Should gun owners be quarantined?
robert c
2014-11-14 14:45:58 UTC
A U S citizen is being sho t every five minutes and nothing is being done about it.
247 answers:
Old Man Dirt
2014-11-14 18:27:59 UTC
For every person shot- ten suffer at the hands of a doctor or nurse. I don't think you would sanction quarantining doctors and nurses. Every one of them (doctors and nurses) are registered and tested before being allowed to practice medicine. If gun registration and mandated testing has the same impact on gun related deaths as it has on the medical profession- things will be ten times worse under your (or any anti-gun radical) proposals.

Even more frightening is that twenty children go missing. Considering the threat to human life- maybe it would be better if law enforcement was able to spend time on that problem instead of trying to figure out who might commit a crime- go looking for those that already have committed a crime!

Now I know why this is not done- most of the ones that have committed a crime are liberals who figure they are above the law. The jails are full of liberals who felt they had an inalienable right to take what was not theirs. I am sure the average anti-gun person would feel safer committing a crime if they knew the rest of the population could not defend themselves. Mexico is full of their type- they stole the guns at the point of law- but it was still theift.
2014-11-16 15:12:55 UTC
No. 95% of gun owners are law abiding citizens who use their firearms for home protection, hunting, recreational sports, and some collect historical firearms.

The other 5% don't respect the law or human life, and will kill without thought. They won't follow a gun law, restrictions, or anything along those lines. A criminal prefers an unarmed victim.

And sadly we don't live in a utopian society. We could irradiate guns from the face of the earth and murder would still take place every 5 minutes through other means.
2014-11-18 13:35:47 UTC
If by that you mean exile the nicompoops that don't think people should legally be allowed to own guns, so that all that is left in America are legal gun owners, then yes, I do think gun owners should be quarantined.

I own a gun so I can protect myself and save lives if need be. I hope I never have to use my gun outside of the shooting range, but I would rather look back and say "I'm glad I had a gun" rather than "I wish I would have had a gun".
Dr weasel
2014-11-14 23:34:07 UTC
It seems that most crimes and selfish acts incorporate a certain level of hate. If someone exhibits hatred in their actions or speech, then they should be quarantined and institutionalized for therapy and moral education until they can submit to a loving behavior. Of course that would lock up most politicians, every single Media reporter, a large percentage of Professional sports players ...and their fans, at least 60% of Hollywood and I won't even go into the politically motivated. Guns are inanimate machines that do nothing by themselves, like cars or knives or plumbing pipes and hammers. It is the Mentally hateful that needs controlling.
2014-11-15 08:11:56 UTC
Gun owners should definitely be quarantined, but not for the reason you think. Guns made in West Africa carry minute amounts of the Ebola virus, and when set off, can release the Ebola virus into the air in the form of particles, and can be breathed in by shooters. So, American-made gun owners should not be quarantined, but foreign guns are never safe, ya know?
2014-11-16 18:47:31 UTC
Do you mean have the government take our guns away from us? That's not a good idea because there are many bad guys in the government. So if they take all our guns, then the bad guys will mostly have all the guns. It's better to let everyone have their own guns so that the bad guys will always be afraid of the good guys who have guns. All we can hope is that there are more good guys than bad guys, or hope that the good guys are smarter than the bad guys. Keep praying and doing good. Even if there gets to be lots of bad things going on, if you stay on God's side then you don't need to be afraid.
2014-11-14 14:51:17 UTC
Actually, about 90% of that shooting is concentrated in places where LAWFUL CITIZENS are pretty-much forbidden to own/carry guns.

Try this if you think you can manage:

Find a list of the 100 largest US Metro areas

Sort that list by the percentage of time DEMOCRATS have been elected in each one

Now take just the 10 "most Democrat" Metros.

Of those ten, pick ANY THREE. you can be deliberate about it, you can pick at random - it doesn't matter. ANY three.

Now, re-compile World crime statistics AS IF those three metros were a country of their own. I GUARANTEE you will find:

1) That Demostan you created is the DEADLIEST country on the planet

2) The remaining US, with THOSE THREE cities factored out, is now THE SAFEST Country on the planet.
ms manners
2014-11-14 20:55:19 UTC
Quarantining males between the ages of 15-25 would eliminate not only most gun deaths but most crime in general.

For some reason liberals oppose such a quarantine.
2014-11-15 19:11:48 UTC
No! Guns protect people. Yes, people get killed by them, but more people are saved by them. Also, I doubt a person is shot every 5 minutes, and the United States has almost 330 million people. Think about other crime-related events, just that happen every minute. It's scary
2014-11-14 14:56:43 UTC
No. People who hate honest gun owners should be quartered. Mexico has very strict gun laws, so only the criminals have guns there. Switzerland has a more civilized gun ownership system and they're a much safer society than the strict anti-gun Mexico is. Learn something!
2014-11-15 09:53:18 UTC
Maybe people should have a psychological assessment before they're given a gun to test for traits which suggest the gun owner is likely to abuse the trust of owning a gun
2014-11-18 23:07:19 UTC
Most gun owners are pretty law abiding citizens who use their guns for protection,hunting,recreation and maybe even to show off ;)

However only a small fractions of them use it for evil.And guess,what -theese are normally the kind of people who would get their hands of firearms whether it was legal or not.I'm sorry but a cellphone cannot save you when you are attacked by a person wielding a gun.You need to have your own gun for defense.
2014-11-14 15:21:30 UTC

Enforce RICO Laws and arrest gangsters,

like the government did in the '30's and '40's.

I have never shot an animal or human being with my guns.

Paper targets are fun.

If I shoot an animal,

I would feel bad for a moment,

but I would thank the animal for providing me food.

