Why can't America do what China does to combat coronavirus? Is it against human rights?
2020-04-02 00:36:38 UTC
China's lockdown rules are extremely strict.

Everyone is forced to stay home and wear mask at all times

They disinfect every inch of their country every hour air and ground and walls and ceilings.

Harsh punishment for people not following orders, no warnings.

America is different, people still go out, no one puts mask on, cities still dirty with no one bother to disinfect the ground or air.
Many people from new york now trying to escape but they might bring the virus to another state.
156 answers:
Warren T
2020-04-06 01:35:43 UTC
2020-04-05 20:22:24 UTC
I agree with John
2020-04-05 10:19:23 UTC
China will have their death squads kill you if you violate the Coronavirus, actions they have unforced, , Lets send all the rich kids on spring Break in Florida thier and you might see them in October 2020
2020-04-05 05:23:47 UTC
LOL!  China isn't combating the virus nearly as well as they're trying to portray.
2020-04-05 04:43:12 UTC
Comunist countries don’t tell the truth.   
2020-04-04 21:25:47 UTC
Yes it is against human rights.  But then again its done to save lives.  So pick your poison, wisely. 😉
2020-04-04 16:32:30 UTC
Or Korea that the libs tout. China actually locked people into their homes from the outside and went back to find them dead. Korea tracked infected people's every move. Is that what liberals want now?
2020-04-03 17:24:38 UTC
I think that's just because people get jaded to top-down rule.  If a place is riddled with lot of harsh punishments about practically everything, then it is kind of hard to prioritize what is important and what's not.  I think that down in the South we have enough of a spirit of cooperation that we may just overcome this thing.  We ARE improving or handwashing techniques, we ARE following the guidelines, and staying at home, cooking our own food, avoiding contact, etc.  Initially we were told to not wear masks if we were healthy, I asked, "Would it create a ripple of panic if a bunch of people saw me wearing a mask in public?"  The answer was no, they don't want healthy people creating a shortage for healthcare workers and the chronically ill.  "Oh." I said, and then didn't try to wear a mask but I kept the one that's been folded up in my wallet since about August of 2019.  Now they're saying maybe you SHOULD wear a mask, then somebody else will come on t.v. and say you shouldn' will say that it's effective another will say it isn't.  Hopefully this will be a big nothingburger, that's the goal, but it really is up to us isn't it?

  I would not trade what personal freedom we DO have for the ability to mobilize as a nation the way China did. 
2020-04-02 16:15:34 UTC
There are only 4 states that don't have some sort of stay at home order. So it doesn't matter. We're pretty much in a nationwide shutdown.

The Federal government is leaving the virus up to the states. Containing people in their respective states would be a job at the federal level because they would be using the US Army.

Also, our government had been saying the masks don't matter only sick people and health professionals should wear them. I think it's because the government knows there just isn't enough masks because they're starting to change their attitude on that. Which goes to show our government does lie. 

see map here.®i_id=102571665§ion=topNews&segment_id=23606&te=1&user_id=e70b2ad3bec76ad5db83fc91ca20a969
2020-04-02 14:31:19 UTC
Come on. There are a lot more important problems than Corona to worry about. we have to end apartheid for one. And slow down the nuclear arms race, stop terrorism and world hunger. We have to provide food and shelter for the homeless, and oppose racial discrimination and promote civil rights, while also promoting equal rights for women. We have to encourage a return to traditional moral values. Most importantly, we have to promote general social concern and less materialism in young people.
2020-04-06 02:15:22 UTC
People forget China is a Communist country, there is no true freedom to do as you please in China like we take for granted in the USA, an example of that would be the Chinese Doctor who disappeared after speaking out against his government as to the extent and seriousness of the virus, this is where liberalism will take us if we are not careful, in America, you have the right to be an idiot and not use common sense, one of two things happen here, state law will mandate the rules as outlined by the President, and each state is charged with enforcing special rules during national emergencies....the other option is to put your loved ones at risk by being an idiot and possibly your own life at that. 
Propane Huffer
2020-04-05 21:29:31 UTC
Lol you actually believe China? 
2020-04-05 17:00:13 UTC
No it is against the constitution, and in reality there are no objective human rights just legal ones.  Simple!!
2020-04-05 14:25:15 UTC
And China lies about their number of cases and deaths.  They cover up the truth constantly.  They are ruled by dictators.  Five years from now you will hear about the deaths in China caused by the Coronavirus, but today you hear lies.
2020-04-05 10:58:05 UTC
The nerve of you to believe in China like that
2020-04-05 02:49:03 UTC
It might depend on your priorities.  Martyrs chose Divine health or allegiance to truth over physical health.  
2020-04-04 21:43:06 UTC
CDC LIED to America. Made everybody feel they were being terrible people if they did wear a mask and said they were only to wear one if they were sick! I KNEW this was a lie. But now they just changed their tune

 Why? Because masks are finally going to be dispersed to all the medical staff who were desperate for.. guess what.. masks!
2020-04-04 16:34:12 UTC
Because Americans are entitled dip.....s who think b/c they are Amerrricants, they are somehow immune to infections. They arent going to óbey anything. They look down on other countries and think they are the best country. They are about to get a very rude awakening when this happens again. And they need to stop blaming everything on China or Russia and look at what they are doing to themselves. America is the blame nation.
2020-04-04 15:57:01 UTC
When COVID19 was still just a local Chinese provincial epidemic the Chinese did their damnedest to make sure that  word of it never left that particular province.


