholarships for "deserving' white kids"...?

Is white America really responsible for the fact that the crime and incarceration rates for blacks are seven times those of white America? Is it really white America's fault that illegitimacy in the black community has hit 70 percent and the black dropout rate from high schools in some cities has reached 50 percent?

Is that the fault of white America or, first and foremost, a failure of the black community itself?

As for racism, its ugliest manifestation is in interracial crime, and especially interracial crimes of violence. Is this idiot 0bama aware that while white criminals choose black victims 3 percent of the time, black criminals choose white victims 45 percent of the time?

Is idiot 0bama aware that black-on-white rapes are 100 times more common than the reverse, that black-on-white robberies were 139 times as common in the first three years of this decade as the reverse?

We have all heard ad nauseam from the Rev. Al about Tawana Brawley, the Duke rape case and Jena. And all turned out to be hoaxes. But about the epidemic of black assaults on whites that are real, we hear nothing.

Sorry, 0bama, some of us have heard it all before, about 40 years and 40 trillion tax dollars ago.
2016-03-10 18:05:27 UTC
You are racist, also. If you say you are not, then my friend, you are not only a racist, but also a liar.

I could prove it with a few Q.& A's.

The first "Q" would be about your daughters dating habits.
2016-03-13 05:55:25 UTC
Some people do not give up history. People had been historically separated and oppressed in American, causing tension and hatred between races. This bitter sentiment is then passed down, generation after generation. I think we're working toward something better though.

Also please check out this Vintage Native American Tee for 20.99 if you're feelin patriotic:
2016-03-14 11:02:00 UTC
2016-03-12 02:20:22 UTC
You know that we're all animals, right?

Humans are animals.

Sure, we have iphones and deoderant... but that doesn't mean we're somehow "removed from any instictual trappings." There are survivsl mechanisims engrained in us where we fear things that are different from us.

This is instinctual. It's tribal.

When we see people who look entirely different from us... it triggers instinctual responses. They're "different" so they "might be a threat."


Sure we've moved past pure & basic instinctual trappings in our modern world... but I don't think we're 100% out of the woods.

Humans look at things different from themsleves... and are instantly skeptical. That's ok.
2016-03-10 23:05:01 UTC
When things are not working out people always want to be able to blame their problems on someone else. People need to start seeing that working together will shape America s future, not apart.
Blue T T
2016-03-11 10:06:16 UTC
America is the least racist country of the 500+ on planet earth.
2016-03-10 15:33:10 UTC
Humans are naturally racist that's why.
2016-03-11 07:48:03 UTC
Its more or less like predigest, you know predicting how that type of person is going to treat you, without any back round of influence to properly understand you. And your ignorant way of asking only add tension, you sound like someone from Europe that follows all those stereotypes America= fat stupid police
2016-03-15 14:18:56 UTC
Because we have people Like Obama who supports a racist group like black lives matter who think we should still be segregated and that osama was a hero.
2016-03-12 06:47:40 UTC
america ISNT, its non-white racist hate and hypocrisy that is so prevelant in this day an age.

the people who call america "racists" ARE non-white racists and liberal hatemogners who ironically enough...are even more disgusted at the idea of living in a non-white society than non whites themselves.
2016-03-11 04:53:01 UTC
Some people are racist
2016-03-10 20:05:30 UTC
Because most of america of white
2016-03-11 06:02:39 UTC
Racism is not normal and natural; that is, we are not born with it. It's taught. And every now and then someone of celebrity status feels the need to stir the pot and get it all going again. It's like they live on chaos and anger and drama. IMO
2016-03-12 05:39:18 UTC
Well, all I know is I don't worry about what happend to my great-grandparrents, thats way in the past. For all I know they may have been guilty of "racist sins" also. I don't know. What I do want to know is why don't we hear more complaining from American Indians and Jews? They have a past to don't they?
2016-03-12 17:38:59 UTC
I don't know but aren't the first Americans immigrants??? Isn't America Racially diverse in the first place??? It's hating without thinking!!! Brainwash eh?
2016-03-13 20:00:21 UTC
Racism has been so emphasized in many, many generations before ours. It was a natural part of society. So it's obviously going to continue to be passed down and practiced for many more generations to come
2016-03-13 18:39:00 UTC
It's not America, it's different from person to person.
2016-03-11 05:08:09 UTC
They always were racist. Nothing has changed, it just wasn't appropriate to talk about it. But it is still being taught in people's homes so it will never really end. It's truly sad. We're a nation built on diversity ( one of the only in the world) and we can't see to embrace it. Instead we have idiots that really believe they are better than someone else because of their skin tone. We are all still part of the human race.
Weasel McWeasel
2016-03-13 02:21:19 UTC
shallow people, when their lives aren't turning out as planned, have to blame someone..............