Same as "Vegans" harvesting living vegetable and fruit from their garden or orchard!
2014-11-18 10:33:13 UTC
Gun haters should be quarantined for their own safety and leave gun owners alone.
2014-11-14 15:39:53 UTC
You will find that this issue has been and always will be volatile. On one side we have members of society that can not grasp the reality of human nature that makes gun ownership a necessity and on the other side members who can not grasp a world left defenseless from that same human nature

I have been exposed to both sides at their extremes. I am both a victim and a benefactor of guns. I advocate, no I demand my Constitutional Right to bear arms.

The U.S. Supreme Court has thankfully sustained the position I hold and that I and millions of others are willing to die defending.

The concept of gun ownership is not rooted in crime, but in defense of every mans right to keep his government from usurping each and all Rights guaranteed in the founding of a unique experiment in governing a Nation.

I fully understand that crime in America has continued to rise but I ask your attention to the fact that crime in ALL nations has risen at nearly the same rate. Even the armed are in danger.
2014-11-14 20:52:33 UTC
I don't believe gun OWNERS should be quarantined, how malevolent. I do believe we should have stricter gun laws, yes, but the problem isn't the power of the people, it's the people in power.
2014-11-14 16:13:54 UTC
Why? The majority of gun owners are law biding citizens that have no intention of hurting anyone. Why is it that you think gun crimes would vanish if you take the 2nd amendment away? It wouldn't, you would just have more unarmed victims for criminals to attack.
You may be right
2014-11-16 16:52:32 UTC
no, why would you say that? there are many law breakers out there breaking lots of different laws, should we put everyone in jail for their crimes? A legal gun owner is not a problem, it's criminals that get guns that is a problem, don't penalized a good law abiding citizen because of a criminal doing wrong.
2014-11-15 18:42:45 UTC
don't believe gun OWNERS should be quarantined, how malevolent. I do believe we should have stricter gun laws, yes, but the problem isn't the power of the people, it's the people in powe
2014-11-15 04:48:35 UTC
I think they should be quarantined because they are the people providing people with guns which can take someone's life.
2014-11-15 05:31:18 UTC
Guns save lives. The murder rate goes down when people are allowed to have guns.

You notice all these 'mass shootings' take place in 'gun free' zones!
2014-11-14 19:42:59 UTC
And almost all of those being shot are in the big city ghettoes... like in Chicago that last year had 37 people shot in one weekend.

BTW, you are aware aren't you that those shootings are happening in the very same neighborhoods where a great community organizer made things so much better..... you know..... the one named Barack Obama.
2014-11-16 20:03:06 UTC
Yea sure, how about this quarantine us in one side of the country and everybody's that agrees with you can go on the other side. Then we will simply take your side over with our guns. Problem solved.
2014-11-15 11:43:43 UTC
This was solved by the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. People have the right to have and bear firearms.

The solution for those that despise guns -- don't buy one.
2014-11-14 14:49:56 UTC
How about quarantine mandate in the 'hood - more violence among the youth there and the neighborhood just don't care as they watch and hear
2014-11-15 04:28:50 UTC
Statistically Your more then correct. However you have to get into the numbers.

When you do the breakdowns. The majority of the shootings are by criminals.

Or criminal wanna be's. Always consider the source when looking at numbers.
2014-11-15 04:55:48 UTC
Sounds like another dumb demarcate. Most of those being shot are in city's with a band on guns. Where guns are band only criminals will have them.
2014-11-19 11:42:46 UTC
As weird as this many sound, from what I understand from the facts- Its not the legal gun owners who are committing the crimes that you are thinking about. After its all investigated most of the time the the guns used for such crimes were obtained illegally on the street. People who obtain guns legally are usually not the ones committing the crimes your thinking of.
The Devil
2014-11-15 11:41:12 UTC
Quarantine the police.
2014-11-14 16:20:43 UTC
I have lived in several countries where guns are not allowed as a household article. I have never seen or heard of anyone I knew getting shot. Its as simple as that.
2014-11-14 14:47:15 UTC
Plenty is being done about it. In Chicago they enacted really strict gun control laws. I assume it worked great. Although I actually haven't followed up on it.
2014-11-14 21:12:23 UTC
Guns do NOT kill people . People kill people . Why not ban knives or rope ? I can kill with my bare hands . Do we ban hands next ?

The problem is not the weapons . It's the people . For some reason people are not taught it's a bad thing to kill other people .
2014-11-15 21:46:17 UTC



1. say your name ten times.

2. say your mom's name five times. ... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See more... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See more... See more... See more... See more... See more... See More... See more... See more... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See more... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See more... See more... See more... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More... See More

3. say your crushes three times

4. paste this to four other groups.

If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday.

But if you read this and do not paste this, then you

will have very bad luck.



2014-11-14 21:29:16 UTC
Gun nuts are mentally ill. Quarantine will not do much good.
2014-11-14 14:49:36 UTC
Yes, we'll stay north of the border, you idiots can go south of the Mexican border where gun ownership is strictly prohibited. We'll both be happier.
2014-11-16 11:31:23 UTC
Gun owners have rights too
2014-11-14 14:56:05 UTC
We should locate that U S citizen who is being shot so often and get him/her to a place of safety.