As it migrated from the Provence they did their dead-level damnedest to make sure word of it never left China,

while allowing literally thousands & thousands of exposed & infected Chinese Nationals to leave China and NEVER said a word about it until virtually every continent on the planet already had a living-breathing dose of COVID19 shoved deep up the Global Wazoo! 

Yup! the way the Chinese are dealing with it is Draconian to say the least, and you can be sure that there are more than just a few human-rights atrocities happening in China as well. 

And that would include but not be limited to the irradiation of provincial populations with mobile crematories on big military trucks since if there is a country anywhere in the world that can actually afford those kind of loses & even willing to sustain them it would certainly be China.

And it's stupidly Naive to think they've got it all under control simply by washing the streets., or that anything the Chinese say about it can be believed or taken at-all seriously unless you prefer to believe the Chinese's assertion that the entire viral event was somehow perpetrated by the U.S. Military. 

In all practicality, short of a vaccine everything that can be done about it is already being done until the virus eventually burns it'self out.

Except one thing.

Whether COVID19 was a naturally occurring event that was deliberately allowed to spread from China to the rest of the world,


A Biological Attack deliberately deployed by the Chinese & calculated to look like a natural event.

                                                                                                                                                              And 'That' would of-course be NATO & the UN along with all the effected Nations of the world mobilized against China to demand their Unconditional Surrender and reparations to all the injured nations of the world.                                                                                                               But naturally most prefer to blame Trump for everything because it's just allot easier that way.  
2020-04-04 04:25:09 UTC
HAHAHAHAHA. People Need to research Communism, but don't really think it would change much :(
2020-04-03 16:43:54 UTC
Yes, you’re correct with regards to the extreme measures taken by the Chinese government and leadership. The Chinese people don’t have the same level of freedom as we have in this country and their government takes advantage of it as they are not sensitive to human rights or individual freedoms. This virus originated in China and was kept secret for three weeks while their people died before the world found out what was going on and now China is accused of an accurate reporting and they’re trying to recover their image by helping other countries out now. Inaccurate reporting of true death rates in China. 
2020-04-03 04:30:24 UTC
Because we are stupid and arrogant ! 
2020-04-03 03:30:26 UTC
I already asked this last week. See cultures section
2020-04-03 02:07:43 UTC
Doubt China is even telling the truth. 
Random Guy
2020-04-02 22:45:20 UTC
Basically cover things up?
2020-04-02 16:21:01 UTC


What you are suggesting is fascism. The CCP is a fascist regime, America is not... know the difference. Not knowing the difference makes you a useful idiot, a key component in any fascist revolution. 

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary security deserve neither liberty or security," - Ben Franklin

Suggested reading:

Mein Kampf- Adolf Hitler

1984- George Orwell
2020-04-02 16:16:39 UTC
If you truly believe the lies the Chinese govt is feeding us then you're beyond gullible. 

You are aware they've already reopened the open air markets, selling bats and scorpions, infecting the whole world with Coronavirus and slaughtering dogs and cats and letting the streets flow with their blood. 

You are also aware that the Chinese police are sealing people in their homes, welding their doors shut with them inside.

But ya, they really got things under control. Do you actually believe they've defeated Coronavirus and are telling us the truth?! I'm sorry you're hatred of America has blinded you to the point you gladly embrace lies from a lying Communist leader.
2020-04-02 05:53:22 UTC
Since when did China become the gold standard for solving problems? 
2020-04-02 01:29:13 UTC
Not everyone has a face mask. How can someone wear a face mask if there are shortages of face masks?

I looked into one of my online accounts that I use to buy items online, and it's sold out. I even went to a paint store, and asked about their face masks. They had a few face masks left, but most of it was sold out.

I have my own face mask, and I can reuse it. My face mask can be cleaned, and it's not a disposable face mask.

I seen some people outside wearing face masks in my country, but not everyone is wearing it.

Anyway I do go outside, and I plan on eventually moving into my own home.
2020-04-02 00:39:36 UTC
yes we cain. april foods
2020-04-06 21:29:35 UTC
Another gullible smurf who actually believes Chinese communist propaganda.

You probably believe China "didn't really" set the all time record for murdering people, too.
2020-04-06 13:44:24 UTC
China is under dictatorship type of leadership.  

They are stricter because unlike our American leader the Chinese president actually cares about his country and as a result the spread over there is slowing down faster than it is in the USA.  