it's because of all these damn blacks.....or Jews, or the popular flavor of the month........all these damn Mexicans ......or damn Muslims.

It's got to be someone's fault.............

because it can't possbly be because the person is stupid or lazy, or made poor life choices................Nahhhhhhhhhhh----

it's got to be because...........(fill in the racial target here) .

and that is precisely what Trump is playing into to.........he's giving the idiots of America, a reason to HATE.

To focus their failures and shortcomings, into blame on some Group that Trump doesn't like.

And as we're seeing at his rallies..........there's a lot of idiots with shortcomings out his crowds are growing into Nazi-era size proportions.
Lucius T Fowler
2016-03-10 14:15:18 UTC
I think people can't help being racist. It's not an American problem, it's everywhere. I'm European, and I see racism here, too.
2016-03-11 19:30:59 UTC
I personally believe that the reason is because racism would never disappear only if there was one race people are so judgemental and the US is not the only racist country racism is not the right thing
2016-03-12 01:22:16 UTC
Its not all of America but most people. Most people have learned to accept a multicultural world and others have learned to hate on races
2016-03-11 17:44:25 UTC
Even though everyone has the same advantages, it's kinda hard to get rid of the stereotypes. Now it's kinda like jokes, but it still have meaning
2016-03-13 16:14:16 UTC
Because blacks blame whites for what's wrong in the black community. It's that simple. Even if they were 100% right it's 100% ineffective to pin your success on hoping others change.
2016-03-11 12:16:26 UTC
Education system media and parents with a racist mindset
2016-03-13 11:55:40 UTC
It's the blacks and not America that are racist
Fabulous Strike
2016-03-12 01:25:23 UTC
Blacks are the most feared and hated than any other race because dark skin is seen as dirty or lower class. Other countries are the same way, not just America.
2016-03-13 11:02:37 UTC
Black people piss me off. They think they are better then everyone else and constantly insults other ******* people. They know they're all dark skinned fat ugly animals and they take it out on other people. This is why I'm racist.
2016-03-13 19:37:39 UTC
Because America s strategy is to destroy any other country if they become powerful ..and to maintain that what activities America is doing ...the white coloured people think ..they can even make black people
2016-03-11 11:39:19 UTC
my mother was borne in a log cabin in Oklahoma my dad somewhere in Arkansas. They came to CA. as part of the dust bowl migration with zero education to pick fruit in the fields of so. Cal. Thats the they raised a family it was no easy task. Racism, stereotyping, prejudge we faced it all. Are we bitter today no BETTER> My mother got to see her grandchildren become college educated lawyers business men and women. Education starts within people we are a products of ourselves and the choices we make plain and simple.
2016-03-11 05:15:10 UTC
I think people can't help being racist. It's not an American problem, it's everywhere. I'm European, and I see racism here, too.
2016-03-12 01:38:56 UTC
Its a waste of life to hate people... Some people treat each other mean and hate people for no reason.. Dont take it personally because it says nothing about you but alot about them.. Anybody trying to bring you down is already beneath you..