Let someone else get shot for a while.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2014-11-15 08:50:12 UTC
Only those that abuse the "Right to Bear Arms"; I own 11 firearms, and have NEVER done anything unlawful with one ! I'm 75 years old !
2014-11-16 20:18:25 UTC
There are approximately 100 million gun owners in America. You radical anti-gun people are the minority.
credo quia est absurdum
2014-11-17 08:04:51 UTC
No, just get all of the guns out of Chicago and your shooting rate will fall to almost nothing.
2014-11-14 17:28:50 UTC
We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken society is guilty rather than the law breaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.
2014-11-15 19:03:41 UTC
if you quarantine gun owners than nobody will be there to stop a knife owner or a robber and then you will begin complaining about that.
2014-11-14 19:20:46 UTC
Maybe it would be easier to quarantine non-gun owners.
Who is Jack....
2014-11-14 14:48:07 UTC
That is because people think their constitutional rights to own a gun is more important than a human life. You can't change stupid.
2014-11-17 21:11:09 UTC
I don't like to answer a question with a question but will make an exception.

What kind of an idiot Koolaid gulper are you?
狐 Josh
2014-11-17 10:21:58 UTC
Why do you want to protect criminals and gang members? That is the only people a gun ban would help.
2014-11-14 14:51:10 UTC
No. Because 99% of the offenders are criminals not legal gun owners.

I think Liberals should be.
2014-11-16 18:53:09 UTC
no we need to spay or neuter all you gun control nuts.

Crimminals do not buy guns legally so all of the gun registration laws will not change this.
Patriot !
2014-11-15 02:00:59 UTC
...(and) several hundred are being slaughtered on the Highways and Roads of America because of Car accidents and drunk drivers ! (so, by your way of reasoning, "we" should suspend and quarantine every one who is driving a Car !)
2014-11-16 18:04:44 UTC
How many of those shootings are by convicted felons prohibited from owning guns? And shooting with stolen guns?
2014-11-18 11:56:40 UTC
Yes they should be be quarantined.
2014-11-15 05:02:57 UTC
We live in a day and age where self defense is the only thing you can count on.
2014-11-17 20:55:34 UTC
You really can't say nothing is being done about it because you would not know about it if it were not being reported.
2014-11-17 18:57:22 UTC
If we got rid of all the guns in the world from people who just like to hunt or are trying to protect their family. What is going to stop all the bad people in the world from getting their hands on illegal weapons and innocent families being unable to protect themselves... Bad guys want guns then they will always be able to get it no matter what
2014-11-17 06:45:18 UTC
2014-11-17 00:58:53 UTC
That means the government and forces as well!!! YES!!!!!
jack f
2014-11-16 22:32:36 UTC
No, but liberals should be.
2014-11-16 22:09:36 UTC
Probably not. This may be a controversial opinion, but quarantine is not the solution here.
2014-11-16 18:50:16 UTC
2014-11-16 17:47:00 UTC
No our prisons need to be reduced in population, in other words we need to start hanging ASAP
Clayton S
2014-11-16 16:25:54 UTC
To liberals, guns only represent death and violence. To Texans, guns represent freedom. peace and security. Texas has some of the softest gun laws in the developed world and many of the countries safest cities. It goes to show that when more sane people are armed, the crazy people get off fewer shots.
2014-11-16 15:51:02 UTC
Really? No. Many politicians seem to lack the courage to go after the bad guys.. In California, politicians are releasing bad guys that were felons, their felony charges changed to misdemeanors, Then politicians harass legal gun owners. SOURCE: PROPOSITION 47 IN CA MID-TERM ELECTIONS. Read this vague and brief ballot choice. Think about this when the burglar is back in the victims home. HOPE THERE IS NO VIOLENCE THIS TIME.
2014-11-16 13:11:52 UTC
Which ones? The legal, law-abiding gun owners? Certainly they will be the easiest to find and quarantine. Or should we quarantine the criminals with guns? After all, they're the ones doing the shooting. Oh, guess what, we already do that. It's called prison. Of course, they're much harder to locate since their guns aren't legally registered.

