Actually, it was mostly a trade that England conducted, and America took advantage of. So for those that don't know history, you can gracefully bow out now.
But it was a conservative in America that questioned the drafted...WE the People.... and the implication of the morale standing that slavery shouldn't exist if we were a civilized nation that believes in its own drafted government documents.
I'm not going to go into the historical fight regarding why the civil war happened, the actual intents of the north or the south. There will always be the Rosa Parks of the world that stand up for something worth while that most people would say is a no-brainer but for some reason came into existance.
But, for those thinking liberals or progressives did much good for this country. Lets look at what they've accomplished.
A few examples...The supposed peace marches to end the Vietnam war. What was the result of this ? They screwed our allies over by leaving them, over 1 million put into concentration camps, they obviously helped out North Vietnam...whether intentional or not....They claimed they did it to save American lives....yet called those same trooped baby killers and spit on who did they really serve ?..I say they served themselves.
What about the War on Poverty and Hunger ? we have spent 6.5 Trillion dollars on that "war" and we are still no better off.
What about how 90% of the black vote leans towards democrats and progressive candidates.....The politicians have been promising a new tomorrow and better future for 30 years to colored people......and it has yet to change anything for them after voting for democrats for 30 years.
When are people going to wake up. I can't say the Republicans are pristine or do no wrong, but of the two, I'll usually vote conservative because they are the lesser of two evils.