Enjoy your day
2016-03-11 13:58:51 UTC
It's fun
2016-03-11 08:57:51 UTC
It is a typical response to a declining empire. The class structure is threatened and the natural response (not the intelligent one) is fear of whatever "other" is at hand. It happens in every society. America is not alone in that.
2016-03-12 08:12:49 UTC
Because these days, treating black people anything other than nice is considered racist no matter what they've done.
2016-03-11 07:57:10 UTC
It's history.
2016-03-11 18:12:36 UTC
It is amazing that the United States is it more racist after all the **** we deal with on a constant basis.
2016-03-13 14:41:27 UTC
It's not America, it's white people. Nothing more, nothing less. That is the truth.
2016-03-11 13:40:46 UTC
In my experience half or more of all prominent allegations of racism are a media or activist invention. The outrage industry is very concerned with self preservation.
2016-03-11 17:21:03 UTC
We're not. We're just held under a microscope more than other countries.
2016-03-12 04:05:36 UTC
Because Blacks keep racism alive with all their Racism against Whites. They keep saying the n-word they keep saying that all Whites are racist they keep insulting us by saying that we're racist. Bet Network, Naacp, all that crap keeps racism alive.
2016-03-11 15:42:39 UTC
Americans are not racist. The Media finds it profitable to portray us as such. It's not true.
2016-03-11 03:38:49 UTC
It's getting worse. The donald is bringing the kkk white supremacists and neo nazis out of the shadows. Hate crimes are increasing because he incites and encourages it. People deny it, but it's increasing since the donald started giving people permission to be violent.
2016-03-14 12:00:15 UTC
Because prejudice, discrimination and pride is still around in america
2016-03-11 18:45:14 UTC
in the usa and many countries, there are have been forms of favoritism. and many 'uneducated ' white' people blame others for their misdeeds and if $$$ is to be made, things like this will keep going.
2016-03-13 16:27:45 UTC
Because gop tea party people apparently don't use birth control and pass hateful attitudes to their uneducated children
Gregory B
2016-03-11 13:42:16 UTC
It's a survival instinct, thus a gift of Nature which is as permanent as the species.
2016-03-13 02:15:59 UTC
For the Country, more than any other leaning of their faith in God, even claiming the founding fathers where Godly, Americans lives do not reflect

the connections with "in God we trust" and "God bless America".

Your Police shoot unarmed Blacks mostly with immunity, and beat up others.

The foundations of the gun loving, bible thumping society is decayed.

country, and I say that in the nicest possible way.
2016-03-13 06:28:49 UTC
It is due to the fact that American politics is dominated by persons having racist mentality.
2016-03-12 05:12:12 UTC
People in America don't want to change is why.

They hate just to hate. It's not right. But that's just way it is.
2016-03-10 13:15:25 UTC
Racism just runs deep in America from the slavery days. Lots of white people are secretly ashamed of their scumbag race.

Fascist republican media over the past 30 years has fostered racism as a means to keep their good-ol-boy morons all Big Fake Outraged about stuff. So FOX has kept the racist ball bouncing....

The funny part is that then they need to deny their racism and blame it on somebody else! It's amazing what pieces of dog sh*t "conservatives" are.

Their constant, ugly, racist lies have finally ended them up with Adolf Trumpler........ and the republicans have gotten exactly what they deserved finally.
2016-03-13 09:38:13 UTC
It's just how people think, also " freedom " doesn't exist in America, it's just a saying not true
2016-03-11 15:29:46 UTC
That's just the way America is.
2016-03-13 14:00:28 UTC
Power seekers know one rule, divide to confuse people, and rule to never let them free, If they let people unite, there won't be any need of political administration and those power seekers value rise to ZERO. Make sense?
You Know . . .
2016-03-11 11:53:28 UTC
"America" is NOT "racist", individuals are. The BLM and any other group that makes these claims is only out for themselves, and cares not about the lives of other ethnicities. Look at the facts of whom kills their own race!
2016-03-13 08:17:43 UTC
Because people would rather make special rights and disinctions between us rather than just being people. Lets make people history month, and an all lives matter group
2016-03-14 06:12:34 UTC
Donald trump
2016-03-11 16:06:05 UTC
not everyone is, but some people are to the point where it can not be fixed by now, you can't just get everyone to stop being racist
2016-03-11 16:22:29 UTC
We could but It requires everyone to shut up about the past and move forward with the future. That is why it will never happen. I do not pick my friends or enemies by color but rather how they think and act.
2016-03-11 14:46:01 UTC
What people call racist these days is far from true racism.
2016-03-13 11:22:36 UTC
America was built on racism so it will never go people need to go back to Africa and white people need to go back to Europe and start all over again
2016-03-12 07:00:09 UTC
There have never been any safeguards to ensure equality.