Back to the drawing board, kid.
2014-11-16 10:16:58 UTC
No. To control the wanton destruction of loose cannons upon our societies, every American Citizen should be allowed to wear a gun in public; should such a person be under the influence of a drug or alcohol...then the public dispensary should be held accountable for securing their intoxicated persons guns until they are of sound mind again.
2014-11-15 21:51:13 UTC
Do the research...ebola and aids were created for testing and for nefarious purposes. You've been lied to about a lot and those pretty white lines in the sky are not contrails. Use your heads people.
2014-11-15 20:56:52 UTC
people who want to take away the 2nd amendment should be summarily executed
2014-11-15 20:26:16 UTC
this song reminds me of this... its funny but if you think about it not all people with guns kill people its bad people with guns that kill people....
2014-11-15 16:42:11 UTC
No. The idiots who kill people in cold blood should.
2014-11-15 14:55:33 UTC
2014-11-15 11:53:08 UTC
We already do have a quarantine for gun owners who violate the laws, it is called prison. Leave the law abiding gun owners be. Start actually enforcing the laws we have instead of just adding new ones. Law makers like adding laws because it justifies their job.
2014-11-17 21:11:01 UTC
are you referring to legal gun owners or criminals? Because 99% of gun crimes are caused by criminals, crack heads, gang bangers, etc... while 99% of legal gun owners are enthusiasts or have self defense in mind. If you get rid of their guns then they have nothing to defend themselves against criminals that get their guns illegally no matter how harsh or lenient the gun laws are. Will anyone with anti-gun views take this into consideration?
2014-11-17 19:53:11 UTC
I believe no....As an avid hunter and girl in a family where all of my family members over 18 have a gun, I respect guns and couldn't imagine living without them. See, what may happen is that all the people who need to protect themselves won't have any thing to do so with, and the ones who murder people with guns will always find a way to get a hold of them.
2014-11-17 18:04:02 UTC
No. But I'm pretty sure U.S citizens don't get shot every five minutes, unless they're getting a flue shot.
2014-11-17 10:54:35 UTC
No that's stupid.
2014-11-17 07:05:09 UTC
2014-11-17 01:39:55 UTC
The Second Amendment allows every US Citizen to bear arms . If US citizens were quarantined based on gun ownership then you are considering the Constitution null and void. With that your other privaleges will go, such as your right to free speech, your right to assembly, practice any faith you want, having the governemnt need a warrant to search your house... etc.. Its a can of worms ready to be opened..
2014-11-17 01:28:22 UTC
2014-11-16 21:00:19 UTC
2014-11-16 19:58:45 UTC
Gus Fusco
2014-11-16 18:49:17 UTC
We need our guns to protect ourselves from people who think like you..
2014-11-16 18:29:56 UTC
2014-11-16 16:17:22 UTC
A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to kill a family member than an intruder. New England Journal of Medicine study backs this up.
2014-11-16 15:41:37 UTC
No. But gun laws should be enforced.
2014-11-16 14:00:04 UTC
are you crazy? if you will study history every country that has removed public access to weapons, that country has fallen prey to cruel dictators or organized crime or both. as gun supporters have long said "when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns"!!! besides guns don't kill people neither do bullets.....people kill people. make laws and penalties severe enough and crime WILL decrease. BTW check out how many people are stabbed every minute and decide whether knife owners should be quarantined too.
Trevor Smith
2014-11-16 11:25:26 UTC
no! how would you like it if we quarantined all none gun owners so they cant get shot.
2014-11-16 09:24:17 UTC
No, criminals should!!! Senseless acts of violence are committed by them. As a legal gun owner I have not shot anyone. I would however if they were trying to harm me or my family BUT if you quarantined the criminals then us good people would never have to. You seem to be confusing illegal gun carriers and legal ones.
2014-11-16 03:17:39 UTC
Yes, we'll stay north of the border, you idiots can go south of the Mexican border where gun ownership is strictly prohibited. We'll both be happier.
2014-11-15 18:37:37 UTC
I dont think so
2014-11-15 15:10:44 UTC
No, of course not. The Constitution guarantees the right to shoot all strangers on sight.
2014-11-15 10:42:57 UTC
People that commit crimes with guns should be put in prison. Unfortunately, Eric Holder does not approve of that common sense solution.
2014-11-17 16:17:19 UTC
They are quarantined, south of the border. The second amendment means nothing in Canada.
2014-11-17 13:23:56 UTC
the globalists are trying their hardest to confiscate our guns so that we will be less powerful, so quarantining gun owners will only help their agenda.
2014-11-17 10:00:24 UTC
You guys that actually agree with this are ridiculous. Would a criminal say "Oh dang, looks like I have to give up my weapon that I'm using to commit different crimes"? Didn't think so. You're taking our protection away from the responsible gun holders and leaving the criminals with all of the guns and ammo they can handle. Worst idea ever. Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves.
2014-11-17 09:03:37 UTC
Sometimes yes.
2014-11-17 06:39:45 UTC
How many of them are blacks shooting blacks. That seems to be a big problem.

How many of them are over drugs? That seems to be a big problem.

Solve those 2 problems and this issue goes away.
2014-11-17 04:58:00 UTC
As others have pointed out, guns don't kill people, people kill people. See below video for further explanation by Stan Smith:

It is true however guns can facilitiate killing (make it easier) but there are plenty of countries with relaxed gun laws yet somehow the citizens manage to get through their day without shooting each other dead. There seems to be something not quite right about the USA.
2014-11-16 21:10:09 UTC
2014-11-16 18:48:34 UTC
"A U S citizen is being sho t every five minutes"

