Will Rachael Maddow quit calling people Teabaggers now that John Stewart made fun of her about it?
2010-11-13 08:04:55 UTC
Will Rachael Maddow quit calling people Teabaggers now that John Stewart made fun of her about it?
Nineteen answers:
2010-11-14 08:26:34 UTC
It's hard to say. Especially since they gave themselves that name.
Your mom
2010-11-13 08:18:24 UTC
Ooo, what a sin. The other day we had Rush calling women "feminazis" and Glenn Beck saying Soros didn't mind taking property away from other Jews, but it's SUPER-OFFENSIVE for Maddow to call somebody a Tea-Bagger? Really?

I don't see anything wrong with NBC going "wacko leftist" (which they're not anyway - our news stations are still all corporate monoliths) when it's been a foregone conclusion for years that Fox has gone wacko rightist. Is wacko rightist all right and acceptable, but not the other way around? Is their right-wing propaganda less offensive? Other news stations are supposed to maintain their integrity while we have Fox turning the entire institution and ethics of journalism into a joke?

Stewart and his conservative-conciliatory sh*t are actually pretty irritating. I don't know what he's trying to accomplish by telling people to "tone it down." People in this country are so inept at critical thinking that they wouldn't be able to sort through the meanings or assumptions of the rhetoric if it was toned down or not - we don't learn how to think critically or to be media literate in K-12. Also, we have entire blocs of disenfranchised people in this country - the poor, racial minorities, women - who don't even a voice. We need MORE voices, not a "toning down."
Noah H
2010-11-13 08:29:04 UTC
Rachael actually is only a 'leftist' because anyone who's not fully on board with the fascisti bent of the current GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News' Axis is defined by these people as a 'leftist'. Her 'crime' is to stand up for the 95% of Americans who work for wages. True, she's against our two so far useless wars, against polluters, against the inroads of the Jesus freaks on our secular society, stands up for civil rights for everyone including 'gay people', believes that unions are important to protect the rights and livelihoods of working people and suspects that the trans national corporations have way too much influence on 'our' government. She's pointed out that our social and physical infrastructure, including our public education system has been damaged by mismanagement and financial starvation and that far too many Americans are shut out of affordable and accessible HEALTH INSURANCE. Now you may argue that her take on these things makes her some kind of 'commie', but nobody has yet made a case for any benefits for 'working class' for pollution, the influence of corporate money on government, the slow destruction of our social and physical infrastructure, the export of jobs, the borrowing of billions of dollars from China to support a military structure that's eight times the size of all the armed forces in the rest of the world and a HEALTH INSURANCE system that leaves so many people out in the cold. Just calling someone a 'leftist' doesn't make these problems go away. As far as the term 'teabagger' is concerned I doubt if in the big picture its really all that relevant to the national situation.
2010-11-14 10:52:54 UTC
The word "TEA Bagger" has been appropriately applied to people who have attempted to revise history and call themselves "TEA Partyers" instead.

The original term was "TEA Bagger."

If you recall, in 2009 an email was circulated with the subject line:

"Tea bag the fools in Washington"

It was an attempt to coordinate as many people as possible to send a tea bag as a means of protest to their representatives, all the way up to the Presidency.

Soon after, the first Tax Day demonstrations took place.

In the news coverage of those events, people spoke of tea bagging their congressman, and referred to themselves as "TEA Baggers," in most cases, apparently unaware of the sexual connotation.*

Using the term now, in spite of the insistence of participants that the "correct" term is "Partyer" rather than "Bagger," is a very quick, simple way in which the rest of us can point out the blatant ignorance on which the TEA Bagger movement was founded.

There's nothing "leftist" about doing this. It's just a group of sane people, the majority of the US, who reject the methods and misinformation of the TEA Baggers.**
2010-11-13 08:20:52 UTC
I tried using the phrase "Tea Partier" but most people can't read and mispronounce it.

So I tried using the phrase "Tea Partyer" but then get harassed because they think it isn't spelled correctly.

I tried "Tea Baggist" but people won't answer questions if I use that.

So for better or worse I've gone back to using "Tea Bagger". At least people understand it and know what it means.
2016-12-16 23:33:43 UTC
human beings make adverse comments, when I ensue to point i like mcr. i'm getting adverse comments by way of fact, i'm the comparable age as Gerard. human beings do not think of I ought to like their track by way of fact i'm 30 years previous. hi, i like their track, by way of fact I hear impacts like smashing pumpkins, The Smiths with Morrissey, etc. Bands the adult adult males from MCR and that i grew up on. hi!!! i'm not frightened approximately! i'm a MCR fan and that i'm pleased with it!! You adult adult males shouldn't worry the two! Be proud and Loud!
One Man's Opinion
2010-11-13 08:35:34 UTC
Before I answer your question, I'd like to point out another in an ongoing series of confusing contradications about Democrats/Liberals.

THINK Democrat/Liberal over here and Republican/Conservative over there. Quick! Which is the party of homosexual sympathies? (Democrats, right? Most homosexuals vote Democratic!) Which is the party of supposed homosexual bigotry, mistrust, so-called "homophobia," etc.? (Republicans, right? All we hear is ... homogeneous party, exclusive club, no diversity, bigotry, etc.)