Most of our laws were unfair to people of color as well as women. We didn't see past the money in regards to the slavery.
2016-03-13 15:17:22 UTC
Because the minorities being illegal invaders are hindering every Americans rights and paid for benefits not becoming to the trespassers here doing most of the crying .
2016-03-13 12:28:35 UTC
Black people are the ones who are keeping it alive and strong. Black people are super racist. Most all white people want to forget about it, but black people feel they should be angry because their ancestors were slaves.
2016-03-13 01:38:58 UTC
The weird thing its that 100% white Americans are of immigrant background mainly slavic and italian
2016-03-11 05:11:07 UTC
Racism wasn't *noticed* for many decades until Obama was elected.
2016-03-11 14:33:37 UTC
All hate comes from religion,jealousy ,non acceptance of others ideology,parental hate passed on to kids.Put hate down and enjoy life with every one.Joy to the world.
2016-03-11 21:01:22 UTC
I'm an American and I'm not racist so...
2016-03-12 10:46:21 UTC
Racism is actually quite normal in the animal kingdom. It takes human supernatural civilization to attempt to conquer primitive, animal instincts...behaviors.
2016-03-11 05:21:53 UTC
This question ALWAYS reminds me that the most racist people are precisely those that see racism everywhere and are unable to get beyond this THEMSELVES.
Zenda C
2016-03-13 02:02:12 UTC
Racism is a taught behavior and the world is full of idiots who choose to remain ignorant of other races and cultures.
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-03-15 10:58:49 UTC
Because competition's good for business.
2016-03-11 19:58:56 UTC
Most people of all colors DO get along in the USA. There will always be a minority of all races that do not want to get along.
2016-03-11 22:20:30 UTC
Racism will only survive as long as people bring up race, and racism.

Just like religion.
2016-03-13 09:46:30 UTC
Republitards have been screwed over by republicans offshoring jobs, krook wallstreet and gouging consumers by corporations
2016-03-11 19:45:44 UTC
Too many muslim religions trying to change people's minds. Mike
2016-03-12 04:52:11 UTC
Muslims are more worsen than that in Bangladesh and Pakistan with Minorities
Linda R
2016-03-13 08:00:34 UTC
We aren't, however, Obama has shoved racisim down our throats. I can't wait to get a Republican president.
2016-03-15 13:00:31 UTC
Because the racist generations passed down the racism.
2016-03-12 03:56:26 UTC
If we had gotten rid of political correctness long ago, racism would be non-existent. So, you'd have to ask the lib-shits.
2016-03-11 23:58:54 UTC
White people.
2016-03-11 09:35:59 UTC
You really don't get out much do you. The most hate driven