The USA does not have that kind of leadership at this time so it’s more risky here.
Your Brother
2020-04-06 12:30:21 UTC
Try it yourself for two days.  She how you like it.  

In China leaders are not elected. In the USA they are, so they will not even attempt such a lockdown.
2020-04-05 20:59:02 UTC
I believe Taiwan and South Korea handled the problem better than other countries
2020-04-03 20:18:17 UTC
 Do what China does? You, like 80% of America wants to hand your freedoms over. News flash, the virus doesn’t go away just because we do. We CANNOT spend the rest of our lives cowering away in fear in our homes! You want to do that then do it but it doesn’t mean I should have to. 

Wash your hands! Social distance! It’s not that hard. This is something everyone needs to address individually. We don’t need our parent government to step in and take any more of our rights. I will die fighting before anymore of my rights are taken away! And same with everyone else I know. 

So you want America to turn into the lying communist state that China is in, killing ppl, enslaving people to the government, paranoia and fear? Why do you want that?

If the governments REALLY cared about our safety against covid-19 they’d be coming up with real productive solutions instead of implementing  mass imprisonment and economy shutdown all of which is going too far. That does a lot more harm then the basic things we can do to combat this virus. Makes me think there’s another motive in this and they’re using coronavirus as a puppet show to lead the ppl along in fear. 
2020-04-03 18:58:00 UTC
Every year the flu kills millions of people world wide, and every year nobody makes a big deal about it. We know that Grandma, Grandpa, and those with per-existing conditions are at risk, so we try to isolate these people.

The government overreaction is probably due to China's initial inaction. China let the virus take hold by locking journalists up for spreading fear when it was initially identified. When China began to realize how contagious the virus actually was they had to take drastic measures to stop it.

Your government is reacting to that overreaction by the Chinese. It's a race by daddy governments all over the world to see who is better at defeating this virus.

Meanwhile in the rest of the world people are ignoring it and they are for some very strange reason not dropping like flies everywhere. What. A. Shocker.
2020-04-03 16:48:05 UTC
If you believe Chinas numbers, I have a piece of the moon for sale
Serene E
2020-04-02 21:19:48 UTC
our federalist system with states rights has it's pros and cons.  We are seeing the cons right now.  China is one system, one country. 
2020-04-02 19:04:28 UTC
china is incredibly strict but its not a good thing. the that they are dealing with this is inhumane. 
2020-04-02 16:31:58 UTC
Of course America is against human rights. That's not news. RepubliCONS do not care about you
2020-04-02 11:58:55 UTC
How do you know that Chinese wear masks at all times and that they disinfect every inch and that many people from NYC try to sneak out while Chinese do not?

Do you know all of these people ? Do you know all what they are doing and not doing?

And where is your evidence anyway?
2020-04-02 10:27:49 UTC
What China did is borderline military lockdown, but their citizens are conditioned to listen so there were barely any issues.

Had you applied full on lockdown in usa it would not go so well - alot of people would get injured and arrested which is counter productive to isolating them from one another. Also China dose not care how it makers them look they have no desire or need to compromise so anything that needs to be done is done. Given how trigger happy usamerican cops already are you'd end with something akin to the early 90s LA "incident" (riots).
2020-04-02 07:04:32 UTC
Under such rules, trump won't get to play golf or rant on twitter .. 

so Ivanka would have to call a whambulance every two seconds.
2020-04-02 04:38:17 UTC
Because America has the right of freedom
2020-04-02 03:43:32 UTC
China values stability over liberty and America cherishes liberty over stability. So their world views are very different on human rights. China will kill any alarmist or punish those who who do not comply to stabilize the state. To them there is no God given rights. If a million people have to die due to their mistake of Horseshoe Bat virus escape from their virus research lab then lying about it keeps the stability. In both cases of deaths and root cause. 

In America the police brutality has a low threshold. When Governor Como threaten to close churches or synagogues permanently if they didn’t listed to him he immediately was viewed as a tyrant who revealed his true colors. All the good will he had was flushed down the toilet from freedom lovers. Unfortunately there are a lot of New Yorkers who buy the Chinese world view. They really believe the lies are justified. 
2020-04-02 02:29:01 UTC
China is lying about the number of people who have the virus. They say their numbers flatlined at 80,000 and then they made every doctor or news reported who told the truth disappear