Now ... think ... Political Correctness and the two parties. Quick! Which party "teaches" us about tolerance, sensitivity, diversity, embracing our differences, inclusion, etc. in our speech and attitudes? (Democrats again, right? It's not blacks. It's African Americans. It's not cripples. It's physically challenged. It's not retards. It's mentally challenged. It's not midgets. It's "little people." ) Add to that the "anger," "outrage," and "protests" we hear from this party when anyone, anytime, anywhere, for any reason uses terms OTHER THAN the ones prescribed by the speech police of political correctness.

PC teaches that oppressed women fighting the good fight for equality in the workplace are ... feminists. Rush calls 'em "Feminazis" and the PCers/Liberals/Democrats ... go nuts! Misogynonist! Male chauvenist pig! Bigot! Fool!

Among the countless off-limits insults for homosexuals are of course "fag" or "******," "pansy," "Nancy-boy," "queer," etc. The party of political correctness, the party of sensitivity, the party of inclusion, diversity, and tolerance will not stand for anyone using mocking terms of derision against their sexually confused brothers and sisters. They won't!

Now ... everyone knows that there is a great political divide in this country. That's not news. Sweet ol' Julia Roberts said, "Look up Republican in the dictionary. It's been Reptile and Repugnant!" OUCH, Julia! Tell us how you REALLY feel!)

So, there's anger ... resentment ... frustration ... and so on. Just about any insult, any slur, any vitriolic comment might be in play in the heat of such political anger and passion.

But ... of all the angles to take to "make fun of," "mock," or "deride" this new Conservative movement within the Republican party--the so-called Tea Party Movement--WHO would have thought that a "sensitive," "sane," "consistent" Democrat/Liberal would use an anti-gay slur as their way of belittling this movement?!?!?!?!?

I had never heard the term "tea bagger." Anderson Cooper introduced it to the masses with his sneering use of it. (And Fox News is the one that's mean, nasty, and unfair???) In Anderson's world, it is an insult to make fun of what apparently is a certain homosexual practice. So, he used a people coddled within the realm of political correctness and under the auspices of his party's supposedly "wide tent" to mock tea partiers. It's insane!

And we have seen much the same thing with other insults. Sarah Palin's child has Down's. But Liberals laugh with joy as they call this blessed child a "retard." WHAT?!?!?!? And all we've heard from this party for the past 30 or 40 years is ... "don't judge" unwed teenage moms. Give them your help, not your ridicule. Etc. That's where ADC comes from. That's where WIC comes from. That's where educational assistance, food stamps, jobs programs, and more come from! "Unwed mothers" are a protected group ... in the Democratic party ... the party of love and inclusion.

But Sarah's daughter Bristol was a tramp and a slut for her unwed pregnancy. Again ... WHAT?!?!?!?!?

They are irrational people! They are kooks and whackos! Is it any wonder that a leading psychologist called Liberalism a "mental disorder"? He did!

It is!

So ... to your question. No, Maddow doesn't care what ANYONE thinks except ... Maddow. And Olbermann. But the sad truth is that IF she was going to stop, it would be more likely because of a Liberal attack by John Stewart than from any pleas from any angle from any Conservative.
2010-11-13 08:15:27 UTC
You are the one who doesn't get it - the whole Stewart rally was making fun of the teabaggers - teabagger!
2010-11-13 08:13:44 UTC
Maddow is a crackpot. There are others at MSNBC that fit that same mold, for one Ed Schultz and that Keith guy, I forget his last name. Their ilk is what MSNBC has included in their strategic business plan. A plan obviously failing. Now there is a corporation whose CEO is not earning his paycheck.
rightwing radical 1
2010-11-13 08:12:28 UTC
I thought that was the best interview I have seen this year. As she still tried to defend her rhetoric to someone who called her out on it.
2010-11-13 08:09:28 UTC
I doubt it. Rachael still seems to know very little about people who are TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY and be intimately familiar with people who engage in Teabagging.
2010-11-13 08:07:10 UTC
John Stewart is a Liberal, but he is a comedian first.

I know he hates the Tea Party as much as the rest of us.
2010-11-13 08:20:14 UTC
No, immature leftists will always be immature leftists.
right is right, left is wrong
2010-11-13 08:08:47 UTC
Maddow, MSNBC, and all liberal loons like them support the destruction of the USA as we know it so of course they are going to mock the tea Party since the Tea Party loves America and they don't.
2010-11-13 08:12:06 UTC
She's just dreaming about Rand Paul.
2010-11-13 08:09:37 UTC
I hope not. Those fools have earned the name.
2010-11-13 08:08:16 UTC
She's in denial that she's even used the word more than once or twice. I highly doubt that this Rhodes Scholar can control herself to use it as often as she can.
2010-11-13 08:06:52 UTC
Teabagger, teabagger, teabagger.
2010-11-13 08:07:27 UTC
No, she is clueless.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.