2011-09-14 08:48:13 UTC
2009, Solyndra applies for grants (not loans) under the ARRA.
2009, Solyndra applies for loan guarantees.
2009, Obama and Biden visit Solyndra to make campaign speeches.
All moneys transferred from the government to the company REQUIRED audited financial statements.
Since Solyndra is a publicly traded company, both the CEO and the CFO were required to not only sign the financial statements but also write a statement as to their accuracy.
The CEO and the CFO are now being investigated by the FBI as a direct result.
(Hint: this cannot happen unless there is suspicion of CRIMINAL conduct, not just bankruptcy. That means securities fraud, fraudulent financial statements, or misuse of $$ given by the government. This is not rocket science, folks. Obama was duped by the same trick used by Enron.)