Society in the world is the Islamic.
2016-03-14 23:33:59 UTC
There were 10 Irish slaves to every 1 Black slave. Why does no one talk about them?
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2016-03-11 13:44:44 UTC
Because parents continue to pass on their ignorant beliefs, its a never ending cycle.
2016-03-13 13:22:55 UTC
Because black people are so filled with hatred for whites that they can't stop fanning the flames of racism.
Ben w
2016-03-13 02:34:29 UTC
An American derives his bogus self-esteem from putting down others-if he can. He has no self-worth by himself, because he ain't worth a damn.
2016-03-11 06:41:32 UTC
I think we've came a long way since the 60s..gotta look at the bright side
2016-03-10 18:13:29 UTC
USA is secular. Secular has tends to create a dog eat dog society. Pits one against the other.
2016-03-13 22:48:36 UTC
Not everyone is racist. We do not differentiate people on the basis of their background or ethnic origin.
2016-03-14 21:22:47 UTC
People cant see past the differences it's kinda sad
2016-03-13 10:01:45 UTC
It's all Obama's Fault and any Idiot should know that by now.
2016-03-10 22:49:26 UTC
Because lazy minorities keep bringing up racism as the explanation for all their problems. They keep the word and sentiment alive.
2016-03-12 17:08:46 UTC
Arent you being racist now?
2016-03-11 15:52:52 UTC
Because politicians want us to be divided and they don't really want to make great strides twards what you just said.
2016-03-10 18:13:02 UTC
Because racism is natural and there's nothing wrong with it.
Atsa me Atsa you?
2016-03-12 00:21:37 UTC
They need attention. I as with you, did not cause the racial problems way back when....I was not there, neither were I said, they are bored, wants to blame others for their problems....negative attention is better than no attention....easy to point fingers at others....
2016-03-11 07:20:41 UTC
I hate America.This idiot country get these piss only for dollar.Hope china will crush you too soon.**** you all. Sorry don't mind
2016-03-13 10:05:08 UTC
Media <== That's why
2016-03-13 12:39:04 UTC
When trump is president it will be even more racist
2016-03-11 22:27:44 UTC
Because the generations have changed over time. They are pride of their status as US citizen.
2016-03-10 13:12:59 UTC
Dems and reps alike have racists among them, but take heart. there are still a lot of people who don't look at others based on their race. I think the media has been brainwashing a lot of people
2016-03-13 13:45:46 UTC
its as simple as this: people who refuse to educate themselves aren't gonna have a book come out of the sky
2016-03-15 21:24:58 UTC
Because I am a diaper cow like on that TV show with the one guy who farts
2016-03-11 10:34:38 UTC
Because they don't learn from their mistakes those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it
2016-03-13 08:33:05 UTC
Din't generalise, that's how racism was born.
2016-03-13 10:18:18 UTC
Because white people are genetically predispositioned for racism.
2016-03-11 18:16:59 UTC
Never was, start when whole world decided to invaded their lands and abused their laws!
2016-03-13 02:51:57 UTC
Because they don't explore the world and expose themselves to the multiculturalism on our planet
Reagen Hall
2016-03-12 10:34:12 UTC
Because society will never be right in the head and will judge anyone about anything.
2016-03-11 02:00:40 UTC
Because the conflict gets escalated with regulation and ignoring needs of the people.
2016-03-10 18:11:03 UTC
Because you still have people that believe they are wearing chains and somebody owes them.
2016-03-13 09:56:40 UTC
Because White people think they are superior compared to non-white people and they created it
Rosario Flores
2016-03-11 09:25:40 UTC
Media encourages it for rating
2016-03-11 21:20:38 UTC
People have a right to their opinions. Sorry, unfortunately maybe it was due to the past
Cenk Uygur the Snarkster
2016-03-11 17:31:29 UTC
Because of the racism of the racist cons!
2016-03-13 05:44:22 UTC
Easy. Manipulated Negroes.
2016-03-13 06:13:43 UTC
Because Americans hate what they dont understand.
2016-03-10 15:53:45 UTC
because low information voting liberal duck and dodge LEGITIMATE dissent to failed Obama Marxism as "racism" when in fact its disgust with abject ineptitude of our potus.
2016-03-13 13:52:40 UTC
Blacks are more racist than whites. Fact.
2016-03-13 10:41:20 UTC
White skin is seen as something more pleasant than black skin
2016-03-15 05:22:00 UTC
Because there are still white males here. The racism ALWAYS begins with them. ALWAYS. They ALWAYS start the hostilities.
2016-03-10 13:15:31 UTC
Racist? If America were full of racists, then why are millions of people from other countries desperately trying to get in? ILLEGALLY!!!! And we let them in.