Every 5 minutes? That must hurt

They should move to Australia - no need for guns here
2014-11-16 18:11:40 UTC
You've been thoroughly brainwashed into believing that the gun is the problem instead of murder.
2014-11-16 14:57:44 UTC
2014-11-16 13:37:42 UTC
Most shootings are not by the gun owners. Most shootings are done by people who never owner a gun. They have either stole it or got the gun form a thief. Gun owners do not own guns to kill folks, but if you try to kill them They will not let that happen and They then should have the right to kill you. Gun owners do not kill criminals do.
2014-11-16 09:19:10 UTC
Gun owners shouldn't be quarantined; Gun owners at risk of mental instability should be void of their rights of owning a gun to begin with.
2014-11-16 02:54:40 UTC
Yea they should..but it should be banned to use in public
2014-11-16 00:02:46 UTC
All you hear about in the news is if someone is killed by a gun, How about the millions of people saved because someone had a gun
2014-11-15 20:52:24 UTC
Steve N
2014-11-15 17:33:08 UTC
Seeing as how LEGAL LAW ABIDING citizens aren't doing any of that, I say your a worthless troll. CRIMINALS already have a form of quarantine, it's called Prison, and yes, they should be there. Don't be pathetic.
2014-11-15 16:47:37 UTC
There are more abortions than gun deaths. The population loss due to gun shots is 0.0055%.
2014-11-15 14:11:04 UTC
No, the idiotic American government who allows people to freely walk around with guns should be quarantined for creating such an absurd and stupid law.
2014-11-15 10:19:59 UTC
2014-11-15 06:00:16 UTC
2014-11-17 23:37:31 UTC
You could try. I think you might find it a little tough to do. Its people like you that make me thankful that we have a 2nd Amendment who help prove the reason we need it. Its easy to enslave people if they can't defend themselves.
2014-11-17 13:33:03 UTC
No. I doubt someone gets shot every five mins.
2014-11-17 08:45:31 UTC
I grew up in a area that was rural mountain west. 40 miles from the big city. we all had guns growing up. in our houses, hanging in the back of our trucks, everybody had guns. they were tools. we never had any drive by shootings... ever because the cowardly punks that do that were afraid of someone shooting back. the thing is we hit what we shoot at, not some little old lady down the street.
2014-11-17 07:52:48 UTC
u can quarintine these nuts in ur mouth lel
2014-11-17 00:31:57 UTC
2014-11-16 21:24:16 UTC
Guns should not be allowed to the public, its ridiculous
2014-11-16 14:51:12 UTC
Legal purchasers of guns are a very small percentage of those committing these horrible acts of violence. I would agree that stronger punishments may be needed for legal gun owners who are careless with their firearms allowing them to fall into the hands of children or criminals, or who fail to report a 'missing' gun. I also feel that we need to take a very hard look at who is given a gun and entrusted to protect the general population with it. PTSD is a real issue, as are most mental illnesses that are to frequently overlooked when a gun is given to anyone. Many people will knowingly answer 'NO' to all 6 questions on the FFA paperwork regardless of what their doctor may say about their state of mental health. This is an issue that needs attention ASAP! I don't have all the answers but I can tell you this, rounding up all the legal and mentally competent gun owners will in no way prevent any of the issues I have read raised here. If a person with a mental issue, or an outright criminal wants or needs a weapon to commit some God awful act, they will find a way to get it regardless of who is in control of whatever. We need to treat the first, and justly punish the second, a gun is a tool, just like a knife, or a hammer, all of which have been used in crimes, and to kill. The person using the tool is the issue, if we somehow managed to destroy all the guns tomorrow, the next day crime would continue. In every case of a mass shooting there was a direct link to a mental health issue, we need a better way to identify, treat, and help these people before it gets to the point where they feel a gun is the only way out. While I am at it, the next time you see a Veteran on the street, do something for them, buy them lunch, give them a coat or a blanket, do something, do anything but walk by looking away. If you don't have the means to do anything else, thank them for their service and shake their hand. Its about time we start showing these people the respect they deserve. Thank you for asking such a thought provoking, though misplaced question!
2014-11-16 11:52:30 UTC
2014-11-16 07:42:24 UTC
2014-11-16 06:20:57 UTC
No, but fools should be - but I doubt if a large enough island could be found to do so.
2014-11-16 03:40:01 UTC
Special EPhex
2014-11-15 19:28:16 UTC
That may be true but, it is not because of legal gun owners. The progressive ideology perverts and distorts facts and reality to promote there indefensible mentality. How much sense does it make to attack and besmirch lawful gun owners, while progressive judges and defense attorneys allow criminals who where convicted of illegal possession and gun crimes to get off and let out of prison to be free to roam the streets?
2014-11-15 18:16:15 UTC
2014-11-15 14:53:21 UTC
99.9% of people killed with guns were killed with unregistered guns. if someone owns a unregistered gun then go ahead and put 'em in jail, but if someone owns a registered gun then they're not going to shoot someone with it unless its self defense, in which case whoever got shot deserved it.
2014-11-15 13:43:53 UTC
No. I have found that gun owners in more progressive states to be very understandable, conscientious, and logical people. If the question was, should gun owners in the south be quarantined? I would agree.
2014-11-15 11:59:29 UTC
Owners who shoot and kill ought to be shot and killed by their own weapon.
Shay M
2014-11-15 10:14:47 UTC
Do some homework or let me enlighten you, it's very simple. The cites like DC & Chicago that have the strictest gun laws, have the highest rates of violet crimes. Why? If guns are so evil why don't the laws keep people safe? Because the criminals don't give a damn about the law.

I started carrying a gun when I was 10 on the farm because of the snakes. As a very attractive single woman on long road trips, I had a sidearm. Living alone-yep, on bedside table. So. Am I a criminal? Should I be put in jail? What if I told you a gun kept me from being brutally raped, likely murdered with no body for my loved ones to mourn.

No one has right to make me a victim or prevent me from protecting myself & they won't. If that makes me an outlaw fine. I'll still keep praying for the people that think the gun laws will keep them safe. Hope that works out real well if some tweeker tries to mug you or break into your house.
Andy F
2014-11-15 09:42:30 UTC
No, it would be unconstitutional to quarantine all gun owners. As everybody knows. Are you actually an NRA troll, that you ask a deliberately foolish question like this?

Every time that someone raises an idea like this, it ignites a huge rightwing backlash against "liberals" by fearful gun owners, and generally weapons sales increase, because many gun owners fear a general confiscation of all their firearms and rush out to buy more as insurance against the Evil Day.

As an article in Esquire pointed out a year or so ago, the firearms industry therefore loves talk about quarantining all gun owners or confiscating all guns. They boost sales, at a time when the gun industry might otherwise face a glutted market because so many gun owners already own so many weapons. It's important to scare people with the specter of total gun confiscation, Obama dictatorship, attacks by black painted UN helicopters in the pay of the Illuminati, etc etc. to get people to buy more.

The US pattern of private handgun ownership is obviously pretty stupid. It contributes to drug gang violence, random shootings in low-income minority neighborhoods, and the occasional murderous idiocy of a Newtown school shooting, the Batman murders in Aurora Colorado, additional Columbine murders, etc. etc.

But the way US politics goes at the moment, there's not much to be done about this. The forces for gun control can't win. It would be smarter for them to give up trying, so they don't provide new political "ammunition" for the gun manufacturers and the NRA.
2014-11-15 06:37:49 UTC
Yes, and I personally think that the second amendment should be repealed and all civilian arms should be taken away. Firstly, because most mass murders are committed by legally purchased firearms and secondly because the police can handle most criminal situations and you don't need to hunt anymore due to the introduction of Grocery Stores in the United States.
2014-11-15 06:27:27 UTC
Send any american convicted of a violent gun crime to guam. There would be no where to sit.
2014-11-18 00:53:03 UTC
Yes along with car owners and knife owners and dog owners and beer bottle owners and baseball bat owners and hell why don't we quarantine everyone?
2014-11-17 13:35:25 UTC

Gifts for Men
2014-11-17 08:53:45 UTC
you do know the law abiding citizens will obey the law even if they have to give up their guns. but the criminals wont listen, cause therere criminals. so all the law is doing is un arming the people that need their home protection from the criminals with the guns
2014-11-17 00:40:32 UTC
2014-11-16 21:49:13 UTC
2014-11-16 16:32:56 UTC
Seriously. When you walk down the street. DO YOU have a threat of being shot? Are you seeing people being shot?

