Is the difference between Tea Party & OWS is that the former emphasizes exclusion but the latter's about unity?
2011-10-16 12:33:39 UTC
From Forbes...

>> From the start the Tea Party was about safety through exclusion, protecting oneself from outside influences—including a President seen as an un-American ''other,'' perhaps for racial reasons, perhaps other reasons as well. What the Tea Party rejected was anything perceived by them as coming from outside the center of America. It’s not us, it’s never us; it’s them. Bad things were by definition ''un-American'' or ''against the Constitution.'' <<

>> The start of OWS is radically different. Everyone is included, everyone gets to have a say. Rather than policy they have process. The ''we'' of OWS is worldwide, a globalized, networked ''we'' full of good and bad existing simultaneously and everywhere. The messier the better; better to let in those you don’t want then miss out on including those you do. Of course, inclusion can be a big problem because people say and do lots of really stupid things. And all that stupidity is then felt as ''us,'' not ''them.'' But that’s the trade-off of inclusion; you have to take the good along with bad. <<

Go OWS!!!
Eleven answers:
I hate onions
2011-10-16 12:38:43 UTC
If you noticed, the Tea Party and Republicans are trying their damnest to exclude themselves from protesting against Wall St.

In fact, they are taking an apologetic stance towards the corruption and greed that caused a global economic crisis that brought misery and havoc onto millions.

Ironically, the catalyst for the Tea Party was the Wall St bail out. However, anyone with two brain cells knew this was a false facade and an excuse for a popular Republican movement that is not fundamentally different than the GOP. A couple of years later, and Tea Baggers are supporting the right of Wall St to tea bag millions across the globe.
2011-10-16 12:41:17 UTC
You're a little late on this , Ms. Pelosi. FlSwampBoy already covered this.

The idea that Democrats are any more inclusive than Republicans is a bit of a stretch. Both are only inclusive to a point.

I saw an OWS sign that stated "Police have killed more people than terrorists". Is it true? Dunno. What if I'm a cop, concerned about my public job going by the wayside, so I head on down to the protests?

Logically, you can only be inclusive to a point. Soon, some of those under "the big tent" are going to be in opposition to each other.

The OWS protest is all over the map. A number of the latest lists of demands no longer even mention Wall Street and "crony capitalism". They've moved on to fair elections, the environment, universal health care and a massive increase in public sector jobs.

I wonder if some of those new public sector jobs would be police officers. I wonder what the lady who equated them with terrorists would think about that.
2011-10-16 12:52:38 UTC
OWS their all white so they must be racists, I only see a few minorities once in a while just like the T Party, so you know there racists, the T Party wanted less spending from the government, now that is what OWS wants, but the T Party was called every name in the book, Racist and terrorists, they were Americans that were sick of Government interference, and manipulation of the markets, like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd Democrats that made million off Fanny and Freddy, and so did Polsie, Fanny and Freddy became there piggy bank, Clinton and Bush went before the Democratic Congress to try and stop them, Clinton went before Congress 10 times, Bush went 17 times, But Congress was to busy making money off the housing debacle, I know you think every thing the left dose is right, and every thing middle America dose is wrong, sorry but the center right Americans have the majority, your leftest Marxist marching in the streets have an ulterior motive, to change our culture or free markets and to bring down Capitalism that will not stand with the American people to me the OWS are the racists and the terrorists they are the ones being arrested and making filth where ever they go.

T Party arrests: 0

OWS arrests: 1000 and counting so who are the terrorist now your nut job Marxist.

EDit: anyone that agrees with the OWS are agreeing with the Marxist people that are undermining there message, most don't even no it, but the people behind them are Lewinsky style Marxists with and ulterior motive.
2011-10-16 12:38:33 UTC
The Tea Party is not made up of the same type of people nor have the same goals. The OWS is a joke, Wall Street big pockets supported Obama and helped him get elected and now his people are going against them! I think Wall Street is nothing more than a game for the rich and should be cleaned up, these protesters tho need to be going after the Federal Reserve to really make an impact.
Punk Rock and Minerals
2011-10-16 14:49:54 UTC
there is that

but the Tea Baggers hate the government and don't care about the excesses of the wealthy elite

while OWS want to keep the wealthy elite in check and make sure everybody gets a piece of the pie
2011-10-16 12:41:10 UTC
Unity.. so you're saying that the OWS is about everyone getting together and having their say.. including anyone from the 1%?
Francie S
2011-10-16 12:38:36 UTC
From my perspective, the TP was blaming government for the problems we face in the belief that taxes were too high and government was too big and spending too much. Yet at the same time, they were saying Keep Your Hands Off My Social Security and Medicare. Problem is, the politicians who are taking advantage of them are the ones trying to do away with SS and Medicare. Anyway, OWS, in my opinion is not blaming government, but instead is rallying to get Wall Street money out of politics. They are saying, in what I've heard, that government is not the problem, the CONTROL of government by the Corporations and Wall Street money is the problem. And I totally Agree.
2011-10-16 12:43:43 UTC
Everyone is welcome at TEA Party rallies. Is it their fault you chose to label them racist, rednecks, KKK, hillbillies, etc...without ever having attended an event? And are they really welcome at OWS? I mean, I wouldn't exactly call, "Hey, Teabaggers! Why aren't you helping us occupy Wall St?" an invitation...And don't lie. That question has been posted 100s times on this site alone.

Look at your own question. Do you believe you're being open-minded, seeking common ground, inclusive here? You're a hypocrite!
So easy, a democrat could do it!
2011-10-16 12:36:17 UTC
Actually, the TEA Party is seen as "exclusive" because many minorities support their democrat masters and chose to not participate.
2011-10-16 12:36:13 UTC
That pretty much is it. The Tea Party and what remains of it was and is a highly ethnocentric organization predicated upon the ideology of hatred and exclusion.
2011-10-16 12:35:25 UTC
that is one opinion, but there are other viewpoints

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