Now our intelligence community has just proven they are lying. They've been lying from the beginning of the outbreak. Had they just told the truth from the beginning we could have avoided this pandemic and it could have just been a china problem. Now, China has a lot of blood on it's hands 
Philip H
2020-04-02 01:52:04 UTC
And still to this day China continues to lie about how bad it truly is inside of their Nation. Their extreme measures help, but evidence of an ongoing epidemic remains and they refuse to admit the truth. We will eventually find out about how bad it really is and will likely see evidence in the form of many boxes of ashes containing the remains of their dead.
2020-04-02 01:45:23 UTC
How about we combat China from the land, sea and air?   The bodycount caused by Chinese government propaganda and lies is something we will never forget.  It is 9/11 x 100.
2020-04-02 00:38:46 UTC
2020-04-02 00:38:20 UTC
America knows whats best.
2020-04-06 13:37:08 UTC
China started this $H!t and now they are trying to start a war watch .
2020-04-06 01:59:18 UTC
In times past, the American people rallied and pulled together for the common good of all, and that's what made our country great.  In today's world, people are selfish, entitled and spoiled to the point that they won't do what is in their own best interests.  College students who partied at spring break are now sick.  People who refuse to adhere to orders that might curb the infection are either getting sick or are carrying it to others.  This is not the kind of thing that affects civil rights--it's the preservation of lives that is at stake.  Don't get me started about the hoarders.
2020-04-05 18:57:31 UTC
That would violate rights.
Salty dog
2020-04-05 07:37:16 UTC
You have to have social discipline to get the result that you want: Control of the Corona virus.

And the USA doesn't have such a social culture,the USA has a materialistic culture and that's probably not the best culture to have in a crisis situation,that requires everyone to work for the same objectives. There's no, all encompassing US social heath-care system as in other countries.This will result in many more deaths.

There's no pandemic emergency plan in the US to combat a pandemic, such as they have in South Korea, who have learned form experience with other pandemics.

But finally it's all political.What social heath-care provision there was in place, has been dismantled and the only pandemic plan that politicians can implement is,one that  -just leaves Corona to run rampant-  in the population. The Chinese are very wise people that have a thousand year culture..
2020-04-04 23:34:49 UTC
They could but nobody has the balls to do it.
2020-04-04 22:39:17 UTC
in a nut shell, yes, they are killing and silencing anyone who dares speak out of the pandemic to make it seem like its all under control but since nothing is allowed out of china but any goods, its giving off a false since of "victory" to them making it seem like they can now start helping the economy of other nations even though other stuff is at play (like the over 40K earns what were housing supposed corona victims that have died)
2020-04-04 16:00:01 UTC
The Chinese government actually cares about their people. The American government wants this to happen, that's why they're not helping anybody and all they can do is tell everyone to stay in their houses.

The Covid19 a biochemical weapon, to depopulate the world. But they won't tell you that on TV.

The US government doesn't care about their people, all they care about is money, power, greed. They make stupid rules that don't even apply to the rest of the world.

Right now they could be helping out the American people by getting rid of the coronavirus, yet they choose not to.

I hate this country and want to move to another one sometimes. I used to love this country and what it represents, until the truth started to unhold.
Obi Wan Knievel
2020-04-04 11:21:15 UTC
Screw China.  The USA needs to not do whatever the hell Italy, Spain and Belgium have been doing.
2020-04-04 07:09:04 UTC
I think this is the point where human rights get revoked. Aslong as everyone is isolated safe and fed. No one has the right to complain. I don't like the fact their shooting if countrymen don't follow rules though
2020-04-04 01:36:52 UTC
They lie about everything.

They're likely hiding hundreds, thousands or millions of deaths.

The elite are A okay with squalid, toxic conditions for the majority of their population
2020-04-03 14:42:57 UTC
China is a communist State where the people are more tolerant of strict controls on their movements and freedoms. I would suggest that the American people would be less willing to be told what to do, especially as President Trump has spent his entire political career railing against the so-called "Deep State"
2020-04-03 11:22:24 UTC
I'm from China, life is Not The same after The outbreak. Movie theatres are still closed, people  wears mask all the time. Most business reopened, people go shopping and eat out again.
2020-04-03 04:36:56 UTC
Inmates & Criminals are being released. The police makes no arrest or process charges unless a store employee stops robbers with a shut gun. Law abiding citizens can't buy guns & ammos to protect themselves from criminals (violent assaulter & sex offenders) being released. Blue city mayors want people to snitch on people not sheltering in place & social distancing, even threatens to arrest.

China, Korea & Japan are only spraying solvent public places in urban area hot spots with lots of traffic, commerce, & gathering not every road, rail, building, parks, rivers, bridges, monument, stadiums, mountains, swamp, in the country. 

They'll empty out all their lakes & reservoirs to wash down their entire country.
2020-04-03 00:41:26 UTC
America is radically solution averse.