The answer, I would hope, is NO.

Now what makes you think, in your FINITE imagination, that something is not already "DONE ABOUT IT"?

You feel relatively safe, or at least you should.

Why would you think something ISNT done about it?
2014-11-16 16:25:52 UTC
Add your answerits not the owners its the criminals and thugs who have guins unregistered and undetected....taking guns away from owners will only leave people defenceless.
2014-11-16 15:39:02 UTC
2014-11-16 14:23:07 UTC
2014-11-16 00:08:04 UTC
Yes, they should also be castrated
2014-11-16 00:05:22 UTC
no it hus
2014-11-15 22:39:55 UTC
Global Occult Government
2014-11-15 17:59:01 UTC
the jewish mafia / illuminati desperately want to take our guns so they can overthrow our constitution and make us slaves. If they y it means war, and people like me will lock and load. Come get 'em Bloomberg!
2014-11-15 17:07:53 UTC
Guns don't kill people, people kill people. People use knives, bats, and hammers more than guns. I can place a loaded and cocked gun on a table and leave. Unless a human pulls the trigger, it will stay loaded and cocked forever.

Where guns are allowed, crime is very low. Where guns are not allowed, criminals know this and crime is HIGH.

Enough said.
2014-11-15 15:55:25 UTC
no my whole family owns guns and haven't killed anyone with it

what are you trying to say?

your average liberal....
2014-11-15 10:42:30 UTC
taking guns away from registered owners is a mistake. it wont solve the gun problem on the streets. that will lead to american citizens being left vulnerable to any street thugs, terrorists, thieves, etc.
2014-11-15 08:55:26 UTC
No. The right to bear arms to defend yourself, family, friends, community, nation, allies, is a fundamental human right.

Law abiding firearms owners, fully trained and licensed, have a better safety record than law enforcement.

Most gun crime in America happens where there are already strict gun controls and it is very difficult for law abiding citizens to buy, own and carry firearms. Examples would be Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, New York. There are some of the worst places. The only reason New York has a slightly less deaths than Chicago is because New York police have a zero tolerance policy where as Chicago do not and simply don't care if rival gangs want to shoot each other up.

The tragic mass shooting which are thankfully reducing in number but still do happen, only happen in "gun free zones". Bad people know that they can carry out atrocities there e.g. in schools and cinemas with gun controls without the innocent people being able to protect themselves,

People who believe in gun controls should be quarantined because they are causing more deaths by preventing law abiding citizens from defending themselves.
2014-11-15 08:04:39 UTC
2ND amendment!
2014-11-15 05:46:33 UTC
i think yes
Charles D
2014-11-15 02:52:36 UTC
no, then you would have to quarantine people who own knives, baseball bats tree limbs large rocks or anything else that can be used as a weapon. Thereare more people using guns for self defense than in crime.
2014-11-18 05:20:11 UTC
2014-11-18 00:16:21 UTC
American gun laws are crazy. They don't learn from what is thrust in front of them every day. 9 year old girls killing people with an Uzi, mad schoolkids shooting up their friends. Ban all guns except licensed ones, just like in the UK.
2014-11-17 22:38:01 UTC
It's always best to check your facts. One American every five minutes is 105,120 persons a year. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which tracks this kind of thing, says that firearm deaths in 2013 (both accidental and intentional) totaled 32,351. That's less than the number of deaths from automobile accidents and much less from the total deaths from accidental poisonings. So, yes, firearm deaths are a problem but there are many other problems affecting mortality which require our attention, the 500,000 annual cancer deaths for example.

Firearm deaths and firearm regulation is a complicated problem. Alarmist headlines and suggestions that gun owners be quarantined only trivializes the issue, polarizes opinion, and prevents productive discussion. Victims of gun violence deserve better. So do law abiding gun owners.
2014-11-17 13:06:17 UTC
it is not the guns that kill people it is the criminals that get illegal guns on the streets which government refuses to in force this way they can take away the Second Amendment from the Constitution by stating that killings are out of control by guns has anyone ever thought about it they have a war on drugs but yet they don't have a war for illegal guns that criminals have I wonder why
2014-11-17 12:46:45 UTC
back in the 1960's when I was a teenager my 2 best friends had lots of guns. We would go out shooting, we were only 16 yr. old but could buy all the ammo we wanted at the local sports shop, the owners knew our parents and trusted us.

We never did anything crazy, we took gun safety classes and learned how to handle guns. I no longer own any guns and see no need to have one now. But the problems today aren't the guns, it's the kids, maybe it's the violent movies and games I don't know what is causing the problem today.

I never heard of any school shootings growing up, now it's common today. and recently a nearby school where I live some kids were planning to shoot up the school but were caught by police.
2014-11-17 12:07:33 UTC
Big cities should be shut off and separated from the rest of society......!!
2014-11-17 00:35:03 UTC
2014-11-16 18:32:14 UTC
2014-11-16 15:44:28 UTC
2014-11-16 15:15:47 UTC
Yes in FEMA Camps
2014-11-16 13:03:11 UTC
if guns were outlawed, only "outlaws" would have guns. How many more gun crimes would take place if the criminals KNEW that their target had no gun to defend him or her self ?
2014-11-16 12:58:29 UTC
No. If you do not qualify for a concealed firearm license

let's discuss again who needs to be confined for cure.
2014-11-16 12:46:16 UTC
You seemed have Omitted the part

that stated "Illegally Purchased Hand Guns"...