America is the most tolerant country on the planet. Your question makes no sense. Use your brain and think for yourself. Quit parroting the idiots indoctrinating you.
2016-03-13 07:15:25 UTC
because her Politicians are very racist.
2016-03-11 07:49:49 UTC
same reason the Middle East has been at war for over 5000years
Feelz™ (Gonorrhea ♥ Rice)
2016-03-11 00:01:47 UTC
Pride, ego, prejudice and of course ignorance are the reasons for the hatred and such.
2016-03-13 12:03:22 UTC
It's probably better than it once was.
Aoasha H
2016-03-12 19:00:46 UTC
It's simple its not we cant gst along its that we wont
2016-03-10 13:32:34 UTC
No it's not, try going abroad!
2016-03-12 07:18:42 UTC
Some people are so close minded
2016-03-13 09:41:52 UTC
Because of Donald trump !!
2016-03-11 11:48:41 UTC
its not. Just republicans are racist.
Hot Dawg
2016-03-11 23:14:03 UTC
Really? With the PC culture taking over US and censoring thought crime? :D
2016-03-13 17:16:31 UTC
The old racism has turned into reverse racism now. They are both racism, right? Or wrong??!!
2016-03-11 23:46:53 UTC
Today those that cry racism are usually the greatest offenders.
2016-03-11 06:14:39 UTC
It is not racist at all.
2016-03-11 19:08:40 UTC
Who knows. It sucks
2016-03-14 05:00:34 UTC
Because it's the way people think. The end!
2016-03-12 06:27:20 UTC
to americans, progressivism and socialism translates to communism, makes them think of the horrors of the USSR. socialism is a dirty word for them
2016-03-11 08:04:47 UTC
because they want to be higher than the rest and some people think that god massed up on black people
2016-03-12 07:18:44 UTC

We forgot to follow Jesus Christ teaching to love your neighbor as yourself

Jesus Christ is Lord Risen Messiah
2016-03-11 17:15:35 UTC
I'm not racist. I have colored friends & my gf is colored ...well halfrican. Exotic women are beautiful.


I've had my bicycle stolen once & my car broke into once.

Both were black people.

2016-03-13 13:38:00 UTC
Because of ignorance. There will never be change.
2016-03-12 00:55:22 UTC
because we are sick and tired of 3rd world trash flooding every state in our union
2016-03-15 15:26:15 UTC
Because when we put our minds to it we can be pretty good at anything.
2016-03-12 14:13:43 UTC
Because of the government
2016-03-10 20:00:01 UTC
Because there really are superior races.
Trey H.
2016-03-11 14:44:16 UTC
People are ignorant
Why We Here Doe
2016-03-11 12:06:11 UTC
There's always that one person that passes it on. :|
luis l
2016-03-11 00:02:52 UTC
2016-03-13 07:08:50 UTC
S-l-a-v-e l-a-b-o-r that built a nation without acknowledging how close that is to nazi ideology
2016-03-11 16:12:18 UTC
2016-03-12 02:43:47 UTC
There will always be racism. As sad as that is.
2016-03-10 13:14:19 UTC
Look outside your panic room and survey the wide world. You'll find the United states among the least racist of nations. We just agonize over it.
Joseph the Second
2016-03-10 13:18:58 UTC
-Because it's STILL a "Free Country..." And true "Freedom"- costs MORE than Blood... :(
2016-03-10 13:14:53 UTC
The politicians need "race" to bring out the worst in people.
2016-03-11 13:11:59 UTC
Every country has it racial and ethnic issues, it is not just a U.S. problem
2016-03-13 09:19:11 UTC
because they fills their country with bitter, anger, hypocriticalness and hatred
2016-03-11 20:12:18 UTC
It has nothing to do with the color of your skin, but the cultures of different colored people.
2016-03-11 05:13:33 UTC
Blacks won't give up the victim stance.
2016-03-11 16:24:53 UTC
Because they are freeloaders on the backs of the taxpayers.
2016-03-14 02:06:19 UTC
Just the way people are sometimes
2016-03-11 11:29:24 UTC
Human nature.It will never change.
2016-03-14 01:49:45 UTC
the first thing to ask is; "why does anybody ever think that their race is better than any other race?",
2016-03-11 12:51:28 UTC
peopl choose to be that way
Md. Ariful Islam
2016-03-11 09:26:09 UTC
2016-03-11 23:55:49 UTC
You can thank Obama for this.
2016-03-11 10:25:55 UTC
We are mostly the victims of racism.
2016-03-12 04:18:05 UTC
2016-03-10 15:20:30 UTC
Because people are incurabley stupid.
2016-03-12 00:52:34 UTC
No pain - go gain.
The Taxpayer
2016-03-10 13:48:13 UTC
Because liberals say we are.
2016-03-10 23:52:41 UTC
lie from the leftist macaws,,cover your cage
2016-03-13 10:27:57 UTC
The way they were raised
2016-03-13 14:41:58 UTC
bc we suk
2016-03-11 12:57:41 UTC
They're stupid
2016-03-11 14:01:08 UTC
The evil of conservatism.
2016-03-12 05:43:32 UTC
Because crackers are mad
2016-03-11 03:21:05 UTC
because its who they are
Cara Isabel Shields
2016-03-13 06:09:10 UTC
because there will always be those people.
2016-03-11 12:21:04 UTC
a bit of compare and contrast for you.........
2016-03-12 01:58:07 UTC
i think it stems from anger.
Special EPhex
2016-03-12 03:40:33 UTC
They do. There are some who want to point to the rare instances or exaggerate scenarios and portray them as rampant, particularly the left leaning media. Any honest black person will tell you most of it is bull$hit, and not advancing us in any way. I am black and have multiple circumstances of overt "in your face" racism direct towards me, but that is not my everyday experience, and don't project the actions of a few idiots upon an entire group. My best friend for 23 year is white. For most my life, no matter where I lived in the country I've always belonged to a group of friends of multiple races.