You're not doing anything to limit carbon emissions, either, so the elites will move you through fear.  You're moving nicely.
2020-04-02 13:09:00 UTC
Because they have a dictator they don’t have barely any freedom. I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone caught outside is shot to death. 
2020-04-02 11:32:28 UTC
You mean shot to kill the infected that be against the law
2020-04-02 04:40:04 UTC
The trouble is that so many people are screaming "Human Rights" abot being asked to follow the rules and won't follow the instructions to stay isolated. So many are flouting the rules and still going out and about in groups. f more of these people did as they were told, the virus might not spread so quickly.
2020-04-02 04:31:41 UTC
China is a tolitarian government. 
2020-04-02 04:27:26 UTC
I would have preferred for government to declare whatever they had to declare and done that strict lockdown (no murdering people, but yes fining and locking people up) for 15, 30, 45 days... instead of what we are currently going thru... this is going to last a LONG time.
2020-04-02 00:55:47 UTC
maybe they havent gotten around to doing it yet
2020-04-06 00:28:25 UTC
There will be mass protest if American did what China did.  
2020-04-04 18:30:49 UTC
If you saw some of the videos coming out of China, I think the answer to your question is pretty obvious.
death knight the 2nd
2020-04-04 18:16:02 UTC
no worng awerser here
2020-04-04 17:05:04 UTC
China has reopened the country and is encouraging people to return to daily lives regardless that the virus is still a major threat, they lie to their people for the sake of trying to save their economy so. Dunno what you’re talking about 
2020-04-04 13:48:35 UTC
CHINA just plain out LIED about all things CHINESE VIRUS. They won't tell you ACTUAL infections and deaths. MILLIONS infected...and tens of thousands if not more deaths.
Dont Call Me Dude
2020-04-03 16:05:20 UTC
What are you talkind about? Trump did EXACTLY what China did. He lied and minimized it and pretended it was nothing, and NOW that it's too big to ignore we're clamping down too heavy.

With a MODERATE amount of restrictions from the BEGINNING, we wouldn't be in the trouble we're in.
2020-04-03 16:03:43 UTC
Because we are stupid
2020-04-03 15:53:12 UTC
What? Report invalid numbers?
2020-04-03 14:27:44 UTC
China took steps: In late February as coronavirus infections mounted in Wuhan, China, authorities went door-to-door for health checks – forcibly isolating every resident in makeshift hospitals and temporary quarantine shelters, even separating parents from young children who displayed symptoms of COVID-19, no matter how seemingly mild.

Caretakers at the city's ubiquitous large apartment buildings were pressed into service as ad hoc security guards, monitoring the temperatures of all residents, deciding who could come in and implementing inspections of delivered food and medicines.

Outside, drones hovered above streets, yelling at people to get inside and scolding them for not wearing face masks, while elsewhere in China facial-recognition software, linked to a mandatory phone app that color-coded people based on their contagion risk, decided who could enter shopping malls, subways, cafes and other public spaces. 
2020-04-03 10:40:26 UTC
All i have noticed lately is whiney little babies crying about how Trump did not do this that or the other.

Trump has done more for America than any other president in living memory it's time you babies took some control of your own lives instead of relying on everyone else and the state to do it for you.

Grow the phuk up
2020-04-03 06:17:34 UTC
Chinese people like to stay together and stay strong, This is flowing in the blood. In fact, They are free and safe. Some people who have never been to China start to make horrible remarks, I don't know if he has no money to travel and see how the world change or just didn't read any books like animals.
2020-04-03 02:24:26 UTC
China is a dead place. There is nothing in China doing anything you're telling stories about. The loss of life in China is unimaginable and unreported as it will remain for some time because the planet has an incalculable crisis on our hands to stop as soon as we all can.
2020-04-02 21:30:02 UTC
Nobody wishes to take the blame. We're blaming China and China is blaming us. We truly won't know what is going on as both nations (U.S and China) have their fair share of dirty schemes.
2020-04-02 18:08:33 UTC
Just because there's a crisis, it doesn't mean you have no Rights. Governors can only give guidelines, not martial law.
Claude Have Mercy
2020-04-02 14:22:49 UTC
americans are selfish & greedy
2020-04-02 13:27:11 UTC
Are you asking your question from a Red Chinese propaganda room or are you just gullible and believe propaganda from those Chinese propaganda rooms  ? If the latter is true then you should know any information from communist China is to be suspect .  
Shinnyuu R
2020-04-02 04:51:00 UTC
It depends what you value more, freedom or safety. The answer is different for everyone. Personally, I’d rather live free and die young, but in a crisis like this, less freedom means more survivors. If we went in that direction the advances of civil liberties would be frozen or reversed. It would take generations and a lot of conflict to catch up again. Either way, it’ll be very interesting—watching the great apes react. 
2020-04-02 02:09:58 UTC
I call falsehood.  That much disinfectant does not exist and never did.  Enough disinfectant to clean all surfaces every hour would be more than the output of every factory in China.

If you are a person from another country then learn to tell the truth even though YOUR government might not seem to care about truth so much.
2020-04-02 00:57:39 UTC
Chinese Communist Party does not give a rat's rear end about human rights. Reporters, book publishers and lawyers are routinely arrested using trumped up charges of opposing the ruling party. Basically they can do anything to their people, including arresting millions and putting them in re-education camps.
2020-04-02 00:49:08 UTC
How do they "They disinfect every inch of their country every hour" ?
2020-04-04 16:55:22 UTC
Imagine looking at a communist nation and thinking they’re doing it better than us. I’ll pray for you lol 
2020-04-04 14:58:58 UTC
America isn't like China - we don't force our citizens to stay home and wear masks at all times - doing so would be against human rights. 