If it were NOT for Guns you would be a SLAVE !!!!
2014-11-15 22:49:42 UTC
Of course not
2014-11-15 20:14:37 UTC
No, just registered.
2014-11-15 17:30:09 UTC
as a moderate who both owns,and has looked into the whole concept of safety and restrictions on guns. here is what i have found. that gun owners like me who register their weapons and have permits if necessary to won tend to be what you would call good owners. they use their guns for hunting or recreation. then we have another category entirely of unregistered guns. these owners tend to be the people shooting other people. so because thy are not registered they are unaffected by gun laws. i believe the statistic was like 9/10 guns used in murders are unregistered. and duh why would you want to get caught shooting a man? the gun laws and restrictions do not apply to such owners. secondly. where do we see the most shootings cities and whether you like it or not this tends to take place in cities like Chicago with crazy restrictions again unregistered owners are unaffected in terms of limiting guns. and again not to start a fight but these city shootings tend to be in more blue areas. if one looks at an area of high gun concentration we see guns area repellant of shootings as well. and lets think about it if some nut job were to go try to shoot in say a mall and half the people in the mall had guns... how many do you think he would be able to shoot? most likely none because he would be shot first or a very few unlucky people. so my solution isnt give everyone a gun there are crazy people out there but we need to rethink this whole gun control thing by starting with the unregistered guns, even then with certain laws there are guns legal to own without registration. ie pre 1865 guns. we need gun control to be lose and not punish the "good gun owners". lets go into these urban areas and let some of these good owners have guns and lets see what happens....
Crystal G
2014-11-15 16:32:08 UTC
I was raised to respect guns. When I was able I bought a gun. For my job I have to quality with many weapons. I teach my children About weapon safty. I teach my children what to do in an ergancy. I belive in many things people on here have said. So..... here is my statement. IF IT ISNT GUNS THEN ITS SOMETHING ELSE. PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE. SHOULD WE TAKE AWAY KITCHEN KNIVES? TAKE AWAY MATCHES?
Sally says...
2014-11-15 11:53:14 UTC
Libbers should move to a country where guns are banned and live under the tyranny of that country, giving up the freedoms of this country.
2014-11-15 08:48:38 UTC
Quarantine non-gun owners
2014-11-15 08:30:40 UTC
Let's quarantine illegal aliens. ---- Over 100,000 Americans killed by them (traffic, murder, etc.)
2014-11-18 02:01:09 UTC
Do you mean have the government take our guns away from us? That's not a good idea because there are many bad guys in the government. So if they take all our guns, then the bad guys will mostly have all the guns. It's better to let everyone have their own guns so that the bad guys will always be afraid of the good guys who have guns. All we can hope is that there are more good guys than bad guys, or hope that the good guys are smarter than the bad guys. Keep praying and doing good. Even if there gets to be lots of bad things going on, if you stay on God's side then you don't need to be afraid.
2014-11-18 01:08:29 UTC
2014-11-17 14:10:46 UTC
No, a GANG member is shot every five minutes. Get rid of gangs in the inner cities and most of the gun violence goes away.
2014-11-17 06:45:16 UTC
2014-11-17 03:58:27 UTC
that would be 105,120 people a year, your "facts" just don't add up, ty again
2014-11-16 21:09:18 UTC
guns just make it easier, they would tey to kill with a knife if they lose their guns and the US gov't does't pay the bill for any wounded and they get a death tax from the dead.
Moscow Mitch
2014-11-16 15:13:47 UTC
No gun-sexual sexual orientation is not contagious.
محمد - نور بروق
2014-11-16 12:14:02 UTC
Hello, I add, I think that be some need of guns for citizens, because e.g. the families which live in the wild face dangerous animals in sometime, but I encourage have the simple and certified weapons, but the complex weapons you can use it in military only.
Maria S
2014-11-16 02:13:27 UTC
That would include the police. But the problem is that its not legal gun owners doing the shooting. Its people who buy off the street. If we find out what race of people did most of the shooting and quarantine them…wouldn't that be equally unfair, but effective. Should we do that?
2014-11-15 18:52:02 UTC
No, they have the right to carry arms as stated in the constitution. It's just ******* sad that the founding fathers didn't have the forethought to specify that the right to bear arms doesn't necessarily mean guns but a reasonable means of self defense. Not to mention pathetic that we in this modern era need that clarification.

Just an opinion though, guns are for bloodthirsty cowards who want the ability to kill with ludicrous ease & as little opposition as possible.
2014-11-15 18:04:56 UTC
wow, dude! where do you live? i sleep with a loaded pistol under my pillow for a reason; care to guess what it is?

self-protection of me and my own.
2014-11-15 17:35:44 UTC
Quarantined? Gun ownership is not a disease.
2014-11-15 16:07:12 UTC
2014-11-15 14:34:24 UTC

Gun owners are 99% law abiding citizens , and have a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to bear arms !!! YOU sound like one of barack`s little knee-crawling FART SMELLERS !!!

It`s Liberal PUKES like YOU that should be quarantined so as to stop spreading the mental POISON you`ve been infecting others with for the last 100 years or so !!