Liberals like to point out the negativity of the country for being less than perfect, and expect the country to be a nation of 'saints', which is idealistic and impractical. There isn't a single place on the globe that does not have some degree of racism. Liberals secretly think they are better than everyone especially black people, who they pander to keep us uneducated and dysfunctional. To feel better about themselves because of "white guilt", supporting causes for the "equality" and advancement of minority groups becomes a clichéd fetish, which turns into "white paternalism" and "white privilege."

It is condescending and insulting to believe black people cannot make it in society like anyone else, or without the involvement of whites. Inner cities school districts are consistently low performing regardless of how much money is "invested" into school or what ever experimental program is enforced, even as academic standards are increasingly lowered. These have been historically democratically dominated municipalities for decades, which have traditionally been beholden to teachers unions who put their own interests of the education and well being of the students (I attended school in them). The left really needs to check where the real racism is coming from.
2016-03-11 20:13:50 UTC
Idk....maybe were all a**holes
2016-03-11 10:10:32 UTC
2016-03-10 18:33:08 UTC
2016-03-11 23:52:20 UTC
2016-03-10 13:15:07 UTC
there will always be racist
2016-03-10 13:16:08 UTC
Probably because you wear race-colored glasses that let you see racism everywhere you go, even if it's not there.
2016-03-10 13:10:15 UTC
Because of lies, deceit and willful ignorance.
2016-03-10 13:16:15 UTC
2016-03-11 16:46:23 UTC
I am not a criminal
2016-03-11 10:17:11 UTC
I ask myself that all the time....:/
2016-03-14 00:40:35 UTC
its exagerrated
2016-03-10 13:13:58 UTC
It isn't
2016-03-11 11:46:22 UTC
jsut the way it is
2016-03-13 07:45:49 UTC
People R stupid
William F. Buckwheat Jr.
2016-03-10 13:12:16 UTC
Trump is fk'ed
2016-03-11 02:31:11 UTC
old habits die hard.
2016-03-13 04:08:41 UTC
why not
2016-03-11 17:18:18 UTC
2016-03-11 21:53:42 UTC
2016-03-11 08:51:25 UTC
2016-03-10 13:11:52 UTC
We're not. Stop believing the propaganda
Andy F
2016-03-11 14:18:18 UTC
Many different factors, I think, and people answering this question can debate them forever without agreeing with each other.

For me, though, I can think of at least 3 reasons why American racism has been so persistent. If you want to add other reasons, you may be right - or maybe not. But here are my 3 reasons:

1. Racism, especially white racism against black people, has a really long history in this society, dating back to the slave trade and the slave-based plantation economy of the South before the Civil War, and extending forward through the infamous "Jim Crow" era of legal segregation and Klan terrorism in the South to at least the 1960s.

Actually, black slavery in the Western Hemisphere existed well before the America Revolution and the founding of the US - since black slave labor was essential to the sugar cane plantations that were key to Spanish, Portuguese, French and British colonies relatively soon after Columbus's "discovery" of the Americas.

