So.........Who is running a dirty campaign and who is running on facts?
2012-08-13 03:21:12 UTC
We have reached a point in the 2012 campaign when you long for a referee -- someone with a whistle to call foul and declare that one side has so discredited itself that it must forfeit points or be otherwise disqualified.

Nancy Pelosi, the leader who warned that we were losing "500 million jobs a month" without the stimulus bill and who said "God bless them" regarding Occupy Wall Street but condemned the tea party as "AstroTurf," has declared that the Republican Party supports E. coli. True, it's not news when Pelosi mangles the facts. But until her colleagues demote her, she remains the leader of House Democrats. Speaking at a fundraiser, she described the Republican Party as follows: "It's an ideology. We shouldn't have a government role. So reduce the police, the fire, the teachers -- reduce their role." As a mother, she continued, "You could depend on the government for one thing -- it was about, you had to be able to trust the water that our kids drank and the food that they ate. But this is the E. coli club. They do not want to spend money to do that."

In an ideal world, a loud buzzer would issue from the heavens. Foul! The Democrats have presided over an expansion of the welfare state to the point where 1 in 3 American households now receive some form of welfare. That's 100 million Americans receiving benefits -- excluding those receiving Social Security, Medicare and the Earned Income Tax Credit. Yet to suggest that the federal government must reduce the rate of increase in federal spending -- or even to cut back to the comparatively sane levels of spending that prevailed under Bill Clinton and George W. Bush -- is to be the party of E. coli. Maybe Pelosi should stick to theology. She once explained that the Catholic Church didn't oppose abortion.

Don't look to the other body for relief. The Senate majority leader, who holds a post usually associated with at least a minimal level of dignity, has descended into outright McCarthyism -- claiming that "the word is out" that Mitt Romney hadn't paid taxes in 10 years. How did the "word" get out? Some anonymous caller supposedly told it to Harry Reid. Where's that buzzer? An equivalent accusation would be for John Boehner to announce that "the word is out" that Barack Obama quietly and illegally gutted the work requirements in the welfare reform law passed in 1996. Oh, wait ...

Now, an Obama Super PAC, Priorities USA, has issued an ad that is so cartoonish that it seems to have come straight from The Onion. A former employee of GST Steel, Joe Soptic, accuses Mitt Romney of closing the plant. Actually, the plant was shut down two years after Romney left Bain. Soptic then relates that his wife became ill, but because he had lost his health coverage due to the plant closing, she couldn't afford health coverage and died of cancer. Not quite. The plant closed in 2001. She died in 2006. Ranae Soptic didn't lose health coverage because of what happened to her husband. She was covered by her own employer, until an injury caused her to lose her job. The ad closes with Soptic saying, "I do not think Mitt Romney realizes what he's done to anyone, and furthermore I do not think Mitt Romney is concerned." Buzz.

As CNN and others have noted, Soptic has cooperated with the Obama campaign before and appeared in an Obama ad back in May -- though, oddly, Obama campaign advisor Robert Gibbs insists that he "doesn't know the specifics of this woman's case." Bain bought the troubled steel company, couldn't revive it and closed it. It's possible that if Bain hadn't invested in the company, it would have closed in 1993 instead of 2001. It's possible that even if Ranae Soptic's cancer had been detected earlier, she would have died anyway. It's possible that Joe Soptic might have contracted cancer if the plant had remained open, leaving his wife a widow. Who knows? The beat of a butterfly's wings in Bolivia supposedly can cause a thunderstorm in Bangor. But never let a misfortune go to waste when you can accuse your opponent of murder.

This has become the season of Democrat disgrace. Beyond running the dirtiest, emptiest and most deceptive campaign in memory, the party has demonstrated a total incapacity to govern. The Democrat-controlled Senate has not passed a budget -- the sine qua non of governing -- in more than three years. Under Reid's leadership, no budget resolution has even been brought to the floor. The federal debt, under Barack Obama, has increased by more than $5 trillion in less than four years. The economy is stalled. After saying (in a nonelection year) that he lacked the power unilaterally to alter immigration laws, the president did exactly that. The administration was so heedless of national security in its haste to laud Obama's accomplishments that eve
Eight answers:
2012-08-13 03:24:18 UTC
Obama is running the only campaign he knows how to run, dirty and full of lies, he is surrounded by liars and refuses to address facts.
2016-10-17 10:39:11 UTC
OMG you're literally the best man or woman I incredibly have ever met (or study from). All of those books are astonishing and that i basically can't see The Witches and Animal Farm are banned. they could besides allow you to recognize the purely component you are able to watch is the archives on television and nevertheless block the comments about the middle East. you've graduated by potential of now i assume so did you smash out with it for some thing of your extreme college occupation? you're are basically freaking astonishing, I choose you've been right here right this moment so i might want to purchase you a machiatto or some thing from Starbucks. You flow female, like that's magnificent. that's certainly you are able to tell human beings as a tale or some thing. you're freaking magnificent. I salute you and wager you're off now doing some thing magnificent which includes your existence. Congratulations! you're an notion to such fairly some youthful little ones. Like inspite of in case you get carry of like suspended or some thing (even even though it really is not any longer reliable in any respect) a minimum of it would want to were some thing cool and magnificent. basically... you flow female,:)
2012-08-13 03:32:54 UTC
This wouldn't be as disturbing if we were looking at a muck raking local politician.

But this is the President of the United States

to see a campaign based on lies, smears, and total falsehoods cheapens the office.

WHo ever thought they would see a Presidential re-election campaign stoop to accusing their opponent of killing someone's wife.

It's a new low point in American politics.
2012-08-13 03:51:03 UTC
Romney is running on his Record while Obama is running away from his Record

' I never said that I would cut the deficit in 1/2.....I said that I MIGHT cut the deficit in 1/2 '

' Me ? think that I said that my ' Stimulus ' would reduce unemployment below 8 % and would create 3 1/2 million new ' shovel ready ' jobs ?......No.....sorry......doesn't ring a must have me confused with some other Barack Hussein Obama '

' Okay....what I said was that I wouldn't sign a bill before I read every last word in it and.......that's just what I did.......I read the last word of every bill before I signed it '

' So.....there I was........leading My Team of Navy Seals into that room where I looked him straight in the eye and said.......' Go Ahead, Osama.......Make My Day ! ' '
2012-08-13 03:32:39 UTC
You obviously have a good news source and only one has covered the truth that you have put forward. Fox is the one you must watch but the Liberals seem to think all they do is lie because it puts forth to viewers things they don`t want to believe are true.
2012-08-13 03:36:26 UTC
Obama by far running dirtiest campaign.
2012-08-13 03:26:44 UTC
The dirty campaigning is being done by those who don't want the focus to be on the failures of the past four years.
2012-08-13 03:53:24 UTC
Obviously the only one that has no positive record at all to run on......

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.