If you don`t like the way things are in America . MOVE to AFRICA you brainless TURD !!
2014-11-15 13:12:39 UTC
if gun owners are quarentined all the ilegal gun owners will be robbing and shooting all the idiots like you, which might not be a bad thing
2014-11-15 09:48:20 UTC
The vast majority of gun violence is cause by people that have guns illegally. Those people end up in a quarantine that's called prison. If you want to live somewhere that people can't legally own guns then move there, they exist and they are some of the most dangerous places in the US.
2014-11-15 09:44:10 UTC
2014-11-15 05:36:35 UTC
pretty sure, yes
2014-11-15 00:09:38 UTC
2014-11-14 20:39:07 UTC
2014-11-15 17:20:05 UTC
You will find that this issue has been and always will be volatile. On one side we have members of society that can not grasp the reality of human nature that makes gun ownership a necessity and on the other side members who can not grasp a world left defenseless from that same human nature

I have been exposed to both sides at their extremes. I am both a victim and a benefactor of guns. I advocate, no I demand my Constitutional Right to bear arms.

Guns do NOT kill people . People kill people . Why not ban knives or rope ? I can kill with my bare hands . Do we ban hands next ?

The problem is not the weapons . It's the people . For some reason people are taught it's a bad thing to kill other people . Even more frightening is that twenty children go missing. Considering the threat to human life- maybe it would be better if law enforcement was able to spend time on that problem instead of trying to figure out who might commit a crime- go looking for those that already have committed a crime!

Now I know why this is not done- most of the ones that have committed a crime are liberals who figure they are above the law. The jails are full of liberals who felt they had an inalienable right to take what was not theirs. I am sure the average anti-gun person would feel safer committing a crime if they knew the rest of the population could not defend themselves. Mexico is full of their type- they stole the guns at the point of law- but it was still theift.
2014-11-18 22:31:59 UTC
Quarantine the police.
2014-11-14 19:47:02 UTC
Obama faked Sandy Hook to try to take our guns away
2014-11-14 22:42:28 UTC
Should non gun owners be shaved and spanked?
2014-11-15 19:46:32 UTC
Yes.. from all if any one need then consult local police and review require on monthly basis
2014-11-15 09:16:09 UTC
Of course not try reading your constitution, but perhaps criminals need to be kept separate from society.
2014-11-15 00:14:53 UTC
no #1 turn tv off only listen to radio/ quit letting pictures guide your decisons, t.v. to be watched only on week ends.#2quarantine? means unless fixed must remain there forever.again to much T.V. shut off learn your neighbors.
2014-11-18 12:52:34 UTC
Guns don't kill people Jon Lajoie kills people with guns.
2014-11-15 08:33:04 UTC
This is why I want to wear body armor whenever I go to town.
2014-11-14 14:46:39 UTC
2014-11-14 14:58:43 UTC
Yeah, we should make guns illegal. Then no one would get shot, just how we stopped drug over doses by making drugs illegal and stopped DUI by making driving drunk illegal.
2014-11-14 14:58:48 UTC
And most of those shootings are gang members.

So where is your plan to crush those gangs?
2014-11-15 17:38:17 UTC
Only if they have a criminal record or severe mental disturbance.
French Fry Hunter
2014-11-14 15:04:16 UTC
But how many are lawless thugs and domestic terrorists?
Ubuntu User
2014-11-15 06:41:01 UTC
No,people get stabbed as well and get run over by drunk by your logic those should be banned as well
2014-11-14 20:15:03 UTC
2014-11-14 19:33:26 UTC
No ...if everyone owned a gun there would be less murder, rape, robberies, etc...lives would be saved.
2014-11-18 05:24:55 UTC
i think every single person JUST LIKE YOU should be booted out of the usa.

you are a BLIGHT on our society.
2014-11-15 05:03:06 UTC
2014-11-14 14:53:32 UTC
Good luck with that.
2014-11-15 06:00:14 UTC
How many people are killed in cars everyday?
2014-11-18 10:11:36 UTC
NO ...... but ignorant LIBERAL Jackasses like YOU should be !!.........

BTW ..... tell your mother THANKS for last night , and I`ll get to the drugstore this morning and get some lotion to take care of those little critters !!!!
2014-11-18 08:01:45 UTC
there should be no such thing as "gun owners"
2014-11-16 09:30:13 UTC
Well somebody must be reloading.
Dylan Sanchez
2014-11-16 11:50:21 UTC
Guns dont shoot people, People shoot People.
2014-11-18 14:41:34 UTC
88 people die each day from gunshot.
2014-11-18 13:35:48 UTC
2014-11-15 09:31:43 UTC
What part of STUPID are you ?. Roll Eyes.
2014-11-15 11:06:20 UTC
no, maybe background check
2014-11-18 14:45:35 UTC

Why can't you people tell the truth, it genetic?
2014-11-20 17:43:42 UTC
2014-11-19 23:52:00 UTC
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2014-11-19 20:53:09 UTC
2014-11-19 07:38:54 UTC
2014-11-19 02:50:33 UTC
2014-11-18 10:55:01 UTC
No, people kill people!
2014-11-15 06:23:07 UTC
yrs they should
2014-11-16 20:16:12 UTC
2014-11-16 15:05:42 UTC
2014-11-20 16:03:15 UTC
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2014-11-19 05:15:19 UTC
2014-11-19 04:14:39 UTC
2014-11-18 19:42:11 UTC
Jerry B
2014-11-15 19:03:19 UTC
2014-11-14 19:56:05 UTC
yes, sure...
2014-11-14 20:27:32 UTC
sure.... they must
2014-11-18 17:47:47 UTC
2014-11-15 06:14:02 UTC
2014-11-15 07:15:29 UTC
2014-11-14 14:48:10 UTC
No,but thanks for stopping bye.
2014-11-20 22:27:21 UTC
2014-11-20 19:54:40 UTC
2014-11-20 07:11:05 UTC
2014-11-17 18:19:06 UTC
2014-11-17 00:26:20 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.