We can't force our people to stay home at all times. Think about the ramifications. If that happened, commerce  and everything else we take for granted would come to a halt. Trucks and trains couldn't move; there would be no one to operate them - how would food,  medical supplies, and other necessities be delivered? You couldn't go for a ride in your car - gas trucks couldn't deliver gasoline to a gas station; assuming a gas station was open anywhere. When your electricity went out, who would re-establish your service - line men couldn't go out and work on the lines.  Factories would have to shut down - all factory employees would have to stay home. So would hospitals - medical personnel couldn't go out and go to work. 

A nationwide stay-at-home order for everybody would have to mean that doctors, nurses, firemen, policemen, veterinarians, and even the guy who repairs your internet and TV cable  would also have to stay home.
2020-04-04 12:23:36 UTC
Yes it is. China treats it citizens far better. Think if us in Canada. We share thousands of kilometres of border with these b turdz!! 
2020-04-04 04:09:33 UTC
It's too late anyway, the virus in the US is out of control now, those steps needed to be taken immediately. Now according the the study I have done, almost 1 Million Americans will die from it.

Think I'm wrong, look at how Spanish Flu (1918) ripped through The US.

All you can do is stay inside except for making sure your loved ones are being cared for, taking precautions not to spread, or catch the virus from or too them.

My theory is also based on the American Mentality of false invincibility, which SO many have.
2020-04-04 01:55:15 UTC
cause trumps a ******* idiot who cares more about his image and getting himself reelected than protecting his people. look at how many cases we have compared to Canada who took action right away. people here are dumb
2020-04-03 19:43:30 UTC
the first things he did was ban travel from China - dems said he was going to far, panicking, and was racist

what do you think they would have said if he had tried to impose some form of martial law? there would have been riots in the streets
2020-04-03 17:06:14 UTC
"Human rights" is the real disease.
2020-04-03 14:49:48 UTC
To an extent they ARE too strict.  But they need to realize that if people are to stay home then they need to figure out a way to get food, clothes, medication, etc to their people.  It's easy for a government to make rules, but it doesn't always mean it benefits the citizens of that country.  Our country is finding a way to stiffen the penalties for parents who let their teenagers/kids run around and to make them pay the penalty for it.  They need to do some things to keep us all safe.  The media has everybody scared in our country and now the shelves are empty of items like thermometers and wipes.  You can't find them anywhere.  
2020-04-03 08:49:52 UTC
Because they are continuing to allow a lunatic to run the show, who initially claimed it was a “HOAX”(his tired old punchline) and claimed that it would all be over by Easter. He should be sectioned and not remain as POTUS. (Period)
2020-04-03 01:03:26 UTC
China can do what ever it wants.  There is single person in the US who actually has the authority to do what China did.
2020-04-02 21:46:43 UTC
America is an open free country with many freedoms like freedom of the press. It would be impossible for the American government to post phony Coronavirus death numbers the way China does. The free press would find out about it. That is why the American press has been expelled from China by the Communist not free government.
2020-04-02 16:20:30 UTC
Because the American govt engineered the virus for population control china already criticize America for bringing it there they America wants to kill off half the population before they try control it that why fema ordered in 200,000 body bags cause that how many they predict to die from this that how I know this is definitely an engineer virus by the u.s tyrannical govt welcome to the new world order
2020-04-02 14:59:25 UTC
The Chinese disinfection team at work.
2020-04-02 13:32:48 UTC
China is an evil communist regime that routinely kills 'dissidents,' (they just 'disappear'). They have massive concentration camps filled with political or religious 'agitators.' They allow large numbers of their population to starve, so the 'elite government class' can keep up appearances and 'compete' with the free world. This is why people were slaughtering and selling vermin, bats, cats and dogs in open air markets just to survive. That is also the likely cause of the mutation that resulted in the now infamous COVID-19. It was once a 'non-human only' strain. Viruses don't cross-over to humans without significant unwholesome contact or 'engineering' in a laboratory, (China has admitted to bizarre 'fringe' science involving combining lower animal and human D.N.A. while trying to 'manufacture' vital organs for transplant). Either way, the odds of this happening without extremely unhygienic conditions, bad animal management or scientific 'help' are astronomical. 

China covers its true conditions and atrocities with Press propaganda, strictly 'guided' tours, (only to political 'liberals' and 'progressives' who support them around the world), and outright lies. Even after they were aware of the epidemic and potential for worldwide pandemic, they remained silent in order to save face for their nation.

China doesn't have ANY models worth following. We have absolutely no idea how many people actually died recently as the godless communist government cracked down in response to the virus. The only figures they are releasing are the number of COVID-19 deaths and infections. Since people were already starving, cutting off all access to food for months likely killed many more people. We don't know how many simply 'disappeared' either. 

