Protest is the highest form of patriotism. Should liberals be celebrating Joe Wilson?
2009-09-13 08:22:33 UTC
Isn't it a sign of a weak mind to have complete reversals of moral values at will the way liberals do?

How many of you believe that when the next republican is elected to the White House, he will be called a liar daily for 4 years and not a single liberal will apologize to Joe Wilson?
Twenty answers:
2009-09-13 08:25:50 UTC
He is a liar. And a pathetic child. It's a sign of a weak mind, screaming out like a 4 year old in the middle of a presidential address.
Michael R
2009-09-13 15:48:08 UTC
Sure the Democrats called George Bush a liar and when the Iraq and Afghanistan wars went bad they suddenly got a case of conscience.Sure they are all hypocrites,Democrats and Republicans alike(please let's all stop with the phony "liberals" and "conservatives" tags).What Joe Wilson did was rooted in England.People would (literally) get on a soap box in Hyde Park and have their say,expressing their right to freedom of speech.Parliament on occasion turns into a free-for-all as well.And whether or not we like it or care to admit,our government was closely modeled after the English Parliamentary form.Washington was even approached to be king,which he thankfully turned down.

Back to Joe Wilson.If he was so wrong then why did Obama suddenly stiffen the language regarding illegal immigrants and government sponsored health care?He(Wilson) must have touched a nerve somewhere on someone for such an immediate reaction from the administration.I give credit to Joe Wilson for speaking(well,blurting)out the truth and also to Obama for realizing that Wilson was right.Obama did the right thing in fixing something that was wrong before it became the new law of the land.I don't think it is weak-minded to see that you are wrong on an issue and make the correct decision when you change your position.In fact,that is how politics should be.Making the right decision based on facts and not emotion.

And for those of you here who want to call Joe Wilson racist in his one word protest - he did not single out any group of people by race or origin.He singled out those who are breaking the laws of this country.
2009-09-13 15:45:59 UTC
Protest is the highest form of patriotism. If you think this is true than why do you pick on real people who protest the horrid truth of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Joe made his choice to act stupidly. There are many right ways to protest within government. He chose a very radical and silly manner. If he were a man on the street he might feel this is the only way to raise questions. However, he has his place in government and he should show the place the respect it deserves.

If the US would quit initiating wars the world would be one heck of a lot better place to live.
2009-09-13 15:35:48 UTC
Appropriate and Joe Wilson are an oxymoron. But I do celebrate him for showing the obstructionist mind set of his party. And the person who said Liberals celebrated by dancing in the streets after 9/11 makes me ill.

"Remember: these are the people who danced in the streets after 9/11 and celebrated the infamous shoe thrower."

The entire country rallied behind the President to the amount of 80% and how dare they make that claim when so many lives were lost from so many families? Both liberal and conservative?
2009-09-13 16:58:01 UTC
Let us all remember, Joe Wilson apologized to President Obama. President Bush was loudly interrupted and booed at his 2005 State of the Union Address and he STILL has not received an apology.
2009-09-13 15:28:04 UTC
Joe Wilson is simply a House of Representive member in a state where the unemployment rate is one of the highest in the country. Wilson being a lawyer seemed to have wanted to place the blame for South Carolina's 12% unemployment, the nation's fourth highest, on illegals.
2009-09-13 15:28:26 UTC
Here is the difference: when we liberals protest, we fully expect to be harassed, photographed, put into a database, and possibly arrested, because that's what police and governments do and if we are bold enough and determined enough in our beliefs we will take all the risks associated with protesting.

Your teabaggers and Joe Wilsons seem to be of the whiney chicken-s--t school of protesters.
2009-09-13 15:30:26 UTC
"How many of you believe that when the next republican is elected to the White House, he will be called a liar daily for 4 years..."

Believe it "will" happen? It already has. Libloons and their BDS like Gore, Kerry, Murtha and Pelosi's "nazi" utterly uncalled for public remarks are defended as the purest of dissent and Free Speech, yet let one Conservative shout the truth and it's instant denouncement, talks of censureship and utter excoriation. Their hypocrisy in boundless. GO JOE!
2009-09-13 15:28:37 UTC
What Wilson did was bush-league rudeness. Do NOT lionize this guy. I do not want every presidential address to devolve into some House of Commons shouting match. He apologized...that should mean he only gets assigned to the Sub-Comittee on Cleaning Out the Capitol Building Latrines for one term instead of the rest of his life. But please, stop lionizing this guy. If a GOP president had this happen with a Democratic congressman, you'd be LIVID. Try to be consistent.
2009-09-13 15:29:16 UTC
HECK YES! Wilson told the truth and it is wrong that the dems are trying to censure him. I'm glad he said there will be no further apologizes. I don't think he should have apologized to begin with!
2009-09-13 15:27:33 UTC
Joe Wilson is reviled because he called the president a liar in congress. It is low-life behavior.
2009-09-13 15:26:07 UTC
Actually you will notice that most liberal protesters are removed and many go to jail. Joe Wilson is too much of a coward to stand up and take the consequences for his actions.
Bryan M
2009-09-13 15:40:03 UTC
It's easy for the liberals, because they are so damned two faced.
2009-09-13 15:28:35 UTC
your right,do you remember them booing bush during the state of the union in 2005 .i know i can view it on youtube.
Michelle M
2009-09-13 15:26:32 UTC
The liberal Democrats consider dissent a form a patriotism only when it is a liberal Democrat doing the dissent. If it's a Republican, then it's likely referred to as treason. Typical double standard.
Adam S
2009-09-13 15:28:00 UTC
Funny how protest is the highest form of patriotism when you clowns use it but we're Anti-american, commie, hippie scum when we do. Go away now.
2009-09-13 15:25:38 UTC
Liberals are the ultimate anti-patriots so no?

Remember: these are the people who danced in the streets after 9/11 and celebrated the infamous shoe thrower.
Deron Smith
2009-09-13 17:22:59 UTC
Yes,if they are consistent, which of course we know they are not.
By Your Command
2009-09-13 15:27:35 UTC
Liberals are only for it if it's against a Conservative.
2009-09-13 15:25:31 UTC
The liberals are hypocrites. They know it, but won't fess up.

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