Stop and THINK, if possible, Dino:
Families whose supporters make only $7.35 per hour (the current minimum wage) have to pay rent or house payment, utilities (water, gas, electric), car payment (or transportation costs), putting gas in the car, childcare costs, all the basics. From these mandatory expenses, how much is left for consumer spending? Answer: Next to nothing! If there is no health care coverage for the family through the job, one medical bill can knock out any savings and put the family deeply into debt, which then adds a monthly DEBT to the equation, further depleting spending power.
Now study how CONSUMER SPENDING impacts local businesses. Business owners invest in goods to sell and then do a mark-up in the hope consumers will buy and their business will turn profits. If the demand is heavy enough, the business owners HIRE workers to handle the increased demand. These owners also stock their shelves by ORDERING MORE GOODS, and what American industries to these new orders impact? Shipping, for one...and also manufacturing (private sector jobs growth), who then also HIRE MORE in order to accommodate the INCREASED CONSUMER DEMAND. Each new hire brings in more local, state, and federal revenues through payroll taxes and, if the wage is high enough to surpass mandatory spending needs, also generates PURCHASING POWER, and maybe even some INVESTMENT dollars, and some SAVINGS---all of which help GROW THE ECONOMY and STRENGTHEN the nation's MIDDLE-CLASS, which continues to generate an ever-expanding upward and outward ECONOMIC GROWTH SPIRAL that strengthens ever level (bottom to top).
Most Americans want to make enough to achieve the proverbial "American dream" of owning a home, having a nice car or two, minimizing debt, attending college or sending the kids to college, having enough to invest and to take a vacation every now and then, buying occasional luxuries...and they are content with these earnings. What most working Americans would like to see is an end to the "era of corporate GREED" that began when Reagan's handlers had him scripted to fire PATCO (the Professional Air Traffic Controllers union) and start an ALL-OUT GOP-ENDORSED WAR on FULL-TIME WORKERS, especially those workers with BENEFITS such as a vested retirement plan and health care coverage---all to "expand profit margins" so that newly-greedy CEOs could have multi-$million$-dollar salaries, bonuses, and Golden Parachutes while freezing employee salaries at pre-PATCO-firing levels. Make the CEO salaries PROPORTIONATE to the salaries they pay their workers, since the profits are created by those workers.
Greedy-gut overpaid CEOs do NOT spend here in the U.S., they do not pay fair-share taxes here to support our infrastructure (banking off-shore to avoid taxes), nor do they hire here in the U.S., especially when SUBSIDIZED by the corporate-colluding GOP to move their operations to third-world nations with slave-labor ($300 PER YEAR) wages and NO BENFITS. Well-paid workers here in the U.S., however, DO SPEND HERE, and our businesses prosper when they do.