That history of racial discrimination, the importance of race-based slavery to the economies of many New World societies from the 1500s onward, and the cultural justifications for slavery that the white plantation owners and slave traders dreamed up have left very deep marks on US society.

They've been internalized psychologically by millions of people, they've become traditional in some families, and they've led to a bad karma of racial conflicts between different groups of Americans, a bad karma that often perpetuates itself. We can't get rid of those marks overnight.

2. In some ways, it can be argued that elements within our language and our religious and philosophical imagery in the West, dating back to the Babylonian captivity of the Jews in ancient Persia, are inherently racist in the sense of being anti-black.

The ancient Zoroastrians, far more than the Jews before the Babylonian Captivity, thought of the universe as being a battleground between a "good" supreme being -- Ahura Mazda, lord of light -- and a "bad" supreme being, Ahriman, who basically was the lord of darkness.

This white-vs-black imagery crept into Judaism during the 70 years the Jewish people spent under Persian captivity and, through Judaism, went on to influence Christianity.

We can still see elements of this "white is good" and "black is bad" imagery in the English language today.

A "black" mood or a "black" despair is a very bad one; a "black day" is often a day of disaster, like Black Friday in October 1929 when the Wall Street stock market collapsed, bringing on the Great Depression.

"Black" comedy is angry or negative in tone; "light" comedy is funnier and happier; a "black" cat is supposedly a sign of bad luck, etc. etc. etc.

Obviously everyone with a brain knows, on a conscious level, that suffering from "black" despair or a "black" mood or having a "black day" is not literally connected with being African American.

Having a "black mark" on your record or being a "black-hearted villain" really has nothing to do with race -- we realize with our conscious minds.

But words and images are powerful things, and I suspect that they work on the subconscious minds of millions of Americans -- of all races -- in ways that cause most of us to be more racist than we consciously mean to be.

3. A third likely factor in American racism -- unlike the racism in other countries, which may have different causes -- is status anxiety.

Far more than people in many other societies, Americans have a sense of social and economic mobility, and the myth is that we all can succeed and enter the "middle class" or even "marry a millionaire" if we're smart enough, hardworking enough, or lucky enough.

But some historians believe this makes many of us insecure about our socio-economic status, since our status is open to changing either for good or for bad.

And being insecure about status, no one wants to be stuck on the bottom of the so-called totem pole. No one wants to be the lowest-status, most despised person around.

According to a white historian named George Frederickson (I think is his name), this insecurity about status inspires many white people to look for someone to be even lower on the totem pole than we are. We don't want to have the lowest status; we want someone else to be below us.

And therefore many of us have an invest in looking down on "inferior" (supposedly) people of other races, so we don't have to be "it" in the game of tag. We insist that they are "it" instead.

4. Another factor in maintaining and in fact increasing American racism over the past 50 years has been the rise of "Dog Whistle Politics" and its use for political ends by rich Republicans, the members of the so-called 1 percent.

As Donald Trump's supporters are well aware, the GOP establishment hasn't done such a wonderful job of protecting the economic interests of middle class white people over the past half-century.

To get middle class white people to vote for Republican policies that often don't help the average person, but do help the rich and powerful, the politicians have perfected the art of appealing to buried white racism and white racial fears -- some of them conscious, some probably subconscious -- through coded signals, like high-pitched dog whistles that only dogs can hear.

Dog-whistle code words and images such as "war on crime," "war on drugs," "welfare queens," "welfare cheaters" etc etc. often succeed in persuading otherwise decent and sensible white voters to support Republican (and some Democrat) policies that are bad for unions, cruel to the poor and disabled, and in some cases, economically stupid - for instance, our nation's absurdly overgrown prison system.

"Dog whistle politics" that appeals to racial bias and racial fears obviously also helps to keep politicians using these hidden racist signals in office.

But one unfortunate side effect -- maybe intentional, maybe accidental on the politicians' part -- is to increase racial prejudice and racial conflict in the country.

Which is not really good for America on the world stage, when you think about it, and doesn't really make many of us safer at home.

- democratic socialist
2016-03-10 13:10:39 UTC
Are you a colored boy?
2016-03-13 09:16:12 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.