Before I answer your question, I'd like to point out another in an ongoing series of confusing contradications about Democrats/Liberals.
THINK Democrat/Liberal over here and Republican/Conservative over there. Quick! Which is the party of homosexual sympathies? (Democrats, right? Most homosexuals vote Democratic!) Which is the party of supposed homosexual bigotry, mistrust, so-called "homophobia," etc.? (Republicans, right? All we hear is ... homogeneous party, exclusive club, no diversity, bigotry, etc.)
Now ... think ... Political Correctness and the two parties. Quick! Which party "teaches" us about tolerance, sensitivity, diversity, embracing our differences, inclusion, etc. in our speech and attitudes? (Democrats again, right? It's not blacks. It's African Americans. It's not cripples. It's physically challenged. It's not retards. It's mentally challenged. It's not midgets. It's "little people." ) Add to that the "anger," "outrage," and "protests" we hear from this party when anyone, anytime, anywhere, for any reason uses terms OTHER THAN the ones prescribed by the speech police of political correctness.
PC teaches that oppressed women fighting the good fight for equality in the workplace are ... feminists. Rush calls 'em "Feminazis" and the PCers/Liberals/Democrats ... go nuts! Misogynonist! Male chauvenist pig! Bigot! Fool!
Among the countless off-limits insults for homosexuals are of course "fag" or "******," "pansy," "Nancy-boy," "queer," etc. The party of political correctness, the party of sensitivity, the party of inclusion, diversity, and tolerance will not stand for anyone using mocking terms of derision against their sexually confused brothers and sisters. They won't!
Now ... everyone knows that there is a great political divide in this country. That's not news. Sweet ol' Julia Roberts said, "Look up Republican in the dictionary. It's been Reptile and Repugnant!" OUCH, Julia! Tell us how you REALLY feel!)
So, there's anger ... resentment ... frustration ... and so on. Just about any insult, any slur, any vitriolic comment might be in play in the heat of such political anger and passion.
But ... of all the angles to take to "make fun of," "mock," or "deride" this new Conservative movement within the Republican party--the so-called Tea Party Movement--WHO would have thought that a "sensitive," "sane," "consistent" Democrat/Liberal would use an anti-gay slur as their way of belittling this movement?!?!?!?!?
I had never heard the term "tea bagger." Anderson Cooper introduced it to the masses with his sneering use of it. (And Fox News is the one that's mean, nasty, and unfair???) In Anderson's world, it is an insult to make fun of what apparently is a certain homosexual practice. So, he used a people coddled within the realm of political correctness and under the auspices of his party's supposedly "wide tent" to mock tea partiers. It's insane!
And we have seen much the same thing with other insults. Sarah Palin's child has Down's. But Liberals laugh with joy as they call this blessed child a "retard." WHAT?!?!?!? And all we've heard from this party for the past 30 or 40 years is ... "don't judge" unwed teenage moms. Give them your help, not your ridicule. Etc. That's where ADC comes from. That's where WIC comes from. That's where educational assistance, food stamps, jobs programs, and more come from! "Unwed mothers" are a protected group ... in the Democratic party ... the party of love and inclusion.
But Sarah's daughter Bristol was a tramp and a slut for her unwed pregnancy. Again ... WHAT?!?!?!?!?
They are irrational people! They are kooks and whackos! Is it any wonder that a leading psychologist called Liberalism a "mental disorder"? He did!
It is!
So ... to your question. No, Maddow doesn't care what ANYONE thinks except ... Maddow. And Olbermann. But the sad truth is that IF she was going to stop, it would be more likely because of a Liberal attack by John Stewart than from any pleas from any angle from any Conservative.