When COVID19 was still just a local Chinese provincial epidemic the Chinese did their damnedest to make sure that word of it never left that particular province.
As it migrated from the Provence they did their dead-level damnedest to make sure word of it never left China,
while allowing literally thousands & thousands of exposed & infected Chinese Nationals to leave China and NEVER said a word about it until virtually every continent on the planet already had a living-breathing dose of COVID19 shoved deep up the Global Wazoo!
Yup! the way the Chinese are dealing with it is Draconian to say the least, and you can be sure that there are more than just a few human-rights atrocities happening in China as well.
And that would include but not be limited to the irradiation of provincial populations with mobile crematories on big military trucks since if there is a country anywhere in the world that can actually afford those kind of loses & even willing to sustain them it would certainly be China.
And it's stupidly Naive to think they've got it all under control simply by washing the streets., or that anything the Chinese say about it can be believed or taken at-all seriously unless you prefer to believe the Chinese's assertion that the entire viral event was somehow perpetrated by the U.S. Military.
In all practicality, short of a vaccine everything that can be done about it is already being done until the virus eventually burns it'self out.
Except one thing.
Whether COVID19 was a naturally occurring event that was deliberately allowed to spread from China to the rest of the world,
A Biological Attack deliberately deployed by the Chinese & calculated to look like a natural event.
And 'That' would of-course be NATO & the UN along with all the effected Nations of the world mobilized against China to demand their Unconditional Surrender and reparations to all the injured nations of the world. But naturally most prefer to blame Trump for everything because it's just allot easier that way.