America is once again a shining example of how to confront an enemy of liberty without abandoning liberty itself. We are working together to defeat it and our mortality rate from COVID-19 is the lowest in the world, (approximately 1.5%). 
2020-04-02 13:26:38 UTC
Capitalist countries don't care about you. You are expendable in their eyes, 
2020-04-02 13:23:29 UTC
they can and Americans can do their part.

While its calmer in China, its still not over.
2020-04-02 12:41:38 UTC
This site may help you
2020-04-02 12:23:45 UTC
Their rules are more strict because they're a communist Nation That's why.
Blue Skies.
2020-04-02 03:03:31 UTC
Do not trust one word the Chinese government

has put out publicly. They have lied all through

this process. We do not or does anyone know

for sure what Chinas numbers are on this damn virus.
2020-04-02 02:16:18 UTC
I am sure that they disinfect parts of Wuhan or the worst affected parts from time to time. I just don't trust what China claims. I've seen the number of infected patients in China. I don't trust those figures. Essentially, China is making lots of claims - I trust very few if them...
2020-04-06 21:43:01 UTC
One Horse Pony
2020-04-05 16:45:26 UTC
Report anyone with those silly orange NY tags in their state to the police. Oh, and tell them they have guns and they're pointing them at everyone and swinging them around just for the show. 
2020-04-05 05:30:25 UTC
We enjoy the benefits and privileges of Capitalism, China does not. There is no denying the freedom we have here included. A complete shutdown would suspend those. Someone much smarter than me once said Those who give up essential liberty for a bit of security deserve neither privacy or security.
2020-04-04 20:16:37 UTC
No, it's not illegal. There are Emergency Measures Acts for infectious diseases. They could use them. They just aren't.
2020-04-04 15:30:55 UTC
I think the government should require all employees of businesses to wear masks and gloves while they are on the clock instead of shutting down most of them. I think the government should also require clothing companies to produce some masks based on their production capacity.
The Football God
2020-04-04 12:55:44 UTC
China's success is hiding their failures. Send Michael Moore over there to investigate.
2020-04-04 12:13:43 UTC
You know what?  SCREW CHINA.  If not for their lies, we wouldn't be in this mess. 

As for measures they are taking, that also includes throwing anybody who coughs into quarantine camps or actually sealing people into their homes.

You'd better believe America is different.  And you ought to thank God for that instead of whining about it.
2020-04-04 06:45:53 UTC
Please if the skanks that call themselves Chinese were so worried about doing the right thing, they wouldn't be eating bats and torturing wild animals to feed their lanky bodies,  and releasing virus after virus. Spanish Flu, Mers, SARS, H1N1, Covid19 all originated from China
2020-04-03 23:59:39 UTC
Because Americans are ignorant. Unfortunately most of us have a “you can’t tell me what to do” attitude and don’t think about the next person. It’s always about “me” and screw everybody else. Teenagers are worse because they think everything is a joke. Just look on social media. Kids still going on spring break when the government literally said stay inside this is a serious issue. Then they go around licking toilets and coughing in grocery stores.
2020-04-03 17:40:26 UTC
If you mean executing the infected and burning the bodies, yes, that would violate human rights.
Almost anonymous.
2020-04-03 13:35:34 UTC
Masks will take a couple of months to arrive, not to also forget that China is producing the worlds greatest volume of bogus death trap masks at the moment.
2020-04-03 10:37:54 UTC
A state has all powers to lockdown all activities even the biggest activity like religious practice but USA is like those states which deserve requests not orders because the people ar already health conscious.
2020-04-03 03:11:06 UTC
you actually believe the chinese government?  they say that their infection rates are going way down, but who knows.
2020-04-02 23:54:45 UTC
I would rather die from a virus then live to see my country give up freedom.

“Give me liberty, or give me death!” -Patrick Henry. 
2020-04-02 22:03:00 UTC
What’s against “human rights” is to take away the freedom to go wherever you want and do whatever you want that is not hurting anyone else.
2020-04-02 21:50:51 UTC
Yes the USA cares more about the 1%, large corporations and bigwigs instead of the population. Small wonder they have the lowest life expectancy in the developed world despite their high standard of living. How embarrassed must Americans feel! 
Bugs Moreno
2020-04-02 14:58:30 UTC
They are doing what China is doing to combat the virus. I need to get a ******* haircut and I can't. Kids aren't going to graduate. So much stupidity and it's unconstitutional.
2020-04-02 14:34:06 UTC
You mean besides spreading it worldwide...aftert he knew about it.. Probably an act of war 
2020-04-02 06:35:24 UTC
This site may help you
2020-04-02 00:45:36 UTC
What do you expect? Look who the people voted into power... 
2020-04-05 23:57:01 UTC
This virus came from china its their fault
2020-04-05 03:29:30 UTC
Yes, it is not necessarily a "humane" thing to do but guess what? It saves lives and THAT is what matters! Snowflakes in the US are constantly worrying about their "rights" and are too stubborn to listen to rules.
2020-04-05 02:52:12 UTC

We are free.

Is china free?
2020-04-05 02:35:17 UTC
I think we should all be put down into pits until this passes.
2020-04-04 07:04:05 UTC
China did a terrible job of combating the virus. They allowed a very localized epidemic to escape and become a pandemic. Chinese people are awesome, but their government absolutely sucks. Proving once again that socialism kills.
2020-04-03 18:03:37 UTC
In the U.K. at this time, no-one is allowed to leave their homes except for essentials.  The police are stopping motorists to ask why they are out in their car.  Unless the are doing something essential, such as buying food/taking food supplies to housebound relatives or to deliver medical essentials they can be prosecuted. This virus is going to be difficult to conquer but will happen quicker if EVERYONE co-operates in every detail.
2020-04-03 17:10:22 UTC
if you F***** believe china is doing a better JOB, you are out of you F***mind.  !!!! i say this seriously, people like you are not dying,  YET !
2020-04-03 14:33:18 UTC
In a communist country like China, human rights aren't a thing. 
2020-04-03 14:14:55 UTC
How does china disinfect the whole country everyday? How much water do they have? How many kilometers can each Chinese citizens cover?
2020-04-03 05:34:45 UTC
People in the US would not accept it, could be anarchy 
2020-04-03 04:56:17 UTC
Because dementia Donny is incompetence and impotent
2020-04-03 03:37:06 UTC
Because China doesn't have mask shortage 😂
2020-04-03 01:21:17 UTC
America can enforce these restrictions as well, they just haven't. Many other non-communist countries have enforced similarly strict restrictions. Actually, many US states and cities have already begun enforcement of similar restrictions as well. They just haven't yet. I suppose the difference, if there is one, is that China is able to pass laws much faster because leadership is more centralized. Also, China's punishment may be harsher due to the difference in culture. The Chinese government doesn't really see their people as having rights. That being said, the right not to wear a mask is not a protected fundamental right under US laws. America has enforced stricter laws during a state of emergency. Also, there's nothing stopping the government from disinfecting the streets. But I mean, we can't even get free testing out to the people when even third world countries have this capability. 
2020-04-03 00:26:59 UTC
China tried to hide evidence of the virus.
2020-04-02 17:27:27 UTC
Whos to say China is telling the truth about having the virus under control.
2020-04-02 13:39:15 UTC
When the swine flu was here,and 18000 Americans died,and obama golfed and took multimillion dollar vacations,with NO actions to control it,you said NOTHING. You have no credibility now.
2020-04-02 11:50:27 UTC
There aren't enough available disinfectants to clean USA just ONE time, let alone daily.  I've been trying to get a bottle of rubbing alcohol and some hand sanitizer for a MONTH! There IS NONE!  I don't see bleach either, although I do have a gallon.

My city has 177 reported/verified covid19 cases as of yesterday April 1, 2020.  My county reporting 1700+ cases.  So it IS where I live.

The government has been more interested in impeaching the president since this SARS virus outbreak in bat-eating Wuhan, China in November-December 2019.

When the government loses a percentage of it's revenue donators, maybe the agonizing reapraisal will begin!

And with less enabling grandparents and parents, some young people are going to be feeling a SQUEEZE!

Too many selfish/ignorant people in USA to come together and fight this situation.  Too many people don't take it seriously.

Most people can't even drive a car in a safe way here in USA any more.

Shaking my head!
2020-04-02 10:54:25 UTC
The Chinese are jerks.
2020-04-02 07:57:20 UTC
First we need to check the survey China is sending nor the people responsible to send the death surveys are granted the freedom. Since everyone knows China isn't well enough prepare to agree that it's still isn't a super power along with Russia and United States. It cheats itself thinking it's the great power....when the total world is angry over China for knowingly or unknowingly producing the 90 percent pandemic against the world everytime, they want to safe their face at least by counter producing false survey stating they controlled the virus wearas in other hand U.S. is genuine about its survey
2020-04-02 00:37:11 UTC
That is called mistreatment of American citizens.
2020-04-04 20:28:15 UTC
Because they're different countries. And yes I think it's against human rights
2020-04-03 11:38:48 UTC
We don't follow pinko dictatorship leads. Fk China.
2020-04-03 06:07:15 UTC
If the virus is of flu probably the usa is A survivor with 2-3000 dolars while caused the planet to die with masin presidents and 2-300 dolars and you could stay forever in hell with elvis presly .
2020-04-02 20:35:15 UTC
More people have died in China than has been reported.  
2020-04-02 13:29:58 UTC
everyone is forced to stay at home harsh punishments not following orders no warnings governments would be no different to nazis if they did that that's why we have human right's because of what the nazis during the second world war don't you know anything about history ANONYMOUS MORON 
2020-04-02 09:38:27 UTC
Coronavirus respects no human and no rights. 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.